View Full Version : Administration changes and effect on FB
December 6th, 2006, 08:54 PM
I was wondering how other schools have fared after changes in the school's president's office. Coastal's only president, Ron Ingle, is going to retire next summer. He pushed for football and worked tirelessly to make it happen. Beyond that he's probably our biggest fan and one of his last contributions was making the new fieldhouse a reality. The candidates to replace him are from football-less George Mason, Marietta College and Western Carolina. The last candidate is a football guy already in the adminstration at CCU, but he may not get the nod.
So, have your schools seen major changes and what was the effect, both short and long term?
December 6th, 2006, 08:57 PM
the one guy from George Mason, Scherrens, is an ACC ref, so hopefully he'd support football.
December 6th, 2006, 08:59 PM
I'm interested to see what the ASU people think of Peacock. I think I already know - but would like to see how they comment on the previous prez.
December 6th, 2006, 08:59 PM
the one guy from George Mason, Scherrens, is an ACC ref, so hopefully he'd support football.
Well that wouldn't be bad at all, except that the ACC/Big South officials are at times questionable. :)
December 6th, 2006, 09:01 PM
It seems to me that in a lot of cases when a program can get rid of its opponents in the administration, it has a chance to be much more successful. I can't imagine where CCU would be without Ingle.
December 6th, 2006, 09:19 PM
We had a change with our president who is pro-sports and it has helped our programs out. We upgraded our football staff and have made a committment to the sport, which was lacking under our old aminstration.
December 6th, 2006, 09:33 PM
Chancellor Peacock is the man! Most people couldnt even name their schools chancellor but he is involved and a very friendly and caring guy. He wants whats best in all aspects for Appalachian State. Coastal people, for the love of everything do not hire anyone from Western Carolina. Their are a few intelligent grads from there, but they have no pride in their teams and I highly doubt would anywhere else thats why they are so bad at mostly everything, consisting of the awful student body.
December 6th, 2006, 09:33 PM
peacock is supportive of our sports...but our professors are not and have consistently passed resolutions against increasing athletics budgets for fear that they would affect their salaries
December 6th, 2006, 09:37 PM
Chancellor Peacock is incredible! You always see him pre-game walking around to tailgates with the championship trophy letting people wear his championship ring and take pictures. I went to N.C. State and the only time we ever saw our chancellor was on TV or from a distance in the chancellor's box. At App, Peacock is conducting the band and having the cheerleaders carry him in front of the crowd on a board! He's an excellent role model of how a chancellor can do great things academically and support the students and athletes. I've NEVER been to a game where the student section is chanting the chancellor's name. That's just awesome!
December 7th, 2006, 12:38 AM
Peacock and Cobb(newAD) have made tremendous commitments to sports and it is great to have them on the same page and both caring about sports. The only problem I have is we need more seats in the stadium not just a bigger press box with suites. (THough that will be nice)
December 7th, 2006, 01:16 AM
they already have the plans to make the small side equal to the big side...there was an article on about how they were trying to do it now instead of in like 3yrs but its a matter of if they have the money or not
December 7th, 2006, 01:22 AM
So, have your schools seen major changes and what was the effect, both short and long term?
This is our 2nd year with President Weiss who seems very supportive of athletics...I'm sure other Pards know more details...but our former President, Rothkopf led the push to eliminate football/go I guess we've gone from the opposite situation that you might administration that wasn't supportive of football, and now one that has already seen great positive changes (upgrade stadium/facilities, scholarships for some sports)...we've also changed ADs since then, which has added to the positives...I won't go into too many details, but things are much improved...good luck to you...I would hope that the school would bring someone in who will continue to the positive things that are going on at are definitely a program on the rise...
Uncle Buck
December 7th, 2006, 07:38 AM
Over at HU, the former President Jim Shuart was a football alum and a very avid supporter of the team. Most people felt he was too bias to football, i of course was blind to that. The jury is still out on the new guy Dr. Rabinowitz, most have said he's really not a huge sports guy and even less of a football guy. I understand that our FB team this year had to pay for their warmups, but then I heard new field turf is being installed as well as a new and improved scoreboard. We shall see how it shakes out, but I liked Shuart better, that guy loved the gridders.
December 7th, 2006, 07:49 AM
peacock is supportive of our sports...but our professors are not and have consistently passed resolutions against increasing athletics budgets for fear that they would affect their salaries
Chancellor Peacock understands that successful athletics has a positive effect on every aspect of our university and community. What's good for ASU is also good for Watauga County and surrounding areas. I guess what I'm trying to say is he get's it and can see the big picture whereas former administration just didn't understand. :hurray: Some, but certainly not all of my professors were completely unsupportive during the three years I was a student athlete. There was no such thing as an excused absence to represent your university.:bang:
December 7th, 2006, 07:55 AM
When I was at Towson(State), the then long time president, despised the football program. To the point of trying to drop the program entirely in 1991. Student and fan support defeated his plans, but he did abolish all scholarships. So we players who were on scholarship were able to keep ours but no new ones were given out. Four years later, Towson went non-scholarship. A couple years later a new AD upgraded the program to join the Patriot League. But a public school of 18K students doesn't really fit the profile of a PL school. So recruiting was tough. When the president finally resigned the new president came in and raised money for a new stadium and field house for the football, field hockey and lacrosse teams. Couple years later we upgrade the program to phase in full scholarships and joined the A-10.
Finally my school is back where we were when I played. I couldn't be happier.
December 7th, 2006, 09:02 AM
Lafayette went from one of the neediest renovation stadiums and a president who fell asleep in his courtside seats at basketball games to one who stands on the sidelines at football games and presided over a $23 million facelift.
And yeah, the old one tried to get rid of football.. the new one loves it. Go Weiss!
December 7th, 2006, 01:13 PM
peacock is supportive of our sports...but our professors are not and have consistently passed resolutions against increasing athletics budgets for fear that they would affect their salaries
That is a pretty broad statment.I would like to see what specific resolutions passed against athletic budgets you are referring to, with the reasoning for the opposition.
Most faculty are not passionate about athletics, but they are not passionatley against athletics either. I would think that the same could be said for many of the students. In most universities the majority of the students do not attend sporting events for one reason or another.
As for the reason you give for their dislike (athletic budgets affecting faculty salary) I think that most of the ones that dislike the programs are more concerned about athletics detracting from, or even surpassing, the mission of the university to educate students. They see instances at large universities where the $$$ of the BCS drive decisions that do impact on education and they do not want to see that happen.
December 7th, 2006, 01:28 PM
Roselle will end his long tenure as President at the University of Delaware.
Patrick Harker, currently dean of the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, was selected to be the next president of the University of Delaware.
There has been much speculation on the Hen mesage board as to whether Harker will be good for UD football. The fact that he is a former football player could be a plus. On the other hand, some folks are worried that he comes from the Ivy League.
It should be interesting to see what kind of impact the new president will have on UD football.
Hopefully, we won't be playing West Chester any more (Roselle's old school). :)
December 7th, 2006, 01:50 PM
Peacock and Cobb(newAD) have made tremendous commitments to sports and it is great to have them on the same page and both caring about sports. The only problem I have is we need more seats in the stadium not just a bigger press box with suites. (THough that will be nice)
The recent success at ASU can be directly attributed to Peacock and Cobb. The previous administration had no interest in the football program and the stadium has been neglected for a long time. The seats are coming, likely to have temps for next season. The press box is necessary to grease the wheels a bit.
December 7th, 2006, 04:03 PM
Not only is Peacock an avid supporter of ASU athletics, but he is involved in the community and the UNC System as a whole.
My roommate accidently went to his house when exploring in the woods and Peacock was washing his car. He invited my roommate inside and gave him some food/talked about the university's direction! He seems really nice and I'm glad he's here at ASU!
Black and Gold Express
December 7th, 2006, 04:08 PM
I'm interested to see what the ASU people think of Peacock. I think I already know - but would like to see how they comment on the previous prez.
Chancellor Borkowski, and more importnatly Roachel Laney, were two of the biggest reasons ASU atheltics has floundered over the past 25 years in comparison to schools the same relative size and makeup of us.
Borkowski did a wonderful job for ASU in terms of academics, and I have nothing bad to say about him on that front. He has a great foundation in place and Dr. Peacock can build on it and focus his efforts on getting athletics up to par with the academic success ASU has right now.
From all stories told, Roachel Laney on the other hand is an athletics department killer. Avoid him at all costs.
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