View Full Version : Marshaun Coprich suspended

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December 20th, 2015, 11:37 AM
Many on AGS have commented how few ISUr fans post here. Step back from normal banter and light hearted smack talk that goes on with any fan board. And honestly ask yourself that question .. why would that be ?

I did not come here to make friends nor to post here year round. I originally came here to post only because of the amount of misinformation and bashing that was occurring regarding ISUr. The posters I have gotten into it with are well known on Redbird fan board. The consensus is that there are more than a handful of UNI and NDSU fans who go way out of their way to bash ISUr relentlessly, sometimes warranted, most times not. This is very well known on Redbird fan board .. case in point, OSBF lost all credibility on our fan board, including with people who know him personally and can't figure out his issue. He comes here, makes similar fictional statements and accusations, and the usual suspects here, lap it up without question. Even when called out and he has nothing to support.

The most recent exchange regarding Roberson only came up because the usual UNI contingent that reflexively bashes ISUr commented again this year that our QB Roberson sucked. I simply argued otherwise and provided specific info to support my point that Roberson is a very good QB, which I contrasted to UNI QBs.

Now because of that, you think I should be making an argument for your QBs .. what sense does that make ?? Your fan (Clenz) said our QB sucked .. so I should defend my QB and then when done, I should defend your QB too ??


A couple of things to consider.

First, is it really misinformation or are they opinions with which you disagree? You are entitled to your opinion and CLENZ and others are entitled to theirs. Don’t get so bent out of shape when you disagree. It’s part of the fun of message boards. CLENZ provides statistics that back up his opinions. You provide statistics that back up yours. The problem is that you complain about CLENZ or others providing what you feel is a one-sided perspective but then you turn around and do the same thing (arguing for Roberson’s injury’s impact on his play while giving all of the credit to ISUr and ignoring or downplaying Carnes injury or Bailey’s lack of practice time). You are a fan and you’re going to support your team and I don’t have a problem with that but don’t get mad at others for doing the same thing that you are doing.

Second, CLENZ rubs a lot of fan bases the wrong way. But he is extremely knowledgeable about football and does a lot of research (watching games, statistics, etc.) to back up his points. From my perspective, the NDSU fans might disagree with him but they respect his knowledge of the game and the work he puts into what he posts. Other fan bases don’t take it as well, particularly ISUr and YSU. Do you really want to be lumped in with some of the YSU fans?

Third, Roberson did have a bad year compared to last year. I don’t think he sucked but an argument could be made that he did. Once, again don’t take it personally or as an affront to Redbird Nation. When comparing Roberson to Bailey you have to compare 3 QBs – Roberson 2014, Roberson 2015 and Bailey 2015. Roberson 2014 was clearly the best of the 3 but an argument could be made that Bailey 2015 was as good or better than Roberson 2015. Is it a fact? No, it’s an opinion. And no you do not need to defend my QB but if you want me to respect your arguments than you should respect mine.

December 20th, 2015, 11:38 AM
no sh-t sherlock .. that is my point. This is why so few ISUr fans post here.

Keep spewing and lapping up the BS.

So your point is that Redbird fans don't post here because people will question what they say? xlolx

December 20th, 2015, 12:45 PM
So your point is that Redbird fans don't post here because people will question what they say? xlolx

I have a personal agenda, that's the only reason I'm here. 😇😈

Redbird 4th & short
December 20th, 2015, 01:11 PM
So your point is that Redbird fans don't post here because people will question what they say? xlolx
this from the guy who laps up the BS and stokes it more than most with meaningless drivel.

December 20th, 2015, 01:13 PM
this from the guy who laps up the BS and stokes it more than most with meaningless drivel.

You know all about the stroking from the circle jerk that is RedbirdFan.net. xlolx

Redbird 4th & short
December 20th, 2015, 01:24 PM
A couple of things to consider.

First, is it really misinformation or are they opinions with which you disagree? You are entitled to your opinion and CLENZ and others are entitled to theirs. Don’t get so bent out of shape when you disagree. It’s part of the fun of message boards. CLENZ provides statistics that back up his opinions. You provide statistics that back up yours. The problem is that you complain about CLENZ or others providing what you feel is a one-sided perspective but then you turn around and do the same thing (arguing for Roberson’s injury’s impact on his play while giving all of the credit to ISUr and ignoring or downplaying Carnes injury or Bailey’s lack of practice time). You are a fan and you’re going to support your team and I don’t have a problem with that but don’t get mad at others for doing the same thing that you are doing.

Second, CLENZ rubs a lot of fan bases the wrong way. But he is extremely knowledgeable about football and does a lot of research (watching games, statistics, etc.) to back up his points. From my perspective, the NDSU fans might disagree with him but they respect his knowledge of the game and the work he puts into what he posts. Other fan bases don’t take it as well, particularly ISUr and YSU. Do you really want to be lumped in with some of the YSU fans?

Third, Roberson did have a bad year compared to last year. I don’t think he sucked but an argument could be made that he did. Once, again don’t take it personally or as an affront to Redbird Nation. When comparing Roberson to Bailey you have to compare 3 QBs – Roberson 2014, Roberson 2015 and Bailey 2015. Roberson 2014 was clearly the best of the 3 but an argument could be made that Bailey 2015 was as good or better than Roberson 2015. Is it a fact? No, it’s an opinion. And no you do not need to defend my QB but if you want me to respect your arguments than you should respect mine.
I'll give you credit for trying to have a rational argument .. that doesn't happen here too often. But my history here with Clenz, PantherRob, Nodak4ever, etc is not about whether Roberson is a good QB or ISUr. it is about their phony moral outrage and mischaracterizations of the integrity of ISUr, Spack, etc. So everything about my admittedly adversarial attitude on AGS revolves around that .. not my team or QB is better than your team or QB. You happened to jump into an exchange started by Clenz that I responded to .. my apologies for lumping you into that group and baggage. I assumed you were joining in and piling on .. but it appears not.

So back to my main point .. many AGS have commented on how few ISUr posters are here. There must be and is a reason. And the fact challenged ISUr bashers here are the reason. They are relentless and could care less about facts.

Again, I appreciate a rational argument and apologies that I lumped you in with the others.

December 20th, 2015, 01:31 PM
That's odd. I don't have any problems with ISUMatt or RealBird. Sounds like the common denominator is you, not ISUr fans. xcoffeex

Redbird 4th & short
December 20th, 2015, 01:39 PM
That's odd. I don't have any problems with ISUMatt or RealBird. Sounds like the common denominator is you, not ISUr fans. xcoffeex
RealBird is being a good diplomat, but otherwise agrees with me. I have no issue with him choosing to be diplomatic. As I have said many times, i didn't come here to make friends or post for fun. I came here to call out the BS.

December 20th, 2015, 01:50 PM
RealBird is being a good diplomat, but otherwise agrees with me. I have no issue with him choosing to be diplomatic. As I have said many times, i didn't come here to make friends or post for fun. I came here to call out the BS.

Thanks, Sheriff 4th and Short. None of us can tell the difference between what's real and what's not if you aren't hear to tell us. What will we do the other 10 months of the year when you don't post? xrolleyesx

December 20th, 2015, 01:59 PM
Thanks, Sheriff 4th and Short. None of us can tell the difference between what's real and what's not if you aren't hear to tell us. What will we do the other 10 months of the year when you don't post? xrolleyesx

Back to bashing ISUr, making Spack look bad, seeing if marshaun ever got his herbology degree with a minor is marketing, and Casey's breakfast pizza. I miss when 4th and Bitchy isn't here. Someone has to be the village idiot and without him, its' just not as fun. Got to love the Novembrists and Decembrists.

December 20th, 2015, 03:21 PM
I'll give you credit for trying to have a rational argument .. that doesn't happen here too often. But my history here with Clenz, PantherRob, Nodak4ever, etc is not about whether Roberson is a good QB or ISUr. it is about their phony moral outrage and mischaracterizations of the integrity of ISUr, Spack, etc. So everything about my admittedly adversarial attitude on AGS revolves around that .. not my team or QB is better than your team or QB. You happened to jump into an exchange started by Clenz that I responded to .. my apologies for lumping you into that group and baggage. I assumed you were joining in and piling on .. but it appears not.

So back to my main point .. many AGS have commented on how few ISUr posters are here. There must be and is a reason. And the fact challenged ISUr bashers here are the reason. They are relentless and could care less about facts.

Again, I appreciate a rational argument and apologies that I lumped you in with the others.

So the core issues are 1) Coprich's punishment and 2) Spack's use of FBS transfers and both are portrayed by fans of other schools?

First, who gives a ***** what fans of other schools think? It doesn't really matter as long as you're ok with it.

Second, I agree that Coprich got off way too easy. It has nothing to do with what kind of person he is. I personally think he's probably a good kid who made a mistake. But there should be consequences for a criminal act such as he committed and a 1 or 2 game suspension would have been much more appropriate without ruining his life. This kind of stuff happens everywhere and is addressed differently. As fans of a school that has dealt with similar offenses much more harshly, UNI fans can legitimately take a higher moral ground and poke fun of ISUr. In the end though, the incident has passed and I would just move on. It just adds fuel to the fire every time a Redbird fan responds to one of their posts. It also adds to the humor from their perspective. My advice, it's about opinions not facts. Just let it go and stop jumping in.

Third, I have no problem with Spack taking FBS transfers, even those with questionable histories. Everyone does it to greater or less degrees. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't but everyone deserves a 2nd chance. The key is placing them in an environment with the leadership and discipline where they can succeed. There are plenty of examples of failures but there have also been successes with Benny Sapp being a good example. I personally don't like an over reliance on FBS transfers but they can be used to augment recruitment and player development and to fill holes in a roster.

Spack is a good coach who has made some decisions that leave him open to ridicule. I don't think he gives 2 *****s what anyone on a message board says and neither should you.

And I'll leave you with one last thing to remember any time UNI plays ISUr ... whenever the cheerleaders do their "Let's ... Go ... Birds!" chant just replace "Let's ... Go" with "Cat's ... Eat"! xsmiley_wix

December 20th, 2015, 08:45 PM
Did uni88 just break this thread? :(:D

December 20th, 2015, 09:41 PM
Did uni88 just break this thread? :(:D
xwhistlex Sorry

December 20th, 2015, 10:28 PM
xwhistlex Sorry


December 21st, 2015, 07:00 AM
I'll give you credit for trying to have a rational argument .. that doesn't happen here too often. But my history here with Clenz, PantherRob, Nodak4ever, etc is not about whether Roberson is a good QB or ISUr. it is about their phony moral outrage and mischaracterizations of the integrity of ISUr, Spack, etc. So everything about my admittedly adversarial attitude on AGS revolves around that .. not my team or QB is better than your team or QB. You happened to jump into an exchange started by Clenz that I responded to .. my apologies for lumping you into that group and baggage. I assumed you were joining in and piling on .. but it appears not.

So back to my main point .. many AGS have commented on how few ISUr posters are here. There must be and is a reason. And the fact challenged ISUr bashers here are the reason. They are relentless and could care less about facts.

Again, I appreciate a rational argument and apologies that I lumped you in with the others.

I'm not a doctor but one doesn't need to be a doctor to recognize a case of severe butt-hurt aggravated by tertiary sphincter-lock. The key to recovery for fans of the Redsquirts is to focus on the azzwhuppin' for the ages, that you successfully avoided at the hands of the Bison the following wee and not to focus on the embarrassment you brought to the MVC in front of our nation. They say it helps if you cry.xcoffeex

December 21st, 2015, 08:23 AM
I try to be good, but then people leave Casey's breakfast pizza unattended and I revert back to my troubled past.http://www.anygivensaturday.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22060&stc=1

December 21st, 2015, 08:32 AM
I try to be good, but then people leave Casey's breakfast pizza unattended and I revert back to my troubled past.http://www.anygivensaturday.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22060&stc=1

I think I discovered the true reason Coprich was selling weed. He needed extra money for Casey's Pizza. Since athletes can't get real jobs, and if he gets it for free it is an NCAA violation.

So in the end this all could have been avoided if the NCAA wasn't such a hard ass on the athletes for impermissable benefits such as Casey's Pizza.

December 21st, 2015, 09:43 AM
Now we're back on track!

December 21st, 2015, 09:46 AM
Weed and Casey's pizza are a vicious circle. its possible it could spiral endlessly.

December 21st, 2015, 10:10 AM
Weed and Casey's pizza are a vicious circle. its possible it could spiral endlessly.

Casey's is just the "gateway" pizza, very soon they move to the harder stuff in search of bigger thrills...

December 21st, 2015, 10:12 AM
Casey's is just the "gateway" pizza, very soon they move to the harder stuff in search of bigger thrills...

Agreed, first they sponsored the gateway and it was just a solid conference. then they moved on to sponsoring the MVFC and now its out of control

December 22nd, 2015, 10:42 AM
I'm not a doctor but one doesn't need to be a doctor to recognize a case of severe butt-hurt aggravated by tertiary sphincter-lock. The key to recovery for fans of the Redsquirts is to focus on the azzwhuppin' for the ages, that you successfully avoided at the hands of the Bison the following wee and not to focus on the embarrassment you brought to the MVC in front of our nation. They say it helps if you cry.xcoffeex

Houndawg is a great example of how to approach this or other message boards. His posts are typically smart, funny and on target. Rather than whining when he takes it on the chin, he shrugs it off and keeps swinging. He gives as good as he gets.

This is a message board for fans of FCS football. It's not the incestuous, group-think circle-jerk that team message boards are where everyone agrees with each other or gangs up to bully out dissenting opinions. You are going to get a variety of opinions, maturity levels and approaches to posting. It's like being at a bar with your buddies or in the locker room after practice. Lots of teasing and juvenile humor. Don't take it personally and if you can't handle swimming with the sharks in the adult pool than please go back to the kiddy pool (i.e. team message board) where it's nice and shallow and safe.

December 22nd, 2015, 10:59 AM
Houndawg is a great example of how to approach this or other message boards. His posts are typically smart, funny and on target. Rather than whining when he takes it on the chin, he shrugs it off and keeps swinging. He gives as good as he gets.

This is a message board for fans of FCS football. It's not the incestuous, group-think circle-jerk that team message boards are where everyone agrees with each other or gangs up to bully out dissenting opinions. You are going to get a variety of opinions, maturity levels and approaches to posting. It's like being at a bar with your buddies or in the locker room after practice. Lots of teasing and juvenile humor. Don't take it personally and if you can't handle swimming with the sharks in the adult pool than please go back to the kiddy pool (i.e. team message board) where it's nice and shallow and safe.

stop staring at my junk

December 22nd, 2015, 11:21 AM
stop staring at my junk
Sorry I can't stop staring at the rash ... ;)

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk

December 22nd, 2015, 11:52 AM
Sorry I can't stop staring at the rash ... ;)

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk
the doctor said it should be gone in a couple weeks

December 22nd, 2015, 12:35 PM
the doctor said it should be gone in a couple weeks

Send a PM to Capn' Cat, I'm sure he's got some creame or pills or something left over you can borrow that would be just the ticket to clear that right up

December 22nd, 2015, 01:12 PM
Send a PM to Capn' Cat, I'm sure he's got some creame or pills or something left over you can borrow that would be just the ticket to clear that right up

I just used my obamacare

Southern Bison
December 22nd, 2015, 01:32 PM
I miss when 4th and Bitchy isn't here. Someone has to be the village idiot and without him, its' just not as fun.

ND4E fills his shoes quite nicely...

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

December 22nd, 2015, 02:05 PM
You guys are all great....well most of you. Hey red may need some of that cream. After all he'd hit most anything till it fell off xlolx

December 22nd, 2015, 02:08 PM
Send a PM to Capn' Cat, I'm sure he's got some creame or pills or something left over you can borrow that would be just the ticket to clear that right up

The Cap'n's creams and pills are made by shamans and witch doctors in 3rd world countries using plants and insects not known to modern medicine. Their efficacy is unproven but they are known to cause unintended consequences.

December 22nd, 2015, 02:15 PM
The Cap'n's creams and pills are made by shamans and witch doctors in 3rd world countries using plants and insects not known to modern medicine. Their efficacy is unproven but they are known to cause unintended consequences.

100% true comment proven by the Capn himself. He had to use some on his left hand after repeatedly spanking his monkey as his hand had a rash. Here's his hand after he used said creams.....


December 22nd, 2015, 02:17 PM
He was to embarrassed to show pic's of his tool from the cream. Rumor was he had to put the camera in Panorama mode to get it into the shot fully xlolx

December 22nd, 2015, 03:16 PM
ND4E fills his shoes quite nicely...

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

I just enjoy watching the movie unfold while I sit back and have some popcorn

December 22nd, 2015, 03:29 PM
100% true comment proven by the Capn himself. He had to use some on his left hand after repeatedly spanking his monkey as his hand had a rash. Here's his hand after he used said creams.....

Imagine this guy getting into a fight....

December 22nd, 2015, 04:06 PM
Imagine this guy getting into a fight....

This some Wichita State fan who gave the Shocker to the wrong gal?

December 22nd, 2015, 04:24 PM
This some Wichita State fan who gave the Shocker to the wrong gal?
A Creighton girl, more than likely.

If you'd ever been to the MVC tournament and been out drinking you'll know exactly what i mean.

December 27th, 2015, 09:40 PM
Listening to former SNL cast member Brooks Wheelan do a bit on Casey's pizza. Time to bump this thread.