View Full Version : North Dakota State (9-0) at Youngstown State (8-2)

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NoDak 4 Ever
November 16th, 2013, 09:04 PM
Blah, blah, blah....I've officially lost all respect for you guys. I'm out. I will no longer post on anything that is NDSU. You all go on with your arrogance.

If you're father knows anything about being a military member and RESPECTED ANYONE'S SERVICE. He will understand my view, if not, I feel sorry for him.

Because you guys fight for songs and pieces of cloth. I get it.

You guys are like whack a mole. You came up and made a lot of noise last year then disappeared until this year. No biggie.

November 16th, 2013, 09:04 PM
I used to think this way myself. After thinking about it for a while, I realized that this was in fact, about as American an act could be. I mean, think about it this way- only in America could individuals exercise their rights to free speech and self expression in such a way, during an anthem extolling the virtues of their country. It seems almost fitting in a way. I no longer have an issue with it.
Ah....then it would be okay for me to throw the American flag on the ground, douce it in gasoline, then light it on fire....?

November 16th, 2013, 09:04 PM
Here's a clue genius. Nobody knows me. I have met very few people who post on this board and none of them would say that about me.

Hahahha. Live in your fantasy world where you think that or should i say where you want people to think that...GENIUS. YOU KNOW THE TRUTH BRUH AND SO DO I. AND A HELL OF A LOT OF YOUR FANS too. HAHAHAHAH. YOUR A JOKE.

November 16th, 2013, 09:06 PM
I am a military veteran and it is disrespectful. Spin it however you want . I do not agree with it.

Yeah, well I'm one too and I think if more veterans understood how the military has really been used for most of our history they wouldn't be quite so quick on the draw with this holier-than-thou protecting our freedom talk.

NoDak 4 Ever
November 16th, 2013, 09:06 PM
Ah....then it would be okay for me to throw the American flag on the ground, douce it in gasoline, then light it on fire....?

according to Texas v. Johnson....yes

NoDak 4 Ever
November 16th, 2013, 09:07 PM
Hahahha. Live in your fantasy world where you think that or should i say where you want people to think that...GENIUS. YOU KNOW THE TRUTH BRUH AND SO DO I. AND A HELL OF A LOT OF YOUR FANS too. HAHAHAHAH. YOUR A JOKE.


November 16th, 2013, 09:08 PM
Get in line. Like I said, we have this conversation 2-3 times every season.

You sir are either in your 20's, a liberal or both. It is disrespectful. When you see someone die for the the flag and anthem and make it take a back seat to your team, that is disrespectful. Period. Where are you citidog?

November 16th, 2013, 09:09 PM
Blah, blah, blah....I've officially lost all respect for you guys. I'm out. I will no longer post on anything that is NDSU. You all go on with your arrogance.

If you're father knows anything about being a military member and RESPECTED ANYONE'S SERVICE. He will understand my view, if not, I feel sorry for him.

Obviously, you feel your service is worth more than his...Too bad.

And respect is earned, not given...I think most of us Bison fans feel that way about you.

November 16th, 2013, 09:11 PM
Ah....then it would be okay for me to throw the American flag on the ground, douce it in gasoline, then light it on fire....?

I agree Clenz. Thank you.

NoDak 4 Ever
November 16th, 2013, 09:11 PM
You sir are either in your 20's, a liberal or both. It is disrespectful. When you see someone die for the the flag and anthem and make it take a back seat to your team, that is disrespectful. Period. Where are you citidog?

I'm in my 40's and a liberal. Neither of which affect my behavior in the slightest. My brother died while serving and it makes me give not one **** about what you think.

citdog cares not for the "Late United States", now if we started ruining Dixie, you'd have a fight on your hands.

November 16th, 2013, 09:12 PM
I've never chimed in on the anthem subject. I'm currently in the Navy and have been for ten years. I have seen military and the anthem get disrespected many many times, even here on my base and by fellow shipmates. As for "Home of the Bison", I don't endorse it, and I don't disapprove of it either. But I do think we do get too sensitive on certain things like this one. But there are some of those out there, including some people on this board, that don't give a flying ****. That's probably what bothers me about it.

November 16th, 2013, 09:13 PM
You sir are either in your 20's, a liberal or both. It is disrespectful. When you see someone die for the the flag and anthem and make it take a back seat to your team, that is disrespectful. Period. Where are you citidog?

xeekx Now it's getting ugly! Guess what? He doesn't drink bourbon either.

November 16th, 2013, 09:14 PM
I'm in my 40's and a liberal. Neither of which affect my behavior in the slightest. My brother died while serving and it makes me give not one **** about what you think.

citdog cares not for the "Late United States", now if we started ruining Dixie, you'd have a fight on your hands.

Of course you are a liberal. You have no respect. I can see it through the words you write asshole.

November 16th, 2013, 09:15 PM
I'm in my 40's and a liberal. Neither of which affect my behavior in the slightest. My brother died while serving and it makes me give not one **** about what you think.

citdog cares not for the "Late United States", now if we started ruining Dixie, you'd have a fight on your hands.

Move to china where you belong dickhead.

NoDak 4 Ever
November 16th, 2013, 09:16 PM
xeekx Now it's getting ugly! Guess what? He doesn't drink bourbon either.

DAMMIT will you ever let me live that down?

The funny part is you are the only person in this whole conversation who has actually met me.

November 16th, 2013, 09:16 PM
Move to china where you belong dickhead.

phony bastard you are.

NoDak 4 Ever
November 16th, 2013, 09:17 PM
Move to china where you belong dickhead.

get some new material.

November 16th, 2013, 09:17 PM
DAMMIT will you ever let me live that down?

The funny part is you are the only person in this whole conversation who has actually met me.

Its all I got until we beat you again.

November 16th, 2013, 09:19 PM
I've never chimed in on the anthem subject. I'm currently in the Navy and have been for ten years. I have seen military and the anthem get disrespected many many times, even here on my base and by fellow shipmates. As for "Home of the Bison", I don't endorse it, and I don't disapprove of it either. But I do think we do get too sensitive on certain things like this one. But there are some of those out there, including some people on this board, that don't give a flying ****. That's probably what bothers me about it.

I don't get it.. What's wrong with the extension of pride for your country to the pride for your team and program. That's all it is..nothing more nothing less. carry on.

November 16th, 2013, 09:20 PM
DAMMIT will you ever let me live that down?

The funny part is you are the only person in this whole conversation who has actually met me.

Since you are a liberal you don't understand sacrifice, especially the sacrifice of life that has been made which represents the flag and the anthem.

November 16th, 2013, 09:20 PM
sup clenz??? wanna come see our four titles? Is there one on display at the unidump? No? They exist and we have four. Come to the game next yeAr and ill give you a private tour. Keep whining bitch!!!!

Why would anyone want to see some one elses titles? Especially titles whose validity is dubious at best.

November 16th, 2013, 09:21 PM
phony bastard you are.

What are you talking about?

November 16th, 2013, 09:21 PM
I am a military veteran and it is disrespectful. Spin it however you want . I do not agree with it.

It's your right to disagree with me. You also have the right to express your disagreement.

I think we both can agree that these rights are what make America a special country.

It also means that we have to tolerate people who want to exercise their rights in ways we don't always agree with. Tolerance is essential in preserving all of our liberties!

NoDak 4 Ever
November 16th, 2013, 09:21 PM
Its all I got until we beat you again.

I'll come out again next time. We will imbibe to our heart's content.

November 16th, 2013, 09:22 PM
I don't get it.. What's wrong with the extension of pride for your country to the pride for your team and program. That's all it is..nothing more nothing less. carry on.

What I was trying to convey was the attitude that some Bison fans bring with it like Nodak. Like I said, I'm not disapproving of doing it, it's just how some people carry themselves about it.

November 16th, 2013, 09:22 PM
I don't get it.. What's wrong with the extension of pride for your country to the pride for your team and program. That's all it is..nothing more nothing less. carry on.

You don't interrupt the National Anthem.

NoDak 4 Ever
November 16th, 2013, 09:23 PM
What I was trying to convey was the attitude that some Bison fans bring with it like Nodak. Like I said, I'm not disapproving of doing it, it's just how some people carry themselves about it.

But it is my RIGHT to not get caught up in silly things like flags and songs. Why in the world are we doing this before a football game anyway?

November 16th, 2013, 09:25 PM
What are you talking about?

I'm talking about phony patriotism that puffs out its chest about sacrificing for our freedoms and then when someone indulges in one of those freedoms telling them to move to China "where they belong". You're a phony bastard.

November 16th, 2013, 09:25 PM
But it is my RIGHT to not get caught up in silly things like flags and songs. Why in the world are we doing this before a football game anyway?
Exactly what I'm talking about.

NoDak 4 Ever
November 16th, 2013, 09:26 PM
I'm talking about phony patriotism that puffs out its chest about sacrificing for our freedoms and then when some indulges in one of those freedoms telling to move to China. You're a phony bastard.

yep. My brother served and died to protect peoples freedom, not push them around.

November 16th, 2013, 09:26 PM
Wolford is the biggest whiny coach ever. Fire his panzy bitchy ass. I don't think I've heard a coach complain more than him every, and I've complained about Farley before

Moto X

November 16th, 2013, 09:28 PM
phony bastard you are.

I am a 23 year Navy Veteran That is the facts. I served on USS Saipan, The USS Theodore Roosevelt, USS Enterprise, USS Kearsarge, NMCB-23, NMCB-6 to name a few. Don't give me your bull****. Don't disrespect the Anthem and then try to justify it.

November 16th, 2013, 09:28 PM
Damn Nikki, now I wish I heard it. He can be a real idiot. Last week was the first time in tenure that he admitted a loss was on him. Do you want more proof, I have lots....:)

Literally man he almost was crying on camera how NDSU was a bunch of poor sports and our whole team should be ejected for poor sportsmanship while HE IS ON THE FIELD COMPLAINING TO THE REAP EVERY DAMN PLAY.

Moto X

NoDak 4 Ever
November 16th, 2013, 09:28 PM
Wolford is the biggest whiny coach ever. Fire his panzy bitchy ass. I don't think I've heard a coach complain more than him every, and I've complained about Farley before

Moto X

My favorite bit was during the post-game press conference he said "We're not going to make excuses" then spent several minutes making excuses.

November 16th, 2013, 09:30 PM
Ah....then it would be okay for me to throw the American flag on the ground, douce it in gasoline, then light it on fire....?

I think you are making a straw man. Unless you are saying you burn flags at UNI games!

Let's just stick to facts not made up scenarios, ok.

November 16th, 2013, 09:30 PM
I'm not sure when this started, but I know UND was say home of the "Sioux" back in the 80's. I grew up with this for the last 30 years and never once thought it was disrespectful to anyone until the last few years when SAM started complaining. I assumed every team in the country did this. I've tried really hard to figure out how this could be seen as a bad thing and I can't get there so I guess it's just jealous fans who don't have any spirit.

Seriously? Jealous fans. wow just wow.

November 16th, 2013, 09:32 PM
I am a 23 year Navy Veteran That is the facts. I served on USS Saipan, The USS Theodore Roosevelt, USS Enterprise, USS Kearsarge, NMCB-23, NMCB-6 to name a few. Don't give me your bull****. Don't disrespect the Anthem and then try to justify it.

Hey buddy, you did your job if someone is able to add their own words to the national anthem. Means we still have free speech.

Moto X

November 16th, 2013, 09:32 PM
I am a 23 year Navy Veteran That is the facts. I served on USS Saipan, The USS Theodore Roosevelt, USS Enterprise, USS Kearsarge, NMCB-23, NMCB-6 to name a few. Don't give me your bull****. Don't disrespect the Anthem and then try to justify it.

I don't care if you were in charge of mess kit repair for the whole Navy, you're still a phony bastard. And I didn't disrespect anything. And you don't have a clue about how the military gets used 99% of the time.

November 16th, 2013, 09:33 PM
I say Bison during the anthem. Kinda funny I just had this convo with my mom. People are disrespectful, but I don't see it as so. I put my hand over my heart, my left hand folded behind me, as I was taught to do when I was little by my grandpa ; who was a Staff Sargent and served in WWII. I stay standing until the colors have left the field, as I was taught at a young age. I'm 37 and a liberal- does saying Bison mske me unpatriotic? I don't think so, and I don't think my grandpa would think so either.

NoDak 4 Ever
November 16th, 2013, 09:36 PM
I say Bison during the anthem. Kinda funny I just had this convo with my mom. People are disrespectful, but I don't see it as so. I put my hand over my heart, my left hand folded behind me, as I was taught to do when I was little by my grandpa ; who was a Staff Sargent and served in WWII. I stay standing until the colors have left the field, as I was taught at a young age. I'm 37 and a liberal- does saying Bison mske me unpatriotic? I don't think so, and I don't think my grandpa would think so either.

I literally could have typed the exact same thing verbatim and would be called douche, dick, disrespectful, etc.

Guess I'm doing my job. :D

You don't look a day over 36.

November 16th, 2013, 09:36 PM
I don't care if you were in charge of mess kit repair for the whole Navy, you're still a phony bastard. And I didn't disrespect anything. And you don't have a clue about how the military gets used 99% of the time.

Phony what are you talking about? I don't care what you claim. You obviously have never served.

NoDak 4 Ever
November 16th, 2013, 09:37 PM
If we're going to keep using this thread shouldn't it be renamed
North Dakota State (10-0) at Youngstown State (8-3)

November 16th, 2013, 09:37 PM
Do me a favor Dak, cause that comment really pissed me off. Go to a VA hospital someday, and talk with that military man/woman who has lost a limb for you. Or has gone crazy because of dreams they have from killing people or watching people getting killed. And just hear their story and understand that they live by that song and defend your freedoms. And when your done, tell them what you ignorant and disrespectful F****** do and watch that person's response. You really are a F****** idiot.

Get bent. Being a vet doesn't give you any more say on what can and can be done than any other citizen. This isn't the soviet union.

November 16th, 2013, 09:39 PM
I literally could have typed the exact same thing verbatim and would be called douche, dick, disrespectful, etc.

Guess I'm doing my job. :D

You don't look a day over 36.

So what you are saying is my super expensive wrinkle cream isn't working? Bummer man lol

November 16th, 2013, 09:40 PM
Phony what are you talking about? I don't care what you claim. You obviously have never served.

I told you what I'm talking about in post 1028, pinhead. And I was serving before you were born.

NoDak 4 Ever
November 16th, 2013, 09:40 PM
So what you are saying is my super expensive wrinkle cream isn't working? Bummer man lol

That was the most clever thing I could think of at the moment. I'm out of gas.

November 16th, 2013, 09:41 PM
Wolford is the biggest whiny coach ever. Fire his panzy bitchy ass. I don't think I've heard a coach complain more than him every, and I've complained about Farley before

Moto X

If I was a YSU fan or associated with YSU I would be embarassed by his poor behavior.

November 16th, 2013, 09:44 PM
Real men serve on tin cans with toast for midrats, not eating ice cream in the 24 hr mess decks on aircraft carriers.

Just sayin

November 16th, 2013, 09:44 PM
I told you what I'm talking about in post 1028, pinhead. And I was serving before you were born.

You haven't served anything but french fries.

November 16th, 2013, 09:46 PM
Real men serve on tin cans with toast for midrats, not eating ice cream in the 24 hr mess decks on aircraft carriers.

Just sayin
I am a Seabee and serve with the Marines. Midrats is nice Vs MRE;s if you are working late. benefit of being on a float.

November 16th, 2013, 09:48 PM
You sir are either in your 20's, a liberal or both. It is disrespectful. When you see someone die for the the flag and anthem and make it take a back seat to your team, that is disrespectful. Period. Where are you citidog?I think its disrespectful that you think we sent thousands of people to die for a piece of cloth and asome words set to a drinking song. Btw, its people in their 20's, our friends, who are doing the dying.

November 16th, 2013, 09:49 PM
I am a Seabee and serve with the Marines.

That explains a lot. A Marine is just a GI with his brains beat out. You're probably the guy they send out to get a bucket of prop wash.

November 16th, 2013, 09:50 PM
If I was a YSU fan or associated with YSU I would be embarassed by his poor behavior.

We are. listen to the post game presser.

November 16th, 2013, 09:52 PM
Move to china where you belong dickhead.

Thanks for 'defending my freedom'

November 16th, 2013, 09:52 PM
That explains a lot. A Marine is just a GI with his brains beat out. You're probably the guy they send out to get a bucket of prop wash.

I am not a Marine, I am a Navy Seabee. You never served or you would know the difference. You are the phony.

November 16th, 2013, 09:54 PM
We are. listen to the post game presser.

I did. I just cant believe a person in that position could act as -------------------- I just cant find the words to describe the act he put on.

November 16th, 2013, 09:55 PM
I did. I just cant believe a person in that position could act as -------------------- I just cant find the words to describe the act he put on.

Yep, embarrassing. We call him the "hillbilly"

November 16th, 2013, 10:09 PM
I think its disrespectful that you think we sent thousands of people to die for a piece of cloth and asome words set to a drinking song. Btw, its people in their 20's, our friends, who are doing the dying.

I know that the National Anthem music was written to a German drinking song. But anything that has to do with a football game pales in comparison to everything that represents the national anthem

Bison Fan in NW MN
November 16th, 2013, 10:11 PM
I don't get why YSU fans have their assholes as tight as they do....between YSU and MSU fans even the Queen Mother would wonder why everyone is so goddamned up-tight.

If you haven't noticed I give every single school the same treatment when they deserve it. I'm sorry that fans don't like me telling you exactly what it is when it comes to your program. Go back and look at my history - read what I've said about the YSU program and then look at the replies I've gotten telling me I'm wrong...then look at how things actually play out. Way more often than not I'm right. Same with Missouri State - I've been neg repped by MSUDuo frequently with him calling me all kinds of names that get the * treatment from the filters on here, as well as PMs on both MVC basketball forums that have existed. It's the uptight people that have issues with me telling it exactly like it is.

Ask NDSU fans - I was as hard as them as anyone when they walked into the league thinking they owned everything in 2008 and then went 3-8. At this point you will find very few UNI fans more complimentary of that program than I am. Do I still throw **** at them? You bet, I always will. However, the **** gets thrown right back and it's fun. I've been to games in Fargo and it was a great time.

The SIU fans...I more or less just ignore them because that's just best. Between basketball failure the last 6 years or so and the mediocrity that has been their football program they are just a beaten down bunch and the ONLY thing they can hang their hat on is beating UNI...They are the ONLY TEAM in the MVFC with 5 games of having a winning record against UNI and that is .500 I'll give them that. xlolx (EDIT NDSU moved to within 4 this year...after that it gets to double digits)

I was harder on USD joining the league than anyone - yet if you look at my posts the last 3 weeks or so I've been very complimentary of the progress they made this year.

InSU...a couple years ago when they were flying high I warned them that Bell was their entire team and if/when he got hurt they'd be ****ed. I got called a hater/asshole/douche/dumbass/etc.. Look where the **** they are now. Their coach that lead them there (WHO IS AN ISUB ALUM AND PLAYER) BAILED ON THEM FOR ****ING GEORGIA STATE. The are already back to where I projected them to be - the worst FCS team in the nation....and actually 2 seasons before I thought they would be

WIU - Meh....when I'm listing MVFC schools I always forget 1 and have to look who - it's them.

ISUR is always the game we lose that we shouldn't. I don't ****ing get it. They are not a good program but they play us like ****ing crazy.

SDSU - They are a cross between USD/NDSU/and ISUB for me. Once Zenner is gone they are probably screwed but I've commended them many times for the progress they've made since 2008 and said I'm jelly of their new stadium design

I'm not really the asshole you think I am...that's just you projecting.

Why do I care about this game? Because it meant a decent amount for UNI getting on the ****ing bubble. Maybe you haven't paid attention but UNI beat YSU (again) and has a chance to get to 7 D1 wins with wins over a ranked YSU team (who is now going to **** the bed and ruin that one) a ranked McNeese State and an FBS foe with a 1 point loss AT NDSU....the only team to give NDSU a ****ing game this year. Just like next week I'll pay close ****ing attention to the YSU/SDSU game because it will have a HUGE impact on the bubble for YSU/SDSU/and UNI.

I have no hatred for YSU...I don't believe they belong in the MVFC (and you ****ing don't and you know it whether you admit it or not), I don't believe your program is anywhere near the level your fans think it is (and the vast majority of the country agrees with me), I think you've been overrated all season long (and it's starting to show), I firmly believe that regardless what Tressel claims at YSU (or OSU) he knew the entire ****ing time, I have no respect for a program that puts someone in the HOF that the NCAA has banned from coaching for doing at Ohio State exactly what he did at YSU.

If you want to call that hatred, then so be it. It's not. I don't get why YSU fans are as uptight as they are.

Good post clenz.


November 16th, 2013, 10:16 PM
Good post clenz.



For You this guy writes about why Tressel is important to YSU


November 16th, 2013, 10:22 PM
I am not a Marine, I am a Navy Seabee. You never served or you would know the difference. You are the phony.

Want to put some money where your mouth is, sonny?

November 16th, 2013, 10:24 PM
Want to put some money where your mouth is, sonny?

Yep Go ahead.

November 16th, 2013, 10:26 PM
Want to put some money where your mouth is, sonny?

Do you want photgraphs? Do you want medals? Do you want my dd214? what do you want jackass?

November 16th, 2013, 10:27 PM
Yep Go ahead.

How much do you want to lose? Assuming a phony like yourself would actually pay up.

November 16th, 2013, 10:28 PM
Do you want photgraphs? Do you want medals? Do you want my dd214? what do you want jackass?

Er, its you that said I never served. I be happy to take your money.

November 16th, 2013, 10:29 PM
I'm not going to lose anything. I have nothing to lose here. i take it you want proof.

November 16th, 2013, 10:30 PM
How much do you want to lose? Assuming a phony like yourself would actually pay up.

Tell me something only a Vet would know as proof and then I will believe you.

November 16th, 2013, 10:32 PM
I'm not going to lose anything. I have nothing to lose here. i take it you want proof.

Stupid lifer, you said I never served. I know you are in, you're too dumb to be out on the street. So, how much do you want to bet that I didn't serve?

November 16th, 2013, 10:34 PM
Tell me something only a Vet would know as proof and then I will believe you.

I don't care what you belive but I'd be happy to show you my 214 if you want to put your money where your mouth is, squid boy.

November 16th, 2013, 10:36 PM
Stupid lifer, you said I never served. I know you are in, you're too dumb to be out on the street. So, how much do you want to bet that I didn't serve?

hard to believe that you ever served based on your position with the anthem. Did you ever serve in a war time compliment?

Bison Fan in NW MN
November 16th, 2013, 10:37 PM
How did this thread turn into military service and bashing that service?

November 16th, 2013, 10:38 PM
Boys, boys. Simmer down. Just post pics of your hottest friends in uniform and I will judge who's the most military man out of you all. :)

November 16th, 2013, 10:39 PM
hard to believe that you ever served based on your position with the anthem. Did you ever serve in a war time compliment?

trying to move the goalposts chief?

November 16th, 2013, 10:39 PM
I don't care what you belive but I'd be happy to show you my 214 if you want to put your money where your mouth is, squid boy.

That is enough for me to know that you served. use of the word squid is enough proof. What is your deal?

November 16th, 2013, 10:40 PM
How did this thread turn into military service and bashing that service?

I think it started when sailor boy got his nose out of joint about the national anthem.

NoDak 4 Ever
November 16th, 2013, 10:42 PM
I think it started when sailor boy got his nose out of joint about the national anthem.

Give credit where credit is due.

I started it somehow.

November 16th, 2013, 10:43 PM
I think it started when sailor boy got his nose out of joint about the national anthem.

Touchy subject with me.

We had people return from overseas today. Many didn't come home.

Bison Fan in NW MN
November 16th, 2013, 10:46 PM
Give credit where credit is due.

I started it somehow.

I should have known.....xsmiley_wix

November 16th, 2013, 10:46 PM
What the hell happened to this thread? I'm gone for 6 hours and all hell breaks loose. This is why we can't have nice things:D

NoDak 4 Ever
November 16th, 2013, 10:51 PM
I do have to say, it's quite enlightening to find out the whole of Bison Nation hates me so.

November 16th, 2013, 10:51 PM
Boys, boys. Simmer down. Just post pics of your hottest friends in uniform and I will judge who's the most military man out of you all. :)


November 16th, 2013, 10:52 PM
I do have to say, it's quite enlightening to find out the whole of Bison Nation hates me so.

Oh jeez, put the violin away NoDak.

NoDak 4 Ever
November 16th, 2013, 10:55 PM
Oh jeez, put the violin away NoDak.

sorry, it's hard to convey sarcasm in this form.

Bison Fan in NW MN
November 16th, 2013, 11:01 PM
sorry, it's hard to convey sarcasm in this form.

Purple font = sarcasm

November 16th, 2013, 11:02 PM
sorry, it's hard to convey sarcasm in this form.

No kidding. Its pretty lame, like YSUs run d! Bazinga!

November 16th, 2013, 11:03 PM
Purple font = sarcasm

Is this s world wide rule or just an AGS rule?

November 16th, 2013, 11:06 PM
I do have to say, it's quite enlightening to find out the whole of Bison Nation hates me so.
Aww I still like you NoDak, but seriously your a dickxlmaoxxlmaox

Bison Fan in NW MN
November 16th, 2013, 11:08 PM
Is this s world wide rule or just an AGS rule?

Good question. It's done over on Bisonville. Figured it would work here too.

November 16th, 2013, 11:09 PM
Good question. It's done over on Bisonville. Figured it would work here too.

I never go there lol. It works for me bro.

November 16th, 2013, 11:21 PM
That is enough for me to know that you served. use of the word squid is enough proof. What is your deal?

Squid was proof???? Thats not exactly a secret. Geez.
The DD 214 is the deal breaker. Not many people except service people would know what that is.

November 16th, 2013, 11:24 PM
Squid was proof???? Thats not exactly a secret. Geez.
The DD 214 is the deal breaker. Not many people except service people would know what that is.

yes but i used that already. If he knew i was a squid and the way he used it and the way he used 214 in his post i got it.

Professor Chaos
November 17th, 2013, 12:01 AM
I'm probably going to regret giving my two cents on this whole anthem controversy but here it is anyway. I deeply respect and thank any of you who have served in this country's military. I did not serve but just because you did does not make the anthem any more yours than it is mine. I've noticed a pretty stark correlation between those offended or considering this disrespectful being non-Bison fans and those arguing that it is not disrespectful being Bison fans (with a couple exceptions each way). Why is that? IMO, its because us Bison fans take a great deal of pride in the football team we cheer for just like we take a great deal of pride in being part of this country. This is why I throw the horns up and yell "Bison" at the end of the anthem. It is not my intent to disrespect the nation or those who have served in our military but rather as a tribute to the pride I feel in being a Bison fan just as I feel pride in being an American. If that offends some of you all I can say is that is not my intent but the anthem is as much mine as it is yours. The anthem has a different meaning for us all so it's not my place to tell you what should or shouldn't offend you but I do not consider what we Bison fans do at the end of the anthem to be disrespectful to our country or those who have served it.

Bison Fan in NW MN
November 17th, 2013, 12:03 AM

Good post Chaos!

November 17th, 2013, 01:18 AM
I'm in Cleveland for all the wrong reasons and had to drive down to Columbus today, took a detour to Youngstown having never been there before. Pulled into town and rolled up to the stadium at the half and parked at the MCD across the street, wanted to get a peak at the action and to my surprise was able to walk right in the stadium behind the EZ, NDst had the ball and scored on a pass play to make it 21-10 right in front of me, XP sailed over my head and a kid picked the ball up and I asked him if I could see the ball and he tossed it to me and I looked at it and tossed it back, saw a few more plays and it was time to go, sometimes it's the little things in life totally unplanned that are the most thrilling.

November 17th, 2013, 06:55 AM
yes but i used that already. If he knew i was a squid and the way he used it and the way he used 214 in his post i got it.
I think the correct term would be Skimmer ;)

November 17th, 2013, 07:02 AM
I'm in Cleveland for all the wrong reasons and had to drive down to Columbus today, took a detour to Youngstown having never been there before. Pulled into town and rolled up to the stadium at the half and parked at the MCD across the street, wanted to get a peak at the action and to my surprise was able to walk right in the stadium behind the EZ, NDst had the ball and scored on a pass play to make it 21-10 right in front of me, XP sailed over my head and a kid picked the ball up and I asked him if I could see the ball and he tossed it to me and I looked at it and tossed it back, saw a few more plays and it was time to go, sometimes it's the little things in life totally unplanned that are the most thrilling.
That is awesome. I'm going to have to look for you on the replay. So much for stadium security?

NoDak 4 Ever
November 17th, 2013, 07:40 AM

Good post Chaos!

agreed. I think I used to give that explanation but I've had this argument so many times it has devolved into "screw you" xlolx

November 17th, 2013, 09:16 AM
I will try to post phone video of play but file is probably to big. I did catch a glimpse of a guy holding up a shiny cell phone on that play on Espn3

November 17th, 2013, 10:28 AM
I do have a hypothetical question for 'Guin fans. IF YSU had beaten UNI and Gameday came to Youngstown, how much better (if any) would the turnout possibly been? The Gameday crowd for USC was pretty lacking and we can always speculate how the turnout would have been. In the end of course ESPN made the right choice considering how well the USC/Stanford game went.

November 17th, 2013, 10:32 AM
It's real tough to compare what a crowd on the west coast would have been to an eastern time zone crowd.

GameDay kicks off at 6AM in California and 9 AM in Ohio.

One is bound to get a better "showing" just based on time of day

November 17th, 2013, 11:13 AM

November 17th, 2013, 11:32 AM
That's not 70% capacity....

November 17th, 2013, 11:49 AM
I am a 23 year Navy Veteran That is the facts. I served on USS Saipan, The USS Theodore Roosevelt, USS Enterprise, USS Kearsarge, NMCB-23, NMCB-6 to name a few. Don't give me your bull****. Don't disrespect the Anthem and then try to justify it.

You didn't serve to protect the Constitution of the United States? xeyebrowx

November 17th, 2013, 11:54 AM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=iQt7Rf46PmY&list =UUjWqY9-Xo2RdfmVximfhy5Q

Lol so I'm watching the Postgame presser and the second question wolford takes, he responds with, "He took a cheap shot on the shoulder (by NDSU) I think you guys saw that before half, they got penalty, I can't really say anything more than that." He is such a whiny little bitch. Oh my god this interview is pure gold, YSU is coached by a fifth grader.

November 17th, 2013, 11:55 AM
Complete doucher

Bitching about "moving the ball" as well

I really hope the league fines him for that ****

November 17th, 2013, 12:14 PM
They were moving the ball, but 2 seconds before that he says they won't make excuses. Priceless.

Bison Fan in NW MN
November 17th, 2013, 12:24 PM
I liked Wolford's fire before but he is getting over the top now.

YSU couldn't beat the Bison on their best day and he knows it.

November 17th, 2013, 01:10 PM
I never go there lol. It works for me bro.

You don't go to Bisonville!?! Why, oh, why not?

November 17th, 2013, 01:18 PM
You don't go to Bisonville!?! Why, oh, why not?

I like AGS, more info about other teams. Funnier posters, I'm talking to you Citi and AG1, and honestly I don't need to hear a thousand Bison fans talking about how awesome we are, I like hearing other peoples perceptions of us as fans and occasionally break down the team. I'm not a novice football fan but I find I learn more here. I like to be well rounded, I think opposing views makes me a better person. Case in point, I actually read a book Reconstruction in the South, cuz according to AGS me members I'm a Yankee Carpetbagger. Trust me it hurt to read, I have a high dislike for the South but I will always try to learn something And become a more well rounded person.

NoDak 4 Ever
November 17th, 2013, 01:19 PM
You don't go to Bisonville!?! Why, oh, why not?

I hear the admin's a real a-hole.


November 17th, 2013, 02:19 PM
I don't need to hear a thousand Bison fans talking about how awesome we are

dude have you read this entire thread???


November 17th, 2013, 02:32 PM
Well I'm not a dude but that's cool. And its one thread bro, there are 30-40 more threads not about NDSU and that's my point.

November 17th, 2013, 02:37 PM
Well I'm not a dude but that's cool. And its one thread bro, there are 30-40 more threads not about NDSU and that's my point.

Dude, are you sure you're not a dude? xsmiley_wixxlolx

November 17th, 2013, 02:37 PM
How do you deliver a cheap shot to a shoulder? He didn't even get touched by a helmet - he lowered his shoulder and took on four defenders.

Play is on espn3 at the 1 hr 43 minute mark.

November 17th, 2013, 02:38 PM
Dude, are you sure you're not a dude? xsmiley_wixxlolx

You almost got sum neg rep but I'm in a good mood today. ;)

November 17th, 2013, 03:42 PM
How do you deliver a cheap shot to a shoulder? He didn't even get touched by a helmet - he lowered his shoulder and took on four defenders.

Play is on espn3 at the 1 hr 43 minute mark.

He wasn't referring to that play. The play he was referring to happened the series before and the bush leage camera man didn't have in in view. Well after the QB got rid of the ball the DE body slammed the QB and injured his shoulder. They threw a 15 yard penalty for roughing. The roughing occrred well after the QB had gotten the ball away. You can see when he lines up in the next play the QB looks like the waterboy trying to poke captain insano when he is standing under center.

The next series he lowered his shoulder on a run and was knocked out of the game.

Those are the facts, but for me, that is why you don't run your QB, especially agaisnt good teams, unless your back is against the wall.

November 17th, 2013, 03:57 PM
He wasn't referring to that play. The play he was referring to happened the series before and the bush leage camera man didn't have in in view. Well after the QB got rid of the ball the DE body slammed the QB and injured his shoulder. They threw a 15 yard penalty for roughing. The roughing occrred well after the QB had gotten the ball away. You can see when he lines up in the next play the QB looks like the waterboy trying to poke captain insano when he is standing under center.

The next series he lowered his shoulder on a run and was knocked out of the game.

Those are the facts, but for me, that is why you don't run your QB, especially agaisnt good teams, unless your back is against the wall.

BS I've watched it 10 times, Jirik was already in the tackling motion and the wimpy QB was just going into the throwing motion, your moron coach comes running down the sideline screaming, reactionary penalty.

it didn't affect the outcome anyway cause YSU was not going to win that game no matter what, but a word of advise tell your HC to lay off the cocaine. I would be embarrassed if my HC ran up and down jumping around like he did yesterday.

November 17th, 2013, 03:59 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=iQt7Rf46PmY&list =UUjWqY9-Xo2RdfmVximfhy5Q

Lol so I'm watching the Postgame presser and the second question wolford takes, he responds with, "He took a cheap shot on the shoulder (by NDSU) I think you guys saw that before half, they got penalty, I can't really say anything more than that." He is such a whiny little bitch. Oh my god this interview is pure gold, YSU is coached by a fifth grader.

I believe the reason we have personal fouls is because of cheap shots. Wufford looks kind of pretty in this clip, how did he clean up so quick?

November 17th, 2013, 04:05 PM
I believe the reason we have personal fouls is because of cheap shots. Wufford looks kind of pretty in this clip, how did he clean up so quick?
Not hard to do when you coach with one foot out of the door the entire game.......

November 17th, 2013, 04:13 PM
BS I've watched it 10 times, Jirik was already in the tackling motion and the wimpy QB was just going into the throwing motion, your moron coach comes running down the sideline screaming, reactionary penalty.

it didn't affect the outcome anyway cause YSU was not going to win that game no matter what, but a word of advise tell your HC to lay off the cocaine. I would be embarrassed if my HC ran up and down jumping around like he did yesterday.

Take your BiZon piss colored glasses off. That absolutley happened and it was not in the camera view on the replay. I watched the replay too. Al least be objective.

As I said, it happened, but it didn't knock him out of the game until they ran him with an issue on that shoulder. I'm not making excuses and I don't really care either way. Backing up what I'm saying is the fact that the ref threw the flag. But I forgot, BiZon players don't ever make any mistakes and therefore the refs are always wrong and the QB is a pussy for getting hurt.

NoDak 4 Ever
November 17th, 2013, 04:13 PM
Not hard to do when you coach with one foot out of the door the entire game.......

and the other on the field

November 17th, 2013, 04:20 PM
What really bothered me about Wolford's reaction is that you are playing with your 3rd string QB and he has done a nice job moving the ball down the field. You have a 2nd and 8 deep in Bison territory and then the coach gets a 15 yard personal foul called on himself and now the 3rd string QB is in a 2nd and 23 and knocked out of FG range. Wtf?

November 17th, 2013, 04:27 PM
and the other on the field

November 17th, 2013, 04:39 PM
I'm probably going to regret giving my two cents on this whole anthem controversy but here it is anyway. I deeply respect and thank any of you who have served in this country's military. I did not serve but just because you did does not make the anthem any more yours than it is mine. I've noticed a pretty stark correlation between those offended or considering this disrespectful being non-Bison fans and those arguing that it is not disrespectful being Bison fans (with a couple exceptions each way). Why is that? IMO, its because us Bison fans take a great deal of pride in the football team we cheer for just like we take a great deal of pride in being part of this country. This is why I throw the horns up and yell "Bison" at the end of the anthem. It is not my intent to disrespect the nation or those who have served in our military but rather as a tribute to the pride I feel in being a Bison fan just as I feel pride in being an American. If that offends some of you all I can say is that is not my intent but the anthem is as much mine as it is yours. The anthem has a different meaning for us all so it's not my place to tell you what should or shouldn't offend you but I do not consider what we Bison fans do at the end of the anthem to be disrespectful to our country or those who have served it.

I'll throw my two cents in for people who are telling people what is respectful and what isn't....if you don't stand up and put your hand over your heart and all that nonsense at home when you see it being played on TV, then don't tell anyone else how to act during it.

As far as I'm concerned, you can do whatever you want during the anthem.

November 17th, 2013, 05:32 PM
I'll throw my two cents in for people who are telling people what is respectful and what isn't....if you don't stand up and put your hand over your heart and all that nonsense at home when you see it being played on TV, then don't tell anyone else how to act during it.

As far as I'm concerned, you can do whatever you want during the anthem.


November 17th, 2013, 06:19 PM
Take your BiZon piss colored glasses off. That absolutley happened and it was not in the camera view on the replay. I watched the replay too. Al least be objective.

As I said, it happened, but it didn't knock him out of the game until they ran him with an issue on that shoulder. I'm not making excuses and I don't really care either way. Backing up what I'm saying is the fact that the ref threw the flag. But I forgot, BiZon players don't ever make any mistakes and therefore the refs are always wrong and the QB is a pussy for getting hurt.

lol, ok.....he hit him, it's football if you guys in Youngstown can't take a hit get off the field. take your tampon red glasses off and be objective. I would love to hear the explanation were you can get a late hit when the ball hasn't left a guys hand??

oh well I'm done, but you should probably be more worried about the total lack of discipline your team has, then a dumb coach blaming all their poor play on everything but himself. if I were on that team especially the backup QB's, I'd tell him to get bent, all he did was throw them under the bus as the reason they lost.

oh wait......the offsides on the special teams "they were moving the ball" ....lol classic. no other team all year has got a penalty from they. face it everyone was right about Youngstown and they played the bottom of the valley first and now are getting beat, guess what you will be 0-3 against the preseason 1-3 teams.

NoDak 4 Ever
November 17th, 2013, 06:32 PM
Take your BiZon piss colored glasses off. That absolutley happened and it was not in the camera view on the replay. I watched the replay too. Al least be objective.

As I said, it happened, but it didn't knock him out of the game until they ran him with an issue on that shoulder. I'm not making excuses and I don't really care either way. Backing up what I'm saying is the fact that the ref threw the flag. But I forgot, BiZon players don't ever make any mistakes and therefore the refs are always wrong and the QB is a pussy for getting hurt.

The eyewitness reports from people at the game also said nothing happened.

November 17th, 2013, 06:39 PM
What really bothered me about Wolford's reaction is that you are playing with your 3rd string QB and he has done a nice job moving the ball down the field. You have a 2nd and 8 deep in Bison territory and then the coach gets a 15 yard personal foul called on himself and now the 3rd string QB is in a 2nd and 23 and knocked out of FG range. Wtf?

Exactly spot on. He did nothing to help his team yesterday.

As far as the PF play, I don't believe it was caught on video. The flag was thrown and we were penalized. It may have been the correct call, but why throw a fit over it and call for an ejection? That was totally uncalled for IMO. The guy is a total douche bag tool!xsmhx

November 17th, 2013, 06:53 PM
I saw the f'ing hit. You are the one that is making a big deal out of it. It happened, I don't care. Wtf is your problem? I simply stated the play that caused the coach to be pissed. It was that play. There was a personal foul called on the Bison and I speculate that Wolford wanted him ejected. That play happened and it happened long after the QB got rid of the ball. I don't know the circumstances as to why there why he roughed the passer. Don't shoot the messenger or read anymore into it. Why are there so many whiny little bitch bison fans?

Clenz brought up the fact that the UNI LB broke his leg on a certain play and your fans did the same kind of thing...Trying to say Clenz was saying that it was on purpose when he was only stating the facts. Next year you guys will probably not win the NC and UNI is going to clobber your ass and it will be interesting to see what the NDSU superfans that troll and dictate the threads of all of the message boards and think their team is incincible say after that. You act as if your team never does anything wrong or never has a penalty. It is annoying. Your player slammed the YSU 2nd string QB to the ground after the ball was not in his possession and the correct penalty was called. Then YSU's coach goes into meltdown mode. That is what happened why are you in denial of facts?

NoDak 4 Ever
November 17th, 2013, 06:57 PM
I saw the f'ing hit. You are the one that is making a big deal out of it. It happened, I don't care. Wtf is your problem? I simply stated the play that caused the coach to be pissed. It was that play. There was a personal foul called on the Bison and I speculate that Wolford wanted him ejected. That play happened and it happened long after the QB got rid of the ball. I don't know the circumstances as to why there why he roughed the passer. Don't shoot the messenger or read anymore into it. Why are there so many whiny little bitch bison fans?

Clenz brought up the fact that the UNI LB broke his leg on a certain play and your fans did the same kind of thing...Trying to say Clenz was saying that it was on purpose when he was only stating the facts. Next year you guys will probably not win the NC and UNI is going to clobber your ass and it will be interesting to see what the NDSU superfans that troll and dictate the threads of all of the message boards and think their team is incincible say after that. You act as if your team never does anything wrong or never has a penalty. It is annoying. Your player slammed the YSU 2nd string QB to the ground after the ball was not in his possession and the correct penalty was called. Then YSU's coach goes into meltdown mode. That is what happened why are you in denial of facts?

Your coach has a mental defect. That is what causes him to go into meltdown mode. There is little need to cheap shot a backup quarterback in a game you are in control of. Again, the Youngstown TV crew did a ****ty job of showing it. I'll take my guy's word for it.

UNI's LB broke his leg when his defensive lineman fell on it. Everybody saw that because the Fargo TV station isn't ****ty and showed us. Nobody ever thought that was a dirty play.

November 17th, 2013, 07:02 PM
Your coach has a mental defect. That is what causes him to go into meltdown mode. There is little need to cheap shot a backup quarterback in a game you are in control of. Again, the Youngstown TV crew did a ****ty job of showing it. I'll take my guy's word for it.

UNI's LB broke his leg when his defensive lineman fell on it. Everybody saw that because the Fargo TV station isn't ****ty and showed us. Nobody ever thought that was a dirty play.

I agree that there is little need for the Bison player to rough the passer, but it happened and he was penalized. And the game moved forward from there. YSU didn't have a remote chance without Hess. The 2nd and 3rd team QB's weren't going to make that game competitive.

November 17th, 2013, 07:04 PM
Exactly spot on. He did nothing to help his team yesterday.

As far as the PF play, I don't believe it was caught on video. The flag was thrown and we were penalized. It may have been the correct call, but why throw a fit over it and call for an ejection? That was totally uncalled for IMO. The guy is a total douche bag tool!xsmhx

100% agree with this. Good post.

NoDak 4 Ever
November 17th, 2013, 07:04 PM
I agree that there is little need for the Bison player to rough the passer, but it happened and he was penalized. And the game moved forward from there. YSU didn't have a remote chance without Hess. The 2nd and 3rd team QB's weren't going to make that game competitive.

The worst call of the game was clearly the incomplete pass called a fumble that gifted you the TD. I'm not going to nitpick though. Lots of football left.....for us.

November 17th, 2013, 07:07 PM
I saw the f'ing hit. You are the one that is making a big deal out of it. It happened, I don't care. Wtf is your problem? I simply stated the play that caused the coach to be pissed. It was that play. There was a personal foul called on the Bison and I speculate that Wolford wanted him ejected. That play happened and it happened long after the QB got rid of the ball. I don't know the circumstances as to why there why he roughed the passer. Don't shoot the messenger or read anymore into it. Why are there so many whiny little bitch bison fans?

Clenz brought up the fact that the UNI LB broke his leg on a certain play and your fans did the same kind of thing...Trying to say Clenz was saying that it was on purpose when he was only stating the facts. Next year you guys will probably not win the NC and UNI is going to clobber your ass and it will be interesting to see what the NDSU superfans that troll and dictate the threads of all of the message boards and think their team is incincible say after that. You act as if your team never does anything wrong or never has a penalty. It is annoying. Your player slammed the YSU 2nd string QB to the ground after the ball was not in his possession and the correct penalty was called. Then YSU's coach goes into meltdown mode. That is what happened why are you in denial of facts?

Who are you responding to here? That last paragraph is uncalled for IMO.

November 17th, 2013, 07:08 PM
100% agree with this. Good post.

Sorry didn't see this post before I posted. ;)

November 17th, 2013, 07:08 PM
The worst call of the game was clearly the incomplete pass called a fumble that gifted you the TD. I'm not going to nitpick though. Lots of football left.....for us.

Your arrogance and bigotry bleeds through the pages I read. Next year UNI is going to beat your team like they stole something.

November 17th, 2013, 07:11 PM
Your arrogance and bigotry bleeds through the pages I read. Next year UNI is going to beat your team like they stole something.

What makes you so sure of this???xrolleyesx

NoDak 4 Ever
November 17th, 2013, 07:12 PM
Your arrogance and bigotry bleeds through the pages I read. Next year UNI is going to beat your team like they stole something.

I have no idea what this means.

Are you suddenly a UNI fan now? Or do you realize you guys are done for a very long time?

November 17th, 2013, 07:13 PM
The worst call of the game was clearly the incomplete pass called a fumble that gifted you the TD. I'm not going to nitpick though. Lots of football left.....for us.

MVFC refs have historically been some of the worst. The SoCon refs are some of the best I've seen. YSU has had their share of bad calls against them. Penalties are part of the game good or bad you simply have to overcome the bad ones.

BISON Thunder
November 17th, 2013, 07:13 PM
If Coach Bohl would have said after the game, "I wish we could have seen how the game would have gone with Grant Olson and Marcus Williams playing", (two team captains, by the way)...I would be wondering WTF? Is the YSU coach on the chopping block? Cause he sure is acting like it.

NoDak 4 Ever
November 17th, 2013, 07:16 PM
If Coach Bohl would have said after the game, "I wish we could have seen how the game would have gone with Grant Olson and Marcus Williams playing", (two team captains, by the way)...I would be wondering WTF? Is the YSU coach on the chopping block? Cause he sure is acting like it.

Might be. Mangino might be coaching next year. He makes Wolford look like Mary Poppins.

November 17th, 2013, 07:24 PM
I have no idea what this means.

Are you suddenly a UNI fan now? Or do you realize you guys are done for a very long time?

No I mean that UNI is positioned to be the best team in the conference and country next year. YSU has to break in a new QB and will finish middle to lower part of the conference (but they are stocking the cuppord). And since you pay little attention to anything else that is not getting your rocks off like the bison, you are blistfully unaware of what UNI has assembled and continues to develop.

Just because I am a YSU fan doesn't mean I don't have respect for other teams programs and fans. Respect is earned not commanded and so far I am unimpressed with some of the bison fans that are over the top as much as the YSU fb coach.

UNI should have beat your team this year, but next year not only will they be good, but they will have younger kids with great game experience that they are getting this year.

November 17th, 2013, 07:27 PM
No I mean that UNI is positioned to be the best team in the conference and country next year. YSU has to break in a new QB and will finish middle to lower part of the conference (but they are stocking the cuppord). And since you pay little attention to anything else that is not getting your rocks off like the bison, you are blistfully unaware of what UNI has assembled and continues to develop.

Just because I am a YSU fan doesn't mean I don't have respect for other teams programs and fans. Respect is earned not commanded and so far I am unimpressed with some of the bison fans that are over the top as much as the YSU fb coach.

UNI should have beat your team this year, but next year not only will they be good, but they will have younger kids with great game experience that they are getting this year.

You do realize we don't lose the entire Bison team right? I think you are fooling yourself by thinking we won't be competitive against the MVFC next year.

NoDak 4 Ever
November 17th, 2013, 07:28 PM
No I mean that UNI is positioned to be the best team in the conference and country next year. YSU has to break in a new QB and will finish middle to lower part of the conference (but they are stocking the cuppord). And since you pay little attention to anything else that is not getting your rocks off like the bison, you are blistfully unaware of what UNI has assembled and continues to develop.

Just because I am a YSU fan doesn't mean I don't have respect for other teams programs and fans. Respect is earned not commanded and so far I am unimpressed with some of the bison fans that are over the top as much as the YSU fb coach.

UNI should have beat your team this year, but next year not only will they be good, but they will have younger kids with great game experience that they are getting this year.

Don't hold your breath. Unless, of course, you want to.

NoDak 4 Ever
November 17th, 2013, 07:30 PM
You do realize we don't lose the entire Bison team right? I think you are fooling yourself by thinking we won't be competitive against the MVFC next year.

These guys crack me up. They want Bohl to get another job and NDSU to go FBS so badly so they don't have to play them anymore.

November 17th, 2013, 07:31 PM
You do realize we don't lose the entire Bison team right? I think you are fooling yourself by thinking we won't be competitive against the MVFC next year.

Bison will be competitive. Please don't put words in my mouth.

UNI will be the best and there is some baypack due for this year's game. That is what I'm saying. You will lose some depth and break in antoher QB. They are still young and they are getting more player development due to their injury situation. There are large dividends to getting those younger kids real game experience not garbage time experience when the game is already over.

NoDak 4 Ever
November 17th, 2013, 07:36 PM
Bison will be competitive. Please don't put words in my mouth.

UNI will be the best and there is some baypack due for this year's game. That is what I'm saying. You will lose some depth and break in antoher QB. They are still young and they are getting more player development due to their injury situation. There are large dividends to getting those younger kids real game experience not garbage time experience when the game is already over.

That quarterback will be a Junior who has been doing a LOT of mop up duty over the last 2 years. There was so many quarterbacks, one of them became a linebacker. There are a lot of returning seniors next year. Oh yeah, and we just got a commit that was offered by Pitt.

This team will be here for years to come.

November 17th, 2013, 07:41 PM
These guys crack me up. They want Bohl to get another job and NDSU to go FBS so badly so they don't have to play them anymore.

There goes your arrogance. I never said or thought anything of the sort. You think everyone envies your team and your coach.

I will take the history we have with our cheater (tattoos and cars) and you take your cheater (marriage).

November 17th, 2013, 07:42 PM
MVFC refs have historically been some of the worst. The SoCon refs are some of the best I've seen. YSU has had their share of bad calls against them. Penalties are part of the game good or bad you simply have to overcome the bad ones.

Oh please. When you played SIU you had at least four flags that were picked up, two of them on blatant facemasks and another for a late hit and yet another for holding. You only had one flag that wasn't picked up. You right about MVC refs being the worst but they took good care of you in that game. 23 years in the Navy and you act like a teenaged girl with her period. You should have joined the military instead of the Navy. Jesus H Christ...

NoDak 4 Ever
November 17th, 2013, 07:43 PM
There goes your arrogance. I never said or thought anything of the sort. You think everyone envies your team and your coach.

I will take the history we have with our cheater (tattoos and cars) and you take your cheater (marriage).

Not you. Just your coach and media.

Don't you have some Jackrabbits to annoy right now? They're going to boot you out of the playoffs.

November 17th, 2013, 07:45 PM
No I mean that UNI is positioned to be the best team in the conference and country next year. YSU has to break in a new QB and will finish middle to lower part of the conference (but they are stocking the cuppord). And since you pay little attention to anything else that is not getting your rocks off like the bison, you are blistfully unaware of what UNI has assembled and continues to develop.

Just because I am a YSU fan doesn't mean I don't have respect for other teams programs and fans. Respect is earned not commanded and so far I am unimpressed with some of the bison fans that are over the top as much as the YSU fb coach.

UNI should have beat your team this year, but next year not only will they be good, but they will have younger kids with great game experience that they are getting this year.

We hear that every year from clenz and every year they choke.

Bison Fan in NW MN
November 17th, 2013, 07:46 PM
Your arrogance and bigotry bleeds through the pages I read. Next year UNI is going to beat your team like they stole something.

I doubt it.

The '14 Bison team is going to be very good also.

Swing and a miss....xlolx

November 17th, 2013, 07:49 PM
Always love when a YSU fan smack talks us with UNI.

Sent from my LG-E970 using Tapatalk

November 17th, 2013, 07:50 PM
No I mean that UNI is positioned to be the best team in the conference and country next year. YSU has to break in a new QB and will finish middle to lower part of the conference (but they are stocking the cuppord). And since you pay little attention to anything else that is not getting your rocks off like the bison, you are blistfully unaware of what UNI has assembled and continues to develop.

Just because I am a YSU fan doesn't mean I don't have respect for other teams programs and fans. Respect is earned not commanded and so far I am unimpressed with some of the bison fans that are over the top as much as the YSU fb coach.

UNI should have beat your team this year, but next year not only will they be good, but they will have younger kids with great game experience that they are getting this year.

UNI has a lot of talent. They always do. It doesn't always equate to wins though.

I'm not saying NDSU is going to be as good next year but I don't think the drop off will be as bad as most opposing fans are hoping for.;)

November 17th, 2013, 07:50 PM
Oh please. When you played SIU you had at least four flags that were picked up, two of them on blatant facemasks and another for a late hit and yet another for holding. You only had one flag that wasn't picked up. You right about MVC refs being the worst but they took good care of you in that game. 23 years in the Navy and you act like a teenaged girl with her period. You should have joined the military instead of the Navy. Jesus H Christ...

Wasn't talking about this year alone. YSU has been fortunate this year.

Bison Fan in NW MN
November 17th, 2013, 07:52 PM
In 1 week we will not hear a peep out of YSU fans after their loss to SDSU.


ZZ will probably have 200 yards.

November 17th, 2013, 07:53 PM
Your arrogance and bigotry bleeds through the pages I read. Next year UNI is going to beat your team like they stole something.
What about YSU?

November 17th, 2013, 07:54 PM
Wasn't talking about this year alone. YSU has been fortunate this year.

You be singing a different tune when Zenner gets 150 yards and three TDs next week.

Professor Chaos
November 17th, 2013, 07:55 PM
I'm really excited to see how Carson Wentz is able to lead next year's team because I think there's gonna be a lot of exhaling around the conference thinking that the Bison will fall back to the pack. I'll say this without hesitation, Wentz is a more skilled QB than Jensen is. However, that doesn't always translate to on the field performance and I'll bet we won't see a guy under center with the clutch gene that Jensen has for a long time but the Bison will still have a very capable player at QB in 2014.

Bison Fan in NW MN
November 17th, 2013, 08:03 PM
I'm really excited to see how Carson Wentz is able to lead next year's team because I think there's gonna be a lot of exhaling around the conference thinking that the Bison will fall back to the pack. I'll say this without hesitation, Wentz is a more skilled QB than Jensen is. However, that doesn't always translate to on the field performance and I'll bet we won't see a guy under center with the clutch gene that Jensen has for a long time but the Bison will still have a very capable player at QB in 2014.

Wentz is a better thrower, bigger and faster but he needs to prove it on the field now.

With 3 O-linemen returning, RB, FB, WRs, the Bison offense will be good. Same with the defense, although the interior D-line needs some depth....4 seniors graduate.

November 17th, 2013, 08:05 PM
Bison will be competitive. Please don't put words in my mouth.

UNI will be the best and there is some baypack due for this year's game. That is what I'm saying. You will lose some depth and break in antoher QB. They are still young and they are getting more player development due to their injury situation. There are large dividends to getting those younger kids real game experience not garbage time experience when the game is already over.

I think you're delusion. Our 2nd string, next years starters in most positions have been taking reps all year. Plus not to sound cocky, I think our coaching staff is far better than UNI. Bohl is a winner, he recruits very well and gets the most out of kids. While I'm not gonna say we will be cruising to a 4th NC, we will def be a top 25 team.

November 17th, 2013, 08:06 PM
You be singing a different tune when Zenner gets 150 yards and three TDs next week.

Penalties have never bothered me because as a fan you cannot control them. They will always be part of the game. Most are call are subjective. A highly effective human can only be accurate up to about 83% and if you add 4 additional people to help the level of judgement accuracy only increases to 90% (Deming and Juran). That means that 10% of the calls will either be missed or called incorrectly all the time.

You can't control bad calls or no calls it is irellevant and statistically the odds are 50/50 So over time the call that have gone your way will be evened out by the call that don't. And the same thing goes for penalties that are missed for or against your favor.

NoDak 4 Ever
November 17th, 2013, 08:07 PM
In 1 week we will not hear a peep out of YSU fans after their loss to SDSU.


ZZ will probably have 200 yards.

or 50 Zenners.

November 17th, 2013, 08:10 PM
I think you're delusion. Our 2nd string, next years starters in most positions have been taking reps all year. Plus not to sound cocky, I think our coaching staff is far better than UNI. Bohl is a winner, he recruits very well and gets the most out of kids. While I'm not gonna say we will be cruising to a 4th NC, we will def be a top 25 team.

I agree and didn't say you wouldn't be a top 25. Your team will certainly be near the top 10. What I'm saying is that UNI's team design is such that they can beat you and this game will have been circled and their depth will be developed like what the Bison have right now.

The coaching is a separate issue, but had UNI had a little more depth (which they will have next year) they were in position to give the bison a loss.

November 17th, 2013, 08:11 PM
I agree and didn't say you wouldn't be a top 25. Your team will certainly be near the top 10. What I'm saying is that UNI's team design is such that they can beat you and this game will have been circled and their depth will be developed like what the Bison have right now.

The coaching is a separate issue, but had UNI had a little more depth (which they will have next year) they were in position to give the bison a loss.

Jeez you are being so nice, i m trying to argue here lol

November 17th, 2013, 08:17 PM
Penalties have never bothered me because as a fan you cannot control them. They will always be part of the game. Most are call are subjective. A highly effective human can only be accurate up to about 83% and if you add 4 additional people to help the level of judgement accuracy only increases to 90% (Deming and Juran). That means that 10% of the calls will either be missed or called incorrectly all the time.

You can't control bad calls or no calls it is irellevant and statistically the odds are 50/50 So over time the call that have gone your way will be evened out by the call that don't. And the same thing goes for penalties that are missed for or against your favor.

Agree to a degree. Sometimes blantant miss calls will bug me after the game but usually a couple Bud lights erase the memory. Unless you are talking about the 2010 EW call. Nothing can remove that wretched memory from my mind.

November 17th, 2013, 08:20 PM
Bison will be competitive. Please don't put words in my mouth.

UNI will be the best and there is some baypack due for this year's game. That is what I'm saying. You will lose some depth and break in antoher QB. They are still young and they are getting more player development due to their injury situation. There are large dividends to getting those younger kids real game experience not garbage time experience when the game is already over.

I agree. UNI will continue to be the prettiest bridesmaid out there.

November 18th, 2013, 04:57 PM
or 50 Zenners.Well Martin Ruiz had nearly 19 Zenners vs mighty NDSU so I guess by your logic if ZZ gets 200yds Freshman Ruiz will get close to 3800xlolxxlolx

November 18th, 2013, 05:01 PM
Jeez you are being so nice, i m trying to argue here lolUNI will never beat you unless your team wears YSU uniforms.

NoDak 4 Ever
November 18th, 2013, 05:03 PM
Well Martin Ruiz had nearly 19 Zenners vs mighty NDSU so I guess by your logic if ZZ gets 200yds Freshman Ruiz will get close to 3800xlolxxlolx

You should be more worried about NDSU getting 266 yds against you. Zenner could get 300+

November 18th, 2013, 05:04 PM
It would be fun if UNI could up their game so SIU could consider them a rival again. It used to be hard to win at the dome...

November 18th, 2013, 05:08 PM
I doubt it.

The '14 Bison team is going to be very good also.

Swing and a miss....xlolxI doubt it also--I also doubt YSU will be mid-or lower, the team is young and when they recruit a good qb and defense they will improve.

November 18th, 2013, 05:12 PM
The worst call of the game was clearly the incomplete pass called a fumble that gifted you the TD. I'm not going to nitpick though. Lots of football left.....for us.If that aint nitpicking what is?--Fat lady hasn't sang yet

November 18th, 2013, 05:43 PM
I do have a hypothetical question for 'Guin fans. IF YSU had beaten UNI and Gameday came to Youngstown, how much better (if any) would the turnout possibly been? The Gameday crowd for USC was pretty lacking and we can always speculate how the turnout would have been. In the end of course ESPN made the right choice considering how well the USC/Stanford game went.IMHO not much--if the Beatles played @ half-time and the temp was 70 and the Bison sent alot more fans I think we may have topped 15,000.

NoDak 4 Ever
November 18th, 2013, 05:48 PM
If that aint nitpicking what is?--Fat lady hasn't sang yet

Well it gifted you points and made the score much closer than it should have been. You only earned 10 pts.

November 18th, 2013, 06:02 PM
I liked Wolford's fire before but he is getting over the top now.

YSU couldn't beat the Bison on their best day and he knows it.They definitely had no chance whatsoever without Hess--but thats football--their best day this year was @ Illinois State.NDSU is the best in FCS and I expected them to take the NC the last 3 years--they came mighty close to doing it.However the best team doesn't always win and thats why we play the game.Also remember a few years back in the Fargodome it wasn't their best day and they still beat the Bison but I'm sure they must have gotten some bad calls or maybe that cheatin Tressel helped YSu someway that day.You should thank Wolford--the previous game @ Stambaugh would've gone to us but instead of running the clock down he kicked the fg first and the Bison came back with a td with no time remaining. The first time the Bison came to Stambaugh they were ranked 1st or 2nd and YSU was ranked around 50th the Bison returned to Fargo beaten--most of their fans that attended appeared shocked.

NoDak 4 Ever
November 18th, 2013, 06:07 PM
They definitely had no chance whatsoever without Hess--but thats football--their best day this year was @ Illinois State.NDSU is the best in FCS and I expected them to take the NC the last 3 years--they came mighty close to doing it.However the best team doesn't always win and thats why we play the game.Also remember a few years back in the Fargodome it wasn't their best day and they still beat the Bison but I'm sure they must have gotten some bad calls or maybe that cheatin Tressel helped YSu someway that day.You should thank Wolford--the previous game @ Stambaugh would've gone to us but instead of running the clock down he kicked the fg first and the Bison came back with a td with no time remaining. The first time the Bison came to Stambaugh they were ranked 1st or 2nd and YSU was ranked around 50th the Bison returned to Fargo beaten--most of their fans that attended appeared shocked.

No. DJ McNorton dropped the go ahead TD with nothing but daylight in front of him.

November 18th, 2013, 06:08 PM
Omg the game is over. All this nonsense is Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda. The better team won. YSU should be prepping for SDSU. They aren't just bend over and take it up the ass cuz YSU Coulda beat NDSU.

End thread.

November 18th, 2013, 06:12 PM
Well it gifted you points and made the score much closer than it should have been. You only earned 10 pts.Don't care how many points points were earned if it wasn't a win to me it doesn't matter and without Hess I didn't think we would get any points--one thing is for sure when we do win I don't whine about it.

November 18th, 2013, 06:14 PM
Omg the game is over. All this nonsense is Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda. The better team won. YSU should be prepping for SDSU. They aren't just bend over and take it up the ass cuz YSU Coulda beat NDSU.

End thread.They lost--the better team won--hope by some miracle we meet again in Frisco.

November 18th, 2013, 06:18 PM
No. DJ McNorton dropped the go ahead TD with nothing but daylight in front of him.That's why we play the game--NDSU was the better team but as Darlinnikki says Coulda,Shoulda,Woulda--pat yourself on the back you won--end thread.

NoDak 4 Ever
November 18th, 2013, 06:26 PM
Don't care how many points points were earned if it wasn't a win to me it doesn't matter and without Hess I didn't think we would get any points--one thing is for sure when we do win I don't whine about it.

When you win, you guys crow about it. Simple. As long as you're going to beat your chest about winning that game, I'll always casually explain about the fumble. Just like when you beat your chest about the NC's, we will explain that you cheated.

But who cares? It was an ass-kicking. If you wanted to argue with me, you should have started 5 days ago.

November 18th, 2013, 06:34 PM
You should be more worried about NDSU getting 266 yds against you. Zenner could get 300+Only worried about scoring more points than SDS--Years ago, when that cheatin' Tressel was in charge, Steve McNair passed for OVER 500 yds. but his team lost 63-20,YSU's defense is improving but its probably ranked around 85th in FCS so ZZ may have a field day--however if Hess plays a decent game SDSU will have a rough time with our offense--which is actually a lot better than has been shown lately.

November 18th, 2013, 06:45 PM
When you win, you guys crow about it. Simple. As long as you're going to beat your chest about winning that game, I'll always casually explain about the fumble. Just like when you beat your chest about the NC's, we will explain that you cheated.

But who cares? It was an ass-kicking. If you wanted to argue with me, you should have started 5 days ago.Well you can check any of my previous posts--I never boasted on these forums when we won--Also Tressel was NEVER our coach when we played NDSU--I don't want to argue with you I just wanted to look back @ history to prove to you that the best team doesn't always win.The NC's were last century and I never boasted even back then --Every team in the MVFC would've whupped our ass on that day so don't flatter yourself.By the way you talk I guess we've never beaten the Bison fair and square--are you any relation to Clenz?

November 18th, 2013, 07:56 PM
Well you can check any of my previous posts--I never boasted on these forums when we won--Also Tressel was NEVER our coach when we played NDSU--I don't want to argue with you I just wanted to look back @ history to prove to you that the best team doesn't always win.The NC's were last century and I never boasted even back then --Every team in the MVFC would've whupped our ass on that day so don't flatter yourself.By the way you talk I guess we've never beaten the Bison fair and square--are you any relation to Clenz?

xeekx No reason to starting below the belt bro....

NoDak are you going to sit still for that?

November 18th, 2013, 08:48 PM
When you win, you guys crow about it. Simple. As long as you're going to beat your chest about winning that game, I'll always casually explain about the fumble. Just like when you beat your chest about the NC's, we will explain that you cheated.

But who cares? It was an ass-kicking. If you wanted to argue with me, you should have started 5 days ago.

dear Lord...how many times are you going to complain about this thread and keep coming back to it? You are a special kind of stupid aren't ya?

November 18th, 2013, 10:30 PM
xeekx No reason to starting below the belt bro....

NoDak are you going to sit still for that?I apologize---that was WAY below the belt.

NoDak 4 Ever
November 18th, 2013, 11:20 PM
xeekx No reason to starting below the belt bro....

NoDak are you going to sit still for that?

Meh, I go from neutral to ok about Clenz. You're the one who fights with him all the time.

dear Lord...how many times are you going to complain about this thread and keep coming back to it? You are a special kind of stupid aren't ya?

Your boy came late to the party and bumped the thread. I figured you'd have disappeared by now. See ya next year!

November 18th, 2013, 11:31 PM
Meh, I go from neutral to ok about Clenz. You're the one who fights with him all the time.

It's real fun, and way to easy, to **** with people like...well... all YSU fans.

houndawg is nothing other than a wounded being looking to get a rise out of me every-time he posts and the 1 in 100 times he gets me to bite he shows everyone how proud he was of that.

If one would un-pucker their asshole when reading my posts they'd be much better off

NoDak 4 Ever
November 19th, 2013, 12:06 AM
It's real fun, and way to easy, to **** with people like...well... all YSU fans.

houndawg is nothing other than a wounded being looking to get a rise out of me every-time he posts and the 1 in 100 times he gets me to bite he shows everyone how proud he was of that.

If one would un-pucker their asshole when reading my posts they'd be much better off

Damn Clenz, they're talking about us on their board. Where do we send the rent checks for inside their heads?

November 19th, 2013, 07:26 AM
Meh, I go from neutral to ok about Clenz. You're the one who fights with him all the time.

Your boy came late to the party and bumped the thread. I figured you'd have disappeared by now. See ya next year!

Nope still trollin' bro!!! Wouldn't want to let you down. I have too much respect for everyone who has mentored me in my life. Just making sure i keep up with you and your nonsense. Ill buy you a beer next time i see you so you dont think im taking your comments too seriously. Especially since you gave me a green light...albeit an undeserved one.

November 19th, 2013, 08:23 AM
Holy ****...you're kidding, right nodak?

Sent from my S4 using Tapatalk

NoDak 4 Ever
November 19th, 2013, 08:53 AM
Holy ****...you're kidding, right nodak?

Sent from my S4 using Tapatalk


Most of their fans are classy--of course they do have a village idiot" Nodik4ever" who whines even though they win--he's even a bigger d***** than Clownz from UNI--something I thought was an impossibility. http://ysupenguins.com/forum/Smileys/default/wink.gif

Made my damn day.

November 19th, 2013, 09:50 AM
It's real fun, and way to easy, to **** with people like...well... all YSU fans.

houndawg is nothing other than a wounded being looking to get a rise out of me every-time he posts and the 1 in 100 times he gets me to bite he shows everyone how proud he was of that.

If one would un-pucker their asshole when reading my posts they'd be much better off


November 19th, 2013, 09:54 AM

Made my damn day.

Holy ****...They are worse than the 4 year olds I work with... my god what a bunch of cry babies

Sent from my S4 using Tapatalk

NoDak 4 Ever
November 19th, 2013, 10:02 AM
Holy ****...They are worse than the 4 year olds I work with... my god what a bunch of cry babies

Sent from my S4 using Tapatalk

The funny thing is I think the "fans" they hung with that have such a low opinion of me are lakes and his crew. No wonder!

November 19th, 2013, 10:52 AM
The funny thing is I think the "fans" they hung with that have such a low opinion of me are lakes and his crew. No wonder!

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Sent from my S4 using Tapatalk

November 19th, 2013, 10:57 AM
The funny thing is I think the "fans" they hung with that have such a low opinion of me are lakes and his crew. No wonder!

But, do you have a school bus with subwoofers? Didn't think so.

NoDak 4 Ever
November 19th, 2013, 11:07 AM
But, do you have a school bus with subwoofers? Didn't think so.

Sadly no, I have a SUV with 2 car seats in the back. Of course, I'm 41 and not 38 so I imagine that's a lot different.

November 19th, 2013, 11:14 AM
I love how NDSU threads inevitably get 100+ pages. Either we're that popular or we're that good at getting people riled up. Either way.

NoDak 4 Ever
November 19th, 2013, 11:16 AM
I love how NDSU threads inevitably get 100+ pages. Either we're that popular or we're that good at getting people riled up. Either way.

you need to adjust your settings. way easier to read

November 19th, 2013, 11:18 AM
Sadly no, I have a SUV with 2 car seats in the back. Of course, I'm 41 and not 38 so I imagine that's a lot different.

I'm 25 with a car seat and have an Xbox 360 that gets used to play kids movies more than video games,...hopefully when in 38I can have a bus with woofers, selling ad space for a local fox affiliate, and wearing sunglasses inside...

Sent from my S4 using Tapatalk

November 19th, 2013, 02:10 PM
I'm 25 with a car seat and have an Xbox 360 that gets used to play kids movies more than video games,...hopefully when in 38I can have a bus with woofers, selling ad space for a local fox affiliate, and wearing sunglasses inside...

Sent from my S4 using Tapatalk


November 19th, 2013, 02:12 PM
I also have more pink things in my house than any other color at this point....

What I'm really trying to say is....


November 19th, 2013, 02:14 PM
What I'm really trying to say is....


You gotta change the Clenz to Lakespanthers! :D

November 19th, 2013, 02:22 PM
You gotta change the Clenz to Lakespanthers! :DOh..that's what I forgot to add to my list of things I hope to accomplish by the time I'm 38

Living on a tiny ass lake in northern Minnesota and talking about all my bitches on the beach for the 2 weeks a year it isn't frozen shut.

November 19th, 2013, 02:27 PM
Oh..that's what I forgot to add to my list of things I hope to accomplish by the time I'm 38

Living on a tiny ass lake in central Minnesota and talking about all my imaginary bitches on the weedy shore for the 2 weeks a year it isn't frozen shut.

FIFY xlolx

November 19th, 2013, 02:28 PM
FIFY xlolx

NoDak 4 Ever
November 19th, 2013, 02:29 PM
Damn, I'm behind the times. He's a man! He's 40!


November 20th, 2013, 07:13 AM
lol, ok.....he hit him, it's football if you guys in Youngstown can't take a hit get off the field. take your tampon red glasses off and be objective. I would love to hear the explanation were you can get a late hit when the ball hasn't left a guys hand??

To add to this, I present two videos (full speed and 1/2 speed) where you can clearly see that Jirik was hitting him just as the ball was leaving his hands... like within 1/2 of a second (sorry if these vids have been posted already)

http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a333/tjamz/th_20131118_121551_zps6970db63.jpg (http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a333/tjamz/20131118_121551_zps6970db63.mp4)

http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a333/tjamz/th_20131118_121711_zps67f36db2.jpg (http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a333/tjamz/20131118_121711_zps67f36db2.mp4)

I'm not posting these to be a sore-winner or rub it in anyone's face, I'm just posting the facts that it wasn't a targeting (lead with his shoulder), it wasn't a late hit (unless that rule has changed to where you can't hit a QB while he is still passing)

November 20th, 2013, 07:54 AM
Maybe Hess can wear a dress in the playoffs if YSU doesn't choke this week.xcoffeex

NoDak 4 Ever
November 20th, 2013, 07:56 AM
Maybe Hess can wear a dress in the playoffs if YSU doesn't choke this week.xcoffeex

Wolford better win this game or he's going to be wearing a dress working a corner in Pittsburgh by next week.

November 20th, 2013, 08:03 AM
To add to this, I present two videos (full speed and 1/2 speed) where you can clearly see that Jirik was hitting him just as the ball was leaving his hands... like within 1/2 of a second (sorry if these vids have been posted already)

http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a333/tjamz/th_20131118_121551_zps6970db63.jpg (http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a333/tjamz/20131118_121551_zps6970db63.mp4)

http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a333/tjamz/th_20131118_121711_zps67f36db2.jpg (http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a333/tjamz/20131118_121711_zps67f36db2.mp4)

I'm not posting these to be a sore-winner or rub it in anyone's face, I'm just posting the facts that it wasn't a targeting (lead with his shoulder), it wasn't a late hit (unless that rule has changed to where you can't hit a QB while he is still passing)
The hit was engages less than one one hundredth of a second after the ball was left go...

The helmet was shoulder height, at highest.

Not leading with the helmet...actually using pretty god damn good form.

Sounds like people wearing red are suffering from a mass case of sandy vaginitus.

November 20th, 2013, 09:01 AM
The hit was engages less than one one hundredth of a second after the ball was left go...

The helmet was shoulder height, at highest.

Not leading with the helmet...actually using pretty god damn good form.

Sounds like people wearing red are suffering from a mass case of sandy vaginitus.

It all starts with their head coach.

November 20th, 2013, 09:04 AM
Damn, you guys have a serious hard-on for YSU. Game has been over for like a month now. Shouldn't you be talking about this weekend's game.

NoDak 4 Ever
November 20th, 2013, 09:06 AM
Damn, you guys have a serious hard-on for YSU. Game has been over for like a month now. Shouldn't you be talking about this weekend's game.

Because you guys are so fun to **** with. This week is a coronation/tune up. I can't wait until MoSt jumps you guys into the playoffs.

November 20th, 2013, 09:18 AM
Damn, you guys have a serious hard-on for YSU. Game has been over for like a month now. Shouldn't you be talking about this weekend's game.

UNI has WIU this week.

WIU has 4 wins...three wins over D1s are Hampton (4-7), USD (4-7) and Indiana State (1-10) and a D2 that is 2-9. That's a combined record of 11-35

I'm not real worried right now

November 20th, 2013, 09:24 AM
Damn, you guys have a serious hard-on for YSU. Game has been over for like a month now. Shouldn't you be talking about this weekend's game.

I thought you were done posting here after your lecture?

November 20th, 2013, 09:31 AM
Oh..that's what I forgot to add to my list of things I hope to accomplish by the time I'm 38

Living on a tiny ass lake in northern Minnesota and talking about all my Raining bitches on the beach for the 2 weeks a year it isn't frozen shut.

There fixed it for ya!

November 20th, 2013, 09:59 AM
Because you guys are so fun to **** with. This week is a coronation/tune up. I can't wait until MoSt jumps you guys into the playoffs.

This. You'd think YSU hasn't had a decent team in decades. Oh, wait....

NoDak 4 Ever
November 20th, 2013, 09:59 AM
This. You'd think YSU hasn't had a decent team in decades. Oh, wait....

like I said, the cherry on top is them chumming it up with lakes like he's not banned on 5 boards for being an asshole.

November 20th, 2013, 10:04 AM
To add to this, I present two videos (full speed and 1/2 speed) where you can clearly see that Jirik was hitting him just as the ball was leaving his hands... like within 1/2 of a second (sorry if these vids have been posted already)

http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a333/tjamz/th_20131118_121551_zps6970db63.jpg (http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a333/tjamz/20131118_121551_zps6970db63.mp4)

http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a333/tjamz/th_20131118_121711_zps67f36db2.jpg (http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a333/tjamz/20131118_121711_zps67f36db2.mp4)

I'm not posting these to be a sore-winner or rub it in anyone's face, I'm just posting the facts that it wasn't a targeting (lead with his shoulder), it wasn't a late hit (unless that rule has changed to where you can't hit a QB while he is still passing)

Not that this horse has been beaten to death, and not that any YSU fan even cares, but the hit that you saw when he released the ball was not the hit the flag was thrown for. Eveeryone on here is speculating. Teh QB was hit well after the throw when the camera was not on him. That is why the flag was thrown. Different hit. If you were there you would have seen it. Does anyone have their own video during this play?

Tanks about beating a dead horse.

November 20th, 2013, 11:17 AM
like I said, the cherry on top is them chumming it up with lakes like he's not banned on 5 boards for being an asshole.

As someone that has actually met lakes, he is a very different person when you actually meet him. Is he an extremely overzealous fan online? Yes, but often times he is just inviting people to hangout/party when on the road or teams visiting to Fargo. About being an a--hole online, pot meet kettle?

NoDak 4 Ever
November 20th, 2013, 11:19 AM
As someone that has actually met lakes, he is a very different person when you actually meet him. Is he an extremely overzealous fan online? Yes, but often times he is just inviting people to hangout/party when on the road or teams visiting to Fargo. About being an a--hole online, pot meet kettle?

Well apparently they had plenty to say about me. Have you ever met me in person? A 40 year old man-child is a 40 year old man-child in person or online.

Or I suppose he's a great fun guy to party with, right? Are you in your 20's?

November 20th, 2013, 11:23 AM
Lakes is a pretty cool guy in person he is right.

November 20th, 2013, 11:24 AM
Well apparently they had plenty to say about me. Have you ever met me in person? A 40 year old man-child is a 40 year old man-child in person or online.

Or I suppose he's a great fun guy to party with, right? Are you in your 20's?

30, married with 2 kids and I don't drink. Have I met you in person....no. Do I believe you are an a-- in person....no (although we would definitely need to avoid politics). Do I think you act like a petulant child online, likely for your own entertainment and amusement, yes.

NoDak 4 Ever
November 20th, 2013, 11:25 AM
Lakes is a pretty cool guy in person he is right.

Yep, and I'm an asshole.

November 20th, 2013, 11:27 AM
Lakes is a pretty cool guy in person he is right.

I agree...Lakes and I have had our moments on teh message boards, but he has always been nice to me when we we've talked in person.