View Full Version : Is there a better day and time to have the FCS National Championship game?

March 6th, 2015, 12:34 PM
Just an observation…two of the highest rated FCS playoff games were the Georgia Southern-ODU quarterfinal in 2012 and the App-Montana semifinal in 2009. It's easy to say the large fan bases of these schools made for the good ratings but there's one thing these two games have in common that I think is important. Both of the games were played on the week after the FBS conference championship games. There aren't any other college games going on but the Heisman Trophy presentation is given out on this day and football is still on the minds of fans. This is also the week of the Army/Navy game. I know some will disagree but Army/Navy would not do nearly as well in ratings as it would if it were on rivalry week or championship week.

IMO, the best way to improve ratings for major FCS games (at least for the championship game) is to find a better time for the game. I think if the FCSNCG was played before the first CFP game as an "appetizer" it would get good ratings. If the FCS can't do more marketing for the championship game I think at least having the game on when people might be looking to see if there are any games on might help get more people to watch.

I know a lot of you may not care all that much about what kind of ratings and viewership FCS games get, but in my opinion there is no reason the FCS National Championship games (and for that matter the semifinals) shouldn't do better than they do.

March 6th, 2015, 12:49 PM
How about having it a week after the semis. Waiting weeks after it pretty much shores it up as a "whatever" in the books of the casual fan. I'm interested in it but most college football fans really aren't. Plus I think keeping it in the same year as the season and allowing those injuries to actually play a role in the game the next week makes for a more interesting true reading of the two teams. Planning for weeks for an opponent shows great coaching I know..but lets make that a one week planning period.

March 6th, 2015, 12:58 PM
Well, back when the FCS was playing the week after the semis on Friday, the D2 title game had higher ratings.

I like the way it is - if the semis and quarters get good ratings, even if they are better than the championship game, that's not all bad.

Lehigh Football Nation
March 6th, 2015, 01:02 PM
Put it on ESPN.

March 6th, 2015, 01:34 PM
Put it on ESPN.

What was wrong with the friday before christmas? Shrink the Playoffs

March 6th, 2015, 01:35 PM
What was wrong with the friday before christmas?

It'd be on Friday, for one thing.

College Football = Saturday. Now, if this site was AnyGivenFriday....


March 6th, 2015, 01:46 PM
Put it on ESPN.

That would be a start.

March 6th, 2015, 02:30 PM
Play it the first week of March when the world is craving football.

Professor Chaos
March 6th, 2015, 06:36 PM
I vastly prefer the break between the semis and the finals compared to old format where there was only 6-7 days in between the semis and the championship. If the week before Christmas is such a great time to showcase FCS football isn't it better to have two semifinals on national TV instead of one final?

As to the question posed by the OP, I think it would be better for TV ratings to have it in prime time on the first Saturday after New Year's Day (even if that's January 2).

March 6th, 2015, 06:58 PM
Playing it the week before Christmas makes it really tough for people who want to actually go to the games, right now it is just about ideal for traveling fans(especially those that have to fly). I also think the break is good for the players, the FCS has a long season and giving them some time to heal up and rest is a good thing.

I don't think moving back to where it was is going to really change the TV ratings much. That would only change with ESPN actually promoting the game a bit.

catamount man
March 7th, 2015, 07:29 AM
Unfortunately guys, the suits in Bristol don't care about improving the image of FCS.

March 7th, 2015, 08:00 AM
I second the call to put the championship game on ESPN.

Really, it's the only thing I'd change.

March 7th, 2015, 08:24 AM
I second the call to put the championship game on ESPN.

Really, it's the only thing I'd change.

I'd also push it to a 3pm eastern start. Noon games suck.

March 7th, 2015, 08:27 AM
I don't think that anyone in the bison fanbase thinks that an earlier date would be better. After new year in the Jan 4-10 range is ideal for coordinating travel. Kudos to the 19k that made the trip in 2015, and a decent showing by IL State too.

March 7th, 2015, 09:35 AM
I don't think that anyone in the bison fanbase thinks that an earlier date would be better. After new year in the Jan 4-10 range is ideal for coordinating travel. Kudos to the 19k that made the trip in 2015, and a decent showing by IL State too.
As a first time attendee(ISUr), after the new-year allows for travel planning that permited it to be an event instead of just a game day. Schools and alumni can schedule activities, fans have time to coordinate and make flight plans without paying last minute airfares.

NoDak 4 Ever
March 7th, 2015, 10:30 AM
I'd also push it to a 3pm eastern start. Noon games suck.

absolutely, it makes the pregame such a truncated mess. Give us all day to tailgate,

Lehigh Football Nation
March 7th, 2015, 12:30 PM
Unfortunately guys, the suits in Bristol don't care about improving the image of FCS.

When I finally am in charge there things will change :)

March 8th, 2015, 03:30 PM
Ditto on the noon kick off sucking.

March 8th, 2015, 03:42 PM
It is a tough call around the holidays without question.

Personally I'd like to see there be no more than a two week lapse between the semis and the championship. It might entail reducing the number of teams in the playoffs, but it would keep the interest higher (imo) for fans not directly involved with the title game.

And noon kickoffs blow.

March 8th, 2015, 10:50 PM
Play it the first week of March when the world is craving football.

speaking for myself, looking forward to baseball. I admit I go against the grain....

March 9th, 2015, 09:04 AM
Should be the first Saturday after New Years. 3:00 eastern and on ESPN with some promotion please!

March 9th, 2015, 03:03 PM
There is no ideal time for the FCS championship game. I don't see the playoffs shrinking back to 16 (although I would support that), therefore it will take at least 5 weeks for a playoff to take place and the championship will always fall somewhere in the holiday period. The only legitimate options are to put off the FCS championship well into January as is now done, or go head-to-head with the New Year's Bowls. Whatever day is picked, the FCS championship will have heady competition for viewership from the NBA, NCAA basketball, FBS bowls, re-runs of SEC games, and that sport where they fight on ice.

My feeling is that TV ratings are unimportant, and that the game should be played on a date which maximizes fan attendance, which to me would be 2-3 weeks after the semifinals.

Go Lehigh TU Owl
March 9th, 2015, 09:59 PM
It is a tough call around the holidays without question.

Personally I'd like to see there be no more than a two week lapse between the semis and the championship. It might entail reducing the number of teams in the playoffs, but it would keep the interest higher (imo) for fans not directly involved with the title game.

And noon kickoffs blow.

I agree. I think a two week break is ideal for everyone involved. It gives some time to make quick travel plans and keeps the game away from the BCS Championship.

I've said before, my dream is a NCAA FCS, D2, D3 Championship Weekend. The D2 game Friday night, D3 2 PM Saturday and FCS at 6:30. I think if done right it would draw in a few more curious eyes. If they did it the December 29th and 30th it might have a little etc mojo leading into the FBS Final 4. Just as a college football fan it would be a bucket list event. One helluva a party too....

March 9th, 2015, 10:38 PM
I think they should have it at least 2 weeks after the semis. Longer is fine with me also. The kickoff time needs to be changed. 12 blows. 1pm is ok but 2 is better. Getting to the tailgate lot at 5am to start cooking sucks.

March 10th, 2015, 10:00 AM
.....Getting to the tailgate lot at 5am to start cooking sucks.

There is always Papa John's. xhighfivex

March 10th, 2015, 10:44 AM
There is always Papa John's. xhighfivex

I love pizza, but tailgate food it is not. Just about anything on the grill beats a pizza out of a box for a tailgate.

March 10th, 2015, 10:47 AM
I agree. I think a two week break is ideal for everyone involved. It gives some time to make quick travel plans and keeps the game away from the BCS Championship.

I've said before, my dream is a NCAA FCS, D2, D3 Championship Weekend. The D2 game Friday night, D3 2 PM Saturday and FCS at 6:30. I think if done right it would draw in a few more curious eyes. If they did it the December 29th and 30th it might have a little etc mojo leading into the FBS Final 4. Just as a college football fan it would be a bucket list event. One helluva a party too....
The only thing I would add to that is, no other games could be play at the same time.

March 10th, 2015, 12:51 PM
I love pizza, but tailgate food it is not. Just about anything on the grill beats a pizza out of a box for a tailgate.

(I was being sarcastic!)........I love beef over charcoal as much as anyone.... xbeerchugx

March 10th, 2015, 12:53 PM
I love pizza, but tailgate food it is not. Just about anything on the grill beats a pizza out of a box for a tailgate.

Order it early, then reheat it on the grill xlolx.

March 11th, 2015, 08:35 AM
To be honest for TV purposes it doesn't matter when so if it's easier for fans to get there by not playing the following weekend so be it. The folks at ESPN aren't dumb, if they thought the FCS NC would get more ratings than the college hoops game, FBS bowl game or whatever they show opposite would get better ratings, maybe they'd show it on the mother channel. The fact is, the TV ratings historically are very small.

March 11th, 2015, 09:03 AM
To be honest for TV purposes it doesn't matter when so if it's easier for fans to get there by not playing the following weekend so be it. The folks at ESPN aren't dumb, if they thought the FCS NC would get more ratings than the college hoops game, FBS bowl game or whatever they show opposite would get better ratings, maybe they'd show it on the mother channel. The fact is, the TV ratings historically are very small.

Agreed, make it right for the fans going. At least two weeks in between the semis and the finals, and leave it on a Saturday, although they could move it back to Saturday night so as to make the tailgating better and the atmosphere in the stadium even better than it is. This will never be a draw on TV, people just don't watch FCS, even FCS fans tend not to watch if it's not their team, so forget about the TV implications and make it good for the fans that are there.

March 13th, 2015, 10:48 PM
I love pizza, but tailgate food it is not. Just about anything on the grill beats a pizza out of a box for a tailgate.

I love pizza also. But PPJs is not good pizza.

March 13th, 2015, 11:41 PM
I love pizza also. But PPJs is not good pizza.

Agreed. Unfortunately, it's better than most of the over priced crap I've found in Northern Virginia.

March 16th, 2015, 04:30 PM
I love pizza also. But PPJs is not good pizza.

When you compare it to Dominos, Little Caesars, and Pizza Hut it is gourmet.

March 16th, 2015, 08:10 PM
I'd also push it to a 3pm eastern start. Noon games suck.
I agree, I think a primetime slot would be a lot better. It would definitely increase viewership.