View Full Version : Henry Aaron

April 9th, 2014, 03:53 PM
Posted this over on gohens.net at exactly 9:07 pm - 40 years to the minute

thought it was worthy here as well

Well where to start,

Long before they became Americas team and the "Superstation" was beaming Braves games coast to coast, I can safely say that my father and i were the only Braves fans in Lower Delaware. Around this time, Late at night, on some nights, WSB 750 AM station in Atlanta could be heard loud in clear in slower Lower, I would sit out in the car with Pops listening to the Braves on the radio. He would give me a sip of his Bud (Dad, how can you drink that stuff) The were good for 90 losses a year or more, but we still listened. When the Braves played the Phillies it made for some nice prime time listening brought to you by Harry and Richie and without all the static.

So it is the summer of 1973 and as Henfan said, the build up was National and the media coverage was intense, baseball was still the national pastime and Hank Aaron had the Babe in his sights, the only question was would he catch him that year or would it have to wait, I remember Henry hitting number 700 and I think it was against the Phillies off Ken Brett (Georges brother) only 15 more to go but it's already July something.

1952 - Aaron - left his home in Mobile Alabama with a couple of sandwiches and a twenty dollar bill to go play in the Negro Leagues, played some SS and 2B, hit cross handed meaning his right hand was on the bottom until they changed him. First HR against Vic Raschi, only hit 13 in his rookie year in 1954, never had a serious injury except for a broken ankle that cost him September in 1954.

My earliest baseball memory was a Spring Training game in 1968 at old Al Lang Field in St Pete, I was about 5. The only thing I remember about the game was my father suddenly got weird when Hank came up and told me to pay close attention, and i sure did. Aaron was my fathers idol therefore he became mine.

So Aaron finishes the 73 season at 713 and I had to wait all winter for the 1974 baseball season and the pursuit on the Babe to continue. Despite the tremendous media build up, the death threats and Opening Day in Cincy, Aaron promptly swats a Jack Billingham pitch to tie the record in his first AB of the season. Now it is announced the Braves will play on National TV Saturday game of the week, except the Braves decided to sit hank so he could break the record at home. Bowie Kuhn gets involved for "the best interest of baseball" and order Aaron in the lineup.

So now, its Monday Night, April 8th 1974. Just know there was a farm house on the Bethel Road that was riveted to this game. NBC TV is in Atlanta to televise the game on National TV and America was watching (much less distractions back in those days and one could actually watch a ball game without checking your Iphone). Aaron walked in his first AB and I remember I was getting PO'd at Al Downing for not throwing a strike to him, Aaron comes to the plate for the second AB to another standing ovation from the 53K …… First pitch is yet another ball…. I yell at the set, throw him a strike …… next pitch as JoeC correctly recalled, was a meatball right from the moment it left #44 hand and with a powerful flick of some powerful wrist the ball was sent over the LF fence and caught by Braves reliever Tom House. Pandaemonium. Aaron was met by his mother who locked him up with a hug that almost knocked the wind out of him, he get up to the Mike and said something to the effect of "Thank god it's over". This night was a moment I will never forget.

There was some weird trivia with the #4 and i don't recall the details but Aaron and Downing both wore #44
Date - 4/8/74
time 9:07 - 9 plus 7 is 16 or 4 4 4 4
there is more here I just don't remember and screw google

Mr Aaron was and still is one classy person. Long Live baseballs all time Home run king!

April 9th, 2014, 05:59 PM
Great writeup.

His short speech last night was classic Aaron. Nothing but humble, thanking the fans every other sentence. They don't make many like him.

Emotional to watch him shuffle to the podium with a walker. Hard to watch age catch up to your heroes. What a wonderful ambassador for the Braves and the city of Atlanta.

Gil Dobie
April 10th, 2014, 09:08 AM
Career Home Run King = Henry Aaron 755
Season Home Run King = Roger Maris 61

April 10th, 2014, 09:38 AM
As a lifelong Atlanta Braves Fan I was saddened to see what Mr. Aaron had to say about me. JUST DISGUSTING and it's obvious Mr. Aaron is NO better than the idiots who sent him hate mail. I'm done with Mr. Aaron and the Atlanta Braves should be too.


April 10th, 2014, 12:35 PM
Henry Aaron was a great athlete and a classy, humble gentleman in a time when it was hard to do so as a high profile black man in the US.

Being born in Alabama of 1934 and going to the Major Leagues as a black man in 1954 certainly would have sensitized Mr. Aaron to the ugly side of racism. Up until he made his remarks, I wonder how long it has been since he received hate mail.

The country has come a long way in his life time. To equate the trials of what he experienced as a young man with opposition to the wrong headed policies and incompetent administration of BHO both as racism show how 80 years can take a toll on a mind.

Mr. Aaron we celebrate what you accomplished in your life in your strong, humble manner, but disagree with your political statement of last evening.

April 10th, 2014, 04:54 PM
As a lifelong Atlanta Braves Fan I was saddened to see what Mr. Aaron had to say about me. JUST DISGUSTING and it's obvious Mr. Aaron is NO better than the idiots who sent him hate mail. I'm done with Mr. Aaron and the Atlanta Braves should be too.


I can understand that the treatment he received during his playing years embittered him but it saddens me that his bitterness so clouds his judgement today that he would equate Republican opposition to Obama to the Klan, the Treyvon Martin case to Emmett Till, or would use the percentage of blacks playing pro baseball today vs 1974 as evidence of ongoing racism (note: the percentage of african american youth who grow up playing baseball as their primary sport today vs back in Aaron's day is a better explanation).

April 19th, 2014, 11:03 PM
Unless you walk in their shoes, you will never know.

April 20th, 2014, 12:46 PM
Unless you walk in their shoes, you will never know.

Really? Slavery has been over for almost 150 years and no fire hoses or attack dogs in over 50 years. Your yankee white guilt is showing. Especially funny and ironic considering the most segregated and racist places in the 'late united States' are NORTH of the Mason-Dixon line.

April 21st, 2014, 11:37 AM
Really. The fact that slavery was abolished 150 years ago, Jim Crow was still embedded only 50 years ago. Change takes time. I still see and hear it today. It's not as pronounced, and not as prevalent, but it will always be with us to some degree. The question is whether it dictates how we treat one another or eventually gets relegated to the ashbin.

April 21st, 2014, 12:20 PM
Really. The fact that slavery was abolished 150 years ago, Jim Crow was still embedded only 50 years ago. Change takes time. I still see and hear it today. It's not as pronounced, and not as prevalent, but it will always be with us to some degree. The question is whether it dictates how we treat one another or eventually gets relegated to the ashbin.

go on down into the Beirut like downtown Philly and preach that unity and togetherness and see how long you can last before getting robbed or murdered.

NoDak 4 Ever
April 21st, 2014, 12:25 PM
go on down into the Beirut like downtown Philly and preach that unity and togetherness and see how long you can last before getting robbed or murdered.

Downtown Philly is like Beirut? You're actually pretty safe there. In fact, I got turned around in a particularly rough looking neighborhood northeast of downtown and a very friendly gentleman gave me directions to where I was going.

April 21st, 2014, 12:35 PM
Downtown Philly is like Beirut? You're actually pretty safe there. In fact, I got turned around in a particularly rough looking neighborhood northeast of downtown and a very friendly gentleman gave me directions to where I was going.

yep VERY safe..... JUST like the Cities of Baltimore, Washington, Detroit et al......I wonder what ALL these cities could have in common?


NoDak 4 Ever
April 21st, 2014, 12:42 PM
yep VERY safe..... JUST like the Cities of Baltimore, Washington, Detroit et al......I wonder what ALL these cities could have in common?


Have you ever been to Philadelphia? Temple is hardly in Center City. It gets a little dodgy as you go north and west of there. People are attacked everywhere. Again, someone with such a persecution complex having it out for majority Black cities is quite ironic.

April 21st, 2014, 03:29 PM
Have you ever been to Philadelphia? Temple is hardly in Center City. It gets a little dodgy as you go north and west of there. People are attacked everywhere. Again, someone with such a persecution complex having it out for majority Black cities is quite ironic.

A 'persecution complex' you say? That's RICH

Because watching cities that took hundreds of years to build up become rotting cesspools of crime, corruption, and cronyism in 40 years is just TRAGIC.

NoDak 4 Ever
April 21st, 2014, 03:33 PM
A 'persecution complex' you say? That's RICH

Because watching cities that took hundreds of years to build up become rotting cesspools of crime, corruption, and cronyism in 40 years is just TRAGIC.

there's a Nazi, Nazi Collaborator or anti semite under every rock in your world.

I don't dislike you because you're a Jew, I dislike you because you're a prick.

April 21st, 2014, 03:42 PM
there's a Nazi, Nazi Collaborator or anti semite under every rock in your world.

I don't dislike you because you're a Jew, I dislike you because you're a prick.

I hate to tell you. little buddy, but there IS a FACIST or a collaborator or an anti Semite under just about EVERY rock.

Your pathetic attempt to shame me by pointng out my membership in THE TRIBE is duly noted. I guess your kind felt more comfortable when my people wore armbands to identify us.

Noticed that YET AGAIN yo have NOTHING WORTHWHILE to post about the subject so you just attack others.

So Nodak what has been responsible for the decline of the northern and midwestern cities that were once beacons of civilization and culture?

April 24th, 2014, 03:17 PM
As a lifelong Atlanta Braves Fan I was saddened to see what Mr. Aaron had to say about me. JUST DISGUSTING and it's obvious Mr. Aaron is NO better than the idiots who sent him hate mail. I'm done with Mr. Aaron and the Atlanta Braves should be too.


where in that story did he address you?

April 8th, 2020, 04:13 PM
Posted this over on gohens.net at exactly 9:07 pm - 40 years to the minute

thought it was worthy here as well

Well where to start,

Long before they became Americas team and the "Superstation" was beaming Braves games coast to coast, I can safely say that my father and i were the only Braves fans in Lower Delaware. Around this time, Late at night, on some nights, WSB 750 AM station in Atlanta could be heard loud in clear in slower Lower, I would sit out in the car with Pops listening to the Braves on the radio. He would give me a sip of his Bud (Dad, how can you drink that stuff) The were good for 90 losses a year or more, but we still listened. When the Braves played the Phillies it made for some nice prime time listening brought to you by Harry and Richie and without all the static.

So it is the summer of 1973 and as Henfan said, the build up was National and the media coverage was intense, baseball was still the national pastime and Hank Aaron had the Babe in his sights, the only question was would he catch him that year or would it have to wait, I remember Henry hitting number 700 and I think it was against the Phillies off Ken Brett (Georges brother) only 15 more to go but it's already July something.

1952 - Aaron - left his home in Mobile Alabama with a couple of sandwiches and a twenty dollar bill to go play in the Negro Leagues, played some SS and 2B, hit cross handed meaning his right hand was on the bottom until they changed him. First HR against Vic Raschi, only hit 13 in his rookie year in 1954, never had a serious injury except for a broken ankle that cost him September in 1954.

My earliest baseball memory was a Spring Training game in 1968 at old Al Lang Field in St Pete, I was about 5. The only thing I remember about the game was my father suddenly got weird when Hank came up and told me to pay close attention, and i sure did. Aaron was my fathers idol therefore he became mine.

So Aaron finishes the 73 season at 713 and I had to wait all winter for the 1974 baseball season and the pursuit on the Babe to continue. Despite the tremendous media build up, the death threats and Opening Day in Cincy, Aaron promptly swats a Jack Billingham pitch to tie the record in his first AB of the season. Now it is announced the Braves will play on National TV Saturday game of the week, except the Braves decided to sit hank so he could break the record at home. Bowie Kuhn gets involved for "the best interest of baseball" and order Aaron in the lineup.

So now, its Monday Night, April 8th 1974. Just know there was a farm house on the Bethel Road that was riveted to this game. NBC TV is in Atlanta to televise the game on National TV and America was watching (much less distractions back in those days and one could actually watch a ball game without checking your Iphone). Aaron walked in his first AB and I remember I was getting PO'd at Al Downing for not throwing a strike to him, Aaron comes to the plate for the second AB to another standing ovation from the 53K …… First pitch is yet another ball…. I yell at the set, throw him a strike …… next pitch as JoeC correctly recalled, was a meatball right from the moment it left #44 hand and with a powerful flick of some powerful wrist the ball was sent over the LF fence and caught by Braves reliever Tom House. Pandaemonium. Aaron was met by his mother who locked him up with a hug that almost knocked the wind out of him, he get up to the Mike and said something to the effect of "Thank god it's over". This night was a moment I will never forget.

There was some weird trivia with the #4 and i don't recall the details but Aaron and Downing both wore #44
Date - 4/8/74
time 9:07 - 9 plus 7 is 16 or 4 4 4 4
there is more here I just don't remember and screw google

Mr Aaron was and still is one classy person. Long Live baseballs all time Home run king!

46 years ago today!

April 8th, 2020, 04:15 PM
STILL the Home Run King!

April 8th, 2020, 06:08 PM

April 9th, 2020, 09:00 AM

Are you talking about a Cheating Barry Bonds being locked out of the Hall of Fame?

POD Knows
April 9th, 2020, 09:06 AM
Posted this over on gohens.net at exactly 9:07 pm - 40 years to the minute

thought it was worthy here as well

Well where to start,

Long before they became Americas team and the "Superstation" was beaming Braves games coast to coast, I can safely say that my father and i were the only Braves fans in Lower Delaware. Around this time, Late at night, on some nights, WSB 750 AM station in Atlanta could be heard loud in clear in slower Lower, I would sit out in the car with Pops listening to the Braves on the radio. He would give me a sip of his Bud (Dad, how can you drink that stuff) The were good for 90 losses a year or more, but we still listened. When the Braves played the Phillies it made for some nice prime time listening brought to you by Harry and Richie and without all the static.

So it is the summer of 1973 and as Henfan said, the build up was National and the media coverage was intense, baseball was still the national pastime and Hank Aaron had the Babe in his sights, the only question was would he catch him that year or would it have to wait, I remember Henry hitting number 700 and I think it was against the Phillies off Ken Brett (Georges brother) only 15 more to go but it's already July something.

1952 - Aaron - left his home in Mobile Alabama with a couple of sandwiches and a twenty dollar bill to go play in the Negro Leagues, played some SS and 2B, hit cross handed meaning his right hand was on the bottom until they changed him. First HR against Vic Raschi, only hit 13 in his rookie year in 1954, never had a serious injury except for a broken ankle that cost him September in 1954.

My earliest baseball memory was a Spring Training game in 1968 at old Al Lang Field in St Pete, I was about 5. The only thing I remember about the game was my father suddenly got weird when Hank came up and told me to pay close attention, and i sure did. Aaron was my fathers idol therefore he became mine.

So Aaron finishes the 73 season at 713 and I had to wait all winter for the 1974 baseball season and the pursuit on the Babe to continue. Despite the tremendous media build up, the death threats and Opening Day in Cincy, Aaron promptly swats a Jack Billingham pitch to tie the record in his first AB of the season. Now it is announced the Braves will play on National TV Saturday game of the week, except the Braves decided to sit hank so he could break the record at home. Bowie Kuhn gets involved for "the best interest of baseball" and order Aaron in the lineup.

So now, its Monday Night, April 8th 1974. Just know there was a farm house on the Bethel Road that was riveted to this game. NBC TV is in Atlanta to televise the game on National TV and America was watching (much less distractions back in those days and one could actually watch a ball game without checking your Iphone). Aaron walked in his first AB and I remember I was getting PO'd at Al Downing for not throwing a strike to him, Aaron comes to the plate for the second AB to another standing ovation from the 53K …… First pitch is yet another ball…. I yell at the set, throw him a strike …… next pitch as JoeC correctly recalled, was a meatball right from the moment it left #44 hand and with a powerful flick of some powerful wrist the ball was sent over the LF fence and caught by Braves reliever Tom House. Pandaemonium. Aaron was met by his mother who locked him up with a hug that almost knocked the wind out of him, he get up to the Mike and said something to the effect of "Thank god it's over". This night was a moment I will never forget.

There was some weird trivia with the #4 and i don't recall the details but Aaron and Downing both wore #44
Date - 4/8/74
time 9:07 - 9 plus 7 is 16 or 4 4 4 4
there is more here I just don't remember and screw google

Mr Aaron was and still is one classy person. Long Live baseballs all time Home run king!
Yea, saw it live on TV, I am pretty sure I could have turned on that Downing "fast" ball and went yard but that doesn't diminish the record. It was the most iconic sports record of all time maybe and got to see it live, pretty cool.

April 9th, 2020, 09:53 AM
Yea, saw it live on TV, I am pretty sure I could have turned on that Downing "fast" ball and went yard but that doesn't diminish the record. It was the most iconic sports record of all time maybe and got to see it live, pretty cool.

It’s almost like Downing just said **** it

Even a Guido would be proud of that meatball

POD Knows
April 9th, 2020, 10:11 AM
It’s almost like Downing just said **** it

Even a Guido would be proud of that meatballBelt high, inside part of the plate, made to order

April 9th, 2020, 12:09 PM
Are you talking about a Cheating Barry Bonds being locked out of the Hall of Fame?

......NAW......TEMPERS.....xmadxxflamemadxxpissedx xflamemadxxmadx......AWQ!

April 9th, 2020, 01:02 PM
......NAW......TEMPERS.....xmadxxflamemadxxpissedx xflamemadxxmadx......AWQ!

Most of that stuff is 6 years ago

April 9th, 2020, 02:01 PM
As a lifelong Atlanta Braves Fan I was saddened to see what Mr. Aaron had to say about me. JUST DISGUSTING and it's obvious Mr. Aaron is NO better than the idiots who sent him hate mail. I'm done with Mr. Aaron and the Atlanta Braves should be too.


I'm Sorry but who are you? I dude that posts on a message board who still thinks its 1871? I'm sure Hank Aaron nor the Atlanta Braves will lose any sleep about what you feel or your bass ackwards opinions.

April 9th, 2020, 02:28 PM
Most of that stuff is 6 years ago

....OKAY......DIDN'T NOTICE DUH DATES......xembarrassedx.....AWK!

April 9th, 2020, 03:18 PM
....OKAY......DIDN'T NOTICE DUH DATES......xembarrassedx.....AWK!

And I wasn't trying to re-kindle the Civil War either

Just a heart felt tribute to the Home run King

April 9th, 2020, 03:39 PM
I'm Sorry but who are you? I dude that posts on a message board who still thinks its 1871? I'm sure Hank Aaron nor the Atlanta Braves will lose any sleep about what you feel or your bass ackwards opinions.

See above....6 years ago...

April 9th, 2020, 08:53 PM
And I wasn't trying to re-kindle the Civil War either

Just a heart felt tribute to the Home run King

Yep. I remember hustling up the mountain to my house at Lehigh after my class was over at 8:30 p.m. to catch the game and got into the TV room just a few minutes before The Hammer nailed it. Still the King.

April 9th, 2020, 10:11 PM
Yep. I remember hustling up the mountain to my house at Lehigh after my class was over at 8:30 p.m. to catch the game and got into the TV room just a few minutes before The Hammer nailed it. Still the King.

Isn’t it funny that everyone that saw that homerun can remember those kind of details!

April 16th, 2020, 11:54 AM
Aaron is still very present with the Braves organization.

Wild stat - even if you take away every one of Aaron's 755 home runs, he still has over 3,000 hits.

April 16th, 2020, 10:11 PM
Aaron is still very present with the Braves organization.

Wild stat - even if you take away every one of Aaron's 755 home runs, he still has over 3,000 hits.

nice stat, I knew he over 3,700 hits but shamefully don’t remember the final number

April 23rd, 2020, 10:30 PM
Aaron is still very present with the Braves organization.

Wild stat - even if you take away every one of Aaron's 755 home runs, he still has over 3,000 hits.

nice stat, I knew he over 3,700 hits but shamefully don’t remember the final number
His career total hits is 3771.

April 27th, 2020, 09:39 AM
I remember watching the broadcast. There was a chance of rain coming in and there was the possibility that the home run wouldn't count if the game was rained out.

April 27th, 2020, 10:32 AM
I remember watching the broadcast. There was a chance of rain coming in and there was the possibility that the home run wouldn't count if the game was rained out.

that’s right I forgot about that part

I also can’t remember a thing about the Bonds HR except Hanks classy speech that was played on the scoreboard after the homerun

April 28th, 2020, 09:29 AM
Isn’t it funny that everyone that saw that homerun can remember those kind of details!


May 3rd, 2020, 09:25 PM
A couple of round-trippers in one night!

April 8th, 2024, 10:41 AM
Posted this over on gohens.net at exactly 9:07 pm - 40 years to the minute

thought it was worthy here as well

Well where to start,

Long before they became Americas team and the "Superstation" was beaming Braves games coast to coast, I can safely say that my father and i were the only Braves fans in Lower Delaware. Around this time, Late at night, on some nights, WSB 750 AM station in Atlanta could be heard loud in clear in slower Lower, I would sit out in the car with Pops listening to the Braves on the radio. He would give me a sip of his Bud (Dad, how can you drink that stuff) The were good for 90 losses a year or more, but we still listened. When the Braves played the Phillies it made for some nice prime time listening brought to you by Harry and Richie and without all the static.

So it is the summer of 1973 and as Henfan said, the build up was National and the media coverage was intense, baseball was still the national pastime and Hank Aaron had the Babe in his sights, the only question was would he catch him that year or would it have to wait, I remember Henry hitting number 700 and I think it was against the Phillies off Ken Brett (Georges brother) only 15 more to go but it's already July something.

1952 - Aaron - left his home in Mobile Alabama with a couple of sandwiches and a twenty dollar bill to go play in the Negro Leagues, played some SS and 2B, hit cross handed meaning his right hand was on the bottom until they changed him. First HR against Vic Raschi, only hit 13 in his rookie year in 1954, never had a serious injury except for a broken ankle that cost him September in 1954.

My earliest baseball memory was a Spring Training game in 1968 at old Al Lang Field in St Pete, I was about 5. The only thing I remember about the game was my father suddenly got weird when Hank came up and told me to pay close attention, and i sure did. Aaron was my fathers idol therefore he became mine.

So Aaron finishes the 73 season at 713 and I had to wait all winter for the 1974 baseball season and the pursuit on the Babe to continue. Despite the tremendous media build up, the death threats and Opening Day in Cincy, Aaron promptly swats a Jack Billingham pitch to tie the record in his first AB of the season. Now it is announced the Braves will play on National TV Saturday game of the week, except the Braves decided to sit hank so he could break the record at home. Bowie Kuhn gets involved for "the best interest of baseball" and order Aaron in the lineup.

So now, its Monday Night, April 8th 1974. Just know there was a farm house on the Bethel Road that was riveted to this game. NBC TV is in Atlanta to televise the game on National TV and America was watching (much less distractions back in those days and one could actually watch a ball game without checking your Iphone). Aaron walked in his first AB and I remember I was getting PO'd at Al Downing for not throwing a strike to him, Aaron comes to the plate for the second AB to another standing ovation from the 53K …… First pitch is yet another ball…. I yell at the set, throw him a strike …… next pitch as JoeC correctly recalled, was a meatball right from the moment it left #44 hand and with a powerful flick of some powerful wrist the ball was sent over the LF fence and caught by Braves reliever Tom House. Pandaemonium. Aaron was met by his mother who locked him up with a hug that almost knocked the wind out of him, he get up to the Mike and said something to the effect of "Thank god it's over". This night was a moment I will never forget.

There was some weird trivia with the #4 and i don't recall the details but Aaron and Downing both wore #44
Date - 4/8/74
time 9:07 - 9 plus 7 is 16 or 4 4 4 4
there is more here I just don't remember and screw google

Mr Aaron was and still is one classy person. Long Live baseballs all time Home run king!

50 years gone

RIP to the all time HR king

Gil Dobie
April 9th, 2024, 06:52 AM
Friend of mine, ran the bases at the Fulton County Stadium park yesterday, in memory of Hank.