View Full Version : ASU Allotment of National Championship Tickets Sold Out
December 11th, 2006, 01:17 PM
ASU Allotment of National Championship Tickets Sold Out
by Appalachian Sports Information
December 11, 2006 - BOONE, N.C. — Appalachian State University’s allotment of 7,500 tickets for Friday’s NCAA Division I Football national championship game officially sold out at 1:45 p.m. on Monday.
Chattanooga officials are in discussions about making a limited number of standing-room-only tickets available. If standing-room tickets are released, they will be available here.
Demand for Appalachian’s ticket allotment was unprecedented. ASU’s campus phone system, which allows for 300 calls to a specific number during a five-minute period, received 1,741 incoming calls to the athletics ticket office during a five-minute interval at one point on Monday morning.
Top-seeded Appalachian (13-1) and No. 3 Massachusetts (13-1) will sqaure off for the national title on Friday evening at 8 p.m. at Chattanooga’s Finley Stadium.
My buddy said he was buying ours this morning, I sure hope he made that happen. I'm about to give him a call...........please have bought them :rotateh:
December 11th, 2006, 01:28 PM
Maybe this is a good place to bring up - again - that I have 2 extras...Row 2, Home Side, near the 25
December 11th, 2006, 01:29 PM
could an appalachian student call the Umass ticket office and buy some from them?
December 11th, 2006, 01:37 PM
Maybe this is a good place to bring up - again - that I have 2 extras...Row 2, Home Side, near the 25
You might get a PM from me later today......... I could be very interested.
BTW: I contacted some of my hookups (players) on our team geez I'm getting old there are only two left that I played with at all ..............and the front office is being pretty tight with who they give their tickets out to. :nonono2: :nonono2:
December 11th, 2006, 02:20 PM
OK, so how about any unused tickets? Apparently loads more App fans want to go, so theres no reason to not fill the stadium a little past capacity. If Umass can't use all of theirs will those be offered to us, or will they just be empty seats?
December 11th, 2006, 02:25 PM
This is awesome. Great job GAS fans! We had two good showings for the Semis as far as the fans and the games really. Good showcase for FCS football. And selling out the NC game will make it even better.
I don't think there will be a problem with the excitement of fans during the game, because the products these two teams put on the field is very exciting.
Yah FCS, Yah beer.
December 11th, 2006, 02:25 PM
took me 3 hours to get 4 tickets in 202
December 11th, 2006, 02:27 PM
All of these horror stories trying to get tickets...... I am glad I got in the KBS line before the game was over Saturday. I had no problems.
December 11th, 2006, 02:55 PM
I hope they open up SRO tickets so we can get as many as we can into that stadium
December 11th, 2006, 02:58 PM
Waited in line for 3 and a half hours but got 4 tickets, and thats all that matters. I had no idea the lines were going to be that long, I was practically at Hardee's when I got in line, ended up being 20 minutes late for an exam, faked being out of breath and claimed car troubles (it worked).
December 11th, 2006, 03:00 PM
I hope they open up SRO tickets so we can get as many as we can into that stadium
They better. I have friends still looking for tickets, and lets just say they are planning on getting in one way or another. :nono: :nod:
December 11th, 2006, 03:05 PM
I might be one of those.................but I will get in, I promise you that :thumbsup:
mountain man
December 11th, 2006, 03:09 PM
If Umass is having trouble selling their tix maybe App fans should now go through the Umass ticket office. With their financials, I'm sure they could use the help. Thier number is 413-545-0810.
December 11th, 2006, 03:09 PM
I might be one of those.................but I will get in, I promise you that :thumbsup:
Just add a pair of wire clippers to your Chatty travel gear and practice up on your Army crawls. :D
December 11th, 2006, 03:11 PM
If Umass is having trouble selling their tix maybe App fans should now go through the Umass ticket office. With their financials, I'm sure they could use the help. Thier number is 413-545-0810.
thats kinda rude, but we will buy them if they don't for sure.
December 11th, 2006, 03:12 PM
Just add a pair of wire clippers to your Chatty travel gear and practice up on your Army crawls. :D
I think you might know me all too well, I will low crawl in easily even if I am 6 ft. 4.
December 11th, 2006, 03:15 PM
I think you might know me all too well, I will low crawl in easily even if I am 6 ft. 4.
Maybe I do, Vance. :smiley_wi
December 11th, 2006, 03:17 PM
Appy fans please stay off the UMass ticket line. UMass fans are trying to get tickets.
Please be good sports and don't call our school. We are selling out UMass allotment.
mountain man
December 11th, 2006, 03:19 PM
thats kinda rude, but we will buy them if they don't for sure.
How is rude to buy tickets legitamately? They have had since Friday to buy their tix. Their fans have already said football is much less important than other sports at their school.
December 11th, 2006, 03:21 PM
How is rude to buy tickets legitamately? They have had since Friday to buy their tix. Their fans have already said football is much less important than other sports at their school.
My thoughts exactly. If they don't care enough to scoop em up, we'll take em.
December 11th, 2006, 03:21 PM
Where there's a will there's a way. I've never been shut out of a sporting event just because I didn't have a ticket, including a few Ohio State-Michigan and Ohio State-Texas. You've just got to be very skinny and willing to work alone.
December 11th, 2006, 03:22 PM
Where there's a will there's a way. I've never been shut out of a sporting event just because I didn't have a ticket, including a few Ohio State-Michigan and Ohio State-Texas. You've just got to be very skinny and willing to work alone.
I predict many, many ASU students and fans taking that exact route.
December 11th, 2006, 03:24 PM
Again, Appy fans do not call the UMass ticket office.
There are no tickets available for you.
December 11th, 2006, 03:25 PM
Again, Appy fans do not call the UMass ticket office.
There are no tickets available for you.
He's lying! Take those tickets! :)
December 11th, 2006, 03:25 PM
All operators are busy right now anyways.
December 11th, 2006, 03:27 PM
The UMass tickets didn't go on sale until today, either. Tickets will be allocated according to priority points (donations, years as season ticketholders, etc.), so if we sell our whole allotment, UMass fans should get preference over outsiders.
December 11th, 2006, 03:30 PM
So if I didn't have a ticket right now all I'd do is keep on calling and if asked claim to be a HUGE UMASS fan. If you guys had caller ID, I'd claim to be an alumnus living in enemy territory. Easy as pie.
December 11th, 2006, 03:41 PM
Just spoke to the ticket office, they are filtering out the Appy callers.:)
December 11th, 2006, 03:43 PM
Read above post ----^
December 11th, 2006, 03:44 PM
Just spoke to the ticket office, they are filtering out the Appy callers.:)
Well they should, but any tickets you don't sell we should get.
mountain man
December 11th, 2006, 03:44 PM
Just spoke to the ticket office, they are filtering out the Appy callers.:)
That's interesting. How are they legally doing that??
December 11th, 2006, 03:45 PM
Well they should, but any tickets you don't sell we should get.
If they don't sell em at all, we definitely get a crack at em. They aren't going to leave any actual seats empty.
December 11th, 2006, 03:51 PM
I would assume that any tickets we don't sell (and I don't think that's going to happen) would be returned to Chatty. Then you'll have your crack at them.
December 11th, 2006, 03:52 PM
Looks like the UMass allotment is going to sell out easily (to UMass people):)
December 11th, 2006, 04:05 PM
That's interesting. How are they legally doing that??
Im fairly sure they can't but probably are anyway
December 11th, 2006, 04:08 PM
Looks like the UMass allotment is going to sell out easily (to UMass people):)
Are you sure, I think a few people I know defeated this filtering attempt. :nod:
December 11th, 2006, 04:10 PM
took me 3 hours to get 4 tickets in 202
Me too. Over 3 hours to get my 4 tix. Section 202 row 39.
December 11th, 2006, 04:12 PM
:eek: 9%2Ca10400%2Ca44812%2Ca44811%2Ca3928&pfmode=1&reqtype=2&gcs=1&pfid=1&pf_query=&sargn=-1%26saslc%3D2&sadis=200&fpos=23227&ftrt=1&ftrv=1&saprclo=&saprchi=&fsop=1%26fsoo%3D1&coaction=compare&copagenum=1&coentrypage=search&fgtp=
Sam Adams
December 11th, 2006, 04:15 PM
UMASS is going to sell its allottment (hopefully to UMass fans and not Appy fans trying to break the rules : smh : ) Apparently this game is sold out and the Chatty locals are a big part of it. The UMass band was moved to an end zone to accommodate more ticket holders.
Should be fun!
December 11th, 2006, 04:17 PM
Are you sure, I think a few people I know defeated this filtering attempt.
Probably so, but a totally classless thing to do, IMHO...
December 11th, 2006, 04:20 PM
Probably so, but a totally classless thing to do, IMHO... ditto. hope i'm not jinxing myself but if the band has to give up their seats and sit in the endzone with the umass band, i'd rather have that than people resorting to this type of stuff
December 11th, 2006, 04:23 PM
You'll hit it off with the UMass band. They are friendly and love all other band persons.
Hopefully, other Appy fans I meet won't be like the ones in this thread.
December 11th, 2006, 04:25 PM
How can they filter out calls from App fans? I'm really just trying to figure out the logistics of that. They can't just filter out every call from NC, what if there are UMass fans here who want tickets?
December 11th, 2006, 04:27 PM
You'll hit it off with the UMass band. They are friendly and love all other band persons.
Hopefully, other Appy fans I meet won't be like the ones in this thread.
Just a little frustrated 74. :bang: For the record, I chickened out on the Mass TXO option. :(
December 11th, 2006, 04:29 PM
Probably so, but a totally classless thing to do, IMHO...
why? your peeps would prolly do for the Frozen Four!
December 11th, 2006, 04:30 PM
I now officially know one person who got away with it. They told him to call back, though, so I don't know whether they were messin' with him or not.
mountain man
December 11th, 2006, 04:31 PM
Probably so, but a totally classless thing to do, IMHO...
We had great fun interacting with the Coastal and Youngstown fans during the playoffs. It's ironic considering the articles recently written about the Umass fans that they are getting so sensitive to the ticket situation.
December 11th, 2006, 04:31 PM
How can they filter out calls from App fans? I'm really just trying to figure out the logistics of that. They can't just filter out every call from NC, what if there are UMass fans here who want tickets?
They probably just go by accent. So you better try doing your best Teddy Kennedy impersonation when you call. Don't ask, "Do you fellers reckon you got any of them Chattanoogy tickets left."
December 11th, 2006, 04:32 PM
They probably just go by accent. So you better try doing your best Teddy Kennedy impersonation when you call. Don't ask, "Do you fellers reckon you got any of them Chattanoogy tickets left."
December 11th, 2006, 04:32 PM
I don't think its that classless a thing to do, Umass people have just as much a shot at our tickets, and if thats the only way to go if i didnt already have Tix i might do it.
If they really wanted to filter just make it walk-up only and if an app fan drives up there they deserve it.
December 11th, 2006, 04:33 PM
How can they filter out calls from App fans? I'm really just trying to figure out the logistics of that. They can't just filter out every call from NC, what if there are UMass fans here who want tickets?
Every UMass alumnus gets 2 priority points just for graduating, and anybody who has ever donated $100 to UMass athletics gets at least 2 priority points. That would put them ahead of any App fans on the priority list. I'm not saying it's impossible that a few might have slipped through the cracks, but I would hope our ticket office has a handle on this.
December 11th, 2006, 04:34 PM
I think Chatty locals bought up a BUNCH of the tickets early on knowing should ASU make it the demand would be higher..............that is the word I'm getting right now. It looks like they plan on making money off this game, take a look how much these $20 face value tickets are going for on E-bay. I saw 2 for $300 :eek: .
I see why they would do it too, I mean you got people who have hotel's reserved and such who will pay that. Also they are gonna be in town regardless of who is in the game. Where as the football fans want to see the teams they pull for.
December 11th, 2006, 04:35 PM
:eek: 9%2Ca10400%2Ca44812%2Ca44811%2Ca3928&pfmode=1&reqtype=2&gcs=1&pfid=1&pf_query=&sargn=-1%26saslc%3D2&sadis=200&fpos=23227&ftrt=1&ftrv=1&saprclo=&saprchi=&fsop=1%26fsoo%3D1&coaction=compare&copagenum=1&coentrypage=search&fgtp=
Holy s--t! Currently $300 for 2 tickets with lots of time left...
December 11th, 2006, 04:37 PM
Holy s--t! Currently $300 for 2 tickets with lots of time left...
my point exactly.....
December 11th, 2006, 04:37 PM
Every UMass alumnus gets 2 priority points just for graduating, and anybody who has ever donated $100 to UMass athletics gets at least 2 priority points. That would put them ahead of any App fans on the priority list. I'm not saying it's impossible that a few might have slipped through the cracks, but I would hope our ticket office has a handle on this.
Ok. "Filtering out" just made it sound like they were just not answering calls from App fans at all.
December 11th, 2006, 04:40 PM
I now officially know one person who got away with it. They told him to call back, though, so I don't know whether they were messin' with him or not.
They are taking *all* orders, then using the priority points to assign tickets. Rumor is there were more than enough priority point orders that unless you had points you weren't getting tickets. So that person that 'got away with it' might not have tickets.
As far as UMass fans doing it for the Frozen Four or Final Four, I would like to think our fans have more class than that. It is a different thing if you wait until our fans have bought and THEN buy the leftovers, but trying to block UMass fans out is just crap.
December 11th, 2006, 04:43 PM
They are taking *all* orders, then using the priority points to assign tickets. Rumor is there were more than enough priority point orders that unless you had points you weren't getting tickets. So that person that 'got away with it' might not have tickets.
As far as UMass fans doing it for the Frozen Four or Final Four, I would like to think our fans have more class than that. It is a different thing if you wait until our fans have bought and THEN buy the leftovers, but trying to block UMass fans out is just crap.
BS. There is nothing unethical about it at all. You guys havn't sold your tickets yet (like 10% of the tickets we got and have already sold out) so now we're taking them. If your fans really wanted them that bad, they would've stood in 4-5 hour lines like our fans did this morning to make sure us evil ASU fans couldn't get a crack at em.
December 11th, 2006, 04:44 PM
There seems to be nothing wrong to me with APP fans taking advantage of the opportunity of getting tickets. Free market and they just want to see their team.
December 11th, 2006, 04:44 PM
I think people are just getting desperate. Don't take it personally...there are just a lot of our fans who want to go to this game and will do whatever it takes.
December 11th, 2006, 04:48 PM
You can feel that way. I feel its crap, a large number of alumni don't live in the Amherst area and can't just take a day off to pick up tickets. If you all started this tomorrow afternoon AFTER our fans had a crack at them it wouldn't be a problem. Put it this way, if you were waiting in line and UMass fans were calling YOUR ticket office and buying tickets woulnd't you be pissed off? Right now the 'lineup' is the phone for all the UMass fans, and you all are jumping in.
December 11th, 2006, 04:50 PM
sorry but our fans care more than yours
December 11th, 2006, 04:51 PM
I agree we should have waited till tomorrow but what would you do if all other options were taken???
December 11th, 2006, 04:54 PM
I agree we should have waited till tomorrow but what would you do if all other options were taken???
I personally would have turned to ebay or waited. What gets my goat about this, several UMass fans asked you guys to wait.
I get the fact folks are getting desprate, and think UMass won't have more than players parents there, but if you don't let us buy our tickets how can we get folks to the game?!
December 11th, 2006, 04:55 PM
I personally would have turned to ebay or waited. What gets my goat about this, several UMass fans asked you guys to wait.
I get the fact folks are getting desprate, and think UMass won't have more than players parents there, but if you don't let us buy our tickets how can we get folks to the game?!
How is this ....... I wear a UMass sweater during the game if I do buy a "UMass" ticket.......I might just be a more quiet ASU fan. ;) BTW I do not plan on trying UMass for tickets.
December 11th, 2006, 07:08 PM
How is this ....... I wear a UMass sweater during the game if I do buy a "UMass" ticket.......I might just be a more quiet ASU fan. ;) BTW I do not plan on trying UMass for tickets.
I can bring you a UMass sweatshirt to wear in the ASU section xlolx
December 11th, 2006, 07:25 PM
I can bring you a UMass sweatshirt to wear in the ASU section xlolx
All I need is a ticket, enough people know me that I would be ok. Maybe a few hey why you wearing thats?
mountain man
December 11th, 2006, 07:29 PM
Tickets to the 2006 NCAA Division I Football National Championship Game, being offered through UTC, are sold out, officials said Monday.
It is the first sell-out in the 10 years the title game has been in Chattanooga.
In the event that standing room only tickets are made available, these will immediately be offered for sale on-line at
Also, you may call the UTC ticket office at 423-266-6627.
Attorney Jerry Summers said his firm, Summers and Wyatt, bought a group of tickets and those are available at $25 each. That price includes a $5 donation to Special Olympics.
Call the Summers office at 265-2385.
Appalachian State and Umass will be playing in the national title game.
Kickoff is Friday at 8:07 p.m.
December 11th, 2006, 07:32 PM
Tickets to the 2006 NCAA Division I Football National Championship Game, being offered through UTC, are sold out, officials said Monday.
It is the first sell-out in the 10 years the title game has been in Chattanooga.
In the event that standing room only tickets are made available, these will immediately be offered for sale on-line at
Also, you may call the UTC ticket office at 423-266-6627.
Attorney Jerry Summers said his firm, Summers and Wyatt, bought a group of tickets and those are available at $25 each. That price includes a $5 donation to Special Olympics.
Call the Summers office at 265-2385.
Appalachian State and Umass will be playing in the national title game.
Kickoff is Friday at 8:07 p.m.
Great they changed their minds about doing walk up tix only. Nice that they will be online now.
Sam Adams
December 11th, 2006, 07:35 PM
Why even give the schools an alottment of tickets if people with no affiliation with the school can just call up the school to try to scam tickets?
December 11th, 2006, 07:52 PM
Im going to settle this right now. UMass has their way of giving out the 1000 tickets they ordered. UMass will give them out to points members and Alumni Association memebers first. I have worked in the UMass tix office the 4 years I attended there. They have a system to find out who have bought any kind of umass tix over the last many years. They can also find out if you are an alumni or ever donated to the university. Chances are... if you are none of the above... you will not get tickets through UMass.
December 11th, 2006, 08:09 PM
If that's the case then no ASU fan is going to bump a deserving UMass fan. If you don't sell all yours, then the ASU fans waiting in the "back of the line" will be able to purchase them. I have never heard anyone claim that buying available tickets wherever they can get them is unethical. To suggest this would be some effort on the part of ASU to block out UMass fans is a bit over the top. ASU fans are just looking at whatever available option is out there to purchase tickets.
December 11th, 2006, 08:11 PM
Man, I feel lucky just to get my tickets to the NC game. It took me about ten minutes of getting a busy signal at the App Ticket office, then 20 minutes on hold to score some in Section 229 about 1/2 way up the section. These aren't great seats, but at least I'm in the house. At least I don't have to resorts to scalping. BTW what are TN's laws reagrding that? I can understand trying to get tickets through UMass, but it isn't something I would do myself. No offense, but I would not want to sit in the middle of the Minuteman fans anyway.;)
December 11th, 2006, 08:11 PM
If that's the case then no ASU fan is going to bump a deserving UMass fan. If you don't sell all yours, then the ASU fans waiting in the "back of the line" will be able to purchase them. I have never heard anyone claim that buying available tickets wherever they can get them is unethical. To suggest this would be some effort on the part of ASU to block out UMass fans is a bit over the top. ASU fans are just looking at whatever available option is out there to purchase tickets.
There are no options unless more tix are released... if that doesnt happen then stay home. Its not our fault you didnt get a shot at ur 7500. Stay away from ours.
Skyhawk Nation 24
December 11th, 2006, 08:12 PM
Damn Yankees always complaining. Shut up UMass fans, for crying out loud you only ordered 1,000 tickets? Maybe you haven't figured this out but football in the South is a big deal, so stop your bellyaching. I hope Appy fans got through and got some tickets. Go Appy St. after hearing the UMass fans cry like a 3 year old on here.
December 11th, 2006, 08:15 PM
Damn Yankees always complaining. Shut up UMass fans, for crying out loud you only ordered 1,000 tickets? Maybe you haven't figured this out but football in the South is a big deal, so stop your bellyaching. I hope Appy fans got through and got some tickets. Go Appy St. after hearing the UMass fans cry like a 3 year old on here.
Hows it feel to be sitting home after a first round loss?
December 11th, 2006, 08:15 PM
So how long will Umass have to sell their tickets? I say if they aren't sold by morning they need to release them because everyone who wanted one will have already gotten them.
December 11th, 2006, 08:17 PM
So how long will Umass have to sell their tickets? I say if they aren't sold by morning they need to release them because everyone who wanted one will have already gotten them.
The umass tix office had a busy line all day meaning umass fans are trying to order tix still.
December 11th, 2006, 08:21 PM
The umass tix office had a busy line all day meaning umass fans are trying to order tix still.
If its been busy ALL day how can there still be tickets left? 1,000 isn't that much at all. Just saying if there is still a demand I think they would be gone, look at how fast we went through 7,500.
December 11th, 2006, 08:28 PM
If its been busy ALL day how can there still be tickets left? 1,000 isn't that much at all. Just saying if there is still a demand I think they would be gone, look at how fast we went through 7,500.
How do u know they arent all sold out?
December 11th, 2006, 08:31 PM
I guess we'll know tomorrow. Not much point in debating this any further, IMHO. If we return any tickets, I'm sure App fans will scoop them up. Oh, and Skyhawk Nation, I don't think it's a "Yankee" thing to be a little PO'd when our lines are tied up with opposing fans trying to grab our small allotment and legitimate UMass fans can't get through.
December 11th, 2006, 08:54 PM
How do u know they arent all sold out?
Well why wouldn't they put it on their site or anything? Let people know they are sold out.
December 11th, 2006, 09:17 PM
I second Skyhawk Nation. I'm sick of hearing this "umassfan" cry like a baby. Wake up, this is the real world. You've obviously never attended or tried to attend any big 1-A games.
I have been on these boards for a couple years now and rarely post because most of the time (just like this time) these threads are just little petty arguments to keep people with spare time on their hands busy. Some of the umass fans' demanding posts got under my skin (i.e. "DO NOT CALL OUR TICKET OFFICE" "If that doesnt happen then stay home. Its not our fault you didnt get a shot at ur 7500. Stay away from ours.") so I'm stooping to his (umassfan's) level and posting. And he had the nerve to call us rude?!? wtf is this guy smoking?
After reading this thread, in particular umassfan's posts, I think this is one of the stupidest threads I have ever read. Each college gets their allotment to sell to whom they choose. There is nothing wrong with trying to get a ticket from a PUBLIC ticket office. No matter who you are, or what team you pull for. Talking about umass fans buying from app or app buying from umass as being classless, unethical, etc is completley assinine.
Question: If you are a umass fan who lives in Chattanooga and it's easier for you to just go over to UTC and get a ticket, is that wrong? Is that classless? You just bought a ticket from UTC and MAYBE kept one of their supporters out of the game.
This thread is ridiculous. Just like umassfan.
December 11th, 2006, 09:30 PM
here we go!! woooo.....:bang:
December 11th, 2006, 09:33 PM
I second Skyhawk Nation. I'm sick of hearing this "umassfan" cry like a baby. Wake up, this is the real world. You've obviously never attended or tried to attend any big 1-A games.
I have been on these boards for a couple years now and rarely post because most of the time (just like this time) these threads are just little petty arguments to keep people with spare time on their hands busy. Some of the umass fans' demanding posts got under my skin (i.e. "DO NOT CALL OUR TICKET OFFICE" "If that doesnt happen then stay home. Its not our fault you didnt get a shot at ur 7500. Stay away from ours.") so I'm stooping to his (umassfan's) level and posting. And he had the nerve to call us rude?!? wtf is this guy smoking?
After reading this thread, in particular umassfan's posts, I think this is one of the stupidest threads I have ever read. Each college gets their allotment to sell to whom they choose. There is nothing wrong with trying to get a ticket from a PUBLIC ticket office. No matter who you are, or what team you pull for. Talking about umass fans buying from app or app buying from umass as being classless, unethical, etc is completley assinine.
Question: If you are a umass fan who lives in Chattanooga and it's easier for you to just go over to UTC and get a ticket, is that wrong? Is that classless? You just bought a ticket from UTC and MAYBE kept one of their supporters out of the game.
This thread is ridiculous. Just like umassfan.
You must not have read this thread very well. I made two posts on this thread. One was telling how the UMass tix office will deal with this and a responce to seahawk nation for being stupid. I made one comment about app fans having their chance of the 7500 tickets they got. I really think your reading skills need to improve if you want to attack me. If it was a legit statement to me then I wouldnt care but you are totally clueless. That isnt something new though because App fans this whole week so far have been clueless about anything to do with UMass. Im not suprised. :nonono2:
December 11th, 2006, 09:36 PM
You must not have read this thread very well. I made two posts on this thread. One was telling how the UMass tix office will deal with this and a responce to seahawk nation for being stupid. I made one comment about app fans having their chance of the 7500 tickets they got. I really think your reading skills need to improve if you want to attack me. If it was a legit statement to me then I wouldnt care but you are totally clueless. That isnt something new though because App fans this whole week so far have been clueless about anything to do with UMass. Im not suprised. :nonono2:
Just please remember we are not ALL like that. Just quite a few on here unfortunately.: smh :
December 11th, 2006, 09:42 PM
... You've obviously never attended or tried to attend any big 1-A games...Good for him then! :nod: xlolx :nod:
December 11th, 2006, 09:42 PM
Thanks thmst30 for apologizing for me. Excuse me for taking up for app when this guy is ripping on us. Sorry that I don't agree with kissing someone's ass who is calling us classless for trying to buy tickets from a public ticket office.
December 11th, 2006, 09:44 PM
Thanks thmst30 for apologizing for me. Excuse me for taking up for app when this guy is ripping on us. Sorry that I don't agree with kissing someone's ass who is calling us classless for trying to buy tickets from a public ticket office.
Again you are putting words in my mouth... Again did I ever say that? No... So you still havent learned how to read in the last 5 mins. I see you didnt forget how to post... which I wish you would.
December 11th, 2006, 09:47 PM
Thanks thmst30 for apologizing for me. Excuse me for taking up for app when this guy is ripping on us. Sorry that I don't agree with kissing someone's ass who is calling us classless for trying to buy tickets from a public ticket office.
Your welcome.xidiotx
December 11th, 2006, 09:47 PM
really, let people proclaim their own opinion and leave the smack for the other board please...
December 11th, 2006, 09:50 PM
There are no options unless more tix are released... if that doesnt happen then stay home. Its not our fault you didnt get a shot at ur 7500. Stay away from ours.
Technically, they belong to whomever buys them. I have no problem if your ticket office gives preference to your supporters, I would want ASU to do the same. However, I can't blame fans looking for tickets wherever they are being sold.
December 11th, 2006, 10:14 PM
I'm gonna be so pissed when fair weather ASU's fans ( and I know there are some ) start leaving if we get up a few in the third like they did this past weekend b/c it is too cold........ and I am at home watching the game on TV. If you can't stay the whole game give up the seats or donate some more to the Yosef Club! :mad: Sorry I'm just starting to get a little frustrated. I know they help out our program a bunch, even if they are old and don't like to be cold.
December 11th, 2006, 10:14 PM
I cant wait to get to the game I think it is just going to be a great game with a great atmosphere!!!
December 11th, 2006, 10:16 PM
Guys, need a little help. have 17 seats all in one row. Which end is closer to an aisle seat 21 or seat 37?
December 12th, 2006, 07:33 AM
I'm gonna be so pissed when fair weather ASU's fans ( and I know there are some ) start leaving if we get up a few in the third like they did this past weekend b/c it is too cold........ and I am at home watching the game on TV. If you can't stay the whole game give up the seats or donate some more to the Yosef Club! :mad: Sorry I'm just starting to get a little frustrated. I know they help out our program a bunch, even if they are old and don't like to be cold.
A lot of those people who left early last weekend were going to get in line for Championship tickets. Myself included.
December 12th, 2006, 08:50 AM
A lot of those people who left early last weekend were going to get in line for Championship tickets. Myself included.
I hardly ever leave early no matter what the score.. But this time I left to get in line to buy NC tickets...
December 12th, 2006, 10:01 AM
I had never left early from an ASU football game... ever but when we were up 49-17 with a few minutes left and I could see the lines growing, I had to go join them... I dont call myself a fair weather fan and I dont think there is anything wrong with that.
December 12th, 2006, 10:03 AM
ok, heres the deal..
one of my friends just called me and told me that he heard rumor of appalachian re-opening ticket sales at 12pm today...kind of an unreliable source. can anyone confirm or disprove this "rumor", and if true, where would they be gettin tickets from, SRO?
December 12th, 2006, 10:16 AM
ok, heres the deal..
one of my friends just called me and told me that he heard rumor of appalachian re-opening ticket sales at 12pm today...kind of an unreliable source. can anyone confirm or disprove this "rumor", and if true, where would they be gettin tickets from, SRO?
As of 11:14 est the ASU ticket office says that ASU will not receive any additional tickets. Any additional tickets will only be available through
When as asked if they had been told anything about SRO they said NO!
December 12th, 2006, 10:22 AM
thats what i was thinking sounded more realistic.
December 12th, 2006, 11:28 AM
Does anybody have a link to the seating/sections of the stadium? Now that tickets aren't available I can't find the chart.
December 12th, 2006, 11:38 AM
Does anybody have a link to the seating/sections of the stadium? Now that tickets aren't available I can't find the chart.
December 12th, 2006, 11:41 AM
December 12th, 2006, 12:04 PM
I just noticed my seats (202) are on home Umass side. whyd app sell me Umass side Tix? I guess we have part of that side too?
December 12th, 2006, 01:06 PM
According to this site, there are no tickets left period.
December 12th, 2006, 01:24 PM
I just noticed my seats (202) are on home Umass side. whyd app sell me Umass side Tix? I guess we have part of that side too?
Yes...those were more than likely some of the one's returned by Montana...all of which were sent by the organizing committee to ASU.
December 12th, 2006, 01:35 PM
So how good are the chances of going to chatt and getting tickets scalped or the standing room only at the gate?
December 12th, 2006, 01:40 PM
If it were me, and I were an ASU student or ASU fan living with 4 or 5 hours of Chattanooga, I would seriously consider going to Chattanooga, trying to get tickets, then (if not tickets could be found) heading to a sports bar to watch the game.
Hang out with the tailgaters, go to the pavillion to hear the bands play and be a part of the celebration, then go watch the game someplace nearby if you have to.
A take-charge type fan who doesn't have tickets might even call a sports bar in Chatty to reserve a sport ofr a couple dozen people. When the game's over (provided ASU wins), you're in town to celebrate with 15,000 of your closest ASU friends.
Then again, maybe you could try the same thing in Boone.
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