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July 28th, 2015, 04:29 PM
Yeah, i'm sure that's why USD has a losing football team.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

July 28th, 2015, 04:30 PM
Pfft, Joe Glenn would have kicked this kid off the team a long time ago. I suppose that is why ISUr is a winning football team and USD is a losing football team. Still, at least we can say our coach has some morals. Joe sent a couple players packing for shooting a BB gun out of their dorm window. Flat out said that's not the type of people we are here and not the kind of program we're running. Guess we know what kind of program Ill State is running.
I respect Joe but he should just retire. USD is clearly not going to fire him, all you need is a coach that isn't radically different. He can bring in some new ideas.

Bison Fan in NW MN
July 28th, 2015, 04:34 PM
Yeah, i'm sure that's why USD has a losing football team.

I've been pretty hard on USD the last few years but the have had a ton of injuries.

Injuries aside, there was a big learning curve for the Bison when they entered the Valley and USD is trying to figure it out also. Plus they are recruiting against SDSU, UNI, NDSU, UND and other Valley teams.

IMO, if they get their dome upgraded it would definitely help in fan interest and recruiting. USD was a good D2 program and could be a good FCS program too.

Bison Fan in NW MN
July 28th, 2015, 04:38 PM
I respect Joe but he should just retire. USD is clearly not going to fire him, all you need is a coach that isn't radically different. He can bring in some new ideas.

I thought this also. Get a young good coach that has a ton of energy and can recruit.

July 28th, 2015, 07:08 PM
I'm more of a corporal punishment guy. I dont need a suspension. I need something that physically sucks whether it be that my training happens at 5:30am or whatever.

Yote 53
July 29th, 2015, 09:10 AM
Right when I posted that I expected some of those responses. Point I was making is Glenn is not a win at all costs guy and, while he hasn't put a winner on the field yet, you can be sure he is doing things the right way. Maybe the game has passed him by, I kind of doubt it but who knows. I do know that he is doing a total rebuild in the toughest conference in the FCS. That is going to take some time and we are going to take our knocks until the program matures some. Yes, the injuries have not helped one bit but injuries are a part of the game.

July 29th, 2015, 10:34 AM
I want so badly to not comment anymore...but this one is absolutely set up on a tee for someone to hammer given how a certain school that wears red treated a certain student that might play a sport involving a round, orange ball, and a assault charge....

someone do it for me.

Seriously. I get it, some of us get it. Count me in as being in the minority that would have liked to have seen Daishon Knight get some kind of punishment for punching the girl at the bar. Count me in as being in the minority that would have liked to have seen Marshaun Coprich get some kind of suspension for selling weed. At the end of the day, I don't agree with either coaches decisions, but I have to live with them. Nothing any of us can do about how these guys decide to run their program.

For what its worth, Daishon Knight went on to finish his career without any additional incidents, I'm hopeful Marshaun will learn that second chances don't come very often in life and make the most of this opportunity.

At the end of the day, I can cheer for the kid if he's keeping his crap together off the field. Spack is the one to decide if he wants to hedge his bets and his tenure at ISU on this kid. Last I checked, nobody from the AD was asking the ME as part of the court of public opinion how to run their program or the sports teams. It is what it is!

July 29th, 2015, 10:43 AM
Not discounting your thoughts Yotes 53. My feeling is that the bar has been raised. Spack getting to the FCS championship game, and with no NDSU on the regular season schedule there is a good chance he could get there again barring injuries and a good run. I don't pretend to know what goes on with the brain trust of any university. I can't even believe that a decision like that rests solely on Spack. Not implicating our AD, but for Coprich to return there had to be some discussions between the coach, AD, student review board, and the local DA to determine if bringing him back would be more beneficial than cutting the kid loose.

Hell, not naïve enough to suggest that WINNING, media attention and money doesn't play a role either. I've never been a head coach, nor do I want to be one. I've worked at a University and know what it's like to have 18-22 working for me, and they're a mess. Can't imagine it gets any easier when it's almost 100 kids that you have to be coach/mommy/daddy/friend and all the other things they need in life.

I admire coaches who take hard line approaches, and have respect for those who make difficult decisions like this one. At the end of the day, Glenn may be a morally upstanding guy. Not sure if having a taste of winning at this level could/would change him. Maybe it wouldn't. I'm a firm believer in Karma. If this wasn't the right decision, it'll come back to bite Spack and Illinois St. Until then......we wait.

Yote 53
July 29th, 2015, 10:59 AM
At the end of the day, Glenn may be a morally upstanding guy. Not sure if having a taste of winning at this level could/would change him. Maybe it wouldn't. I'm a firm believer in Karma. If this wasn't the right decision, it'll come back to bite Spack and Illinois St. Until then......we wait.

Just wanted to point out that Glenn has won at this level, National Championship while at Montana, 2 National Championships while at Northern Colorado in Division 2.

July 30th, 2015, 04:29 PM
Just wanted to point out that Glenn has won at this level, National Championship while at Montana, 2 National Championships while at Northern Colorado in Division 2.

How long will he ride that dead horse? At some point you have to show you have some life in you.

July 30th, 2015, 04:30 PM
Not discounting your thoughts Yotes 53. My feeling is that the bar has been raised. Spack getting to the FCS championship game, and with no NDSU on the regular season schedule there is a good chance he could get there again barring injuries and a good run. I don't pretend to know what goes on with the brain trust of any university. I can't even believe that a decision like that rests solely on Spack. Not implicating our AD, but for Coprich to return there had to be some discussions between the coach, AD, student review board, and the local DA to determine if bringing him back would be more beneficial than cutting the kid loose.

Hell, not naïve enough to suggest that WINNING, media attention and money doesn't play a role either. I've never been a head coach, nor do I want to be one. I've worked at a University and know what it's like to have 18-22 working for me, and they're a mess. Can't imagine it gets any easier when it's almost 100 kids that you have to be coach/mommy/daddy/friend and all the other things they need in life.

I admire coaches who take hard line approaches, and have respect for those who make difficult decisions like this one. At the end of the day, Glenn may be a morally upstanding guy. Not sure if having a taste of winning at this level could/would change him. Maybe it wouldn't. I'm a firm believer in Karma. If this wasn't the right decision, it'll come back to bite Spack and Illinois St. Until then......we wait.

Money talks, boosters say that's BS it would change.

ursus arctos horribilis
July 30th, 2015, 05:36 PM
How long will he ride that dead horse? At some point you have to show you have some life in you.

He ain't riding any dead horse. He coaches, he doesn't give a rat's ass about what we volley back and forth with. Hell winning it once is a lifetime dream for the vast, vast majority of coaches out there. xlolx

August 5th, 2015, 06:34 PM
According to Randy Reinhardt on twitter: "Spack said that Coprich has been stripped of captaincy and has had scholorship reduced by an undetermined amount"

August 5th, 2015, 07:28 PM
If he was selling because he couldn't pay his bills, as was said on the RBF, his taking away scholarship money going to help him?.

Dammit.....okay, now I'm done

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

UNI Pike
August 5th, 2015, 07:34 PM
According to Randy Reinhardt on twitter: "Spack said that Coprich has been stripped of captaincy and has had scholorship reduced by an undetermined amount"
Another new transfer needing scholarship dollars?

What a crock.

From my NSA monitored nexus 5

August 19th, 2015, 01:36 PM
We just got Antonio Allen from IU. Im a bit surprised. I read that we got him and didnt realize why he was available and then I bothered to read the story.

(I can never remember names anymore)

August 19th, 2015, 01:51 PM
He ain't riding any dead horse. He coaches, he doesn't give a rat's ass about what we volley back and forth with. Hell winning it once is a lifetime dream for the vast, vast majority of coaches out there. xlolx
Just saw this reply. I don't disagree about most just wanting to win it once but in this day and age with I want results and want them now it's ancient history what he did before. This is what have you done for me lately world he's gotta be getting a hot arse from sitting on that hot seat.

August 19th, 2015, 02:27 PM
We just got Antonio Allen from IU. Im a bit surprised. I read that we got him and didnt realize why he was available and then I bothered to read the story.

(I can never remember names anymore)

Is there a new article on it?

August 19th, 2015, 02:56 PM
Is there a new article on it?


Why in the world you would take a player like that is beyond me.


August 19th, 2015, 03:08 PM

Why in the world you would take a player like that is beyond me.


Because he is an amazing football player.

I don't think it's a good idea either but I can see why someone might.

August 19th, 2015, 03:20 PM

Why in the world you would take a player like that is beyond me.


It surprises me from the current staff. this is just a maybe, but maybe he was overcharged and was more of a guy that was just there when other people were arrested?

I didnt think the story mattered to me until he transferred

August 19th, 2015, 03:23 PM
Seems like a bit of a risk.

August 19th, 2015, 03:44 PM
Seems like a bit of a risk.

he will redshirt this year. maybe there is no risk at all if they didnt give him a scholarship.

ursus arctos horribilis
August 19th, 2015, 04:12 PM
Just saw this reply. I don't disagree about most just wanting to win it once but in this day and age with I want results and want them now it's ancient history what he did before. This is what have you done for me lately world he's gotta be getting a hot arse from sitting on that hot seat.

Could be but it ain't from not winning a chipper, it's from just struggling in the MVFC if the seat is hot. One coach wins a chipper each year, it's an exclusive club. I doubt you will ever see a coaches seat getting hot over NC wins if they are competing and making playoffs and so forth. You might have meant that and not been focused on the NC thing but it looked like you were so answered it in that light.

August 19th, 2015, 04:49 PM
Could be but it ain't from not winning a chipper, it's from just struggling in the MVFC if the seat is hot. One coach wins a chipper each year, it's an exclusive club. I doubt you will ever see a coaches seat getting hot over NC wins if they are competing and making playoffs and so forth. You might have meant that and not been focused on the NC thing but it looked like you were so answered it in that light.

I was just referring to what he's done or not done at USD. Having the history in his coaching career might buy him a little extra time but even with that not being competitive year after year can only go on so long. Doesn't help being in the MVFC and also trying to recruit to Vermillion. Now for the USD fans don't get me wrong I have nothing against Vermillion but college aged kids being recruited when they hear USD and Vermillion that can't excite the heck out of them. Ok enough of taking this thread off track. Lets get back to bashing ISU red and mashaun and their coaches and admin. xlolx

Redbird 4th & short
September 3rd, 2015, 05:33 PM
meth, coke, heroine, & a gun ... and not one bit of outrage. Just a handful of posts on Coprich's thread where he and Spack were publicly lynched ... and idiots like OSBF can lie and not even be questioned, must less held accountable. And not even a new thread. Just a few posters casually wondering if this is risky. And thread dies in less than a day after the press release .. less than a day.

meth, coke, heroine, & a gun .. really ???

Where's the outrage from ndsur, nodak4ever, pantherrob, clenz and all the others ??

ursus arctos horribilis
September 3rd, 2015, 05:38 PM
meth, coke, heroine, & a gun ... and not one bit of outrage. Just a handful of posts on Coprich's thread where he and Spack were publicly lynched ... and idiots like OSBF can lie and not even be questioned, must less held accountable. And not even a new thread. Just a few posters casually wondering if this is risky. And thread dies in less than a day after the press release .. less than a day.

meth, coke, heroine, & a gun .. really ???

Where's the outrage from ndsur, nodak4ever, pantherrob, clenz and all the others ??
What kind of a f'n dumbass that thinks a thread shouldn't have had this much attention would then go and bump it after it being barely active at all for months?

September 3rd, 2015, 06:07 PM
meth, coke, heroine, & a gun ... and not one bit of outrage. Just a handful of posts on Coprich's thread where he and Spack were publicly lynched ... and idiots like OSBF can lie and not even be questioned, must less held accountable. And not even a new thread. Just a few posters casually wondering if this is risky. And thread dies in less than a day after the press release .. less than a day.

meth, coke, heroine, & a gun .. really ???

Where's the outrage from ndsur, nodak4ever, pantherrob, clenz and all the others ??
1. he isn't playing this year...or potentially ever for the Sycs.....
2. Has he been sentenced yet?
3. You need to see a therapist...badly

Redbird 4th & short
September 3rd, 2015, 06:59 PM
1. he isn't playing this year...or potentially ever for the Sycs.....
2. Has he been sentenced yet?
3. You need to see a therapist...badly
right .. you are full just plain full of it.

Redbird 4th & short
September 3rd, 2015, 07:13 PM
What kind of a f'n dumbass that thinks a thread shouldn't have had this much attention would then go and bump it after it being barely active at all for months?
ah the arbiter of all things reasonable and righteous .. 52 pages and 3 months of posts bashing Spack, ISU and Coprich for selling 10-30 grams of weed .. before and after the plea agreement. 1 page and 1 day of posts wondering if Indy St "took a risk" by signing a guy who sold meth, and possessed 47 grams of coke, 28 grams of heroin and a gun.

And you think this is about me being a dumbass for restarting a thread .. never mind all the phony moral outrage .. no big deal there .. really ???

Whatever you say.

September 3rd, 2015, 07:16 PM
ah the arbiter of all things reasonable and righteous .. 52 pages and 3 months of posts bashing Spack, ISU and Coprich for selling 10-30 grams of weed .. before and after the plea agreement. 1 page and 1 day of posts wondering if Indy St "took a risk" by signing a guy who sold meth, and possessed 47 grams of coke, 28 grams of heroin and a gun.

And you think this is about me being a dumbass for restarting a thread .. never mind all the phony moral outrage .. no big deal there .. really ???

Whatever you say.

Dude.......ISUb isn't innocent in this at all...if anything, it shows how much of a **** is given about ISUb and some flyer FBS transfer they took (maybe?).....versus a national title runner up....who has a great chance to win it all this year...with Coprich on the team! That was bigger news to me as far as FCS goes.

September 3rd, 2015, 07:23 PM
Dude.......ISUb isn't innocent in this at all...if anything, it shows how much of a **** is given about ISUb and some flyer FBS transfer they took (maybe?).....versus a national title runner up....who has a great chance to win it all this year...with Coprich on the team! That was bigger news to me as far as FCS goes.
Again...one is a situation where I doubt the player should have been taken, but he isn't playing this year so he is essentially suspended for the year.

The other is a player who wasn't suspended strictly because it would hurt his teams chances at a win in Kinnick....

UNI Pike
September 3rd, 2015, 07:39 PM
Both should have been kicked to the curb a long time ago.

From my NSA monitored nexus 5

Redbird 4th & short
September 3rd, 2015, 07:54 PM
Again...one is a situation where I doubt the player should have been taken, but he isn't playing this year so he is essentially suspended for the year.

The other is a player who wasn't suspended strictly because it would hurt his teams chances at a win in Kinnick....
Does the difference in charges make any difference in your eyes ??

As for no trial or conviction yet, glad to discuss.... there were 19 pages of posts in 11 days (5-11 to 5-21) slamming Spack, ISU, and Coprich BEFORE he plead down to 2 years probation for selling weed ... BEFORE he plead down. And I get it is more newsworthy, but that does NOT mean there is any different moral standard .. just more interest.

But BEFORE Allen pleas or is tried for the charges of selling meth, and possessing coke, heroin, and a gun .. all he gets from AGS is tagged onto Coprich thread and just 1 page and 1 day of posts wondering if Indy St "took a a good risk" or not. And not a word from any of the Ill St bashers until I chimed in 2 weeks later and pointed out their blatant hypocrisy. Not a single post from them .. let that sink in if your trying to be objective here.

Again, I am now providing context and comparisons of both situations BEFORE there was any plea by Coprich. But "redshirting" Allen while he goes to trial absolves Indy St of any moral indignation ... or even a post from the usual cadre of Ill St bashers ? Not a single post, until I chimed in ... and now all the indignation is back.

Phony moral outrage .. fire away hypocrits !!!

September 3rd, 2015, 08:24 PM
Does the difference in charges make any difference in your eyes ??

As for no trial or conviction yet, glad to discuss.... there were 19 pages of posts in 11 days (5-11 to 5-21) slamming Spack, ISU, and Coprich BEFORE he plead down to 2 years probation for selling weed ... BEFORE he plead down. And I get it is more newsworthy, but that does NOT mean there is any different moral standard .. just more interest.

But BEFORE Allen pleas or is tried for the charges of selling meth, and possessing coke, heroin, and a gun .. all he gets from AGS is tagged onto Coprich thread and just 1 page and 1 day of posts wondering if Indy St "took a a good risk" or not. And not a word from any of the Ill St bashers until I chimed in 2 weeks later and pointed out their blatant hypocrisy. Not a single post from them .. let that sink in if your trying to be objective here.

Again, I am now providing context and comparisons of both situations BEFORE there was any plea by Coprich. But "redshirting" Allen while he goes to trial absolves Indy St of any moral indignation ... or even a post from the usual cadre of Ill St bashers ? Not a single post, until I chimed in ... and now all the indignation is back.

Phony moral outrage .. fire away hypocrits !!!

Calm down dude. Take it as a compliment.

ursus arctos horribilis
September 3rd, 2015, 09:13 PM
ah the arbiter of all things reasonable and righteous .. 52 pages and 3 months of posts bashing Spack, ISU and Coprich for selling 10-30 grams of weed .. before and after the plea agreement. 1 page and 1 day of posts wondering if Indy St "took a risk" by signing a guy who sold meth, and possessed 47 grams of coke, 28 grams of heroin and a gun.

And you think this is about me being a dumbass for restarting a thread .. never mind all the phony moral outrage .. no big deal there .. really ???

Whatever you say.

Yes it is about that numbnuts. You see I was one of the guys saying what you said, this isn't/wasn't a big deal. But you are such a hurt little boy you go and start up everything you claim not to have like again. Being a whiny child because someone else didn't get the treatment you did and you think we need more of this cuz your feelings are hurt.

Now STFU, I'm not gonna watch you cry anymore and keep this **** show going. Try me.xthumbsupx

Redbird 4th & short
September 3rd, 2015, 09:28 PM
Yes it is about that numbnuts. You see I was one of the guys saying what you said, this isn't/wasn't a big deal. But you are such a hurt little boy you go and start up everything you claim not to have like again. Being a whiny child because someone else didn't get the treatment you did and you think we need more of this cuz your feelings are hurt.

Now STFU, I'm not gonna watch you cry anymore and keep this **** show going. Try me.xthumbsupx
very weak

September 3rd, 2015, 09:32 PM
Yes it is about that numbnuts. You see I was one of the guys saying what you said, this isn't/wasn't a big deal. But you are such a hurt little boy you go and start up everything you claim not to have like again. Being a whiny child because someone else didn't get the treatment you did and you think we need more of this cuz your feelings are hurt.

Now STFU, I'm not gonna watch you cry anymore and keep this **** show going. Try me.xthumbsupx


September 3rd, 2015, 09:34 PM
very weak
What's weak is that reply.

Seriously, you need some anger therapy

ursus arctos horribilis
September 3rd, 2015, 09:35 PM
very weak

Please, tell me more.

September 3rd, 2015, 09:55 PM
Does the difference in charges make any difference in your eyes ??

As for no trial or conviction yet, glad to discuss.... there were 19 pages of posts in 11 days (5-11 to 5-21) slamming Spack, ISU, and Coprich BEFORE he plead down to 2 years probation for selling weed ... BEFORE he plead down. And I get it is more newsworthy, but that does NOT mean there is any different moral standard .. just more interest.

But BEFORE Allen pleas or is tried for the charges of selling meth, and possessing coke, heroin, and a gun .. all he gets from AGS is tagged onto Coprich thread and just 1 page and 1 day of posts wondering if Indy St "took a a good risk" or not. And not a word from any of the Ill St bashers until I chimed in 2 weeks later and pointed out their blatant hypocrisy. Not a single post from them .. let that sink in if your trying to be objective here.

Again, I am now providing context and comparisons of both situations BEFORE there was any plea by Coprich. But "redshirting" Allen while he goes to trial absolves Indy St of any moral indignation ... or even a post from the usual cadre of Ill St bashers ? Not a single post, until I chimed in ... and now all the indignation is back.

Phony moral outrage .. fire away hypocrits !!!

Professor Chaos
September 3rd, 2015, 10:01 PM
Are assets about to be frozen?????

Copyright TheFan

September 3rd, 2015, 10:05 PM
Are assets about to be frozen?????

Copyright TheFan
Hey...we said no cops/authorities.

September 3rd, 2015, 10:10 PM
Anybody want anything while I watch this primetime event? I got Twizzlers, M&Ms, popcorn and other goodies.

September 3rd, 2015, 10:11 PM
I call all the Girl Scout Thin Mint cookies

September 3rd, 2015, 10:16 PM
The one thing I was hoping no one would ask for.

September 3rd, 2015, 10:35 PM
I call all the Girl Scout Thin Mint cookies

Bull**** mother****er....those are mine! xlolx

September 3rd, 2015, 10:41 PM
Bull**** mother****er....those are mine! xlolx
Fine. I call all of the kettle and carmel corn!

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

September 4th, 2015, 08:40 AM
I've already got my popcorn.

September 4th, 2015, 08:58 AM
Yes it is about that numbnuts. You see I was one of the guys saying what you said, this isn't/wasn't a big deal. But you are such a hurt little boy you go and start up everything you claim not to have like again. Being a whiny child because someone else didn't get the treatment you did and you think we need more of this cuz your feelings are hurt.

Now STFU, I'm not gonna watch you cry anymore and keep this **** show going. Try me.xthumbsupx

Seriously this thread still has life? Ursus was one of the few stating this was really not a big deal. Despite the many fans (mostly Bison and Panther fans) who chimed in, I contend that Coprich should have had some kind of punishment (meaning suspension). And no OSBF didn't write that for me. If the expectations have been raised for the program to be a contender on a regular basis, then we should also raise the expectations of who we put on the field as players to represent the University in the best way possible.

Now somewhere in there, everyone has their moral compass and people simply filled up 50 plus pages of their opinion. Crap, if it wasn't this it would been something else to talk about the program (Scheduling, Transfers, FCOA, Bat Boy, Bill Cosby appeared in concert at Illinois State several years ago).

Meh......you're not going to change anyone else's opinion so just leave it be and let this thread die.

September 4th, 2015, 09:02 AM
Seriously this thread still has life? Ursus was one of the few stating this was really not a big deal. Despite the many fans (mostly Bison and Panther fans) who chimed in, I contend that Coprich should have had some kind of punishment (meaning suspension). And no OSBF didn't write that for me. If the expectations have been raised for the program to be a contender on a regular basis, then we should also raise the expectations of who we put on the field as players to represent the University in the best way possible.

Now somewhere in there, everyone has their moral compass and people simply filled up 50 plus pages of their opinion. Crap, if it wasn't this it would been something else to talk about the program (Scheduling, Transfers, FCOA, Bat Boy, Bill Cosby appeared in concert at Illinois State several years ago).

Meh......you're not going to change anyone else's opinion so just leave it be and let this thread die.
It had until Tweedle Dee stepped back in

Professor Chaos
September 4th, 2015, 09:08 AM
Meh......you're not going to change anyone else's opinion so just leave it be and let this thread die.
Excellent advice for 4th and a little short, this thread was dead until he decided to spout off about equity in criticism. I've never thought this was that big of a deal. I thought he would be suspended a game or two as punishment but when he wasn't I didn't get too worked up about it. Spack and company will run their program how they see fit and unless I'm an ISU booster or fan I'm not in any position to tell him how to do it.

Having said that, anyone that displays the thin skin and short fuse that Redbird 4th & short does is going to draw a lot of undue criticism to his team and his fan base. As a Bison fan, I've learned to let that type of criticism of my team and fan base slide when our more flamboyant posters spout off and melt down accordingly. I'd suggest you do the same with him because I certainly don't lump you in with him and I'd suspect most other posters on this board feel the same.

September 4th, 2015, 12:30 PM
If the expectations have been raised for the program to be a contender on a regular basis, then we should also raise the expectations of who we put on the field as players to represent the University in the best way possible.


I think lots of ppl here are missing the entire point
It's not about a basically "good" kid making an epic bonehead bad choice
The issue lies with the colossal under-reaction of the institution
Stop bunching up the undies over a kid that was trying to make a few bucks
Focus on the institution that decided to take absolutely ZERO action, ZERO individual/personal accountability with a convicted felon drug dealer

September 4th, 2015, 12:42 PM

I think lots of ppl here are missing the entire point
It's not about a basically "good" kid making an epic bonehead bad choice
The issue lies with the colossal under-reaction of the institution
Stop bunching up the undies over a kid that was trying to make a few bucks
Focus on the institution that decided to take absolutely ZERO action, ZERO individual/personal accountability with a convicted felon drug dealer
I think, at least from my perspective, that's been the entire issue of at least 90% of the posters here.

September 4th, 2015, 02:08 PM
HOLY CRAP.......Agreement with OSBF on something!!!

"When He broke the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, “Come.” And another, a red horse, went out; and to him who sat on it, it was granted to take peace from the earth, and that men would slay one another; and a great sword was given to him." - Revelations 6:3-4

Just kidding.

September 4th, 2015, 02:39 PM

I think lots of ppl here are missing the entire point
It's not about a basically "good" kid making an epic bonehead bad choice
The issue lies with the colossal under-reaction of the institution
Stop bunching up the undies over a kid that was trying to make a few bucks
Focus on the institution that decided to take absolutely ZERO action, ZERO individual/personal accountability with a convicted felon drug dealer

Bingo!!! Plus why would anyone want an idiot like that on their team?

September 4th, 2015, 11:20 PM
Just for the record... It wasnt me that bumped this thread.... I am innocent, I swear.

September 4th, 2015, 11:23 PM

I think lots of ppl here are missing the entire point
It's not about a basically "good" kid making an epic bonehead bad choice
The issue lies with the colossal under-reaction of the institution
Stop bunching up the undies over a kid that was trying to make a few bucks
Focus on the institution that decided to take absolutely ZERO action, ZERO individual/personal accountability with a convicted felon drug dealer

Yeah, I got nothing. I agree with this. Its done and in the past though. Even I am over it.

September 5th, 2015, 12:17 AM
4th and still annoying. Glad you are still here. Didn't you say you were leaving a long time ago?

September 5th, 2015, 10:58 AM
I think I didn't care is Coprich was suspended unless the ISUb game was a possibility.

And as far as outrage for Allen, it may have not mattered on AGS but people were missing periods about it in Indy. People who hadn't thought of ISUb for a while.

my opinion is that that it was just a little meth

and heroin

and coke

an how did the authorities know that the blunts were half smoked. Why didn't they confiscate them when they measured them unsmoked?

and a gun (in his defense, it was a pro-gun) state

November 10th, 2015, 03:58 PM
just for perspective--our best runner Daquan Isom was out for the USD game and will be out for the game with the Deadbirds for mere possession of MJ--which in Carbondale is like a traffic ticket and is paid by mail just saying--life ain't fair

November 10th, 2015, 05:17 PM
just for perspective--our best runner Daquan Isom was out for the USD game and will be out for the game with the Deadbirds for mere possession of MJ--which in Carbondale is like a traffic ticket and is paid by mail just saying--life ain't fair

did he buy it from Coprich?

Stonewall D
December 4th, 2015, 02:53 PM
Well this opens a can of worms? How can the NCAA allow this to continue?

December 4th, 2015, 07:06 PM
Well this opens a can of worms? How can the NCAA allow this to continue?

Some new news here, or is this the stale can of worms opened in May?

Stonewall D
December 4th, 2015, 07:16 PM
Every school has a player who does something like this.

December 4th, 2015, 07:18 PM
Every school has a player who does something like this, but gets punished.

FIFY xthumbsupx

December 4th, 2015, 07:28 PM
Every school has a player who does something like this.

"every" program has a convicted felon?

Stonewall D
December 4th, 2015, 07:29 PM
Yes. Richmond had a player who did something like this, but he was dismissed from the team and the school within a few days of the arrest.

December 4th, 2015, 07:30 PM
Yes. Richmond had a player who did something like this, but he was dismissed from the team and the school within a few days of the arrest.

Winning is more important to some.

NoDak 4 Ever
December 4th, 2015, 07:31 PM
I remember when NDSU had a kid that did this. He was dismissed before he was even charged.

December 4th, 2015, 07:37 PM
WR Quadarias Mireles for Western. Was going to be a senior. Not on Lenoir's level, but a good #2 or 3 reciever and pretty decent on kick returns.

Charged with growing and possession before the season started, not listed on the active roster by the time the season starts.

On mobile now, I'll edit with a link later.

EDIT: no link, but here's what it said in the paper on August 22nd this year...

Quadrias Antoine Mireles, 24, of Macomb was arrested for manufacturing or delivering marijuana 30-500 grams and possession of marijuana 30-500 grams on Wednesday.

Also I was incorrect on his position, forgot that they had moved him to CB in spring practice and summer training camp. I didn't see him play in our first game, so I went back and checked the roster the day after the game and he wasn't listed.

December 4th, 2015, 07:42 PM
I remember when NDSU had a kid that did this. He was dismissed before he was even charged.

and if you think that was the right thing to do, that makes you a piss poor fan


according to some peope

Southern Bison
December 4th, 2015, 07:48 PM
and if you think that was the right thing to do, that makes you a piss poor fan


according to some peope
Damn straight it was the right thing to do...college is more than football, it's about creating solid young men who become an asset to society, not a liablilty.

Coprich will become a liability after college because he was wasn't punished for his illegal actions during college, I guarantee it.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

December 4th, 2015, 07:54 PM
Damn straight it was the right thing to do...college is more than football, it's about creating solid young men who become an asset to society, not a liablilty.

Coprich will become a liability after college because he was wasn't punished for his illegal actions during college, I guarantee it.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk


only thing that matters


at least that's what I been told


over and over

Southern Bison
December 4th, 2015, 08:03 PM

only thing that matters


at least that's what I been told


over and over
I'll take character over tainted wins and a fraudulent OPOY award any day.

Just like when I hire someone for my company...I can teach them all aspects of landscaping, I can't teach work ethic, morals, & integrity.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

December 4th, 2015, 08:08 PM
I'll take character over tainted wins and a fraudulent OPOY award any day.

Just like when I hire someone for my company...I can teach them all aspects of landscaping, I can't teach work ethic, morals, & integrity.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

like I was told once upon a time

if integrity mattered, Denver Johnson would still be our coach

just win baby

Southern Bison
December 4th, 2015, 08:09 PM
like I was told once upon a time

if integrity mattered, Denver Johnson would still be our coach

just win baby

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

December 4th, 2015, 08:10 PM
sure wish my flaming sarcasm could come through in a post

I'm with you 1000% Southern, you're right on

December 4th, 2015, 08:21 PM

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

That's funny

I've had that same thought about a lot of people over this whole coprich ordeal

Stonewall D
December 4th, 2015, 08:29 PM
Without reading all 58 pages of this thread, what happened in a nutshell, what was he convicted for and what were the extenuating circumstances? Did the guy admit he had a problem? Did he go into rehab?

December 4th, 2015, 08:43 PM
Without reading all 58 pages of this thread, what happened in a nutshell, what was he convicted for and what were the extenuating circumstances? Did the guy admit he had a problem? Did he go into rehab?

plead guilty to felony distribution

pretty sure not a user at all

university and football program did nothing to him, nada, zilch, zero consequences

and if you think the university under-reacted you aren't a fan

good kid made a very poor decision

lack of institutional response an equally poor decision

NoDak 4 Ever
December 4th, 2015, 09:26 PM
I'm sure some of your buddies will come on here about me bashing ISUr.

Like my good friend 4thandbitchy

December 4th, 2015, 09:32 PM
No worries. Coprich, Roberson and Spack will all be gone when the season ends. :D

December 4th, 2015, 10:11 PM
university and football program did nothing to him, nada, zilch, zero consequences

Well that's not true. Reduction of scholarship and loss of captaincy. You can argue that it's not enough, but "nada, zilch, zero consequences" is false. At least be honest in your criticism.

Stonewall D
December 4th, 2015, 11:00 PM
I have to mention this one. UR had a player who was caught trying to have 3 pounds of marijuana DELIVERED to him at school. It came through the campus post office. He was dismissed from the team and kicked out of school. That is a lot of weed, but it was small compared to what he lost. These guys think they can get away with a lot.

UNI Pike
December 4th, 2015, 11:23 PM
Well that's not true. Reduction of scholarship and loss of captaincy. You can argue that it's not enough, but "nada, zilch, zero consequences" is false. At least be honest in your criticism.
How much was the scholarship reduced 50% or $50?

From my NSA monitored nexus 5

December 4th, 2015, 11:24 PM
How much was the scholarship reduced 50% or $50?

From my NSA monitored nexus 5

Wasn't disclosed. Doesn't change my point.

UNI Pike
December 4th, 2015, 11:28 PM
Not arguing your point. I think it's BS not to be as transparent as possible as a coach / AD. The infamous "violation of team rules" had to be invented by Fulmer himself.

From my NSA monitored nexus 5

December 4th, 2015, 11:44 PM
Wasn't disclosed. Doesn't change my point.
You're right.

They likely took book money from him - so, $300ish - and took him going out for the coin toss away from him.

Man, really showed him for being a felon

December 5th, 2015, 01:30 AM
Can't carry a gun AND can't do the coin toss? That's just brutal.

December 5th, 2015, 05:31 AM
You're right.

They likely took book money from him - so, $300ish - and took him going out for the coin toss away from him.

Man, really showed him for being a felon

We don't know, so you'll assume the minimum. Why not, I should expect nothing less from any anonymous posting on the Internet. I think captaincy is more than the coin toss, but that's me. That wouldn't fit your narrative of this situation, so I wouldn't expect you to accept that.

You can have your opinion on what the punishment should be. Very easy for all the armchair experts to push for no more football ever for MC, but you can't say there was "nada, zilch, zero". (I know that wasn't you that said that, clenz.)

December 5th, 2015, 07:57 AM
We don't know, so you'll assume the minimum. Why not, I should expect nothing less from any anonymous posting on the Internet.

No anonymity at all
I've had beers in St Louis with clenz AND his quite lovely wife
Met Rob and his equally lovely wife in Cedar Falls
Have met Jay, and pretty sure Pike as well
Everybody on the slimepit that is RBF knows who I am

You see bub, when you have integrity, you have nothing to hide

December 5th, 2015, 09:29 AM
Who's hiding? I love people that pull that with me. My screen name is my name. It's not hard to find my real name either, I'm on the FCS Wedge/Podcast every week with my real name.

Now, since we've established that - what's your name Redbird74? Or are you going to continue to hide anonymously on the Internet?

I've drank with OSBF in St Louis and Cedar Falls. Neither of us is anonymous

December 5th, 2015, 09:30 AM
Fair enough.

Still a jump to conclusions to assume book $ was the reduction.

Sometimes giving less information isn't about having something to hide as much as not giving the amateur prognosticators more material to pick apart.

You're still wrong in your "nada, zilch, zero" declaration. You may not think it is meaningful enough, but your summary was factually incorrect.

December 5th, 2015, 09:34 AM
Now, since we've established that - what's your name Redbird74? Or are you going to continue to hide anonymously on the Internet?

Aaron Peterson

December 5th, 2015, 09:39 AM
Aaron Peterson

Not John Smith? xlolx

December 5th, 2015, 09:43 AM
Not John Smith? xlolx

Haha! Nope.

December 5th, 2015, 01:02 PM
Hey guys. Should we dox Redbird74??


Sent from my E6653 using Tapatalk

UNI Pike
December 5th, 2015, 01:06 PM
No anonymity at all
I've had beers in St Louis with clenz AND his quite lovely wife
Met Rob and his equally lovely wife in Cedar Falls
Have met Jay, and pretty sure Pike as well
Everybody on the slimepit that is RBF knows who I am

You see bub, when you have integrity, you have nothing to hide
OSBF is correct.

Shared some beverages on a rainy afternoon in cedar falls. Nice guy that runs with a bad crowd...

From my NSA monitored nexus 5

December 5th, 2015, 01:13 PM
OSBF is correct.

Shared some beverages on a rainy afternoon in cedar falls. Nice guy that runs with a bad crowd...

From my NSA monitored nexus 5

you remember that poor waitress at the OP?

We gave her a real nice tip, but even that wasn't enough to make up for what she had to endure

Those pitchers of Oktoberfest just kept disappearing........

Fun trip

NoDak 4 Ever
December 5th, 2015, 01:33 PM
I just saw the MVFC commercial again. The part where they talk about character and integrity is a close up of Roberson and they focus in on the Illinois State logo when they say "integrity".

Now that's some unintentional comedy right there.

December 5th, 2015, 01:33 PM
Wait...was I there? Is that the same OP trip?

I remember drinking at the OP with Cap, his kids and OSBF and Bill giving the waitress a eel hard time.

December 5th, 2015, 01:39 PM
Wait...was I there? Is that the same OP trip?

I remember drinking at the OP with Cap, his kids and OSBF and Bill giving the waitress a eel hard time.

Moray or Conger? :D

December 5th, 2015, 02:09 PM
Wait...was I there? Is that the same OP trip?

I remember drinking at the OP with Cap, his kids and OSBF and Bill giving the waitress a eel hard time.

Yup, Jeff was there too, and I think Purple for Life?

Bunch of former players from Bill and Jeff's era

OMG that poor little waitress..................

December 5th, 2015, 02:24 PM
OSBF, since we're discussing things in the past, I'm curious... why do you still have that signature? That was 6 1/2 years ago and we obviously had the wrong coach leading our program. If your intention as a fan is to support and grow the ISU program, why the sour grapes over him STILL?

December 5th, 2015, 02:31 PM
Yup, Jeff was there too, and I think Purple for Life?

Bunch of former players from Bill and Jeff's era

OMG that poor little waitress..................

There had to be about 20 of us in that group

She took a real beating that night. Was a real good sport about it though. Bill left her a nice tip for putting up with all of us that night

December 5th, 2015, 02:35 PM
OSBF, since we're discussing things in the past, I'm curious... why do you still have that signature? That was 6 1/2 years ago and we obviously had the wrong coach leading our program. If your intention as a fan is to support and grow the ISU program, why the sour grapes over him STILL?

6.5 yrs later and the more things change the more they stay the same

we still have the wrong coach

December 5th, 2015, 02:47 PM
FWIW, Muller isn't the right guy either..

December 5th, 2015, 02:47 PM
You would think if an alum of ISU was representing their school on a message board that they'd at least be up to date on their criticisms though ;)

We have no problem scheduling... our problem now is dribbling and passing.

Just looks weird to have you nitpicking on something at ISU that isn't even relevant anymore.

December 5th, 2015, 04:45 PM
Wasting your keystrokes. Don't ask!

December 5th, 2015, 04:53 PM
You would think if an alum of ISU was representing their school on a message board that they'd at least be up to date on their criticisms though ;)

We have no problem scheduling... our problem now is dribbling and passing.

Just looks weird to have you nitpicking on something at ISU that isn't even relevant anymore.
The issues with Redbird basketball go beyond passing and dribbling.

Large amounts of talent, but the basketball IQ of my 2.5 year old daughter from both your coaching staff and players.

December 5th, 2015, 05:19 PM
The issues with Redbird basketball go beyond passing and dribbling.

Large amounts of talent, but the basketball IQ of my 2.5 year old daughter from both your coaching staff and players.


December 6th, 2015, 06:37 AM
I just saw the MVFC commercial again. The part where they talk about character and integrity is a close up of Roberson and they focus in on the Illinois State logo when they say "integrity".

Now that's some unintentional comedy right there.


Last I checked this kid is still on NDSU's roster, he broke into locked cars. Do you know him? I'm sure he's a good kid who made a mistake?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

NoDak 4 Ever
December 6th, 2015, 08:35 AM

Last I checked this kid is still on NDSU's roster, he broke into locked cars. Do you know him? I'm sure he's a good kid who made a mistake?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The last time one our kids got caught SELLING DRUGS he was booted immediately. You don't mistakenly sell drugs, you do it intentionally. The only mistake is getting caught.

December 6th, 2015, 09:27 AM
The last time one our kids got caught SELLING DRUGS he was booted immediately. You don't mistakenly sell drugs, you do it intentionally. The only mistake is getting caught.

You're missing my point friend, this punter from NDSU committed a much worse crime and received the same punishment.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

December 6th, 2015, 09:29 AM
1. I don't see the word felony in that article

2. He got suspended for actual games

NoDak 4 Ever
December 6th, 2015, 09:39 AM
1. I don't see the word felony in that article

2. He got suspended for actual games

Like, all of them. I never saw him once.

Of course he's a walk on behind an all-american so really hard comparison but there is an actual instance of drug activity that was punished much more harshly at NDSU. That was my point entirely.

December 6th, 2015, 01:41 PM
I'm very disappointed here. Y'all have let this slip to page 2. xeyebrowx

December 6th, 2015, 01:46 PM
I'm very disappointed here. Y'all have let this slip to page 2. xeyebrowx

I have some sign ideas for the semis if the Redbirds win this weekend.

December 6th, 2015, 01:48 PM

December 6th, 2015, 02:01 PM
Well this opens a can of worms? How can the NCAA allow this to continue?
Is there something new here, or just resurrecting an old thread?

December 6th, 2015, 02:06 PM
Is there something new here, or just resurrecting an old thread?


December 6th, 2015, 02:26 PM


Why is that guy beating Sarah Jessica Parker? :D

Professor Chaos
December 6th, 2015, 02:38 PM
You're missing my point friend, this punter from NDSU committed a much worse crime and received the same punishment.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Coprich was suspended for 8 games?

Like, all of them. I never saw him once.

Of course he's a walk on behind an all-american so really hard comparison but there is an actual instance of drug activity that was punished much more harshly at NDSU. That was my point entirely.
He was back out there warming up for the WIU game I remember. I don't think he's dressing in the playoffs.

December 6th, 2015, 02:51 PM
Intitial sign test:


December 6th, 2015, 04:55 PM
I like the "dead horse".
He didn't plead guilty to a felony, he wasn't convicted. You guys play the semantics game on here a lot when it furthers your agenda.
I guess this happens when the target is on your back; no one would care if we weren't in contention.

December 6th, 2015, 05:01 PM
I like the "dead horse".
He didn't plead guilty to a felony, he wasn't convicted. You guys play the semantics game on here a lot when it furthers your agenda.
I guess this happens when the target is on your back; no one would care if we weren't in contention.

What a horrible delusional post.

Coprich is a dirtbag, and what ISU did is truly shameful. What an embarrassment.

December 6th, 2015, 05:16 PM
Coprich is a dirtbag,

Actually is a really good dude if you've ever talked to the guy

NoDak 4 Ever
December 6th, 2015, 05:16 PM
I like the "dead horse".
He didn't plead guilty to a felony, he wasn't convicted. You guys play the semantics game on here a lot when it furthers your agenda.
I guess this happens when the target is on your back; no one would care if we weren't in contention.

He plead guilty to a felony that will be erased if he completes his first offender program.

He still committed a felony
He is still an offender.

You are still delusional.

December 6th, 2015, 05:40 PM
Actually is a really good dude if you've ever talked to the guy

I bought a dime bag off of him and it turned out to be oregano. Yeah, he's a real great guy.

December 6th, 2015, 05:57 PM
Can't wait for the day weed is legal so we don't have to listen to blowhards preach and look down on people who got in trouble for it. It's just too much.

December 6th, 2015, 06:04 PM
Can't wait for the day weed is legal so we don't have to listen to blowhards preach and look down on people who got in trouble for it. It's just too much.

You realize he could have had put of date tags and we would have this same thread going. It's not because anyone is making a big deal out of week. Fact is it is illegal in Illinois and he was well aware of that. xrolleyesx

NoDak 4 Ever
December 6th, 2015, 06:07 PM
Can't wait for the day weed is legal so we don't have to listen to blowhards preach and look down on people who got in trouble for it. It's just too much.

I know. I mean who will look out for the getting college for free because he's strong and fast crowd?

December 6th, 2015, 06:36 PM
I bought a dime bag off of him and it turned out to be oregano. Yeah, he's a real great guy.

is that why you're so disappointed that he didn't end up doing thyme?

December 6th, 2015, 06:46 PM
You realize he could have had put of date tags and we would have this same thread going. It's not because anyone is making a big deal out of week. Fact is it is illegal in Illinois and he was well aware of that. xrolleyesx

I get it, but the amount of self righteousness in this thread is nauseating. The coach for Illinois St made a decision based on the facts four months ago and you guys are still here on the same thread reminding each other about it. I'm sure you all feel better though.

NoDak 4 Ever
December 6th, 2015, 07:22 PM
I get it, but the amount of self righteousness in this thread is nauseating. The coach for Illinois St made a decision based on the facts four months ago and you guys are still here on the same thread reminding each other about it. I'm sure you all feel better though.

He made that decision based on the fact that he wanted to be exactly where he is right now. It paid off.

December 6th, 2015, 07:41 PM
He made that decision based on the fact that he wanted to be exactly where he is right now. It paid off.

The stupid part is a 2 game suspension still has the in exactly this spot and this topic pretty much never talked about again

December 6th, 2015, 07:50 PM
Yes, that's smart. Let's make signs to be put up pissing off the best running back at the FCS level during a game on his home turf.

That'll help you win.

But hey, like everyone here crying about something that's over and done with... as long as you sleep better tonight after typing on your keyboard...

December 6th, 2015, 07:57 PM
The best part is you guys actually think we are upset

December 6th, 2015, 08:06 PM
Yes, that's smart. Let's make signs to be put up pissing off the best running back at the FCS level during a game on his home turf.

That'll help you win.

But hey, like everyone here crying about something that's over and done with... as long as you sleep better tonight after typing on your keyboard...


A sign he'll never read is going to somehow awake "Beast Mode" in Marshaun Coprich. I'd sure hope he doesn't need people criticizing him for his idiotic decisions to play hard.

I just want everyone to reflect on the fact that most Redbird fans completely ignore the point of this conversation, which is that an athlete committed a felony and faced no meaningful punishment.

"Lost scholarship $$$ and captaincy". Please, how ridiculous of a punishment.

December 6th, 2015, 08:08 PM
The best part is you guys actually think we are upset


You really got better at this trolling stuff...

December 6th, 2015, 08:09 PM

You really got better at this trolling stuff...


December 6th, 2015, 08:10 PM

are ya?

NoDak 4 Ever
December 6th, 2015, 08:13 PM
Brock Spack, bringing felons into Illinois.

Aren't there enough there already?


December 6th, 2015, 08:14 PM
Is Coprich running for Governor or something?

NoDak 4 Ever
December 6th, 2015, 08:20 PM
Is Coprich running for Governor or something?

Nah, you have to wait until you get elected before you commit the felonies. He did it in the wrong order.

December 6th, 2015, 08:22 PM
Yes, that's smart. Let's make signs to be put up pissing off the best running back at the FCS level during a game on his home turf.

That'll help you win.

But hey, like everyone here crying about something that's over and done with... as long as you sleep better tonight after typing on your keyboard...

We might not be playing you, so I wouldn't care what happened to the Bison. Also, what player is ****ing looking at the signs in the crowd during the game? He might actually play worse pissed off. So many things wrong with your post. Typical Redbird fans. (not including ISUMatt, OSBF and a few posters yet to be named)

Professor Chaos
December 6th, 2015, 08:28 PM
If Coprich is looking for signs in the crowd I'm gonna bring this one:

Hey Marshaun, I'm looking for a good "runner"
Meet me at the Normal Police Department (you know the place) at halftime for details

December 6th, 2015, 08:29 PM
Coprich made a stupid mistake. He IS a good kid both on and off the field. As a fan I have stated I don't agree with the lack of punishment from the University, but I'm not going to sit here and salt the Earth forever because "grown idiots" made a decision which probably helped this young man turn his life around.

Defending his character is pointless Bird fans, as most of the people here are "saints" and never had a run in with the law, and don't believe in second chances. All it would take is a quick internet search and you can find a Coprich like knucklehead anywhere. I found a few at other schools, the only difference is how the schools handled the punishment.

I have my own feeling why so many people care about the Coprich situation and simply put its not about the "law" or second chances, but it's likely the same reason Illinois State and the powers that be whiffed on the lack of punishment. Wins and Losses! Coprich being suspended even if for the first two games likely wouldn't have changed the outcome. We still would have lost to Iowa, and still beat Morgan State. Still ended up with the same record, but maybe one or two guys from your school gets a MVFC post season award or two.

So basically, from this point forward.....I don't care if he's the second coming of Pablo Escobar, if he's sex trafficking, running a ponzi scheme from his apartment, counterfeiting money, aiding and abetting the Chinese government, or responsible for the Asian Bird flu, MERS, Ebola and swine flu. He could do all of them while burning a Casey's Pizza to the ground and adding too much bacon to a breakfast pizza. He can fail drug tests and be linked to BALCO and I would just ask, did we win!

After all, if you have to wear the black hat you may as well embrace it and wear it well!

December 6th, 2015, 08:36 PM
If Coprich is looking for signs in the crowd I'm gonna bring this one:

Hey Marshaun, I'm looking for a good "runner"
Meet me at the Normal Police Department (you know the place) at halftime for details

Also a good one:

Mr. Coprich, you have won the Nigerian Lottery!

Collect your winnings at:
100 E Phoenix Ave, Normal, IL 61761

Stonewall D
December 6th, 2015, 08:43 PM
Did he do time?

December 6th, 2015, 08:50 PM
Did he do time?

It was a "Spack on the wrist"

December 6th, 2015, 09:13 PM
We might not be playing you, so I wouldn't care what happened to the Bison. Also, what player is ****ing looking at the signs in the crowd during the game? He might actually play worse pissed off. So many things wrong with your post. Typical Redbird fans. (not including ISUMatt, OSBF and a few posters yet to be named)

Blasphemy!! They are not Redbird fans. OSBF *****s on ISU in just about every post, to the delight of all of the represented schools here. I honestly don't see that from any other posters here, it's quite an anomaly. I kindly request that you please, PLEASE stop using our logo. Be a Panther... if they'll have you.
As far as MC, you all have no idea what he may be dealing with legally. I'd hazard to guess it is harsher than what he'd have to deal with sitting out a couple of games. Spack has a pretty solid history of only giving two strikes. MC is a good kid, first mistake. I'm sure if he was convicted he would have been done, no question.
I thought AGS talked about football...It's really losing football edge around here, just trolling for reactions to a dead topic. I'm starting to agree with other Redbirds on why they don't come here. Usually good football talk around here, not bashing kids for mistakes...because I'm sure all of ya'll were/are perfect.

Southern Bison
December 6th, 2015, 09:18 PM
is that why you're so disappointed that he didn't end up doing thyme?

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to JayJ79 again.

That's well played. xlolx

Southern Bison
December 6th, 2015, 09:21 PM
Brock Spack, bringing felons into Illinois.

Aren't there enough there already?


Spack voted for Rahm Emanuel & Rob Blagojevich...

December 6th, 2015, 09:26 PM
Did he do time?

He has to go to Illinois State. So, yes.

I can go all night people.

December 6th, 2015, 09:30 PM
He has to go to Illinois State. So, yes.

I can go all night people.

Thats not what she said.

December 6th, 2015, 09:32 PM
Thats not what she said.

Your mom will be fine. Lol

December 6th, 2015, 09:34 PM
Your mom will be fine. Lol

Of course she will. Shes 85. Thank goodness you couldnt go all night.

December 6th, 2015, 09:51 PM
Blasphemy!! They are not Redbird fans. OSBF *****s on ISU in just about every post, to the delight of all of the represented schools here. I honestly don't see that from any other posters here, it's quite an anomaly. I kindly request that you please, PLEASE stop using our logo. Be a Panther... if they'll have you.
As far as MC, you all have no idea what he may be dealing with legally. I'd hazard to guess it is harsher than what he'd have to deal with sitting out a couple of games. Spack has a pretty solid history of only giving two strikes. MC is a good kid, first mistake. I'm sure if he was convicted he would have been done, no question.
I thought AGS talked about football...It's really losing football edge around here, just trolling for reactions to a dead topic. I'm starting to agree with other Redbirds on why they don't come here. Usually good football talk around here, not bashing kids for mistakes...because I'm sure all of ya'll were/are perfect.

Well we appreciate you popping over here about 4 times a year. xlolx

December 6th, 2015, 09:52 PM
Of course she will. Shes 85. Thank goodness you couldnt go all night.

Oh yes she could. Should I call you son or is it too soon...

December 6th, 2015, 09:53 PM
Of course she will. Shes 85. Thank goodness you couldnt go all night.

That's weird, last night she was 69. xlolx (I kid)

December 6th, 2015, 09:53 PM
So basically, from this point forward.....I don't care if he's the second coming of Pablo Escobar, if he's sex trafficking, running a ponzi scheme from his apartment, counterfeiting money, aiding and abetting the Chinese government, or responsible for the Asian Bird flu, MERS, Ebola and swine flu. He could do all of them while burning a Casey's Pizza to the ground and adding too much bacon to a breakfast pizza. He can fail drug tests and be linked to BALCO and I would just ask, did we win!

I know it's in jest but it's sad that there are people out there who would say this and be 100% serious.

Actually Dan Muller might be one of them. :p

December 6th, 2015, 09:54 PM
Oh yes she could. Should I call you son or is it too soon...

Her going all night wasnt a concern. You can call me son only if youre buying dinner.

December 6th, 2015, 09:59 PM
Her going all night wasnt a concern. You can call me son only if youre buying dinner.

Guess I gotta get used to tucking you in your jammies.... xlolx

Redbird 13
December 6th, 2015, 10:03 PM
I know it's in jest but it's sad that there are people out there who would say this and be 100% serious.

Actually Dan Muller might be one of them. :p

Did you really have to bring up the Muller name? Ugh. I can't take anymore of the Muller era!

December 6th, 2015, 10:07 PM
I wonder how long we'll be able to keep this thread on page one? Could be another record out there for Coprich to break! xsmileyclapx

December 6th, 2015, 10:08 PM
are ya?

December 6th, 2015, 10:11 PM
So basically, from this point forward.....I don't care if he's the second coming of Pablo Escobar, if he's sex trafficking, running a ponzi scheme from his apartment, counterfeiting money, aiding and abetting the Chinese government, or responsible for the Asian Bird flu, MERS, Ebola and swine flu. He could do all of them while burning a Casey's Pizza to the ground and adding too much bacon to a breakfast pizza. He can fail drug tests and be linked to BALCO and I would just ask, did we win!

That's the issue.

Both the football and basketball program in Normal have no punishment for crimes, and will take anyone, as long as they can win.

I don't know if you're joking, but I doubt it. This type of thinking isn't just the norm in Normal...it's the rule. If you don't agree with it then you aren't a true fan and just like to **** on the school.

Maybe, if you didn't take criminal after criminal and not punish them you wouldn't have to waste your time "defending" your program.

December 6th, 2015, 10:12 PM
I wonder how long we'll be able to keep this thread on page one? Could be another record out there for Coprich to break! xsmileyclapx


December 6th, 2015, 10:58 PM
Well we appreciate you popping over here about 4 times a year. xlolx
You got me. I don't post nearly as much as other people, but I've been a member just as long as most. So, I do like the commentary on everyone's team. I'd rather refrain from posting for the sake of just posting.

December 6th, 2015, 11:06 PM
You got me. I don't post nearly as much as other people, but I've been a member just as long as most. So, I do like the commentary on everyone's team. I'd rather refrain from posting for the sake of just posting.

You were the one who brought it up. We'd really miss all of your insight if you were gone.

I like you just fine. You are much better than 4th and Stupid.

NoDak 4 Ever
December 6th, 2015, 11:07 PM
You were the one who brought it up. We'd really miss all of your insight if you were gone.

I like you just fine. You are much better than 4th and Stupid.

Get it right. it's 4th and bitchy.

He's name checked me over at RBF. He seems to like me.

December 6th, 2015, 11:09 PM
Get it right. it's 4th and bitchy.

He's name checked me over at RBF. He seems to like me.

Let's be honest it's 4th and ________. My favorite that I have used it 4th and ****ty.

December 6th, 2015, 11:23 PM
That's the issue.

Both the football and basketball program in Normal have no punishment for crimes, and will take anyone, as long as they can win.

I don't know if you're joking, but I doubt it. This type of thinking isn't just the norm in Normal...it's the rule. If you don't agree with it then you aren't a true fan and just like to **** on the school.

Maybe, if you didn't take criminal after criminal and not punish them you wouldn't have to waste your time "defending" your program.

Would it matter if I was joking? I might be, but you seem to have made up your mind anyway Clenz. Honestly, there was a lot of dripping sarcasm in my post, but like I said before go research any school and you'll find one or two idiots who did something similar.

Like this from 2008:
"Starting UNI football player Johnny Gray was one of three people arrested in Cedar Falls for drug possession. Victor Williams, also a senior and starter for the Panthers football team, was also arrested."

Kudos to UNI for suspending the two players. But as the article suggests, they seem to have been popular in the community, and probably didn't have any further run-ins with the law.

"Last week Gray and Williams were both honored on Senior Day at the Uni-Dome before the Panthers played their final home game of the season, a 42-0 victory over the Missouri State Bears.

But their impact goes beyond the field. Gray is a very popular player and kids regularly gather after games looking for an autograph."

But if you want to paint a program with broad strokes:

"This is the latest in a string of problems for the UNI athletic program. Last month, the school suspended basketball player Lucas O'Rear and track athlete Cory Goos after they pleaded guilty to theft charges. Football players Evan Tecklenburg and Mitch Houk were arrested for drug possession after a crash Sept. 13, in which Tecklenberg was also charged with drunk driving. And that same weekend, 14 UNI baseball, softball and swim team members were cited and suspended for minors in possession of alcohol. Also, two football players, Darrell Lloyd and Adam Roberts were arrested for fighting with police after a party at the Main Event Center in Cedar Falls."

Would this be a larger indictment on UNI as a whole? Could this be construed as a "lack of institutional control?" Football, Baseball, Basketball, Softball, Swimming Team.

Honestly I couldn't give a rip what happens at UNI. I only post to show how dumb S*** happens everywhere. To paint UNI with broad strokes would be unfair in my opinion.

So regardless of what's said about the kid, he's not hearing it or reading it. Probably gives two craps what any of us thinks. But it makes for good message board chat, so yeah! Marijuana is a gateway drug, if he makes it professionally in some league he's shooting for Nate Newton or Sam Hurd trafficking type stuff. Public Enemy #1 Marshaun Coprich! And he hates Casey's Pizza!

December 6th, 2015, 11:27 PM
Wait until you see my plan for the tailgates in Normal for the semis. xlolx

December 6th, 2015, 11:42 PM
Wait until you see my plan for the tailgates in Normal for the semis. xlolx

Can't wait, you making Brownies? LOL.

December 6th, 2015, 11:45 PM
Would it matter if I was joking? I might be, but you seem to have made up your mind anyway Clenz. Honestly, there was a lot of dripping sarcasm in my post, but like I said before go research any school and you'll find one or two idiots who did something similar.

Like this from 2008:
"Starting UNI football player Johnny Gray was one of three people arrested in Cedar Falls for drug possession. Victor Williams, also a senior and starter for the Panthers football team, was also arrested."

Kudos to UNI for suspending the two players. But as the article suggests, they seem to have been popular in the community, and probably didn't have any further run-ins with the law.

"Last week Gray and Williams were both honored on Senior Day at the Uni-Dome before the Panthers played their final home game of the season, a 42-0 victory over the Missouri State Bears.

But their impact goes beyond the field. Gray is a very popular player and kids regularly gather after games looking for an autograph."

But if you want to paint a program with broad strokes:

"This is the latest in a string of problems for the UNI athletic program. Last month, the school suspended basketball player Lucas O'Rear and track athlete Cory Goos after they pleaded guilty to theft charges. Football players Evan Tecklenburg and Mitch Houk were arrested for drug possession after a crash Sept. 13, in which Tecklenberg was also charged with drunk driving. And that same weekend, 14 UNI baseball, softball and swim team members were cited and suspended for minors in possession of alcohol. Also, two football players, Darrell Lloyd and Adam Roberts were arrested for fighting with police after a party at the Main Event Center in Cedar Falls."

Would this be a larger indictment on UNI as a whole? Could this be construed as a "lack of institutional control?" Football, Baseball, Basketball, Softball, Swimming Team.

Honestly I couldn't give a rip what happens at UNI. I only post to show how dumb S*** happens everywhere. To paint UNI with broad strokes would be unfair in my opinion.

So regardless of what's said about the kid, he's not hearing it or reading it. Probably gives two craps what any of us thinks. But it makes for good message board chat, so yeah! Marijuana is a gateway drug, if he makes it professionally in some league he's shooting for Nate Newton or Sam Hurd trafficking type stuff. Public Enemy #1 Marshaun Coprich! And he hates Casey's Pizza!The thing is, they weren't suspended...they were booted from the team. Williams was 100% cleared by police 48 hours later and wasn't allowed back on the team

Houk was booted. Tecklenburg was suspended multiple times, and I think ended up being booted.

Noticing a trend here?

No one has claimed their program is perfect. The issue is, other programs actually punish their players when they **** up....especially when it's a mother ****ing FELONY.

Check the police blotter since 09 and you'll find very, very, few issues. It's why you're citing articles from 2008

December 6th, 2015, 11:50 PM
That's the issue.

Both the football and basketball program in Normal have no punishment for crimes, and will take anyone, as long as they can win.

I don't know if you're joking, but I doubt it. This type of thinking isn't just the norm in Normal...it's the rule. If you don't agree with it then you aren't a true fan and just like to **** on the school.

Maybe, if you didn't take criminal after criminal and not punish them you wouldn't have to waste your time "defending" your program.

sustained success doesn't equal people who don't follow the rules. Team offense and defense is about doing your job. people like that you don't just drink or smoke but sell are making a serious conscious decision t to say f*** team and school rules. Nobody fights for this kid if he isn't good which is how you know he'll never be great.

December 6th, 2015, 11:52 PM
sustained success doesn't equal people who don't follow the rules. Team offense and defense is about doing your job. people like that you don't just drink or smoke but sell are making a serious conscious decision t to say f*** team and school rules. Nobody fights for this kid if he isn't good which is how you know he'll never be great.
Funny thing is the number of Redbird fans that admitted if he was a back up offensive linemen he should have been booted. Marshaun though? Absolutely not.

December 6th, 2015, 11:53 PM
That's the issue.

Both the football and basketball program in Normal have no punishment for crimes, and will take anyone, as long as they can win.

I don't know if you're joking, but I doubt it. This type of thinking isn't just the norm in Normal...it's the rule. If you don't agree with it then you aren't a true fan and just like to **** on the school.

Maybe, if you didn't take criminal after criminal and not punish them you wouldn't have to waste your time "defending" your program.

They ARE in Illinois are they not.

UNI Pike
December 6th, 2015, 11:57 PM
Johnny Gray had it all in the palm of his hand, and lost it all by making a series of bad choices.

He had a reduction in his scholarship to zero, kicked off the team & out of school. Also, he plead guilty, received two years probation and 100 hours of community service.


From my NSA monitored nexus 5

UNI Pike
December 7th, 2015, 12:01 AM
And BTW, UNI student athlete policy is that a first time DWI is automatic suspension for 10% of the season, plus more if warranted.

Base suspension should probably should be higher than 10%

From my NSA monitored nexus 5

December 7th, 2015, 12:38 AM
Funny thing is the number of Redbird fans that admitted if he was a back up offensive linemen he should have been booted. Marshaun though? Absolutely not.

That is one of the biggest problems that I have with the decision. You need to treat every single player the same in the "You F****** up department" This is clearly not the case. He very well could be a good young man. But we'll never know because you let him be less than he could be. Illinois state failed him as a university in my eyes. As coaches and a football program your job is to MENTOR young men. DO YOUR JOB. Winning football games is a plus but I'd rather continue the tradition of character than success. One seems to lead to the other.....

December 7th, 2015, 05:23 PM
So who do we buy off of next weekend in Normal? Spack?

UNI Pike
December 7th, 2015, 06:17 PM
So who do we buy off of next weekend in Normal? Spack?
Probably anyone. I think the entire ISUr staff is waiting for their September paychecks from the state.

From my NSA monitored nexus 5

December 7th, 2015, 06:55 PM
I'm thinking that maybe the backup kicker makes the deal and he gets like a 20% cut.

Southern Bison
December 7th, 2015, 07:24 PM
Let's prognosticate...if he were to get busted for DUI, drunk & disorderly, possession, etc. this week or next, would Spack suspend him for the remaining playoffs?

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

December 7th, 2015, 07:28 PM
Let's prognosticate...if he were to get busted for DUI, drunk & disorderly, possession, etc. this week or next, would Spack suspend him for the remaining playoffs?

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk


December 7th, 2015, 08:09 PM
Well that's not true. Reduction of scholarship and loss of captaincy. You can argue that it's not enough, but "nada, zilch, zero consequences" is false. At least be honest in your criticism.

He pled guilty to a felony. Yeah, loss of captaincy and having to pay SOME of his college tuition is nothing.

December 7th, 2015, 08:10 PM
Let's prognosticate...if he were to get busted for DUI, drunk & disorderly, possession, etc. this week or next, would Spack suspend him for the remaining playoffs?

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

He would suspend him indefinitely immediately following their first playoff loss.

December 7th, 2015, 08:11 PM
He would suspend him indefinitely immediately following their first playoff loss.
PL fans sandbagging lowly MVFC thugs. What has the world come to?

ursus arctos horribilis
December 7th, 2015, 08:19 PM
Well, don't have time to catch up but it's nice to see the whining crowd still has some tears left in them over this major felony (dollar amount) issue.

Keep up the tears boys, it's good stuff.

boohoo whiners. boof'nhoo.

Redbird 4th & short
December 7th, 2015, 08:53 PM
That's the issue.

Both the football and basketball program in Normal have no punishment for crimes, and will take anyone, as long as they can win.

I don't know if you're joking, but I doubt it. This type of thinking isn't just the norm in Normal...it's the rule. If you don't agree with it then you aren't a true fan and just like to **** on the school.

Maybe, if you didn't take criminal after criminal and not punish them you wouldn't have to waste your time "defending" your program.

Is it possible to speak in any more absolute hyperbole and still be taken at all seriously ? You are incredulous and will say anything .. read your post above back real slow. You will say anything .. No matter how untrue or how exaggerated. There are no limits to your hyperbole as this most recent post confirms .. you will say anything to bash ISU .. right ?

Now tone down the hyperbole, it makes you look really foolish, and go back to the name calling .. its really funny !!

December 7th, 2015, 09:44 PM
Is it possible to speak in any more absolute hyperbole and still be taken at all seriously ? You are incredulous and will say anything .. read your post above back real slow. You will say anything .. No matter how untrue or how exaggerated. There are no limits to your hyperbole as this most recent post confirms .. you will say anything to bash ISU .. right ?

Now tone down the hyperbole, it makes you look really foolish, and go back to the name calling .. its really funny !!

Someone still doesn't get the internet. Ask your grandson to explain it. xlolx

December 7th, 2015, 10:56 PM
Is it possible to speak in any more absolute hyperbole and still be taken at all seriously ? You are incredulous and will say anything .. read your post above back real slow. You will say anything .. No matter how untrue or how exaggerated. There are no limits to your hyperbole as this most recent post confirms .. you will say anything to bash ISU .. right ?

Now tone down the hyperbole, it makes you look really foolish, and go back to the name calling .. its really funny !!

Oh here we go again. I give it less than a month and this "fan" is gone again until another felon checks in at ISUr or next December

December 8th, 2015, 12:53 PM
http://espn.go.com/ncaa/story/_/id/14318884/marshaun-coprich-arrested-and-suspended (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)

December 8th, 2015, 03:27 PM
http://espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/id/14318884/marshaun-coprich-arrested-and-suspended (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)

I should have seen the nfl part! I lost

December 8th, 2015, 06:38 PM

December 9th, 2015, 01:34 PM

Looks like our game last weekend.

December 11th, 2015, 12:16 PM
Bump! xlolx

December 11th, 2015, 12:38 PM
I am really impressed that the ankle bracelet hasnt slowed him down more.

December 11th, 2015, 12:48 PM
Does marijuana help with arachnophobia?

December 11th, 2015, 12:56 PM
Will you guys just stop

You know if you look in the mirror and say his name 3 times he'll come back into the thread

December 11th, 2015, 01:19 PM
Will you guys just stop

Probably not

Id take the good with the bad on that guy.

December 11th, 2015, 01:34 PM
I heard Illinois State was changing their mascot to this...


- - - Updated - - -

I heard this came in a close second.


December 11th, 2015, 01:48 PM
It's a hard knock life. I'm surprised he ever recovered and was able to play this season. xlolx

“I want to apologize to the Redbird family and university of Illinois State for my mistake,” Coprich said in a prepared statement at the Kaufman Football Building. “I have worked hard so far to rectify that mistake. It’s time to move on and start helping my team win games.”In response to questions from the media, Coprich once answered “I learned my actions affect others, not only just me.”
On four occasions, Coprich’s response was “I made a mistake. I have learned from it, and I’m ready to move forward.”
Coprich reached a May 23 plea agreement with the state admitting he sold nine grams of marijuana to a police informant on April 16 in Normal. Coprich was placed on first offender probation, meaning the conviction will be stricken from his record if he successfully completes two years on probation.
Spack had placed Coprich on indefinite suspension but lifted the suspension shortly after the May 23 court appearance.
The ISU coach indicated Coprich, who was a captain of last season’s FCS national runner-up team, will “never be a captain again. He lost his captaincy. That’s part of his punishment."


December 11th, 2015, 02:13 PM
I heard Illinois State was changing their mascot to this...


- - - Updated - - -

I heard this came in a close second.


We took it already....just like ANY color of non-green turf and boise st.

December 11th, 2015, 03:06 PM
We're getting there: http://abc7chicago.com/health/new-marijuana-bill-seeks-to-replace-criminal-penalties-with-fines/1118054/

December 11th, 2015, 03:09 PM
or just make it completely legal

December 18th, 2015, 12:38 AM
I tried to kiss someone under the mistletoe. Turned out Coprich had hidden his stash in the ceiling because the cops came to break up the party. xembarrassedx

Stonewall D
December 18th, 2015, 03:14 AM
It's a hard knock life. I'm surprised he ever recovered and was able to play this season. xlolx


This is good enough. He faced it and dealt with it. In 2 years it will be completely expunged from his record. Like it never happened.

December 18th, 2015, 07:44 AM
You're all wrong.

This is the new logo


December 18th, 2015, 09:44 AM
You guys just bumped this thread to piss off the ISU fans.

So I will too.xlolx

December 18th, 2015, 10:02 AM
They claim they hate it here and all we do is bash ISUr, but they keep coming back here.

It is like the sibling who knows the other sibling is just saying or doing something to piss them off, and wants them to react. Yet the keep reacting which in turns keeps the sibling taunting them.

Like they know people here want to just piss them off, but they keep saying stuff which just keeps the cycle going. When in reality it might stop if they didn't take it so seriously all the time.

December 18th, 2015, 10:13 AM
They claim they hate it here and all we do is bash ISUr, but they keep coming back here.

It is like the sibling who knows the other sibling is just saying or doing something to piss them off, and wants them to react. Yet the keep reacting which in turns keeps the sibling taunting them.

Like they know people here want to just piss them off, but they keep saying stuff which just keeps the cycle going. When in reality it might stop if they didn't take it so seriously all the time.

I remember when 4th and ED came over to Panther nation before our playoff game last year and started spouting off about how it was clear they were going to beat us and then didn't give any reasons that made any sense and then came back after the game and said "see I told you." When people told him he was being a dick he got all butt hurt about that too.

NoDak 4 Ever
December 18th, 2015, 10:16 AM
You guys just bumped this thread to piss off the ISU fans.

So I will too.xlolx

don't worry. most of them are gone by now.

December 18th, 2015, 10:38 AM
I keep seeing Bart Simpson saying to Lisa: "Ow. Quit it. Ow. Quit it. Ow. Quit it."

December 18th, 2015, 11:51 AM
It's a sad, sad world we live in....

NoDak 4 Ever
December 18th, 2015, 11:56 AM
It's a sad, sad world we live in....

The one where a coach tries to win at any cost? I agree.

December 18th, 2015, 02:32 PM
It's a sad, sad world we live in....

I find it amusing!

Keep it up folks, only 280 more posts needed to hit 1,000! I know you can do it. xlolx

December 18th, 2015, 02:34 PM
I think they just announced his suspension will start this week.

December 18th, 2015, 02:35 PM
I think they just announced his suspension will start this week.
Pretty sure it's more serious then that, he's off the team!;)

December 18th, 2015, 03:27 PM
Pretty sure it's more serious then that, he's off the team!;)

This. He is suspended indefinately. xlolx

December 18th, 2015, 03:42 PM
This. He is suspended indefinately. xlolx

He was suspended indefinitely before. You just need to plead guilty to a felony to get off that list. xlolx

December 18th, 2015, 06:50 PM
What did the NDSU two kids do to get kicked off the team today? (Andrew Smith, Trenton Mooney)

December 18th, 2015, 08:43 PM
What did the NDSU two kids do to get kicked off the team today? (Andrew Smith, Trenton Mooney)

Where did you hear they were kicked off?

Mooneys Dad was in a bad accident in the offseason sounds like he has to go in for another surgery. Might want to be close to his dad.

Redbird 4th & short
December 18th, 2015, 09:46 PM
I remember when 4th and ED came over to Panther nation before our playoff game last year and started spouting off about how it was clear they were going to beat us and then didn't give any reasons that made any sense and then came back after the game and said "see I told you." When people told him he was being a dick he got all butt hurt about that too.
you are quite the revisionist. I didn't give any reasons we lost 42-28 .. really ?? In the week leading uo to our playoff game, I provided a lot of evidence that UNI's regular season win over us was the direct results of us laying 5 TDs in your lap .. blocked punt for TD, KR for TD, Pick 6 for TD, lost fumble that resulted in TD on next play. Plus 2 more picks, a fumble, and another blocked punt that resulted in a short field TD. We sucked that day, but I argued it was 5 bad plays we don't usually make.

You guys claimed you dominated us and we sucked, even though we had more rush yards, pass yards, and first downs. Your longest 3 drives were as follows: 53 yards, 35 yards, 31 yards. I argued otherwise with very specific info over above and more, and told you our QB Roberson was a much better player than he showed that day. You guys insisted he sucked, i argue otherwise.

So what happened .. you came to our place and we destroyed you 41-21, and it wasn't that close. Roberson picked you apart for 22-33 for 380 passing yards, 4 TDs, no picks, Coprich rushed for 148 yards, while you guy Johnson was held to 48 yards. Everything I said we were, were were and then some. We put up 567 total yards on your defense, while UNI put up 335 total yard .. of which 198 were piled up in 4th qtr when we went to prevent with a 34-7 lead early in 4th qtr. After 3 qtrs, we had 479 total yards to UNI's 125.

I didn't give you any reasons that made sense ? I laid out how 5 of your 6 TDs were gifts, and very uncharacteristic of our team .. and I was dead on right. And you think I was butt hurt after that .. don't you have that backwards ?? My Redbirds proved me right and destroyed your Panther .. and you think I came away wit butt hurt .. really ???

Nice logic .. but thanks for bringing it up.

December 18th, 2015, 10:15 PM
What did the NDSU two kids do to get kicked off the team today? (Andrew Smith, Trenton Mooney)

Nobody was kicked off. Nice try though....xrolleyesx

December 18th, 2015, 10:54 PM
you are quite the revisionist. I didn't give any reasons we lost 42-28 .. really ?? In the week leading uo to our playoff game, I provided a lot of evidence that UNI's regular season win over us was the direct results of us laying 5 TDs in your lap .. blocked punt for TD, KR for TD, Pick 6 for TD, lost fumble that resulted in TD on next play. Plus 2 more picks, a fumble, and another blocked punt that resulted in a short field TD. We sucked that day, but I argued it was 5 bad plays we don't usually make.

You guys claimed you dominated us and we sucked, even though we had more rush yards, pass yards, and first downs. Your longest 3 drives were as follows: 53 yards, 35 yards, 31 yards. I argued otherwise with very specific info over above and more, and told you our QB Roberson was a much better player than he showed that day. You guys insisted he sucked, i argue otherwise.

So what happened .. you came to our place and we destroyed you 41-21, and it wasn't that close. Roberson picked you apart for 22-33 for 380 passing yards, 4 TDs, no picks, Coprich rushed for 148 yards, while you guy Johnson was held to 48 yards. Everything I said we were, were were and then some. We put up 567 total yards on your defense, while UNI put up 335 total yard .. of which 198 were piled up in 4th qtr when we went to prevent with a 34-7 lead early in 4th qtr. After 3 qtrs, we had 479 total yards to UNI's 125.

I didn't give you any reasons that made sense ? I laid out how 5 of your 6 TDs were gifts, and very uncharacteristic of our team .. and I was dead on right. And you think I was butt hurt after that .. don't you have that backwards ?? My Redbirds proved me right and destroyed your Panther .. and you think I came away wit butt hurt .. really ???

Nice logic .. but thanks for bringing it up.

You were non-stop whining because you didn't understand why the opponent's message board didn't want to hear about why you thought you would win. Then you came back and were a dick and everyone told you that you were a dick and you left. THE END

December 18th, 2015, 11:09 PM
Nobody was kicked off. Nice try though....xrolleyesx
It sounds like Smith was dismissed from the team. Mooney has family to take care of. Prayers for them.

December 19th, 2015, 08:54 AM
Maybe Coprich kidnapped Mooney's family? With no threat of suspension, Marshaun is running wild.

Redbird 4th & short
December 19th, 2015, 09:06 AM
You were non-stop whining because you didn't understand why the opponent's message board didn't want to hear about why you thought you would win. Then you came back and were a dick and everyone told you that you were a dick and you left. THE END
like I said .. you had the butt hurt completely backwards.

December 19th, 2015, 09:29 AM
So what happened .. you came to our place and we destroyed you 41-21, and it wasn't that close. Roberson picked you apart for 22-33 for 380 passing yards, 4 TDs, no picks, Coprich rushed for 148 yards, while you guy Johnson was held to 48 yards. Everything I said we were, were were and then some. We put up 567 total yards on your defense, while UNI put up 335 total yard .. of which 198 were piled up in 4th qtr when we went to prevent with a 34-7 lead early in 4th qtr. After 3 qtrs, we had 479 total yards to UNI's 125.

You have a funny way of talking out of both sides of your mouth. When Roberson is injured and doesn't play as well you want to give him a mulligan but when another team's QB is injured and doesn't play well it's because of ISUr's defense? In the 2014 playoff game, UNI's running QB had a bad wheel and couldn't run so the D keyed on Johnson and was able to stuff him. I seem to remember something similar happening to Coprich just a week or so ago.

And did UNI pile up 198 yards in the 4th solely because of the prevent D or did Kollmorgen playing have any part in the change in UNI's offensive production? You get all butt hurt when posters don't give what you feel the Redbirds are due but you do the exact same thing to other teams.

This is a message board, get the sand out of your China and cowboy up!

NoDak 4 Ever
December 19th, 2015, 09:32 AM
you are quite the revisionist. I didn't give any reasons we lost 42-28 .. really ?? In the week leading uo to our playoff game, I provided a lot of evidence that UNI's regular season win over us was the direct results of us laying 5 TDs in your lap .. blocked punt for TD, KR for TD, Pick 6 for TD, lost fumble that resulted in TD on next play. Plus 2 more picks, a fumble, and another blocked punt that resulted in a short field TD. We sucked that day, but I argued it was 5 bad plays we don't usually make.

You guys claimed you dominated us and we sucked, even though we had more rush yards, pass yards, and first downs. Your longest 3 drives were as follows: 53 yards, 35 yards, 31 yards. I argued otherwise with very specific info over above and more, and told you our QB Roberson was a much better player than he showed that day. You guys insisted he sucked, i argue otherwise.

So what happened .. you came to our place and we destroyed you 41-21, and it wasn't that close. Roberson picked you apart for 22-33 for 380 passing yards, 4 TDs, no picks, Coprich rushed for 148 yards, while you guy Johnson was held to 48 yards. Everything I said we were, were were and then some. We put up 567 total yards on your defense, while UNI put up 335 total yard .. of which 198 were piled up in 4th qtr when we went to prevent with a 34-7 lead early in 4th qtr. After 3 qtrs, we had 479 total yards to UNI's 125.

I didn't give you any reasons that made sense ? I laid out how 5 of your 6 TDs were gifts, and very uncharacteristic of our team .. and I was dead on right. And you think I was butt hurt after that .. don't you have that backwards ?? My Redbirds proved me right and destroyed your Panther .. and you think I came away wit butt hurt .. really ???

Nice logic .. but thanks for bringing it up.

I can't believe you'd still be here after the team that ended your season in your pathetic house got embarrassed last night.

December 19th, 2015, 10:13 AM
like I said .. you had the butt hurt completely backwards.

That's not the way I remember it. You guys won and you accidentally super glued your hands to your penis and couldn't make it to Frisco or post for 6 months.

Redbird 4th & short
December 19th, 2015, 12:26 PM
You have a funny way of talking out of both sides of your mouth. When Roberson is injured and doesn't play as well you want to give him a mulligan but when another team's QB is injured and doesn't play well it's because of ISUr's defense? In the 2014 playoff game, UNI's running QB had a bad wheel and couldn't run so the D keyed on Johnson and was able to stuff him. I seem to remember something similar happening to Coprich just a week or so ago.

And did UNI pile up 198 yards in the 4th solely because of the prevent D or did Kollmorgen playing have any part in the change in UNI's offensive production? You get all butt hurt when posters don't give what you feel the Redbirds are due but you do the exact same thing to other teams.

This is a message board, get the sand out of your China and cowboy up!
I made no excuses for Roberson when he sucked against UNI in 2014 the first game. I merely responded to a poster who said he sucked based on that one game. I said, he didn't suck ... do note, he finished 2014 rated 4th in QBR for all of FCS, passing for over 3200 yards and rushing for over 1,000 yards while playing in MVFC and 4 playoff games.

And yes, I did make excuses for Roberson this year heading into Richmond game when again posters here said he sucked. I agreed his stats sucked this year. I even agreed he didn't deserve all conference. I merely said he was playing most of season with a break in his throwing hand .. which is very relevant, right ? Then as if I knew something .. and Clenz can verify this for you too .. he came out against Richmond and by 2nd half, he was throwing like the old Tre and passed for 380 yards.

So you say your running QB was playing injured in our 2014 playoff game .. I didn't know that, so fine if you say so a year later. But what is your excuse for his play during 2014 regular season game when he netted -9 rushing yards and was 10-30 passing .. was he hurt then too ... again -9 running yards.

We also held this years running QB to 13 rushes for +9 yards .. big improvement over last guy.

All facts people. Keep spewing your unsupported BS. I'll keep spewing facts all day. Then you can resort to more name calling.

Bison Fan in NW MN
December 19th, 2015, 12:29 PM
I made no excuses for Roberson when he sucked against UNI in 2014 the first game. I merely responded to a poster who said he sucked based on that one game. I said, he didn't suck ... do note, he finished 2014 rated 4th in QBR for all of FCS, passing for over 3200 yards and rushing for over 1,000 yards while playing in MVFC and 4 playoff games.

And yes, I did make excuses for Roberson this year heading into Richmond game when again posters here said he sucked. I agreed his stats sucked this year. I even agreed he didn't deserve all conference. I merely said he was playing most of season with a break in his throwing hand .. which is very relevant, right ? Then as if I knew something .. and Clenz can verify this for you too .. he came out against Richmond and by 2nd half, he was throwing like the old Tre and passed for 380 yards.

So you say your running QB was playing injured in our 2014 playoff game .. I didn't know that, so fine if you say so a year later. But what is your excuse for his play during 2014 regular season game when he netted -9 rushing yards and was 10-30 passing .. was he hurt then too ... again -9 running yards.

We also held this years running QB to 13 rushes for +9 yards .. big improvement over last guy.

All facts people. Keep spewing your unsupported BS. I'll keep spewing facts all day. Then you can resort to more name calling.

You still at it?


December 19th, 2015, 12:35 PM
You still at it?


That's the fun thing

99% of posts from any of us are made strictly to troll him. He keeps biting

He's very serious about this internet thing, apparently

Bison Fan in NW MN
December 19th, 2015, 12:39 PM
That's the fun thing

99% of posts from any of us are made strictly to troll him. He keeps biting

He's very serious about this internet thing, apparently

I guess......

Wonder how many FBS guys Spack will bring in next year? Or is he changing his philosophy?

December 19th, 2015, 12:40 PM
I guess......

Wonder how many FBS guys Spack will bring in next year? Or is he changing his philosophy?

Probably alot if he has a FBS coaching gig... xlolx

December 19th, 2015, 12:41 PM
I guess......

Wonder how many FBS guys Spack will bring in next year? Or is he changing his philosophy?

Probably alot if he has a FBS coaching gig... xlolx

I have a Casey's pizza riding on him leaving, so he needs to get the f*** out. xlolx

- - - Updated - - -

I guess......

Wonder how many FBS guys Spack will bring in next year? Or is he changing his philosophy?

Probably alot if he has a FBS coaching gig... xlolx

I have a Casey's pizza riding on him leaving, so he needs to get the f*** out. xlolx

Bison Fan in NW MN
December 19th, 2015, 12:44 PM
Probably alot if he has a FBS coaching gig... xlolx

Has any team interviewed him yet?

Wasn't he a DC at a Big 10 school?

December 19th, 2015, 12:47 PM
Has any team interviewed him yet?

Wasn't he a DC at a Big 10 school?

I think at Purdue where he was an alum...No idea if he has interviewed. I think the loss to Richmond hurt his odds, but I would be looking if I was him. I'd make a lateral move like the WIU coach to get out of the state as well.

December 19th, 2015, 01:03 PM
I made no excuses for Roberson when he sucked against UNI in 2014 the first game. I merely responded to a poster who said he sucked based on that one game. I said, he didn't suck ... do note, he finished 2014 rated 4th in QBR for all of FCS, passing for over 3200 yards and rushing for over 1,000 yards while playing in MVFC and 4 playoff games.

And yes, I did make excuses for Roberson this year heading into Richmond game when again posters here said he sucked. I agreed his stats sucked this year. I even agreed he didn't deserve all conference. I merely said he was playing most of season with a break in his throwing hand .. which is very relevant, right ? Then as if I knew something .. and Clenz can verify this for you too .. he came out against Richmond and by 2nd half, he was throwing like the old Tre and passed for 380 yards.

So you say your running QB was playing injured in our 2014 playoff game .. I didn't know that, so fine if you say so a year later. But what is your excuse for his play during 2014 regular season game when he netted -9 rushing yards and was 10-30 passing .. was he hurt then too ... again -9 running yards.

We also held this years running QB to 13 rushes for +9 yards .. big improvement over last guy.

All facts people. Keep spewing your unsupported BS. I'll keep spewing facts all day. Then you can resort to more name calling.

First, I think Roberson is a great FCS QB who battled injuries this year. Did he deserve all conference? No but he was still a heck of a QB.

How is what I stated unsupported BS? It's my opinion and just as valid as your opinion. You seem to think that your opinion is all that matters and anyone who disagrees with you is out to get ISUr. Yes, the injury to Roberson's throwing hand is relevant but no less so than 1) the injury to Carnes in 2014 or 2) the reality that Bailey was splitting practice time to start 2015 or 3) that Dorleant was suspended for the 1st half of this year's UNI/ISUr game. There are lots of relevant factors that impact how a team plays on a given day. You seem to think that Redbird excuses are more relevant than other excuses when they're all just excuses. You have to play with what you have on game day. ISUr won in 2014 and 2015. Relish the victories and stop whining whenever any one says something negative about the Redbirds. Does a pearl fall out of your shorts every time you get worked up reading a message board?

December 19th, 2015, 01:28 PM
It's going to take a MAC coach getting poached

I was convinced BGSU was going to be his of they waited for him to finish his season. They didn't though.

Redbird 4th & short
December 20th, 2015, 10:56 AM
You have a funny way of talking out of both sides of your mouth. When Roberson is injured and doesn't play as well you want to give him a mulligan but when another team's QB is injured and doesn't play well it's because of ISUr's defense? In the 2014 playoff game, UNI's running QB had a bad wheel and couldn't run so the D keyed on Johnson and was able to stuff him. I seem to remember something similar happening to Coprich just a week or so ago.

And did UNI pile up 198 yards in the 4th solely because of the prevent D or did Kollmorgen playing have any part in the change in UNI's offensive production? You get all butt hurt when posters don't give what you feel the Redbirds are due but you do the exact same thing to other teams.

This is a message board, get the sand out of your China and cowboy up!
Many on AGS have commented how few ISUr fans post here. Step back from normal banter and light hearted smack talk that goes on with any fan board. And honestly ask yourself that question .. why would that be ?

I did not come here to make friends nor to post here year round. I originally came here to post only because of the amount of misinformation and bashing that was occurring regarding ISUr. The posters I have gotten into it with are well known on Redbird fan board. The consensus is that there are more than a handful of UNI and NDSU fans who go way out of their way to bash ISUr relentlessly, sometimes warranted, most times not. This is very well known on Redbird fan board .. case in point, OSBF lost all credibility on our fan board, including with people who know him personally and can't figure out his issue. He comes here, makes similar fictional statements and accusations, and the usual suspects here, lap it up without question. Even when called out and he has nothing to support.

The most recent exchange regarding Roberson only came up because the usual UNI contingent that reflexively bashes ISUr commented again this year that our QB Roberson sucked. I simply argued otherwise and provided specific info to support my point that Roberson is a very good QB, which I contrasted to UNI QBs.

Now because of that, you think I should be making an argument for your QBs .. what sense does that make ?? Your fan (Clenz) said our QB sucked .. so I should defend my QB and then when done, I should defend your QB too ??


December 20th, 2015, 10:59 AM
Roberson did suck this year

There are indisputable facts to back that up

Feel free to leave back to your home where no one will ever question anything you say

That **** doesn't fly here

Redbird 4th & short
December 20th, 2015, 11:18 AM
Roberson did suck this year

There are indisputable facts to back that up

Feel free to leave back to your home where no one will ever question anything you say

That **** doesn't fly here
no sh-t sherlock .. that is my point. This is why so few ISUr fans post here.

Keep spewing and lapping up the BS.

December 20th, 2015, 11:25 AM
