View Full Version : SDSU at (3) EWU Game Thread

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Theee Catrabbit
December 5th, 2013, 09:12 PM

- - - Updated - - -

EWU is in trouble...This leaked pic from Nike H.Q.'s this week of the new one cleat Nike Destroyer line of shoes designed to perform in ice cold weather on red turf. As you can see SDSU players are embracing them....

18626Click to enlarge

You know they wore those to raise awareness of domestic abuse: "Walk A Mile in Her Shoes". And then they walked a mile in heels for a charity walk. That's a team I can be proud of and support......but hey go ahead and mock it...why don't you kick some puppies while you are at it. xcoffeex

December 5th, 2013, 09:15 PM
You know they wore those to raise awareness of domestic abuse: "Walk A Mile in Her Shoes". And then they walked a mile in heels for a charity walk. That's a team I can be proud of and support......but hey go ahead and mock it...why don't you kick some puppies while you are at it. xcoffeex

And we are an under armor school

Theee Catrabbit
December 5th, 2013, 09:19 PM
And we are an under armor school

Yeah.....so those would be UA pumps......

December 5th, 2013, 09:21 PM
Yeah.....so those would be UA pumps......

Thats why ZZ is so fast. Lotta traction and strong ankles.

December 5th, 2013, 10:59 PM
I haven't made it over to the EWU forum yet, but wondering if y'all have a good tailgating scene that is worth checking out. Will folks be out even with the cold temps?

It looks like I'll be making the drive from Seattle. I'm looking forward to checking out the red monstrosity and hoping for a whale of a game.

Red & Black
December 6th, 2013, 12:08 AM
I haven't made it over to the EWU forum yet, but wondering if y'all have a good tailgating scene that is worth checking out. Will folks be out even with the cold temps?

It looks like I'll be making the drive from Seattle. I'm looking forward to checking out the red monstrosity and hoping for a whale of a game.

There's usually a really good tailgating scene. They expanded the upper parking lot this past off-season, so it's been even better this year. I imagine there will be plenty of folks this weekend, but nothing like usual because of the temps. I think the weather is going to keep a lot of people away from the game, unfortunately. Plus with finals week, I don't think this game is going to be as near as well attended as the regular season games.

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December 6th, 2013, 02:31 AM
There's usually a really good tailgating scene. They expanded the upper parking lot this past off-season, so it's been even better this year. I imagine there will be plenty of folks this weekend, but nothing like usual because of the temps. I think the weather is going to keep a lot of people away from the game, unfortunately. Plus with finals week, I don't think this game is going to be as near as well attended as the regular season games.

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Really? Home playoff game and attendance will be down? That's too bad.

Bison Fan in NW MN
December 6th, 2013, 05:58 AM
The only way SDSU has a chance is by grinding it out and dominating the TOP. Keep VA off the field and mix it up on offense with the short passing game.

If this game turns into a track meet the Jacks will get blown out.

December 6th, 2013, 07:34 AM
xdeadhorsex Thanks for summarizing this game in 2 sentences BSNWMN! xrolleyesx

December 6th, 2013, 08:37 AM
xdeadhorsex Thanks for summarizing this game in 2 sentences BSNWMN! xrolleyesx

Hey man its a bison fan making a comment about the actual game, cut him some slack.

December 6th, 2013, 08:48 AM
Thats why ZZ is so fast. Lotta traction and strong ankles.


December 6th, 2013, 09:03 AM
True Dat (Bison Fan comments) xthumbsupx

December 6th, 2013, 11:00 AM
Hey man its a bison fan making a comment about the actual game, cut him some slack.

**** you and go jacks! :D

December 6th, 2013, 11:27 AM
I'm reading a possible -20 degrees at kick off. Ouch.

December 6th, 2013, 11:46 AM
**** you and go jacks! :D


December 6th, 2013, 11:47 AM
I'm reading a possible -20 degrees at kick off. Ouch.

Hmm.. not seeing that. I'm showing about 10 degrees at kick off.

December 6th, 2013, 12:08 PM
I'm reading a possible -20 degrees at kick off. Ouch.

I think you are looking at wind chill. Actual temp is supposed to be around 12 above.

December 6th, 2013, 12:18 PM
Glad to be for the ground and pound team in these conditions. xthumbsupx

SDSU record for most TD completions in a game came in a swirling snowstorm and 15-20 degree day, so while it can be a ground/pound day, it can be that the aerial team carries the day.

Should be a great game. Weather should make no difference to either of these teams and it'll come down to which of the controlling tempos manage the game. Track meet - EWU wins. Deliberate, defensive battle, sustained long drives - SDSU wins.

NoDak 4 Ever
December 6th, 2013, 12:19 PM
I think you are looking at wind chill. Actual temp is supposed to be around 12 above.

Unless you're made of something other than skin, wind chill matters.

December 6th, 2013, 12:36 PM
Unless you're made of something other than skin, wind chill matters.

Yep. Calling for values as low as -36 in Missoula on Saturday. I'll have my ski goggles on in an effort to keep my eyes from freezing together.

NoDak 4 Ever
December 6th, 2013, 12:41 PM
Yep. Calling for values as low as -36 in Missoula on Saturday. I'll have my ski goggles on in an effort to keep my eyes from freezing together.

I was in a Black Friday line last week when it was 14 in Fargo. I haven't felt that cold in years. Very little wind so wasn't that bad.

Funny story - Local weather in Fargo described 9 as "a little cold". Here in KS you would swear all motion stops at that temp.

They described 22 as "bitterly cold".

December 6th, 2013, 12:54 PM
I was in a Black Friday line last week when it was 14 in Fargo. I haven't felt that cold in years. Very little wind so wasn't that bad.

Funny story - Local weather in Fargo described 9 as "a little cold". Here in KS you would swear all motion stops at that temp.

They described 22 as "bitterly cold".

Heck, Kansas gets some cold. Can you imagine what Southerners call 22 degrees? Or worse, Californians...

Oh wait I better actually contribute something to the actual topic of the thread....

As might have been guessed from the windchill looks like there'll be 10-15 mph winds, maybe higher. Curious to see how Eastern's passing looks in that.

NoDak 4 Ever
December 6th, 2013, 01:01 PM
Heck, Kansas gets some cold. Can you imagine what Southerners call 22 degrees? Or worse, Californians...

Oh wait I better actually contribute something to the actual topic of the thread....

As might have been guessed from the windchill looks like there'll be 10-15 mph winds, maybe higher. Curious to see how Eastern's passing looks in that.

Are you kidding? VA's arm is so strong he could fire a ball 80 yds in a hurricane.

December 6th, 2013, 01:09 PM
Can you imagine what Southerners call 22 degrees?

We call it "Baby Making Weather"

December 6th, 2013, 01:42 PM
We call it "Baby Making Weather"

Can always tell there was a big snow storm because 9 months later (usually September) is when all the newborns come. It happens.

NoDak 4 Ever
December 6th, 2013, 01:49 PM
Can always tell there was a big snow storm because 9 months later (usually September) is when all the newborns come. It happens.

Hm. I was born in September. xthumbsupx

December 6th, 2013, 01:50 PM
Can always tell there was a big snow storm because 9 months later (usually September) is when all the newborns come. It happens.

An influx in births in late September, early October around the F-M area can also be attributed to trips to Frisco, TX the last few years.

December 6th, 2013, 02:42 PM
Unless you're made of something other than skin, wind chill matters.
Unless you're covered head to toe in wind resistant layers.

NoDak 4 Ever
December 6th, 2013, 02:43 PM
Unless you're covered head to toe in wind resistant layers.

growing up in Fargo, I know there is no such thing.

December 6th, 2013, 04:41 PM
Go Jacks!

December 6th, 2013, 07:43 PM
Da Jacks 28
Da Eagles 24

December 6th, 2013, 08:17 PM
Jacks 35
Eagles 36

After a halftime score of:
Jacks 28
Eagles 6

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December 6th, 2013, 10:08 PM
Jacks 35
Eagles 36

After a halftime score of:
Jacks 28
Eagles 6

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I see what you did there....I dont like you anymore xlolx

Southern Bison
December 6th, 2013, 10:30 PM
We call it "Baby Making Weather"

HA!! My Lil' Man was born 9-1/2 months after a 22" snowstorm hit Charlotte! The maternity ward was overflowing and the nurses had been prepared for that Nov/Dec since the storm hit in February.

My pick: SDSU 34, Ewww 30 (VA throws 2-3 picks in this weather)

December 6th, 2013, 11:11 PM
38-25 Eagles. Less than 16 hours until kickoff!

December 7th, 2013, 06:54 AM
38-25 Eagles. Less than 16 hours until kickoff!

8 hours!

SDSU is going to be a top 5 team we 've played this year, I still think we have what it takes to blow them out of the water. Unfortunately the team does what it does, and the winner will be decided on one of the last 2 drives of the game.

I'm very worried about attendance, i'll be there...and cold. Tall tale of -10 wind chill.

December 7th, 2013, 07:30 AM
Any water near that field will be solid. Should be a great game between very different styles of ball. The cold temperature should be more conducive to the ground and pound style of the plains invaders. Attendence should be down. Know that if hosted in Brookings, the attendence would be MAYBE 5K max under those conditions.

A quip from the SDSU players. It's better weather for the fat guys.

Best of success to the Fat guys. Keep winning in the trenches.

December 7th, 2013, 07:36 AM
Anyone watching in Rhode Island/Massachusetts area?

Red & Black
December 7th, 2013, 08:24 AM
Any water near that field will be solid. Should be a great game between very different styles of ball. The cold temperature should be more conducive to the ground and pound style of the plains invaders. Attendence should be down. Know that if hosted in Brookings, the attendence would be MAYBE 5K max under those conditions.

A quip from the SDSU players. It's better weather for the fat guys.

Best of success to the Fat guys. Keep winning in the trenches.

Attendance will be way down for this one. I think your guess is about right.

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December 7th, 2013, 08:38 AM
So I hear because of the weather, EWU is starting its second string today, they don't want the starts hurt. That is the confidence I like to see in a team. What a great coach allowing them to rest, enjoy a few beers, and critique the game from a warm bar.

This isn't going to be close.

December 7th, 2013, 09:00 AM
From our friendly rivals archives up I-29. These weather conditions and the downhill play should be about dead ringers for the type of conditions today. Expect EWU to be a bit more competitive than their (later) Big Sky brethren were in this 1986 game. But I wouldn't be surprised if the SDSU play today doesn't bear an eerie resemblance to the NDSU game moves shown.


December 7th, 2013, 09:12 AM
Over/under on average kickoff length? # of field goals attempted beyond 25 yards? # of squib kicks?

ST will be interesting today...

Red & Black
December 7th, 2013, 03:04 PM
Got the stream up. -19 degrees wind chill, coldest game in EWU history. Pretty small crowd.

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December 7th, 2013, 03:10 PM
Ow my head....honestly full respect to Eastern but your field hurts!

Red & Black
December 7th, 2013, 03:11 PM
Rabbits moving the ball well on opening drive. Long pass down around the 10YL.

*Edit - SDSU scores, 7-0.

December 7th, 2013, 03:17 PM
Go wabbits

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Red & Black
December 7th, 2013, 03:20 PM
EWU punts, SDSU ball around the 10.

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Red & Black
December 7th, 2013, 03:40 PM
7-7 with 2:14 left in the 1st Qtr.

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December 7th, 2013, 03:51 PM
Cooper Kupp tied Randy Moss's season TD record. Decent company..

14-7 Eagles.

Red & Black
December 7th, 2013, 03:51 PM
Eagles opening up the offense some now. Adams 40 yard strike to Kupp. 14-7 EWU. Good game so far.

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December 7th, 2013, 03:53 PM
Kupp just tied Randy Moss' freshman TD record with 19. xbowx

Eagle D has been playing very well so far, especially in limiting Zenner... 32 yards and 2.7 ypc. Meanwhile Forte has 35 yards on 4 carries...


December 7th, 2013, 04:31 PM
Not taking a timeout, and kneeling the ball before half!? WTF!!?? Our offense can score on any given play. We had 3 ****ing timeouts! JFC....

December 7th, 2013, 04:33 PM
Was just getting on to say the same thing. We couldnt get into field goal range? What the heck? I dont understand that call!

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Red & Black
December 7th, 2013, 04:34 PM
Not taking a timeout, and kneeling the ball before half!? WTF!!?? Our offense can score on any given play. We had 3 ****ing timeouts! JFC....

That really pissed me off. 1:30 left on the clock with 3 TO's and don't use one GD timeout?

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December 7th, 2013, 04:39 PM
Birdys are scared of the wabbits

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Theee Catrabbit
December 7th, 2013, 04:41 PM
D is doing it! Maybe the coach was tired of the Dline meeting at VA's head.....

December 7th, 2013, 04:43 PM
Not taking a timeout, and kneeling the ball before half!? WTF!!?? Our offense can score on any given play. We had 3 ****ing timeouts! JFC....

That's a play out of the MSU coaching book. SMH

Go Eags though! (Because you're not UM, pretty much xlolx).

Red & Black
December 7th, 2013, 04:44 PM
That's a play out of the MSU coaches's book. SMH

I was thinking the same thing. Very uncharacteristic of Baldwin to go conservative like that.

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December 7th, 2013, 04:47 PM
I thought he said he learned his lesson about playing conservative from the UM game. That was a wasted opportunity.

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Theee Catrabbit
December 7th, 2013, 04:51 PM
Jacks leading in TOP; passing yds; rushing yds. Time to make this count! Here we go!

December 7th, 2013, 05:01 PM
This does not look like Eagle football

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December 7th, 2013, 05:02 PM
This does not look like Eagle football

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Reality sucks

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December 7th, 2013, 05:03 PM
You would know

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December 7th, 2013, 05:07 PM
D is doing it! Maybe the coach was tired of the Dline meeting at VA's head.....
VA's been sacked once, maybe twice tops. I thought Zenner couldn't be stopped by stacking the box? I see he has a healthy 3.0 ypc right now... xcoffeex

December 7th, 2013, 05:10 PM
You would know

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December 7th, 2013, 05:12 PM
LMFAO, a converted DE, 3rd string TE Zach Wimberly with the PA TD catch! xlolx

December 7th, 2013, 05:18 PM
You would know

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Last time I checked SHSU beat EWU back to back years.

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December 7th, 2013, 05:21 PM
Cooper Kupp breaks Randy Moss' freshman TD record!!!!!!

- - - Updated - - -

Last time I checked SHSU beat EWU back to back years.

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Yeah, but you're a worthless human being.

And SHSU still has no NCs to show for it. So congrats on reality sucking for you. xthumbsupx

December 7th, 2013, 05:22 PM
Good for you. You live in the glory of beating us a few times, and we will enjoy the longer and better playoff successes. Oh yeah, and our NC. Congrats on being runner up twice. Have fun losing to SELa again tonigh.

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December 7th, 2013, 05:24 PM
Good for you. You live in the glory of beating us a few times, and we will enjoy the longer and better playoff successes. Oh yeah, and our NC. Congrats on being runner up twice. I have a feeling SELa will represent much better. Including beating you guys tonight.

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They are a good team and not absurdly overrated. Win or loss I'll be ok unlike you two.

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December 7th, 2013, 05:24 PM
Yeah, but you're a worthless human being.
you're the expert

December 7th, 2013, 05:29 PM
They are a good team and not absurdly overrated. Win or loss I'll be ok unlike you two.

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Glad to hear you embrace your suckage! (Nice to see you're making excuses already).


December 7th, 2013, 05:29 PM
That late hit call is bs. He was still in bounds. What if he turned it upfield. Refs should not throw flags because of the pleas of a coach.

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December 7th, 2013, 05:30 PM
you're the expert

Nice bison impersonation! For a second there I almost mistook you for one of those full-fledged dip*****s!

December 7th, 2013, 05:36 PM
And I am continually reminded of the one and only reason I have a hard time rooting for Eastern. *sigh*

Maybe a TD for SDSU? Or too close to overturn?

Red & Black
December 7th, 2013, 05:37 PM
And I am continually reminded of the one and only reason I have a hard time rooting for Eastern. *sigh*

Maybe a TD for SDSU? Or too close to overturn?

Hard to tell. Looked like he came down on the line but who knows.

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December 7th, 2013, 05:38 PM
And I am continually reminded of the one and only reason I have a hard time rooting for Eastern. *sigh*

Maybe a TD for SDSU? Or too close to overturn?
Because I troll the trolls? You're not one of them, so I'm not sure why you have a problem with me. Whatever.

December 7th, 2013, 05:39 PM
Nope, FG for SDSU. 27-17 Eastern.

Stop 'em or it's over for the Jacks.

December 7th, 2013, 05:40 PM
Ewu got lucky on that call.

December 7th, 2013, 05:43 PM
Ewu got lucky on that call.
It could've gone either way, but at the end of the day, I'm not sure that it will have mattered.

December 7th, 2013, 05:45 PM
It could've gone either way, but at the end of the day, I'm not sure that it will have mattered.
It was a big call.

- - - Updated - - -

And this one looks to be over...

December 7th, 2013, 05:45 PM

December 7th, 2013, 05:45 PM
Another toss-up TD for VA and his receiving corps.

Eagles are moving on.

December 7th, 2013, 05:46 PM
Nice PI no call, holding Mitchells arm. Its ok, he scores anyway.

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December 7th, 2013, 05:46 PM
Whoa, don't they play defense in the MV Pillow Conference?

December 7th, 2013, 05:48 PM
This game isnt over yet. Wish it was. But there is a lot of time left and a lot can happen.

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Red & Black
December 7th, 2013, 05:48 PM
Cory "GET OFF ME" Mitchell with the big TD catch.

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December 7th, 2013, 05:48 PM
It was a big call.

- - - Updated - - -

And this one looks to be over...

The guy with a better angle than any of the cameras was the ref who was ten feet away with a perfect line of sight into where the foot landed. He would have had to be flat out lying for that to be a false call. I don't see why an arbitrary ref would need a reason to lie.

December 7th, 2013, 05:49 PM
Where'd all the Jacks fans go anyways?

(Not intended as smack, I'm legitimately surprised at how slow this thread is xlolx).

Red & Black
December 7th, 2013, 05:49 PM
This game isnt over yet. Wish it was. But there is a lot of time left and a lot can happen.

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+1 I think will end up being a close game when all is said and done. Our D tends to be very porous in the 4th Qtr when playing with the lead.

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Red & Black
December 7th, 2013, 05:50 PM
And...that's early a fumble.

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December 7th, 2013, 05:50 PM
Should be EWU ball here.

December 7th, 2013, 05:52 PM
Fumble. SDSU would be a much better team if they had a QB that had the courage to pull the trigger. Sumner seems to always aat sacks when he has great protection.

December 7th, 2013, 05:52 PM
That was absolutely a fumble...but they are going to pay back the mvfc for 2010.

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December 7th, 2013, 05:55 PM
Guess not :)

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December 7th, 2013, 06:00 PM
Forte is severely underrated... he's averaging 10.5 yards per carry today, and has had an impressive season considering how much he's had to share carries with our other backs. I think Mario Brown has had an impressive season as well, and should be getting more carries.

December 7th, 2013, 06:01 PM

December 7th, 2013, 06:01 PM
Where the heck did Forte come from!?! He has turned it on, especially at the end of this season! Glad hes a junior, he really helps balance this offence.

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December 7th, 2013, 06:01 PM
Dang it! Fumble!

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December 7th, 2013, 06:02 PM
Great time to give a guy his first touch of the game...

December 7th, 2013, 06:02 PM
Where the heck did Forte come from!?! He has turned it on, especially at the end of this season! Glad hes a junior, he really helps balance this offence.

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See my previous post. Damn you Bronson for fumbling.

EDIT: Before today's game, both Forte and Brown have been averaging over 6 yards per carry on the season.

December 7th, 2013, 06:03 PM
it was a fumble by SDSU on that reviewed play. HOWEVER, there was a whistle prior to the ball being recovered. Does the replay that the booth official reviews have audio as well?

December 7th, 2013, 06:04 PM
Just gave sdsu a chance.. It's going to be hard to come back though.

December 7th, 2013, 06:05 PM
Jacks D is starting to get pushed around by the Eagles O. The fumble gives Jacks a small prayer, but they need an EWU type quick strike.

December 7th, 2013, 06:06 PM
Yikes, our secondaries dropping like flies.

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Red & Black
December 7th, 2013, 06:10 PM
How's that interference?

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Red & Black
December 7th, 2013, 06:11 PM
What a hit!

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December 7th, 2013, 06:11 PM
How's that interference?

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Crap call! But what about that Eagle D!

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December 7th, 2013, 06:20 PM

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December 7th, 2013, 06:22 PM
Bring on McNeese/JSU!

December 7th, 2013, 06:23 PM
This one is over. That punt fake really killed sdsu..

December 7th, 2013, 06:26 PM
How can you call that anything but incredible football! That was a great hit! I flippen hate this rule.

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December 7th, 2013, 06:31 PM
How can you call that anything but incredible football! That was a great hit! I flippen hate this rule.

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That was a dangerous hit. Guess you don't care about student athletes getting concussions..

December 7th, 2013, 06:35 PM
That was a dangerous hit. Guess you don't care about student athletes getting concussions..

I think it comes with the territory. Its a collision sport. Guess maybe they should stop throwing punches in boxing too. And make rugby two hand touch. Take the skates out of hockey and make em tiptoe. Why dont we get rid of kickoffs and tackling all together. We sure dont want anyone to get hurt.

Ive gotten knocked out and a concussion playing football. I would still let that play stand. But to each their own. If that hit was against us Id feel the same way.

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December 7th, 2013, 06:40 PM
I think it comes with the territory. Its a collision sport. Guess maybe they should stop throwing punches in boxing too. And make rugby two hand touch. Take the skates out of hockey and make em tiptoe. Why dont we get rid of kickoffs and tackling all together. We sure dont want anyone to get hurt.

Ive gotten knocked out and a concussion playing football. I would still let that play stand. But to each their own. If that hit was against us Id feel the same way.
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Fair enough. The intent looked like he wanted to hurt. Any way good game eagles. Your team played well.

December 7th, 2013, 06:44 PM
Some early smack about Big Sky schools not being too good this year, but I'm pretty sure even our second to last place team had a better point spread against EWU than SDSU did today. Just saying...

F'N Hawks
December 7th, 2013, 06:45 PM
EWU defense looked pretty good to me. I was told they dont play D and only have a high-flying offense.

Montana on the other hand....

December 7th, 2013, 06:52 PM
Give the big sky 4 teams in.. 1 advances. 1-3, really impressive.

December 7th, 2013, 06:53 PM
EWU was good. Great game in the first half... Jacks looked like they could contend... then we got beat with the coaching adjustments. EWU has a ton of offensive threats.

That fake punt was so dumb.

Red & Black
December 7th, 2013, 06:54 PM
Good game Jacks fans.

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December 7th, 2013, 06:57 PM
Congrats to the SDSU Jackrabbits on a great season. I think the momentum really changed with the fake punt call. And EWU did a good job of bottling up Zenner. Our thought your QB played quite well overall. I think your team played better than the score reflected, and of course, EWU stepped up to the challenge, especially defensively and in our running game. Good luck on next years season. Please surpass NDSU in the MVFC, please!

December 7th, 2013, 07:02 PM
Give the big sky 4 teams in.. 1 advances. 1-3, really impressive.

No offense, but thinking the MVFC would've done better is just conference homerism. Especially depending on the match-ups, there is just as good a chance two of the other three MVFC teams on the bubble would have experienced the same. That being said, I think UNI at the beginning of the season, and maybe towards the end could've pulled it off. Once again, I think the MVFC teams left home would have had just as much criticism if they had been chosen as the other last teams in have. (Honestly, in a perfect world, I would've taken UNI over SUU personally. But that doesn't mean they would've beaten SHSU. We will never know).

December 7th, 2013, 07:15 PM
No offense, but thinking the MVFC would've done better is just conference homerism. Especially depending on the match-ups, there is just as good a chance two of the other three MVFC teams on the bubble would have experienced the same. That being said, I think UNI at the beginning of the season, and maybe towards the end could've pulled it off. Once again, I think the MVFC teams left home would have had just as much criticism if they had been chosen as the other last teams in have. (Honestly, in a perfect world, I would've taken UNI over SUU personally. But that doesn't mean they would've beaten SHSU. We will never know).
Excellent post.

December 7th, 2013, 07:17 PM
Congrats to the Eagles, and hello, Mr. Forte!

December 7th, 2013, 07:20 PM
Excellent post.

Not really 1-3. Congrats to the eagles for advancing though.

Red & Black
December 7th, 2013, 07:22 PM
Not really 1-3. Congrats to the eagles for advancing though.

No offense, but your conference's #2 team just got handled. To assume the MVFC would have a better record if you'd have had a couple more teams in the mix is just homerism.

December 7th, 2013, 07:24 PM
No offense, but your conference's #2 team just got handled. To assume the MVFC would have a better record if you'd have had a couple more teams in the mix is just homerism.

Last time I looked they weren't the #2... they were #2-5.

Youngstown State 5-3
South Dakota State 5-3
Southern Illinois 5-3
Missouri State 5-3

F'N Hawks
December 7th, 2013, 07:26 PM
That loss by SUU to SHSU isnt looking so bad right now. They are rolling.....

December 7th, 2013, 07:27 PM
That loss by SUU to SHSU isnt looking so bad right now. They are rolling.....

The dismantling of NAU looks worse though, no?

Red & Black
December 7th, 2013, 07:31 PM
Last time I looked they weren't the #2... they were #2-5.

Youngstown State 5-3
South Dakota State 5-3
Southern Illinois 5-3
Missouri State 5-3

Semantics. They were the #2 team to get into the playoffs from the MVFC, which presumably means they were better than the other teams that they tied with in the conference since they had a better overall record. Playoffs are all that matters.

So like I said, the #2 team in your conference.Tapatalk (http://tapatalk.com/m?id=1)

F'N Hawks
December 7th, 2013, 07:32 PM
The dismantling of NAU looks worse though, no?

What teams are you talking about?

December 7th, 2013, 07:34 PM
EWU just needs to take care of business (unlike the Griz today :D ) and make it to Frisco. Jensen has some unfinished business to take care of before his Bison career is over.

Red & Black
December 7th, 2013, 07:36 PM
The dismantling of NAU looks worse though, no?

Not really. Had NAU played EWU this year they most likely would have had another loss and ended up tied with Montana. The Big Sky was definitely down this year, but EWU was head and shoulders better than any other team in the conference. Much like NDSU in the MVFC.

Looks like the Big Sky and MVFC are both one-trick ponies this year.
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December 7th, 2013, 07:45 PM
Not really. Had NAU played EWU this year they most likely would have had another loss and ended up tied with Montana. The Big Sky was definitely down this year, but EWU was head and shoulders better than any other team in the conference. Much like NDSU in the MVFC.

Looks like the Big Sky and MVFC are both one-trick ponies this year.
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No doubt, without the injuries UNI was a top 4 team. But with them NDSU is definitely at the top alone.

Red & Black
December 7th, 2013, 07:46 PM
No doubt, without the injuries UNI was a top 4 team. But with them NDSU is definitely at the top alone.


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December 7th, 2013, 08:22 PM
The dismantling of NAU looks worse though, no?
NAU has always been a pretender. They're like YSU of the last decade. Not to mention they were without their HC for the entire game, and their starting QB for the second half. To think that didn't play a part in the outcome is to stick your head in the sand.

December 7th, 2013, 08:24 PM
EWU just needs to take care of business (unlike the Griz today :D ) and make it to Frisco. Jensen has some unfinished business to take care of before his Bison career is over.

He wants to lose a NC game? I think we could accommodate him. :D

December 7th, 2013, 08:26 PM
Last time I looked they weren't the #2... they were #2-5.

Youngstown State 5-3
South Dakota State 5-3
Southern Illinois 5-3
Missouri State 5-3

Wait, so you're sayin' that the MVFC's #2-5 got rolled by the BSC today? You're not helpin' their case, bud. xlolx

December 7th, 2013, 11:02 PM
SDSU isn't NDSU bud. Don't get to cocky. NDSU blanked SDSU. and put up bigger points than EWU managed

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December 8th, 2013, 12:15 AM
Cold today but met the bootfitter and had a great time...cool dude!

December 8th, 2013, 12:18 AM
Cold today but met the bootfitter and had a great time...cool dude!

Did he get you into a new pair of kicks?

December 8th, 2013, 03:27 AM
Cold today but met the bootfitter and had a great time...cool dude!Yeah, thanks for the hospitality, kalm. Fun hanging with your crowd. My heart was pulling for the MVFC, but my head figured the Eagles would come away with the W. I wish it would have been a bit closer, though.

I was impressed with the fans and the atmosphere in Cheney. And I almost hate to say it, but I actually liked the red turf. It doesn't look great on a TV screen, but it didn't distract me at all in person.

P.S. Looks like I may have been off in my assessment of Bohl leaving NDSU.

Theee Catrabbit
December 8th, 2013, 08:09 AM
Congrats to EWU! You truly are head and shoulders above the rest of the Big Sky (by a lot)!

December 8th, 2013, 12:16 PM
Congrats to EWU! You truly are head and shoulders above the rest of the Big Sky (by a lot)!

Definitely on both accounts

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December 8th, 2013, 02:07 PM
For future reference, here's a few stats and observations regarding yesterday's game and the ground and pound physicality of MVFC football...

Zach Zenner 71 yards, 3.4 ypc
Quicy Forte 202 yards, 8.9 ypc

Team Net Yards Rushing:

EwU 287

SDSU 32:58
EWU. 27:02

SDSU pretty much got manhandled on both lines of scrimmage. EWU did indeed committ more to the box and effectively clogged up the middle. The only plays the Jack's had success with we're when they bounced it outside. I will give their o-line some credit in pass protection as Sumner had a really good day. He's got decent size, is accurate, and has great feet.

On the other side of the ball it was a bit surprising that Eastern became the team wearing down a run D in the 4th quarter. That last drive with a simply unstoppable Forte was a thing of beauty.

Jack's will compete for an MVFC title in 2014.

December 8th, 2013, 09:21 PM
Good game EWU. That sucked hard. Good luck the rest of the way