December 16th, 2013, 09:40 AM
Portland State's football program must become self-sufficient by the next academic year
Portland State's D.J. Adams scores against California. The PSU football program will no longer receive money from the university's general fund beginning in 2014-15. (Associated Press)
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http://imgick.oregonlive.com/home/olive-media/width40/img/avatars/1333.png (http://connect.oregonlive.com/staff/kgoe/index.html)By Ken Goe | (http://connect.oregonlive.com/staff/kgoe/posts.html)[email protected]
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on December 06, 2013 at 4:55 PM, updated December 06, 2013 at 5:29 PM
http://ads.oregonlive.com/RealMedia/ads/adstream_lx.ads/www.oregonlive.com/collegefootball/2013/12/portland_states_football_progr.html/1546101247/StoryAd/OREGONLIVE/default/empty.gif/536e764b416c4b7644366b4143686668?tag0=david%20hers h&tag1=nigel%20burton (http://ads.oregonlive.com/RealMedia/ads/click_lx.ads/www.oregonlive.com/collegefootball/2013/12/portland_states_football_progr.html/1546101247/StoryAd/OREGONLIVE/default/empty.gif/536e764b416c4b7644366b4143686668)
Portland State president Wim Wiewel has directed that the PSU football team become self-sufficient by the 2014-15 academic year.
PSU spokesman Mike Lund said the move is one of a series of cuts the university is making to deal with a $15 million financial shortfall (http://www.pdx.edu/fadm/2014-15-budget-frequently-asked-questions).
Lund said the football program received approximately $800,000 from the university’s general fund in 2013-14. The football budget is $3.85 million.
“We already had scheduled two money games next season,” Lund said, referring to nonconference road games against teams in a higher classification for which the Vikings get a large financial guarantee. “Right now we’re projecting $3.6 million in revenue.”
-- Ken Goe
Portland State's football program must become self-sufficient by the next academic year
Portland State's D.J. Adams scores against California. The PSU football program will no longer receive money from the university's general fund beginning in 2014-15. (Associated Press)
Print (http://blog.oregonlive.com/collegefootball_impact/print.html?entry=/2013/12/portland_states_football_progr.html)
http://imgick.oregonlive.com/home/olive-media/width40/img/avatars/1333.png (http://connect.oregonlive.com/staff/kgoe/index.html)By Ken Goe | (http://connect.oregonlive.com/staff/kgoe/posts.html)[email protected]
Email the author | Follow on Twitter (http://twitter.com/KenGoe)
on December 06, 2013 at 4:55 PM, updated December 06, 2013 at 5:29 PM
http://ads.oregonlive.com/RealMedia/ads/adstream_lx.ads/www.oregonlive.com/collegefootball/2013/12/portland_states_football_progr.html/1546101247/StoryAd/OREGONLIVE/default/empty.gif/536e764b416c4b7644366b4143686668?tag0=david%20hers h&tag1=nigel%20burton (http://ads.oregonlive.com/RealMedia/ads/click_lx.ads/www.oregonlive.com/collegefootball/2013/12/portland_states_football_progr.html/1546101247/StoryAd/OREGONLIVE/default/empty.gif/536e764b416c4b7644366b4143686668)
Portland State president Wim Wiewel has directed that the PSU football team become self-sufficient by the 2014-15 academic year.
PSU spokesman Mike Lund said the move is one of a series of cuts the university is making to deal with a $15 million financial shortfall (http://www.pdx.edu/fadm/2014-15-budget-frequently-asked-questions).
Lund said the football program received approximately $800,000 from the university’s general fund in 2013-14. The football budget is $3.85 million.
“We already had scheduled two money games next season,” Lund said, referring to nonconference road games against teams in a higher classification for which the Vikings get a large financial guarantee. “Right now we’re projecting $3.6 million in revenue.”
-- Ken Goe