View Full Version : A twist on the stadium thread: Post pics of your OLD stadium here.
November 16th, 2006, 06:29 PM
I thought I would put a twist on the stadium thread and ask anyone here to post some pics of the stadium your team USED to play in.
Here's some pics of the "old" Dacotah Field from the 1920's and 1930's.
(Unfortunately, I could not find any pics of the "new" Dacotah Field from the glory days of the 1960's, 70's and 80's. They don't freakin' exist on the internet, apparently.)
Anyway, here they are:
I stumbled upon these via the NDSU archives:
November 4, 1922: Homecoming versus South Dakota State
Same game, but a somewhat different angle:
Homecoming: October 15, 1927
On-field shot of the game:
Dacotah Field starts evolving a bit. Cars are no longer parked in the endzones. More stands are added for fans, lights are added, and Churchill Hall has been completed. Here's a pic from Homecoming on October 25, 1930 against The School Which Shall Not Be Named:
I think this is the "new" "old" Dacotah Field from 1938:
Aerial view of the stadium:
Hope you enjoyed!! :D
November 16th, 2006, 06:36 PM
That last view looks better than a lot of current I-AA stadiums, except for the light towers blocking the views
November 16th, 2006, 07:35 PM
Pictures of old Yale Field (capacity 33,000) circa 1910. The Yale Bowl would later replace Yale Field in 1914.
From 1902, Yale vs. Harvard....
November 16th, 2006, 08:50 PM
Frazier Field 1914
henfan sent me a picture of Delaware Stadium before the East Side addition, I'll have to try to find it on my work computer.
November 16th, 2006, 08:54 PM
Pictures of old Yale Field (capacity 33,000) circa 1910. The Yale Bowl would later replace Yale Field in 1914.
YFF. If I remember my Yale Football History correctly, the old Yale Field was on the site of the current baseball stadium.
November 16th, 2006, 09:02 PM
YFF. If I remember my Yale Football History correctly, the old Yale Field was on the site of the current baseball stadium.
Yes that's true and its also on the same site as the current practice fields and Clint Frank Field.
November 16th, 2006, 09:10 PM
This is the best I can do on short notice. It's actually a track meet. I will continue to snoop through the online archives to see if I can find something better.
November 16th, 2006, 09:56 PM
This is the best I can do on short notice. It's actually a track meet. I will continue to snoop through the online archives to see if I can find something better.
8791, is that Old Dornblazer on Higgins, or OLD OLD Dornblazer...?
edit: On second view, it appears the buildings behind the stadium are Campus buildings, so I guess that probably answers my question....
Go Lehigh TU Owl
November 17th, 2006, 12:12 AM
Lehigh's old Taylor Stadium. Taylor was built in 1914 and was demolished following the Lehigh Lafayette game in 1987. It was right in the middle of South Bethlem which made for a parking nightmere. Taylor was a little bit larger, about 20,000 with the temp endzone seats, that Goodman was. The concrete seats in the lower bowl made for waterfalls when it rained
Dabnus Brickey
November 17th, 2006, 09:02 AM
Those old pics are awesome!!!
November 17th, 2006, 09:09 AM
Cranford Field 1890 until 1927
Jackson Field 1928 to 1995
November 17th, 2006, 11:19 AM
More NDSU Dacotah Field Pictures
1926: The open area near the middle of the photo is 'Old' Dacotah Filed.
1936: 'Old' Dacotah Field has been upgraded and campus buildings are beginning to surround it. Note the uppermost building on the right edge. That is the Old Fieldhouse, now Bentson-Bunker, where we still play volleyball.
1944: Not much change.
1951: 'Old' Dacotah Field has been cleared and part of 'New' Dacotah Field can be see in the upper right.
1989: 'New' Fieldhouse, Bison Sports Arena(square white building), and 'New' Dacotah Field. This photo is looking SW; the others were NW.
1993: Fargodome is top-center. 'Old Dacotah Field is the tree lined area along the right edge with sidewalks crisscrossing. Oh, and the Hector Airport runways can be seen in the top-left corner. That's where your teams would be flying into.
November 17th, 2006, 11:29 AM
More NDSU Dacotah Field Pictures
1926: The open area near the middle of the photo is 'Old' Dacotah Filed.
1936: 'Old' Dacotah Field has been upgraded and campus buildings are beginning to surround it.
Note the uppermost building on the right edge. That is the Old Fieldhouse, now Bentson-Bunker,
where we still play volleyball.
1944: Not much change.
1951: 'Old' Dacotah Field has been cleared and part of 'New' Dacotah Field can be see in the upper right.
1989: 'New' Fieldhouse: the Bison Sports Arena(square white building), and 'New' Dacotah Field.
This photo is looking SW; the others were NW.
1993: Fargodome is top-center. 'Old' Dacotah Field is the tree lined area along the right with sidewalks crisscrossing.
Oh, and the Hector Airport runways can be seen in the top-left corner. That's where your teams would be flying into.
November 17th, 2006, 11:32 AM
Oh, and when we say the Red River Valley is flat, we mean flat.
November 17th, 2006, 11:35 AM
1989: 'New' Fieldhouse, Bison Sports Arena(square white building), and 'New' Dacotah Field. This photo is looking SW; the others were NW.
So is "new" Dacotah Field still there and is it still in good shape?
November 17th, 2006, 11:41 AM
So is "new" Dacotah Field still there and is it still in good shape?
It's barely there. The south seating is completely gone(reused for the new soccer complex - I think), the astroturf is in horrible shape, and the permanent north seating is falling apart. Even if it's not leveled for the BSA renovation/expansion next year, it still won't be around for much longer. I think the only group that still uses it is the marching band, though the team might still use it for some practices.
November 17th, 2006, 11:52 AM
That's too bad. I know you guys love the dome but I think an on-campus stadium is a real asset and sometime in the future you may find yourselves missing it.
November 17th, 2006, 12:26 PM
That's too bad. I know you guys love the dome but I think an on-campus stadium is a real asset and sometime in the future you may find yourselves missing it.
To some extent, we already are. When the Fargodome opened, we had a sizable increase of seating capacity; at the same time, our teams went through a downturn. We haven't won a conference championship outright since 1992; a year before the Fargodome opened.
By 2002, average attendance had dropped to 10,800 in a facility holding 19,000. To fill up the seats, the athletic department promoted Bison games as a social event. The place to see and be seen on Saturday nights. It brought up attendace, but lowered crowd noise. Fargodome security frowned on "excessive" noise, and even escorted people out if they wouldn't sit down.
Today, that's beginning to change. Leadership has changed and the fans are being retrained to stand and make noise. Still, older fans remember the noise and excitement of the Dacotah Field days and talk is beginning on the prospect of a new outdoor stadium. We are still many years from that point, but the Fargodome could be seeing sellout seasons as early as 2008.
Oh, and the Fargodome is on-campus. It was built on NDSU property and is about one or two hundred yards from 'New' Dacotah Field.
Seven Would Be Nice
November 17th, 2006, 01:07 PM
Paulson Stadium, Statesboro Ga.
Here's a pic of Paulson stadium from the late 80s. I made it black and white and added distortion so it would fit in with all these pictures from the 20s and such.:thumbsup:
November 17th, 2006, 01:59 PM
To some extent, we already are. When the Fargodome opened, we had a sizable increase of seating capacity; at the same time, our teams went through a downturn. We haven't won a conference championship outright since 1992; a year before the Fargodome opened.
By 2002, average attendance had dropped to 10,800 in a facility holding 19,000. To fill up the seats, the athletic department promoted Bison games as a social event. The place to see and be seen on Saturday nights. It brought up attendace, but lowered crowd noise. Fargodome security frowned on "excessive" noise, and even escorted people out if they wouldn't sit down.
Today, that's beginning to change. Leadership has changed and the fans are being retrained to stand and make noise. Still, older fans remember the noise and excitement of the Dacotah Field days and talk is beginning on the prospect of a new outdoor stadium. We are still many years from that point, but the Fargodome could be seeing sellout seasons as early as 2008.
Oh, and the Fargodome is on-campus. It was built on NDSU property and is about one or two hundred yards from 'New' Dacotah Field.
I don't see how NDSU won't be in the Fargodome for the next 40 years. Esp. since the new offices were built there.
They'll find a way to increase seating capacity.
November 17th, 2006, 02:11 PM
Sirrine Stadium - Still used by the Greenville High Red Raiders. and in the last couple of years an HBCU classic. between DII schools I believe. I don't recall the capacity but I don't believe it is much smaller than the current Paladin Stadium which is 16,000. Probably less than a mile from main street Greenville.
Furman used from 1936 to 1980 First game - Furman 14 Citadel 13
Last Game Furman 28 Citadel 15. gotta love those dogs.
Manly field 1919 to 1936. I cannot find the picture that shows the stands. Mabe their weren't any. The current minor league baseball field is in the old Manly field location.
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