View Full Version : UCA to merge into Ark. State system?
July 20th, 2015, 09:48 AM
First let me say I'm throwing up in my mouth a little...:pumpuke:
Looks like a former angry employee now legislator is trying to merge UCA into the Arkansas State University system. I'm sure neither school wants that but if they do what will that mean for UCA athletics? Will the football team go FBS with ASU into the Sunbelt or will it be like UAPB that is part of the University of Arkansas system. I hope it doesn't happen. It's nice NOT being part of a system.
State Rep. Mark Lowery -- who drafted legislation to merge the University of Central Arkansas into the Arkansas State University System before deciding against introducing it earlier this year -- will be a co-chairman of the legislative task force studying realigning the state's higher education institutions, the task force decided Wednesday.
The ASU System, based in Little Rock, serves 20,300 students in Arkansas, according to ASU System spokesman Jeff Hankins. The general revenue budget for the system's five institutions is about $83.9 million in this fiscal year.
Conway-based UCA's enrollment totaled 11,698 in the fall, Courtway said. UCA's general revenue budget is $53 million in this fiscal year.
So ASU and all their system schools are worth only 30 million more than UCA that has only one primary residence? Talk about giving ASU value!
July 20th, 2015, 10:44 PM
So this guy is just doing this to be a dink and get his pound of flesh?
July 21st, 2015, 08:56 AM
Yep. That's about it. If anything I can see UCA acquiring smaller schools in the state but giving them total freedom to continue the way they are now.
July 21st, 2015, 12:52 PM
Yep. That's about it. If anything I can see UCA acquiring smaller schools in the state but giving them total freedom to continue the way they are now.
In Minnesota there are two systems- the University system with our only full D-1 school in the Twin Cities (main branch in Minneapolis, ag school in St. Paul), Crookston, Duluth and Morris.
The MNSCU (Minnesota State Colleges and University System)- the state schools- include NSIC members Bemidji State U, Minnesota State-Mankato, Minnesota State-Moorhead, Saint Cloud State U, Southwest MN State and Winona State U. Metropolitan State (4 year without sports) and the junior colleges are included in this group.
The Gophers encourage the divide and conquer tactics so that no one other school can challenge them. Bemidji, UMD, Mankato and St. Cloud are D1 in hockey.
July 21st, 2015, 01:06 PM
All of this seems strange to a North Carolina person. We have the University of North Carolina, and then community colleges. Are there no complaints in Arkansas and other states about duplication, top-heaviness and too many administrators?
July 21st, 2015, 03:39 PM
All of this seems strange to a North Carolina person. We have the University of North Carolina, and then community colleges. Are there no complaints in Arkansas and other states about duplication, top-heaviness and too many administrators?
Oh yes- Minnesota is different than Wisconsin where the whole state is part of the U of W system since 1971. I think that there at 13 four year schools and I think 13 more two year schools. Some people think that dilutes the name.
The MNSCU system was originally set up as teacher colleges. So they have a different setup than the U of M. Yes, way to many administrators. I prefer tooth to tail- endless number of VPs.
What about NC State?
July 22nd, 2015, 08:06 AM
Oh yes- Minnesota is different than Wisconsin where the whole state is part of the U of W system since 1971. I think that there at 13 four year schools and I think 13 more two year schools. Some people think that dilutes the name.
The MNSCU system was originally set up as teacher colleges. So they have a different setup than the U of M. Yes, way to many administrators. I prefer tooth to tail- endless number of VPs.
What about NC State?
NC State is part of the UNC System.
July 22nd, 2015, 08:08 AM
Arkansas state-Conway?
July 22nd, 2015, 08:15 AM
Arkansas state-Conway?
Arkansas State University- Conway
or if we get merged into the University of Arkansas system we would be
instead of
July 22nd, 2015, 08:56 AM
All of this seems strange to a North Carolina person. We have the University of North Carolina, and then community colleges. Are there no complaints in Arkansas and other states about duplication, top-heaviness and too many administrators?
In South Carolina it is the opposite, and it is a mess. The USC system has the main campus in Columbia, larger campi in the Upstate, Aiken, and Beaufort, and a group of 2 year schools. All of the other schools (The Citadel, Clemson, SC State, Winthrop, CCU, Lander, College of Charleston, the Medical University, and Francis Marion are completely independent and autonomous with extensive duplication of services and are often competing against each other for state resources. There is is no centralized plan for growth and little state oversight. Many of SC State's current problems are due to rogue board members who looted the school while the state took a hands-off approach
Lehigh Football Nation
July 22nd, 2015, 09:08 AM
Guessing Sam fans would have a field day with that acronym.
July 22nd, 2015, 09:43 AM
Guessing Sam fans would have a field day with that acronym.
And they should. It's horrible but it would be our acronym if we were forced to go to that system. I'd change the school mascot to "FISH" instead of bears. That way we could be ASUC'er fish. xlolx
July 22nd, 2015, 10:20 AM
In Iowa there are 4 D1 schools
All of them are separate entities.
Drake is private
UNI, Iowa State and Iowa all share the same Board of Regents but are still not part of a system
July 22nd, 2015, 10:35 AM
Since Virgina has a state school called William and Mary, how about the new name for UCA being "William and Hillary University" ?
July 22nd, 2015, 10:51 AM
Since Virgina has a state school called William and Mary, how about the new name for UCA being "William and Hillary University" ?
July 22nd, 2015, 11:08 AM
Since Virgina has a state school called William and Mary, how about the new name for UCA being "William and Hillary University" ?
Billiary University? Sadly neither cared for UCA. They're pig sloppers. Pippen University? xlolx
July 22nd, 2015, 12:19 PM
Funny thing about Texas, you have the UT system, the A&M system, the tech system, the u of h system, the Texas state system...
and SFA has managed to stay independent
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