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December 4th, 2006, 07:38 PM
Sorry -- no huddle spread O. Been there, done that vs. Maine this year who uses the same attack . We had no film on them and no scouting report. Took a quarter to set them up and blow them away.

YSU has seen several no huddle spread O's over the years. This week we have time to "prepare". LOL !!! "

That was a great game by the Penguins! The line was way too low on that game and I made out very well.

ASU's offense is quite a bit more potent then Maine's. Since Edwards has been the starter we have been held to under 20 once, and under 30 only twice!:eek:

December 4th, 2006, 07:38 PM
I've gotta say...................these YSU fans are a pretty good bunch as a whole from what I've seen. Good reasonable discussion so far!!!

I have to agree, this has been much more fun to read and reply to then the MSU game thread.

But I have to say.....
Go App!

December 4th, 2006, 07:40 PM
Your speed worries me. The last time we played a team with what ASU appears to have was Ga Southern in the '99 championship game. We traded a few touchdowns than the wheels fell off.
Our only answer to speed is to play ball control and grind it out. If your D can answer this, you may be right about it getting ugly. If your D is not up to the task of stopping Mason, you will find your speed can't do much sitting on the bench! I may be wrong, but other that JMU, I don't think ASU's D has tasted a power attack like the Penguins will bring. Saturday will tell!

I agree. I think the only way to beat ASU is running straight up the middle & playing ball control. Some have tried it, only NC State has succeeded to some degree. But, that is EXACTLY what we heard last year from So. Ill. about Arkee Whitlock & this year from MSU & others.

If you are going to go to the power game, be SURE to do it the entire game. In other words, don't abandon what could work & go outside with the run or try passing. That won't be happening.

Saturday will indeed tell. I can't wait. Good luck Penguins.


December 4th, 2006, 07:41 PM
Sorry -- no huddle spread O. Been there, done that vs. Maine this year who uses the same attack . We had no film on them and no scouting report. Took a quarter to set them up and blow them away.

YSU has seen several no huddle spread O's over the years. This week we have time to "prepare". LOL !!! "

That's cool. Maybe our offense isn't really that special after all. Sounds a lot like what we were hearing from the MSU fans last week. Then Edwards and Richardson laid a buck-plus EACH on the Bobcat defense.

I still think this will be the toughest match-up for both teams so far this year.

December 4th, 2006, 07:44 PM

23-Mason 24-Zetts

These 2 MUST BE STOPPED on Saturday.....Or a Shoot-Out is in Order!

December 4th, 2006, 07:44 PM
This game by far is the toughest contest for the Penguins. If YSU can win and stay healthy, I think they will win the National Championship. However, that is a big IF!

Appalachian State is and should be favored in this game. They have an all-around good team with multi-talented Armanti Edwards at the helm. Edwards can do it all -- run, pass, receive. I'm surprised he doesn't kick field goals and punt! He will definitely be in the NFL. YSU has trouble stopping such quarterbacks so they better carefully study the film and give their defense plenty of practice time before kickoff time in Boone.

Before going to the Ice Castle, I caught the 1st half of ASU/MSU. They live up to their #1 ranking which proves that in order to be #1 you must beat #1.

Watching the game proves that they are beatable despite living up to #1. Montana State failed to capitalize on ASU fumbles. YSU needs to dive on the ball if one occurs, not try to fool around.

99% of the time, I prefer to defer if I win the coin toss. Since YSU is an underdog, maybe receiving could be better. A touchdown on the opening drive could give YSU a lot of momentum. Also, the special teams coach better have something planned for kickoffs. The kickoff coverage versus Illinois State was horrible. It prompted me to tell Bishop to boot it out of bounds (or even onside kick every time).

Also, none of this conservative crap in the 4th quarter. Play like you want to win all 60 minutes. I can see running 100% of the time with 3 minutes left, but 9 minutes? C'mon! You can run and milk time most of the time, but surprise the D with a play action pass! If YSU plays ultraconservative, expect Appalachian State to go to Chatty and beat the Montana/UMass winner.

Enough of these weak schedule excuses. YSU better realize that App State is for real!

My parents are in town this weekend so I will be heading to a bar and catching the game!


GREAT POST! If you were in Boone, I'd buy you a beer. Just leave the parents & come on anyway. Good luck penguins.


December 4th, 2006, 08:06 PM
ASU Line Sizes

DL-Tharrington 6-1, 255 lbs
DT-Orlebar 6-3, 295 lbs
DT-Byrom 6-2, 255 lbs
DL-Murrell 6-2, 245 lbs

Byrom actually looks bigger so he may have put on some size. Orlebar doesn't get many tackles but he is key to the push. Murrell and Tharrington utilize their speed advantage over slower interior linemen.

ASU O-Line

Acitelli 6-2, 255 lbs
Isenhour 6-1, 275 lbs
Suttle 6-0, 260 lbs
Holt 6-2, 260 lbs
Brown 6-6, 300 lbs

Just checking YSU's O-Line.....they are huge. ASU will probably rely on its outside speed for pash-rush

YSU D-Line actually not much bigger than ASU's

I agree... the ASU D-Line looks only slightly smaller then YSU....

NT Phelan 6-3 285
DE/LB Savage 6-2 290
DE Jacobs 6-3 270

From what I read Byrom is your playmaker on the Dline..


December 4th, 2006, 08:08 PM
Did Maine have quality players like QB Armanti Edwards and RB Kevin Richardson?

And the quality of OL?

I am not sure what Maine had. I was at the game and did not see that much but it was Maine's first game. After the game I thought perhaps Maine was having a down year but as the season progressed, Maine seemed to be in the upper tier of the A10...

Perhaps it was because it was their first game. Any A10 fans out there to give us insight?


December 4th, 2006, 08:10 PM
Byrom is good Murrell is by far the best, he is a Buchanon award finalist for the second year and holds many school records. (Tackels for a loss, career, season... sacks season...etc) He is the one I would watch out for.

December 4th, 2006, 08:10 PM
I agree... the ASU D-Line looks only slightly smaller then YSU....

NT Phelan 6-3 285
DE/LB Savage 6-2 290
DE Jacobs 6-3 270

From what I read Byrom is your playmaker on the Dline..


Murrell is the guy who usually gets most of the recognition, and deservedly so. He's a sack machine! But Byrom did play lights out against MSU. Tharrington has been impressive for a freshman.

December 4th, 2006, 08:11 PM

I read the posts on the YSU board. I don't think that it meant to imply that you are wannabees.....

Back several years ago, we had some problems with teams that had huge defensive lines. Under Tressel, we tended to go with smaller d lines but more speed.... Basically lots of LBs on the D line. Anyway, teams started getting bigger dlines and that trend has continued. I think that the comment about "small defensive line" was kind of a statement not a slight. I read it as you are a defense that relies on speed versus bulk. Could be related to the style of defense your coordinator prefers.

Actually, I have not looked up the sizes because, in general, I think a lot of them are inaccurate. Would you characterize your D as smaller than most but faster?


ASU's D is smaller than most but faster. That is true. What bothers me about the posts on your board is that the posters seemed to equate smaller with inferior. 'Taint so. The fact is that 320 lb. lineman do not run fast nor are they quick, as a rule. Julius Peppers (Car. Panthers) excepted (and I think he is 280 lbs.).

In ASU's case, our coaches have carefully built the exact defense they wanted, with exactly the players they wanted. As a result of their seemingly unusual choices in this regard, it is not unusual for opposing teams and coaches to feel they can out-muscle us, when in fact we are not even in position to be out-muscled. It is a contest of speed vs. bulk.

If YSU can actually hit our QB square on, the result may be a greasy spot on the field. Problem is, he is too quick to be hit like that. Not to say he is not a tough kid, he is, but he is listed at 160 lbs. You cannot tell me that every D line that we have played does not have players that can do the math; 320 lbs./160 lbs. = 2 !!! But so far they cannot catch him to put that math to use.

In any event, I appreciate your comments. It is entirely possible I misunderstood your board's posters. It is good to be facing teams with knowledgeable fans. Good luck in Boone.


December 4th, 2006, 08:11 PM
Me too. Cheers to them. It's a pleasant change and almost makes me wish we didn't have to play them. But it'll be good. Hopefully a lot less Extra-curricular than the MSU game. :)

I hear that tickets are selling well so far. I haven't bought mine yet, but you can count on me being in the student section.:thumbsup:

I truly would have preferred to play ASU in the finals. I was at the 97 game against McNeese and enjoyed tailgating with their fans. I don't think I can make Boone this week but would sure enjoy tailgating with all the fine folks on here.


December 4th, 2006, 08:22 PM
Yep. I'm around , GoGuins. Lets see WHO these guys built their record with--

West. Carolina 2-9
Geo. South 3-8
UT-C 3-8
Elon 5-6
Citadel 5-6
Mars Hill 4-7 ( LOL)
Gardner -Webb 6-5
Wofford 7-4
Furman 8-4
Lost to 3-9 N.C. St (who LOST AT HOME to 5-7 Akron 20-17 ).

Well PIAA, since you brought it up, lets compare against whom YOU built YOUR record:

Indiana St 1-10
Missouri St 2-9
West Illinois 5-6
Western Ky 6-5
Slippery Rock 7-4 (you laughed at our D2, I'll laugh at yours-remember? Our AD called yours. You wouldn't play us) xlolx
Maine 6-5
UC Davis 6-5 (who barely beat a non-scholly to get that 6th win)
LOST to Northern Iowa 7-4 (who lost to a D2)

xcoffeex :read: :read: xcoffeex

before you attempt to smack, you should at least ask yourself, "is this going to come back to haunt me?" xcoffeex

December 4th, 2006, 08:31 PM
oh that is a pretty rough resume right there... not very pretty at all

December 4th, 2006, 08:53 PM
You forgot to mention our loss to PENN ST. Looking at the opponents for each team, I'm comfortable saying we played the better schedule against much better competiton.

I'm fine with who we are now and how we got to where we are.

We're ready !!! xlolx xlolx xlolx :nod: :nod: :nod:

Russell Trombone
December 4th, 2006, 08:58 PM
As a Griz fan, i can say that both of your teams have a great history and have, overall, been very gracious to the University of Montana fans and players. The people from YSU were great hosts when MT made its first championship appearance against Marshall at Marshall in '95 (our fans stayed in Ohion and made the short trip to Marshall).

App St has been an opponent before and played very well. I'd love to visit Boone sometime.

UMass fans, however, are of the same ilk as Red Sox fans (intolerable and near-sighted). Their posts are without much knowledge of the league and carry the misguided optimisim of a kid who just got his driver's license.

We look forward to playing one of you in TN on the 15th.

December 4th, 2006, 09:00 PM
I don't think a 37-3 loss is something to hang your hat on.... :twocents:

December 4th, 2006, 09:05 PM
Well PIAA, since you brought it up, lets compare against whom YOU built YOUR record:

Indiana St 1-10
Missouri St 2-9
West Illinois 5-6
Western Ky 6-5
Slippery Rock 7-4 (you laughed at our D2, I'll laugh at yours-remember? Our AD called yours. You wouldn't play us) xlolx
Maine 6-5
UC Davis 6-5 (who barely beat a non-scholly to get that 6th win)
LOST to Northern Iowa 7-4 (who lost to a D2)

xcoffeex :read: :read: xcoffeex

before you attempt to smack, you should at least ask yourself, "is this going to come back to haunt me?" xcoffeex

Little Background in order... UC Davis CRUSHED Montana State at Montana State 45-0, Lost to TCU at TCU 46-13. Lost to Cal Poly by 6, Lost to South Dakota State by 1 at South Dakota and lost by 4 to North Dakota State. Also, they ended all the discussion about San Diego State by beating them by 10... I think UC Davis may have played one of the toughest schedules in 1AA. They played their first 5 games on the road.

Indiana State and Missouri State, your right .. weak. Slippery Rock is sort of a local rivalry as they are right down the road and they always play hard... To my way of thinking Slippery Rock is our opening game and is sort of a scrimmage....

Western Illinois had a down year but somehow beat Northern Iowa...and lost their last game to Missouri State.

I would think that both YSU and ASU would benefit by a game. I doubt we would refuse it. Is it possible that we did not have open dates that matched?


December 4th, 2006, 09:15 PM
I see the game being semi close, due to the fact that I think while both teams have a very good offense, the app defense will make enough stops to "contain" YSU. Obviously I'm biased though :) . Usually at home App is VERY good at getting a quick lead, so that is one thing YSU fans should keep an eye on. Looking forward to this game very much........oh yea Go Neers!!

December 4th, 2006, 09:16 PM
Here's some more size comparisons on the DB/WR front:

YSU Offense:
WR - Rory Berry - 6-1 185lbs.
WR - T.J. Peterson - 6-1 190lbs.
WR - Da'Michael Horne - 5-11 175lbs.
WR - Josh Cayson - 5-10 190lbs.
TE - Louis Irizarry - 6-5 255lbs.

ASU Defense:
S - Jeremy Wiggins - 5-9 190lbs.
S - Corey Lynch - 6-0 205lbs.
CB - Justin Woazeah - 5-10 175lbs.
CB - Jerome Touchstone - 5-7 155lbs.

ASU Offense:
WR - William Mayfield - 6-2 220lbs.
WR - Dexter Jackson - 5-10 170lbs.
WR - Hans Batichon - 6-0 165lbs.
WR - T.J. Courman - 5-10 190lbs.
WR - Josh Johnson - 6-3 185lbs.
TE - Daniel Bettis - 6-3 245lbs.

YSU Defense:
FS - Chris Goffer - 6-0 195lbs.
SS - Dorian Chenault - 6-1 200lbs.
CB - Codera Jackson - 5-10 180lbs.
CB - Jason Perry - 5-8 165lbs.

Looks pretty even across the board for the most part. Only one real disadvantage on size on defense on both ends (Touchstone/Perry). How often do the 'Guins utilize their TE??

December 4th, 2006, 09:23 PM
Thank you for the nice comments Russell Trombone
Gotta hate those Damn Yanks

December 4th, 2006, 09:26 PM
Looks pretty even across the board for the most part. Only one real disadvantage on size on defense on both ends (Touchstone/Perry). How often do the 'Guins utilize their TE??

Again, not much because they have depended on the run... But they do use the TE as targets when they go to the passing game....


December 4th, 2006, 09:26 PM
It is hard to believe how truly small we are in the DBs

December 4th, 2006, 09:27 PM
YSU TEs are under-utilized. We have another at 6'4,265 and sometimes use a double TE set. Both are excellent blockers, hence a running attack. But both catch well when thrown to.

Most YSU fans don't think we have made good use of them yet.

December 4th, 2006, 09:28 PM
Here's some more size comparisons on the DB/WR front:

Looks pretty even across the board for the most part. Only one real disadvantage on size on defense on both ends (Touchstone/Perry). How often do the 'Guins utilize their TE??

I don't know about Touchstone but Perry is a playmaker on Defense for YSU. 4 Interceptions .. returned for 141 total yards. (I think 1 touchdown if not 2).


December 4th, 2006, 09:29 PM
I figured Irrizarry would be a monster at YSU, I remember him being recruited by Ohio St, Miami, etc..... What is his story??

December 4th, 2006, 09:30 PM
You forgot to mention our loss to PENN ST. Looking at the opponents for each team, I'm comfortable saying we played the better schedule against much better competiton.

I'm fine with who we are now and how we got to where we are.

In all fairness, Penn State would have also lost to NC State during the 1st week of games. NC State is quite possibly the most defensively talented team in the ACC year in and year out....but this year, they were flat out poorly coached. Its similar to miami, but the team just gave up on Chuck.

Also, ASU (or atleast I) gave MSU the benefit of the doubt about the UC Davis loss...because they were NOT the same team that beat Colorado, and they were NOT the same team that lost to Chadron State...they were somewhere in between.

The point is that ASU had a good defensive, yet poor offensive game against a talented MSU team...and still won soundly. Anybody else have a 26 game home winning streak? Anybody else not lost to CS team since last october? I didn't think so.

I guess we will see how good Youngstown State is this weekend.

ASU gives up less than 10 points...and wins by 2+ touches.

December 4th, 2006, 09:32 PM
I don't know about Touchstone but Perry is a playmaker on Defense for YSU. 4 Interceptions .. returned for 141 total yards. (I think 1 touchdown if not 2).


Yea, wasn't commenting on ability (Touchstone has made some good plays this year as well), just overall size mis-matches. I'm still kinda surprised that offensive coordinators haven't schemed to go Touchstone's way some more with some jump-balls. (Although Coastal did start doing this in the 2nd half with some good success.)

December 4th, 2006, 09:32 PM
I figured Irrizarry would be a monster at YSU, I remember him being recruited by Ohio St, Miami, etc..... What is his story??

He is slowly getting into the game. Remember, I think he had not played in a football game for 2 years. He started out as the #3 TE but he is getting more and more time. The other two TEs are good but I have not seen anyone yet that actually can cover him very well when he goes out on a DECENT pattern. Unfortunately, we sometimes send him on a crossing pattern into the center of the field about 5 yards down and throw him the ball. Usually with 3 linebackers around him so the yardage is tough. When he goes long, he seems to be open often... and he does catch well too.


December 4th, 2006, 09:33 PM
Ummmmmm I don't think Penn St would have lost to NC State. State has talent, just under utilized.....but I still think VT, Miami, FSU, and Clemson has the same talent.

With that said, and with Armanti at QB now I think app could definitely beat State right now.

December 4th, 2006, 09:33 PM
In all fairness, Penn State would have also lost to NC State during the 1st week of games.

I wouldn't go that far....

December 4th, 2006, 09:34 PM
ASU Line Sizes
ASU O-Line

Acitelli 6-2, 255 lbs
Isenhour 6-1, 275 lbs
Suttle 6-0, 260 lbs
Holt 6-2, 260 lbs
Brown 6-6, 300 lbs

Just checking YSU's O-Line.....they are huge. ASU will probably rely on its outside speed for pash-rush

Wow...I know you can't always go by size, but that's a small line for D-I football. I think Youngstown Cardinal Mooney, who just won Ohio's Division 4 high school state championship is bigger, no joke (see below)

Pos. No. Name Ht. Wt. Cl.
TE 31 Jack Zizzo 6-2 238 12
LT 78 Mike Madsen 6-5 295 12
LG 51 Jarod Emerson 6-5 280 11
C 71 Zak Dietz 5-11 248 12
RG 74 Demetrius Fambro 6-2 323 12
RT 75 Ishmaa'ily Kitchen 6-3 320 12

December 4th, 2006, 09:36 PM
Small maybe, but they mash people around.

December 4th, 2006, 09:37 PM
ASU Line Sizes
ASU O-Line

Acitelli 6-2, 255 lbs
Isenhour 6-1, 275 lbs
Suttle 6-0, 260 lbs
Holt 6-2, 260 lbs
Brown 6-6, 300 lbs

Just checking YSU's O-Line.....they are huge. ASU will probably rely on its outside speed for pash-rush

Wow...I know you can't always go by size, but that's a small line for D-I football. I think Youngstown Cardinal Mooney, who just won Ohio's high school Division 4 state championship is bigger, no joke (see below)

Pos. No. Name Ht. Wt. Cl.
TE 31 Jack Zizzo 6-2 238 12
LT 78 Mike Madsen 6-5 295 12
LG 51 Jarod Emerson 6-5 280 11
C 71 Zak Dietz 5-11 248 12
RG 74 Demetrius Fambro 6-2 323 12
RT 75 Ishmaa'ily Kitchen 6-3 320 12

December 4th, 2006, 09:39 PM
Hey they do a good job even though they are small!

December 4th, 2006, 09:40 PM
I wouldn't go that far....

I would.

Plus, I meant to throw in a little sarcasm.

Penn State...pshaa...everybody knows the transative property works in sports.

Lest we not forget...
Penn State Got Rocked By ND
ND got destroyed by USC
USC lost to Oregon State
Who lost to washington state
who lost to washington
who lost to stanford.......so obviously Stanford is much better than USC, ND, Oregon State, and Penn State.

December 4th, 2006, 09:43 PM
YSU TEs are under-utilized. We have another at 6'4,265 and sometimes use a double TE set. Both are excellent blockers, hence a running attack. But both catch well when thrown to.

Most YSU fans don't think we have made good use of them yet.

I think you'll see a lot of double TE sets Sat. and back to YSU smashmouth until ASU stops it

December 4th, 2006, 09:44 PM
Hey they do a good job even though they are small!

Not saying they don't, sometimes speed is better than size. Obviously it works for you guys

December 4th, 2006, 09:44 PM
Wow...I know you can't always go by size, but that's a small line for D-I football. I think Youngstown Cardinal Mooney, who just won Ohio's high school Division 4 state championship is bigger, no joke (see below)

Yea, my senior year of high school our O-Line was bigger as well. But they were also bigger than a few NFL teams!

But as the entire world knows now, they are quick and strong. Pretty smart line I would like to think as well. It still amazes me how, a lot of the time, they blow people off the line.

December 4th, 2006, 09:48 PM
The broncos have the smallest line in the NFL but they ALWAYS run well. I'm not saying App is the broncos, or anything of that sort, just that in this case don't judge a book by it's cover b/c the app O Line is actually a Major strength of this team.

December 4th, 2006, 09:50 PM
Wow!! So a 3-9 N.C. St team is a better opponent than a Penn St. team with a winning record who was ranked at one time ?? xlolx

Ok guys -- pass the moonshine !! LOL !!! :thumbsup:

December 4th, 2006, 09:52 PM
Wow!! So a 3-9 N.C. St team is a better opponent than a Penn St. team with a winning record who was ranked at one time ?? xlolx

Ok guys -- pass the moonshine !! LOL !!! :thumbsup:

Didn't NC State lose to Akron at their place?

December 4th, 2006, 09:54 PM
A Penguin's Formula to Beating Appalachian St. in Boone

1) Stay calm under pressure. The noise in Boone is nothing new; you heard 105,000 @ Penn St. and you heard one of the loudest CS Stadiums for 8 weeks this year. Don't let the crowd be a factor!

2) Run the ball down their throats. Their toughest test this year running the football was arguably Furman, who got crushed by Appy. They have not faced a line or a power back like Mason all year. BE A FACTOR, winning the line battle is key to any shot at winning.

3) Contain Armanti Edwards and Kevin Richardson. If you allow these two to get big holes and get out into the open field; you will have no shot at winning. Also--Take advantage of the turnovers. Appy has turned it over a TON this year [27 times total] and YSU has done a great job winning the turnover battle week in and week out. Edwards has thrown 9 interceptions this year and can run the ball uncharacteristically and he will fumble the football as well. He is young and has yet to face this kinda pressure in his college career.

GO PENGUINS---Follow these steps.... You will succeed!

December 4th, 2006, 09:55 PM
Didn't NC State lose to Akron at their place?

Yes, 20-17. Which is one reason why I wouldn't say NC St. would beat Penn St. They had some huge troubles in the beginning of the season, picked up in the middle, and then completely fell off the hinge in the end.

But I'm glad that it is App St vs Youngstown this weekend, and not NC St vs PSU, which is why I'm going to digress from that topic.

December 4th, 2006, 10:21 PM
A Penguin's Formula to Beating Appalachian St. in Boone

1) Stay calm under pressure. The noise in Boone is nothing new; you heard 105,000 @ Penn St. and you heard one of the loudest CS Stadiums for 8 weeks this year. Don't let the crowd be a factor!

2) Run the ball down their throats. Their toughest test this year running the football was arguably Furman, who got crushed by Appy. They have not faced a line or a power back like Mason all year. BE A FACTOR, winning the line battle is key to any shot at winning.

3) Contain Armanti Edwards and Kevin Richardson. If you allow these two to get big holes and get out into the open field; you will have no shot at winning. Also--Take advantage of the turnovers. Appy has turned it over a TON this year [27 times total] and YSU has done a great job winning the turnover battle week in and week out. Edwards has thrown 9 interceptions this year and can run the ball uncharacteristically and he will fumble the football as well. He is young and has yet to face this kinda pressure in his college career.

GO PENGUINS---Follow these steps.... You will succeed!

Hate to admit it, but Furman was probably not the best running team App faced. Our OL, QB, and All-America FB Felton (0carries) were not that healthy. I would say that in the CS the toughest running game they faced this year was probably Wofford. That having been said, as Matt Dougherty points out each week, Furman was the last CS team to beat these guys and we did it last year with a lot of Felton up the middle. You will need a good running game to keep their O off the field and - more importantly -to deflect their pass rush. Just ask MSU about the App pass rush (7 sacks).

December 4th, 2006, 10:25 PM
Good News. YSU Has already sold out 2 of their 3 busses down to Boone, NC. They seat about 50 per bus so we have already over 100 seats sold, with the 3rd bus filling up fast.

That is pretty good news when tix haven't even gone on sale yet!!!
500 x 2= 1000 penguins fans saturday!

December 4th, 2006, 10:29 PM
Bring 'em all! Tickets are going pretty fast here as well. Hoping for a highly attended game.

December 4th, 2006, 11:28 PM
Id love to see the hill filled up like the homecoming game this year or Western game last year... I know it wont happen but boy it sure would be nice.

December 4th, 2006, 11:43 PM
Good News. YSU Has already sold out 2 of their 3 busses down to Boone, NC. They seat about 50 per bus so we have already over 100 seats sold, with the 3rd bus filling up fast.

That is pretty good news when tix haven't even gone on sale yet!!!
500 x 2= 1000 penguins fans saturday!
:eek: Guess I better get calling and booking!

December 5th, 2006, 12:12 AM
I've gotta say...................these YSU fans are a pretty good bunch as a whole from what I've seen. Good reasonable discussion so far!!!

Why thank you Apper, I haven't posted yet though,,,your opinion is sure to change in the coming days.:nono:

December 5th, 2006, 12:34 AM
In all fairness, Penn State would have also lost to NC State during the 1st week of games. NC State is quite possibly the most defensively talented team in the ACC year in and year out....but this year, they were flat out poorly coached. Its similar to miami, but the team just gave up on Chuck.

Also, ASU (or atleast I) gave MSU the benefit of the doubt about the UC Davis loss...because they were NOT the same team that beat Colorado, and they were NOT the same team that lost to Chadron State...they were somewhere in between.

The point is that ASU had a good defensive, yet poor offensive game against a talented MSU team...and still won soundly. Anybody else have a 26 game home winning streak? Anybody else not lost to CS team since last october? I didn't think so.

I guess we will see how good Youngstown State is this weekend.

ASU gives up less than 10 points...and wins by 2+ touches.

Penn st would also have lost to NC state?? Stay out of the medicine locker doc>>>:D

NC State the most defensively talented team in the ACC year in and year out??:D :D Do you actually WATCH college football??

damn, you guys are arrogant,,,,no predictions here

The margins you guys are predicting are ludicrous howeverxidiotx

December 5th, 2006, 12:40 AM
Why thank you Apper, I haven't posted yet though,,,your opinion is sure to change in the coming days.:nono:
Go away, we already know your an ass. I bet YSU fans don't want you to associate yourself with them at all.

December 5th, 2006, 12:48 AM
Go away, we already know your an ass. I bet YSU fans don't want you to associate yourself with them at all.

Wow,,,that is really a vitriolic reply to a polite non-smack post.

You must be so proud of yourself.

If you don't hate me yet,,,,,you will before the week is over if you are that thin skinned: smh :

Shouldn't you be sleeping by now?? Or did Mommy and Daddy slip some coffee in your nightime bottle?:D

Say good night now Sparkyxlolx

December 5th, 2006, 12:52 AM
Wow,,,that is really a vitriolic reply to a polite non-smack post.

You must be so proud of yourself.

If you don't hate me yet,,,,,you will before the week is over if you are that thin skinned: smh :

Shouldn't you be sleeping by now?? Or did Mommy and Daddy slip some coffee in your nightime bottle?:D

Say good night now Sparkyxlolx
...xidiotx : smh :

December 5th, 2006, 01:14 AM
both of you just shut up^^^^^^ we like to talk FOOTBALL here, not what mom and dad buys us for christmas or doesn't.

Now to the game, YSU are there any injuries on your guys that could play a part in this game?

December 5th, 2006, 01:22 AM
both of you just shut up^^^^^^ we like to talk FOOTBALL here, not what mom and dad buys us for christmas or doesn't.

Now to the game, YSU are there any injuries on your guys that could play a part in this game?
Sorry, he REALLY pisses me off. I'm done, and I'll just ignore him from now on.

December 5th, 2006, 01:24 AM
both of you just shut up^^^^^^ we like to talk FOOTBALL here, not what mom and dad buys us for christmas or doesn't.

Now to the game, YSU are there any injuries on your guys that could play a part in this game?

Yes, #52 Jewell pre-season AA center has a pinched nerve in neck and back - doubtful

Mason has been playing with a bad ankle, missed the last regular season game and hobbled against JMU (but they take credit for holding him to 80 yards).

So has #56 Terry LB

So has #35 Ison FB

Guard # 50 Josh Tanner is also doubtful with a leg injury

those are the serious ones that I know of,, some other minor stuff.

December 5th, 2006, 03:20 AM
Well, we've done size comparisons for ASU/YSU, and since I'm suffering from insomnia right now, here's some stat comparisons for the offenses:

ASU - Armanti Edwards
Passing: 145/243 / 59.7% / 14 TD / 9 INT / 1941 Yds
Rushing: 157 Att / 962 Yds / 12 TD

YSU - Todd Zetts
Passing: 158/274 / 57.7% / 13 TD / 10 INT / 1936 Yds
Rushing: 72 Att / 306 Yds / 4 TD

YSU: Marcus Mason - 280 Att / 1756 Yds / 22 TD
6 Rec / 60 Yds

ASU: Kevin Richardson - 254 Att / 1352 Yds / 24 TD
28 Rec / 265 Yds / 1 TD

William Mayfield - 57 Rec / 1022 Yds / 5 TD
Dexter Jackson - 28 Rec / 385 Yds / 3 TD
TJ Courman - 17 Rec / 193 Yds / 2 TD
Daniel Bettis (TE) - 7 Rec / 59 Yds / 1 TD

TJ Peterson - 48 Rec / 718 Yds / 6 TD
Rory Berry - 31 Rec / 366 Yds / 3 TD
Louis Irizarry (TE) - 24 Rec / 272 Yds / 2 TD
Monquantae Gibson - 12 Rec / 155 Yds

YSU: Sacks Allowed - 11

ASU: Sacks Allowed - 16

ASU: Julian Rauch - 10/14 FG / PAT 58/59

YSU: Brian Palmer - 11/14 FG / PAT 47/52

YSU: 47/54 / 39 TD / 8 FG / 87%

ASU: 51/63 / 42 TD / 9 FG / 81%

I'll get to the defensive and other stats tomorrow.....possibly even tonight, depending if I get some sleep or not :thumbsup:

December 5th, 2006, 07:56 AM
Yes, #52 Jewell pre-season AA center has a pinched nerve in neck and back - doubtful

Mason has been playing with a bad ankle, missed the last regular season game and hobbled against JMU (but they take credit for holding him to 80 yards).

So has #56 Terry LB

So has #35 Ison FB

Guard # 50 Josh Tanner is also doubtful with a leg injury

those are the serious ones that I know of,, some other minor stuff.

That's a pretty long list - esp key is if Mason really is gimpy.

Does App have any injuries? I know AA DB Lynch has a bad arm but played last week.

December 5th, 2006, 07:56 AM
Well, we've done size comparisons for ASU/YSU, and since I'm suffering from insomnia right now, here's some stat comparisons for the offenses:

ASU - Armanti Edwards
Passing: 145/243 / 59.7% / 14 TD / 9 INT / 1941 Yds
Rushing: 157 Att / 962 Yds / 12 TD

YSU - Todd Zetts
Passing: 158/274 / 57.7% / 13 TD / 10 INT / 1936 Yds
Rushing: 72 Att / 306 Yds / 4 TD

YSU: Marcus Mason - 280 Att / 1756 Yds / 22 TD
6 Rec / 60 Yds

ASU: Kevin Richardson - 254 Att / 1352 Yds / 24 TD
28 Rec / 265 Yds / 1 TD

William Mayfield - 57 Rec / 1022 Yds / 5 TD
Dexter Jackson - 28 Rec / 385 Yds / 3 TD
TJ Courman - 17 Rec / 193 Yds / 2 TD
Daniel Bettis (TE) - 7 Rec / 59 Yds / 1 TD

TJ Peterson - 48 Rec / 718 Yds / 6 TD
Rory Berry - 31 Rec / 366 Yds / 3 TD
Louis Irizarry (TE) - 24 Rec / 272 Yds / 2 TD
Monquantae Gibson - 12 Rec / 155 Yds

YSU: Sacks Allowed - 11

ASU: Sacks Allowed - 16

ASU: Julian Rauch - 10/14 FG / PAT 58/59

YSU: Brian Palmer - 11/14 FG / PAT 47/52

YSU: 47/54 / 39 TD / 8 FG / 87%

ASU: 51/63 / 42 TD / 9 FG / 81%

I'll get to the defensive and other stats tomorrow.....possibly even tonight, depending if I get some sleep or not :thumbsup:

Thanks a lot for those stats! Shows that ASU has a true offensive threat with Edwards, Richardson, and Mayfield. It'll all come down to YSU and if they can stop these three playmakers.
ASU of course needs to stop YSU's running game. If we can do that, its onto NOOGA!!

December 5th, 2006, 07:58 AM
Lest we not forget...
Penn State Got Rocked By ND
ND got destroyed by USC
USC lost to Oregon State
Who lost to washington state
who lost to washington
who lost to stanford.......so obviously Stanford is much better than USC, ND, Oregon State, and Penn State.

And this...

Texas lost to Texas A&M
Texas A&M lost to Nebraska
Nebraska lost to Oklahoma State
Oklahoma State lost to Texas Tech
Colorado destroyed Texas Tech
Montana State beat Colorado
Chadron State beat Montana State

Therefore, Texas should lose to Chadron State!

Gotta love transitive logic!

xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx

December 5th, 2006, 08:01 AM
Imagine if we had Jeremiah Wright. I hope the Penguins play their hearts out for him.

December 5th, 2006, 08:08 AM
Who is Jeremiah Wright?
I am probably ignorant to ask but I was just curious.
Also remarkably similar quarterback numbers.
I am surprised we have given up so many sacks, I thought Armanti got out of most of them.
We have heard about how YSU is selling all their tickets... Does anyone know how many ASU has sold?

December 5th, 2006, 08:13 AM
Who is Jeremiah Wright?

Wright was a senior linebacker who had a season-ending injury versus Penn State. Great linebacker and a better person. I saw him at the MVR when I was in town and we talked for a long while.

December 5th, 2006, 08:14 AM
Corey Lynch looked like he wasn't full health on saturday, although he made the interception and a good number of tackles.

Happy Penguin
December 5th, 2006, 08:22 AM
Yes, #52 Jewell pre-season AA center has a pinched nerve in neck and back - doubtful

Mason has been playing with a bad ankle, missed the last regular season game and hobbled against JMU (but they take credit for holding him to 80 yards).

So has #56 Terry LB

So has #35 Ison FB

Guard # 50 Josh Tanner is also doubtful with a leg injury

those are the serious ones that I know of,, some other minor stuff.

If Tanner and Jewell are both out we're in trouble. Here's hoping the training staff can work some miracles.

December 5th, 2006, 08:46 AM
If Tanner and Jewell are both out we're in trouble. Here's hoping the training staff can work some miracles.

Work your magic Coach Hartzell

December 5th, 2006, 09:06 AM
Do any of you fine App people have any links to highlights?

sure would like to see some of what we are in for.

Black and Gold Express
December 5th, 2006, 09:11 AM
Go to www.GoASU.com. In the Multimedia section there are videos for each week called Appalachian Football Weekly. It's a weekly recap show by ASN. The first segment is always highlights of the previous week's game.

It's a Quicktime movie, so make sure you have that plugin installed. It's also not a small file for each week, better use broadband.

Black and Gold Express
December 5th, 2006, 09:18 AM
You forgot to mention our loss to PENN ST. Looking at the opponents for each team, I'm comfortable saying we played the better schedule against much better competiton.

I'm fine with who we are now and how we got to where we are.

We're ready !!! xlolx xlolx xlolx :nod: :nod: :nod:

He's confident, you gotta say that.

Judging by his "scouting reports", he doesn't have the first clue about our team, but he's confident.

December 5th, 2006, 09:33 AM
GO YSU!!!!!!!

/all I got for this thread.....carry on.

December 5th, 2006, 09:40 AM
Corey's arm was still in some brace and he obviously couldnt wrap up... hence the lunging at players. I think he should only be better though this week.
Will we get 20,000 this week? I hope so!

December 5th, 2006, 10:09 AM
The broncos have the smallest line in the NFL but they ALWAYS run well. I'm not saying App is the broncos, or anything of that sort, just that in this case don't judge a book by it's cover b/c the app O Line is actually a Major strength of this team.

I'd take 260-275 pounds of pure muscle and quickeness over a 323 lb statue anyday. As a high school teacher I've had a few very LARGE o-linemen in class and they had trouble walking up and down stairs. Conditioning is the key, not size.

BTW, watching the MSU game Mayfield looked HUGE compared to their DBs could have been the flak-jacket he was wearing for his ribs, but I's say he's closer to 6'4" 230 lbs

December 5th, 2006, 10:09 AM
I heard that Pam Ward is doing the play by play for the game on Saturday. Am I the only one that thinks she is aweful as a play by play announcer. I'm sure she is a great person and all, but I think her play by play skills are not the greatest.

December 5th, 2006, 10:13 AM
I'd take 260-275 pounds of pure muscle and quickeness over a 323 lb statue anyday. As a high school teacher I've had a few very LARGE o-linemen in class and they had trouble walking up and down stairs. Conditioning is the key, not size.

I asked a fellow YSU student (the star of the football team 2000-02) to guess the starters on my 10-2 high school football team senior year. Count me out since he knew I was the kicker.

He was working on a project with me in my dorm room and he guessed all of the benchwarmers who had size but not as much strength as the starters. Naturally, almost anyone would.

At YSU, we had a lineman back in 2002 who was 6'0"/360. He didn't get much playing time at all because he wasn't quick enough.

Just proves that it's not the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog.

December 5th, 2006, 10:18 AM
I heard that Pam Ward is doing the play by play for the game on Saturday. Am I the only one that thinks she is aweful as a play by play announcer. I'm sure she is a great person and all, but I think her play by play skills are not the greatest.

She ranks right down there with Johnny Miller, IMO. I am glad I will be in Boone.

December 5th, 2006, 10:19 AM
I'd take 260-275 pounds of pure muscle and quickeness over a 323 lb statue anyday. As a high school teacher I've had a few very LARGE o-linemen in class and they had trouble walking up and down stairs. Conditioning is the key, not size.

BTW, watching the MSU game Mayfield looked HUGE compared to their DBs could have been the flak-jacket he was wearing for his ribs, but I's say he's closer to 6'4" 230 lbs

I told a friend the other day that you can't run through an oak tree, but you can easily run around one.

December 5th, 2006, 10:25 AM
I told a friend the other day that you can't run through an oak tree, but you can easily run around one.

Size will eventually wear on the smaller/quicker guy. Just my opinion

Black Saturday
December 5th, 2006, 10:37 AM
[QUOTE=AshevilleApp]ASU Line Sizes

DL-Tharrington 6-1, 255 lbs
DT-Orlebar 6-3, 295 lbs
DT-Byrom 6-2, 255 lbs
DL-Murrell 6-2, 245 lbs

Byrom actually looks bigger so he may have put on some size. Orlebar doesn't get many tackles but he is key to the push. Murrell and Tharrington utilize their speed advantage over slower interior linemen.

.... ASU will probably rely on its outside speed for pash-rush

Thanks for presenting APPs FEARSOME FOURSOME:nod:

I think anyone will be hard pressed to find a better group at this level.

December 5th, 2006, 10:48 AM
Just reserved a bus seat, going down to Kilcawley to pick it up today :hurray:

There's a different set of 500 tickets that goes on sale tomorrow, right? Anyone know if you can order and pay for one over the phone?

December 5th, 2006, 10:51 AM
I heard that Pam Ward is doing the play by play for the game on Saturday. Am I the only one that thinks she is aweful as a play by play announcer. I'm sure she is a great person and all, but I think her play by play skills are not the greatest.
Hey thats great. Once people hear that they will change their minds about staying home to watch it instead of showing up. But yea shes horrible at play-by-play. I don't think shes EVER been on ESPN before just ESPN 2. So I wonder why she would do our game instead of Montana-Umass.

Black Saturday
December 5th, 2006, 10:58 AM
Size will eventually wear on the smaller/quicker guy. Just my opinion

Furman tells us that every year.:D

Cap'n Cat
December 5th, 2006, 10:58 AM
YSU 33
ASU 30

The only team that can ever beat Youngstown is UNI and a few BCSrs.

:nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod:

December 5th, 2006, 11:10 AM
After watching both playoff games of both teams. (4 games)

ASU has the faster running game and will give YSU lots of problems on D. If YSU can pressure the QB his passing game will hurt, if he gets pressured he runs which is still be very dangerous. ASU will get up first and then be content to run it out and eat the clock.

YSU has almost the perfect Offense to take on ASU, A strong O line to protect the QB, a good power running game especially between the tackels, and a QB that is cool and accurate, he will also run when needed. He will find the recievers that will be open.

The ROCK is not a big factor, its not that loud the way it is situated with the track and being mainly on one sided. YSU will bring a fairly decent crowd of their own.

It will be high scoring, neither D will stop the others offense on a consistant basis. The turnover advantage goes to YSU. Late in the game YSU's D line will take over and make some key stops.

YSU by 7

December 5th, 2006, 11:11 AM
YSU 33
ASU 30

The only team that can ever beat Youngstown is UNI and a few BCSrs.

:nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod:

Not really....xcoffeex

Kiss My Apps
December 5th, 2006, 11:12 AM
The only team that can ever beat Youngstown is UNI and a few BCSrs.

:nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod:

Still think we're overrated and a first round out Cap'n???

:nono: xidiotx :nono:

December 5th, 2006, 11:12 AM
This Pam girl sounds horrible. I must say if you live far away and cant make the best thing to do would be to have the tv on but muted and listen to David Jackson on the internet. It is free and he is a great play by play guy. He walks rather funny and is goofy looking but he can sure call a football game.

December 5th, 2006, 11:16 AM
After watching both playoff games of both teams. (4 games)

ASU has the faster running game and will give YSU lots of problems on D. If YSU can pressure the QB his passing game will hurt, if he gets pressured he runs which is still be very dangerous. ASU will get up first and then be content to run it out and eat the clock.

YSU has almost the perfect Offense to take on ASU, A strong O line to protect the QB, a good power running game especially between the tackels, and a QB that is cool and accurate, he will also run when needed. He will find the recievers that will be open.

The ROCK is not a big factor, its not that loud the way it is situated with the track and being mainly on one sided. YSU will bring a fairly decent crowd of their own.

It will be high scoring, neither D will stop the others offense on a consistant basis. The turnover advantage goes to YSU. Late in the game YSU's D line will take over and make some key stops.

YSU by 7

The ROCK is not a big factor???????????????
REALLY WE HAVE ONLY WON 26 STRAIGHT HERE!!!!!!!!:) :rotateh: xlolx :nod: :D :p :eyebrow: :nono:

December 5th, 2006, 11:17 AM
This Pam girl sounds horrible. I must say if you live far away and cant make the best thing to do would be to have the tv on but muted and listen to David Jackson on the internet. It is free and he is a great play by play guy. He walks rather funny and is goofy looking but he can sure call a football game.

It might be annoying if they both aren't synched up right though. I think I remember Pam, and if it's who I am remembering, she was not very impressive. :/

December 5th, 2006, 11:19 AM
[B][SIZE="6"]The only team that can ever beat Youngstown is UNI and a few BCSrs.

:nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod:

Can't forget about the UNI Powderpuff Football Team :eek:

Kiss My Apps
December 5th, 2006, 11:20 AM
I think I remember Pam, and if it's who I am remembering, she was not very impressive. :/

IIRC, didn't she do the GWU game?

Happy Penguin
December 5th, 2006, 11:25 AM
YSU 33
ASU 30

The only team that can ever beat Youngstown is UNI and a few BCSrs.

:nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod:

Come on Cap'n! Everytime you pick against us we win. Now we're doomed xlolx

December 5th, 2006, 11:41 AM
Mpls Bison picking against us and Cap'n Cat picking for YSU, all the pieces are falling into place for my evil plan!!! muahaha

December 5th, 2006, 11:42 AM
After watching both playoff games of both teams. (4 games)

ASU has the faster running game and will give YSU lots of problems on D. If YSU can pressure the QB his passing game will hurt, if he gets pressured he runs which is still be very dangerous. ASU will get up first and then be content to run it out and eat the clock.

YSU has almost the perfect Offense to take on ASU, A strong O line to protect the QB, a good power running game especially between the tackels, and a QB that is cool and accurate, he will also run when needed. He will find the recievers that will be open.

The ROCK is not a big factor, its not that loud the way it is situated with the track and being mainly on one sided. YSU will bring a fairly decent crowd of their own.

It will be high scoring, neither D will stop the others offense on a consistant basis. The turnover advantage goes to YSU. Late in the game YSU's D line will take over and make some key stops.

YSU by 7
I agree with the assessment of our offense. We need to wear down their small front in the second half with Ison and Ben Lane. This is where the Tanner and Jewell injuries become key- they've helped us dominate our opponents up front and win games solely in the trenches, and it doesn't sound like we're gonna be able to wing the ball all over the ASU secondary so the trench game will decide this one.

When passing, neutralize the stud DE Murrell with a fullback or have a TE chip him on his release. This sounds a LOT like the Colts defense from last year when they put two linebackers in the pro bowl who went about 225-230. Plus Freeney, Bob Sanders and all. Notice Freeney has been neutralized most of this season in both pass rush and run D, and the Colts defense has returned to being the joke that we're used to seeing? If Murrell does his thing on Saturday we're doomed.

On defense, don't let Mayfield get a clean release, the last thing we need is this guy tearing apart our secondary. I feel confident letting Codera bump-and-run him and getting safety help from Goffer on that side. In the run game, apparently they like to pitch it outside so the OLB's and all-american sophomore DE Mychal Savage need to get contain. Same thing with the QB... play him like Vick- when pass rushing, don't let the ends get farther upfield than the QB, and have a linebacker spy him.

Alright I gotta get to school, so later all...... no prediction yet as there are a bunch of X factors, all's I know is the Penguins will show up to play and make it exciting.

Cap'n Cat
December 5th, 2006, 12:02 PM
Can't forget about the UNI Powderpuff Football Team :eek:

......that beat you at home on Homecoming...........

xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx

December 5th, 2006, 12:07 PM
I agree with the assessment of our offense. We need to wear down their small front in the second half with Ison and Ben Lane. This is where the Tanner and Jewell injuries become key- they've helped us dominate our opponents up front and win games solely in the trenches, and it doesn't sound like we're gonna be able to wing the ball all over the ASU secondary so the trench game will decide this one.

When passing, neutralize the stud DE Murrell with a fullback or have a TE chip him on his release. This sounds a LOT like the Colts defense from last year when they put two linebackers in the pro bowl who went about 225-230. Plus Freeney, Bob Sanders and all. Notice Freeney has been neutralized most of this season in both pass rush and run D, and the Colts defense has returned to being the joke that we're used to seeing? If Murrell does his thing on Saturday we're doomed.

On defense, don't let Mayfield get a clean release, the last thing we need is this guy tearing apart our secondary. I feel confident letting Codera bump-and-run him and getting safety help from Goffer on that side. In the run game, apparently they like to pitch it outside so the OLB's and all-american sophomore DE Mychal Savage need to get contain. Same thing with the QB... play him like Vick- when pass rushing, don't let the ends get farther upfield than the QB, and have a linebacker spy him.

Alright I gotta get to school, so later all...... no prediction yet as there are a bunch of X factors, all's I know is the Penguins will show up to play and make it exciting.
Let's hope we have a clean game where noone gets hurt so whoever wins has a good shot at the NC. If we gotta end the streak, it better be to the eventual NCs!

December 5th, 2006, 12:09 PM
......that beat you at home on Homecoming...........

xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx

...and are watching the playoffs.

You could use a little more of the icons! and
.................................................. ....... needs more cowbell!!

December 5th, 2006, 12:10 PM
The oline is key. We have been substituting on oline all season, the #2 guys have experience and need to step up.

Cap'n Cat
December 5th, 2006, 12:12 PM
1-10 OK as long as we beat Youngstown year after year!

Shut up, beat ASU, win the NC, enjoy it for a few weeks, then have your coaches figure out a way to beat UNI.


Go Pens!!!!

December 5th, 2006, 12:21 PM
......that beat you at home on Homecoming...........

xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx

That was the UNI football team :)
I'm just saying if the powderpuff girls were subbed in, YSU would still lose to UNI. Our chances against The Ohio State University are better than they are against UNI. xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx

December 5th, 2006, 01:10 PM
The ROCK is not a big factor???????????????
REALLY WE HAVE ONLY WON 26 STRAIGHT HERE!!!!!!!!:) :rotateh: xlolx :nod: :D :p :eyebrow: :nono:

Coach Kramer when asked about the ROCK

How does the atmosphere compare to Montana? "It's not the same. I'm not going to lie, it's not the same. The empty seats, the crowd wasn't rolling loud enough for us to ever have to go no-huddle. You want me to mince words, I'm not going to do it. Having an eight-lane track around the field... at Montana they sit on top of you, and they are in it, and there's not an empty seat. It's coming, I can feel it here, we see it sometimes in some of the game films we've watched, but it's not where I think Coach Moore or the App State administration want it to be - every game, sold out, every seat, taken, put in more seats, put in more skyboxes. I wish tonight more people could have seen us play, because down by seven heading into the fourth quarter I wish we could have brought a couple plane-loads of people. What Montana has going is a little bit going is a little different than what (they) have going here. Here, athletically, wow. There, a lot of other things are going for them, too. Two titans at this level, but there's a big distance between Montana and Appalachian State, and there's a lot of the rest of us and we're trying to catch up."

December 5th, 2006, 01:19 PM
Coach Kramer when asked about the ROCK

....It's coming, I can feel it here, we see it sometimes in some of the game films we've watched, but it's not where I think Coach Moore or the App State administration want it to be ...."

You're right and Kramer is right. Kidd Brewer is nothing like Wash-Griz at the moment, but then no school in the FCS is. The stadium up there in Missoula is beautiful (no pictures please ;) ) and packed every game.

However, for the past however many years we at ASU had been dealing with an administration and athletic department that didn't do a whole lot.

Since Charlie Cobb came on board last year the atmosphere on gamedays has done a complete 180.

Rome wasn't built in a day. :D

December 5th, 2006, 01:24 PM
Coach Kramer when asked about the ROCK

How does the atmosphere compare to Montana? "It's not the same. I'm not going to lie, it's not the same. The empty seats, the crowd wasn't rolling loud enough for us to ever have to go no-huddle. You want me to mince words, I'm not going to do it. Having an eight-lane track around the field... at Montana they sit on top of you, and they are in it, and there's not an empty seat. It's coming, I can feel it here, we see it sometimes in some of the game films we've watched, but it's not where I think Coach Moore or the App State administration want it to be - every game, sold out, every seat, taken, put in more seats, put in more skyboxes. I wish tonight more people could have seen us play, because down by seven heading into the fourth quarter I wish we could have brought a couple plane-loads of people. What Montana has going is a little bit going is a little different than what (they) have going here. Here, athletically, wow. There, a lot of other things are going for them, too. Two titans at this level, but there's a big distance between Montana and Appalachian State, and there's a lot of the rest of us and we're trying to catch up."
We've definately got to get rid of the track. It looks too high school and keeps our fans away from the game. :mad:

Black and Gold Express
December 5th, 2006, 01:25 PM
1-10 OK as long as we beat Youngstown year after year!

Shut up, beat ASU, win the NC, enjoy it for a few weeks, then have your coaches figure out a way to beat UNI.


Go Pens!!!!

Maybe Coach Heacock should havea meeting with Coach Moore on that while they are in town. We know how to beat UNI. xlolxxlolx

Black and Gold Express
December 5th, 2006, 01:25 PM
IIRC, didn't she do the GWU game?

No that was not Pam Ward. If that's who you are basing your opinions on, you got the wrong announcer.

December 5th, 2006, 01:36 PM
Coach Kramer when asked about the ROCK...
Yeah, Kramer's comments makes sense to me.

The Rock is a great venue for watching football, and it can become pretty hostile for visiting teams, but I can't see it being anything like Montana's place.

A 26-game home win streak is a great thing to hang your hat on, but it's not some kind of magic talisman that guarantees victory. The home team isn't good because of the stadium; the streak is long because the home team is good.

For its size, ASU is something of a running powerhouse. The University has produced Olympic medalists and earned its first national championship (one in which there is no subdivision, but the competition includes the Stanfords and Ohio States of the world) in an individual track event. It's good to know that championships other than football are being won at KBS. That's enough for me to hope the track stays around the field. I'd rather remain a school with a good football team than become a "football school."

I'd have to guess that MSU and particularly Montana benefit from being THE public Universities in the state. ASU has a great program and a growing fanbase, but a 10-1 Mountaineer team will always underdraw the Wolfpack and Tarheels, even if said teams are 2-8. Even schools like Tennessee, Virginia Tech, and Clemson, and several others cut into the Mountaineer fanbase.

Montana and MSU are premiere programs in the FCS; I don't think it's unreasonable or disparaging to say that they're doing it in a favorable demographic environment.

Cap'n Cat
December 5th, 2006, 01:50 PM
Maybe Coach Heacock should havea meeting with Coach Moore on that while they are in town. We know how to beat UNI. xlolxxlolx

Naw, good idea, but it wouldn't work. I'm sure YSU wants to know how to beat UNI big. Maybe Heacock should visit with North Dakota's guy!

Cap'n Cat
December 5th, 2006, 01:53 PM
I don't think it's unreasonable or disparaging to say that they're doing it in a favorable demographic environment.

Precisely. But, those are the cards they're dealt and they still play them well. They could be non-factors just as easily like Idaho State and Idaho.

December 5th, 2006, 01:54 PM
Yeah, Kramer's comments makes sense to me.

The home team isn't good because of the stadium; the streak is long because the home team is good.

I'd have to guess that MSU and particularly Montana benefit from being THE public Universities in the state.

On the first statment above that was the point I was trying to make, I was just curious how many flames I would get before you picked it up. (1)

MSU and UM are part of the university system that includes smaller schools also, I believe all of the athletic money comes from donations and what the programs make not from tax. UM has had a few good sugardaddys that had helped them out.

We are digressing I just wanted to make the point that YSU would not be going into what I would consider an extreemly difficult stadium to play in. I dont believe it will be a BIG factor

December 5th, 2006, 02:04 PM
On the first statment above that was the point I was trying to make, I was just curious how many flames I would get before you picked it up. (1)

MSU and UM are part of the university system that includes smaller schools also, I believe all of the athletic money comes from donations and what the programs make not from tax.

We are digressing I just wanted to make the point that YSU would not be going into what I would consider an extreemly difficult stadium to play in. I dont believe it will be a BIG factor

They may not come from tax dollars, but being the largest and most influential institutions in the state always means more press coverage and influential people backing your program and not another school's. While the money comes from donations, there is just not the cpmetition for those donations because UM and MSU are the big dogs.

Does this guarantee success? No, as cap'n pointed out it hasn't helped Idaho and Idaho State that much. In that regard, UM, MSU, and NDSU and UND should be applauded on using their advantages to the fullest, but it still is an advantage that most other schools in the FCS don't necessarily have.

December 5th, 2006, 02:06 PM
On the first statment above that was the point I was trying to make, I was just curious how many flames I would get before you picked it up. (1)

MSU and UM are part of the university system that includes smaller schools also, I believe all of the athletic money comes from donations and what the programs make not from tax.

We are digressing I just wanted to make the point that YSU would not be going into what I would consider an extreemly difficult stadium to play in. I dont believe it will be a BIG factor
I would assume that the reasonable ASU fans, which comprise a solid number if not the majority of the fanbase, understand perfectly that KBS is not really "magic." Just like reasonable Red Sox and Cubs fans don't seriously believe their teams were ever cursed. But it makes for good conversation, it's something that gets noticed (and, in ASU's case, is something to be proud of), and, most of all, it's a wonderful marketing opportunity.

ASU is a part of the same kind of statewide University system, only ASU isn't nearly the largest in the system. I'm not suggesting that tax money is the key factor for UM/MSU success. Rather, these two schools enjoy a sort of "only game in town" status that many I-AA teams cannot claim. Put another way, there'd be a lot more Mets fans in New York if the Yankees weren't across town, and there'd be a lot more ASU fans in Western NC if UT wasn't a couple hours one way, VT a couple hours the other way, Clemson a couple hours the other way, and UNC/Wake/NCSU a couple hours the other way. What's a couple hours from Missoula?

I'm with you that this is a digression, and I agree with you that YSU has played in tougher environs than KBS this season. If the matchhup were KBS vs. YSU, I'd pick the Penguins.

Precisely. But, those are the cards they're dealt and they still play them well. They could be non-factors just as easily like Idaho State and Idaho.
No question about it; I hope nobody is reading my assessment of Montana's situation as dismissive or derogatory.

December 5th, 2006, 02:31 PM
I think ASU should take out the track, lower the field and bring the stands right down to the edge just like Ohio State.

December 5th, 2006, 02:35 PM
criticizing appalachian's attendance is pretty stupid....we have the 2nd most attendance in fcs (RIGHT behind Montana, we almost passed em)...we had tons of people there for a thanksgiving break game in BOONE...boone is not quite an easy drive from where people were during thanksgiving break everyone there probably drove 3hrs to get there....this next game we are gonna break the playoff attendance record.....does our stadium need work? definitly it does, they're gonna renovate it during the summer but don't criticize our attendance

December 5th, 2006, 02:42 PM
I'm not suggesting that tax money is the key factor for UM/MSU success. Rather, these two schools enjoy a sort of "only game in town" status that many I-AA teams cannot claim.

Both you and Texcap make the same point and are right. I guess I missunderstood your original point. Both schools ARE the biggest game around and currently with what the UM program has been for several years, that puts MSU trying to catch up. So that puts MSU in a situation more like you are.

We are still holding our own though, we have a program that is improving and in the last 5 years we are 3-2 against them. And this year we made it into the second round so we are feeling optimistic about the future of our program.

OK I think we need to get back on the YSU vs ASU game topic

December 5th, 2006, 02:55 PM
criticizing appalachian's attendance is pretty stupid....

we had tons of people there for a thanksgiving break game in BOONE...boone is not quite an easy drive from where people were during thanksgiving break everyone there probably drove 3hrs to get there....

Slow down.... I dont think anybody is being critical of your attendence. We are complmenting you for what has been accomplished, it just that it dosent compare yet with Montana, I know Many people who live in the same town as I do and are season ticket holders for the Griz, that is a 5 hr trip across the divide, they miss very few games. I drive 3hrs to see the cats on a regular basis. Not exactly and easy task given our terrain and climate.

December 5th, 2006, 03:08 PM
Yeah, Kramer's comments makes sense to me.

The Rock is a great venue for watching football, and it can become pretty hostile for visiting teams, but I can't see it being anything like Montana's place.

A 26-game home win streak is a great thing to hang your hat on, but it's not some kind of magic talisman that guarantees victory. The home team isn't good because of the stadium; the streak is long because the home team is good.

For its size, ASU is something of a running powerhouse. The University has produced Olympic medalists and earned its first national championship (one in which there is no subdivision, but the competition includes the Stanfords and Ohio States of the world) in an individual track event. It's good to know that championships other than football are being won at KBS. That's enough for me to hope the track stays around the field. I'd rather remain a school with a good football team than become a "football school."

I'd have to guess that MSU and particularly Montana benefit from being THE public Universities in the state. ASU has a great program and a growing fanbase, but a 10-1 Mountaineer team will always underdraw the Wolfpack and Tarheels, even if said teams are 2-8. Even schools like Tennessee, Virginia Tech, and Clemson, and several others cut into the Mountaineer fanbase.

Montana and MSU are premiere programs in the FCS; I don't think it's unreasonable or disparaging to say that they're doing it in a favorable demographic environment.

I'm with you on the track staying. Some people get their panties in a wad about the track. I like it where it is. Nice buffer zone. Better visibility. The ESPN camera guys loved it Saturday for the dolly. Better than sticking the track team off in the woods somewhwere.

December 5th, 2006, 03:11 PM
I'm with you on the track staying. Some people get their panties in a wad about the track. I like it where it is. Nice buffer zone. Better visibility. The ESPN camera guys loved it Saturday for the dolly. Better than sticking the track team off in the woods somewhwere.

to be honest ive never even seen the UM track. i think i drove past it a few times???:eyebrow:

Black and Gold Express
December 5th, 2006, 03:14 PM
Naw, good idea, but it wouldn't work. I'm sure YSU wants to know how to beat UNI big. Maybe Heacock should visit with North Dakota's guy!

Last I checked, a win's the same be it by 1 point, 5 points, or 20+ points. :)

December 5th, 2006, 03:42 PM
Let's get this rolling again on ASU/YSU. Here's the defensive stats I promised.

DE - Marques Murrell - 73 TT / 14.5 TFL / 10.5 Sk / 5 FF / 12 QBH
DT - Omarr Byrom - 64 TT / 11 TFL / 5.5 Sk / 1 FF / 6 QBH
DT - Daniel Orlebar - 57 TT / 2 TFL / 2 Sk / 5 QBH
DE - Gary Tharrington - 58 TT / 14 TFL / 7.5 Sk / 1 FF / 3 QBH

DE - Greg Jacobs - 23 TT / 2 TFL
NT - Jim Phelan - 36 TT / 6.5 TFL
DT - Mychal Savage - 51 TT / 5.5 TFL / 3 Sk / 1 FF

Jeff Koval - 53 TT / 13 TFL / 5.5 Sk / 1 FF
Marty Hutchinson - 97 TT / 10 TFL / 2 Sk / 1 FF / 1 INT
Rashod Cotton - 42 TT / 7 TFL
James Terry - 67 TT / 10 TFL / 5 Sk / 3 FF / 1 INT

Pierre Banks - 96 TT / 1.5 TFL / 1 Sk / 3 FF / 2 QBH / 1 INT
Cam Speer - 53 TT / 1.5 TFL / 1 FF / 3 QBH
Monte Smith - 79 TT / 8 TFL / 1.5 Sk / 1 QBH

CB - Justin Woazeah - 31 TT / 2 INT / 6 PBU
S - Corey Lynch - 69 TT / 4 TFL / 1 QBH / 3 INT / 3 PBU
S - Jeremy Wiggins - 67 TT / 3.5 TFL / 5 INT / 3 PBU
CB - Jerome Touchstone - 29 TT / 1.5 TFL / 2 INT / 8 PBU

CB - Codera Jackson - 59 TT / 2 TFL / 1 QBH / 2 FF / 4 INT / 3 PBU
SS - Dorian Chenault - 60 TT / 3 TFL / 1 Sk / 1 INT / 1 PBU
FS - Chris Goffer - 49 TT / 1.5 TFL / .5 Sk / 2 INT / 2 PBU
CB - Jason Perry - 58 TT / 1 TFL / 1 Sk / 4 INT / 11 PBU

YSU: 32-42 76% / 23 TD / 9 FG

ASU: 19-27 70% / 13 TD / 6 FG

More later with some other random stats.

December 5th, 2006, 04:04 PM
I like this stat, YSU is 6-0 in semifinal games (2-0 on the road) and 19-5 in December games.

December 5th, 2006, 04:06 PM
Couple other stats for this game.

YSU - 17 - 6 Fumbles 11 INT
ASU - 27 - 14 Fumbles 13 INT

ASU - 26 - 13 Fumbles 13 INT
YSU - 26 - 11 Fumbles 15 INT

YSU - 77/164 47%
ASU - 69/164 42%

ASU - 89 / 838 Yds
YSU - 73 / 609 Yds

1st - 112
2nd - 139
3rd - 113
4th - 77
OT - 10
Tot - 451

1st - 85
2nd - 116
3rd - 109
4th - 106
Tot - 416

December 5th, 2006, 04:07 PM
Your are correct about being the "only games in town" but what you don't consider is that there is only 900,000 people in the state. Our pool to draw from is considerable smaller than the populations that live in your area.

December 5th, 2006, 04:10 PM
No that was not Pam Ward. If that's who you are basing your opinions on, you got the wrong announcer.
she's the one with the annoyingly low voice right? kinda manly. i can't stand her. she's so annoying....always on ESPN2. was so glad she wasn't doing the YSU/JMU game.

December 5th, 2006, 04:23 PM
Of all the stats posted on the previous page was the glaring difference in turnovers between them. I had no idea how terribly we turn the ball over. I am sure it has something to do with a freshman quarterback but we really need to hold onto the ball if we have any hope of winning this game.

December 5th, 2006, 04:43 PM
You are correct about being the "only games in town" but what you don't consider is that there is only 900,000 people in the state. Our pool to draw from is considerable smaller than the populations that live in your area.
That's a good point, and, whether I stated it specifically or not, it's something I did consider. Montana's 900,000 residents can divide their support between 2 Division I college football programs. For North Carolina's 8,000,000 residents, the number is 12.

Of course, only one of those 12 has ever won a national championship at the division I level.

Cap'n Cat
December 5th, 2006, 04:56 PM
Last I checked, a win's the same be it by 1 point, 5 points, or 20+ points. :)

Yep, you got me there, BGE.

xlolx xlolx xlolx

December 5th, 2006, 04:57 PM
Coach Kramer when asked about the ROCK

How does the atmosphere compare to Montana? "It's not the same. I'm not going to lie, it's not the same. The empty seats, the crowd wasn't rolling loud enough for us to ever have to go no-huddle. You want me to mince words, I'm not going to do it. Having an eight-lane track around the field... at Montana they sit on top of you, and they are in it, and there's not an empty seat. It's coming, I can feel it here, we see it sometimes in some of the game films we've watched, but it's not where I think Coach Moore or the App State administration want it to be - every game, sold out, every seat, taken, put in more seats, put in more skyboxes. I wish tonight more people could have seen us play, because down by seven heading into the fourth quarter I wish we could have brought a couple plane-loads of people. What Montana has going is a little bit going is a little different than what (they) have going here. Here, athletically, wow. There, a lot of other things are going for them, too. Two titans at this level, but there's a big distance between Montana and Appalachian State, and there's a lot of the rest of us and we're trying to catch up."

Do you think this is what he had in mind? Track still there for those who want it.

December 5th, 2006, 04:58 PM
That's a good point, and, whether I stated it specifically or not, it's something I did consider. Montana's 900,000 residents can divide their support between 2 Division I college football programs. For North Carolina's 8,000,000 residents, the number is 12.

Of course, only one of those 12 has ever won a national championship at the division I level.

Don't forget Wake and Duke.

December 5th, 2006, 05:00 PM
That's a good point, and, whether I stated it specifically or not, it's something I did consider. Montana's 900,000 residents can divide their support between 2 Division I college football programs. For North Carolina's 8,000,000 residents, the number is 12.

Of course, only one of those 12 has ever won a national championship at the division I level.

Add into that the size of our state. it is a Loooong ways from Miles City to Missoula its about a 9 hr drive in good weather.

December 5th, 2006, 06:15 PM
A Penguin's Formula to Beating Appalachian St. in Boone

1) Stay calm under pressure. The noise in Boone is nothing new; you heard 105,000 @ Penn St. and you heard one of the loudest CS Stadiums for 8 weeks this year. Don't let the crowd be a factor!

2) Run the ball down their throats. Their toughest test this year running the football was arguably Furman, who got crushed by Appy. They have not faced a line or a power back like Mason all year. BE A FACTOR, winning the line battle is key to any shot at winning.

3) Contain Armanti Edwards and Kevin Richardson. If you allow these two to get big holes and get out into the open field; you will have no shot at winning. Also--Take advantage of the turnovers. Appy has turned it over a TON this year [27 times total] and YSU has done a great job winning the turnover battle week in and week out. Edwards has thrown 9 interceptions this year and can run the ball uncharacteristically and he will fumble the football as well. He is young and has yet to face this kinda pressure in his college career.

GO PENGUINS---Follow these steps.... You will succeed!

Good post! I agree completely. That should be YSU's plan. Let me add, if running the ball down the middle does not work a time or two, whatever you do, don't deviate from it. Going outside & passing the ball plays better into our speedy team's hands. And, by gaining 3.5 yards on the ground, you'll control the clock & keep our offense off the field. Trouble is, no one but NC State has done it that way.

The only thing I might correct in your post is that you seem to think Edwards is the weak link. He's not. He's the real deal. He starts for a reason. And if he goes down, his backup startup the Nat'l Championship game.

As for pressure, let me tell you a story. When it was announced that Edwards was going to start the 3rd game of the season for ASU, he was interviewed on the radio before that game. The announcer asked him if he was not a little nervous and somewhat intimidated by all the attention and with his start as a true freshman at leading the defending Nat'l Champs as their QB. His response was absolutely priceless, and could not possibly have been scripted. He said, "Why? It's just football."

The point is, freshman though he may be, he is a good QB. He has fun out there. And, at this point in his college career, he is better than Richie Williams as a freshman. This offense was designed for Richie, and Armante Edwards fits into rather nicely.

Good luck YSU. I am looking forward to it.


December 5th, 2006, 06:17 PM
Penn st would also have lost to NC state?? Stay out of the medicine locker doc>>>:D

NC State the most defensively talented team in the ACC year in and year out??:D :D Do you actually WATCH college football??

damn, you guys are arrogant,,,,no predictions here

The margins you guys are predicting are ludicrous howeverxidiotx

I watch as much as I am able. But, in this respect, one might be better suited by watching the NFL DRAFT. How many 1st rounders did NC State have last year on defense...how many have they had in Chuck Amato's tenure? So lets not be nasty...

And yes...I am VERY Arrogant about ASU football. I'm sure the Montana St. fans thought our predictons were idiotic as well. The point is that we flat out dominated MSU for 3 quarters of that game...made Critical Turnovers and had poor offensive cohesiveness, and still won decidedly.

Youngstown State is a good team. Perhaps a very good team...but they will not win this weekend. They would have a much better chance if we ran into them in the National Championship game...but they just don't have what it takes to win at the Rock....namely, Armanti, K-rich and a lot of guys in blackshirts called Defense.

December 5th, 2006, 06:32 PM
I wish the stadium improvements included adding seats to the visitor side and not just that massive press box. I think it would make us look a lot better on tv

December 5th, 2006, 06:44 PM
K-Rich??? K-Rich??xlolx

since this isn't the smack portion of AGS

i will just let that one go.

: smh :

December 5th, 2006, 06:58 PM
K-Rich??? K-Rich??

im glad you find that funny H--Lecter

December 5th, 2006, 07:06 PM
You Know

Most of the App people on here seem reasonable,,,,but some guys have that little something that underlies in all your posts,,,,but really in your responses
to YSU posts.

Call it,,,oh i don't know how about intolerance--don't want to use too strong a word and piss you guys off,,,I mean we have to know our place in the football blogoshpere correct?

I'd like to know why you guys can be so quick to demean whatever a YSU fan posts,,,yet you whine when a YSU guy responds to your obvious boastfulness.

Get over yourselves, and your team, step back a little bit, take a deep breath .

Football was not invented in BooneOpolis.

**** you guys are starting to sound like Marshall fans.

Please don't spit on me at the game. That is considered assault nowadays and the spittee is allowed to defend himself. Which I really don't want to do with the probation and all.:D


December 5th, 2006, 07:06 PM
im glad you find that funny H--Lecter

See what I mean?

December 5th, 2006, 07:10 PM
Go away, we already know your an ass. I bet YSU fans don't want you to associate yourself with them at all.

Another example.

December 5th, 2006, 07:14 PM
Two deeps are listed on the YSU site. Check the App 2 deep on O & D.

Something has got to give. xlolx


December 5th, 2006, 07:29 PM
You Know

Most of the App people on here seem reasonable,,,,but some guys have that little something that underlies in all your posts,,,,but really in your responses
to YSU posts.

Call it,,,oh i don't know how about intolerance--don't want to use too strong a word and piss you guys off,,,I mean we have to know our place in the football blogoshpere correct?

I'd like to know why you guys can be so quick to demean whatever a YSU fan posts,,,yet you whine when a YSU guy responds to your obvious boastfulness.

Get over yourselves, and your team, step back a little bit, take a deep breath .

Football was not invented in BooneOpolis.

**** you guys are starting to sound like Marshall fans.

Please don't spit on me at the game. That is considered assault nowadays and the spittee is allowed to defend himself. Which I really don't want to do with the probation and all.


I have no problem with YSU fans. Ive actually enjoyed them all besides you
I just wonder why you think its funny when we shorten the name of our player with his first initial when you do the same in your screen-name.

also I dont like when you go into posts form our fans and degrade our players aka this post by you-

Who give a ****?



Go post this **** on your own personal board

We don't care--go away now

we arent demeaning any YSU players or fans besides you

December 5th, 2006, 07:29 PM

December 5th, 2006, 07:31 PM
Some random thoughts...

- Pam Ward? Ugh. Glad I'll be making the trek to Boone. I know this will sound chauvinistic but in all honesty I can't take female play by play announcers. There is an inflection in their voice where I don't think they can properly convey excitement without sounding like they're nagging me. So sue me.

- Penn St vs NCSU... who cares? The first couple weeks of the season might as well have been 2005 since both App and YSU have progressed since then.

- Judging by the matchups/stats it appears that ASU has the better playmakers whereas YSU is more steady. YSU isn't going to make a lot of mistakes but they don't seem to be the kind of team that will score in bunches. While ASU is the opposite with turnovers being their achilles heel but if they don't make mistakes... watch out.

- Does it strike anyone else funny that the ACC Champ (Wake) is too scared to play ASU?

- The Rock isn't magical? Damn, after sitting through the Miracle in the Mountains and "The Slip", I kind of thought it was.

December 5th, 2006, 07:37 PM
Some random thoughts...

- Pam Ward? Ugh. Glad I'll be making the trek to Boone. I know this will sound chauvinistic but in all honesty I can't take female play by play announcers. There is an inflection in their voice where I don't think they can properly convey excitement without sounding like they're nagging me. So sue me.

- Penn St vs NCSU... who cares? The first couple weeks of the season might as well have been 2005 since both App and YSU have progressed since then.

- Judging by the matchups/stats it appears that ASU has the better playmakers whereas YSU is more steady. YSU isn't going to make a lot of mistakes but they don't seem to be the kind of team that will score in bunches. While ASU is the opposite with turnovers being their achilles heel but if they don't make mistakes... watch out.

- Does it strike anyone else funny that the ACC Champ (Wake) is too scared to play ASU?

- The Rock isn't magical? Damn, after sitting through the Miracle in the Mountains and "The Slip", I kind of thought it was.

It's funny, but the reason for Wake? Easy. Look at the record. I don't know what the head-to-head is, but we made it hard for them to keep scheduling us. xlolx

December 5th, 2006, 07:47 PM
Latest YSU Video Update on APPY STATE Tickets (http://wfmj.com/global/video/WorldNowASX.asp?playerType=native&ClipID1=1103291&h1=Penguin%20Playoff%20Ticket%20Information&vt1=v&at1=Newstream&d1=83667&LaunchPageAdTag=Homepage&activePane=info&playerVersion=7)

Look's like tickets are selling pretty well.... I really want to go, but I am tied up for Sunday and late Saturday so I can't. I will be going to 'nooga if they can win this one!

December 5th, 2006, 07:56 PM
I have no problem with YSU fans. Ive actually enjoyed them all besides you
I just wonder why you think its funny when we shorten the name of our player with his first initial when you do the same in your screen-name.

also I dont like when you go into posts form our fans and degrade our players aka this post by you-

we arent demeaning any YSU players or fans besides you

That was an attempt to be funny, which I either failed miserably at (doubtful) or the reader failed to get the humor (likely) How could you POSSIBLY take that serious??

How is that degrading your players??

As far as the K-Rich thing,,,,,I don't really think you are bright enough to understand the sarcasm that COULD have been posted there.

Like I said you guys didn't invent football down there,,,,get over yourselves.

You have seen no boasting by me,,,,a couple smilies next to the K-rich nickname bothers you??


If we are fortunate enough to win Saturday I won't even come back on here and say a word..(.unlike some of the App posters towards MSU, that is called either class or apathy,) probably the latter, I don't validate my life
with how my football team is doing.

go ahead and hate me all you want,,,,,I laugh every time I get a response:D

December 5th, 2006, 08:19 PM
I laugh every time I get a response
and that what makes you a dick

December 5th, 2006, 08:22 PM
You Know

Most of the App people on here seem reasonable,,,,but some guys have that little something that underlies in all your posts,,,,but really in your responses
to YSU posts.

Call it,,,oh i don't know how about intolerance--don't want to use too strong a word and piss you guys off,,,I mean we have to know our place in the football blogoshpere correct?

I'd like to know why you guys can be so quick to demean whatever a YSU fan posts,,,yet you whine when a YSU guy responds to your obvious boastfulness.

Get over yourselves, and your team, step back a little bit, take a deep breath .

Football was not invented in BooneOpolis.

**** you guys are starting to sound like Marshall fans.

Please don't spit on me at the game. That is considered assault nowadays and the spittee is allowed to defend himself. Which I really don't want to do with the probation and all.:D


We are..... MARSHALL!

December 5th, 2006, 08:26 PM
and that what makes you a dick

who is gonna be the bigger man first, or start emailing each other

December 5th, 2006, 08:34 PM
I just dont like people who say stuff just to get a negative response out of people

December 5th, 2006, 08:55 PM
I just dont like people who say stuff just to get a negative response out of people

It's a message board, lighten up. He's yanking your chain and by being hypersensative you are playing right into his hands. Nothing wrong with being proud of your team, hell we have every right to be. But when your team is good, as both ASU and YSU are, no need for the thin skin,

Now, HLecter has inspired me how about this for an east\west stands chant saturday . . .

K >>>>> RICH.

HLecter will be sitting on the east side so after KRich's 3rd rushing touchdown of the night he can lead the cheer!:smiley_wi

December 5th, 2006, 08:55 PM
This Pam girl sounds horrible. I must say if you live far away and cant make the best thing to do would be to have the tv on but muted and listen to David Jackson on the internet. It is free and he is a great play by play guy. He walks rather funny and is goofy looking but he can sure call a football game.

Is that ASU's local announcer?


December 5th, 2006, 09:00 PM
Let's hope we have a clean game where noone gets hurt so whoever wins has a good shot at the NC. If we gotta end the streak, it better be to the eventual NCs!

Amen!!! I hope that for either team. Like to see the best team intact in the championship..


December 5th, 2006, 09:08 PM
I like this stat, YSU is 6-0 in semifinal games (2-0 on the road) and 19-5 in December games.

But that was under Tressel (though I guess last Saturdays game counts in the December stats).... Heacock is starting a new streak and this year he has shown some positives (Northern Iowa noted and accepted).


December 5th, 2006, 09:09 PM
Is that ASU's local announcer?


Yes, he's the play by play for ASN (Appalachian Sports Network).

December 5th, 2006, 09:27 PM
Yes, he's the play by play for ASN (Appalachian Sports Network).

He was the ASN sideline guy when I did sideline work for WASU's coverage of App games... meaning all of about 2 people heard me. Jackson is tha bomb.

K-Rich? I didn't realize App fans were so into the Rolling Stones. :smiley_wi

December 5th, 2006, 09:34 PM
He was the ASN sideline guy when I did sideline work for WASU's coverage of App games... meaning all of about 2 people heard me. Jackson is tha bomb.

K-Rich? I didn't realize App fans were so into the Rolling Stones. :smiley_wi

Love to listen DJ pregame and after an APP win.

Lots of stones fans in KBS, it is also known as the rock afterall!

December 5th, 2006, 09:42 PM
He was the ASN sideline guy when I did sideline work for WASU's coverage of App games... meaning all of about 2 people heard me. Jackson is tha bomb.

K-Rich? I didn't realize App fans were so into the Rolling Stones. :smiley_wiIf you're into THE ROCK you have to be into the Stones!

December 5th, 2006, 10:32 PM
KRich is the license plate for Kevin Richardson's car, I have seen it parked outside the stadium, so it is pretty serious.
Also HLecter, you are what makes this site annoying at times. I wish we could keep people like you out of here.

December 5th, 2006, 11:24 PM
As for pressure, let me tell you a story. When it was announced that Edwards was going to start the 3rd game of the season for ASU, he was interviewed on the radio before that game. The announcer asked him if he was not a little nervous and somewhat intimidated by all the attention and with his start as a true freshman at leading the defending Nat'l Champs as their QB. His response was absolutely priceless, and could not possibly have been scripted. He said, "Why? It's just football."

The point is, freshman though he may be, he is a good QB. He has fun out there. And, at this point in his college career, he is better than Richie Williams as a freshman. This offense was designed for Richie, and Armante Edwards fits into rather nicely.

I am sure Armanti's comment about "its only football." is because Armanti, though he is only 18 has had to deal with many tough issues in his life already. As I have said, pressure in a football game is easy for Armanti to handle- he is very mature for his age- he has had to be.

Good luck Armanti, and App. St.

December 5th, 2006, 11:58 PM
Yea, hes broken up and gotten back together with his Girlfriend in the past like 2 weeks so im sure theres a lot on his table

December 6th, 2006, 12:35 AM
and that what makes you a dick

Nice, you prove my original post's position once again

December 6th, 2006, 12:43 AM
It's a message board, lighten up. He's yanking your chain and by being hypersensative you are playing right into his hands. Nothing wrong with being proud of your team, hell we have every right to be. But when your team is good, as both ASU and YSU are, no need for the thin skin,

Now, HLecter has inspired me how about this for an east\west stands chant saturday . . .

K >>>>> RICH.

HLecter will be sitting on the east side so after KRich's 3rd rushing touchdown of the night he can lead the cheer!:smiley_wi

HLecter will NOT be sitting in the east stands and I like K>>>>>BITCH better

"Throw the "EERS down the well"

Man you guys are SO sensitive : smh :

December 6th, 2006, 01:34 AM
HLecter will NOT be sitting in the east stands and I like K>>>>>BITCH better

"Throw the "EERS down the well"

Man you guys are SO sensitive : smh :

I can't help but think that all this talk about K-rich is just damn funny. Lets not judge a man by the caliber of his nickname...lets just give him credit for his on field highlight reel...(both good and bad). I never meant to start such a fire of debate...HOWEVER...i think its great that he has it on his plate...

I remember a few years ago, in Richie Williams' first game... he was put in for a hurt Joe Burchette against Marshall. I couldn't go see it in person, so we watched the game at "The Glorified Double-Wide". The entire time, the biased announcers on Marshall's in-house commenting crew could not stop talking about "the BIG L" a.k.a. Byron Leftwich. The announcers were quite funny..."the Big L" could do no wrong...ASU was just not prepared for the likes of "the BIG L"... "the BIG L" could go up against an army of 3000 dancing bears and walk away unscathed.....it was like Bill Brasky and Ditka had a baby and then somebody pee'd on it.

So in the grand scheme of things...is K-rich really all that bad?

December 6th, 2006, 06:11 AM
Early line

App St -5 O/U 50

I'll take App St and the under.

Happy Penguin
December 6th, 2006, 06:55 AM
Hmm, I guess I'm the only one that kinda likes Pam Ward... :eyebrow:

It's her color guy that kills it for me..Mike Gottfried or something. He talks way too slow and usually doesn't have a point.

Oh well, I won't have to deal with them until I watch the replay.

I'll take YSU and the over.

December 6th, 2006, 07:34 AM
I would like to welcome all the Youngstown players and fans to Boone this weekend, this is going to be a great weekend and hopefully a great atmosphere for football. Its great to jaw back and forth but the reality is the players on both teams deserve to be here because they are the ones who have worked so hard this season. We have a great team and so does Youngstown so let the players battle it out while we sit back and enjoy a great day for football. Just a warning to the Younstown fans....it's going to be COLD on saturday so come prepared and pray the wind is not blowing. Hope you all have a safe trip here and a great time in Boone.

December 6th, 2006, 07:47 AM
But that was under Tressel (though I guess last Saturdays game counts in the December stats).... Heacock is starting a new streak and this year he has shown some positives (Northern Iowa noted and accepted).


Yeah you're right. Heacock is undefeated in the playoffs. His only bane is Northern Iowa (also Western Kentucky when Klacik was an assistant coach).

December 6th, 2006, 07:49 AM
I would like to welcome all the Youngstown players and fans to Boone this weekend, this is going to be a great weekend and hopefully a great atmosphere for football. Its great to jaw back and forth but the reality is the players on both teams deserve to be here because they are the ones who have worked so hard this season. We have a great team and so does Youngstown so let the players battle it out while we sit back and enjoy a great day for football. Just a warning to the Younstown fans....it's going to be COLD on saturday so come prepared and pray the wind is not blowing. Hope you all have a safe trip here and a great time in Boone.

I have noticed that of all opposing teams we have played, Appalachian State has the classiest fans. They are proud of their winning tradition and passionate about their players. I went on the ASU site yesterday at work and saw some of the player bios. Even while watching the game, Kidd-Brewer seems like a great place to visit to catch a CS game.

May I also mention their shared disgust about the whole San Diego ordeal earlier in the season. :thumbsup:

December 6th, 2006, 07:54 AM
Some random thoughts...

- Does it strike anyone else funny that the ACC Champ (Wake) is too scared to play ASU?

A few years ago, right here in the beautiful Camel City, I heard Deac's Coach Grobe interviewed by the local drive time radio guys. One of them (the radio guys) is an App grad and he asked Grobe why the series had been cancelled; after all, it had been a staple in the 80's and early 90's-- one of the most popular games on either team's schedule.

Grobe said (and I'm paraphrasing here): We don't have anything to gain by playing Appalachian State. We're trying to put together a bowl program here, and losing to Appalachian doesn't help us, and beating Appalachian in a close game doesn't really help us either.

December 6th, 2006, 09:05 AM
Of all the stats posted on the previous page was the glaring difference in turnovers between them. I had no idea how terribly we turn the ball over. I am sure it has something to do with a freshman quarterback but we really need to hold onto the ball if we have any hope of winning this game.

Gotta remember, the stats are slightly skewed by the WCU game in the downpour.

Black and Gold Express
December 6th, 2006, 09:29 AM
Hmm, I guess I'm the only one that kinda likes Pam Ward... :eyebrow:

It's her color guy that kills it for me..Mike Gottfried or something. He talks way too slow and usually doesn't have a point.

Oh well, I won't have to deal with them until I watch the replay.

I'll take YSU and the over.

I'm with you on Ward, I think she's a good play by play announcer.

Gottfried I like as well. He's also pretty knowledgeable about ASU and has stuck up for us in the past when other ESPN personalities did their usual snubbing of I-AA as good football.

I'll take ASU and the over.

December 6th, 2006, 09:39 AM
I have noticed that of all opposing teams we have played, Appalachian State has the classiest fans. They are proud of their winning tradition and passionate about their players. I went on the ASU site yesterday at work and saw some of the player bios. Even while watching the game, Kidd-Brewer seems like a great place to visit to catch a CS game.

You Pens fans are o.kxprost2x . An early forecast for the visitors. Hi 42 Low 19. Clear Skies. Kickoff temp. around 40 and mostly in the low 30s upper 20s during the game. Penguins like the cold though...right?:nod:

December 6th, 2006, 09:42 AM
You Pens fans are o.kxprost2x . An early forecast for the visitors. Hi 42 Low 19. Clear Skies. Kickoff temp. around 40 and mostly in the low 30s upper 20s during the game. Penguins like the cold though...right?:nod:

Oh yes we do. And as for the line, I'll take the Over. 50 is too generous lol.

December 6th, 2006, 09:45 AM
I went to undegrad school with Gottfried (Morehead St.). He also is from Ohio (Crestline) and was a H.S. HC in Youngstown area before going to college coaching, then broadcasting.

Mike will be neutral, but know who he is pulling for !! :thumbsup:

December 6th, 2006, 09:48 AM
I went to undegrad school with Gottfried (Morehead St.). He also is from Ohio (Crestline) and was a H.S. HC in Youngstown area before going to college coaching, then broadcasting.

Mike will be neutral, but know who he is pulling for !! :thumbsup:

I knew he had Ytown ties somewhere along the line

December 6th, 2006, 10:17 AM
I went to undegrad school with Gottfried (Morehead St.). He also is from Ohio (Crestline) and was a H.S. HC in Youngstown area before going to college coaching, then broadcasting.

Mike will be neutral, but know who he is pulling for !! :thumbsup:

Funny Pally how alot of brilliant minds have undergrad time @ MSU :hurray:

December 6th, 2006, 10:29 AM
I have noticed that of all opposing teams we have played, Appalachian State has the classiest fans. They are proud of their winning tradition and passionate about their players. I went on the ASU site yesterday at work and saw some of the player bios. Even while watching the game, Kidd-Brewer seems like a great place to visit to catch a CS game.

May I also mention their shared disgust about the whole San Diego ordeal earlier in the season. :thumbsup:

Here, here. I could not agree more. Looking forward to meeting YSU & their fans on Saturday. Good luck! And,


December 6th, 2006, 10:32 AM
Gotta remember, the stats are slightly skewed by the WCU game in the downpour.

That is true. At Western, it did not look to me like they were playing with a leather football. More like, a wet, peeled potato! I'm glad the rain subsided at halftime.

December 6th, 2006, 10:36 AM
I am sure Armanti's comment about "its only football." is because Armanti, though he is only 18 has had to deal with many tough issues in his life already. As I have said, pressure in a football game is easy for Armanti to handle- he is very mature for his age- he has had to be.

Good luck Armanti, and App. St.

You may be right, I don't know what he was thinking when he said it. What I interpreted him to mean was that he was completely comfortable on the football field, and he thought there was no reason to be nervous, even while QB-ing the #1 team in the country as a frosh. In any event, it was an interesting comment from a really gifted kid.

December 6th, 2006, 10:38 AM
Yep, Red. I knew you would recognize "class" from MSU ( Go Eagles)-- LOL !!! Mike QBed an OVC Champ while we were together down there.

Gottfried was the HFC at Struthers for awhile. And was close to the YSU staff for awhile.

December 6th, 2006, 10:44 AM
Yep, Red. I knew you would recognize "class" from MSU ( Go Eagles)-- LOL !!! Mike QBed an OVC Champ while we were together down there.

Gottfried was the HFC at Struthers for awhile. And was close to the YSU staff for awhile.

Yep :thumbsup: I was in Morehead two weeks ago. Stopped by on my way back to Fort Knox from VMI. The old place has really grown WOW!! :eek:

December 6th, 2006, 10:45 AM
I would like to welcome all the Youngstown players and fans to Boone this weekend, this is going to be a great weekend and hopefully a great atmosphere for football. Its great to jaw back and forth but the reality is the players on both teams deserve to be here because they are the ones who have worked so hard this season. We have a great team and so does Youngstown so let the players battle it out while we sit back and enjoy a great day for football. Just a warning to the Younstown fans....it's going to be COLD on saturday so come prepared and pray the wind is not blowing. Hope you all have a safe trip here and a great time in Boone.

Thank You for the nice words

Hope the wind doesn't have a big impact on the game.

December 6th, 2006, 10:52 AM
Palmer's not much of a worry now. He proved that he's clutch in the playoffs. Also no missed extra points.

Kickoff coverage is another issue.

December 6th, 2006, 11:02 AM
You may be right, I don't know what he was thinking when he said it. What I interpreted him to mean was that he was completely comfortable on the football field, and he thought there was no reason to be nervous, even while QB-ing the #1 team in the country as a frosh. In any event, it was an interesting comment from a really gifted kid.

That was a great comment by Edwards.

One that a lot of you guys should take to heart.

Oh hell, there I go again,,,,damn what an asshole I am,,,,There I go degrading the program and players again: smh : : smh : : smh :


December 6th, 2006, 11:06 AM
well lets be glad the game isn't on friday...booneweather is saying friday is quote "the coldest day in almost 2 years"

but as for saturday:

December 6th, 2006, 11:13 AM
well lets be glad the game isn't on friday...booneweather is saying friday is quote "the coldest day in almost 2 years"

That is amazing that it is coldest day in 2 years. That can't be right, when I was at App we went through a 7 day period where the high temperature for the entire 7 days was 8 degrees.

December 6th, 2006, 11:16 AM
yeah i don't think it makes sense either...maybe they mean coldest day in 2years for december or something...but i dunno thats what it says

December 6th, 2006, 11:36 AM
No. 5 Youngstown State (11-2) at No. 1 Appalachian State (12-1), 4:00

Two of the top programs in I-AA/FCS history meet for the first time on Saturday in Boone. While Appalachian State is the defending champion, Youngstown State has the better overall playoff track record with four national championships and six appearances in the national title game, all from 1991-99. The Penguins hit a tough patch by their standards since losing in the 1999 national championship game to Georgia Southern, but they return to the semifinals for the first time since that season after a 28-21 victory over Illinois State on Saturday. The Penguins opened up a 28-7 advantage in the third quarter of that contest, and held off a Redbird rally in the fourth quarter. Running back Marcus Mason chipped in his usually strong effort with 138 yards and a touchdown. Youngstown State hasn’t been to the semifinals for a while, but the Penguins do have a great track record in this round. They have posted victories in all six of their semifinal appearances, including a stretch of four consecutive years from 1991-94. Appalachian State’s semifinal track record isn’t quite as strong, as the Mountaineers lost their first two tries in 1987 and 2000 before breaking through on their way to the national championship last year. They have a great opportunity to even the record this year, because the Mountaineers have held the No. 1 ranking almost all season and will put a huge homefield advantage to work on Saturday. Appalachian State held its home field with an impressive 38-17 victory over Montana State in the quarterfinals. The Mountaineers jumped out to a 14-0 first-quarter lead, then scored twice in the fourth quarter to put it away after Montana State had closed to within 24-17. Kevin Richardson notched 131 yards and four touchdowns in the victory. While the teams have never matched up on the gridiron, they both have experience against the opposing conference. Appalachian State has a quality 6-1 mark against the Gateway Conference, with a 3-0 playoff ledger that includes a quarterfinal win over Southern Illinois and victory over Northern Iowa in the national championship game last year. Youngstown State is 6-6 in its I-AA/FCS history against the Southern Conference, including a 2-4 mark against former SoCon power Marshall. The Penguins are 3-3 in the postseason against Southern Conference teams.

When Youngstown State Has the Ball: Mason looked like he was back to full speed with a 26-carry, 138-yard performance against Illinois State, and the Penguins will need their star running back at his best against a Mountaineer defense that has been tough on the run all season. Mason (1726 yards, 22 TD) notched his first 100-yard effort since going for 249 yards and two touchdowns against Southern Illinois on Nov. 4, and is fully capable of having a big day now that he’s healthy again. He leads a Penguin running game that averages 227.7 yards per contest, and will need a big day against a tough Appalachian State defense. The Mountaineers give up only 100.2 yards per game and 2.8 yards per carry against the run, and have the speed and playmakers at every position to keep the Penguins from notching many big gainers. But the key matchup will be the physical Penguin front against the Mountaineer defensive line. If the Penguins can get a good push up front, they may be able to produce methodical drives and control the clock with the running game. That formula has worked in the past, and will be necessary because passing could be difficult. Tom Zetts (1936 yards, 13 TD, 10 INT) has three touchdowns and no interceptions in the playoffs and notched 314 yards through the air in the first-round win over James Madison, but a team that doesn’t pass often could have a tough time against a talented Mountaineer pass defense. Appalachian State gives up 165 yards per game through the air, but also has 13 interceptions and 12 touchdowns allowed and surrenders just 50 percent of passes completed. The Mountaineers also have 34 sacks and 26 takeaways, and got a boost when safety Corey Lynch returned to the lineup last week. Youngstown State will have to move the ball with Mason’s running, especially between the tackles, to limit Appalachian State’s speed making plays on the outside. If the Penguins can’t move the ball with the power running of Mason, they figure to have a difficult time producing against the Mountaineer defense.

When Appalachian State Has the Ball: An Appalachian State offense that is clicking, especially with the running game, appears to have a favorable matchup in this contest. The Mountaineers are running for 229.3 yards per game and 5.3 yards per carry, and their recent totals have eclipsed those numbers. Appalachian State notched 283 rushing yards and five touchdowns in the quarterfinal win over Montana State, and had 334 yards and three touchdowns in the first-round triumph against Coastal Carolina. Kevin Richardson (1352 yards, 24 TD) has been a constant all season and has 13 rushing touchdowns in the last five games. But the running game is really becoming explosive because quarterback Armanti Edwards (962 rush yards, 12 TD) is becoming more and more comfortable. Edwards notched 105 yards and a score on the ground against Montana State, and has three consecutive 100-yard rushing days coming into the game. Both players possess game-breaking speed, and the Mountaineers are successful at spreading out and using their speed for big plays behind one of the best offensive lines in I-AA/FCS. Youngstown State has faced a lot of strong running games in the Gateway Conference, though the Penguins have not taken on the speed that Appalachian State offers. The Penguins rank 75th in rushing defense with 155.8 yards per game surrendered, so they figure to get a tough matchup here. They may need a few turnovers to limit Appalachian State, and that’s a definite possibility. The Mountaineers have turned it over 27 times this year, with 14 fumbles lost and 13 interceptions. They committed three turnovers against Montana State, and do have a tendency to put the ball on the ground. Youngstown State will need to take advantage of that, because the Mountaineers can make plays in the passing game as well. Edwards (1941 yards, 14 TD/9 INT) has a few playmakers at wide receiver, though he has not completed a high percentage of passes lately. A Penguin team with 15 interceptions can notch a pick or two as well, especially if they can force Edwards into early mistakes and rattle the freshman signal-caller a bit. But, if they don’t turn it over, the Mountaineer offense could be in line for a big day.

Intangibles: Appalachian State has a 26-game home winning streak, 20-game streak against I-AA/FCS teams and 12 wins in a row overall. Not only are the Mountaineers confident at home, but they have playoff experience to draw on from last year’s run. Youngstown State has built up playoff experience in the first two rounds, but this collection of Penguins makes their first postseason road trip in a very difficult venue against the No. 1 team in the land. They have to show that they aren’t fazed by the situation. Special teams could be a wash, with Youngstown State placekicker Brian Palmer (11-14 FG) and Appalachian State counterpart Julian Rauch (10-14) boasting identical resumes.

The Verdict: Just like the other semifinal game, it’s tough to actually pick one of these teams to lose. Youngstown State is the only semifinalist with a I- AA/FCS loss, but six or seven quality wins show how strong the Penguins are this season. They can always get a big game from Mason, and a few turnovers by the Appalachian State offense will make things very interesting. But even if that happens, the Mountaineers might have enough ability on both sides of the ball to win this game. They overcame three turnovers last week, and have playmakers to turn the game around at just about every position. The Penguins will make them earn it in a close game, but the Mountaineers just have too many weapons to go down, especially at a place where they haven’t lost in four years. Appalachian State holds off the Penguins for its second title game trip in a row.

Prediction: Appalachian State 34, Youngstown State 27


sportnetwork's picks record:
Quarterfinals: 4-0
Playoffs: 11-1
Overall: 291-110 (72.6%)

December 6th, 2006, 11:43 AM
I see Paladin has made his prediction this morning on the YSU site. He picks YSU 28-24. And good reasons why.

He has been right most of the season and almost on the money with the scores.

I'm feeling better already !! :nod:

December 6th, 2006, 02:31 PM
Did want to get those posters on ysupenguins.com to realize I do read that forum everyday and I am happy to see some posters wanting me back..... All I can tell them is to join me at eGuins because I am not going to take back my comments.... Kinda funny how all the opposing teams fans crack jokes on that site and not mine.... Also I see GoGuins says my site does look great.

Arrogant... Perhaps.... But I am classy to the other fans in the playoffs.

YSU: 31
ASU: 28
[Remember the +or- 5 points every game this season by me for the YSU scores.]


December 6th, 2006, 02:32 PM
That is amazing that it is coldest day in 2 years. That can't be right, when I was at App we went through a 7 day period where the high temperature for the entire 7 days was 8 degrees.

Unfortunately all of last winter we never had a mean temp as low as we are expecting on Friday. The Friday mean temp should be mid teens but last year we never got that cold. I am so pissed about it. I came to school here for the cold weather and snow. The last two years though it has been really warm and not very snowy. I have no idea when you went to school here but I know historically this area would have had about 2 or 3 days per winter below zero! This is my third winter here and we have had only one day below zero and that was during Christmas break 2 years ago. Eight of the last ten years we have had below average snowfall and it is driving me bananas.:mad:
I do think it would if we had had the game on Friday night we could have had the temp around 18 degrees. But I guess we will have to live with the thirties on Saturday. On the flip side I think a Friday night in Boone on national television with 18 degree weather the crowd would have been terrible. I really we hope we have a great crowd on Saturday.:hurray:

December 6th, 2006, 02:45 PM
Did want to get those posters on ysupenguins.com to realize I do read that forum everyday and I am happy to see some posters wanting me back..... All I can tell them is to join me at eGuins because I am not going to take back my comments.... Kinda funny how all the opposing teams fans crack jokes on that site and not mine.... Also I see GoGuins says my site does look great.

Arrogant... Perhaps.... But I am classy to the other fans in the playoffs.

YSU: 31
ASU: 28
[Remember the +or- 5 points every game this season by me for the YSU scores.]


Question and give an honest answer, how old are you?

December 6th, 2006, 03:31 PM
Did want to get those posters on ysupenguins.com to realize I do read that forum everyday and I am happy to see some posters wanting me back..... All I can tell them is to join me at eGuins because I am not going to take back my comments.... Kinda funny how all the opposing teams fans crack jokes on that site and not mine.... Also I see GoGuins says my site does look great.

Arrogant... Perhaps.... But I am classy to the other fans in the playoffs.

YSU: 31
ASU: 28
[Remember the +or- 5 points every game this season by me for the YSU scores.]


Well then, unless ASU wins by two or less we will be seeing the end of a streak. Your year long picking streak or ASU's four year home winning streak. Either way it will be the end of an era.

December 6th, 2006, 03:38 PM
So this thread is on the away side officially for the NC... no surprise their bc we will bring the bigger crowd either ASU or YSU

December 6th, 2006, 03:51 PM
Furman's coach was being interviewed on Ytown's MyYtv last night by Bob Hannon and he said you beat ASU by pounding it up the middle and control the clock. Two things YSU does best!

He went on and said ASU's DE's are very quick to the QB and their team speed is great.

December 6th, 2006, 04:09 PM
app needs its own messageboard...we have partyapp but that sure as hell doesn't count since noone posts there

December 6th, 2006, 04:16 PM
Furman's coach was being interviewed on Ytown's MyYtv last night by Bob Hannon and he said you beat ASU by pounding it up the middle and control the clock. Two things YSU does best!

He went on and said ASU's DE's are very quick to the QB and their team speed is great.

If things work out for us, they can get to the QB as quick as they want, because we will only be throwing it about 10 times.

December 6th, 2006, 04:28 PM
Furman's coach was being interviewed on Ytown's MyYtv last night by Bob Hannon and he said you beat ASU by pounding it up the middle and control the clock. Two things YSU does best!

He went on and said ASU's DE's are very quick to the QB and their team speed is great.

Please...take your game plan from Bobby Lamb. He's proven time and time again that he can't win at the Rock.

He might have been the last team to beat us...but he certainly isn't the person to seek advice from if you are looking to win at the rock. Paul Johnson could probably give better advice...and he is probably going to coach at NC STATE. next year, so we may see more of the ASU-NC State Games...Just to bring that conversation full circle.

Black and Gold Express
December 6th, 2006, 04:28 PM
app needs its own messageboard...we have partyapp but that sure as hell doesn't count since noone posts there

The #1 ASU messageboard is at http://forums.delphiforums.com/appstate/messages

December 6th, 2006, 04:29 PM
app needs its own messageboard...we have partyapp but that sure as hell doesn't count since noone posts there

Here is one...http://forums.delphiforums.com/appstate/messages

December 6th, 2006, 04:30 PM
yeah ive posted there before...i don't like the layout

December 6th, 2006, 04:31 PM
I never realized PJ had so many Socon ties.
Undergrad at WCU, Masters at ASU, a Back to Back at GSU...

I hated him at Georgia Southern...but he can flat out coach...

Black and Gold Express
December 6th, 2006, 04:32 PM
I see Paladin has made his prediction this morning on the YSU site. He picks YSU 28-24. And good reasons why.

He has been right most of the season and almost on the money with the scores.

I'm feeling better already !! :nod:

Considering his "scouting report" on us from him, I'd trust his thoughts a lot less. He was almost as off base on us as one can get.

December 6th, 2006, 04:43 PM
I never realized PJ had so many Socon ties.
Undergrad at WCU, Masters at ASU, a Back to Back at GSU...

I hated him at Georgia Southern...but he can flat out coach...

He grew up and went to high school in Avery County.

December 6th, 2006, 04:46 PM
Heart wants YSU (always liked the program), head says ASU, either way though, its gonna be a hell of a game, by two very good football teams, best of luck to both! I'll be watching from my couch, make it entertaining would ya? ;) :hurray:

December 6th, 2006, 05:03 PM
The Youngstown State Marching Band will be joining us this Saturday at the Rock. This should make the atmosphere even better!

GO APP, Fight APP, Kick ASS!!

December 6th, 2006, 05:09 PM
The Youngstown State Marching Band will be joining us this Saturday at the Rock. This should make the atmosphere even better!

GO APP, Fight APP, Kick ASS!!

And of course...Appalachian is "Carolina's Band of Distinction"...so I'm just gonna go ahead and say what everybody is thinking I probably will...

"Our band can beat your band". xlolx

December 6th, 2006, 05:33 PM
thats cool...2 marching bands will make it better actually

Kiss My Apps
December 6th, 2006, 05:36 PM
yeah ive posted there before...i don't like the layout

It may not be the most appealing layout, but I would wager that along with egriz it is the most active FCS message board out there.

December 6th, 2006, 05:52 PM
I never realized PJ had so many Socon ties.
Undergrad at WCU, Masters at ASU, a Back to Back at GSU...

I hated him at Georgia Southern...but he can flat out coach...
Based on the Sidney Lowe hiring PJ has too many degrees to coach at ncsuxlolx

December 6th, 2006, 06:02 PM
The Youngstown State Marching Band will be joining us this Saturday at the Rock. This should make the atmosphere even better!

GO APP, Fight APP, Kick ASS!!

That's awesome. I'd be great if they played together after the game. I heard that the bands at some game did that (was it YSU/JMU?). I love the bands, so that would be sweet!

December 6th, 2006, 06:14 PM
That's awesome. I'd be great if they played together after the game. I heard that the bands at some game did that (was it YSU/JMU?). I love the bands, so that would be sweet!

YSU and ISU's band played after the game last Saturday, or so I've heard. They announced it at the game and I've heard reports, but we left before they started.

YSU has a great school of music called "Dana School of Music" but the YSU Marching Pride has shrunk over the past years. They have about 110-120 members. Hope you'll like our fight song, and the YSU chant over and over! :hurray:

December 6th, 2006, 06:27 PM
thats cool...2 marching bands will make it better actually

1-1/2 actually:D , YSU's band keeps getting smaller every year. They still do a good job, but up until a few years ago always had about 200 members, now it's around 100

December 6th, 2006, 06:27 PM
We'll match fight songs with fight songs.

Go App, Fight App, Kick Ass

December 6th, 2006, 06:29 PM
Our Band has abour 275 members and has just been growing and growing over the past few years! "North Carolina's Band of Distinction"!!

December 6th, 2006, 06:37 PM
Listening to YSU's coach Jon Heacock in his presser from Tuesday, it seems he's developed a friendship with ASU's coach Moore and respects him a lot. Apparently ASU's coach wanted to see YSU's SprinTurf in person and did so to see if that's what ASU wanted. Then Heacock asked if each others assistants could visit each others programs for evaluation on why they were successful (YSU more successful in the 90's). ASU's coaches didn't come to YSU, but a couple YSU assistants went down to Boone last spring and came back impressed.


December 6th, 2006, 06:42 PM
ive heard it a buncha times but i dunno why we're called "North Carolina's Band of Distinction" i mean is that some bull**** title or does it come from something?

December 6th, 2006, 06:45 PM
Any chance some of you YSU fans could snag a Dancing Penguin and put it in your signiture. I cannot wait to see that movie...and that would be freakin awesome!

I will see if I can find Yosef doing the running man...

December 6th, 2006, 06:49 PM
ive heard it a buncha times but i dunno why we're called "North Carolina's Band of Distinction" i mean is that some bull**** title or does it come from something?

I think it has something to do with ASU having a very good school of music; better than Duke, UNC, Wake, NC State. UNCG also has a VERY good school of Music, but they don't have a marching band...

December 6th, 2006, 06:58 PM
Any chance some of you YSU fans could snag a Dancing Penguin and put it in your signiture. I cannot wait to see that movie...and that would be freakin awesome!

I will see if I can find Yosef doing the running man...



December 6th, 2006, 07:25 PM
Question and give an honest answer, how old are you?

Graduated from YSU a few years back..... no I am not a teenager like you may think.....
xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx

December 6th, 2006, 07:25 PM
GoGuins, What's Pete's beverage of choice?

December 6th, 2006, 07:52 PM
YSU and ISU's band played after the game last Saturday, or so I've heard. They announced it at the game and I've heard reports, but we left before they started.

YSU has a great school of music called "Dana School of Music" but the YSU Marching Pride has shrunk over the past years. They have about 110-120 members. Hope you'll like our fight song, and the YSU chant over and over! :hurray:

I dont know about over and over
maby we will hear it twice
when they come out of the locker room before the game and after halftime
i just finished listening to the YSU fight song it sounds cool:thumbsup:
you should listen to the ASU fight song

December 6th, 2006, 08:15 PM
C Ryan Jewell

RB Marcus Mason

FB Deke Ison
Gliatta is doubtful I am told.
Terry is probable.

That is what I gathered today from the media and a few phone calls.

December 6th, 2006, 08:37 PM


Thats just damn impressive.

I was sorta thinking about the new dancing penguin movie though...(as he raises the bar)

December 6th, 2006, 08:50 PM
I dont know about over and over
maby we will hear it twice
when they come out of the locker room before the game and after halftime
i just finished listening to the YSU fight song it sounds cool:thumbsup:
you should listen to the ASU fight song
I heard the ASU fight song last year when you played Furman? in the semifinals so I found it on your website and liked it. I actually downloaded it then and it's still in my files. However, I won't be liking it come Saturday.

December 6th, 2006, 08:53 PM
I heard the ASU fight song last year when you played Furman? in the semifinals so I found it on your website and liked it. I actually downloaded it then and it's still in my files. However, I won't be liking it come Saturday.

You may want to wear ear plugs from 3:30-7:30 on Saturday. :hurray: :hurray:

December 6th, 2006, 09:24 PM
I heard the ASU fight song last year when you played Furman? in the semifinals so I found it on your website and liked it. I actually downloaded it then and it's still in my files. However, I won't be liking it come Saturday.
It's a great song, entitled "Hi-Hi-Yikas," hence my screen name. I'ts a suped-up version of an old German folksong called "Bergvagabunden," which, roughly translated, means "Mountaineer."

December 6th, 2006, 09:28 PM
App's band is huge! I don't have a good picture, but during the pre-game stuff they take up the WHOLE field. No time to resize, but here is a pic I took during the regular season: http://www.gribblenation.com/personal/laura/App-JMU%20065.jpg

Do you know if YSU's band will perform at halftime?

December 6th, 2006, 09:39 PM
that "kick ass!" that everybody likes to yell at the end is actually "go apps!" in our official fight song

December 6th, 2006, 09:45 PM
I think it has something to do with ASU having a very good school of music; better than Duke, UNC, Wake, NC State. UNCG also has a VERY good school of Music, but they don't have a marching band...

Very close... Not just a very good School of Music, but the BEST School of Music in the State of NC. Been rated that many years over many schools. It also comes from having one kick @ss band on the field from years past (well over 300 on the field). Numbers dropped off for a while, but coming back strong again - AWESOME to see on the field!!

The saying goes, "It's great to be a Marching Mountaineer!"

December 6th, 2006, 09:52 PM
App's band is huge! I don't have a good picture, but during the pre-game stuff they take up the WHOLE field. No time to resize, but here is a pic I took during the regular season: http://www.gribblenation.com/personal/laura/App-JMU%20065.jpg

Do you know if YSU's band will perform at halftime?

YSU will not be performing at halftime.

December 6th, 2006, 09:57 PM
It's a great song, entitled "Hi-Hi-Yikas," hence my screen name. I'ts a suped-up version of an old German folksong called "Bergvagabunden," which, roughly translated, means "Mountaineer."

I love the name...so many people don't realize our fight song has words other than "Go Apps, Fight Apps, Go Apps (Kick @ss)". I am impressed and a fan.:hurray:

December 6th, 2006, 10:01 PM
The YSU Marching Pride. I took this picture at the JMU game 2 weeks ago. A few years back, they used to fill out the Y entirely and the "Penguinettes" were seperate, not part of the Y.

But enough about bands, GO PENGUINS!

December 6th, 2006, 10:05 PM
The YSU Marching Pride. I took this picture at the JMU game 2 weeks ago. A few years back, they used to fill out the Y entirely and the "Penguinettes" were seperate, not part of the Y.

But enough about bands, GO PENGUINS!

That's sad, the crowd and the band

December 6th, 2006, 10:06 PM
Courtesy of wikipedia

Fight Song
The ASU fight song, Hi Hi Yikas, is sung to the tune of the German folk song Bergvagabunden (Mountain Vagabond).

Hi Hi Yikas

Nobody like us,
We are the
Always a-winning
Always a-grinning
Always a-feeling fine
You bet, hey
Go Apps!
Fight Apps!
Go, fight, win Apps! ('win Apps!' is usually changed to 'kick ass!')

If you want to hear the full fight song come up to where we sit in 3A and we will be singing this.:)

December 6th, 2006, 10:15 PM
1-1/2 actually:D , YSU's band keeps getting smaller every year. They still do a good job, but up until a few years ago always had about 200 members, now it's around 100

Just curious: why is the band shrinking in size? Has enrollment at YSU decreased also?

December 6th, 2006, 10:24 PM
Very close... Not just a very good School of Music, but the BEST School of Music in the State of NC. Been rated that many years over many schools. It also comes from having one kick @ss band on the field from years past (well over 300 on the field). Numbers dropped off for a while, but coming back strong again - AWESOME to see on the field!!

The saying goes, "It's great to be a Marching Mountaineer!"
I've always heard that Appt State had a great music program and band. Too bad JMU didn't make it back to Boone and bring the MRD's......we are 350+ marching members....would have been a great atmosphere.

Good luck against YSU.

December 6th, 2006, 10:27 PM
Just curious: why is the band shrinking in size? Has enrollment at YSU decreased also?

Enrollment has actually been rising. It's over 13,000 now. My guess would be the change of directors recently, and I think there has been many changes.

December 6th, 2006, 11:11 PM
For those YSU folks where are you guys/gals plan on tailgating at??:beerchug: :beerchug:

December 6th, 2006, 11:15 PM



ASU drumline pregame routine. The student section seems to enjoy this. The video and audio doesn't line up for most of it but it's still pretty cool.

p.s. yes i'm a member of the drumline

December 6th, 2006, 11:15 PM
For those YSU folks where are you guys/gals plan on tailgating at??:beerchug: :beerchug:


December 6th, 2006, 11:20 PM
C Ryan Jewell

RB Marcus Mason

FB Deke Ison
Gliatta is doubtful I am told.
Terry is probable.

That is what I gathered today from the media and a few phone calls.
Good to hear about JEWELL playing. The Vindy made it sound like he was doubtful, but the radio made sound like it more of a precaution.
GO GUINS:hyped:

December 6th, 2006, 11:50 PM
That's sad, the crowd and the band

sections 14-15 were also supposed to be for JMU...16 was the only one reserved for YSU on that side

December 7th, 2006, 12:31 AM

Have fun with that walk down the hill from Greenwood! I do it everyday from my apartment... it aint no stroll in the park.


December 7th, 2006, 01:25 AM
ASU drumline pregame routine. The student section seems to enjoy this. The video and audio doesn't line up for most of it but it's still pretty cool.

p.s. yes i'm a member of the drumline

As a member of said student section...Yes we do enjoy that. Thouroughly!:hurray: :hurray: :bow: :bow:

December 7th, 2006, 02:09 AM
Have fun with that walk down the hill from Greenwood! I do it everyday from my apartment... it aint no stroll in the park.


I've seen a lot of disgruntled furman fans make that walk...up the mountain is worse though.

State Farm would probably be better for the Youngstown fans though...

December 7th, 2006, 10:49 AM
My bad of course it is worse going back up... I live at the top and my girlfriend lives at the bottom. I know those 200+ stairs allto well. It is kind of insane to tell you the truth. That is why away fans park there. :)

December 7th, 2006, 11:35 AM
Any word on total ticket sales for the game? WKBN radio in Youngstown announced this morning that the 500 tickets alotted to Youngstown are all sold.

December 7th, 2006, 11:48 AM
App's band is huge! I don't have a good picture, but during the pre-game stuff they take up the WHOLE field. No time to resize, but here is a pic I took during the regular season: http://www.gribblenation.com/personal/laura/App-JMU%20065.jpg

Do you know if YSU's band will perform at halftime?

You can see my old dorm in that picture! Good ol' gardner with the 10' by 15' rooms...

I'm proud of our band. It's great to have such a good one. A tromboner lives two doors down from me.

December 7th, 2006, 11:48 AM
Any word on total ticket sales for the game? WKBN radio in Youngstown announced this morning that the 500 tickets alotted to Youngstown are all sold.

They have 3 busses filled going plus I read a player's parent from Cleveland got 4 more. I think you'll see close to 750-1000 Guin fans there.

We just want to get out of this snow & cold! Although only a high of 32 Friday & 44 Sat in Boone so not a whole lot better