View Full Version : VOTE SCOTT PODSEDNIK!!!

July 5th, 2005, 02:48 PM
For those of you that dislike the Yankees or impartial to candidates (Jeter, Matsui, Hunter, Crawford, Podsednik), I urge you to vote for Scott Podsednik!!! Why you ask, well if you dont like any of the others, Im a huige Sox fan and Im a I-AA brother, so help a brother out and go to www.mlb.com and vote Scott Podsednik AL All-Star.

July 5th, 2005, 07:04 PM
Anybody but the Yankees........:p
Scott gets my vote!

July 5th, 2005, 07:11 PM
Vote ROY OSWALT for the NL!

July 5th, 2005, 08:03 PM
If you vote for Pods, Ill vote for Roy!!!

July 5th, 2005, 08:13 PM

July 5th, 2005, 10:08 PM
According to ESPN Radio 1000 in Chicago, Pods is only 1000 behind Jeter, CMON GUYS HELP ME VOTE FOR PODSEDNIK!!!

July 6th, 2005, 09:44 AM
Keep Voting, Pods is in the lead!!!

With just hours remaining in the balloting, the drama is building. Chicago White Sox outfielder Scott Podsednik has squeaked past New York Yankees perennial All-Star Derek Jeter to take a narrow lead in the American League voting.

If Podsednik holds on for the victory, his teammates' grass-roots campaign for his candidacy might prove to be the reason.

The White Sox have been doing everything in their power to get their man -- who leads the Majors in stolen bases -- into the Midsummer Classic, which will be played at Comerica Park.

The "Podsednik Plan" was put in motion Monday night as Podsednik signed autographs during a two-hour rain delay. First, one of manager Ozzie Guillen's kids held up a "Vote for Scott" sign in the background. Then All-Star pitcher Mark Buehrle spoke to the crowd before the postgame fireworks, encouraging them to get online and send Podsednik to Detroit.

"We need everyone to vote for Scott because he needs to be on this All-Star Team," Buehrle said.

Even Podsednik got into the act.

"I have voted for myself a couple of times," the outfielder said with a smile. "I've thrown a couple in there."

July 6th, 2005, 10:00 AM
I voted for Scott too.

July 6th, 2005, 10:21 AM
Vote NOW Vote OFTEN:

Podsednik and Oswalt!


Voting ends at 8pm tonight.

I voted for Podsednik and Wagner :p

July 6th, 2005, 11:01 AM
Oswalt was leading at last count. Has a crappy record, 11-7 I believe, but that's because his run support stinks. His ERA is among the best in the NL.

July 6th, 2005, 12:19 PM
That's cool, I have no fave on the NL ballot

Neither do I, I just like Wagner.

July 6th, 2005, 12:29 PM
I followed Ralph's lead. Anybody but Jeter! If he can't satisfy Mariah Carey, he won't get my vote!

July 6th, 2005, 07:43 PM
Thank you to all that voted, PODSEDNIK WINS!!!

July 6th, 2005, 07:56 PM
And OSWALT wins!

July 6th, 2005, 08:37 PM
The CWS got Podsednik in due to ridiculous promotions between innings by their PA announcer explaining how to get him votes. Hey, it's ballot stuffing and it works, especially since you got unlimited votes. Just surprised Oswalt got in considering we know Pennsylvania is the home of the ballot-stuffers anonymous...

July 6th, 2005, 10:51 PM
The fans at the game cant vote at that time... But yes we did stuff the Box and Scotty is in!!! When it comes to voting, no one, and I MEAN NO ONE, does it like Chicago, best Democratic Machine in the US LOLOL I know I personally voted at least 1000 times for Pods and Oswalt. The 2 Philly guys finished last and second to last

July 7th, 2005, 05:48 AM
Don't you guys think it's a bit ridiculous that a first ballot Hall of Famer like Jeter is left off the All-Star team in favor of some light-hitting flash in the pan?

No wonder no one cares about this game anymore when the game's franchise players can be so easily excluded.

July 7th, 2005, 11:29 AM
Don't you guys think it's a bit ridiculous that a first ballot Hall of Famer like Jeter is left off the All-Star team in favor of some light-hitting flash in the pan?

No wonder no one cares about this game anymore when the game's franchise players can be so easily excluded.
Although I totally despise the fan vote, and it's only use is to keep the fans in the game, it is actually refreshing that Podsednik made the last cut. It shows what a city rallying around a division leading team can do for ya.
When Oswalt was served up for the last man vote, he went out and pitched a gem on July 4th. Complete game, too. Following that, I must have voted 20 times for both him and Podsednik.
Now the Morgan Ensberg snub truly hurt me. Cannot believe that Rolen got in, let alone becoming the starter. He;s washed up.
Astros all the way. We're coming after ya, Atlanta!

July 7th, 2005, 12:02 PM
Don't you guys think it's a bit ridiculous that a first ballot Hall of Famer like Jeter is left off the All-Star team in favor of some light-hitting flash in the pan?

No wonder no one cares about this game anymore when the game's franchise players can be so easily excluded.

Jeter is the captain on a mediocre 3rd place team. Podsednik is the catalyst for the best team in baseball who disrupts every pitcher when he gets on base. Did I mention 41 stolen bases?!?! Plus the 32nd player is likely to be a late game replacement if he plays at all, Podsednik, proves himself more valuable again with his speed. Simply said Pods deserves it more this year, his presence has helped launch the WHite Sox to 31 games over. The Yankees are 4 games over in 3rd place, their 3 all-stars is plenty

July 7th, 2005, 05:10 PM
Jeter is the captain on a mediocre 3rd place team. Podsednik is the catalyst for the best team in baseball who disrupts every pitcher when he gets on base. Did I mention 41 stolen bases?!?! Plus the 32nd player is likely to be a late game replacement if he plays at all, Podsednik, proves himself more valuable again with his speed. Simply said Pods deserves it more this year, his presence has helped launch the WHite Sox to 31 games over. The Yankees are 4 games over in 3rd place, their 3 all-stars is plenty

Sadly, this is Podsednik's career year. He has no homers, is hitting under .290, and has stolen 41 bases. Tony Womack had a year like this once.

Jeter averages over 200 hits a year, has already scored 66 runs, is a Gold Glove shortstop, and is hitting about .310 (with 98 hits, far more than Podsednik. By May or June of next year, when he will be 31 years old, Jeter will get his 2000th hit, and the way to 3000 hits and a first ballot Hall of Fame election.

Some perspective please. It's sounds silly when you say this guy is more deserving.

PS -- Sox don't have what it takes to keep this up.

July 7th, 2005, 08:33 PM
You sound like a jealous Yankee Fan...Its not a lifetime award so who cares when Jeter gets his 2000th hit. Like I said, best team in baseball, ods is the catalyst on the team, wait till the Sox play the Yanks and see how he screws with the Pitchers head and makes everyone better!!! You only wish you had Pods playing OF for the NYY!!
As for the Sox not having what it takes, try best SP in the AL and a pen that puts the NYY to SHAME!!!! See ya in October, if you make it!!!

July 7th, 2005, 08:51 PM
You sound like a jealous Yankee Fan...Its not a season award so who cares when Jeter gets his 2000th hit. Like I said, best team in baseball, ods is the catalyst on the team, wait till the Sox play the Yanks and see how he screws with the Pitchers head and makes everyone better!!! You only wish you had Pods playing OF for the NYY!!
As for the Sox not having what it takes, try best SP in the AL and a pen that puts the NYY to SHAME!!!! See ya in October, if you make it!!!

Jealous Yankee fan? That's funny. This coming from a fan of a team that has intentionally thrown a World Series more recently than they've won one.

Keep beating up on the soft AL Central. Best team in baseball? That's funny. You ought to thank your lucky stars for the unbalanced schedule that allows you to play the vast majority of your games in the weakest division in the bigs.

Your pitching is softer than you know. You'll find out how soft it is in October. I wouldn't be counting on Buehrle, with a career ERA over 5.00, Garland, with a career ERA near 5.00, and Freddy Garcia (Big October loser), for anything more than a first-round ticket home.

July 7th, 2005, 09:20 PM
I have to stick up for the Sox here... they have the best record in baseball, not the Yankers whom I'll admit I dislike in every pro sport.

Chicago 57 26 .687
New York 43 39 .524

Facts are facts.

Here are the facts: The White Sox are playing .840 ball against the AL Central, and 45% of their 57 wins have come against just the four other teams in its division: the Twins, Royals, Indians, and Tigers.

Baseball plays an extremely unbalanced schedule, loading your schedule up with your division foes. When you play in a soft division, you can look a lot better than you really are, like the Sox this year.

Mark my words: Buehrle, Garland, Garcia, Contrareas don't have the October goods.

July 7th, 2005, 09:56 PM
Funny, lets go through the divisions #1 White Sox better than Boston...#2 Minnesota better than Baltimore...#3 Cleveland better than New York...#4 Toronto better than Detroit...#5 KC better than TB... thats 4 of 5 in our division better than the AL EAST...

Also, 4 of the top 5 pitching staffs are in the AL Central (Chicago-1, Minnesota-3, Cleveland-4, Detroit-5).

ALso Freddy Garcia is 16-7 career in the playoffs so you have just shown your ignorance to baseball my friend!!!

You want more... Buehrle's career ERA was 3.76 ENTERING THIS YR 2.58 this yr. Not over 5.00 like you claim

Want more...We are 9-0 vs KC, NYY is 0-3, yea AL Central sucks!!!

Overall the AL east is 6 games under .500...AL Central 18 over.

Sox are 9-4 vs the AL East, NYY is 7-6 vs the AL Central...

Shall I go on...

You should be lucky to be in the East, you would be 13 games out in the Central!!!

July 7th, 2005, 10:52 PM
Don't you guys think it's a bit ridiculous that a first ballot Hall of Famer like Jeter is left off the All-Star team in favor of some light-hitting flash in the pan?

No wonder no one cares about this game anymore when the game's franchise players can be so easily excluded.

That thought crossed my mind, although I would not leave off Podsednik, he is having a great season, I wonder why he didn't get in as a reserve in the first place. I agree that baseball's biggest names should be in the all-star game.

July 8th, 2005, 12:25 AM
Funny, lets go through the divisions #1 White Sox better than Boston...#2 Minnesota better than Baltimore...#3 Cleveland better than New York...#4 Toronto better than Detroit...#5 KC better than TB... thats 4 of 5 in our division better than the AL EAST...

Also, 4 of the top 5 pitching staffs are in the AL Central (Chicago-1, Minnesota-3, Cleveland-4, Detroit-5).

ALso Freddy Garcia is 16-7 career in the playoffs so you have just shown your ignorance to baseball my friend!!!

You want more... Buehrle's career ERA was 3.76 ENTERING THIS YR 2.58 this yr. Not over 5.00 like you claim

Want more...We are 9-0 vs KC, NYY is 0-3, yea AL Central sucks!!!

Overall the AL east is 6 games under .500...AL Central 18 over.

Sox are 9-4 vs the AL East, NYY is 7-6 vs the AL Central...

Shall I go on...

You should be lucky to be in the East, you would be 13 games out in the Central!!!

Nothing like making it up. Garcia is 16-7 in the post-season? WTF? You think this guy has 23 career post-season decisions? Whitey Ford doesn't have 23 career post-season decisions!

If you think 4 out of the top 5 pitching staffs are in the AL Central, you're out of your mind. Anyway, you may want to look at the offenses in the weak AL Central. Nothing like the offenses you see in the AL East, with the Yankees, Red Sox, Baltimore and Toronto. That explains why the pitching in the AL Central appears so good. The pitchers in that division get to face the poor offenses in the AL Central frequently.

Then you go through and conclude that 1-4 in the AL Central are better than 1-4 in the AL East, based on records. What do you think the Sox record would be in the AL East? Or the Yankees, or the Os, or the Red Sox if they were in the Al Central, playing the Royals, Twins, Tigers & Indians 19 times a year?

Only one time since 1999 has a team from the AL Central won a playoff series. The last AL Central represenative to win the league championship was Cleveland in 1997! No AL Central representative has ever won the World Series -- quite a stretch, given that the division has existed since 1994.

You are truly the king of baseball's sorriest division. So fatten up your record, and then wonder why you're out of the playoffs after one series.

July 8th, 2005, 12:30 AM
I guess the Yankers are immune to this... :rolleyes:

Ralph, in the AL East, the Yankees have to face the Red Sox, the Orioles, and the Blue Jays 19 times, instead of getting to feast on the likes of the Twins, Tigers, Royals, and Indians 19 times a year.

The AL East is where the power in the AL East is, and it has been that way since the early 1990s. Nine of the last 12 AL representatives to the World Series have come from the AL East.

July 8th, 2005, 01:06 AM
That thought crossed my mind, although I would not leave off Podsednik, he is having a great season, I wonder why he didn't get in as a reserve in the first place. I agree that baseball's biggest names should be in the all-star game.

In this regard, see this article by former major leaguer and now baseball analyst Rob Dibble. He nails it right on the head. How the hell can a sure thing first ballot Hall of Famer be excluded from the AL Star team, and some guy who will be lucky if anyone remembers how to spell his name get on? The answer, of course, is that you can vote over and over on the internet, so people who have nothing better to do with their time can stuff the internet ballot box by voting hundreds of times for Podsednik, if they have inclination to do so. And that is what happened here.

Sad for baseball fans who want to come home after a hard day of actually working, and want to see the game's best play. Without Jeter, you can bet many people just aren't going to tune in to the game. That guy who voted 100 times is, in the end, just one TV set.


All-Star game a joke without Jeter
Rob Dibble / FOX Sports Net

Baseball wants the All-Star Game to have meaning? I don't get it.

If the game means so much, why are some of baseball's best players not in the game?

Derek Jeter just lost out on the internet vote to Scott Podsednik. That never should have happened. And Michael Young is more deserving than Jeter??? Don't make me laugh.

If I were starting a team right now, the first player I'd take would be Jeter. No one is more clutch in big games than him, no other shortstop in baseball has more championships, and no other shortstop has to play in a tougher media town.

You'll never find a better person to represent baseball than Derek Jeter. His numbers easily warrant him being in Detroit, and the fact that he had to be on the list of five players that had to beg for votes is a disgrace to the game

July 8th, 2005, 07:27 AM
Nothing like making it up. Garcia is 16-7 in the post-season? WTF? You think this guy has 23 career post-season decisions? Whitey Ford doesn't have 23 career post-season decisions!

If you think 4 out of the top 5 pitching staffs are in the AL Central, you're out of your mind.

You're right about Garcia, I dont know what I was looking at ut he is 3-2 with a 3.71 in the playoffs. I dont know where the hell I got 16-7...sorry...I was just reading what cnnsi.com had posted, thats the last time I trust them!!!

As for the top 5 pitching staffs http://www.sportsline.com/mlb/stats/teamsort/regularseason/yearly/AL/PIT/BASIC?&_1:col_1=10 No AL East team in the Top 5, 4 AL Central teams.

What it all comes down to is you want your guy in, I wanted my guy in, and CHicago just had more votes. Both are deserving to play, but there are more guys that hate Jeter (Boston and Baltimore), than Pods. Will Jeter be a HOFer, easily, will Pods, no, but both definetely deserved a spot on the all-star team. But almost 4 milion votes, you cat argue that!!!

July 8th, 2005, 07:37 AM
Ralph, in the AL East, the Yankees have to face the Red Sox, the Orioles, and the Blue Jays 19 times, instead of getting to feast on the likes of the Twins, Tigers, Royals, and Indians 19 times a year.

Boston, NY, Toronto, and Baltimore COMBINED are 1 over vs the AL Central
CHicago, Minnesota, Cleveland,and Detroit are 11 OVER vs the AL East... even KC is 8-8 vs the East. In 13 games vs the Central, the NYY have more losses (7-6) than the CWS in 31 games vs the Central (26-5).

The AL East is where the power in the AL East is, and it has been that way since the early 1990s. Nine of the last 12 AL representatives to the World Series have come from the AL East.

This is true and can not be argued, but we are talking this year, not last yr or any other year.

July 8th, 2005, 07:44 AM
Funny that Tampa Bay is not mentioned by the East lovers!

And never mentioned that the mighty East gets to play TB 19 times also!!!
The mighty NYY are 3-7 vs TB so far this yr!!!

July 8th, 2005, 08:08 AM
And never mentioned that the mighty East gets to play TB 19 times also!!!
The mighty NYY are 3-7 vs TB so far this yr!!!

26 titles.

Sox none since 1917.

See you AL Central frauds in October.

July 8th, 2005, 08:16 AM
I guess that's what happens when you spend more than anyone else on players and have no titles this century! xlolx

As for the money, we can afford it. We support our team, and our owner is busy thinking of ways of developing his own new revenue streams, rather than thinking of ways of stealing another team's money. :)

No titles?

We've won every AL East title this century.

We've won two AL Championship titles this century. And this century is but four years old.

And while this would be an admirable record for anyone else, as you implicitly note, it is not for the Yankees.

Thanks for acknowledging our greatness. :D

July 8th, 2005, 08:22 AM
I acknowledge the NYY past Joe, in the past the NYY have been better, BUT in 2005, the CWS are much better. If you cant see that then I cant help you!!!

July 8th, 2005, 08:28 AM
I acknowledge the NYY past Joe, in the past the NYY have been better, BUT in 2005, the CWS are much better. If you cant see that then I cant help you!!!

We'll see come October. If Buehrle is your ace, you're going home early, believe me.

I said the same thing about Seattle in 2001, when they were off to 116 regular season wins. I said a staff of Freddy Garcia, Jamie Moyer, Aaron Sele, Paul Abbot and John Halama wasn't October stuff. I was right.

Baseball's unbalanced schedule renders comparisons between divisions meaningless (it also skews the wild card race). Most baseball experts acknowledge this.

Take a look at the lineups in the AL Central. Your staff is feasting on weakness.

July 8th, 2005, 08:43 AM
Now, now... no need to rub it in! The point is Jeter isn't even leaving home!

Until October. ;)

July 8th, 2005, 09:15 AM
Is that when Steinbroker has a vacation planned for Jeterboy? :D

This has been fun Yanker-hating... thanks for the I-AA respite

Yes, they're taking another trip down the Canyon of Heroes. :)

Anyway, I love debating with Yankee haters. Makes baseball fun.

July 8th, 2005, 09:26 AM
Yes, they're taking another trip down the Canyon of Heroes. :)

Anyway, I love debating with Yankee haters. Makes baseball fun.

Im not a Yankee hater, I respect everything the Yanks have done and won, Im just enjoying my White Sox, its not very often we have a season like this, so we have to enjoy it while it happens. The Cubs get all the press in this town so its even better when they arent doing well (sorry Ralph) and the Sox are. Its like an inferiority complex that Im sure the Mets have sharing NY with the Yanks. Id rather see the Yanks beat the Red Sox anyday trust me!!!! But the facts are... The AL Central is not weak this year and the Sox staff is for real, reguardless what happens, Im enjoying the hell out of it right now, it may not happen again for several years!!! Good pitching always beats a good offense and thats how we are winning this year for sure!

July 8th, 2005, 05:55 PM
Im not a Yankee hater, I respect everything the Yanks have done and won, Im just enjoying my White Sox, its not very often we have a season like this, so we have to enjoy it while it happens. The Cubs get all the press in this town so its even better when they arent doing well (sorry Ralph) and the Sox are. Its like an inferiority complex that Im sure the Mets have sharing NY with the Yanks. Id rather see the Yanks beat the Red Sox anyday trust me!!!! But the facts are... The AL Central is not weak this year and the Sox staff is for real, reguardless what happens, Im enjoying the hell out of it right now, it may not happen again for several years!!! Good pitching always beats a good offense and thats how we are winning this year for sure!

Alright, we'll leave it at that.

I was just riding your Sox, for the fun of it, just because that's what makes sports so much fun.

You're having a great year, so don't let anyone ruin it. Even me. ;)