View Full Version : How did you get interested in "your" school's football program?

November 4th, 2015, 03:58 PM
Inspired by some discussion in this week's poll results thread (http://www.anygivensaturday.com/showthread.php?176871-AGS-Poll-Results-WEEK-9-2015&p=2278734&viewfull=1#post2278734) about people's highlights from their playing days, I'm curious to find out if that's common amongst the fans here.

So, how did you get interested in "your" school's football program?
Did you play football for them "back in the day"? Did you just go to school there and became a fan? Did you participate in the marching band and got interested because you were at nearly every home game? Are you just a local/townie and happen to support your local team? Dated a really hot girl that went to the school? Some other reason?

My reason is pretty obvious (it's in my signature)...I was lucky enough to be in the marching band for the 5 years that happened to be the best 5 year stretch in the D1 era of my school's football team. Saw nearly every home game, and was able to go to a few away games (Northern IL, ISUr, UNI) in that time. I'm also a local/townie, but I didn't get into WIU football until I was a student in the marching band.

What's your story?

November 4th, 2015, 04:08 PM
I was born in Cedar Falls in December of 1983 (hence my username). I suppose it is a bit of misnomer as I didn't go to my first UNI sporting event, a basketball game, until January 1984. So I was basically just born into being a UNI Panther fan. My dad ran the clock for the football games until I reached about high school and then he quit.

November 4th, 2015, 04:10 PM
My platoon commander in Afghanistan played for Richmond and started teaching me about UNH. When I came home, I went to a game and I was hooked.

November 4th, 2015, 04:12 PM
A group of UCA football players came to my elementary school and read to us.
I was hooked.
Started going to games there in the late 80s.
Got my undergrad degree from there in the mid 90s.
Got my Grad degree from there in 2010.
But after elementary school I never followed ANY other team.

I remember those HUGE guys come to my second grade classroom. Mustaches, Large numbers and bear paws on their jerseys. Bigger than life itself.

Wish I knew who they were now. What a difference they made driving from Conway to a small town 50 miles away. xdrunkyx

Kinda like this Charlie Strong photo (now the head coach of the Texas Longhorns..for now )


November 4th, 2015, 04:14 PM
Raised in Missoula, so, pretty much a birthright

November 4th, 2015, 04:17 PM
Mom is from Fergus Falls and she grew up with the Bison during the 70s and 80s. Dad grew up in Iowa City and was fed the Hawks daily for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner in the 60s and 70s. I chose the Bison since I didn't want to have to deal with the Gophers every year and planned on going for engineering. 6 years later and I'm still working on graduating, except this time, not with what I started with. Being from the TC, I can say i truly despise the Gophers. They are like Alabama fans, except they believe they are better than them and the rest of the country.

November 4th, 2015, 04:18 PM
I grew up in the area went to college at Moorhead St (now MSUM) but worked summers in the Agriculture dept at NDSU. Became a fan because the NDSU quarterback went to my church when I was in Jr high. Been following for 40 years.

November 4th, 2015, 04:20 PM
Birthright... Basically.

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November 4th, 2015, 04:21 PM
"Nothing else to do in North Dakota."

November 4th, 2015, 04:26 PM
I was a Texas Longhorn fan growing up in South Texas, but was a latch-key kid of a single mom teacher. My father remarried a lady who was a librarian. I didn't do the typical youth sports thing, but instead spent my time at the local library. We moved to Louisiana when I was 10 and discovered recreation league sports.

I was a voracious reader, so I started to read the sports section of my local paper hoping to find information on the Longhorns, who were - at the time - concluding Earl Campbell's time at UT. Occasionally there were UT articles, but the local paper covered McNeese state VERY thoroughly. The sports editor, a guy named Bobby Dower, was a McNeese alum and wrote about them every day. Soon, I felt like I knew the Cowboys even though I was still a dyed in the wool Longhorn fan..Gradually, through Bobby's reportage, I came to like the Cowboys as much as I liked the Longhorns.

When I got to High School, McNeese had a great run and went to the Independence Bowl in 79 and 80. Plus, there were guys who were playing there that I'd played against as a Sophomore and as a Junior in HS.

When time to pick a college rolled around, I had a Naval ROTC scholarship that would have paid my way to UT, but I had football offers from a several of the schools then in the Southland Conference, and had discussions about partials with a couple of larger schools. I'd become a full-fledged McNeese fan and when they offered, late, I jumped at the chance. Three of my former HS teammates were already there, as well as guys I knew from competing against them on the football field and the track.

I briefly considered trying to play at UT, but I realized that the terms of the NROTC scholarship were such that I probably wouldn't have been able to play and fulfill my commitment to the ROTC program.

I chose to accept the McNeese scholarship and got a huge kick out of reading Bobby Dower's stories about games I played in. Later, I would work for Bobby as a stringer when I finished my eligibitlity and that led to my first professional job after college, first as a sports writer for a small daily then getting promoted to sports editor and finally to news editor.

I guess I ended up as a Cowboy because of Bobby Dower. And, I ended up writing about the news because of him. Later, I got offered job doing what I do now as a result of an investigative piece I did, so I can probably even blame him for my current career too...

Bobby passed away last year, but I got a chance to visit him in the hospital right before he died and I was able to thank him for turning me into a Cowboy fan...

November 4th, 2015, 04:27 PM
I went to school and joined the UDMB. When looking for schools, I said "not going anywhere in PA" to avoid classmates, and had a public school only list due to $$$. I also root for Indiana due to my sister starting off there (she transferred to Penn State, but I hate Penn State), and Georgia Tech due to my oldest cousin going there. I don't think I have to worry about my dad's Alma Mater starting football (NJIT).

November 4th, 2015, 04:37 PM
Many years ago, ysubigred and myself went from city to city as the Koch Brothers (only we didn't pronounce it the same way) on a cross ****ry tour of America's fine institutions of learning in our Wannabango RV, making donations to the needy. We hooked up with sixes, chubsters, even over thirty's. We were the Bill and Melinda Gates of the charity bang. Well, one day, we rolled into Newark, Delaware. It seemed a little different, there was a certain chemical odor in the air that was very refreshing after our last two weeks with the unwashed masses of the Lehigh Valley and more WASP's than a metric f--- ton of Raid could clear up in Villanova. And after three days, it hit me... This was the first town I didn't get the clap in. I get up to talk things over with Red and the only sign I could find of him was a muddy set of pig tail plugs, a bar of soap, an old rock hammer, and a fleshlight, damn near worn down to the nub. Been here ever since. But just in case he happens by...

Dear Red,
If you’re reading this, you’ve gotten out. And if you’ve come this far, maybe you’re willing to come a little further. Jesus Christ, not like that you sick bastard. You remember the name of the town, don’t you? I could use a good man to help me get my project on its wheels. I’ll keep an eye out for you and the chessboard ready. Remember, Red, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies. I will be hoping that this letter finds you, and finds you well.
Your friend,

November 4th, 2015, 04:44 PM
My grandfather, father, four uncles (one of which played football in the mid-80s), and an aunt all went to Holy Cross.

November 4th, 2015, 05:10 PM
My aunt works at St. Francis in a high athletic position. Thus, I grew up surrounded by free Red Flash gear and watching games in gorgeous Loretto. Besides, I love underdogs and St. Francis is one of the biggest in the FCS pound. Also, I am good friends with the MBB HC. He is a great man.

November 4th, 2015, 05:12 PM
My uncle (the only one of two that is still alive) brought me to a McNeese game when I was about 12. I turn 65 next month, so I've been a fan for a very long time.

I got a degree from McNeese and a second one from LSU but for me it has always been McNeese, first.


November 4th, 2015, 05:14 PM
Neil Lomax and Mouse Davis. Yeah I'm old.

November 4th, 2015, 05:29 PM
I played football for a small team in Illinois but i didn't have the grades or playing ability to get into the school I really wanted!

long story short, I ended up attending a small JUCO called Holy cross. After a few semesters there I was able to get accepted to my dream school! and convinced the coach to allow me to play on the team. I have loved it ever since!

November 4th, 2015, 05:33 PM
I was born into Southern University athletics. I come from a family that has supported SU since the 60s. I had no choice growing up lol

Professor Chaos
November 4th, 2015, 05:41 PM
I grew up in NW ND in a town of about 300 with a high school barely big enough to stay open. When I was in 6th grade a big O-lineman from my school committed to play for NDSU so I started following them when he went there and have since. To this day I still thank him for going to NDSU instead of UND because who knows how I would've turned out if he didn't...

November 4th, 2015, 06:02 PM
I am a graduate of SIU (long ago). I started watching games when I was a student.

November 4th, 2015, 06:09 PM
I've lived in the Cedar Falls area my whole life, and both my parents attended UNI, and took me to Panther games growing up, back when UNI dominated the Gateway Conference (but of course, never got over the hump in the playoffs)

November 4th, 2015, 06:16 PM
Growing up in Minnesota there was only one FBS team so I was a Gopher fan listening to Ray Christiansen on WCCO. Myself, my sister and both brothers went to MSU-Mankato so I became a Mav fan. Both of my brothers and I went to Ridgewater CC in Willmar. I played football there but was way to small for MSU. The older I got the better the Mavs have been in sports- cheaper tickets, free parking, friendly coaches- I like it.

Pards Rule
November 4th, 2015, 06:17 PM
Went to Lafayette as it seemed a natural for me (applied early decision which was a novelty in late 1979). Also thought it would be cool in later years to see (as I was) my future alma mater on the Prudential College Scoreboard every Saturday night(remember that?). Didn't really follow the football team my frosh year as they were that bad and only watched one game that year, the final one, vs. Lehigh. A new coach, Bill Russo, was hired shortly thereafter and I went to the first game of the season at Fisher Field on Sept. 12, 1981 (a 51-0 win over CCSU) and a convert was born!

November 4th, 2015, 06:41 PM
Always been a big sports fan, more so basketball and baseball than football but became a Redbird fan once I started going to school there. Started working for athletics as a student so was around all the home games. What really hooked me in was when for working the football game I would work in the Kaufman football building by the locker room before the game and clean up the building where the coaches wives/guests would have their setup for the game afterwards. Got a chance to interact and talk with the players and coaches before/after the games. Guys like Blake Winkler, Marshaun Coprich, jermaine barton, Charles Cowley,cam meredith to name a couple who would talk before going to the locker room, all of them great guys and fun to talk to. Brock Spack also is great to talk to, the dudes awesome. Had a friend who was walkon RB last year and one of my buddies is a walkon WR still on the roster this year so combination of those things.

November 4th, 2015, 06:45 PM
When a coach traveled 5 hours to stop by the house and say "he is our #1 recruit at his position". Go Lehigh ever since.xnodx

NY Crusader 2010
November 4th, 2015, 06:53 PM
Grew up a die-hard William & Mary football fan.

Hopped on the HC bandwagon when I was accepted to the school and my first game was against Fordham @ Rose Hill in either late October or early November 2005 (a Crusader loss to a winless Fordham team which knocked us out of the PL title race).

Did not miss a game, home or away, from 2006 until the UMass game in 2010.

November 4th, 2015, 07:24 PM
A lifetime ago, I came home from one of the federal service academies and started to look at schools (knowing I wanted to play football), a coach that was at a school that recruited me from HS (before I hurt my knee) was the HC at a small school I'd never heard of...one visit, and I was sold....MOC for life!!!!!! Although, Buddy G wasn't quite what he sold himself to be.

November 4th, 2015, 07:26 PM
I am the third generation of my family to graduate from Chattanooga. A grandfather and both parents graduated from there. I can't recall a time in my life when I wasn't regularly attending UTC sporting events.

November 4th, 2015, 07:33 PM
I was in marching band. Over time the coach started extending courtesy towards us and we developed a good football team/marching band relationship. We started attending away games in our own personal vehicles at our own limited expenses. It just stuck with me after graduation.

I've not been as involved as I was. They fired Jay Thomas and I've heard of some whispers of shenanigans in getting his replacement hired (who resigned last year) and it put a bad taste in my mouth.

I still follow the team, I just have been doing other stuff with my life on Saturdays.

November 4th, 2015, 07:36 PM
2nd generation Rabbit, 4 yr letterman, in swimming. Really got back into Jackrabbit sports with available internet broadcast of games, with move to d-1. Got super hooked with FCS after a day with the Ralph, and Suncoast Hen.

November 4th, 2015, 08:40 PM
Played at TTU. Why else would you be a fan of that place?

November 4th, 2015, 09:03 PM
Growing up in Montana, I had friends on both the Griz side and the Cats side. My family was also divided (brother and sister went to Montana, dad went to Montana State). I would always follow the Big Sky, not really showing loyalty to any side (just enjoy the festivities). I move to Portland the same year PSU moved to the Big Sky. I started going to just PSU/Montana and PSU/Montana State games, then realized that PSU had some pretty good teams (Tim Walsh was the coach), so I started going to some more. Pretty soon I was going regularly and really haven't stopped. And that is how a Montanan became a Portland State fan.xthumbsupx

November 4th, 2015, 09:16 PM
Yep, played Spider football. Ironically, Mike London was my position coach.

November 4th, 2015, 09:19 PM
Played for one and "DNA before BA" for t'other

November 4th, 2015, 09:23 PM
Born and raised in Fargo. Spent many impressionable Saturdays watching the Bison greats of the 80's. Went there through the leaner years of the mid to late 90's graduating in 98. Most of my cousins went to UND, poor bastards.:D

November 4th, 2015, 10:37 PM
For all intents and purposes, I should be a smelly Coyote fan. Grew up less than 30 minutes away from Vermin Town, attended NYSP (National Youth Sports Program) at the Dakota Dump (which almost all the counselors were USD athletes), and I had a fair amount of older relatives that were alums there. Heck, I even had a few shirts with the actual USD logo on it instead of the altered logo with the caption "Bend Over and Take It Like a Coyote".

Of course, all this exposure to the University of South Dakota worked against me attending there, for it made me realize that's where all living things go to die, and I was much too young for that.

As I was advancing in age, I heard legends of a town a hour and half north of where I lived called "Brookings." It was said to be place of milk and honey and was promised by the Jewish God to Moses and his followers, but alas, they weren't a seafaring people, so they had to settle on Canaan instead.

My brother made the perilous journey up I-29 the year before I did and reported back, explaining there were no words that could accurately describe the beauty of South Dakota State University.

After experiencing the lightest of light (and knowing of the darkest of dark), I was saddened when I was cast out of Elysium by this thing called "graduation". Now, only SDSU athletics can bring me back to a time when I knew Heaven on Earth.

Thumper 76
November 4th, 2015, 11:02 PM
Grew up in Northern Wisconsin, never even had heard of anything besides DI (FBS, go Badgers), DII, and DIII football. Ended up wandering west from the sticks to Brookings, fell in love with the town and how happy people were there (plus it was a big city to me xlolx). Dabbled at State for a couple years and have been a fan ever since. Barely follow the Badgers anymore. Go Jacks!

November 4th, 2015, 11:42 PM
Myself, my sister and both brothers went to MSU-Mankato so I became a Mav fan.
MSU-Mankato is by far the steepest stadium I have ever been in (and I've been in quite a few). Felt like if I tripped on my way to my seat, I'd fall right out onto the field.

Another bit about me becoming a Western fan...didn't hurt that the house I grew up in and the house I currently live in are both less than 3/4 of a mile from our stadium.

November 5th, 2015, 12:21 AM
I am a legacy. That being said, growing up NDSU didn't even exist in western ND, and UND barely did. NDSU wasn't even a little bit popular outside of the Fargo region until 2010ish, now it is the only thing no matter where you are. It may have been like that back in the 80s, but it sure as hell wasn't from about 1993-2005. Back then everyone wore NFL coats and Chicago bulls gear, now you can't throw a rock without hitting someone in NDSU clothes.

November 5th, 2015, 06:21 AM
I came up to Fargo for school 16 years ago, been hooked ever since. I'm a southerner by birth but my home state had no competitive college football to follow. Im from South Dakota:D

November 5th, 2015, 06:48 AM
Proud graduate of the College of Knowledge. Met my wife in class at W&M, she also earned a graduate degree there, married in the Wren Chapel on campus, three kids first onesies were crested with "Tribe," and we're all willing to travel 3,000 miles to watch a W&M exhibition sporting event.




November 5th, 2015, 07:11 AM
I didnt attend UNH, hence my username, as I wanted something different for a college experience. I grew up in NH, and most of my friends and graduating class went to UNH, I just didnt want college to be HS all over again.

However, my family was always huge sports fans growing up, mostly pro sports as college sports in NE are pretty much non-existent. When I was 14, my dad put on ESPN to watch UNH play Georgia Southern in that playoffs, which back then was a new thing... Watching that game had me hooked. I never knew New Hampshire football was even D1 at the time and because I liked college sports more than my family did, I have followed them in depth ever since. I played HS football and knew a lot of the kids on the UNH teams of those years, and stayed connected that way too. I almost look at the football team separately from the university, even though that really doesnt make sense. To me, it was more about NH football than the University of New Hampshire. I now have an awesome job working for BAE Systems in NH, and plan on staying in NH. I love this place and to have decent football makes it even better.

When it comes to this board, I think I found it sometime in 2007 or 2008 maybe, but was a lurker for a long time. It was nice to see others talking about FCS football. I finally joined in on the conversation in 2009 when UNH had just beat Villanova to remain undefeated and reach #1. Then a week later they lost to UMass...

November 5th, 2015, 08:32 AM
I was a Texas Longhorn fan growing up in South Texas, but was a latch-key kid of a single mom teacher. My father remarried a lady who was a librarian. I didn't do the typical youth sports thing, but instead spent my time at the local library. We moved to Louisiana when I was 10 and discovered recreation league sports.

I was a voracious reader, so I started to read the sports section of my local paper hoping to find information on the Longhorns, who were - at the time - concluding Earl Campbell's time at UT. Occasionally there were UT articles, but the local paper covered McNeese state VERY thoroughly. The sports editor, a guy named Bobby Dower, was a McNeese alum and wrote about them every day. Soon, I felt like I knew the Cowboys even though I was still a dyed in the wool Longhorn fan..Gradually, through Bobby's reportage, I came to like the Cowboys as much as I liked the Longhorns.

When I got to High School, McNeese had a great run and went to the Independence Bowl in 79 and 80. Plus, there were guys who were playing there that I'd played against as a Sophomore and as a Junior in HS.

When time to pick a college rolled around, I had a Naval ROTC scholarship that would have paid my way to UT, but I had football offers from a several of the schools then in the Southland Conference, and had discussions about partials with a couple of larger schools. I'd become a full-fledged McNeese fan and when they offered, late, I jumped at the chance. Three of my former HS teammates were already there, as well as guys I knew from competing against them on the football field and the track.

I briefly considered trying to play at UT, but I realized that the terms of the NROTC scholarship were such that I probably wouldn't have been able to play and fulfill my commitment to the ROTC program.

I chose to accept the McNeese scholarship and got a huge kick out of reading Bobby Dower's stories about games I played in. Later, I would work for Bobby as a stringer when I finished my eligibitlity and that led to my first professional job after college, first as a sports writer for a small daily then getting promoted to sports editor and finally to news editor.

I guess I ended up as a Cowboy because of Bobby Dower. And, I ended up writing about the news because of him. Later, I got offered job doing what I do now as a result of an investigative piece I did, so I can probably even blame him for my current career too...

Bobby passed away last year, but I got a chance to visit him in the hospital right before he died and I was able to thank him for turning me into a Cowboy fan...

Cool Story. xthumbsupx

November 5th, 2015, 08:53 AM
My wife decided to play a childish prank on me one time and sleep with the entire Lafayette football team, so to get back at her I started rooting for Lehigh. I think she learned her lesson

November 5th, 2015, 08:56 AM
My parents both went to UND, so we made the 300 mile trek across the state for football and basketball multiple times per year. Growing up I pretty much knew I would go to UND. Went there and my second senior year UND won the D2 national title, which we drove down to Alabama to watch. Great experience.

November 5th, 2015, 09:01 AM
Played football for Towson (State) 1989-1993. Put into the HOF in '13.

November 5th, 2015, 09:18 AM
Mine's a rather weird one---I am originally from Central Illinois so went to undergrad school at Western Illinois and was a football fan of the Leathernecks in the late sixties and early seventies when Daryl Mudra coached. Moved to Southern Illinois for grad school and ended up staying for the last 40 years as a SIU Saluiki football fan--got stronger when we won the 1AA National Title in 1983

November 5th, 2015, 09:31 AM
Neil Lomax and Mouse Davis. Yeah I'm old.

That's awesome. The father of the Run and Shoot.

November 5th, 2015, 09:35 AM
I started at JMU as a freshman August 2005 and they made sure to drive home the recent national championship and success of the football team to the new freshman.
The football program was "division 2 but still good" as some would say. It was a fun Saturday diversion and most people in the community cared about a winning football program. There were some that have a daddy that went to tech or UVA that just couldn't get over the fact that we're not "big time", but most didn't care about that crap.
Sustained success from 04-08 help to build the fan base to where it is today. Some current students who haven't see as much success from 09-13 have started to become more apathetic, but the last two seasons and college gameday has helped rebuild enthusiasm in the short term.
I was just a freshman at the right time and have been rooting for 10 years now.

November 5th, 2015, 09:36 AM
I grew up an Alabama fan in the 80's/90's. Then I graduated from Jax St. I maintained split loyalty between Alabama/JSU, until the mid/late 00's. Couldn't take the idiocy of a sizeable part of the Alabama fan base. Plus, I graduated from JSU...right? Once I was in, I was all in.

November 5th, 2015, 09:37 AM

November 5th, 2015, 09:44 AM
My wife decided to play a childish prank on me one time and sleep with the entire Lafayette football team, so to get back at her I started rooting for Lehigh. I think she learned her lesson

I thought that you were going to say to get back at her you slept with all the Lafayette cheerleaders.

November 5th, 2015, 09:49 AM
The father of the Run and Shoot.

Huh? Au contrairie mes amie.

November 5th, 2015, 09:50 AM
MSU-Mankato is by far the steepest stadium I have ever been in (and I've been in quite a few). Felt like if I tripped on my way to my seat, I'd fall right out onto the field..

No kidding. I sit right in front of the press box door. Years ago MSU had a student assistant who had some physical problems walking. We had commented on how they should have an elevator, or reassign him to ground level instead of making him make at least four trips a game up and down those stairs. Sure enough, he lost his balance and lucky that I and another guy caught him or he would have been a human bowling ball going down those steps. I'm in Row Q and A is at the bottom. GREAT place to watch a game, with no track around the field you are on top of the action.

When were you at Blakeslee? The old girl really should be replaced. I got a call last week about what i would like to see in a new stadium.

November 5th, 2015, 10:05 AM
When were you at Blakeslee? The old girl really should be replaced. I got a call last week about what i would like to see in a new stadium.

During summers, I marched with drum and bugle corps (for those that don't know, it's essentially like a professional marching band, minus woodwinds...tour all over the country during the summer performing at competitions with other corps...that's how I've been to a lot of stadiums) for 7 years. 3 of those years ('95, '97, '00), the corps I was marching with performed at the show in Mankato at MSU's stadium. I also attended a drum corps show there a few years after I'd stopped marching (probably around '02 or '03).

So, essentially 4 times, during the summers, in the late 90's and early '00s.

I specifically remember not having enough room on the front sideline to have the drum major podium up at the front...the DM had to stand in the front row of the stands to conduct. Plus, looking up at the stands from the field, it felt like the audience was practically on top of you.

Only other stadium I've seen like that is the 3rd deck of Maryland's Byrd Stadium (https://goo.gl/maps/WWYS9u3kyqy)...it's not quite as steep as Mankato, I think, but a combination of the height and the steepness makes it feel pretty severe.

November 5th, 2015, 10:09 AM
the corps I was marching with performed at the show in Mankato at MSU's stadium. I also attended a drum corps show there a few years after I'd stopped marching (probably around '02 or '03).

The "Thunder of Drums" usually close to the 4th of July. They would have fireworks.

Next year it will be on July 6th. http://www.thunderofdrums.org/

November 5th, 2015, 10:13 AM
The "Thunder of Drums" usually close to the 4th of July. They would have fireworks.

Next year it will be on July 6th. http://www.thunderofdrums.org/

Blue Coats -1.5

November 5th, 2015, 10:13 AM
The "Thunder of Drums" usually close to the 4th of July. They would have fireworks.

Next year it will be on July 6th. http://www.thunderofdrums.org/

That's the one.

November 5th, 2015, 10:16 AM
Blue Coats -1.5

only -1.5?....over Scouts and Colts? I would give Bluecoats at least -5.

November 5th, 2015, 10:20 AM
I played football for a small team in Illinois but i didn't have the grades or playing ability to get into the school I really wanted!

long story short, I ended up attending a small JUCO called Holy cross. After a few semesters there I was able to get accepted to my dream school! and convinced the coach to allow me to play on the team. I have loved it ever since!

Pretty incredible story, but you left out the part about working at the the steel mill!

November 5th, 2015, 10:23 AM
I had no real knowledge of EIU until touring the campus in the mid 90s. I liked the campus and size of the school. First weekend on campus I went to my first game and started a streak of home games that lasted till my first child was born a decade later.

Met my wife in the rec center and we've been together since. We started going to bball games that first winter and made it part of our lives (football too obviously). Got to see Romo play his whole career. The 2000-01 basketball season with Domercant and Hill averaging 25ppg apiece and making the NCAA tourney. Met coach Spoo a few times, very polite and patient guy. All good memories.

November 5th, 2015, 10:23 AM
only -1.5?....over Scouts and Colts? I would give Bluecoats at least -5.

Scouts....don't follow as closely as I once did so I didn't dare give a bigger number

November 5th, 2015, 10:24 AM
I grew up in Breckenridge Minnesota, about 45 miles south of Fargo, during the 80's and 90's and grew up watching NDSU football games on tv. I always knew I wanted to go to school there so I did and graduated with a degree in Civil Engineering in the mid 2000's.

The last 5 years I have taken my 3 sons tailgating before games and they love it. I took off a few days and took them to Fargo for fan day before the season. They LOVED it and still talk about running around on the field.


November 5th, 2015, 10:25 AM
Scouts....don't follow as closely as I once did so I didn't dare give a bigger number

Bluecoats got really good (when I was marching they were borderline top-12). Last year they got 3rd and Scouts were 8th.

November 5th, 2015, 10:26 AM
I grew up in Breckenridge Minnesota, about 45 miles south of Fargo, during the 80's and 90's and grew up watching NDSU football games on tv. I always knew I wanted to go to school there so I did and graduated with a degree in Civil Engineering in the mid 2000's.

The last 5 years I have taken my 3 sons tailgating before games and they love it. I took off a few days and took them to Fargo for fan day before the season. They LOVED it and still talk about running around on the field.


Me too.

November 5th, 2015, 10:34 AM
Just a very happy alumnus of Richmond. Started rooting for the Spiders when I got to campus. Tougher to see them a lot now that I am up in New England, but happy to cheer them on this Saturday.

November 5th, 2015, 10:39 AM
Enrolled at UD (1981).

November 5th, 2015, 10:41 AM
My dad is an SDSU alum so we would make the 3 hour trek from Pierre to Brookings several times for games, usually the Hobo Day game or the USD game. After the game we would always play football in the north end zone of Coughlin, back when the trees were still there.

Growing up, didn't really pay too much attention to college football or basketball but the games were almost always on the radio in our house. I decided my senior year of high school that I wasn't going to follow the rest of my school to SDSU or USD so I started looking elsewhere. After much consideration, I ended up at Southwest Minnesota State in Marshall, Minn. (I almost ended up at NDSU, something my wife (an NDSU alum) still gives me crap for). After attending a semester and a half there, I decided it didn't feel like a college so I was going to transfer to SDSU, where my sister already attended and loved.

My first football game as a college student at SDSU, I was hooked. I don't think I missed a home football game after I started attending SDSU while I was in college, many of them standing on the rail and eventually to the press box to cover the team.

So long story short, SDSU was always in my blood, just took me a while to get there.

November 5th, 2015, 10:43 AM
Was a juco athlete out of HS. Showed up at NDSU during the fall of 83 where Bentrim and Company won their first DII title. The rest of the decade was pretty damn good too!

November 5th, 2015, 10:53 AM
Grew up 8 miles from the University of Delaware. Followed them for most of my life. However 50% of my graduating class went there for college, and another 25% transferred in. I didn't want college to be high school 2.0, so I looked elsewhere. I fell in love with Coastal after a visit, and enrolled in December of 2009. I have been following their athletic programs since that spring. Then the rest is history.

November 5th, 2015, 11:31 AM
Originally started off as a Holy Cross fan after attending my first game up there when Gordie Lockbaum was playing. Switched allegiances when my son attended SFU. I still follow the Crusaders but the Red Flash are now #1 to me.

November 5th, 2015, 11:34 AM
Went to Towson and instantly became a fan.

November 5th, 2015, 11:39 AM
long story short, I ended up attending a small JUCO called Holy cross...

Hand on a Bible in a lightning storm true story, I got recruited pretty hard by this school called "Embry Riddle" that I'd never heard of. Thought it was one of those diploma mills you always heard about in the Washington Post where people sent in some money and got a degree, only to get caught later and lose their job, because who the hell has "Riddle" in the name of a college!?! So I kept throwing the stuff in the trash thinking it was a waste of time, now I keep seeing how they're the #1 aero engineering school in the US for like 15 straight years and all these other national accolades for engineering and innovation... My bad!

November 5th, 2015, 12:00 PM
Hand on a Bible in a lightning storm true story, I got recruited pretty hard by this school called "Embry Riddle" that I'd never heard of. Thought it was one of those diploma mills you always heard about in the Washington Post where people sent in some money and got a degree, only to get caught later and lose their job, because who the hell has "Riddle" in the name of a college!?! So I kept throwing the stuff in the trash thinking it was a waste of time, now I keep seeing how they're the #1 aero engineering school in the US for like 15 straight years and all these other national accolades for engineering and innovation... My bad!
It's a really good college! They used to recruit all of the air wingers from the marine corps, and get them jobs in fields like avionics making boatloads of money.

Evolution Prime
November 5th, 2015, 12:13 PM
Grew up in Arlington, SD which is 20 miles west of Brookings. So its always been right there. Plus both my parents went to SDSU. I also did ushering and selling programs at SDSU games in the early 90's with the Boy Scouts when they still did that sort of thing.

November 5th, 2015, 12:49 PM
I got recruited pretty hard by this school called "Embry Riddle" .
now I keep seeing how they're the #1 aero engineering school in the US for like 15 straight years. My bad!

One of my former students/football players went there. I hadn't heard of it. Now he works in aviation for the state of Louisiana and sends me LSU apparel. Doing quite well for himself!

November 5th, 2015, 01:14 PM
From Greeneville, Tennessee, originally (about 35 mi or so W of ETSU). Was enamored of them when I was growing up since they had a really decent men's basketball program (darn near became the first 16 seed in the NCAA tournament to shock the world one year, also liked UT). Considered going there when I was in high school for the longest time before my senior year before moving on consider other places such as Clemson (my dad's alma mater) and Tiger High (Memphis), to name a few. Ended up going to my uncle's alma mater and major in mechanical engineering, graduated there but had no job. Went to ETSU's MBA program and lasted all of one semester, switched to computer science (undergrad) and never looked back. I graduated, still had no job to show for it and headed to Appalachian State's computer science program. When ETSU ended their football program, I was this close to disassociating myself with them (also quit going to ASU and joined the Navy). You can see my signature for the rest of the story.

November 5th, 2015, 02:15 PM
Went to a Harvard-UMass game in September of my freshman year, and decided it was a pretty good way to spend a fall Saturday afternoon! Got me out of the library, that's for sure!

November 5th, 2015, 02:16 PM
attended UM (did not graduate xdrunkyx) , grew up in msla. lived there 20 years.

November 5th, 2015, 02:22 PM
When I was in the 11th grade, the VMI alums sponsored a bus trip to Lex for any and all interested Metro-Richmond high schoolers......it just happened that was the Saturday, in 1974, that VMI beat E C U to win the SoCon!

November 5th, 2015, 02:53 PM
attended UM (did not graduate xdrunkyx) , grew up in msla. lived there 20 years.

We call that "Class of Infinity"
I am also a member

November 5th, 2015, 02:59 PM
I graduated in 2007. UND finally moved up to FCS in 2008. This is when I started following closely.

Hockey was the sport I attended most in college. I went to a few games but it was tough to convince friends to go watch UND play teams like Winona State.

November 5th, 2015, 03:04 PM
I graduated in 2007. UND finally moved up to FCS in 2008. This is when I started following closely.

Hockey was the sport I attended most in college. I went to a few games but it was tough to convince friends to go watch UND play teams like Winona State.

But they readily go watch them play Rochester Institute of Technology.xlolx

November 5th, 2015, 03:23 PM
I graduated a year after Jimmye Lacock at W&M. Marv Levy and Lou Holtz were coaching. Rooting forever, much patience.

November 5th, 2015, 04:12 PM
I can remember moving to Lake Charles in late August of 1971. I was 15, almost 16, and had lived all but 6 months of my life in Dallas, TX. I thought fate had really dealt me a terrible blow in life. To move from Dallas to Lake Charles, LA!!!! As a teenager, things just couldn't be any worse. I especially loved football, and while living in Dallas I had gone to and/or watched every kind of football game I could. It didn't matter what level; Jr. High games, High school games, College games and even Dallas Cowboy games. I mean football in Texas, especially Dallas, was better than anything in Louisiana. Or at least I thought so at the time.

Anyway, here I was in Lake Charles suffering cultural shock, as LC didn't even have ONE SHOPPING MALL or even a MCDONALDS! Then after only being in Lake Charles for a couple of weeks, my next door neighbor asked me if I wanted to go to a football game with him, and I said yes without even really asking what game. He told me that we were going to go watch McNeese lose (his words). It seems that McNeese hadn't been doing especially well at that time. There was a good crowd at the game and most of crowd had come to watch McNeese play a game that they thought McNeese had a good probability of losing. But you know what? McNeese won that night. I had fun, a lot of fun. And I got hooked on McNeese Football. From then on I would turn down dates if they weren't willing to take me to the game on Saturday night. I loved watching McNeese play. And I wasn't alone. Every home game, there was a stadium full of people who loved watching McNeese play. Did you catch the fact that I wrote "loved watching McNeese PLAY?” McNeese fans came to watch McNeese play. Back then we didn't take winning for granted. Fans just loved watching McNeese play in those days, and when McNeese won it was icing on the cake!

I know that goals need to be set in order for teams to constantly get better, but in setting goals we should realize that work and fun can and should be achieved along the way. Perhaps trying to reach for "The Goal of a Championship" has caused us McNeese fans (and other team's fans) to lose the ability to really enjoy every kind of victory (the victories from not just winning games, but watching good hard fought football games with individual players making good plays).

I long to be 15 again for many reasons (too many to name), but for no greater reason today than to go back and just enjoy WATCHING McNeese football in Cowboy Stadium, where God surely must have wanted all football games to be played.

November 5th, 2015, 04:15 PM
I long to be 15 again for many reasons (too many to name), but for no greater reason today than to go back and just enjoy WATCHING McNeese football in Cowboy Stadium, where God surely must have wanted all football games to be played.

LOL, that's an awesome quote!

Go Lehigh TU Owl
November 5th, 2015, 04:34 PM

November 5th, 2015, 05:12 PM
Like a lot of HC fans, I was basically born a Crusader fan. Dad was an alumnus as were many uncles and older cousins. Nevah played, one of my brothers walked on, but i did do the games on WCHC for two years. Lot of highs and lows lo these 40+ years but i wouldn't trade following HC for anything or anyone.

November 5th, 2015, 05:39 PM
Played there not all that long ago, older sister went there so I visited and loved it. The campus is beautiful, the people I met and played with are life long friends. Met my soon to be wife there. The addition of the new 1/2 stadium was incredible, it's just sad we couldn't fill it.

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SFA 93
November 5th, 2015, 05:54 PM
Only two hours from my hometown and I loved the campus.

My first class was Civil War & Reconstruction with the late Dr. Archie McDonald, the President of the Texas Historical Society, who taught at SFA for almost 50 years and wrote more than 20 books on history. Three times a week and started every class with a 10 question quiz.

His wife Judy McDonald was the Mayor of Nac.

SFA was also enjoying the best year in school history with football (1989) my senior year in high school, making it all the way to the Division I AA Finals behind Lumberjack greats Larry Centers and Todd Hammel.


https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSWlTRvdRgSCMj66STL7kfTvGoL6h9mT zsOawM8qDVGA7JDGpp9

November 5th, 2015, 06:13 PM
Wait, what? SFA went the finals?? When was that?

Oh...wait.....you said 1989. My bad! See, I had them down for a 9 win year, with no playoff participation ;)

November 5th, 2015, 06:15 PM
LU alum 87-91 go flames

November 5th, 2015, 06:24 PM
I graduated in 2007. UND finally moved up to FCS in 2008. This is when I started following closely.

Hockey was the sport I attended most in college. I went to a few games but it was tough to convince friends to go watch UND play teams like Winona State.

When you live in a state that has Virginia and Virginia tech in it, it's a hard sell to get people to show up for even our rivals, Richmond, William and Mary, Delaware and Villanova. It's the same mentality.

November 5th, 2015, 06:28 PM
I graduated in 2007. UND finally moved up to FCS in 2008. This is when I started following closely.

Hockey was the sport I attended most in college. I went to a few games but it was tough to convince friends to go watch UND play teams like Winona State.

Don't rub it in. Winona gave us our only loss so far this season. :(

November 5th, 2015, 08:17 PM
1983 Jeff Bentrim's freshman year, and Im older then Jeff yikes!

November 5th, 2015, 08:35 PM
I was recruited and entered Lehigh in September 1970. Played into my sophomore year when I sustained an injury to my sternum, which ended my playing days. However, I still kept 'with the program' by working out in the off season with my football buddies, still running routes in the gym for the QBs, because football was always in my life. My father was a high school coach, so I was on the bench as a water boy by the age of 6. Ended up playing against my dad in high school since we lived in a different district. My senior year was recruited by Lehigh, Lafayette, Delaware, Cornell and a number of D-III schools, Ursinus, Muhlenberg, Juniata, and a few outside of PA that I can't recall anymore. Decision came down between Lehigh and Lafayette. LU had more academic options since at the time I wasn't sure what my major was going to be, plus I had 'inside information' that LC's coach, Harry Gamble, was likely leaving to be the new HC at Penn, which did come to pass. Lehigh's HC, Fred Dunlap was a real class act,too, and the campus just felt like home to me when I visited. I have been a supporter of Lehigh football ever since, as well as many other sports at the University.

November 5th, 2015, 10:16 PM
Played football there. Then life got busy. But after many years of living in MN, CA, OR, AR, WI I always felt something was missing and I had the need to reconnect with NDSU. But I put it off because---hell I thought every thing had changed and probably wouldnt know anyone etc etc.. So its about 10 years ago and I am looking for a football game on TV and what pops up? NDSU vs Minnesota. After watching that game I couldnt wait till Monday to call NDSU. My first call I somehow get connected to Teammakers and Pat Simmers who I had played with. Told him I wanted to reconnect and he made arrangements for ticket to a game. I drove up by myself from from AR. After watching the game I gave Simmers 100.00 for my TM dues and have been a season ticket holder ever since.
WE just moved to MN to be closer to Fargo and Bison football. I feel like I have come home.

November 6th, 2015, 02:50 AM
When I moved to Oregon, I began to follow Portland State football during the Pokey Allen Glory days. I was so sad to see him move to Boise State, but Tim Walsh managed to keep a winning team on the field even though we were going through the Big Sky growing pains. The extreme difficulties of the Glannvile/Burton years was almost enough for me to reconsider giving up entirely. But even though I was working in China, I still followed the team hoping and wishing they would turn things around. Coach Barnum has changed all that when he took over.

I still remember checking Yahoo news when I was going to work that Sunday morning ( we had to make up a school day for an extra day the school was closed during a Chinese holiday) and I was stopped and was stunned in disbelief when I read the headline that the Portland State Vikings had upset Washington State. From that day on my faith in PSU was restored and now I proudly wear my PSU jersey every Monday morning after a Viking victory. Now every chance I get I say GO VIKS!!!! GO BARNYBALL.

November 6th, 2015, 07:41 AM
I had no real knowledge of EIU until touring the campus in the mid 90s. I liked the campus and size of the school. First weekend on campus I went to my first game and started a streak of home games that lasted till my first child was born a decade later.

Met my wife in the rec center and we've been together since. We started going to bball games that first winter and made it part of our lives (football too obviously). Got to see Romo play his whole career. The 2000-01 basketball season with Domercant and Hill averaging 25ppg apiece and making the NCAA tourney. Met coach Spoo a few times, very polite and patient guy. All good memories.

Then you also saw Jesse Mackinson, he's a really cool dude.

November 6th, 2015, 07:41 AM
I was given the chance to walk-on the Tribe in 86. Lucky enough to have played the next 5 years. Great school - Great football.

November 6th, 2015, 08:10 AM
3 older brothers went to ILS, we were the first generation in our family to finish HS, let alone make it to college

Grew up almost exactly 1/2 way between BLO-NO and shambanna, EVERYBODY was an illannoy fan, except me

I remember camping out on the sidewalk in front of venerable Horton Fieldhouse to get tix to see this guy named Doug Collins play basketball against the nationally ranked Houston Cougars

I remember going to basketball games with my brothers and watching this rather odd looking guy named Bird light up the scoreboard, the Bradley coach with a bad afro, and the schocker coach the fans loved to hate.

Went to a concert in August, 1979 to see this band from Australia that I was certain was going to make the amps and speakers blow, singing songs about being back in black.

We never missed a homecoming Saturday as long as I had a brother in school, seemed like it was ALWAYS raining on the parade and the opponent was always Ball state.

I remember back when I was in HS Illannoy seemed to be on NCAA probation for something all the time, and I never resisted the opportunity to get in a jab with my buddies about how ILS held themselves to a higher standard and weren't just another dirty athletic program, you know, the "everybody does it" argument(boy those times have changed)

I applied to go there, back then ILS was NOT a school of first or even 2nd choice, they were a fallback plan, took pretty much everybody and anybody. So it was no surprise that I was accepted, but I was really looking for at least a chance to keep playing baseball. Just by shear dumm luck they were willing to give me that chance by letting me walk-on and there I was, officially a Redbird, following in the footsteps of 3 older brothers.

November 6th, 2015, 08:49 AM
One other side note, did I forget to mention that Jamey Chadwell (the guy I nominated to succeed Torbush when he retires) was in my finance class at ETSU when I went there?

November 6th, 2015, 09:44 AM
Then you also saw Jesse Mackinson, he's a really cool dude.

Yep I remember him too.

November 6th, 2015, 10:03 AM
Yep I remember him too.

We do quite a bit of work with him in my "professional" life.

He's back home running the family dairy.

Gets more "tit" now than he ever did in college I'm sure.

November 6th, 2015, 10:09 AM
Son was recruited by a few FCS programs but situations weren't working out to his liking. Got a scholarship offer late in the process and decided to give it a shot. Four years and two conference championships later he is very happy with his decision and would do it again in a second. We all met a bunch of wonderful people and made a lot of new friends along the way.

November 6th, 2015, 10:11 AM
We all met a bunch of wonderful people and made a lot of new friends along the way.

and at the end of the day, that's what its really all about

Ex Pat
November 6th, 2015, 10:37 AM
My family moved from the Twin Cities area to Mayville ND (small town smack dab in between Fargo and Grand Forks) when I was 13. The town was split 50/50 Bison/Sioux, even featured in the NFL films piece (my little brother can be seen in the background of the restaurant scene). Shortly after my aunt who lived in Fargo became ill so we spent most weekends with her family. Her husband was a season ticket holder and took my cousin and I to the games. This was during a relative lean time in Bison football- mid 90's. However because of that we would just stroll down to the sidelines and bug players and have a field level view. It's still hard to fathom there was a time when you could roll into a half empty dome, sit in the front row, and cheer the bison on against the likes of Mankato State.

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Bison Fan in NW MN
November 6th, 2015, 11:50 AM
Grew up in western ND that had a pretty good Bison following.

Graduated from NDSU. I have been a fan/supporter since the 80s.

November 6th, 2015, 12:45 PM
When you live in a state that has Virginia and Virginia tech in it, it's a hard sell to get people to show up for even our rivals, Richmond, William and Mary, Delaware and Villanova. It's the same mentality.

I often point out that two schools in Virginia have won a National Championship in football (a real one, with playoffs). Neither one has "Virginia" in its name.

November 6th, 2015, 12:50 PM
I often point out that two schools in Virginia have won a National Championship in football (a real one, with playoffs). Neither one has "Virginia" in its name.

One more...


November 6th, 2015, 12:54 PM
One more...


I have much respect for RMC but it isn't Division I and they didn't complete the playoffs. Who sets up a final four and then awards a co-national-championship to the semi-final winners without a final game? (The NCAA, I guess) :)

November 6th, 2015, 01:30 PM
Mom is from Fergus Falls and she grew up with the Bison during the 70s and 80s. Dad grew up in Iowa City and was fed the Hawks daily for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner in the 60s and 70s. I chose the Bison since I didn't want to have to deal with the Gophers every year and planned on going for engineering. 6 years later and I'm still working on graduating, except this time, not with what I started with. Being from the TC, I can say i truly despise the Gophers. They are like Alabama fans, except they believe they are better than them and the rest of the country.

What fans have you met?? I graduated from Minnesota and there was never a mentality like that....xconfusedx

As for contributing to the thread, my dad went to NDSU and had season tickets his entire life...when I was born in 92 my mom and dad added another seat to their season tickets when I wasn't able to get in for free any more xnodx. Family bleeds BISON football, grew up in Fargo for 18 years, and I went to Minnesota because of better academics.

November 6th, 2015, 02:23 PM
I played for it, thus the handle :)

November 6th, 2015, 02:25 PM
Plus the fact that my parents are both alums and were taking me to games when I was 5.

November 6th, 2015, 02:38 PM
What fans have you met?? I graduated from Minnesota and there was never a mentality like that....xconfusedx

As for contributing to the thread, my dad went to NDSU and had season tickets his entire life...when I was born in 92 my mom and dad added another seat to their season tickets when I wasn't able to get in for free any more xnodx. Family bleeds BISON football, grew up in Fargo for 18 years, and I went to Minnesota because of better academics.

Grew up in Hopkins and most of my high school teachers and friends bled maroon and gold. Every time I'd have a discussion about possibly going to Iowa or NDSU, even to non faculty, it was met with harshness and a negative attitude. I asked them why I should go there and it was the same response along these lines. "It's the U! The best place on earth!" Also, I love hockey and couldn't stand the mentality that they believed they were God's gift to mankind for hockey.

November 6th, 2015, 03:55 PM
I often point out that two schools in Virginia have won a National Championship in football (a real one, with playoffs). Neither one has "Virginia" in its name.
yes but they never take it seriously because it's "lower level", "division 2".

November 6th, 2015, 09:46 PM
Don't rub it in. Winona gave us our only loss so far this season. :(

Would that be this Winona that Walmart is selling jerseys for?


November 6th, 2015, 10:13 PM
Would that be this Winona that Walmart is selling jerseys for?


Yeap, but the bear is the wrong logo.

The Fargo walmart would always have random Oregon and Marshall stuff hung up in the Bison section.

November 6th, 2015, 11:38 PM
My grandpa (RIP) was a manager at the NDSU bookstore for more than 20 years. Him and his 5 sons including my dad also worked at all of the football games doing concession work so they went to all of the games. My grandpa also sang at many of the basketball games back in the DII days. He passed his Green and Yellow blood all the way down through my dad to me.

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Doc QB
November 7th, 2015, 07:56 PM
My father played at DB at Lehigh, I went to games from age two. I followed his footsteps and played ther as well. Beem to 20+ Lehigh-Laff games. Now in my 40's, I take my kids, after moving back to Lehigh Valley in PA four years ago. Seeing old teammates get back to campus is always special, and we get close to 100 guys from our 'era' each year for the Rivalry when its a home game.

November 7th, 2015, 10:09 PM
My father played at DB at Lehigh, I went to games from age two. I followed his footsteps and played ther as well. Beem to 20+ Lehigh-Laff games. Now in my 40's, I take my kids, after moving back to Lehigh Valley in PA four years ago. Seeing old teammates get back to campus is always special, and we get close to 100 guys from our 'era' each year for the Rivalry when its a home game.

Yes, it's a special bond. Those of us from the 1971-75 era have been having a dinner in the Asa Packer Dining Room after the L-L game when it is home, and this year our HC Fred Dunlap and his family will be joining us. Hopefully, we'll be celebrating a PL championship, as well.

November 7th, 2015, 10:12 PM
Would that be this Winona that Walmart is selling jerseys for?

Winona State is purple and they are the Warriors. They have a Spartan type logo though.


November 7th, 2015, 11:40 PM
Winona State is purple and they are the Warriors. They have a Spartan type logo though.


Yeah this is clearly a misprinted shirt. Thought about buying it but was to mad that a company created in Arkansas can't get an Arkansas team right on the jerseys they order and really probably didn't care. Though it was cool to see the mismatch. A Winona jersey with UCA logos. Walmart sells cheap crap.

November 7th, 2015, 11:41 PM
My dad took me to my first game in 1989. Hooked.

November 8th, 2015, 01:50 AM
Dad was a huge NDSU Bison fan. He took me to my first game when I was 5. When I saw the teams warming up, I was convinced we were watching the Green Bay Packers, since the NDSU Bison had very similar green-on-yellow home uniforms. I remember proudly telling my dad I was cheering for those guys in the white shirts (the Morningside Maroon Chiefs), because I knew no self-respecting Vikings fan would ever support the Packers. Dad got a big laugh, explained to me that the guys in green were the guys we cheered for on the radio, and got a new story to tell his friends about how he had to "convert" his son. Dad passed this year... thanks for the memory.

November 8th, 2015, 03:29 AM
My journey is a whole lot different than most here.

It all began when I was trying to research college football teams way back in the early 2000's. I noticed that Harvard's football program, though not as rich in tradition as the other Ivies, was on the rise. The rest became history, and I added my other "all-season" college team (Chicago) just a few years ago.

Meanwhile, I have also backed several other teams over the years, most notably my cousins' alma maters who are FCS members (Albany, Stony Brook and now ETSU), but they have been inconsistent on the field.

As for the FBS side, I used to root for Michigan, but don't ask me why I don't care much about them anymore.

November 9th, 2015, 07:08 AM
Went to games with friends before college, the 1988 playoff team with four draft picks (D2) that lost to eventual National Champion Texas A&I featuring Johnny Bailey at tailback, are still some of my childhood heroes........in school and just out of school for the 45 game conference losing streak........never missed a home game......was there for the upset of Tech to break the streak, into first D1 winning season in 2005, playoffs in 2006- and have not missed a home conference game since then, and rarely miss a conference away game.....I would say that when you spend so long at the bottom, it has been awesome the past ten years to live on the bubble and even make it in once. It would be great to get back again this year, but if not they are and will always be my team- UTM

November 9th, 2015, 07:37 AM
Johnny Bailey...that's a name I haven't heard in a long time....3 Time Harlon Hill winner ( Division II's version of the Walter Payton Award).

I covered a couple of his games at A&I when I wrote for The Caller-Times in Corpus Christi.

Great player. Gone far too soon to pancreatic cancer...

November 9th, 2015, 07:47 AM
.....YOU-DEE CHEERLEADER [email protected] 12...........KC...SEND US YER X-FER OVERFLOW............FIRE BRAWK

November 9th, 2015, 10:54 AM
lol in South Dakota you either "Screw the U" or 'Hate State" for me it was Northern State Wolves ... ;) then I moved to Brookings in the early 90's, loved the town, enjoyed the sports events at SDSU. Then came the transition to D1 and seeing the way they transitioned. Then the SDSU women's bball team went on their run and really pulled me back in. The last 7-8 years I make the trip to Brookings 2-3 times for football games, and 5-6 times for bball games. My daughter will be starting at State next year, so I am sure I will be up there a lot more.

Gil Dobie
November 9th, 2015, 11:23 AM
Watched NDSU destroy Montana in bowl Games, on TV around 1969-70. Ended up going to school at NDSU a few years later.

November 9th, 2015, 12:22 PM
Grew up 15 miles from Nova. My dad saw 3 year of "big time football" at Nova and my mom never saw a snap played. Once they revived the program they got season tickets for football and basketball. Been going to football games since I was 6 months old. Now a Nova grad myself going back for my first homecoming game this weekend

November 9th, 2015, 05:41 PM
Johnny Bailey...that's a name I haven't heard in a long time....3 Time Harlon Hill winner ( Division II's version of the Walter Payton Award).

I covered a couple of his games at A&I when I wrote for The Caller-Times in Corpus Christi.

Great player. Gone far too soon to pancreatic cancer...

That is sad to hear, he was a great running back, and that A&I team was a machine

November 9th, 2015, 05:45 PM
I was already into college football anyway, went to my first game while visiting my sister at UVa (The first win over Florida State actually). Went to a couple more, and then went to a Liberty football game my freshman year. Joined the marching band the next fall and didn't miss a game until moving back to Portsmouth in 2013. Still listen on the radio and try to wear my red every Saturday

November 9th, 2015, 06:01 PM
Would that be this Winona that Walmart is selling jerseys for?


shoulda put a big brown beaver logo on it