View Full Version : New Hampshire at Delaware, Game Time!

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September 30th, 2006, 09:33 PM
Even though both D's looked flaky, I think Delaware proved why it belongs in the top 25. Definitely an entertaining game to watch.

September 30th, 2006, 09:33 PM
Amazing game. Hens earned some votes tonight. UNH should be concerned about their D with Richmond and JMU coming to town. However, anytime you can come into 'The Tub' and score 52, that is impressive....

September 30th, 2006, 09:48 PM
I hope App Sate takes over the #1 spot. Let someone else go through the season with a big bullseye on their back.

Noooooooooooo...we don't want it yet. :nod:

September 30th, 2006, 09:49 PM
ngineer, Lehigh didn't look too good today. It was Harvard but you have to beat the Ivies....

September 30th, 2006, 09:50 PM
Ricky Santos is the most Houdini like QB I have ever seen in Delaware Stadium... time after time he killed the UD defense and saved UNH's butts... with unbeliveable escapes... turning what should have been very negative plays into very big positive plays. Is Santos really that good or is UD's tackling really that bad??? Tonight I think it was a little bit of both.

On a positive note... QB Joe Flacco looked very good and the UD coaches FINALLY took the wraps off the Hen's offense. Now if KC can get the WR's to quit dropping the dam ball... the Hens really might have something.

Congrats and good luck to UNH... hopefully Mr Santos didn't use up all their good fortune tonight... as I hope you guys run the table... right through Chattanooga.

September 30th, 2006, 09:53 PM
Neither of those two games will be tougher than this one.

Wouldn't bet the house on winning them both.

September 30th, 2006, 09:59 PM
santos was UNBELIEVABLE but i have never seen so many missed tackles by delaware. delaware almost recovered the onside kick and if they had i think they would have won. a great game. as a furman fan i enjoyed it.

September 30th, 2006, 10:01 PM
Santos was very good. I gotta think some of those missed tackes were partly because Santos seems very quick in his feet and can escape a tackle very well....

September 30th, 2006, 10:08 PM
Guys, missed the game. Did Ball score any TDs?

September 30th, 2006, 10:09 PM
No TD's for Ball...go figure with that score:)

September 30th, 2006, 10:10 PM
No he got within inches on UNH's first TD. I would have given it too him it looked like he might have gotten to the line with the ball as he was tackled

September 30th, 2006, 10:59 PM
Damn!!! I thought the defense in the WKU-WIU game today was pathetic. At least there was a couple of other defenses that didn't show up today.

September 30th, 2006, 11:05 PM
Wouldn't bet the house on winning them both.

Definitely not.

September 30th, 2006, 11:34 PM
What a horrible game for UNH if the allowed a team as bad as UD (all experts buried including Sports Network) to stay within 50 pts, Of UNH

Remember everyone picked UNH by at least 25-30 pts

Looks like a tought week of practice after the didnt do to UD what they did to Dartmouth and Stoney.

September 30th, 2006, 11:41 PM
What a horrible game for UNH if the allowed a team as bad as UD (all experts buried including Sports Network) to stay within 50 pts, Of UNH

Remember everyone picked UNH by at least 25-30 pts

Looks like a tought week of practice after the didnt do to UD what they did to Dartmouth and Stoney.

Don't know that everyone picked UNH by 25 to 30 points. Matt Daugherty of the Sports Network predicted " New Hampshire 38, Delaware 24"

October 1st, 2006, 12:13 AM
What a horrible game for UNH if the allowed a team as bad as UD (all experts buried including Sports Network) to stay within 50 pts, Of UNH

Remember everyone picked UNH by at least 25-30 pts

Looks like a tought week of practice after the didnt do to UD what they did to Dartmouth and Stoney.

You're obviously not a Deleware fan, because you're here to dis UNH rather than compliment the Blue Hens.

What is up with you? :confused: :confused: :confused:

October 1st, 2006, 12:22 AM
Congrats UNH! Always a big win when it comes in Newark.

Sam Adams
October 1st, 2006, 12:25 AM
Congrats UNH don't let a few bad apples on the UD side get under your skin! :rotateh:

October 1st, 2006, 12:32 AM
No its just that UD isnt even in a lot of top 25 yet loses to the- by far and away best teaw in the nation in the last few seconds. What gives here ?
just luck or is UD maybe jusy maybe better that what Matt Doherty thinks?

October 1st, 2006, 12:43 AM
Congrats UNH don't let a few bad apples on the UD side get under your skin! :rotateh:

What is it, like one guy?

Great game by UNH and their offense. Maybe UD's offense has finally come around - when you think about it, there were some serious offensive studs on the field - Santos, Ball, Cuff, and watch out for Patrick, that guy is a legit NFL TE starting next year. We'll see about Flacco as well, he showed a lot tonight. Both teams defenses will still be a question, but it's not like the offenses tonight were just ordinary.

October 1st, 2006, 12:54 AM
Congrats UNH don't let a few bad apples on the UD side get under your skin! :rotateh:

I agree I don't let the few jerks who post as Mass fans to color my perception of the Umass program. I have always been treated well in Amherst when I have attended games there. :nod: :nod: :nod:

I refuse to believe the idiots who post with a Mass avatar are representative of the whole program. They are probably UNH fans posting just to make UMASS look BAD. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

October 1st, 2006, 01:17 AM
2AM - just returned from the game. Cannot speak of course.
Congrats UNH on the win. Agree that the tackling by UD was pathetic, but I think (and HOPE) alot of that had to do with the Houdini-esqe escapability of Santos. The busted play that he converted into their 2nd TD was just sick! I think by the end of the game both defenses where spent (not that either one looked that great earlier).

I will say this. If that truly was the #1 team in the land we just played, UD should not lose another game this year. I will also say that I fully expect UD to lose a few more games this year. So you can make the inference for yourself.

Both teams have some work to do on defense obviously. I thought Flacco had an outstanding game. Ben Patrick is a BEAST and we need to find ways to get him the ball more. Cuff was really "on" today too. I'm hopeful about this UD team. I beleive! If we had Matt Marcorelle in on the DL, I think we win.

October 1st, 2006, 01:23 AM
If we had Matt Marcorelle in on the DL, I think we win.

Agree by about 10 points. :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod:

October 1st, 2006, 01:30 AM
Damn! Couldn't make tonight's game - I just got back from a big high school reunion (uhh...am important one, but numbers don't matter in life except for final scores, so it is none of your business). Went to a restaurant that did not have CN8 - "we have satellite" they said (if you are a Delaware fan, avoid "The Dome" if the Hens are on CN8).


So, I bought a lady a drink so that she called her husband, who was at the game (UNH 31-27). I snuck out to my car to listen to UD take the lead at 34-31. We then had a couple of people calling their friends at the game for a play by play, and we took turns going out to our cars to listen to the game on radio.

Great game, but a loss! Eventually, the spouses came to the restaurant after the game and blasted Delaware's tackling. But, they praised UNH and Santos.

Good luck to UNH this year. Your D has several tough A-10 contests to gain experience before you take on the rest of I-AA in the playoffs. If you take care of that, you will be champs!

Tubby Raymond
October 1st, 2006, 05:09 AM
You have to be happy though anytime you can leave Raymond Stadium with a W, way to go Cats!

PS, you're defense if pitiful:nod:

October 1st, 2006, 07:06 AM
2AM - just returned from the game. Cannot speak of course.
Congrats UNH on the win. Agree that the tackling by UD was pathetic, but I think (and HOPE) alot of that had to do with the Houdini-esqe escapability of Santos. The busted play that he converted into their 2nd TD was just sick! I think by the end of the game both defenses where spent (not that either one looked that great earlier).

I will say this. If that truly was the #1 team in the land we just played, UD should not lose another game this year. I will also say that I fully expect UD to lose a few more games this year. So you can make the inference for yourself.

Both teams have some work to do on defense obviously. I thought Flacco had an outstanding game. Ben Patrick is a BEAST and we need to find ways to get him the ball more. Cuff was really "on" today too. I'm hopeful about this UD team. I beleive! If we had Matt Marcorelle in on the DL, I think we win.

Excellent analysis, HensRock. The Boys in Blue will be taking a refresher course in Tackling 101 this week, but they should be inspired for the rest of the season.

October 1st, 2006, 07:15 AM
Articles on the game for those interested:

49 isn't enough for UD (News Journal):

Patrick finally shines for Hens (News Journal):

Flacco directs return of UD's explosive offense (News Journal):

UNH scores seven TDs for fourth win (Union Leader):
http://www.unionleader.com/article.aspx?headline=UNH+scores+seven+TDs+for+fou rth+win&articleId=b4c54355-3641-494e-a6ba-4490fb9448d7

Santos connects for UNH victory over Delaware (Union Leader):
http://www.unionleader.com/article.aspx?headline=Santos+connects+for+UNH+vict ory+over+Delaware&articleId=eb43be3c-8503-471c-945f-bb59e3f4db99

Wildcats hold on (Nashua Telegraph):

Ball’s Hen-pecked in ’Cats win (Boston Herald):

Hens can't stop Santos, Wildcats (Boston Globe):

No. 1 Wildcats hold off Hens (Delaware State News):


Top-Ranked New Hampshire Holds Off No. 17 Delaware, 52-49, in Shootout (UD Website):

October 1st, 2006, 07:25 AM
Game pictures from various news sources:
















October 1st, 2006, 08:58 AM
Wow....43 points in the fourth quarter for both teams.

October 1st, 2006, 09:04 AM
GREAT FLICKS..........xsmileyclapx.......AWK!

October 1st, 2006, 10:36 AM
PS, you're defense if pitiful:nod:

Newsflash, your team lost.................

October 1st, 2006, 10:48 AM
PS, you're defense if pitiful:nod:


:nod: :nod: :nod:

October 1st, 2006, 10:55 AM
While I think both defenses were somewhat questionable, I'm leaning towards both offenses played very well especially UNH. UD really looked good also offensively with Flacco really shining through for the first time....

October 1st, 2006, 11:03 AM
I was reall suprised when I check the score by phone last night. I kept getting updates every time the stadium was quiet enough.

October 1st, 2006, 03:13 PM
PS, you're defense if pitiful

Newsflash, your team lost.................

Newsflash, Your defense played against an "above-average" offense. UD's was playing against the #1 offense in the nation. Niether D looked very good, but I think UD's has a better excuse than yours.

What I saw last night was not the #1 team in the nation.

#1 Offense?, sure
#1 Quarterback?, definitely
#1 WR?, probably
#1 TEAM?, no way.

So don't go getting all puffy-chested with your Newsflashes. More level-headed and seasoned UNH fans know the Cats dodged a bullet last night, and no game in the A-10 is a cakewalk, no matter how good you are.

Keep this in perspective: You just beat the (maybe) 5th best team in the conference by 3 points. Whoop it up while you can.

Newsflash, UNH's days are numbered.

October 1st, 2006, 03:20 PM
The game is about wins and losses, not stats. The UNH "D" did not look good, but the bottom line is the they got the win

October 1st, 2006, 03:21 PM
... UNH's days are numbered.Wow, notice who's fans are smacking the most? Gracious in losing??? : smh :

October 1st, 2006, 03:32 PM
Wow, notice who's fans are smacking the most? Gracious in losing??? : smh :

I've already given UNH team their props in another thread. NO question they were the better team last night. No smack. Just trying to put it all in perspective. UD is a middle-of-the-pack A10 team this year, and they put up 49 points against UNH's defense. Defense wins championships. As far as I'm concerned, the A10 North is UMass's to lose. Let's revisit this thread after UNH plays UMass and we'll see who's smacking and who's blowing smoke.

October 1st, 2006, 03:34 PM
I would not say that UD fans are smacking at all. If someone has an honest opinion that a team is as good or not as good as billed, that is their opinion. I agree with the general consensus that UNH's offense looks awesome and that their D is questionable. This does not mean their D is bad, UD might have put their offense in gear all of the sudden in this game, but the game definitely brings up questions about the UNH D. Only time will tell...

October 1st, 2006, 03:45 PM
I've already given UNH team their props in another thread. NO question they were the better team last night. No smack. Just trying to put it all in perspective. UD is a middle-of-the-pack A10 team this year, and they put up 49 points against UNH's defense. Defense wins championships. As far as I'm concerned, the A10 North is UMass's to lose. Let's revisit this thread after UNH plays UMass and we'll see who's smacking and who's blowing smoke.

Umass will not be the most difficult opponent for UNH this season
IMHO.Richmond's defense is at least as good as Umass's so next week we'll see how UNH moves the ball against that unit.

October 1st, 2006, 03:48 PM
UNH might not have looked like the #1 team in the country, but they did do something that #1 teams do. They found a way to win in a hostile environment on a night when it appeared they were being outplayed. I have watched some film on UD this year and that was a different offense last night than against Rhodie. UD will make some noise and be a spoiler in the A-10 south. I think they will get better each week. Its not like UD doesnt have the athletes to compete. I feel they just werent clicking and if they find a way to win some more games they will prove to be better than most people think.

October 1st, 2006, 04:09 PM
Wow, notice who's fans are smacking the most? Gracious in losing??? : smh :

That's right... pick out a couple of UD fans who didn't heap praise on Santos and UNH. Very selective reporting on your part Ralphie... :nonono2:

October 1st, 2006, 06:28 PM
Sounds like UD has a hell of a ballclub, too. It is a long season and things are still shaking themselves out.

October 1st, 2006, 06:38 PM
Umm, exactly at what point was UNH outplayed. Neither team could stop the other, I dont think you can say either team was outplayed. The announcers at one point said Delaware was playing a bend but dont break defense. Ummm seems both defenses broke drive after drive after drive

October 1st, 2006, 06:50 PM
Umm, exactly at what point was UNH outplayed. Neither team could stop the other, I dont think you can say either team was outplayed. The announcers at one point said Delaware was playing a bend but dont break defense. Ummm seems both defenses broke drive after drive after drive

Outplayed might have been the wrong word, but UNH still snuck out of the tub with a win and thats a hard thing to do. My point had more to do with great teams being able to win tough games even if the game could have gone either way than it did with demeaning the play of the wildcats. UNH is a great team and as the season goes on and UD proves its better than it has shown thus far this win will look more impressive.

October 1st, 2006, 06:53 PM
That game last night had some resemblence to the Montana/UD game in the playoffs in '93 in that each team seemed to answer the other all the way until the last play of the game.... Those types of games with a lot of offense can be very entertaining....

October 1st, 2006, 07:42 PM
I love my Cats, but the defense scared me last night. They were out of position all night long in pass coverage and tackled poorly. The most dissapointing thing about UNH's defense yesterday was that they didn't create turnovers which is what UNH's D takes pride in. Hopefully UNH will get out of that 3-4 soon and start creating a pass rush. With that said, I still think we look like #1 as UNHFan99 said, they won in a hostile environment in a tough game. I think some people expect the #1 team in the nation to beat every team 48-0 and go 15-0. It just doesn't work that way, especially if you are a member of the A10. When Delaware won it all in '03 they beat a 5-7 UNH team by 1pt. Fact 1-UNH's D played poor. Fact 2- They won't give up 49 points every game.

October 1st, 2006, 07:56 PM
Outplayed might have been the wrong word, but UNH still snuck out of the tub with a win and thats a hard thing to do. My point had more to do with great teams being able to win tough games even if the game could have gone either way than it did with demeaning the play of the wildcats. UNH is a great team and as the season goes on and UD proves its better than it has shown thus far this win will look more impressive.

Wow, UD fans are accused of smack and you call UNH a great team ?
Let's see, the dictionary says for the word great: chief or preeminent over others .

So is the GREAT UNH team preeminent over the rest of the A10 ? Or is it the entire 1-AA ?

I know you are only stating your opinions but when Blue Hen fans do so it is considered smack. I guess the GREAT ones are free to say or do whatever they want on a general discussion board xidiotx

October 1st, 2006, 09:24 PM
Wow, UD fans are accused of smack and you call UNH a great team ?
Let's see, the dictionary says for the word great: chief or preeminent over others .

So is the GREAT UNH team preeminent over the rest of the A10 ? Or is it the entire 1-AA ?

I know you are only stating your opinions but when Blue Hen fans do so it is considered smack. I guess the GREAT ones are free to say or do whatever they want on a general discussion board xidiotx

I think UNH Fan99 said that Delaware is a good team where as the delaware fan called unh's d pitiful...

Saying your own team is great is not talking smack. Saying someone else's defense is pitiful IS talking smack.

Also, stating that Delaware is going to impress people throughout the rest of the season is not smack talking it is acknowledging a very good competitor and should be considered a compliment.

Lastly, The great UNH team is definitely not preeminent over the rest of the A-10... however it is preeminent over Nova and that IS smack talk.

October 1st, 2006, 09:35 PM
I think UNH Fan99 said that Delaware is a good team where as the delaware fan called unh's d pitiful...

Saying your own team is great is not talking smack. Saying someone else's defense is pitiful IS talking smack.

Also, stating that Delaware is going to impress people throughout the rest of the season is not smack talking it is acknowledging a very good competitor and should be considered a compliment.

Lastly, The great UNH team is definitely not preeminent over the rest of the A-10... however it is preeminent over Nova and that IS smack talk.

:hurray: :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: xsmileyclapx xsmileyclapx xsmileyclapx

October 1st, 2006, 09:39 PM
Newsflash, Your defense played against an "above-average" offense. UD's was playing against the #1 offense in the nation. Niether D looked very good, but I think UD's has a better excuse than yours.

What I saw last night was not the #1 team in the nation.

#1 Offense?, sure
#1 Quarterback?, definitely
#1 WR?, probably
#1 TEAM?, no way.

So don't go getting all puffy-chested with your Newsflashes. More level-headed and seasoned UNH fans know the Cats dodged a bullet last night, and no game in the A-10 is a cakewalk, no matter how good you are.

Keep this in perspective: You just beat the (maybe) 5th best team in the conference by 3 points. Whoop it up while you can.

Newsflash, UNH's days are numbered.

Posters 'Tubby raymond' + 'hensrock' = sore losers :nod:

At least the rest of the Delaware fans on here are classy enought to admit defeat.

October 1st, 2006, 09:44 PM
That's right... pick out a couple of UD fans who didn't heap praise on Santos and UNH. Very selective reporting on your part Ralphie... :nonono2:

Actually, CM, he picked a fan who DID heap praise on Santos and UNH. I just didn't heap praise on the defense.

And Oracle, I never said that UNH defense was pitiful. What I said was that what I saw last night did not look like a #1 team on the defensive side. On Offense, sure - they look unstoppable - until the defense trots onto the field. Then they look like they can be beat.

Hey, maybe the Cat defense just had a bad night. But I don't think so.

What every App fan on this board is secretly thinking:
Yeah, let them wear that bullseye for a while longer. We now know different.

October 1st, 2006, 09:49 PM
Actually, CM, he picked a fan who DID heap praise on Santos and UNH. I just didn't heap praise on the defense.

And Oracle, I never said that UNH defense was pitiful. What I said was that what I saw last night did not look like a #1 team on the defensive side. On Offense, sure - they look unstoppable - until the defense trots onto the field. Then they look like they can be beat.

Hey, maybe the Cat defense just had a bad night. But I don't think so.

What every App fan on this board is secretly thinking:
Yeah, let them wear that bullseye for a while longer. We now know different.

Cant a team have an offnite? After all this defense held Northwestern to 17 points.

October 1st, 2006, 09:54 PM
Actually, CM, he picked a fan who DID heap praise on Santos and UNH. I just didn't heap praise on the defense.

And Oracle, I never said that UNH defense was pitiful. What I said was that what I saw last night did not look like a #1 team on the defensive side. On Offense, sure - they look unstoppable - until the defense trots onto the field. Then they look like they can be beat.

Hey, maybe the Cat defense just had a bad night. But I don't think so.

What every App fan on this board is secretly thinking:
Yeah, let them wear that bullseye for a while longer. We now know different.

ya i know that you didn't call the defense pitiful, but the gentleman with the Tubby Raymond handle did.

October 1st, 2006, 10:59 PM
Just catching up on my reading after returning from the road trip a short while ago. Just a few thoughts:

The UD crowd was extremely loud and supportive of the Hens. Proud of the UNH execution because it didn't appear they had any false starts or screwed up plays that were caused by crowd noise. It was a much louder and more hostile environment than what UNH faced in Evanston.
There were two very effective offensive units on display Saturday night! Neither team lost a fumble or had an INT during an offensive play from scrimmage. (The UNH lost fumble was on a punt return.) I'd like to think this was just the night for offenses, they really clicked.
No way in hell was that a "mid-pack A-10 team" out there in the home uniforms!
The UD offensive line controlled play in ways that Northwestern sure didn't.
The UD offense had the UNH defense "off balance" all night. From everything I read, the Hens threw significantly more plays at the Wildcats than what they saw on tape. And I'm not sure many expected the Hens to have around twice as many passing yards as rushing yards.
Good lord, the UD TE Patrick is quite a player! The program had him at 6'4" 270# which appeared accurate. Then to see him running that deep slant! He sure displayed some speed, but I thought he should have made that catch.
Low snaps were a little problem in the Northwestern game too. And UNH didn't really attack downfield much in that game either.
What was up with the crowd exodus during the 4th quarter? That game wasn't decided until the final seconds.
Many thanks for the tremendous hospitality from Henfan and his gang!! And it was great to meet Blukeys!! We could have started tailgating at Noon!!
For the beer fans out there, growlers from Stewart's (DE -- Golden Ale IIRC) and Olde Burnside Brewing Co (CT -- Ten Penny Ale) were served.
Glad to see many chose the same description of Santos that I thought of while driving home -- Houdini!!!
In case there are any doubters still out there, Omar Cuff is the real deal!
The pictures on another thread demonstrated that the refs made the correct call by not giving him the TD. His knee is clearly down short of the goal line and the ball hasn't hit the pylon yet. Got to tell you though, when I saw the pylon moving, I was thinking that was one heck of a play to set the record!!!!
Another terrific experience at the Tub!! Can't wait to watch a tape of the game!!

October 1st, 2006, 11:26 PM
Just catching up on my reading after returning from the road trip a short while ago. Just a few thoughts:

The UD crowd was extremely loud and supportive of the Hens. Proud of the UNH execution because it didn't appear they had any false starts or screwed up plays that were caused by crowd noise. It was a much louder and more hostile environment than what UNH faced in Evanston.
There were two very effective offensive units on display Saturday night! Neither team lost a fumble or had an INT during an offensive play from scrimmage. (The UNH lost fumble was on a punt return.) I'd like to think this was just the night for offenses, they really clicked.
No way in hell was that a "mid-pack A-10 team" out there in the home uniforms!
The UD offensive line controlled play in ways that Northwestern sure didn't.
The UD offense had the UNH defense "off balance" all night. From everything I read, the Hens threw significantly more plays at the Wildcats than what they saw on tape. And I'm not sure many expected the Hens to have around twice as many passing yards as rushing yards.
Good lord, the UD TE Patrick is quite a player! The program had him at 6'4" 270# which appeared accurate. Then to see him running that deep slant! He sure displayed some speed, but I thought he should have made that catch.
Low snaps were a little problem in the Northwestern game too. And UNH didn't really attack downfield much in that game either.
What was up with the crowd exodus during the 4th quarter? That game wasn't decided until the final seconds.
Many thanks for the tremendous hospitality from Henfan and his gang!! And it was great to meet Blukeys!! We could have started tailgating at Noon!!
For the beer fans out there, growlers from Stewart's (DE -- Golden Ale IIRC) and Olde Burnside Brewing Co (CT -- Ten Penny Ale) were served.
Glad to see many chose the same description of Santos that I thought of while driving home -- Houdini!!!
In case there are any doubters still out there, Omar Cuff is the real deal!
The pictures on another thread demonstrated that the refs made the correct call by not giving him the TD. His knee is clearly down short of the goal line and the ball hasn't hit the pylon yet. Got to tell you though, when I saw the pylon moving, I was thinking that was one heck of a play to set the record!!!!
Another terrific experience at the Tub!! Can't wait to watch a tape of the game!!

It was great seeing you as well. Nice to finally put a face with the avatar and posts.

Note to all the Ten Penny Ale is great!!!!!!:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

October 2nd, 2006, 08:22 AM
Just catching up on my reading after returning from the road trip a short while ago. Just a few thoughts:

What was up with the crowd exodus during the 4th quarter? That game wasn't decided until the final seconds.
Another terrific experience at the Tub!! Can't wait to watch a tape of the game!!

:bow: :bow:

I have to agree that I was VERY disapointed in many of our fans in the fourth quarter that left early. They gave up on the team. If anything, the Hens at least deserved to be recognized for the tremendous effort they put forth against the #1 team in the country. Most fans did stay until the end and they cheered the team coming off the field. I was just returning from henfan's tailgate after the game when I saw a guy in a UNH jersey (who I congratulated) - maybe that was you?

Glad you had a good time at the Tub. Hopefully it showcased I-AA well on TV too. :hurray:

October 2nd, 2006, 09:15 AM
:bow: :bow:

I have to agree that I was VERY disapointed in many of our fans in the fourth quarter that left early. They gave up on the team. If anything, the Hens at least deserved to be recognized for the tremendous effort they put forth against the #1 team in the country. Most fans did stay until the end and they cheered the team coming off the field. I was just returning from henfan's tailgate after the game when I saw a guy in a UNH jersey (who I congratulated) - maybe that was you?

Glad you had a good time at the Tub. Hopefully it showcased I-AA well on TV too. :hurray:

I booed my own parents for leaving early.

October 2nd, 2006, 09:59 AM
First chance to get on and post about the game on Saturday night - I don't know about many of you, but I was exhausted after that one, and I didn't leave my couch!

I have to say that I have been a believer in this UD team all year, to the point that I've had them in my Top 20 when most were arguing against it. I haven't seen the Hens play until Saturday, but that was definitely not the same team that I listened to on the radio lose to Albany.

The Hens looked very good offensively - I'm not sure what the final numbers were, but I'm pretty sure that they dominated time of possession, and that had to have some effect on the UNH defense. UNH's quick strike offense was able to match the scoring, but UD had several long, grinding drives. At some point, it would have been nice for the UNH D to step up and put the game away, but that didn't happen. Credit Cuff and Flacco and the UD coaching staff.

While the UNH D wasn't exactly a world beater, this was a night for the offenses. This Defense has never dominated, but they don't have to for UNH to win. For all of the flack that the UNH defense receives, I have yet to see them cost the Wildcats a game when it mattered over the last few years - maybe Montana in 2004, but I'm not sure you can blame that loss on the D. Ultimately, UNH's fortunes are going to rest on the offense. We'll see how they fare next week against a really good defensive team in Richmond.

This game was a perfect example of why I don't like to make predictions on game outcomes. I would have been disappointed with a loss, but I'm not sure how anyone predicts a blowout win on the road at the Tub. I expected this one to be close - maybe not 52-49 close, but I expected it to be a contested game and it was.

There is a lot of time left for both teams. I don't think most UNH fans expect to blow everyone out every week. This is a long, hard slog, and this game proves that even #1 ranked teams have stuff to work on (besides the defense, we have to work on the center-QB exchange out of the shotgun - that almost killed us a number of times on Saturday, and has been an issue in every game I've seen us play this year). I expect UNH to lose some #1 votes this week, and thats fine. They are still #1 on my ballot, and UD is still in my Top 20.

This was a great, entertaining game all around, and I think both Delaware and UNH fans have a lot to look forward to over the next couple of months.