View Full Version : Interesting Article About USD
October 13th, 2006, 09:35 AM
Please see the link below.
Would love to see the game take place.
October 13th, 2006, 09:42 AM
Please see the link below.
Would love to see the game take place.
“We challenge them,” said Harbaugh, the third-year head coach of the Toreros (5-0). “We challenge the Aztecs.”
Wow! Now it all makes sense. The USD posters on this board are no worse than their very own head coach. He is clearly drinking again!
Ralph, please get Harbaugh on your show!!! We can post questions for him from poster on this board.
October 13th, 2006, 10:01 AM
Ugh. The more quotes I see from Harbaugh, the less I like USD. WTF is he doing calling SDSU's AD anyway, doesn't USD have an AD? I really didn't have any feelings about them one way or the other until all of this playoff talk with their schedule and the comments coming from Harbaugh. Now I'm hoping they don't even make the Gridiron. : smh :
Torero Tradition
October 13th, 2006, 10:02 AM
We challenge them, said Harbaugh, the third-year head coach of the Toreros (5-0). We challenge the Aztecs.
Wow! Now it all makes sense. The USD posters on this board are no worse than their very own head coach. He is clearly drinking again!
Ralph, please get Harbaugh on your show!!! We can post questions for him from poster on this board.
Ace, i think there is a difference between posters and Coach H.
I think the Toreros fans are just passionate and wanting others to know a little bit about our team and non-scholarhsip (PFL,NEC) football in general. I thought it made for some interesting questions/comments to discuss the possibility of playoffs and non-scholarship teams. I'm more interested in trying to get USD to go scholarship and join say the GWC then comparing hypotheticals on this board of how USD could perform against who. Thing is... I think we are going to need support/pressure from other teams and their fans to get USD to where I think it needs to go. I think you should get Harbaugh on the show... i could think of a couple tough questions for him. Happy Friday everyone :nod:
October 13th, 2006, 10:03 AM
I'm just hoping they shut up! I have never seen a #20 team in the country talk so much!:bang:
You are NOT UNH, please be quiet:mad: :nono:
Torero Tradition
October 13th, 2006, 10:04 AM
Now I'm hoping they don't even make the Gridiron. : smh :
If that is really how you feel, you will want us to lose in one week. If we lose that game we probably will not play in the Classic. Regardless, good luck to the University of Delaware this weekend. USD should win this weekend and I look forward to watching some other I-AA games on the internet and TV.
October 13th, 2006, 10:06 AM
"He wants it so bad he said USD would buy out of game contracts with future opponents just to make it happen."
Who are USD's future opponents? I'd like to know now if we're going to be having these same discussions next year too.
October 13th, 2006, 10:08 AM
If that is really how you feel, you will want us to lose in one week.
It's not, but all this talk has gone well beyond tiresome.
Torero Tradition
October 13th, 2006, 10:09 AM
I'm just hoping they shut up! I have never seen a #20 team in the country talk so much!:bang:
You are NOT UNH, please be quiet:mad: :nono:
First of all... App is the Defending National Champs.... and I bow down to that :bow:
I think there may be more talk for this team because it is the first time they have ever been ranked in a lot of these polls... and really, since last year there has finally been some buzz about USD football. Throw in the fact that USD is in the PFL and non-scholarship, it brings some interesting points into focus about I-AA football... and obviosly some people would rather not go there. Throw in a high profile coach in a big media market, some players who may be up for awards, a winning streak and they are getting some press... a lot of it for the first time. I think it would be the same thing for a lot of other schools if they are/get in a similar situation. (being ranked for the first time, etc.)
October 13th, 2006, 10:11 AM
First of all... App is the Defending National Champs.... and I bow down to that :bow:
I think there may be more talk for this team because it is the first time they have ever been ranked in a lot of these polls... and really, since last year there has finally been some buzz about USD football. Throw in the fact that USD is in the PFL and non-scholarship, it brings some interesting points into focus about I-AA football... and obviosly some people would rather not go there. Throw in a high profile coach in a big media market, some players who may be up for awards, a winning streak and they are getting some press... a lot of it for the first time. I think it would be the same thing for a lot of other schools if they are/get in a similar situation. (being ranked for the first time, etc.)
Buzz is one thing. I think its admirable that you guys have the passion that you have about your school and your team. Your coach however, needs to stick to coaching. He is becoming the Ozzie Guillen of NCAA football, he doesn't know when to shut up. Its a bad reflection on your school IMO.
and I agree with 89, all these threads about the #20 ranked team in the country is a little ridiculous
October 13th, 2006, 10:13 AM
That article was terrible, jumping from subject to subject without having any real point ... and that stuff about the Sagarin "point spread" is total BS. San Diego State would beat USD by five, six touchdowns, no matter how bad the Aztecs are.
October 13th, 2006, 10:22 AM
Again I love the passion from the fans and the seemingly increasing support in the San Diego area as it can only be good for I-AA. Here is an exerpt from an article from Chris Kelly who writes for the Great West on San Diego:
Maybe, based on some of the things I am read coming from non-scholarship University of San Diego out of the Pioneer league. San Diego has raced off to a fantastic start at 5-0 and is pounding teams. They've been so impressive, in fact, that they made their debut in the national rankings for the first time in school history climbing to #21 in the most recent Sports Network poll. Historically, non-scholarship teams have been an after thought when it came to the playoff selection process. These teams have never been able to stack up - part of the reason USD scheduled UC Davis in late November, the same weekend as the start of the playoffs. But now based on a terrific start there has been some talk that USD could make the playoffs (from their own administration/coaches) and opt out of their game with UC Davis.
Let me stop that train right now - it is an absolute joke if San Diego thinks they belong in the playoffs. Even if they do go 11-0 try counting the number of teams you've have actually heard of on their schedule....ever. Azusa Pacific. Huh? Dixie State. Who? As for the five teams USD has beat, they're combined record is 9-18. Here's a sample of some of the teams that make up those 18 losses: Albion, Robert Morris, Wingate, Humboldt State, Adams State, Whitworth, and Southern Oregon. And to boot, head coach Jim Harbaugh has been quoted saying their team is better than half the teams in the current top 25. Note to coach Harbaugh: schedule one of those teams and let everyone see. Until San Diego plays anyone, and I mean anyone, this team and its coaches have no right to expect a playoff birth. I'm passionate about this because of what happened to Cal Poly two seasons ago. Cal Poly beat three Big Sky teams, including a very good Montana State team in 2004. They also added impressive wins against a Barrack Nealy led Texas State squad, as well as North Dakota State to bolster their ranking. Yet, the Mustangs were left out of the playoffs at the end of the year based on their schedule even with just two losses to UC Davis and Eastern Washington. Ask the Mustangs fans how they would feel about San Diego even being considered for the playoffs! Until San Diego proves they can compete with that half of I-AA that Coach Harbaugh is so sure his team is better than, the Torreros stay home. They haven't proven they deserve to take a spot away from a team like Cal Poly, who may well be battling for a bid with three losses and a schedule 100x tougher than that USD.
Case closed.
Dallas Demon
October 13th, 2006, 10:53 AM
Ace, i think there is a difference between posters and Coach H.
I think the Toreros fans are just passionate and wanting others to know a little bit about our team and non-scholarhsip (PFL,NEC) football in general. I thought it made for some interesting questions/comments to discuss the possibility of playoffs and non-scholarship teams. I'm more interested in trying to get USD to go scholarship and join say the GWC then comparing hypotheticals on this board of how USD could perform against who. Thing is... I think we are going to need support/pressure from other teams and their fans to get USD to where I think it needs to go. I think you should get Harbaugh on the show... i could think of a couple tough questions for him. Happy Friday everyone :nod:
Are you Harbaugh? :eyebrow:
October 13th, 2006, 11:00 AM
Too bad Harbaugh is apparently blind to the negative impact of this move on San Diego State. They have no reason to play a team that would not serve as a counter to help get them closer to bowl eligibility.
Another reason why San Diego needs to step up and get scholarships!
Because the USD Toreros are a nonscholarship team from Division I-AA, even if the Aztecs beat them, the victory would not count toward the minimum six necessary for them to qualify for a bowl game in Division I-A, according to NCAA rules.
It's why the Toreros of Division I-AA and Aztecs of Division I-A may never meet on the football field.
Russ B
October 13th, 2006, 11:05 AM
I don't think San Diego State has to worry about bowl eligibility at the moment.
October 13th, 2006, 11:05 AM
Between the drunk driving incident and now this foaming at the mouth, he's not exactly positioning himself for a nice I-A job. Seems like he is frusatrated at the ceiling now in place at USD. Wait until the playoff field is announced and an 11-0 USD team is nowhere to be found :eek: :eek: :eek:
October 13th, 2006, 11:06 AM
I don't think San Diego State has to worry about bowl eligibility at the moment.
Ain't that the truth. I don't know if they could beat Temple right now.
October 13th, 2006, 11:32 AM
I personally believe that USD going 11-0 and not getting invited to the playoffs would be the best scenario for both USD fans and the Great West. If USD goes 11-0 and makes the playoffs without scholarships, then the USD admin will never, I repeat Never begin to add scholarships. Why would they? From their point of view they can make the playoffs without the headache of spending a dime and worrying about title IX. However, when they don't make the playoffs, Harbaugh will flip his lid. He will be able to garner some serious media attention on the west coast and perhaps the ear of his AD and President in regards to scholarships. They will see the media attention the school is getting about the Football team and realize that it is a good thing! A long shot? That would be stating it nicely.
Is it me or does it just make way to much sense for USD, UCD, Cal-Poly, Sac State and Portland state to be in a football conference together? The bottom line is that the Great West needs USD, so cheer for them to go unbeaten!
Mr. C
October 13th, 2006, 11:47 AM
The article mentioned that I-AA non-schollies do not count towards bowl eligibility for I-As. Does anybody have a definitive answer about that? If that is true, then I would guess that I-As couldn't count Ivy League, or Patriot League teams as counting wins either. If this is correct, I'm not sure that I like such a rule, if it is indeed the correct interpretation.
October 13th, 2006, 11:49 AM
The article mentioned that I-AA non-schollies do not count towards bowl eligibility for I-As. Does anybody have a definitive answer about that? If that is true, then I would guess that I-As couldn't count Ivy League, or Patriot League teams as counting wins either. If this is correct, I'm not sure that I like such a rule, if it is indeed the correct interpretation.
It seems like it might be because I do not remember the last time a PL or Ivy played a I-A.
October 13th, 2006, 12:03 PM
Perhaps I should clarify why I posted the San Diego Union Tribune article and included a comment.
San Diego is very rich in high school football talent, as many people know, and USD and SDSU definitely try to mine this talent (Shortly after being named head coach at SDSU, Chuck Long claimed that one of his top priorities was signing the top local players). Mentioning that the Aztecs were on the Toreros schedule would certainly help Coach Harbaugh sell his program (Having Stanford on the UC Davis schedule must have given a boost to the recruiting efforts of Coach Biggs in Northern California).
Due to its soft schedule, I do not believe USD should make the playoffs this season (When I initially checked out the 2006 matchups, I was very disappointed to see its first two opponents). Going forward, I sincerely hope USD drops Azusa Pacific and Dixie State and replaces them with Great West Football Conference teams.
October 13th, 2006, 12:06 PM
Perhaps I should clarify why I posted the San Diego Union Tribune article and included a comment.
San Diego is very rich in high school football talent, as many people know, and USD and SDSU definitely try to mine this talent (Shortly after being named head coach at SDSU, Chuck Long claimed that one of his top priorities was signing the top local players). Mentioning that the Aztecs were on the Toreros schedule would certainly help Coach Harbaugh sell his program (Having Stanford on the UC Davis schedule must have given a boost to the recruiting efforts of Coach Biggs in Northern California).
Due to its soft schedule, I do not believe USD should make the playoffs this season (When I initially checked out the 2006 matchups, I was very disappointed to see its first two opponents). Going forward, I sincerely hope USD drops Azusa Pacific and Dixie State and replaces them with Great West Football Conference teams.
That is an absolute must for next year. Believe it or not for USD, they can go 11-0 this year but it wouldn't look as good to the pollsters or the committee as going 8-3 with games against GWF teams.
October 13th, 2006, 12:25 PM
“He is the best junior quarterback in the country in my opinion,” said Harbaugh. “I think he is better than a number of NFL quarterbacks right now.” This is high praise from a former NFL quarterback. -Jim Harbaugh on QB Josh Johnson
Enough is enough Harbaugh. There's a guy named Ricky Santos on the other side of the country. I would like nothing more than the playoff comittee to have a brain fart and let USD in the playoffs so UNH can rock their world and bring them back to Earth. I liked San Diego the last 2 years and was pulling for them to keep improving their program. Jim Harbaugh has ruined all of that for me.
October 13th, 2006, 12:46 PM
The article mentioned that I-AA non-schollies do not count towards bowl eligibility for I-As. Does anybody have a definitive answer about that? If that is true, then I would guess that I-As couldn't count Ivy League, or Patriot League teams as counting wins either. If this is correct, I'm not sure that I like such a rule, if it is indeed the correct interpretation. Exception Division I-AA Opponent. [I-A] Each year, a Division I-A institution may count one victory against a Division I-AA opponent toward the six-win minimum, provided the Division I-AA opponent has averaged 90 percent of the permissible maximum number of grants-inaid
per year in Division I-AA football over a rolling two-year period. (Adopted: 10/28/97 effective
8/1/98, Revised: 4/28/05)
90% * 63 = 56.7
Mr. C
October 13th, 2006, 01:10 PM Exception — Division I-AA Opponent. [I-A] Each year, a Division I-A institution may count one victory against a Division I-AA opponent toward the six-win minimum, provided the Division I-AA opponent has averaged 90 percent of the permissible maximum number of grants-inaid
per year in Division I-AA football over a rolling two-year period. (Adopted: 10/28/97 effective
8/1/98, Revised: 4/28/05)
90% * 63 = 56.7
Thanks for the info. Does 90% count for equivelancies, too? If the PL gave out 57 equivilencies, would that make them a team that a I-A could count?
Mr. C
October 13th, 2006, 01:14 PM
He is the best junior quarterback in the country in my opinion, said Harbaugh. I think he is better than a number of NFL quarterbacks right now. This is high praise from a former NFL quarterback. -Jim Harbaugh on QB Josh Johnson
Enough is enough Harbaugh. There's a guy named Ricky Santos on the other side of the country. I would like nothing more than the playoff comittee to have a brain fart and let USD in the playoffs so UNH can rock their world and bring them back to Earth. I liked San Diego the last 2 years and was pulling for them to keep improving their program. Jim Harbaugh has ruined all of that for me.
Sorry all you UNH and Ricky Santos fans, but from what I've heard, Josh Johnson is considered a better NFL prospect right now than Ricky is. Also consider that Harbaugh's NFL connections probably give Johnson more chance at exposure from NFL scouts than Santos, too.
October 13th, 2006, 01:17 PM
Whether or not he's better than Santos is at least reasonably debatable - Harbaugh's claim about being better than NFL quarterbacks is just insane. You wouldn't think to hear that from someone who actually played in the NFL
October 13th, 2006, 01:42 PM
Sorry all you UNH and Ricky Santos fans, but from what I've heard, Josh Johnson is considered a better NFL prospect right now than Ricky is. Also consider that Harbaugh's NFL connections probably give Johnson more chance at exposure from NFL scouts than Santos, too.
I have friends on NFL staffs ...and SANTOS is much higher on the radar. Ricky's only knock, the same one coming out high school, is his mental side of the game: Is he astute enough to run an NFL offense.
I think Ricky answered that same issue, in college, pretty easily.
Whomever is feeding you this Josh Johnson crazy as crazy as "the officials from the New Orleans Saints." I have watched both QB's play...and fact is...Ricky has two things over Josh right now: SIMILAR GAMES...but BETTER SIZE and ARM STRENGHT. This is the edge Santos has over Johnson if everything else is equal.
Can both play in the NFL....HELL YES.
Now, I want you, Mr. C, to back up Harbaugh's response instead of comparing Santos to Johnson. Can you sit there and tell me that Johnson would be starting over ANY NFL QB right now? How about the NO. 2 he better than half of all No. 2's?
Come on!!! Anything out of Harbaugh's mouth cannot be taken with any seriousness right now.
He knew what he was getting into when he signed he is lashing out at the system he agreed to be in.
Mr. C
October 13th, 2006, 01:48 PM
Whether or not he's better than Santos is at least reasonably debatable - Harbaugh's claim about being better than NFL quarterbacks is just insane. You wouldn't think to hear that from someone who actually played in the NFL
Why is it insane? There is a chance that Johnson could opt to go into the NFL draft after this season. If NFL scouts have told Harbaugh that it is reasonable to expect Johnson to be a third or fourth round pick, then they must think he has the talent to play ahead of some of the guys who are on NFL rosters right now. Harbaugh knows what it takes to play quarterback at the All-Pro level in the NFL. I wouldn't dismiss what he has to say, whether you like him, or not.
October 13th, 2006, 01:57 PM
When Harbaugh says that Johnson is better than a number of NFL QBs, it doesn't mean starting QBs. There are 2nd and 3rd stringers out there that are very questionable. For instance, who is backing up Peyton Manning? A no body that doesn't play. There are a lot of teams that are in the market for a good back-up QB. All Johnson needs to do is make it on a team, and then take it from there. Who would have thought Tom Brady was going to be what he is today. He was a backup at Michigan, and now they are saying he is one of the best.
October 13th, 2006, 02:02 PM
You guys from USD need to lay off the cool-aid. Of COURSE NO ONE IS STARTING A GAME OVER MANNING....most assinine comment I have heard of.
Second, Jim Sorgi, a VERY GOOD BACKUP (who had a great pre-season) is behind Manning and was a very athletic QB up at Wisconsin.
Finally, to the insane west coasters, TOM BRADY WAS NOT A BACKUP AT MICHIGAN (that was Andy Cassel, back up to Leinert at USC and now for Brady in New England) you are confused with.
Tom Brady earned three letters and compiled a 20-5 record, along with a 1999 Orange Bowl Victory, as the STARTING QB for the Maize and Blue for two seasons. He took over AFTER DREW HENSON LEFT!!! Tom has school records in passing and TD's for a first time starter.
October 13th, 2006, 02:11 PM
When Harbaugh says that Johnson is better than a number of NFL QBs, it doesn't mean starting QBs. There are 2nd and 3rd stringers out there that are very questionable. For instance, who is backing up Peyton Manning? A no body that doesn't play. There are a lot of teams that are in the market for a good back-up QB. All Johnson needs to do is make it on a team, and then take it from there. Who would have thought Tom Brady was going to be what he is today. He was a backup at Michigan, and now they are saying he is one of the best.
Tom Brady was a 2 year starter at Michigan, not a back-up. And a lot of Pro backups started at I-A schools and where talented college Qb's, not nobody's they are pro's for a reason. Harbaugh's comment was ridiculous, Johnson is completely untested against fast complex defenses. There is no way you can justify such a statement.
Also Jim Sorgi is Peyton Manning's back-up, he was a solid Qb at Wisconsin...
One-year starter…saw action in 32 games at QB with 17 starts…was 288-519-4,498, 33 TDs…was school's career leader in passing efficiency…holds school record for longest pass play (99t, Lee Evans against Akron)…started 12 games at QB as senior…was 140-248-2,251, 17 TDs…was 20-34-215, 1 TD against West Virginia…was 14-25-281, 2 TDs against Akron…was 12-20-193, 2 TDs against North Carolina…was 23-34-305, 4 TDs against Minnesota…was 16-24-380, 5 TDs against Michigan State, with all five scores to Evans…was 13-21-169, 1 TD against Auburn in Music City Bowl…played in eleven of 14 games as junior, seven at QB…was 38-70-536, 1 TD…was 7-15-137, 1 TD at Ohio State for only seasonal TD pass…was 13-23-162 against Illinois…played in 11 of 12 games (eight at QB) as sophomore…started three games at QB (at Oregon, vs. Fresno State and vs. Michigan State) and was 64-132-1,096, 9 TDs…was 5-11-150, 2 TDs as reserve against Virginia…was 16-32-231, 2 TDs (78t, 38t) at Oregon…was 13-31-246, 1 TD against Fresno State…was 10-20-157, 2 TDs against Illinois...started in one of five games at QB as freshman…had seasonal passing efficiency of 164.4…was 7-15-96, 1 TD in debut reserve role against Michigan State…was 21-29-243, 2 TDs in first career start at Purdue…243 yards were second-most by freshman in school history…was 16-21-207, 3 TDs against Indiana…played against UCLA in Sun Bowl…was club's Rookie-of-the-Year as chosen by coaches…was redshirted in 1999…majored in agriculture business management.
Mr. C
October 13th, 2006, 02:17 PM
I have friends on NFL staffs ...and SANTOS is much higher on the radar. Ricky's only knock, the same one coming out high school, is his mental side of the game: Is he astute enough to run an NFL offense.
I think Ricky answered that same issue, in college, pretty easily.
Whomever is feeding you this Josh Johnson crazy as crazy as "the officials from the New Orleans Saints." I have watched both QB's play...and fact is...Ricky has two things over Josh right now: SIMILAR GAMES...but BETTER SIZE and ARM STRENGHT. This is the edge Santos has over Johnson if everything else is equal.
Can both play in the NFL....HELL YES.
Now, I want you, Mr. C, to back up Harbaugh's response instead of comparing Santos to Johnson. Can you sit there and tell me that Johnson would be starting over ANY NFL QB right now? How about the NO. 2 he better than half of all No. 2's?
Come on!!! Anything out of Harbaugh's mouth cannot be taken with any seriousness right now.
He knew what he was getting into when he signed he is lashing out at the system he agreed to be in.
I have never admitted to be a NFL talent evaluator. If I were, I'd be making a lot more money for watching college games than I do now. I can make some assumptions, based on 30 years of covering college football. I had a good feel, for example, of Ingle Martin making an NFL team after seeing him play for two years and getting to know him a little bit. But I'm not an NFL expert. But I do have resources within the NFL community and I do hear things from time to time.
That being said, here are some facts. You say Santos has a size advantage over Johnson. I have met Santos and interviewed him in person, so I know that the 6-2, 215 pounds that he is officially listed at is pretty accurate. Johnson is listed at 6-3, 195. How does Santos have a size advantage over Johnson. That one inch may not be a lot to you, or I, but it means a lot to the NFL. You can always put on more weight, through weight training and with a 6-3 frame, Johnson has plenty he can do there to get stronger. I haven't seen their 40 times, but I would bet that Johnson is significantly faster than Santos from what I've seen. I can't argue with you one way, or the other on arm strength, because I haven't seen enough of Johnson and haven't seen either of them play in person. You mention mental ability. I guarantee you that Johnson, attending a very academic-oriented school like I know San Diego to be, is sharp enough to make it as an NFL QB on the intelligence side of things. And I guarantee that having a former All-Pro QB as his coach (also a son of a GREAT college coach), that Johnson is being prepared on the mental side of things as well as probably any college player in the country.
I don't watch a lot of NFL football. My work covering I-AA doesn't afford me much time to watch the NFL. Usually I am sleeping on Sunday afternoons, because of working late into the morning after Saturday night games. So I'm the wrong one to ask on specifics of specific QBs, is Johnson better than this guy, or that guy. But again, I respect what Harbaugh has to say, because he has been there. I remember seeing him come within a whisker of taking the Colts to a Super Bowl, something the esteemed Peyton Manning has never been able to do. He knows his stuff and I'll believe him until there is reason not to trust him. I also have a great deal of respect for Jim's dad, Jack, as a coach and found him to be a delightful person to deal with when our paths crossed. Just because you don't like how someone is promoting their program, don't think everything they are saying is bull.
As someone who loves I-AA football, I hope both Johnson and Santos do well in the NFL. Please don't shoot the messenger.
Torero Tradition
October 13th, 2006, 02:25 PM
I would like to see Johnson stick around another year at USD and play a tougher schedule :)
October 13th, 2006, 02:29 PM
You guys from USD need to lay off the cool-aid. Of COURSE NO ONE IS STARTING A GAME OVER MANNING....most assinine comment I have heard of.
Second, Jim Sorgi, a VERY GOOD BACKUP (who had a great pre-season) is behind Manning and was a very athletic QB up at Wisconsin.
Finally, to the insane west coasters, TOM BRADY WAS NOT A BACKUP AT MICHIGAN (that was Andy Cassel, back up to Leinert at USC and now for Brady in New England) you are confused with.
Tom Brady earned three letters and compiled a 20-5 record, along with a 1999 Orange Bowl Victory, as the STARTING QB for the Maize and Blue for two seasons. He took over AFTER DREW HENSON LEFT!!! Tom has school records in passing and TD's for a first time starter.
THANK YOU, exactly what I was going to say. There are plenty of backup and practice squad quarterbacks who were big time stars at the I-A level, playing against opponents 100% better than the defenses Johnson faces each week. The comment just doesn't stand up to any level of scrutiny. Until he faces a top I-AA defense (much less a I-A defense or an NFL defense :rolleyes: ), this talk is all INSANE.
October 13th, 2006, 02:31 PM
And not all us "west coasters" are ignorant of Tom Brady's years at Michigan - I saw him plenty and couldn't believe he dropped so far in the draft
October 13th, 2006, 02:37 PM
I have never admitted to be a NFL talent evaluator. If I were, I'd be making a lot more money for watching college games than I do now. I can make some assumptions, based on 30 years of covering college football. I had a good feel, for example, of Ingle Martin making an NFL team after seeing him play for two years and getting to know him a little bit. But I'm not an NFL expert. But I do have resources within the NFL community and I do hear things from time to time.
That being said, here are some facts. You say Santos has a size advantage over Johnson. I have met Santos and interviewed him in person, so I know that the 6-2, 215 pounds that he is officially listed at is pretty accurate. Johnson is listed at 6-3, 195. How does Santos have a size advantage over Johnson. That one inch may not be a lot to you, or I, but it means a lot to the NFL. You can always put on more weight, through weight training and with a 6-3 frame, Johnson has plenty he can do there to get stronger. I haven't seen their 40 times, but I would bet that Johnson is significantly faster than Santos from what I've seen. I can't argue with you one way, or the other on arm strength, because I haven't seen enough of Johnson and haven't seen either of them play in person. You mention mental ability. I guarantee you that Johnson, attending a very academic-oriented school like I know San Diego to be, is sharp enough to make it as an NFL QB on the intelligence side of things. And I guarantee that having a former All-Pro QB as his coach (also a son of a GREAT college coach), that Johnson is being prepared on the mental side of things as well as probably any college player in the country.
I don't watch a lot of NFL football. My work covering I-AA doesn't afford me much time to watch the NFL. Usually I am sleeping on Sunday afternoons, because of working late into the morning after Saturday night games. So I'm the wrong one to ask on specifics of specific QBs, is Johnson better than this guy, or that guy. But again, I respect what Harbaugh has to say, because he has been there. I remember seeing him come within a whisker of taking the Colts to a Super Bowl, something the esteemed Peyton Manning has never been able to do. He knows his stuff and I'll believe him until there is reason not to trust him. I also have a great deal of respect for Jim's dad, Jack, as a coach and found him to be a delightful person to deal with when our paths crossed. Just because you don't like how someone is promoting their program, don't think everything they are saying is bull.
As someone who loves I-AA football, I hope both Johnson and Santos do well in the NFL. Please don't shoot the messenger.
Fair enough, and I too hope they both make the NFL (shoot...any kid who can make $$ for playing the sport we love...I support).
Let's say this: I have spoken to four evaluators (two for the Giants, one for the Jets, one for the PATS). From what they told me, and again, like you I am going on what they have told me, Johnson is NOT 6'3, more like 6'1. As for Santos, I am just shy of 6'1. That KID IS NOT 6'2...more like closer to 6'4. I am pretty sure of my height (heck, the U.S. Miltary officially dropped me from my 6'2 college listing to 6'1) and I KNOW SANTOS HAD ME BY 3 inches. And yes, I know what they list him at UNH...and that is crazy.
If a guy is 2-3 inches and 20 pounds heavier...most evaluators are going to go with the kid who played tougher comp and is bigger. Now, I have never met Josh and I am going on what the evaluators have told me regarding his height, or lack thereof.
That being said, 6'1 195 guys can do well in the NFL (Flutie, Brees, Vick, I think Alex Smith is only 6'2) and if Johnson gets a shot...he would be fine. MY point....right now SANTOS is ahead on THREE DIFFERENT TEAMS CHARTS!
Finally, the mental aspect WAS NOT ABOUT JOHNSON. It was the knock on Santos coming out of high school...something he has DEMOLISHED!
I should have rephrased my remarks (boards are not the best place to come across tone on some occassions). I didnt mean to attack you, however, just because HARBAUGH was an All-PRO doesnt make his word the gospel. Further, HIS COMMENTS HAVE BEEN RATHER SUSPECT. It is like the boy who cried wolf...after awhile, you tone out what they are saying.
He is doing more harm than good for both Johnson and USD. NFL teams will find Johnson if left alone. Similarly, USD will get in the playoffs when they play and win a good schedule. Harbaugh is taking his extremes out on the wrong parties...and his word is weak right now.
Mr. C
October 13th, 2006, 03:03 PM
Again I love the passion from the fans and the seemingly increasing support in the San Diego area as it can only be good for I-AA.
Let me stop that train right now - it is an absolute joke if San Diego thinks they belong in the playoffs. Even if they do go 11-0 try counting the number of teams you've have actually heard of on their schedule....ever. Azusa Pacific. Huh? Dixie State. Who? As for the five teams USD has beat, they're combined record is 9-18. Here's a sample of some of the teams that make up those 18 losses: Albion, Robert Morris, Wingate, Humboldt State, Adams State, Whitworth, and Southern Oregon.
Case closed.
Just wanted to enlighten you a little bit, my old friend. Azusa Pacific may not be having a good season. But they are not an unknown quantity. Azusa had a player in the late 1980s named Christian Okoye, who turned into a bruising NFL All-Pro fullback for the Kansas City Chiefs in the late 1980s and early 90s. So Azusa Pacific is on the radar of a lot of people. Now I'll admit I didn't know anything about Dixie State until this season and some of our Big Sky folks clued us in.
On some of the other teams you mentioned. I've actually seen I-AA Robert Morris play this year on TV (several of their games are shown by Fox Pittsburgh. They are coached by former New York Jets head coach Joe Walton and are part of the rapidly improving NEC.
Wingate is a member of the very tough Division II South Atlantic Conference (one of the conferences that I happen to referee college volleyball for) and has a pretty strong program. The equipmennt manager at Appalachian State was a center on Wingate's team back in the 1990s, so I know a little about that program.
Do I think San Diego is a top-25 team? Yes, I do. Do I think they have a crappy schedule? Yes, I do. Do I think all of this talk about the playoffs is goofy? Yes, I do.
October 13th, 2006, 03:03 PM
You can't go off of the level of competition as a guage of wether or not a player will make a good NFL player. Talent is talent, no matter who they are playing against. A lot of good players have come out of smaller schools that weren't playing the top dogs. For example, the Chiefs had a very good running back with the nickname the "Nigerian Nightmare", who went to Azuza Pacific. The same Azuza Pacific that you all knock. We can do a search of all the small D-IAA, D-II, D-III, NAIA, or even the guys that never played college football and we will see the list is very impressive.
October 13th, 2006, 03:10 PM
You can't go off of the level of competition as a guage of wether or not a player will make a good NFL player. Talent is talent, no matter who they are playing against. A lot of good players have come out of smaller schools that weren't playing the top dogs. For example, the Chiefs had a very good running back with the nickname the "Nigerian Nightmare", who went to Azuza Pacific. The same Azuza Pacific that you all knock. We can do a search of all the small D-IAA, D-II, D-III, NAIA, or even the guys that never played college football and we will see the list is very impressive.
I hear you, NDSU has had a number of players go to the NFL back in our DII days and had great NFL careers. But I don't remember our coach ever saying any of our players where the best in the nation or better then NFL guys. A lot of those guys where drafted late or where free agents who had to work hard and go above and beyond to prove that they where as talented as the big time college stars. I'm sure Johnson is a great QB and nobody can take that away from him but he still has a lot to prove before anyone can say he is what Harbaugh said he is.
October 13th, 2006, 03:14 PM
Agreed.... and let's remeber that this is not Johnson running his mouth. You can't hate a player fo rwhat his coach is saying. Harbaugh is just doing his best, all be it not very logically, to promote his protege and his program.
October 13th, 2006, 03:16 PM
Let's say this: I have spoken to four evaluators (two for the Giants, one for the Jets, one for the PATS). From what they told me, and again, like you I am going on what they have told me, Johnson is NOT 6'3, more like 6'1. As for Santos, I am just shy of 6'1. That KID IS NOT 6'2...more like closer to 6'4. I am pretty sure of my height (heck, the U.S. Miltary officially dropped me from my 6'2 college listing to 6'1) and I KNOW SANTOS HAD ME BY 3 inches. And yes, I know what they list him at UNH...and that is crazy.
I know from a personal fact that Josh Johnson is 6'3 or above, and is still getting bigger by hitting the weights hard. As for over athleticism I think Josh has the edge unless 6'4 Santos can 360 dunk like Johson can.
October 13th, 2006, 04:11 PM
You can't go off of the level of competition as a guage of wether or not a player will make a good NFL player.
USD.. Seems the NFL is doing just that. This is why very few if any Non-scholly players get picked up by the NFL. Maybe 1-2 a year, and from those, it's usually a kicker...
October 17th, 2006, 11:44 AM
another from page 7
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