View Full Version : Another gift for Montana?

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December 1st, 2013, 01:57 AM
Can of worms? Really? If you are going to complain and get on twitter about not getting a seed then you had better go out and be competitive in your game. Don't get your ass kicked and put up goose eggs in 3 of 4 quarters at home. Losing to SDSU is not a sin as they are a very good team but NAU looked as bad as any of the MEAC teams today. Not like a team that thought they deserved a seed.

The common thread is the team that loses looked bad, had an off day (see #1), when in reality it is the productivity and play of the team that won that makes it look that way. So I will ask you this, don't you think NAU looked bad because they were out played today?

Quit hating, and look at the reality of the situation.

December 1st, 2013, 02:04 AM
The common thread is the team that loses looked bad, had an off day (see #1), when in reality it is the productivity and play of the team that won that makes it look that way. So I will ask you this, don't you think NAU looked bad because they were out played today?

Quit hating, and look at the reality of the situation.

Now that's funny. You are the one who needs to look at reality and quit hating.

December 1st, 2013, 02:15 AM
Thanks Alpha, she is smarter than me, and better looking.

I would hope so, you have the face of a dog.

December 1st, 2013, 09:32 AM
I would hope so, you have the face of a dog.

Yes, a wire-haired pointing griffon, a cute dog everyone says.

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December 1st, 2013, 09:45 AM
Why did my post bother you?
What team should I focus on?
What do you mean that I may end up like NAU?

I would love to see the Griz knock off their next few opponents, unfortunately it is not going to happen.

You've been picking against Montana all season and it's only worked out twice. Keep it up, you might just be our good luck charm.

December 1st, 2013, 10:03 AM
This is why is ******* embarrassing to be a Griz fan or a fan of the BSC.

They accept no blame or consequences and only offer excuses. If a team like NAU or the Griz gets beat its because "they played bad" the idiot fan gives no credit to the other team being better or just flat kicking our ass. There is a reason they didnt play well and its because SDSU made them look bad because they are a better team.

Griz fans blame everything:
The field
The refs
The coaches
The weather
The fans

They never blame the real problem, the team that just isnt as good as other teams.

Embarrassing simply embarrassing

December 1st, 2013, 10:41 AM
This is why is ******* embarrassing to be a Griz fan or a fan of the BSC.

They accept no blame or consequences and only offer excuses. If a team like NAU or the Griz gets beat its because "they played bad" the idiot fan gives no credit to the other team being better or just flat kicking our ass. There is a reason they didnt play well and its because SDSU made them look bad because they are a better team.

Griz fans blame everything:
The field
The refs
The coaches
The weather
The fans

They never blame the real problem, the team that just isnt as good as other teams.

Embarrassing simply embarrassing

Perfectly stated

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December 1st, 2013, 11:26 AM
Bottom line the NCAA loves $$$$ Montana can deliver a great product with an over full stadium. They'll always get a home game as long as they keep making the playoff's period. Kudos to Montana and their fans xthumbsupxxbowx

December 1st, 2013, 11:52 AM
This is why is ******* embarrassing to be a Griz fan or a fan of the BSC.

How would you know? You're a Bison fan.

December 1st, 2013, 01:14 PM
why would anybody open up that can of worms when the Griz lost the head to head to NAU, and haven't won a game yet themselves in the playoffs?

i will list the excuses for you.
1. the Griz had a bad day....whatever
2. but we beat MSU who beat NAU.....does not matter, or someone can say MSU had a bad game against UM
3. it was the elevation...didnt effect the flatlanders
4. there defense got lucky and scored 2 TDs on us...part of the game
5. they didnt play EWU...nor did they play OK panhandle or AppState

i wouldn't be so cocky as the Griz have not won a game yet. What do you say if Coastal Carolina beats the Griz? would you agree the Griz
didn't deserve a seed? Would you agree right now that the Griz are playing a lesser opponent than NAU did?

Not opening a can of worms, and not comparing NAU to Montana in any way. I acknowledge that Montana has yet to play a game, and I'm very respectful of CC's ability to come to Missoula and give the Griz all the competition they want.

The head to head win has nothing to do with anything at this point. If NAU was deserving of being in the playoffs, they would have at least competed AT HOME yesterday. As soon as I saw players tweeting about disrespect, I knew they had no chance of beating SDSU. If anything, this is proof we should go back to a 16 game tournament.

As for the Griz, we'll know more in a week.

December 1st, 2013, 01:32 PM
Not opening a can of worms, and not comparing NAU to Montana in any way. I acknowledge that Montana has yet to play a game, and I'm very respectful of CC's ability to come to Missoula and give the Griz all the competition they want.

The head to head win has nothing to do with anything at this point. If NAU was deserving of being in the playoffs, they would have at least competed AT HOME yesterday. As soon as I saw players tweeting about disrespect, I knew they had no chance of beating SDSU. If anything, this is proof we should go back to a 16 game tournament.

As for the Griz, we'll know more in a week.

They competed and got beat that is all. SDSU was the better team.


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December 7th, 2013, 08:37 PM
Now that's funny. You are the one who needs to look at reality and quit hating.

How is the reality now

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December 7th, 2013, 08:41 PM
You've been picking against Montana all season and it's only worked out twice. Keep it up, you might just be our good luck charm.

Crap Iwas wrong for the third time. Had CCU winning 38-35. I was close.

I will try harder next year

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December 7th, 2013, 11:50 PM
How is the reality now

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You are still a dumbass. Actually a total idiot. You don't understand the game, and are basically a troll. Nobody on the board has any respect for you. If anyone does, please speak up.

December 7th, 2013, 11:52 PM
Too bad Montana didn't win. Bohl leaving would have been a huge gift!

December 8th, 2013, 12:50 AM
You are still a dumbass. Actually a total idiot. You don't understand the game, and are basically a troll. Nobody on the board has any respect for you. If anyone does, please speak up.

Amazing, name calling? I am impressed.

December 8th, 2013, 12:56 AM
Too bad Montana didn't win. Bohl leaving would have been a huge gift!

I wish they would have, my wife was excited to see them in the dome. It also would have helped the BSC. Having three teams our of four drop out in their first game proved the majority of people's positions, that the BSC did not deserve 4 teams, or two seeds. It will harder for them next year because of it.

December 8th, 2013, 12:59 AM
I wish they would have, my wife was excited to see them in the dome. It also would have helped the BSC. Having three teams our of four drop out in their first game proved the majority of people's positions, that the BSC did not deserve 4 teams, or two seeds. It will harder for them next year because of it.

Not if EWU eeks out a natty. Otherwise you are dead on.