View Full Version : TSN: In the FCS Huddle: Bohl stunner changes everything

December 8th, 2013, 09:20 AM
In the FCS Huddle: Bohl stunner changes everything

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December 8th, 2013, 12:59 PM
I thought it a good possability that Bohl would leave NDSU at the end of this season with so many seniors the team is going to loose it makes sense that this would be the year to leave. There are two things I do not understand; 1 Wyoming? The only reason for choosing them would be the desire to build a team with worse than nothing. 2. the timing it terrible. Now if the BISON 3peat Bohl's legacy in Fargo will be set in stone. But if they do not win that 3rd national championship it will be blamed on the timing of this move and will be a huge black mark on Bohl's record in Fargo forever.