View Full Version : Most/Least likely Seed to lose

December 1st, 2014, 09:48 PM
Just wondered what everyone thought. Most or least likely seed to lose this week, rank them if you want.

Im just bored as crap waiting for Saturday.

Go Lehigh TU Owl
December 1st, 2014, 09:51 PM
This is tough with so many "conference games"...but...

Most Likely - Illinois State
Least Likely - NDSU

I have quite a bit of confidence in UNH and Villanova as well....

December 1st, 2014, 09:52 PM
Most likely seed to lose in order: Chattanooga, Coastal Carolina, Illinois State, Eastern Washington
Least likely in order: NDSU, UNH, Jacksonville State, Villanova

December 1st, 2014, 09:59 PM
Most likely to least likely

Illinois State
Coastal Carolina
Eastern Washington
Jacksonville State
North Dakota State
New Hampshire

I would say that Chattanooga is the most just because ISU blue is a dangerous team to me, and Chattanooga hasn't faced much competition, Illinois State next just due to the fact that they have already lost to UNI, Coastal Carolina to Richmond due to the strength of the CAA, Eastern Washington just because of Montana's tradition, although I will admit that the last 5 I really don't see happening, Jacksonville State due to more respect of NDSU, NDSU because of the fact of it being a rivalry game, Liberty could challenge Nova, but I really can't see it happening, and New Hampshire as least likely because of Fordham's previous results against CAA teams.

December 1st, 2014, 09:59 PM
This is tough with so many "conference games"...but...

Most Likely - Illinois State
Least Likely - NDSU

I have quite a bit of confidence in UNH and Villanova as well....

Might be splitting hairs, but I think SDSU has a better shot of knocking off NDSU than Fordham against UNH...

December 1st, 2014, 10:51 PM
First seeds out:

Jacksonville St.

My heart wants to say NDSU will lose as well but my brain said they'd win. (albeit only by 3)

December 1st, 2014, 11:06 PM
Might be splitting hairs, but I think SDSU has a better shot of knocking off NDSU than Fordham against UNH...

Agree 100%

December 1st, 2014, 11:11 PM
Is be shocked if CCU was still standing after this weekend. Just watching them play a few times this year via ESPN3 and playing in the Big South, (I think this community has hashed it out enough about conference tiers), I don't see how they are close in their game. The box score might reflect it but they will try to mount a comeback but lose at home.

Go Lehigh TU Owl
December 1st, 2014, 11:25 PM
Is be shocked if CCU was still standing after this weekend. Just watching them play a few times this year via ESPN3 and playing in the Big South, (I think this community has hashed it out enough about conference tiers), I don't see how they are close in their game. The box score might reflect it but they will try to mount a comeback but lose at home.

I think the complete opposite. CCU is a battle tested team imo. The playoff experience they gained last year will be valuable. Beating the Griz in -7 degree weather takes mental and physical toughness. They also have a great coach. The Big South is a "better than some want to believe" conference. Liberty went into Harrisonburg and physically beat up on JMU. CCU and Liberty are two legitimately good FCS teams...

December 1st, 2014, 11:41 PM
EWU is probably going to lose. This is not wishful thinking. I believe they will go down.

December 2nd, 2014, 02:21 AM
I think the complete opposite. CCU is a battle tested team imo. The playoff experience they gained last year will be valuable. Beating the Griz in -7 degree weather takes mental and physical toughness. They also have a great coach. The Big South is a "better than some want to believe" conference. Liberty went into Harrisonburg and physically beat up on JMU. CCU and Liberty are two legitimately good FCS teams...

I just don't see it. The loss of Taliaferro to the Ravens and their QB Ross, I just don't see him being the QB they need to win the playoff games. I know last year vs this year is a different team but I saw him play and he looked off against NDSU. Sure it's two completely different lions but he didn't have that swagger that is need to remain calm and collected in the face of adversity. I seriously think he is finally getting tested against a quality team and we saw how that played out against liberty. Sure the coach called a conservative game, but as the team leader he still needs to play a complete game and I haven't seen that yet in the 3 games I've watched with one being against solid competition in liberty.

I hope I am wrong and he comes out during on all cylinders but it will come down to him. If they win, and if NDSU wins, then I look forward to a rematch from last year.

December 3rd, 2014, 09:56 AM
From most likley seeded team to the least likely to lose:

Illinois State Only because they face the toughest unseeded opponent
Chattanooga Because they seem to be the weakest seeded team
Eastern Washington The Grizzlies are getting better each week
Coastal Carolina Richmond's loss to Maine and blowout loss to JMU raises questions
Villanova Flames will make it closer than I'd guessed several weeks ago
Jacksonville State Cuz someone has to be 6th
New Hampshire UNH would have to beat themselves, Fordham can't do it
North Dakota State Been there, done that