View Full Version : Shadows Writers goto Jail
September 22nd, 2006, 06:40 AM
for a max of 18 months for contempt of court - I told you guys.
September 22nd, 2006, 07:44 AM
September 22nd, 2006, 10:34 AM
BS that they would go longer than anyone in the actual case...
September 22nd, 2006, 10:37 AM
They have done nothing illegal, so why jail? Because they won't give up their source? BS, the people inside the "grand jury" should figure out who leaked:nod:
September 22nd, 2006, 10:43 AM
Well, technically speaking, they witnessed a crime (leaking grand jury information) and benefitted from it (book sales) so these guys aren't some squeaky clean reporters trying to protect the freedom of the press. If they don't know who leaked the information to them, then they can testify to that. But apparently they know, they made money off of it, and now they won't talk. Sorry, but that does warrant punishment in my book.
September 22nd, 2006, 12:24 PM
Amen. If you don't want to tell the court who committed a federal crime & leaked grand jury info after you've received a court order & already made millions each? If you don't think that's a crime I guess leaking national secrets to Osama bin Laden wouldn't be either.
September 22nd, 2006, 03:53 PM
for a max of 18 months for contempt of court - I told you guys.
I told them too.
Bonds is still on the OUTSIDE with no proof in sight.
Wonder if the usual poster's hope these guy's get "molested" in prison til they talk like they were hoping for the guy siding with Bonds.:eyebrow:
18 months is a long time.......................:nod:
September 22nd, 2006, 06:29 PM
Their crime is not revealing their source. SMFH at some of these posts here.
Bonds is still on the OUTSIDE with no proof in sight...Still living in ignorant denial I see. : smh :
September 22nd, 2006, 09:07 PM
The funny thing is that they are not being sent to jail for commiting any crime. The DA has already told them that they will not be charged. They are going for contempt of court.
September 22nd, 2006, 10:53 PM
Their crime is not revealing their source. SMFH at some of these posts here.Still living in ignorant denial I see. : smh :
No..............I don't live with you idiot. call me out, I called you idiot.xidiotx
Guess your OUTSIDE opinion is the end all.
You don't know a dang thing about this situation other than 3rd hand talk.
YOU DON'T KNOW SHAT DIRECTLY so quit acting like you GOD.xlolx
Must be nice being you................never wrong.............alway's right.
xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx
September 22nd, 2006, 10:57 PM
you are too easy jstate, "no proof in sight" yet Bonds said he used them... you say "no proof in sight" :lmao:
September 22nd, 2006, 10:59 PM
The funny thing is that they are not being sent to jail for commiting any crime. The DA has already told them that they will not be charged. They are going for contempt of court.
AAHHH...............That's the same thing the other guy went for..........Contempt of court for not talking.
What's the difference?
Oh...............2 are writers and the other is a friend of Bonds.xlolx
Gotcha..................:thumbsup: :nod:
September 22nd, 2006, 11:01 PM
you are too easy jstate, "no proof in sight" yet Bonds said he used them... you say "no proof in sight" :lmao:
Man ..........You so transparent, even your lie's are jumbled.xlolx
How the heck you gonna come in here and just lie about what is in the written record.
Man................Your not easy.............You just a flat out lie.
September 22nd, 2006, 11:02 PM
it's obvious this is a racial issue, right jstate? :lmao:
September 22nd, 2006, 11:03 PM
Bonds said HE DIDN'T KNOW HE USED ROIDS IF THEY WERE IN THE STUFF HE WAS GIVEN....Given by a convicted steroid freak and Bonds best friend... gawd! 200+ people in the book have to be wrong, Barry wouldn't take roids. :rolleyes:
September 22nd, 2006, 11:07 PM
it's obvious this is a racial issue, right jstate? :lmao:
Race baiting Ralph?
See...............this is why you get cussed out on the SWACPAGE by everybody.
Now when I take your comment and start in on you, don't act like a little byotch like you always do and scream I'm getting racial.
September 22nd, 2006, 11:11 PM
Race baiting Ralph?... See...............this is why you get cussed out on the SWACPAGE by everybody...Is there something you don't understand about :lmao: ? You have said before this is a race issue. Don't like it, don't say it.
BTW, only folks who are racial profilers have problems at TSPN, not me... look in the mirror. xcoffeex
September 22nd, 2006, 11:12 PM
Given by a convicted steroid freak and Bonds best friend... gawd! 200+ people in the book have to be wrong, Barry wouldn't take roids. :rolleyes:
I shoooole hope you get what you want.
You act like a little hoe that can't let go of a mans jock that you don't even know.xlolx
Man................Some of ya'll need a real life.xlolx
September 22nd, 2006, 11:13 PM
Is there something you don't understand about :lmao: ? You have before this is a race issue.
BTW, only folks who are racial profilers have problems at TSPN, not me... look in the mirror. xcoffeex
SEE...................Just like a little byotch.
man ......................I don't give a f about the race factor in mthis.
MoFo has not liked Barry Bonds since he was with the Pirates.
It's not you even though yo arse bought up the subject.
Look down and see which side of your pant's the zipper is on.: smh :
September 22nd, 2006, 11:15 PM
SEE...................Just like a little byotch.
It's not you even though yo arse bought up the subject.
Look down and see which side of you pant's the zipper is on.: smh :Owiee Mr. jstate smacker and name caller. Don't hurt me with your insults, I might cwy. Pathetic. You brought up the race issue eons ago and you still put your hands over your eyes whenever Bonds name comes up... I'm just laughing at it. :nonono2:
September 22nd, 2006, 11:25 PM
Owiee Mr. jstate smacker and name caller. Don't hurt me with your insults, I might cwy. Pathetic. You brought up the race issue eons ago and you still put your hands over your eyes whenever Bonds name comes up... I'm just laughing at it. :nonono2:
There go them lie's again.
I never said anything about race.
And man.............Unlike you, the only time I think about Bonds is when I open the paper and a story is in there on him.
you running around with a hard on for Bonds.......A person that don't even know you that pathetic.
Tell me..................Do people around you just let you make up lie's and get away with it even though they know you telling lies.
And trying to hurt your please.
You ain't nowhere near important enough in my life to even wonder what happened to you if you never post again.
I don't know you, therefore you mean nothing to me.
You just letters being type on another end of the web.
get over yourself dude.xlolx
September 22nd, 2006, 11:30 PM
There go them lie's again.
I never said anything about race.
Tell me..................Do people around you just let you make up lie's and get away with it even though they know you telling lies.
And trying to hurt your please.
You ain't nowhere near important enough in my life to even wonder what happened to you if you never post again.
I don't know you, therefore you mean nothing to me.
You just letters being type on another end of the web.
get over yourself dude.xlolxHey everybody, jstate said he "never said anything about race"... bwahahahahahahaaaa
"You ain't nowhere near important enough in my life to even wonder what happened to you if you never post again."
Ow, that hurts. :rolleyes:
"get over yourself dude"
looky here jstater... we are never going to agree on this subject. I have researched it deeply and came to a belief. You have researched lightly and came to a belief. Let's just leave it at that. xcoffeex
September 22nd, 2006, 11:37 PM
Hey everybody, jstate said he "never said anything about race"... bwahahahahahahaaaa
"You ain't nowhere near important enough in my life to even wonder what happened to you if you never post again."
Ow, that hurts. :rolleyes:
"get over yourself dude"
looky here jstater... we are never going to agree on this subject. I have researched it deeply and came to a belief. You have researched lightly and came to a belief. Let's just leave it at that. xcoffeex
man...................why you trying so hard.
you sound like a whinney kid.
As for agreeing on the subject...............I never wanted to "talk" to you in the first place about it.
Again................get over yourself.
September 22nd, 2006, 11:49 PM
"I take your comment ...
I shoooole hope ...
I don't give a f ...
I never said ...
I think about ...
I open the ...
I don't know ...
I never wanted ..."
Sounds like you need to get over your own self.
Goodnight twinkletoes! :rolleyes: xcoffeex :boring:
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