View Full Version : The Carolinas are better college fans than pro

December 14th, 2006, 11:33 AM
This has been hinted at in other threads, and it is very true. The Carolinas are COLLEGE football and basketball country, and they do not embrace pro sports with the same enthusiasm, unless they are winning enough to compete for a title. Right now, the Panthers are struggling, and people around here have lost interest to the point that to them, the Panthers don't even exist. The Bobcats, as mentioned before, have attendance issues and probably will until they can become a contender (if it ever happens). NASCAR is the only pro sport people truly love here, and I don't even consider driving a car to be a sport. I also don't like how Jeff Gordan is hated just because he is not a "redneck". I mean, Tar Heel or Duke fans have no problems with any of their basketball stars, and I really don't think you could call any of their players "rednecks". Maybe it's because a lot of (NOT ALL) NASCAR enthusiasts are prejudiced rednecks, and fans of two fine institutions such as UNC and Duke are not.