View Full Version : Grambling Team Mutiny?

October 16th, 2013, 07:20 PM

Sounds like an ugly situation brewing down there xnonono2x

October 16th, 2013, 07:35 PM

Sounds like an ugly situation brewing down there xnonono2x

This sounds like a program in complete shambles.

October 16th, 2013, 07:42 PM
I'd have to say the worst of the charges made against the admin is withholding food from the student-athletes on trips. If you can't afford to feed the team if they go to Indianapolis or Kansas City or across the street, then don't schedule the damn game.

October 16th, 2013, 07:49 PM
It certainly doesnt look good.

October 16th, 2013, 07:50 PM
Guys, you're totally taking this article out of context, it wasn't a mutiny!

“It was basically a munity,” the source said. “(The team) rode the bus all that way (to Indianapolis), and then come back and are disrespected like that (in Tuesday’s meeting).

If it's basically that, then why doesn't everyone come back if there will be no consequences?!

On a serious note, though, hearing of this sucks and something needs to change in the leadership.

Lehigh Football Nation
October 16th, 2013, 08:05 PM
There's something weird about this whole story. I think the football walk-out is just one little piece of a larger issue with Grambling's president.

October 16th, 2013, 08:10 PM
Grambling has some major problems and I think that this is just the tip of the iceberg.

October 16th, 2013, 10:25 PM
Having to take a bus to Kansas City and Indianapolis sounds like a long trip and not having all of the meals is certainly BS. If the players don't like it the way I see it they have two choices. Quit the team or realize you are getting a great education for free and suck it up.


October 16th, 2013, 10:55 PM
Poor babies had to ride the bus,xbawlingx

Lehigh Football Nation
October 16th, 2013, 11:51 PM
Poor babies had to ride the bus,xbawlingx

These are not little jaunts. A quick Google Maps check shows that one-way, a bus trip to St. Louis from Grambling is 9 hours, rounded up, and a bus trip to Indianapolis is 12 hours.

Alcorn State, Grambling's opponent in Indy, flew to the game.

October 16th, 2013, 11:55 PM
These are not little jaunts. A quick Google Maps check shows that one-way, a bus trip to St. Louis from Grambling is 9 hours, rounded up, and a bus trip to Indianapolis is 12 hours.

Alcorn State, Grambling's opponent in Indy, flew to the game.

9 hours and 12 hours? Yes? So whats the big deal?

October 17th, 2013, 12:12 AM
There's a larger issue at hand at HBCUs in particular, where the Administrators and Presidents want to be the "big man on campus" and when the football coach gets too big for its britches that's where the conflict begins. That's usually why you will see the football coach being chosen by either President himself or by an AD (whom the President has chose) with the President's approval.

It's a truly sad state of affairs.

Sent from my HTC One V using Tapatalk

October 17th, 2013, 12:14 AM
9 hours and 12 hours? Yes? So whats the big deal?

The "big deal" is that if Gram couldn't shell out the money to fly to Indy but Alcorn could then that says a lot about either their finances as a whole or on how much they are actually pocketing from this game.

Sent from my HTC One V using Tapatalk

October 17th, 2013, 02:02 AM
Having to take a bus to Kansas City and Indianapolis sounds like a long trip and not having all of the meals is certainly BS. If the players don't like it the way I see it they have two choices. Quit the team or realize you are getting a great education for free and suck it up.


Building on your point - long bus trips aren't unheard of - Panhandle State came out to Missoula and logged more than double the miles, by bus, without any complaint (1,259 miles for OK Panhandle vs. 593 for the Grambling to KC drive). While not getting fed is definitely bs, I have to believe, as LFN hinted, that there's a lot more going on here, too.

October 17th, 2013, 05:20 AM
A lot of the HBC's have major problems. The situation at Grambling is not an exception.

The issue at most of those schools is leadership as most have pointed out.

October 17th, 2013, 07:02 AM
we've taken the bus to Indy before, this issue is MUCH bigger than any bus trip. Fired the head coach and replace him with a worse interim coach. Keep the coach's son as QB. No tell who is putting things in players ears.

Bogus Megapardus
October 17th, 2013, 07:09 AM
Back in my day we used to have to walk barefoot through the snow to Holy Cross and Dartmouth - uphill in both directions. And carry 120 lb. packs. And grow our own food. xintx

Seriously, have you ever read any of the Division III travel horror stories? Twelve hours in a fume-filled 1988 Ford Econoline 15 seat van is nothin'.

October 17th, 2013, 07:11 AM
something's not right at Grambling: Alcorn flew even though they were paid $100K LESS than Grambling for this game. Plus there are rumors of the team not making their game Saturday at Jackson St.

October 17th, 2013, 07:43 AM
Plus there are rumors of the team not making their game Saturday at Jackson St.

I've been hearing that as well. Next week could be very interesting at Grambling State.

October 17th, 2013, 08:38 AM
I've been hearing that as well. Next week could be very interesting at Grambling State.
I'm burning up the lines trying to find out what the deal is.

October 17th, 2013, 08:47 AM
Gosh, that's not right. Next stop: Dropping football? xchinscratchx

October 17th, 2013, 10:00 AM
The math here doesn't add up.....the official word on the Bayou Classic is that Grambling and Southern make crazy money off of it...and - trust me - it IS a pretty impressive event. I've covered it before....

So....that game alone - if the figures being touted are correct - should more than pay for a plane ride to KC or Indy...and then there's the fact that Grambling gets more or less the same subsidy from La., that McNeese and Northwestern get....and those bus trips were to classic games that apparently also make crazy money...

Something's not adding up...

And firing Doug Williams who is - arguably - the Icon's Icon's Hand picked Iconic successor?

There's WAY more to this story than meets the eye....I hope they get it fixed, pronto....

October 17th, 2013, 10:05 AM
The math here doesn't add up.....the official word on the Bayou Classic is that Grambling and Southern make crazy money off of it...and - trust me - it IS a pretty impressive event. I've covered it before....

So....that game alone - if the figures being touted are correct - should more than pay for a plane ride to KC or Indy...and then there's the fact that Grambling gets more or less the same subsidy from La., that McNeese and Northwestern get....and those bus trips were to classic games that apparently also make crazy money...

Something's not adding up...

And firing Doug Williams who is - arguably - the Icon's Icon's Hand picked Iconic successor?

There's WAY more to this story than meets the eye....I hope they get it fixed, pronto....

they got about $320,000 for the Circle City Classic, like you said something isn't adding up.

October 17th, 2013, 10:21 AM
I sounds like most (all?) football revenue is being diverted to other departments.

Having a cash cow is a good thing, but it is important to make sure that cow is well taken care of.

October 17th, 2013, 11:10 AM
I sounds like most (all?) football revenue is being diverted to other departments......

like the marching bands? xwhistlex

October 17th, 2013, 11:51 AM
I think that their troubles all started with this:

http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTEwNTEwODMzMDdeQTJeQWpwZ15BbWU3MDc5MDM1MTE@._ V1._SX258_SY475_.jpg

October 17th, 2013, 11:55 AM
WOW! What a mess. Grambling needs a LEADER in the President's office and the AD Chair..........

October 17th, 2013, 02:29 PM
WOW! What a mess. Grambling needs a LEADER in the President's office and the AD Chair..........

If you happen to locate a few of those types of leaders, could you please send 1 president and 1 AD to Prairie View A&M University as well? It's ridiculousl that the current prez gets 349,000$ annum to continue and stay clueless w/ regards to athletic prowess, competivity, and growth AND the current AD recvs 175,000$ annum to foster the stupidity that's wreaking on campus. A collection of dumb and stupid dumb*****s (w/ regards to athletics) but certainly intelligent for continuing the status quo. xthumbsupx

October 17th, 2013, 02:36 PM
On a related note...I'm sure the Bison could put these guys on a plane for a guarantee game somewhere down the road and pay them a decent enough sum of money to do so.....:)

October 17th, 2013, 02:38 PM
No wonder their DE transferred to us, he got out while the getting was good.

October 17th, 2013, 02:40 PM
On a related note...I'm sure the Bison could put these guys on a plane for a guarantee game somewhere down the road and pay them a decent enough sum of money to do so.....:)

The sum isn't the problem, they're getting millions for these Classics. The problem is that the administration isn't putting it back into the program, in fact, they're actually break NCAA rules by not feeding the players in an attempt to scrimp on the money.

October 17th, 2013, 02:43 PM
The sum isn't the problem, they're getting millions for these Classics. The problem is that the administration isn't putting it back into the program, in fact, they're actually break NCAA rules by not feeding the players in an attempt to scrimp on the money.

Understood. It is ridiculous what I read about meals and the black hole where these monies are disappearing to. My post was more of an open invite to more SWAC schools to make the trip north. We are very accommodating hosts. :D

October 17th, 2013, 02:49 PM
they got about $320,000 for the Circle City Classic, like you said something isn't adding up.

HA they used that money to pay off Doug smh

October 17th, 2013, 03:01 PM
OH well.
We either got a homecoming opponent in Memorial Stadium this weekend or the biggest non-stop tailgate forfeit party ever seen at memorial this weekend. RV's started pulling in this morning at 8am.

Uncle Rico's Clan
October 17th, 2013, 03:23 PM
Any ideas on the repercussions if Grambling does forfeit some games?

October 17th, 2013, 03:37 PM
I'm glad I'm not a Grambling fan because I'd be one pissed off fan right now if I was.

My view as an outsider is this: From what I've read the players didn't show up at practice today & they're talking about not showing up for a game this weekend too. The team is 0-7 for they year which speaks volumes when you consider how bad the SWAC is competitively with the rest of 1-AA. If I'm the AD or the President I meet with the kids and I bring the texts of their scholarships & remind them that they are NOT 4-year scholarships, they run year to year, and if they don't play Saturday they'll never play scholarship football at Grambling again. Cancel the rest of the season & start all over with kids that want to play the game.

I've seen players & teams quit before during a game, but I've never heard of "mass quitting" literally before. Kids go to college to learn. It looks like these kids are just learning when times get tough the answer is to get soft & quit.

I'd shut it down.

October 17th, 2013, 04:13 PM
According to Ray Higgins over at GoGramblng.com, Coach Ragsdale did NOT meet with the team. Rather, they had a players only meeting and refer to Ragsdale as a"snake."


The team did not practice today for the 2nd day in a row.

October 17th, 2013, 04:21 PM
Update says that as of now the team WILL NOT be playing Saturday.

October 17th, 2013, 04:27 PM
Chuck South want to schedule another game this week?

October 17th, 2013, 04:41 PM
I'm glad I'm not a Grambling fan because I'd be one pissed off fan right now if I was.

My view as an outsider is this: From what I've read the players didn't show up at practice today & they're talking about not showing up for a game this weekend too. The team is 0-7 for they year which speaks volumes when you consider how bad the SWAC is competitively with the rest of 1-AA. If I'm the AD or the President I meet with the kids and I bring the texts of their scholarships & remind them that they are NOT 4-year scholarships, they run year to year, and if they don't play Saturday they'll never play scholarship football at Grambling again. Cancel the rest of the season & start all over with kids that want to play the game.

I've seen players & teams quit before during a game, but I've never heard of "mass quitting" literally before. Kids go to college to learn. It looks like these kids are just learning when times get tough the answer is to get soft & quit.

I'd shut it down.

WTF is wrong with you? First of all, the NCAA allows multi-year scholarships now, so unless you have inside info we have no idea what each individual's scholarship stipulates. But that's beside the point. We have student-athletes burning thousands of calories a day in their athletic participation not being fed. How are you ok with this? And beyond ok, call them soft for it? And they tried to handle it maturely with coaches, student government, university admin, etc. but I guess to you all they know how to do is quit. I guess you're one of those ppl who thinks society is soft bc we don't let kids work in coal mines and sweatshops anymore. Who cares about the conditions they were getting good money, they should have learned to not be so soft right?

October 17th, 2013, 04:44 PM
Any ideas on the repercussions if Grambling does forfeit some games?

Due to the loss of revenue for the other teams who were supposed to host them (they have one other road game left), I imagine there would be fines from the SWAC.

Are there other incidents of teams cancelling/forfeiting part of a season? I think the service academies never made up the 9/11 games and some have had to due to major disasters.

October 17th, 2013, 04:56 PM
Interim Coach Ragsdale arrived with GSU Police and the PD has barricaded the football facilities. No student-athletes are allowed entry to the premises. Trying to force media away at this time.

October 17th, 2013, 04:57 PM
Due to the loss of revenue for the other teams who were supposed to host them (they have one other road game left), I imagine there would be fines from the SWAC.

Are there other incidents of teams cancelling/forfeiting part of a season? I think the service academies never made up the 9/11 games and some have had to due to major disasters.

The only thing JSU will lose out on are walk up tix. Other than that, they get a cheap win and the alumni will party regardless.

October 17th, 2013, 04:59 PM
Coach Ragsdale has been fired and Dennis Winston is the interim.

October 17th, 2013, 05:03 PM
Note on forfeits-the NCAA does not award a "forfeit win" for a no-show. There is only a forfeit if during a contest that has already started too many players are ejected or something so the team has to forfeit. Idk what the conference does for the purpose of conference records.

October 17th, 2013, 05:05 PM

Facilities are locked and blocked. All coaches & players are off-limits to media per GSU.

October 17th, 2013, 05:06 PM
The only thing JSU will lose out on are walk up tix. Other than that, they get a cheap win and the alumni will party regardless.
The bulk of our sales for home games come on Thursday, Friday and Saturday walk-ups. For Homecomming, we talking at least 15,000 walk-ups from JSU people alone coming in town, buying tickets for them and for the family.

Our season ticket holders are locked in. There are other places in Jackson besides the Stadium, JSU's campus, and Ticket master where you can buy tickets.

October 17th, 2013, 05:09 PM
well, this is HOMECOMING WEEK at JSU. playing and beating Grambling will be a good finally though. we'll see.

October 17th, 2013, 05:13 PM
well, this is HOMECOMING WEEK at JSU. playing and beating Grambling will be a good finally though. we'll see.

Sorry about what they going through but you know that nobody in Jackson will feel sorry for Grambling. If we score 50 points on them, the crowd will be screaming for 50 more.

October 17th, 2013, 05:19 PM
If you had already purchased a ticket (including as part of a season ticket package) you should be entitled to a refund. It will suck for local businesses who lose out on revenue from people who don't come.

Since Grambling is winless, I guess the SWAC could just award everyone left on their schedule a win (even if not in the official standings) to determine the division champions and it wouldn't really mess anything up.

October 17th, 2013, 05:20 PM
"We deal with mold and mildew..." - Naquan Smith on the football facilities. (Per The Gramblingite reporting from the #StateofEmergency Mtg)

October 17th, 2013, 05:26 PM
Grambling Football Drinking Game.

Every time a player says, "I didn't sign up for this"...

October 17th, 2013, 05:36 PM
Getting national play now....


Lehigh Football Nation
October 17th, 2013, 05:38 PM
Was he fired, or did he resign? A lot of activity, not many concrete facts down there in Grambling.

October 17th, 2013, 05:54 PM
So Jackson State will be left with 10 games if this one doesn't happen. I see they have a 11/2 open date. How does Fargo in November sound?

October 17th, 2013, 05:56 PM
From a national point of view, once the dust has settled on this matter, do you think is dropping football the decision? Or starting the program from a clean slate as if there were no football program before?

IMHO, that's already too much for us. The President REALLY has to go. xsmhx

Lehigh Football Nation
October 17th, 2013, 06:02 PM
It looks like, basing this entirely off of the Grambling student newspaper Twitter feed, that Ragsdale got canned after a player jawed at him during weight training on Wednesday and he kicked him off the team. Then all the players bonded together against the coach and boycotted practice with Ragsdale as head coach.

It looks like this latest walk-out and any grievances with the AD and the president are not directly related - not to say they aren't issues, but the walk-out seems to be due to differences with Ragsdale.

This would also explain the fact why Ragsdale was fired rather than him resigning. In fact the AD and admin seems to either be backing the players or giving in to bad behavior, depending on how you view this stuff.

October 17th, 2013, 06:05 PM
BTW, Montana State has a Grambling transfer currently sitting out the season. http://www.bobcatnation.com/node/282 Quotes are from another board:

“The academics is what really pulled me. The fact that I can tell they are really here for the athletes makes me feel very wanted.”

“I just don’t feel as if a lot of the things (Grambling State) told me while recruiting actually happened when I got here,” Wilcox said. “I don’t feel like the school is very organized. … I just wanted to go to a university that is a high-caliber university.”

October 17th, 2013, 06:16 PM
BTW, Montana State has a Grambling transfer currently sitting out the season. http://www.bobcatnation.com/node/282 Quotes are from another board:

“The academics is what really pulled me. The fact that I can tell they are really here for the athletes makes me feel very wanted.”

“I just don’t feel as if a lot of the things (Grambling State) told me while recruiting actually happened when I got here,” Wilcox said. “I don’t feel like the school is very organized. … I just wanted to go to a university that is a high-caliber university.”

^^^could you provide the source of the other board to support your quotes? thanks.

this whole Grambling thing is too much for a Thursday xstretchx

October 17th, 2013, 06:22 PM
Are there other incidents of teams cancelling/forfeiting part of a season? I think the service academies never made up the 9/11 games and some have had to due to major disasters.

In 2008, Georgetown had to cancel their game at Colgate due to an outbreak of norovirus on the Georgetown campus. They cancelled a bunch of their athletic contests that weekend. Can't speak to what happened with the rest of them, but the football game was simply cancelled, and the League used losses as the tiebreaker in the standings to account for our two teams playing 1 fewer game. Worked out for us as we ran the table and won the PL

October 17th, 2013, 06:23 PM
“The academics is what really pulled me. The fact that I can tell they are really here for the athletes makes me feel very wanted.”

“I just don’t feel as if a lot of the things (Grambling State) told me while recruiting actually happened when I got here,” Wilcox said. “I don’t feel like the school is very organized. … I just wanted to go to a university that is a high-caliber university.”

^^^could you provide the source of the other board to support your quotes? thanks.

this whole Grambling thing is too much for a Thursday xstretchx

Those quotes came from this article http://www.bozemandailychronicle.com/sports/bobcats/football/article_3e30d8fe-a71f-11e2-978e-001a4bcf887a.html

October 17th, 2013, 06:31 PM
From the gramblinite on twitter: The players walked out on Ragsdale after he confronted a player during their weight training session earlier this week and cursed at him. The player apparently wanted to express his displeasure with everything up to that point. The players stood behind the one in the confrontation when Ragsdale told him to get the "f&$k out." They all walked out of the session which led to the meeting with Pogue, the SGA Prez and Ragsdale.

October 17th, 2013, 06:32 PM
Those quotes came from this article http://www.bozemandailychronicle.com/sports/bobcats/football/article_3e30d8fe-a71f-11e2-978e-001a4bcf887a.html

thanks man. using it for some "encouragement". this kid has a good head though. good luck to him.

October 17th, 2013, 07:12 PM
@django30: Every week we go against the opposing team, they're fans, our "fans", and our president..

No bueno

October 17th, 2013, 07:50 PM
WTF is wrong with you? First of all, the NCAA allows multi-year scholarships now, so unless you have inside info we have no idea what each individual's scholarship stipulates. But that's beside the point. We have student-athletes burning thousands of calories a day in their athletic participation not being fed. How are you ok with this? And beyond ok, call them soft for it? And they tried to handle it maturely with coaches, student government, university admin, etc. but I guess to you all they know how to do is quit. I guess you're one of those ppl who thinks society is soft bc we don't let kids work in coal mines and sweatshops anymore. Who cares about the conditions they were getting good money, they should have learned to not be so soft right?

Yes the NCAA does allow them now and a handful of BCS players from the 5 power conferences have them. If you think they exist in anything outside of a special case at the FCS level you'd be incorrect.

October 17th, 2013, 10:09 PM
If Grambling State drops football it will have to start another men's sport - the minimum for Division I (FBS, FCS, or non-football) is six. The Tigers sponsor baseball, basketball, football, cross country, indoor track and field, and outdoor track and field.

October 17th, 2013, 10:35 PM
I don't think Grambling will drop football, but they're in for a long road.

October 17th, 2013, 10:36 PM
Was he fired, or did he resign? A lot of activity, not many concrete facts down there in Grambling.

Fired - just posted to ESPN: http://espn.go.com/college-football/story/_/id/9840886/grambling-state-fires-interim-coach-george-ragsdale-replaces-dennis-winston?src=mobile

That's the second fired coach this year. Oy. Can anyone remember another interim coach being canned before a new coach is announced?


According to the Shreveport Times, the players met with administrators Tuesday to voice concerns about traveling by bus instead of plane to games in Kansas City, Mo., and Indianapolis and about the firing of coach Doug Williams in September.
Sources told the newspaper that the meeting "became increasingly negative" and that the players walked out.

October 18th, 2013, 03:24 AM
Note on forfeits-the NCAA does not award a "forfeit win" for a no-show. There is only a forfeit if during a contest that has already started too many players are ejected or something so the team has to forfeit. Idk what the conference does for the purpose of conference records.

In like 2004ish Maine was supposed to go to William and Mary but there was a mid Atlantic hurricane. Maine needed the win to get the conference title, but WM said they couldn't play. Maine offered to fly WM to Orono on Maine's dime and donate all game proceeds to WM but they said no. There was a lot of back and forth but Maine was eventually awarded a forfeit win but WM was not awarded a loss.

Go Green
October 18th, 2013, 06:43 AM
In 2008, Georgetown had to cancel their game at Colgate due to an outbreak of norovirus on the Georgetown campus.

I understand that Holy Cross had to cancel most of its season in 1969 for similar reasons.

Sandlapper Spike
October 18th, 2013, 01:47 PM
Sports Illustrated story on this situation:

Link (http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/college-football/news/20131018/grambling-football/?sct=hp_t1t_a1&eref=sihp)

You can tell this story was reported/written in a hurry, both in its structure and its (not so great) editing.

From the piece:

Since 2007-08, overall state funding for Grambling has gone from $31.6 million to $13.8 million. The school has attempted to bridge that gap by increasing tuition, but it has fallen short, and cuts have been made across the board. Approximately 127 staff members have been laid off since 2008 and furloughs are common. Professors have also been asked to teach an extra class each year for free. Generally, the school has "cut to the bone," says Leon Sanders, Grambling's vice president for finance...

...The school's plan to make up the difference relies on getting students to agree to a fee of $100 per semester that would go to athletics and also an aggressive campaign to get more donations from alumni. The same student fee initiative failed to pass last year, however, and the school admits that there isn't a "culture" of giving among its small alumni pool. "We don't even budget for donations," Sanders says. "Not a penny."

Grambling may want to start budgeting for donations and changing that "culture" if it plans on maintaining its D-1 status.

October 18th, 2013, 01:54 PM
Time to head back to D2.

October 18th, 2013, 02:49 PM
from The Score: Report: Grambling State football team will not travel to Jackson State

October 18th, 2013, 02:53 PM
Sports Illustrated story on this situation:

Link (http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/college-football/news/20131018/grambling-football/?sct=hp_t1t_a1&eref=sihp)

You can tell this story was reported/written in a hurry, both in its structure and its (not so great) editing.

From the piece:

Since 2007-08, overall state funding for Grambling has gone from $31.6 million to $13.8 million. The school has attempted to bridge that gap by increasing tuition, but it has fallen short, and cuts have been made across the board. Approximately 127 staff members have been laid off since 2008 and furloughs are common. Professors have also been asked to teach an extra class each year for free. Generally, the school has "cut to the bone," says Leon Sanders, Grambling's vice president for finance...

...The school's plan to make up the difference relies on getting students to agree to a fee of $100 per semester that would go to athletics and also an aggressive campaign to get more donations from alumni. The same student fee initiative failed to pass last year, however, and the school admits that there isn't a "culture" of giving among its small alumni pool. "We don't even budget for donations," Sanders says. "Not a penny."

Grambling may want to start budgeting for donations and changing that "culture" if it plans on maintaining its D-1 status.

that's where the avalanche started.

recent report:
Update: GSU president says game ON, player says NO

Posted: Oct 18, 2013 11:59 AM EDTUpdated: Oct 18, 2013 2:13 PM EDT

GRAMBLING, La. (KNOE 8 News) - A Grambling football player tells our Aaron Dietrich the players will NOT be boarding a bus Friday afternoon bound for Jackson, Mississippi.
The team is slated to leave at 2:30 in the afternoon in preparation for a Saturday game with Jackson State. A GSU player says all of the players are in agreement to not board the bus and the players are returning to their dorms or homes for the weekend. He said they are making other plans and do not intend to play the scheduled game.
During a news conference earlier Friday, GSU President Frank Pogue said the team would be on the bus as scheduled and the game would be played. We will have a KNOE Sports crew at Grambling at 2:30p to see what happens and have that information here at KNOE.COM and later on KNOE 8 News at 5p and 6p.

October 18th, 2013, 02:53 PM
They should just cancel the season after taking a forfeit this weekend - terrible. These kids certainly DON'T deserve a national TV audience Thanksgiving weekend....

October 18th, 2013, 02:55 PM
Well, it's 2:55 there and the bus was supposed to leave at 2:30... So far, no football players.

October 18th, 2013, 03:03 PM
Players reportedly feel used, claim facility is covered in mold and mildew and that players have gotten staph infections from filthy facilities and lack of adequate medical care. Firing of the coach alone is not enough to bring them back to playing games. They may not play again this season.

Go Green
October 18th, 2013, 03:08 PM
Time to head back to D2.

Dayton Rule.

Then again, according to the SI article, pretty much all sports are struggling at Grambling.

October 18th, 2013, 03:14 PM
Grambling should drop down to D2 or D3, seems to be pretty clear they can't afford to be a DI school anymore.

Go Green
October 18th, 2013, 03:22 PM
Grambling should drop down to D2 or D3, seems to be pretty clear they can't afford to be a DI school anymore.

Happy to be corrected, but I don't think there are a lot of D2 or D3 options in the deep South. What would be the best destination for them?

October 18th, 2013, 03:24 PM
Players reportedly feel used, claim facility is covered in mold and mildew and that players have gotten staph infections from filthy facilities and lack of adequate medical care. Firing of the coach alone is not enough to bring them back to playing games. They may not play again this season.

that's new news...

October 18th, 2013, 03:25 PM
Can Louisiana even afford to keep Grambling open?

Louisiana Tech is SIX miles away.

Just merge the two schools.

October 18th, 2013, 03:26 PM
Dayton Rule.

Then again, according to the SI article, pretty much all sports are struggling at Grambling.
basketball is even worse. Grambiling didn't win a DI game in BBall or Football in the last year and a half.

October 18th, 2013, 03:29 PM
Happy to be corrected, but I don't think there are a lot of D2 or D3 options in the deep South. What would be the best destination for them?

Centenary(they dropped from DI not too long ago) and they play in a D3 conference, I believe it is called the Southern Collegiate Conference there is also the America Southwest Conference. In D2 there is the Gulf South Conference.

Pards Rule
October 18th, 2013, 03:29 PM
Interim Coach Ragsdale arrived with GSU Police and the PD has barricaded the football facilities. No student-athletes are allowed entry to the premises. Trying to force media away at this time.

Dispatch - revolt at 132 & Bush! xlolx

October 18th, 2013, 03:33 PM
Dayton Rule.

Then again, according to the SI article, pretty much all sports are struggling at Grambling.

The article quoted one player saying they went to a soccer game with eight players. I can't believe the refs let them start the game that short handed.

If they did drop to D2, where would they go? The only HBCU conference in D2 is the SIAC, which has 13 members and will soon have 14 when they add PWC Spring Hill. Of course, they would not have to join a HBCU league, but that would probably be their preference.

Then what would the SWAC do? I've heard Tuskegee wants to move up, would have an even swap with the SIAC if they did. Would a MEAC member consider moving? They currently have 13 members, but only 11 play football. Would the SWAC keep their championship game if they only had nine members?

October 18th, 2013, 03:38 PM
Can Louisiana even afford to keep Grambling open?

Louisiana Tech is SIX miles away.

Just merge the two schools.

Probably not a bad idea when you look at their financial situation.

October 18th, 2013, 03:39 PM
Grambling will forfeit this weekend's game.

October 18th, 2013, 03:42 PM
Its not what people on here want, but Grambling should drop sports until they get the university finances straightened out. Academics still come before athletics. If they can't afford to teach classes, they shouldn't be sending athletic teams out. Its harsh, but they obviously aren't doing the student athletes justice right now either.

October 18th, 2013, 03:42 PM
The article quoted one player saying they went to a soccer game with eight players. I can't believe the refs let them start the game that short handed.

If they did drop to D2, where would they go? The only HBCU conference in D2 is the SIAC, which has 13 members and will soon have 14 when they add PWC Spring Hill. Of course, they would not have to join a HBCU league, but that would probably be their preference.

Then what would the SWAC do? I've heard Tuskegee wants to move up, would have an even swap with the SIAC if they did. Would a MEAC member consider moving? They currently have 13 members, but only 11 play football. Would the SWAC keep their championship game if they only had nine members?

The CIAA is also an HBCU conference in D2, but that's even farther away. Best option would be the Gulf South Conference.

October 18th, 2013, 03:43 PM
Dayton Rule.

Then again, according to the SI article, pretty much all sports are struggling at Grambling.

I'm not saying just football, I mean the whole thing. Cut sports to the D2 minimum, cut scholarships, and drop down.

October 18th, 2013, 03:49 PM
Have they gotten on the bus yet?

October 18th, 2013, 03:53 PM
No. The players have made other plans for the weekend and will not be playing.

October 18th, 2013, 03:55 PM
Have they gotten on the bus yet?

The buses left with no players on board...


October 18th, 2013, 03:56 PM
I'm not saying just football, I mean the whole thing. Cut sports to the D2 minimum, cut scholarships, and drop down.

D2 requires ten sports, with at least four for each sex. Right now they sponsor five men and eight women's sports. It is six and nine if you count track twice. The article said they have had success in track, so maybe they could drop tennis and soccer (women's sports only) and maybe baseball to save money.

October 18th, 2013, 03:59 PM
Probably not a bad idea when you look at their financial situation.

I'll let you call Jesse and Al and tell them.

October 18th, 2013, 04:09 PM
I'll let you call Jesse and Al and tell them.

Jesse and Al gonna fundraise for them?

October 18th, 2013, 04:13 PM
I thought that the players wanted to get rid of the interim coach, and they did. But now they aren't going to go to their game? I don't think that I have any sympathy for them anymore. Or maybe I misunderstood what the original problem was. I didn't think that they should have fired Doug Williams either.

Things are really screwed up there.

October 18th, 2013, 04:19 PM
I thought that the players wanted to get rid of the interim coach, and they did. But now they aren't going to go to their game? I don't think that I have any sympathy for them anymore. Or maybe I misunderstood what the original problem was. I didn't think that they should have fired Doug Williams either.

Things are really screwed up there.

He was just one part of it. They feel disrespected by the administration, the facilities are filthy and in some cases unsafe, withholding meals from the players so that the admin can keep that little bit of extra money, etc. Doug raised private money to replace unsafe mats in the weight room and bought the mats himself. Once the admin found out, they put the unsafe mats back in the weight room and ordered the new ones be locked up in storage since the money wasn't given to the administration to make the purchase. A week later, Doug is fired, no cause given, and they are still paying him the $250,000 a year salary instead of arguing it was for cause.

Lehigh Football Nation
October 18th, 2013, 04:19 PM
Bobby Jindal has a lot to do with this...

RT @drewmckevitt (http://twitter.com/drewmckevitt/): Grambling has lost 57% of state funding under Jindal.

October 18th, 2013, 04:22 PM
Bobby Jindal has a lot to do with this...

RT @drewmckevitt (http://twitter.com/drewmckevitt/): Grambling has lost 57% of state funding under Jindal.

chucky just because some yankee, and jersey, scum types it on his computer and you quote it doesn't make Gov. Jindal to blame.

October 18th, 2013, 04:28 PM
Bobby Jindal has a lot to do with this...

RT @drewmckevitt (http://twitter.com/drewmckevitt/): Grambling has lost 57% of state funding under Jindal.

I'm pretty sure the other Louisiana FCS schools had their funding cut and they aren't having these issues. Grambling only has itself to blame.

Seems like a complete fail by leadership and alumni.

October 18th, 2013, 04:39 PM
Thankfully for JSU fans and those who will be in attendance the Grambling State band did board their chartered jet and should be landing shortly. Homecoming is saved.

Lehigh Football Nation
October 18th, 2013, 04:44 PM
Thankfully for JSU fans the Grambling State band did board their chartered jet and should be landing shortly. Homecoming is saved.

As sad as this situation is, this made me xlolx

October 18th, 2013, 04:45 PM
As sad as this situation is, this made me xlolx

not as much as you quoting that jersey trash to try and make a political argument made me laugh.

October 18th, 2013, 04:51 PM
Thankfully for JSU fans and those who will be in attendance the Grambling State band did board their chartered jet and should be landing shortly. Homecoming is saved.
why punish JSU fans like that?

October 18th, 2013, 05:40 PM
If they are low on cash, why were they going today? According to Google maps, it is about a 2 1/2 hour drive to Jackson. The game is at 3:00 so they could have left in the morning and saved on a hotel stay.

As for the mats, I can kind of see the school's point. The school is responsible for anything at the school, so they should at least have a hand in installing a new floor in the weight room. But I think this goes much deeper than just the floor in the weight room.

October 18th, 2013, 06:29 PM
Thankfully for JSU fans and those who will be in attendance the Grambling State band did board their chartered jet and should be landing shortly. Homecoming is saved.
xnonox don't play like that.

why punish JSU fans like that?

xthumbsupx i know right.

well, the latest updates are that the game is officially cancelled and JSU will just do a scrimmage, extended band performances from JSU's band and a free additional concert at the stadium that night. Grambling will not be in the building and better not try to show-up in the morning if they know what's good for them after all of this drama. xtroublex unless dropping off that forfeit check xrulesx

ODU Oldtimer
October 18th, 2013, 06:39 PM
Grambling game is officially cancelled at JSU


October 18th, 2013, 08:04 PM
This sounds like a program in complete shambles.

Program? Sounds like the whole school is on the brink.

October 18th, 2013, 08:35 PM
Eddie Robinson must be rolling in his grave. What an enormous embarrassment to a once proud program.

October 18th, 2013, 08:38 PM
Don't know if it were already posted, but SI and Deadspin both have articles on this.



October 18th, 2013, 09:26 PM
If I'm Southern U., I'm getting really nervous about the Grambling game. It is televised on NBC and will generate a lot of money for the program. If that game is cancelled, they can kiss that NBC check goodbye along with any other revenue from the game. I'd be getting on the horn with JSU or anyone else on Grambling's schedule to see if they want to play on that date in a non-conference game.

October 18th, 2013, 10:43 PM
I'm pretty sure the other Louisiana FCS schools had their funding cut and they aren't having these issues. Grambling only has itself to blame.

Seems like a complete fail by leadership and alumni.

Jus' wondering how their budgets compare with LSU's? After all, from what I read, Geaux Tigers MAKE about $5-10 million just in football. If that is the case, I hope the State isn't giving LSU $ when it could be going to the other state schools who appear to have less than adequate facilities.

October 18th, 2013, 11:08 PM
I'm wondering if there is anything in the SWAC bylaws that prevents JSU from attempting to recover lost revenue from Grambling.

October 18th, 2013, 11:17 PM
I'm wondering if there is anything in the SWAC bylaws that prevents JSU from attempting to recover lost revenue from Grambling.

If they can't afford to buy lunch for the team going to Indianapolis, how are they going to spring for 15-20,000 tickets JSU will have to refund?

October 18th, 2013, 11:25 PM
I'm wondering if there is anything in the SWAC bylaws that prevents JSU from attempting to recover lost revenue from Grambling.

The conference will fine Grambling $20k for forfeiting the conference game, I'm not surprise what other reprisals there will be. The only other case I can recall is our game with Michigan where we forfeited against A&T to play it and paid them about $150k and the conference office about the same amount. But in this case, Grambling isn't bringing in any additional revenue to supplement it. It's a net loss for them.

October 18th, 2013, 11:34 PM
Jus' wondering how their budgets compare with LSU's? After all, from what I read, Geaux Tigers MAKE about $5-10 million just in football. If that is the case, I hope the State isn't giving LSU $ when it could be going to the other state schools who appear to have less than adequate facilities.

LSU is one of six schools in the country that doesn't need a subsidy for athletics. So no state or university funds are used for athletics. From what I've heard they have seen some large cuts from the academic side.

Grambling's problem appears to be that alumni just don't give money for athletics, making them very reliant on state/university funds. With that said a lot of FCS schools could find themselves in a similar place if state funding was drastically cut, too many FCS schools depend on subsidies.

October 18th, 2013, 11:40 PM
Jus' wondering how their budgets compare with LSU's? After all, from what I read, Geaux Tigers MAKE about $5-10 million just in football. If that is the case, I hope the State isn't giving LSU $ when it could be going to the other state schools who appear to have less than adequate facilities.

IMO, any money LSU generates from its sports should stay at LSU.

Lehigh Football Nation
October 18th, 2013, 11:55 PM
I'd love to hear the perspective of, say, Alcorn or MVSU fans watching this, and eyeing their own tiny football programs.

October 19th, 2013, 05:01 AM
Bobby Jindal has a lot to do with this...

RT @drewmckevitt (http://twitter.com/drewmckevitt/): Grambling has lost 57% of state funding under Jindal.

It has affected all the other universities in the state also but we are playing football this weekend. There is a lot more to it than just the cuts in state funding.


October 19th, 2013, 05:05 AM
Jus' wondering how their budgets compare with LSU's? After all, from what I read, Geaux Tigers MAKE about $5-10 million just in football. If that is the case, I hope the State isn't giving LSU $ when it could be going to the other state schools who appear to have less than adequate facilities.

Apples and oranges. LSU Athletics is self supporting and actually puts money back in to the university. They do not use any state funds at all.


October 19th, 2013, 07:40 AM
Football is a symptom in this case, not the cause.

At the root of this story is a pattern of inattention and mismanagement common among too many HBCU's (and state governments which fund them). These are the groups which look the other way and tolerate incompetence in university affairs, not just athletics. They cite very real financial difficulties as an excuse for not affecting standard practices to affect positive change, but there is also an acceptance at the institutional level and the state level of a certain amount of graft that would not be tolerated at the so-called PWC's (predominately white colleges). But at the statehouse, it's easier to look the other way than risk a political firestorm by trying to clean house.

The students are the ones who suffer, and so the alumni giving rates reflect it. A Grambling official reported Friday that the alumni giving rates are so low, they don't even include it in the budget.

October 19th, 2013, 08:34 AM
politics aside,I just feel bad for the student athletes at Grambling. What a cluster****** of arrogance and incompetence

October 19th, 2013, 08:46 AM
Before it is over with, it will be blamed on Republican politics and the race card played before they blame it on the real people responsible for the problem. You just watch.


October 19th, 2013, 09:15 AM
Jackson State receives a 1-0 win.

How does this affect their scoring offense number?


October 19th, 2013, 09:27 AM
Before it is over with, it will be blamed on Republican politics and the race card played before they blame it on the real people responsible for the problem. You just watch.

While Republican tactics canbe blamed for a lot, unless GSU was hit much harder by Budget cutbacks than other State schools,the answer lies on that campus not in Baton Rouge

October 19th, 2013, 09:53 AM
A Grambling official reported Friday that the alumni giving rates are so low,.....

never an issue in Lexington, or Charleston, or Richmond, or Williamsburg, or Spartanburg, or most any Ivy towns.....

October 19th, 2013, 09:57 AM
Jackson State receives a 1-0 win.

How does this affect their scoring offense number?


Should be 2-0

October 19th, 2013, 10:25 AM
never an issue in Lexington, or Charleston, or Richmond, or Williamsburg, or Spartanburg, or most any Ivy towns.....

Actually, it can be, except that lawmakers are less likely to look the other way.

October 19th, 2013, 10:27 AM
NCAA rules now say 1-0.


Page 6.

October 19th, 2013, 10:30 AM
Should be 2-0

I know back when I was in school, it was a question on the football quiz- How can a score be only 1-0? I thought that they had changed it to 2-0 but I don't know why since you could actually have a game that was played that ended up 2-0. Someone must know what the official rule is.............

This whole thing is crazy.

"I don’t see the players as being in control," Pogue said at the news conference. " I have never lost control of an institution."

I'd say that he now has.........

October 19th, 2013, 10:37 AM
Thanks Gumby!

Baseball 9-0 (in high school we got a forfeit and the score was 7-0 since a game is only 7 innings)
Basketball 2-0
Football 1-0
Hockey 1-0
Volleyball 3-0
Wrestling- 60-0. They really do make it hurt!

October 19th, 2013, 10:38 AM
NCAA rules now say 1-0.


Page 6.

I had always thought it was 2-0. Thanks for the information.

October 19th, 2013, 10:41 AM
Wrestling- 60-0. They really do make it hurt!

There are ten weight classes in college wrestling. If a wrestler records a pin in a dual match, his team earns six points. So if a team had all ten guys record a pin, the score would be 60-0. That is why a forfeited math is 60-0.

October 19th, 2013, 10:47 AM
There are ten weight classes in college wrestling. If a wrestler records a pin in a dual match, his team earns six points. So if a team had all ten guys record a pin, the score would be 60-0. That is why a forfeited math is 60-0.

I think Minnesota high school went from 12 to 14 weights, which would increase it from 72-0 to 84-0. That is scary.

They have even talked about cutting the number of weight classes to encourage smaller schools to offer wrestling instead of cooping programs. We do have 9 man football which had really helped the smaller schools. My best friend is a wrestling coach and is all for that.

October 19th, 2013, 10:49 AM
Kids keep getting fatter so they changed up all the weight classes in high school, haha.

October 19th, 2013, 10:52 AM
NFL is 2-0 (See Section 1, Article 1)


October 19th, 2013, 11:38 AM

On Friday, Grambling State canceled its football game against Jackson State after Grambling's disgruntled players refused to travel to Jackson, Miss., for the game Saturday.
The letter says "there are certain factors that are hindering us from reaching our goals" and then elaborates on many of them.

The athletic complex "is in horrible condition, and has many hazards that may contribute to our overall health," the letter says. "First, the complex is filled with mildew and mold. Mildew and mold can be seen on the ceiling, walls and floor, and are contributing to water leaks because of faltering walls and ceilings."

As has been reported before, the players say that the floor is coming up in the weight room, but the letter also asks that the university supply better detergent for uniforms.

"The uniforms are poorly cleaned and contribute to the multiple cases if staph infection," the letter reads. "Several players have been infected with staph multiple times."

A group of 26 photos obtained by Gomez from an unnamed Grambling State player appear to illustrate some of the players' complaints.

Several of the photographs show walls and ceiling tiles and even player equipment that appear to be covered in mold or mildew. Other photos show floors from the facility's weight-training room missing wide sections of its rubberized floor tiles, and torn and tattered covers to some of the room's weightlifting benches.

According to the letter, players have been complaining for some time that Gatorade and the supplement Muscle Milk were not supplied during summer camp or workouts.

"We had to pay for those expensive items ourselves," the letter states. "We were also forced to get water from hoses underneath the stadium in 90 degree plus weather."

As has also been reported, players took exception to the fact that they had to travel by bus to Kansas City and Indianapolis.

"One trip was 14 hours while the other was 17," the letter says. "Players were drained and exhausted after those long rides."

The players were bothered, according to the letter, that "the president and athletic director traveled by plane."

In addition, the letter states that money from "friends of football and the alumni association ... is being rejected" because the organizations donating the money want it to go to specific areas, while the university demands that it be applied to the university or athletics as a whole...


^^^ That is a health hazard.

October 19th, 2013, 12:50 PM
One of the things that alarmed me from that article is the seemingly casual mention of staph. I'd figure that it is one of those things that the administration would really work to correct because it's cheaper to clean than to pay legal fees if it escalates.

October 19th, 2013, 01:02 PM
I think Minnesota high school went from 12 to 14 weights, which would increase it from 72-0 to 84-0. That is scary.

They have even talked about cutting the number of weight classes to encourage smaller schools to offer wrestling instead of cooping programs. We do have 9 man football which had really helped the smaller schools. My best friend is a wrestling coach and is all for that.

AFAIK there have always been 14 high school classes. But I only got involved four years ago when my son started wrestling in seventh grade.

They did change the classes a few years ago. The bottom weight is now 106, It used to be 103. Heavyweight is 285, it once was unlimited. I read an article a few weeks ago about some guy who won state here (in Alabama) around 1980 and weighed over 400 pounds.

October 19th, 2013, 01:07 PM
Does Grambling have a wrestling team?????

October 19th, 2013, 07:39 PM
I have a feeling I'm going to get flamed for this, but here it goes.

If Grambling, or anyone else, wants to run their programs like a D2 or D3 program, then they need to take they butts down to that level. I fully support the players on this. No sense to have them take a 15 hour bus ride the DAY BEFORE a game, THEN 15 hours back (and expected to succeed in class), when their opponent who is equal distance away from the location flew there and back. ESPECIALLY when the payout from this classic was 50-50. What happened to the money? Grambling football is bankrolling not only the athletic department, but arguably the school as well. http://www.championshipsubdivision.com/forums/images/smilies/sSig_ohno.gif http://www.championshipsubdivision.com/forums/images/smilies/sSig_ohno.gif

If Grambling doesn't have the money to operate properly at a D1 level, then they should drop the facade and move down. And that goes for any other D1 school. Athletics should be run as a business. And you take care of the players in your program. Its disgusting how they have to worry about their health and personal safety from working out in their OWN facilities. http://www.championshipsubdivision.com/forums/images/smilies/dunce.gif http://www.championshipsubdivision.com/forums/images/smilies/dunce.gif

Having to drink water from a hose when you can easily take $100 and invest in about a dozen water coolers and a cheap ass folding table is mind-boggling to me. http://www.championshipsubdivision.com/forums/images/smilies/dunce.gif

When I have to put on moldy shoulder pads and jerseys because the school can't "afford" to invest in a clothes washer, that's a problem. http://www.championshipsubdivision.com/forums/images/smilies/dunce.gif

Remember the whole "APU" thing from the OSU-Northwestern game a couple weeks ago. This will go a long way towards advancing that cause. Forget all the talk about paying players, there needs to be set health and safety standards that these D1 schools have to meet to be allowed to operate at this level. If you can't do so, then GTFO. xpissedxxpissedx

October 19th, 2013, 08:18 PM
I read the article and this is beyond belief. Mullins "retired" for a whole lot less than this. Some people need to be fired over this.

October 19th, 2013, 08:25 PM
The admin should absolutely be fired. I can't blame the players for standing up and doing something. That article was just sad.

October 19th, 2013, 08:39 PM
xscanx a wrench has been thrown in. we'll see soon how this new detail develops.

October 19th, 2013, 08:50 PM
Does GSU not have custodians?....It must be pretty difficult to have them clean the walls of the weight room or if they can't handle hire somebody to do it...This is just disgusting...

https://1-ps.googleusercontent.com/sx/www.tspnsports.com/pbs.twimg.com/media/xBW-zBQqCQAAfi_U.jpg,3Alarge.pagespeed.ic.0yNW6Xxvb3.w ebp

October 19th, 2013, 08:52 PM


Some moldy weight belts...

Mold on the walls...


October 19th, 2013, 08:57 PM

According to the contract signed by Alcorn State, the school will receive “a post-event guarantee payment” of $230,000 dollars. The terms of the payment include a 20% deposit in the amount of $46,000 to be paid to ASU within 30 days from the date the contract was executed – which was on March 12, and the remaining 80% of $184,000 to be paid “within 90 days after the event.”

In Grambling’s contract with Indiana Black Expo, the school is to receive payouts totaling $320,000. The payment terms include “a post-event guarantee payment” of $220,000 to be paid “within 90 days after the event” and “a post-event payment” of $100,000 “for scholarships of the University’s choice”.

Both contracts require that the marching bands from each school perform in the Circle City Classic parade and pep rally. A $5000 prize will be given to the marching band that “wins the Battle of the Band competition during the half-time game performance.”

In exchange for the guarantee payments, both schools are also required to sell a minimum of 1000 tickets.

So was $10k suppose to be the difference between flying to Indy, and taking a bus? xconfusedx

October 19th, 2013, 08:59 PM


Some moldy weight belts...

Mold on the walls...


Apparently, these conditions are supposed to "build character" according to some here...xcoffeex

October 19th, 2013, 09:09 PM
And of course, let's not forget....

http://www.thenewsstar.com/article/20131018/BREAKING_NEWS/131018014/UPDATE-5-10-p-m-Grambling-threatens-pull-players-scholarships?odyssey=mod%7Cbreaking%7Ctext%7CFRONT PAGE&gcheck=1

Grambling State University administrators have sent a mass e-mailhttp://images.intellitxt.com/ast/adTypes/icon1.png (http://www.thenewsstar.com/article/20131018/BREAKING_NEWS/131018014/UPDATE-5-10-p-m-Grambling-threatens-pull-players-scholarships?odyssey=mod%7Cbreaking%7Ctext%7CFRONT PAGE&gcheck=1#)to football players threatening to take away their scholarships, reports Matt Vines of the Shreveport Times.The threat comes after players missed two deadlines this afternoon to get on a bus for a scheduled Saturday game at Jackson State University.

October 19th, 2013, 10:52 PM
Grambling gets into these "Classic" games based in large part on their brand name. Hence them getting more for the Indy game than Alcorn did (who still managed to afford to fly them up there).

Would they make more money not playing these games and instead seeking out money games against FBS teams? They'd probably get more than $320,000 if they played LSU and have a much shorter trip.

October 19th, 2013, 11:13 PM
The Classics are conference games, so they make considerably more from playing the conference game in a Classic setting on a neutral field than they do by playing at home. Of course, you alienate a portion of your fanbase when you don't play games at home and bring people back to campus.

October 19th, 2013, 11:26 PM


Some moldy weight belts...

Mold on the walls...


Some of these are images I'd expect from a less maintained High School, or for a non-profit sport not on a centralized area (my swim team in HS practiced in the middle school of the district, but the conditions were better even if they were maintained by the swimmers). Of these, I'd be most worried about the mold on the equipment, since then it has a contact to get onto the skin. Overall sad to see though.

October 20th, 2013, 12:41 AM
Very sad to see Grambling, a truly legendary football program, reduced to this.

October 20th, 2013, 02:17 AM
I first stated this years ago on here: these HBCU's are raking in MILLIONS on these so-called "Classics" set on neutral sites that have fraudulent attendance figures or tickets are $1/each. WTF is all this money going?

October 20th, 2013, 02:26 AM
I first stated this years ago on here: these HBCU's are raking in MILLIONS on these so-called "Classics" set on neutral sites that have fraudulent attendance figures or tickets are $1/each. WTF is all this money going?

According to this SI article (http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/college-football/news/20131018/grambling-football/):

Since 2007-08, overall state funding for Grambling has gone from $31.6 million to $13.8 million. The school has attempted to bridge that gap by increasing tuition, but it has fallen short, and cuts have been made across the board. Approximately 127 staff members have been laid off since 2008 and furloughs are common. Professors have also been asked to teach an extra class each year for free. Generally, the school has "cut to the bone," says Leon Sanders, Grambling's vice president for finance.

An $18 million swing is pretty huge. The school is probably using football revenue just to try to keep the doors open at the University in general.

October 20th, 2013, 06:15 AM
Yeah but a lot of Grambling fans don't go to home games at Grambling outside of homecoming and Jackson State, instead they travel on the road to Grambling's classic games.

October 20th, 2013, 06:18 AM
I first stated this years ago on here: these HBCU's are raking in MILLIONS on these so-called "Classics" set on neutral sites that have fraudulent attendance figures or tickets are $1/each. WTF is all this money going?

That's what the players are asking and that question has never been answered by the administration. The team road the bus to Indianapolis but the AD and Pres took a private jet. Hmmmmmmmmm

October 20th, 2013, 06:27 AM
just spoke to dear ole mom and Dad, they were all excited about the upcoming bus trip to New England. As for myself, I couldn't imagine being crammed on a bus with a bunch of seniors for all of those days... and should I be upset with them because that they never told me I should not have been drinking from the garden hose when growing up? :D

but in all seriousness, the mold/staff .... no joking matter. Health dept probably suited out when they go into that weight room.

October 20th, 2013, 06:29 AM
Grambling ranks in the middle of SWAC budgets per the EADA reports, and that's with classic games presumably included.

Alabama State $2,822,717
Texas Southern $2,625,065
Alabama A & M $2,406,862
Alcorn State $2,046,026
Grambling State $1,985,964
Prairie View A & M $1,824,275
UA-Pine Bluff $1,712,726
Southern $1,554,532
Jackson State $1,504,899
Mississippi Valley State $1,088,097

October 20th, 2013, 06:37 AM
Grambling ranks in the middle of SWAC budgets per the EADA reports, and that's with classic games presumably included.

Alabama State $2,822,717
Texas Southern $2,625,065
Alabama A & M $2,406,862
Alcorn State $2,046,026
Grambling State $1,985,964
Prairie View A & M $1,824,275
UA-Pine Bluff $1,712,726
Southern $1,554,532
Jackson State $1,504,899
Mississippi Valley State $1,088,097

Those numbers look a little bit off from what I've seen on some other sites.

October 20th, 2013, 07:00 AM
According to this SI article (http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/college-football/news/20131018/grambling-football/):

An $18 million swing is pretty huge. The school is probably using football revenue just to try to keep the doors open at the University in general.[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR]

BINGO! This is the main sticking point between the school & Doug Williams who was trying to fix the Football Facilities.

October 20th, 2013, 07:06 AM
The president from Grambling seems clueless and quite frankly unbelievable. If he wasn't aware of the conditions of the football facilities like he says he wasn't then he should step down immediately along with the AD.

October 20th, 2013, 08:28 AM
The president from Grambling seems clueless and quite frankly unbelievable. If he wasn't aware of the conditions of the football facilities like he says he wasn't then he should step down immediately along with the AD.


October 20th, 2013, 08:43 AM
According to this SI article (http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/college-football/news/20131018/grambling-football/):

An $18 million swing is pretty huge. The school is probably using football revenue just to try to keep the doors open at the University in general.[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR]

All the other schools in the University of Louisiana system were hit with the same budget cuts and you don't see us or the other schools with major problems (we do have minor problems) like Grambling. They can't just blame the budget cuts (of course, they will).


October 20th, 2013, 08:46 AM
I first stated this years ago on here: these HBCU's are raking in MILLIONS on these so-called "Classics" set on neutral sites that have fraudulent attendance figures or tickets are $1/each. WTF is all this money going?

If they are giving away tickets for a buck, how are the organizers making money on these deals?

October 20th, 2013, 08:48 AM
All the other schools in the University of Louisiana system were hit with the same budget cuts and you don't see us or the other schools with major problems (we do have minor problems) like Grambling. They can't just blame the budget cuts (of course, they will).


Budget cuts along with corruption by the administration is probably what has Gambling in the situation that they're in.

October 20th, 2013, 08:49 AM
Budget cuts along with corruption by the administration is probably what has Gambling in the situation that they're in.

Not to mention an abysmally low level of Alumni donations per capita.

October 20th, 2013, 08:54 AM
Not to mention an abysmally low level of Alumni donations per capita.

The alumni association has come out and spoke against that report by the school. Come to find out they have been questioning what has been happening to the donations for the past few years also.

October 20th, 2013, 09:27 AM
This will probably come across harsh (and perhaps even subject me to my first negative rep), but a couple things about this situation really hit close to home for me. The first reaction is under most circumstances you have a fair idea of what you're signing up for. That weight room didn't get in that condition overnight.

My second reaction is about the complaints about the bus trip. Needs to be put into perspective. These kids are going to play a game. Meanwhile, a bunch of other kids are sitting on a C-17 for up to 16-18 hours non-stop for something a little more real-world.


I made a few trips myself from Dover AFB to Europe (direct flights) on loaded KC-135's where you couldn't move one inch for 16+ hours, other than standing directly up and sitting right back down. It is all about what you're willing to do, and making the best of the situation you find yourself in. There is an easy way out if it is that unbearable to you. Leave, and let someone step up and take your place.

I do not say that to remove any of the blame from the Grambling AD and President, for they certainly have a role in this debacle but the entire episode really needs to be framed in the proper perspective, IMO.

Pards Rule
October 20th, 2013, 09:30 AM
Jackson State receives a 1-0 win.

How does this affect their scoring offense number?


HTF can a 1-0 win be given?!?! Make it a least 2-0 as that is the minimal score that could be obtained!!

October 20th, 2013, 09:46 AM
This will probably come across harsh (and perhaps even subject me to my first negative rep), but a couple things about this situation really hit close to home for me. The first reaction is under most circumstances you have a fair idea of what you're signing up for. That weight room didn't get in that condition overnight.

My second reaction is about the complaints about the bus trip. Needs to be put into perspective. These kids are going to play a game. Meanwhile, a bunch of other kids are sitting on a C-17 for up to 16-18 hours non-stop for something a little more real-world.


I made a few trips myself from Dover AFB to Europe (direct flights) on loaded KC-135's where you couldn't move one inch for 16+ hours, other than standing directly up and sitting right back down. It is all about what you're willing to do, and making the best of the situation you find yourself in. There is an easy way out if it is that unbearable to you. Leave, and let someone step up and take your place.

I do not say that to remove any of the blame from the Grambling AD and President, for they certainly have a role in this debacle but the entire episode really needs to be framed in the proper perspective, IMO.

I think its more that Doug Williams was telling the players that he was looking out for them and will do what he can to help them out, he got them new flooring for the weight room, the admin comes in a rips it out, and he was fired after week 2, then Grambling goes to KC on a bus, then a few weeks later they go to Indy on a bus, this has probably been building for awhile. They didn't just decide to stop playing this week. It's been an ongoing issue.

October 20th, 2013, 10:01 AM
"I spent all day in my office waiting for somebody to call a meeting" - Grambling President Pogue xnutsxxnutsx

October 20th, 2013, 10:02 AM
I think alumni and the team should demand an audit right now to find out just where all the money is going.

October 20th, 2013, 10:05 AM
I first stated this years ago on here: these HBCU's are raking in MILLIONS on these so-called "Classics" set on neutral sites that have fraudulent attendance figures or tickets are $1/each. WTF is all this money going?
Millions? Classics usually make somewhere between $200 and maybe $450 thousand, the money from the Bayou Classic (for Southern) is placed in the general fund it is considered a university event not an athletic event. And as far as fraudulent attendance numbers or $1 tickets NO! tickets are usually $40 and there are plenty of pictures around here that show attendance is not a fraud.

October 20th, 2013, 10:06 AM
http://espn.go.com/video/clip?id=espn:9852233 xcoffeex

October 20th, 2013, 10:11 AM
http://espn.go.com/video/clip?id=espn:9852233 xcoffeex

He didn't know? Somebody please fire this liar!

October 20th, 2013, 10:12 AM
Millions? Classics usually make somewhere between $200 and maybe $450 thousand, the money from the Bayou Classic (for Southern) is placed in the general fund it is considered a university event not an athletic event. And as far as fraudulent attendance numbers or $1 tickets NO! tickets are usually $40 and there are plenty of pictures around here that show attendance is not a fraud.

This is what I don't get...

Grambling recieved $220,000 (plus $100k for scholarships) for this game, Alcorn received $230,000.

Listed attendance for this game was 22,357: http://espn.go.com/ncf/boxscore?id=332852016

Eddie Robinson Stadium holds 23,200
Jack Spinks Stadium holds 22,500

Why move THIS game to Indy? Both schools should have been able to clear at least double that amount as a home game.

October 20th, 2013, 10:18 AM
Towson has done some cheap things before like having Snickers and Apples for the Pre-Game Road meal, but even during the 1-10 and 2-9 seasons were they ever this bad. I've only seen inside of the Football facility by pictures and they have never been mold and mildew ridden. This is unacceptable and I can see why the kids would revolt like that. I would ask for my money back if I ever stayed at a hotel that bad, yet alone a weight room that bad. They need a new AD and President quickly.

Go Green
October 20th, 2013, 10:21 AM
I think its more that Doug Williams was telling the players that he was looking out for them and will do what he can to help them out, he got them new flooring for the weight room, the admin comes in a rips it out, and he was fired after week 2, then Grambling goes to KC on a bus, then a few weeks later they go to Indy on a bus, this has probably been building for awhile. They didn't just decide to stop playing this week. It's been an ongoing issue.

I think that this is about as good a nickel summary as possible to the mess.

I agree that budget cuts are definitely part of the story. But the administration clearly made a bad situation worse with mismanagement.

October 20th, 2013, 10:22 AM
This is what I don't get...

Grambling recieved $220,000 (plus $100k for scholarships) for this game, Alcorn received $230,000.

Listed attendance for this game was 22,357: http://espn.go.com/ncf/boxscore?id=332852016

Eddie Robinson Stadium holds 23,200
Jack Spinks Stadium holds 22,500

Why move THIS game to Indy? Both schools should have been able to clear at least double that amount as a home game.

The move was decided back in the spring. The Circle City Classic is usually a great draw but this season Alcorn State was selected to play and they don't travel well at all nor do they have a household name. Add the fact that Grambling went into that game winless also hurt attendance.

Lehigh Football Nation
October 20th, 2013, 10:56 AM
This is a sad story with a multitude of causes and villains. But I think one crucial thing that's being missed is, Grambling's mission of education is different than most. I think saying "just have the alumni give more back to the school" isn't an acceptable solution, nor is "Grambling should be forced to go to D-II".

Louisiana-Lafayette received $7 million in subsides last year. Grambling got $2 million. Chew on that a second.


October 20th, 2013, 11:03 AM
I first stated this years ago on here: these HBCU's are raking in MILLIONS on these so-called "Classics" set on neutral sites that have fraudulent attendance figures or tickets are $1/each. WTF is all this money going?

Have you ever been to one of the "so called classics". If so, you would think the attendance figures were understated. And there are no $1 tickets...lol.

October 20th, 2013, 11:18 AM
This is a sad story with a multitude of causes and villains. But I think one crucial thing that's being missed is, Grambling's mission of education is different than most. I think saying "just have the alumni give more back to the school" isn't an acceptable solution, nor is "Grambling should be forced to go to D-II".

Louisiana-Lafayette received $7 million in subsides last year. Grambling got $2 million. Chew on that a second.


So based on 2012 enrollments, Grambling got around $379 per student on average and ULL $462. If you were to clean that up to balance out, you're talking less than $450K a year difference. Is that enough to fix these problems ? Sounds like some overall improvement in financial management is needed.

I suspect that athletics aren't the only thing at Grambling that are getting the short stick.

October 20th, 2013, 11:33 AM
http://espn.go.com/video/clip?id=espn:9852233 xcoffeex

Of course he stayed in his office all day and night! The guy has clearly never left it before during his time at Grambling!

October 20th, 2013, 01:39 PM
So the President of Grambling sat on his azz for a day waiting for some one to set up a meeting? Now usually a person in his position has numerous degrees of higher leaning. How freaking stupid is this guy? Really? He need to look up the meaning of PROACTIVE.
And what up with the other idiots of higher learning to get pissy becaUSe the money for the weight room floor didnt go through them when they themselves didnt do a damn thing to raise those funds? Morons. This shows there is a total lack of leadership from the top down.

October 20th, 2013, 04:52 PM
This is a sad story with a multitude of causes and villains. But I think one crucial thing that's being missed is, Grambling's mission of education is different than most. I think saying "just have the alumni give more back to the school" isn't an acceptable solution, nor is "Grambling should be forced to go to D-II".

Louisiana-Lafayette received $7 million in subsides last year. Grambling got $2 million. Chew on that a second.


Grambling's education mission may be somewhat different from others, but it is quite wrong to suggest they are pumping out lots of poor college graduates. I've been in New Orleans during the Bayou Classic, and there are lots of Grambling and SU grads arriving in nice cars, staying in nice hotels, and eating in nice restaurants. Their alumni can contribute to the athletic program.

I'm fairly certain Grambling gets more from playing in the Bayou Classic than ULL gets for the New Orleans Bowl. The issue is that money is being siphoned from the football team and used for other purposes.

As far as subsidies, this is the USA methology:

Total Subsidy: The sum of students fees, direct and indirect institutional support and state money. The NCAA and others consider such funds "allocated" or everything not generated by the department's athletics functions.

What the chart to which you refer actually tells us is that GSU loses millions less than ULL on its athletic program. We don't know what portion, if any, state contributions contribute to those numbers.

October 20th, 2013, 08:15 PM
This is what I don't get...

Grambling recieved $220,000 (plus $100k for scholarships) for this game, Alcorn received $230,000.

Listed attendance for this game was 22,357: http://espn.go.com/ncf/boxscore?id=332852016

Eddie Robinson Stadium holds 23,200
Jack Spinks Stadium holds 22,500

Why move THIS game to Indy? Both schools should have been able to clear at least double that amount as a home game.
Games like this are moved because its a great way to showcase your school, and get students from different regions of the county that might have never heard of your that university.
As far as attendance Alcorn and Grambling both only average somewhere between 8 and 12K at home, so 22K is not bad
besides how may FCS teams can you name that could travel that far from home and draw a crowd of 22K?

October 20th, 2013, 10:05 PM
besides how may FCS teams can you name that could travel that far from home and draw a crowd of 22K?

Frisco is sold outxwhistlex

Really though, it's a great tradition and I hope it keeps going.

October 21st, 2013, 08:20 AM
Frisco is sold outxwhistlex

Really though, it's a great tradition and I hope it keeps going.
Ok NDSU that's 1 keep going

October 21st, 2013, 09:53 AM
SWAC is not fining Grambling and is working with them to try to resolve the players strike.


October 21st, 2013, 11:34 AM
This is a sad story with a multitude of causes and villains. But I think one crucial thing that's being missed is, Grambling's mission of education is different than most. I think saying "just have the alumni give more back to the school" isn't an acceptable solution, nor is "Grambling should be forced to go to D-II".

Louisiana-Lafayette received $7 million in subsides last year. Grambling got $2 million. Chew on that a second.


Wow you are the master of spin and fuzzy math. So how is Grambling's mission different in this day and age? Combining Eagle22's post and your anti-Sun Belt agenda, there's nothing at all to chew on...

October 21st, 2013, 11:44 AM
like the marching bands? xwhistlex

If it's being diverted to the band you sure can't tell. Their band doesn't much look like one that is seriously being invested in anymore. Plus there are 2 or 3 schools in the SWAC where the band does pull in some money for the school whether it be during or non-football events. They should get a little taste, but I doubt the money is going to anything that will actually help students directly

If you happen to locate a few of those types of leaders, could you please send 1 president and 1 AD to Prairie View A&M University as well? It's ridiculousl that the current prez gets 349,000$ annum to continue and stay clueless w/ regards to athletic prowess, competivity, and growth AND the current AD recvs 175,000$ annum to foster the stupidity that's wreaking on campus. A collection of dumb and stupid dumb*****s (w/ regards to athletics) but certainly intelligent for continuing the status quo. xthumbsupx

While you're at it sent Jackson State a new AD. I will hold out judgement against the Preisdent for now. At least she wants to to finally get the stadium built. But if it ends up being and dome, and that dome doesn't have a roof that opens, I'm not much sold on her either. Honestly the SWAC has a whole needs to clear out any President or AD not interesting in taking both academics and athletics to another level.

The only thing JSU will lose out on are walk up tix. Other than that, they get a cheap win and the alumni will party regardless.

That's not completely accurate. Most of the tickets are purchased from the stadium or the campus box offices. Various groups and alumni chapters bought packages of tickets as well. A lot of tickets will have to be refunded. There is also the loss of concessions. Also, there are a lot of people coming down for various events from either school who did not travel to Jackson because of word the game might be canceled. The school waited until the absolute last minute to anounce that all other homecoming activities should still go on. There will still be some homecoming partying going on, but there will be much less activity going on because a lot of people took a "wait and see" approach. I didn't head down to Jackson myself on Friday because I was waiting to see if the game would be canceled, what alternative was introduced, and what other activities would still go on. I was really only going for the game, and alumni events, so I had no reason to still go down once all those were canceled.

October 21st, 2013, 12:15 PM
Sports Illustrated story on this situation:

Link (http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/college-football/news/20131018/grambling-football/?sct=hp_t1t_a1&eref=sihp)

You can tell this story was reported/written in a hurry, both in its structure and its (not so great) editing.

From the piece:

Grambling may want to start budgeting for donations and changing that "culture" if it plans on maintaining its D-1 status.

When you talk to Grambling people they act like they're the most beloved small school in the world. They claim that is the reason GSU is sometimes referenced when sports is dicussed in movies. They claim that's the reason the band has been chosen for commercials, movies, and playing for President Obama. The truth is they just have a relatively well-known brand because of Eddie Robinson and they have a handful of alumni working behind the scenes giving donations and getting the band booked for these various things. Thier alumni or fanbase as whole is not that strong or supportive. That's something they need to change. Of course that's something that's hard to do when the people in administration have no idea what they're doing and no one running the SWAC has any idea what they're doing either.

Can Louisiana even afford to keep Grambling open?

Louisiana Tech is SIX miles away.

Just merge the two schools.

That's the last things they need to do. Grambling has too much history. They were talking abot that same BS in Mississippi a few years back. They were going to merge 3 or 4 schools into one, an then merge two other schools into one.

The article quoted one player saying they went to a soccer game with eight players. I can't believe the refs let them start the game that short handed.

If they did drop to D2, where would they go? The only HBCU conference in D2 is the SIAC, which has 13 members and will soon have 14 when they add PWC Spring Hill. Of course, they would not have to join a HBCU league, but that would probably be their preference.

Then what would the SWAC do? I've heard Tuskegee wants to move up, would have an even swap with the SIAC if they did. Would a MEAC member consider moving? They currently have 13 members, but only 11 play football. Would the SWAC keep their championship game if they only had nine members?

I don't see a problem with them joining a non-HBCU conference. TSU seems to have had no problem with it in the OVC. Personally I'd love to see 3 or 4 teams leave the SWAC and join or form a mixed conference. The SWAC is Wack. The people running it don't know what they're doing. Everyone is satisfied with this bootleg championship game and the status quo. No one wants to do anything different from what they've always done, and at some schools thats mindset is starting to trickle down outside of athletics. If they did go to D-2, maybe the Bayou Classic could finally be moved to a week earlier. People would get used to it after a while. I don't know why people act like it wouldn't be a success on a non-holiday weekend. It would just take people a couple years to get used to it. As for some of these other conferences, the schools are already too spread out. I just don't see how teams from say the SWAC and MEAC, for example, could ever leave and form a new conference. The MEAC already has a problem with getting fans and their bands to travel to all away games. And in the SWAC sometimes the schools in the farthest apart states have to decide whether to travel or not. Many times people have to pick and choose and the bands have to pick and choose if they're going to travel to the Alabama or Texas games.

October 21st, 2013, 01:17 PM
The players have ended their strike and are back practicing. On the other hand, this: https://twitter.com/newyscruggs/status/392346998587666432

October 21st, 2013, 07:19 PM

The online editor was fired and the opinions page editor is under a two-week suspension at Grambling State University’s student newspaper, The Gramblinite, following growing tensions there between students and administrators.
David Lankster Sr. said he’s been fired after tweeting statements from anonymous sources and photos of dilapidated facilities (http://rolandmartinreports.com/blog/2013/10/espn-grambling-responds-to-concerns/) using the newspaper’s Twitter account, and he accused the school’s Director of Public Relations and Communications, former journalist Will Sutton, of attempting to censor student journalists.
“I was behind it. I was the only one on the ground hearing from the students and players,” said Lankster, the former sports editor who has worked at the paper since 2009. “Sutton was trying to mute our voice because we were tweeting the real news, the truth about what was going on.”

October 21st, 2013, 07:32 PM
So Grambling doesn't even have to pay a fine while JSU is left holding the bag having to refund tickets and lost out on all the revenue from people who did not come to town for the non-game.

Next year's Grambling-JSU game should be played in Jackson even though it is Grambling's turn to host.

October 21st, 2013, 07:34 PM
So Grambling doesn't even have to pay a fine while JSU is left holding the bag having to refund tickets and lost out on all the revenue from people who did not come to town for the non-game.

Next year's Grambling-JSU game should be played in Jackson even though it is Grambling's turn to host.

Outside the Lines said Grambling would be fined 20k by the conference.

October 21st, 2013, 07:40 PM
Outside the Lines said Grambling would be fined 20k by the conference.

Swac came out tonight and said they wont fine

October 21st, 2013, 10:44 PM
Swac came out tonight and said they wont fine

the commissioner stated, "We have yet to fine Grambling State... we have not fine anyone yet. " this is directly from today's SWAC Teleconference recording from the commissioner himself. this states there was not a yes or no. i believe the bylaws states there will be a 20k fine. it looks like the commissioner has the final say, when he actually say it.

October 22nd, 2013, 01:35 PM
After they have entered the 145,000-square foot Oregon Football Performance Center, walked across the Nepalese rugs, worked out on the Brazilian hardwood floors of the weight room and sank into the Italian leather couches in the players lounge, you wonder: do the Ducks know about the guys at Grambling? Have they heard about the Tigers' moldy locker room and the weight room with the damaged floors?
Before playing Washington State on Saturday, when they pulled on their seventh different uniform combination in seven games, did the Ducks consider the plight of the Grambling players? Could they possibly relate to the guys who were getting staph infections from wearing the same, unwashed uniforms over and over?
When they take their next chartered flight to a road game, will the Ducks sympathize with the Tigers who rode buses from Louisiana to Indianapolis for a game, and from Louisiana to Kansas City for another?
Oregon (2) and Grambling (3) both play college football, at least in name. The players are the same age. The rules of the game are the same. But beyond that they have nothing in common, as the obscenely bloated high end of the sport continues to lose touch with the paupers at the other end of the Division I spectrum.
The gulf between the Haves and Have-Nots is an American societal issue more than anything else – but this is the sporting manifestation of it, and this is a sports column. It took a player strike and a forfeited game at a traditionally proud football program for most of America to notice, but the Tigers have gotten our attention.
The sadness of their situation should at least cause a twinge of guilt among all those who bathe in excess at the elite level of college football. Yes, everyone.
The commissioners, university presidents and athletic directors who tore apart rivalries and regional sensibility to realign for more TV revenue. The TV execs who would schedule games at midnight on Mars if they could make a buck. The coaches who are making tens of thousands of dollars in bonus money for such lofty accomplishments as league victories, bowl eligibility and a decent team grade-point average. The players who complain about "exploitation" while pocketing money from agents and boosters behind the scenes. The fans who spend huge sums of money to support the football team but not the educational mission of their favorite school.
And the media members who complain when their free parking isn't close enough to the stadium, their free press-box meal isn't good enough or their luxury hotel at a BCS bowl is inconveniently located. The Dash included.
[Related: Grambling State players end boycott, return to practice]
We've become desensitized to the silliness of conspicuous consumption in college football. Is there anything in athletics more nonsensical than buying foosball tables from Barcelona for the facility at Oregon? Do the chief tenants of the building, ages 18 to 22 and there to play football, notice or care where their play toys come from? Would it cost the Ducks a commitment from a foosball aficionado or an interior design major if the tables were from a local department store?
But because Oregon's facility is hailed as the latest and perhaps greatest recruiting advantage, others at the elite end of the spectrum will hustle to catch up. Alabama's facility has a waterfall now, and 10-foot tall replicas of the school's most recent championship rings. Tennessee's plans for a $45 million football facility were altered midstream by then-coach Derek Dooley to include $9 million in adjustments from another consultant. The reason, according to Dooley: "If (recruits) don't go wow, then we hadn't done our job."

Well, of course. Because there is no such thing as "enough." Our sense of proportion has been lost, or at least subverted by the notion that victory justifies everything. If ridiculous indulgence is a byproduct of winner-take-all competition, not many people seem to have a problem with that. More seem to celebrate it than question it.
It's not up to Oregon – or Alabama, or Tennessee – to fix what ails Grambling. (Though you wonder whether Ducks sugar daddy Phil Knight, who has done more than any man to ramp up the college sports arms race, could spare a dime to help the school with a set of uniforms.) But everyone at the affluent end of the sport should take note of what's happening at Grambling, and we should all feel a little bit dirty today.

October 22nd, 2013, 10:33 PM
Jackson State is suing.

i like to see and provide sources....

"...Still, the JSU family was damaged. Our Homecoming game draws tens of thousands of fans. The university intends to use litigation to be made whole for our direct and indirect financial losses.
We have a fiduciary responsibility to Mississippi taxpayers and the JSU community to mitigate our ongoing and substantial losses. Jackson State plans to pursue litigation against Grambling State and others.
Grambling’s issues are well documented and long standing. Those issues, however, are not JSU’s issues nor are these JSU’s responsibility.
Grambling repeatedly assured us its team would travel to Jackson. Late Friday afternoon they informed us their student athletes would not travel to Jackson for our scheduled game. We have dealt in good faith with Grambling and the Southwestern Athletic Conference. The actions of both have hurt JSU.
The SWAC commissioner did not return calls from our director of athletics the entire week. The Clarion-Ledger reported the SWAC commissioner would be meeting with folks at Grambling and JSU. We haven’t seen him, nor has he called.
Jackson State University’s and the city of Jackson’s losses could be in the millions. It would be irresponsible for JSU to fail to pursue some redress.
Again, Jackson State University appreciates the overwhelming support from our alumni, faculty, staff, students and friends..."

October 22nd, 2013, 10:58 PM
Sounds like they could be seeking a suit against the SWAC as well as Grambling from the finger-pointing and straight-forward talk about the SWAC's failures.

October 23rd, 2013, 08:11 AM
Jackson State is suing.

i like to see and provide sources....

"...Still, the JSU family was damaged. Our Homecoming game draws tens of thousands of fans. The university intends to use litigation to be made whole for our direct and indirect financial losses.
We have a fiduciary responsibility to Mississippi taxpayers and the JSU community to mitigate our ongoing and substantial losses. Jackson State plans to pursue litigation against Grambling State and others.
Grambling’s issues are well documented and long standing. Those issues, however, are not JSU’s issues nor are these JSU’s responsibility.
Grambling repeatedly assured us its team would travel to Jackson. Late Friday afternoon they informed us their student athletes would not travel to Jackson for our scheduled game. We have dealt in good faith with Grambling and the Southwestern Athletic Conference. The actions of both have hurt JSU.
The SWAC commissioner did not return calls from our director of athletics the entire week. The Clarion-Ledger reported the SWAC commissioner would be meeting with folks at Grambling and JSU. We haven’t seen him, nor has he called.
Jackson State University’s and the city of Jackson’s losses could be in the millions. It would be irresponsible for JSU to fail to pursue some redress.
Again, Jackson State University appreciates the overwhelming support from our alumni, faculty, staff, students and friends..."

Might as well look to leave the conference as well as filing the suit. The school was also done dirty with the APR fiasco a few years ago.

Lehigh Football Nation
October 23rd, 2013, 08:43 AM
Suing another conference member is not exactly indicative of a cohesive conference.

Lehigh Football Nation
October 23rd, 2013, 09:32 AM
The story keeps getting weirder and weirder.


In light of Grambling’s football players sending a letter to school administrators with a list of complaints, Grambling officials have begun to fight back in their own way.

Late Saturday, the school sent out an Oct. 7 health inspection report from the state department of heath and hospitals.

Then early Sunday, officials released information on the detergent and services used for cleaning the team’s uniforms and other equipment.

This came in response to an undated letter from the players to Grambling, which was obtained by ESPN on Saturday. The letter expressed concerns about several things, including poor weight room conditions and needing better detergent to clean the players’ uniforms.

The players alleged the uniforms are poorly cleaned and have led to team members getting staph infections.

In the players’ letter, they said the football complex is in “horrible condition” and has many “health hazards.” It added that the complex is filled with mold and mildew.

To dispel the heath hazard rumors, the heath inspection reported there were no violations, although the comments read “flooring in poor repair” and “ceiling tiles in poor repair due to water damage.”

Grambling athletic director Aaron James said Friday the weight room will receive a $32,000 face-lift within the next two or three weeks.

The players then cited their September game with Lamar and how the Cardinals refused to go into the visiting locker room “due to mold and mildew.”

In an Oct. 9 email to The-News Star, a Lamar spokesperson disputed that claim. According to the spokesperson, a Lamar assistant said the conditions were fine and added it was a “coach’s decision” to not go to the locker room at halftime.

As for the request for new detergent, Grambling sent out a memo about Integrated Sports Specialties, LLC, which is Grambling’s supplier for laundry products.

In an email from ISS, the company stated its two products used — punch plus detergent and color safe bleach — are the same products used by many college, NFL and MLB teams, including Alabama, Tulane, Louisiana Tech, ULM, Auburn, the Miami Dolphins, Baltimore Ravens and Texas Rangers, among others.

According to the email, the color safe bleach uses a “high of concentration hydrogen peroxide to sanitize gear.”

The punch plus contains Monofoil, an anti-microbial product that helps fight bacterial odors, staph and MRSA.

I think it's fair to ask: is the claim of staph infections borne out by hard evidence?

Also, what's the deal with Lamar's decision on not going into the locker room? At a bare minimum nobody is saying on Lamar's side that it was because of mold and mildew that they didn't go in there.

IMO, the staph infections could be the most damning evidence against the administration. But if there weren't really staph infections and Lamar details that they decided to not enter the locker room for other reasons, you have to openly wonder what else is not exactly accurate?

Here's another thing. Grambling at least is claiming that they have not skimped on cleaning products for their support staff, though they may very well have been furloughed or are only part-time employees. In fact, one of the player's specific demands was for "better detergent", yet Grambling uses the same detergent Alabama uses.

October 23rd, 2013, 09:50 AM
I would guess Lamar did not return to the locker room because it may have been cooler to sit outside during halftime.

October 23rd, 2013, 09:52 AM
Jackson State is suing.

i like to see and provide sources....

"...... Jackson State plans to pursue litigation against Grambling State and others.
... Jackson State University’s and the city of Jackson’s losses could be in the millions...."

I wonder who the "others" are. The most likely would be the SWAC, but does the SWAC owe JSU a duty? Does Grambling or the SWAC owe a duty to the city? Where will the millions come from, Grambling is supposedly broke, and I doubt the SWAC has a lot of money?

I guess the real legal issues deal with the details of any contract between the two schools and the conference charter, rules and regulations.

JSU probably doesn't care if they piss off Grambling, but suing the conference (essentially suing all of your conference mates who mostly had absolutely no involvement in this fiasco) may burn a few bridges. I wonder if they have a new conference home in mind? Geographically they don't fit in the footprint of any other FCS conference, although the Big South is always looking for members. In fact, their best geographic fit would be the SunBelt if they chose to move up.

October 23rd, 2013, 10:50 AM
I wonder who the "others" are. The most likely would be the SWAC, but does the SWAC owe JSU a duty? Does Grambling or the SWAC owe a duty to the city? Where will the millions come from, Grambling is supposedly broke, and I doubt the SWAC has a lot of money?

I guess the real legal issues deal with the details of any contract between the two schools and the conference charter, rules and regulations.

JSU probably doesn't care if they piss off Grambling, but suing the conference (essentially suing all of your conference mates who mostly had absolutely no involvement in this fiasco) may burn a few bridges. I wonder if they have a new conference home in mind? Geographically they don't fit in the footprint of any other FCS conference, although the Big South is always looking for members. In fact, their best geographic fit would be the SunBelt if they chose to move up.

that is a big question. well the SWAC didn't(might not) hold true to the bylaws with fining due to a forfeit and dropping the ball on other aspects of the situation. but i do hope the other universities will not be impacted if JSU goes at the SWAC office.

yea, Grambling talks as if they're broke... but the Bayou Classic is coming which is a guaranteed good check. i don't see JSU trying to make an example out of them, (but the SWAC tried to make an over and beyond example out of JSU with APR)just trying to recoup the losses. well, the Grambling players did say they had no regrets to their actions, even if they impact others, so..... however, JSU has plans...

Lehigh Football Nation
October 23rd, 2013, 10:59 AM
Grambling for certain is getting hit massively hard in the same ways all HBCU's have been hit financially. I do not doubt whatsoever that their financial concerns are genuine.

March 24th, 2014, 08:33 AM
JSU is not giving up on this

Homecoming fallout: JSU seeks legal action against Grambling, SWACJackson State estimates it lostup to $600K on forfeited game
Documents obtained by The Clarion-Ledger through an open records request clearly show JSU’s determined effort to have its budget made whole. Persistent emails from JSU and subsequent inquiries by the newspaper have led Attorney General Jim Hood to review the university’s plea for help.
In an email to SWAC officials on Nov. 1, JSU projects it lost between $540,000 and $600,000 because of the forfeit. Ticket refunds accounted for approximately $475,000.
According to the documents, SWAC Commissioner Duer Sharp released a statement on Nov. 8 outlining penalties against Grambling. The school would pay Jackson State $50,000 and play JSU in Jackson each of the next three seasons.
But the $50,000 will be “taken out of future conference distributions,” Sharp said in the statement. And although Grambling will play in Jackson in 2014 through 2016, it really grants JSU only one extra home game in the annual series over the next four years.