View Full Version : Official 2013 Chattanooga, Who is laughing now? Thread

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September 29th, 2013, 06:57 AM
Just to clarify some things:
23>21 Having kicking game again is refreshing.
Bad calls went both ways. It sucks for y'all but consider it a parting gift
Had we played like this against NDSU last year, we lose by 3 scores. We won on heart tonight, something lacking in Chattown..
Had Pike's better half and my kids not been there, we would have been on the visitors side shelling out 1s to your dancing girls after we were totally drunk and had them bagged properly. At one point, my daughter pointed out, " look daddy, the hooker train's coming"
Why do yall have to whore it up like that?
Met some gracious Moc fans. Not everyone is bad. Just misguided disillusioned.
We could have been flagged every play in the 4th for 12 men of the field. NEVER piss off our fans with a bs band warning... The 12th man did their job tonight.

September 29th, 2013, 07:12 AM

September 29th, 2013, 07:18 AM
This thread is a classic. It has immense entertainment value! Keep up the good work!

September 29th, 2013, 07:57 AM
And here is a phantom call that will go down in infamy. Ineligible man downfield is the call as Jacob Huesman torches the GSU secondary to Tommy Hudson at 3:40. Who is ineligible the RB? Is the freaking RB ineligible? http://www.gomocs.com/ViewArticle.dbml?DB_LANG=C&ATCLID=209269716&DB_OEM_ID=17700

Ah yes... the last port in the storm of losing- blaming the officiating.

I can see that... I mean, how could a team that didn't complete a single pass manage to defeat the Moc(k) Dynasty without the help of those sinister men in the striped shirts?

You know what the real Moc-ery is? That Daddy kept his son at home when Jeff Monken called. He deprived the young man, who is a good talent and plays his butt off, the chance to play in a real program, with real tradition, for a great coach, and play for a real championship. Pure selfishness... the kid will live his life in regret as a result.

As for our hero, I'm sure there is some other pawn shop or loan shark operation in the ghetto that is Chattanooga that might hire you to- if nothing else- clean the toilets so we the successful and honest businessmen of the world don't have to pay for your unemployment & food stamps, as well as your mama's welfare and section 8.

Another beautiful day has dawned, one where it still sucks to be Huesman, Huesman, Jr., and Chattownmocs. You better hope the government doesn't shut down.... BTW, 23 is still more than 4.

September 29th, 2013, 08:13 AM
Dude...look at the footage you've posted. There's a play in there where your #74 wraps his arms around a GSU defender and tackles him to the ground. Didn't see a flag on that play either. Refs didn't lose the game for UTC. You need to dig a little deeper than that. I'd start in the Mocs locker room.

September 29th, 2013, 08:25 AM
Don't worry he will be back to his normal self after we visit this next weekend.

September 29th, 2013, 08:34 AM
Sorry chattown. Your WR lined up almost two yards off the LOS which covered the slot reveiver making him ineligible. Maybe your outstanding coaching staff needs to teach your boys basic formations.

September 29th, 2013, 09:52 AM
Pre-Season back to back to back to back national champs go down in Paulson stadium.

Edit, it won't let me update my sig to show the 13 losses UT-C has had in Statesboro due to my amount of smilies, moral victory for mocs fans?

September 29th, 2013, 11:24 AM
I posted a video that shows unequivocally that there was no illegal man downfield. It was a ridiculous call that changed the outcome of the game.

Obviously you don't know the rules of football.

I wish I could get a screen shot of the formation. You have 5 men on the offensive line and 2 receivers out left. One of the receivers is covering up the inside receiver. It was a formation problem, plain and simple.

September 29th, 2013, 11:26 AM
Pre-Season back to back to back to back national champs go down in Paulson stadium.

Edit, it won't let me update my sig to show the 13 losses UT-C has had in Statesboro due to my amount of smilies, moral victory for mocs fans?

Don't forget, 14 times hosts of the title game!

NoDak 4 Ever
September 29th, 2013, 11:57 AM
I was at the SDSU game yesterday so I missed this whole part of the thread. God dammit chattown. Take the ****ing loss like a man.

September 29th, 2013, 12:14 PM
I was at the SDSU game yesterday so I missed this whole part of the thread. God dammit chattown. Take the ****ing loss like a man.

Will never happen.

September 29th, 2013, 12:18 PM
Seantaylor said it. If Swopes healthy this game isn't even close.

Just hearing the name Swope makes me worry, that guy is lightning fast.

September 29th, 2013, 12:26 PM
Yep still laughing chattown!xlolx

NoDak 4 Ever
September 29th, 2013, 12:28 PM
You know? Chatty would have to win half of its remaining games to get the 6 wins.

That might be what you're looking for now, chattown.

September 29th, 2013, 12:33 PM
Yep still laughing chattown!xlolx
Who isnt?

Southern Bison
September 29th, 2013, 12:40 PM
I'm planning to go to the UT-C at App State game with a sign that says I'm still laughing Chattownmocs!!

Reign of Terrier
September 29th, 2013, 12:42 PM
This thread will continue as long as I continue to see that when we play our best football we will be among the nations best. Let's be honest Georgia Southern played with a chip on their shoulder, they didn't turn the ball over, technically. Chattanooga played a sloppy, mistake filled game against home cooking and it was still a 2 point game.

Based on what? When you play the best teams on your schedule you usually choke. Beating terrible teams by 20 or 30 doesn't make you special it makes you average.

September 29th, 2013, 12:49 PM
Seantaylor said it. If Swopes healthy this game isn't even close.

Just hearing the name Swope makes me worry, that guy is lightning fast.

No he isn't. He's a power back.

September 29th, 2013, 12:50 PM
Based on what? When you play the best teams on your schedule you usually choke. Beating terrible teams by 20 or 30 doesn't make you special it makes you average.

Fortunately we have pretty much all terrible teams left including Wofford.

NoDak 4 Ever
September 29th, 2013, 12:51 PM
This thread will continue as long as I continue to see that when we play our best football we will be among the nations best. Let's be honest Georgia Southern played with a chip on their shoulder, they didn't turn the ball over, technically. Chattanooga played a sloppy, mistake filled game against home cooking and it was still a 2 point game.

So by your logic, this thread should be over by now.

Jeez, you make it too easy.

Reign of Terrier
September 29th, 2013, 12:54 PM
Fortunately we have pretty much all terrible teams left including Wofford.

At least we beat Georgia Southernxcoffeex

September 29th, 2013, 12:59 PM
If it was ineligible than I apologize. Independent of that the officiating was still one sided, if the receiver was ineligible the loss can't be pinned on the officials however. We blew the game on our own. This isn't the first time we have failed to beat an inferior "favorite" at home. 2011 ASU, and 2012 Wofford come to mind. You look at the schedule and it is impossible to find many more losses. Maybe App State has it together by then, probably not. Wofford will be no problem, Chattanooga's defensive speed and pursuit is too much for their offense. Stamford could cause an issue if Summerlin really did become a world-beater, I suspect he will be the same old Summerlin when the Chattanooga pass rush and smothering coverage comes to town.

What was missing yesterday was the passing game. Hues man isn't a great passer but Robinson and Shafaat have to get open. Robinson should have been running free all night. The offense did some good things though, keon looks good and without the million procedure penalties we would have looked real good. Mocs begin to roll this week.

September 29th, 2013, 01:01 PM
At least we beat Georgia Southernxcoffeex

You still are going to have to beat us to get to the playoffs.

September 29th, 2013, 01:02 PM
So by your logic, this thread should be over by now.

Jeez, you make it too easy.

You just think its think its easy. In reality you are failing miserably.

NoDak 4 Ever
September 29th, 2013, 01:10 PM
You just think its think its easy. In reality you are failing miserably.

Failing at what? Having a lot of fun at your expense? No way, this is a blast.

September 29th, 2013, 01:12 PM
Failing at what? Having a lot of fun at your expense? No way, this is a blast.

You attempt to some how expose me personally or the so-called flaws in my logic, unfortunately it ends up as weak message board nerd smack talk that has no basis in reality and is far from intelligent.

NoDak 4 Ever
September 29th, 2013, 01:16 PM
You attempt to some how expose me personally or the so-called flaws in my logic, unfortunately it ends up as weak message board nerd smack talk that has no basis in reality and is far from intelligent.

Congratulations chatty. Your endless word salad bar flummoxes me to no end. You're the king.

September 29th, 2013, 01:30 PM
Noise level on our field last night got to 110 dB. If UTC was ever lucky enough to make it in the playoffs and had to face NDSU in the Fargo Dome, the noise level is AT LEAST that high ALL.DAMN.GAME. Once the crowd woke up, Chatty fell apart. Way too many mistakes caused by the crowd so good job us. They false started a lot more than was actually called. The right tackle had no idea when the ball was being snapped.

September 29th, 2013, 01:33 PM
Noise level on our field last night got to 110 dB. If UTC was ever lucky enough to make it in the playoffs and had to face NDSU in the Fargo Dome, the noise level is AT LEAST that high ALL.DAMN.GAME. Once the crowd woke up, Chatty fell apart. Way too many mistakes caused by the crowd so good job us. They false started a lot more than was actually called. The right tackle had no idea when the ball was being snapped.

You guys held alot more than was called. One holding call, none in the 1st half, get real and stop trying to justify the horrendous officiating that was CLEARLY in your favor.

NoDak 4 Ever
September 29th, 2013, 01:34 PM
Noise level on our field last night got to 110 dB. If UTC was ever lucky enough to make it in the playoffs and had to face NDSU in the Fargo Dome, the noise level is AT LEAST that high ALL.DAMN.GAME. Once the crowd woke up, Chatty fell apart. Way too many mistakes caused by the crowd so good job us. They false started a lot more than was actually called. The right tackle had no idea when the ball was being snapped.

See? Look at what you guys ****ing did. Moving up has made UTC into a playoff possibility by default.

This is why I hate you and Appy so much.

September 29th, 2013, 01:35 PM
No he isn't. He's a power back.

Yea you haven't really watched him play.

September 29th, 2013, 01:37 PM
See? Look at what you guys ****ing did. Moving up has made UTC into a playoff possibility by default.

This is why I hate you and Appy so much.

:( </3

September 29th, 2013, 01:41 PM
Yea you haven't really watched him play.

Georgia Southerns best case scenario was having McKinnon run he ball as much as possible. The dive to Swipe would not have been as effective as McKinnon doing his thing.

NoDak 4 Ever
September 29th, 2013, 01:45 PM
Georgia Southerns best case scenario was winning, which they did.


Reign of Terrier
September 29th, 2013, 01:46 PM
You still are going to have to beat us to get to the playoffs.

Yes and no? It helps to beat chatty, but we don't absolutely need to to make the playoffs. We could drop 2 more games and make the playoffs this year.

Either way, our defense is much better than GSU's, and the Chattanooga game is pretty winnable at this point.

NoDak 4 Ever
September 29th, 2013, 02:55 PM
chatttown, the only reason your team is getting any attention is because you are such a ridiculous troll.

believe me, I'm not complaining. you make this pretty entertaining.

September 29th, 2013, 03:03 PM
Be honest Chattown... the officiating overall was bad. Both teams see only the missed calls that favor them. The PI call on the last drive that kept the drive going was bogus. There was tons of holding by the UTC line. I'm sure there were missed calls against Southern as well. SoCon refs suck, we all know that. But it's part of the game and both teams deal with it.

As you said before the game, you'd be embarrassed if it was close... well, not only was it close, but you lost. Why not just man up and admit you got beat? It takes more balls to do that and shows the true mark of a man instead of a post game cry baby.

I admit Chatty played a great game. That QB is great and damn fast. He flat left everyone in his dust on that first TD run. But he folded under pressure at the end and GSU came out on top. It was a very exciting game.

September 29th, 2013, 04:14 PM
You guys held alot more than was called. One holding call, none in the 1st half, get real and stop trying to justify the horrendous officiating that was CLEARLY in your favor.


So you abandon your case for a phantom ineligible receiver and now claim holding calls that should have been made.

You are a special case.

September 29th, 2013, 05:36 PM
Yes and no? It helps to beat chatty, but we don't absolutely need to to make the playoffs. We could drop 2 more games and make the playoffs this year.

Either way, our defense is much better than GSU's, and the Chattanooga game is pretty winnable at this point.

A little better. You have to understand that Georgia Southern effed around against you guys and got serious yesterday. Plus you are coming to Chattanooga. You will need to win that game to make the playoffs.

September 29th, 2013, 05:38 PM

So you abandon your case for a phantom ineligible receiver and now claim holding calls that should have been made.

You are a special case.

A million calls. It was disastrously called football game. You should have been called for personal fouls, illegal substitutions, on and on.

NoDak 4 Ever
September 29th, 2013, 05:50 PM
A million calls. It was disastrously called football game. You should have been called for personal fouls, illegal substitutions, on and on.

excuses are like assholes.

September 29th, 2013, 06:45 PM
You know whats missing here?? Georgia Southern going into the game yesterday againist the almighty mocs had 10 or 11 potential STARTERS out due to injury. Think the outcome of the game would have been different if we had 50% of those guys in the game last nite?

September 29th, 2013, 07:27 PM
You know whats missing here?? Georgia Southern going into the game yesterday againist the almighty mocs had 10 or 11 potential STARTERS out due to injury. Think the outcome of the game would have been different if we had 50% of those guys in the game last nite?

What a made up horse**** statement. Go ahead and list these 11 missing starters. I'll wait.

September 29th, 2013, 07:47 PM
What a made up horse**** statement. Go ahead and list these 11 missing starters. I'll wait.

I know a few off the top of my head:
Swope-B back
Izzy-A back
Hunt-A back
Dean-B back

Several other 2 and 3rd string guys and freshman that could contribute are hurt.

The B back that played alot of the game yesterday is playing with a hand injury. He is a former walkon. Nardo that came in to spell Banks had his first career start. He is just coming back from injury.
I think I remember a guy on the OL being hurt.
One of our kickers was out.

We had McKinnon playing B back and Ellison (RS freshman) at QB at times when Banks needed a break due to be 3 and 4 down the depth chart in running back

September 29th, 2013, 07:47 PM
You know whats missing here?? Georgia Southern going into the game yesterday againist the almighty mocs had 10 or 11 potential STARTERS out due to injury. Think the outcome of the game would have been different if we had 50% of those guys in the game last nite?

What is a 'potential' starter?

September 29th, 2013, 07:52 PM
What is a 'potential' starter?

A starter that is injured in game (ie Swope) or a guy that would have played if he was not injured before the season started (Izzy)

sgt smash
September 29th, 2013, 07:52 PM
What is a 'potential' starter?
is that like a potential Mocs Socon Championship?

September 29th, 2013, 08:17 PM
What a made up horse**** statement.

You've perfectly described this thread.

September 29th, 2013, 08:30 PM
excuses are like assholes.

At the end of the day, this is now year three or four where utc doesn't get it done in close games. The excuses are old. Finish the drill.

September 29th, 2013, 08:31 PM
A little better. You have to understand that Georgia Southern effed around against you guys and got serious yesterday. Plus you are coming to Chattanooga. You will need to win that game to make the playoffs.

Chattown... I'm going to be completely honest when I tell you this. Wofford is a better football team than Chattanooga. Period. Do I think Georgia Southern should have beaten Wofford? Yes. But only if Georgia Southern had run the base offense as they did for most of the game last night. The offense we tried to run against Wofford looked more like what Chatty runs. Wofford had no problems shutting it down and should have no probles shutting Chatty down. Will it be a close game? Yes. But don't think for a second Chatty will walk all over Wofford because the reality is, it won't happen.

September 29th, 2013, 08:56 PM
What a made up horse**** statement. Go ahead and list these 11 missing starters. I'll wait.

What are your thoughts on your employer's breakfast menu? Is the steak, egg, and cheese a good way to start my morning?

September 29th, 2013, 09:55 PM
A million calls. It was disastrously called football game. You should have been called for personal fouls, illegal substitutions, on and on.


September 30th, 2013, 12:16 AM
Antwionne Williams is a huge loss for our defense. Still have yet to hear what his injury is.

September 30th, 2013, 08:08 AM
Antwionne Williams is a huge loss for our defense. Still have yet to hear what his injury is.

It was amazing to see all of the injured guys dressed in shorts and jerseys on the sideline Saturday night. There were more than a dozen. I want to say that Williams' injury is an arm or shoulder. We also lost starting LB Patrick Flowe until next season. He started as a true freshman. I can't even think of all the guys I saw injured, but most of them were either ones or twos. While that opens the door for some younger, less experienced guys, it would be nice to have all of that experience on the field.

September 30th, 2013, 08:31 AM
It was amazing to see all of the injured guys dressed in shorts and jerseys on the sideline Saturday night. There were more than a dozen. I want to say that Williams' injury is an arm or shoulder. We also lost starting LB Patrick Flowe until next season. He started as a true freshman. I can't even think of all the guys I saw injured, but most of them were either ones or twos. While that opes the door for some younger, less experienced guys, it would be nice to have all of that experience on the field.

I believe both Williams and Dean have the same injury - UCL tear (elbow). Couldn't agree more on the impact Williams would have on the defense, but I will say the 12th man did their job on Saturday very, very well.

September 30th, 2013, 09:25 AM
This isn't the first time we have failed to beat an inferior "favorite" at home.


September 30th, 2013, 10:17 AM
Whenever I get down about App State's season thus far, I just visit this thread.

Thanks chattown! xlolx

September 30th, 2013, 10:47 AM
At the end of the day, GaSou did what they have (almost) always done and beaten UTC and the Mocs again wet themselves against one of the "holy trinity" in the SoCon (except Huesman...he probably will get scouted as a RB as well as a QB in the NFL and was about 75% of the offense based on a cursory glance at the box score))

September 30th, 2013, 11:08 AM
You should send a check to the refs for not calling a single holding call in the first half or a single Personal Foul in the 2nd.

True world beaters would be so far ahead in this game that the refs should not matter.

The way you have been talking (since youve been on this forum BTW), is that UTC is so far and away dominant that no other teams will even be close. If that is the case, then the refs should be able to spot your opponents 14-21 points and you still win.

Being a crybaby about the refs is not your bailiwick, Chattown. Leave that to the professionals.

September 30th, 2013, 11:17 AM
True world beaters would be so far ahead in this game that the refs should not matter.

The way you have been talking (since youve been on this forum BTW), is that UTC is so far and away dominant that no other teams will even be close. If that is the case, then the refs should be able to spot your opponents 14-21 points and you still win.

Being a crybaby about the refs is not your bailiwick, Chattown. Leave that to the professionals.

At the end of the day, refs are human. They make mistakes. The goal is to not be in a position where a bad call loses the game.

September 30th, 2013, 11:31 AM
This thread is like Christmas everyday. It just keeps giving xlolx

Waco Kid
September 30th, 2013, 04:42 PM
Even though he is making a ton of excuses I have to give him credit for still posting. He's normally AWOL by this point of the season.

September 30th, 2013, 07:04 PM
Even though he is making a ton of excuses I have to give him credit for still posting. He's normally AWOL by this point of the season.

Nah... he always continues to post after losing to GSU. It's the next loss that kills him.

NoDak 4 Ever
September 30th, 2013, 07:11 PM
I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned this in a while. The answer to the OP question, we are.

October 1st, 2013, 07:06 AM

NoDak 4 Ever
October 1st, 2013, 10:17 AM
So I'm actually predicting a win this week and chattown treating it like they beat Clemson instead of a weak ass Western Carolina team.

October 1st, 2013, 10:28 AM
Nah... he always continues to post after losing to GSU. It's the next loss that kills him.


October 1st, 2013, 02:38 PM
C'mon guys. Don't let him distract you with the SoCon refs thread and allow this one to get off the front page!

October 1st, 2013, 08:14 PM
To answer the question. xblehx We are! Hey I've lost alot of my posts I've got to get back to 10 since 2007, I shall emoticon myself back to full membership.

NoDak 4 Ever
October 1st, 2013, 08:20 PM
My prediction of chattown if they lose to WCU this weekend.


October 2nd, 2013, 07:02 AM
Let me just say that Chattanooga played one hell of a game tonight. Paulson was pretty loud tonight in the 4th quarter - one of the loudest I've ever heard it in my 5 years here. Radio show said we topped 110 decibels on the field. It definitely had an effect on your rhythm in the 4th and one of the biggest reasons we pulled out the win. Also HUGE shoutout to our kicker!

I don't doubt it was loud but I will guarantee you they didn't even get close to 110 decibles!! WaGriz got up to 110-115 during our playoff game in 2004!! There was a sideline reporter with a decible meter and they even showed the reading on tv and they said that was comparable to a game Kyle field at Texas A&M. For reference the highest recorded lever EVER in the New Oleans Super Dome was 119 and Oregon being the second loudest college stadium with the highest ever reading of 127. Wa-Grizz was so effin loud when we had the ball that as the left guard I was not able to hear the snap count or audibles so we never got in a 3 point stance so if he audibles I had to stand up so he could yell in my ear hole, I would then yell it to the tackle and receivers got hand signals. We also went on a silent count and the tackles and guards held hands. I watched the ball and squeezed his hand when it was snapped. Place was beyond deafening. That is why I believe they have a 2 touchdown advantage when they play at home. You can hear a pin drop when they have the ball. GREAT FANS at UM .

October 2nd, 2013, 07:03 AM
Oh and by the way Chattown....I'm still laughing ALOT!! Good game eagles!!

October 2nd, 2013, 07:15 AM
Anyone can say that. If you guys play without mistakes, they fumble 3 or 4 times, and you guys out play them then yes you could win and be among the nation's best. That goes for any team. Just like I told you in the preseason, you would lose a close one to GSU and you did. I think you guys will beat App State, Samford is a toss up, you will lose to Wofford, and you will beat Citadel, Furman, and Elon. I'm still sticking with 6-8 wins just like in the preseason, with 6-7 being more likely of the win/loss range.

I hope your wrong just like i hope I was wrong at the beginning of the year. I really want to see them in the playoffs and come to Huntsville!! Im sure they would more likely be in the bracket that would send them to NDSU which would equally as rewarding to me. As you said a couple fumbles by either team here and there, little mistakes here here and there, ect cost us that win happens a whole lot more often to teams that are not playoff/championship caliber. When your team gets that champion mentality they practice and play with a focus that eliminates those mistakes. They go out KNOWING they will win. SHSU has had that mentality the last two years as well as several other great teams have. NDSU just happens to do it better than all of us on most days. You need to face the facts that even if they have the talent you think they do Chat, the Mocs don't have that fram of mind yet and its something that has to be instilled by the coaches and 100% bought and believed by the players!!

October 2nd, 2013, 07:31 AM
I don't doubt it was loud but I will guarantee you they didn't even get close to 110 decibles!! WaGriz got up to 110-115 during our playoff game in 2004!! There was a sideline reporter with a decible meter and they even showed the reading on tv and they said that was comparable to a game Kyle field at Texas A&M. For reference the highest recorded lever EVER in the New Oleans Super Dome was 119 and Oregon being the second loudest college stadium with the highest ever reading of 127. Wa-Grizz was so effin loud when we had the ball that as the left guard I was not able to hear the snap count or audibles so we never got in a 3 point stance so if he audibles I had to stand up so he could yell in my ear hole, I would then yell it to the tackle and receivers got hand signals. We also went on a silent count and the tackles and guards held hands. I watched the ball and squeezed his hand when it was snapped. Place was beyond deafening. That is why I believe they have a 2 touchdown advantage when they play at home. You can hear a pin drop when they have the ball. GREAT FANS at UM .

I don't dispute the decible level, but I was surprised to see the recorded attendance was 16,827.

GSU is a pretty good team, but that was the biggest home game of the year and attendance was down 2,000 or so off the reported capacity, and about 2,000 under last year's average. Through three home games, the Eagles are well off last year's pace attendance-wise it would seem.

October 2nd, 2013, 07:41 AM
I don't dispute the decible level, but I was surprised to see the recorded attendance was 16,827.

GSU is a pretty good team, but that was the biggest home game of the year and attendance was down 2,000 or so off the reported capacity, and about 2,000 under last year's average. Through three home games, the Eagles are well off last year's pace attendance-wise it would seem.

Big game between the Hedges this past Saturday...

October 2nd, 2013, 07:42 AM
I don't dispute the decible level, but I was surprised to see the recorded attendance was 16,827.

GSU is a pretty good team, but that was the biggest home game of the year and attendance was down 2,000 or so off the reported capacity, and about 2,000 under last year's average. Through three home games, the Eagles are well off last year's pace attendance-wise it would seem.
A lot of our grass seating on the hills is nonexistent this year due to the construction of our football operations center. That hurts the attendance some, plus I think there were more than 16,827 there. We're notorious for not really knowing and throwing out a number.

October 2nd, 2013, 07:45 AM
Sorry chattown. Your WR lined up almost two yards off the LOS which covered the slot reveiver making him ineligible. Maybe your outstanding coaching staff needs to teach your boys basic formations.

Im agreeing with Chat on this one. That was not a penalty. The "slot" was on the LOS and he didn't even go down field. If he was actually covered then went down field he would be the ineligible reciever not the outside WR but he stayed in to block. Every player off the line of scrimmage is eligible as well as a tight end on the line of scrimmage. If there is a reciever on the LOS covering the tight end (which is a legal formation) then the tight end would not be eligible but the outside man covering him up would be. Simply put there has to be 7 men on the LOS and 4 off of it. Doesnt matter what combination those seven are. If you have if you have a two tight end set (one beside both offensive tackles), two recievers off the ball, and 1 running back you have 7 eligible 6 players eligible to catch the ball including the qb if he pitched it or a double pass scenario. Only 5 ineligible would be the 5 offensive lineman.

October 2nd, 2013, 09:12 AM
Big game between the Hedges this past Saturday...

Couple that with the fact that a lot of people have written off this season since there's nothing that can be won, no conference title/playoff/national title hopes. It really doesn't help that a lot of our games go up against marquee matchups for UGA. Our next home game against Cit will be at the same time as the World's Largest Outdoor Cocktail party. We haven't gotten lucky on these this year unfortunately.

For this year, our capacity is 18k tops, we can't put as many people in the stadium as we have the past few years because the fire marshall won't allow it. During the first game, we probably underreported due to the fact there was lightning near gametime that necessitated evacuating the stadium. When everyone was readmitted, taking an accurate count went out the window with the rush back inside so I have a feeling we had more than the official numbers.

We're doing fine. The stadium was packed with very little open space in the seats themselves which was very nice.

October 2nd, 2013, 09:13 AM
I don't doubt it was loud but I will guarantee you they didn't even get close to 110 decibles!! WaGriz got up to 110-115 during our playoff game in 2004!! There was a sideline reporter with a decible meter and they even showed the reading on tv and they said that was comparable to a game Kyle field at Texas A&M. For reference the highest recorded lever EVER in the New Oleans Super Dome was 119 and Oregon being the second loudest college stadium with the highest ever reading of 127. Wa-Grizz was so effin loud when we had the ball that as the left guard I was not able to hear the snap count or audibles so we never got in a 3 point stance so if he audibles I had to stand up so he could yell in my ear hole, I would then yell it to the tackle and receivers got hand signals. We also went on a silent count and the tackles and guards held hands. I watched the ball and squeezed his hand when it was snapped. Place was beyond deafening. That is why I believe they have a 2 touchdown advantage when they play at home. You can hear a pin drop when they have the ball. GREAT FANS at UM .

We had a decibel meter on the field. It hit 110. Trust me it was incredibly loud. Our fans were PISSED at the refs.

October 2nd, 2013, 09:53 AM
Lane Kiffin to Chattanooga at the end of this season? :)

October 2nd, 2013, 09:56 AM
Couple that with the fact that a lot of people have written off this season since there's nothing that can be won, no conference title/playoff/national title hopes. It really doesn't help that a lot of our games go up against marquee matchups for UGA. Our next home game against Cit will be at the same time as the World's Largest Outdoor Cocktail party. We haven't gotten lucky on these this year unfortunately.

For this year, our capacity is 18k tops, we can't put as many people in the stadium as we have the past few years because the fire marshall won't allow it. During the first game, we probably underreported due to the fact there was lightning near gametime that necessitated evacuating the stadium. When everyone was readmitted, taking an accurate count went out the window with the rush back inside so I have a feeling we had more than the official numbers.

We're doing fine. The stadium was packed with very little open space in the seats themselves which was very nice.

Yeah...this year of transition has been tough for us for many reasons. xnodx:(

October 2nd, 2013, 10:07 AM
Lane Kiffin to Chattanooga at the end of this season? :)

Perhaps his old lady could join the Chatty hootchie cootchie dancers...

October 2nd, 2013, 10:11 AM
Lane Kiffin to Chattanooga at the end of this season? :)


October 2nd, 2013, 10:16 AM
I don't dispute the decible level, but I was surprised to see the recorded attendance was 16,827.

GSU is a pretty good team, but that was the biggest home game of the year and attendance was down 2,000 or so off the reported capacity, and about 2,000 under last year's average. Through three home games, the Eagles are well off last year's pace attendance-wise it would seem.

I have given up trying to understand the black box within a black box that is our attendance counting procedure. I'm not overly worried about the attendance going forward, though. We were at worst at a 5-year high with season ticket sales this season and pretty much every team that has made the jump to FBS has better attendance as an FBS team than they had as an FCS team.

October 2nd, 2013, 12:53 PM
Perhaps his old lady could join the Chatty hootchie cootchie dancers...

Mrs. Kiffin would make a fine Honey-Moc dancer!!

October 2nd, 2013, 12:57 PM
Mrs. Kiffin would make a fine Honey-Moc dancer!!

He must have outkicked his coverage.


October 3rd, 2013, 05:42 AM
We had a decibel meter on the field. It hit 110. Trust me it was incredibly loud. Our fans were PISSED at the refs.

If yall believe there were over the 16,800 ish announced that in itself is impressive. I have never seen Paulson but physics are what make WaGrizz and Kyle Field so loud plus the amount of fans. Wa Griz is all Concrete and as the seats are at the steapest angle ive ever seen in person as well as the sideline is 10 freaking yards from the sideline. There is not much room for anything in the players area. Also its 4 sided stadium (Like a squared off bowl stadium) plus at that time they had 2 upper deck corners and were adding the 3rd and 4th in the future. Couple that with a nice size moutain next to the stadium and 30k people give or take and its effin crazy loud. Texas A&M's field is very similar. 3 Sided as of now but soon to be another endzone to bring capacity up to 110,000 or so. It is also all concrete and extremely verticle seating. The first college football game memory i had as kid (12) was sitting on the very top row under the press box. Highest seet in the stadium. We were on the 50 yard line and if i touched my knees together i could not see the game. Litterally had to watch it between my knees all game long. That is why those stadiums are so loud. I just don't see how it would be physically possible for paulson with 17k or so people could come close to the 110 mark unless you had a bowl statdium with the first row really tight to the field.

October 3rd, 2013, 06:57 AM
If yall believe there were over the 16,800 ish announced that in itself is impressive. I have never seen Paulson but physics are what make WaGrizz and Kyle Field so loud plus the amount of fans. Wa Griz is all Concrete and as the seats are at the steapest angle ive ever seen in person as well as the sideline is 10 freaking yards from the sideline. There is not much room for anything in the players area. Also its 4 sided stadium (Like a squared off bowl stadium) plus at that time they had 2 upper deck corners and were adding the 3rd and 4th in the future. Couple that with a nice size moutain next to the stadium and 30k people give or take and its effin crazy loud. Texas A&M's field is very similar. 3 Sided as of now but soon to be another endzone to bring capacity up to 110,000 or so. It is also all concrete and extremely verticle seating. The first college football game memory i had as kid (12) was sitting on the very top row under the press box. Highest seet in the stadium. We were on the 50 yard line and if i touched my knees together i could not see the game. Litterally had to watch it between my knees all game long. That is why those stadiums are so loud. I just don't see how it would be physically possible for paulson with 17k or so people could come close to the 110 mark unless you had a bowl statdium with the first row really tight to the field.

Not hard to believe that 17000 focusing their voices in one particular area of the field could generate that level of sound. It might not have been that loud on the opposite end of the field, but it only needed to be loud where our opponent was. Notice I said 110 on the field, not all over the stadium.

We were highly motivated due to the refs pissing the crowd off. Say what you want, but it was LOUD.

October 3rd, 2013, 02:22 PM
Not hard to believe that 17000 focusing their voices in one particular area of the field could generate that level of sound. It might not have been that loud on the opposite end of the field, but it only needed to be loud where our opponent was. Notice I said 110 on the field, not all over the stadium.

We were highly motivated due to the refs pissing the crowd off. Say what you want, but it was LOUD.

I'd imagine that with the construction, and the huge pit opposite of Bishop that the noise would bounce around a little better than normal as well

October 3rd, 2013, 08:47 PM
I'd imagine that with the construction, and the huge pit opposite of Bishop that the noise would bounce around a little better than normal as well

And as things progress, it will only get louder.

October 4th, 2013, 09:37 AM
Nothing from Chattown since 10/1. Suicide alert or just that many people wanting the $6 Tuscan Chicken Melt at Subway?

NoDak 4 Ever
October 4th, 2013, 09:56 AM
Nothing from Chattown since 10/1. Suicide alert or just that many people wanting the $6 Tuscan Chicken Melt at Subway?

Probably stuck in depositions for his former boss' fraud case.

October 4th, 2013, 10:15 AM
Nothing from Chattown since 10/1. Suicide alert or just that many people wanting the $6 Tuscan Chicken Melt at Subway?

Maybe someone should have the police do a welfare check.

October 4th, 2013, 11:09 AM
Maybe someone should have the police do a welfare check.

Or confirm he cashed his welfare check

October 4th, 2013, 11:26 AM
Nothing from Chattown since 10/1. Suicide alert or just that many people wanting the $6 Tuscan Chicken Melt at Subway?

I did notice Furman just beat UTC in Women's Soccer 9-0. I realize it's women's soccer, but ye gods that's a butt kicking.

October 4th, 2013, 12:19 PM
Probably stuck in depositions for his former boss' fraud case.

Maybe Mr. C's FBI contact found him and detained him for *ahem* some questioning.

Mr. C
October 4th, 2013, 08:20 PM
Maybe Mr. C's FBI contact found him and detained him for *ahem* some questioning.
Melvin Purvis hasn't been heard from this week, either.

October 5th, 2013, 08:27 AM
If they lose to western today we may need to check the police blotter (or the obits) tomorrow

NoDak 4 Ever
October 5th, 2013, 09:31 AM
Like I said before, Chatty will beat WCU and you won't be able to shut chattown up about it. You would swear they beat a combined squad of Alabama and Clemson

October 5th, 2013, 10:01 AM
Like I said before, Chatty will beat WCU and you won't be able to shut chattown up about it. You would swear they beat a combined squad of Alabama and Clemson

I suspect you are spot on. It will be another dominating performance by the mighty mocs and their brilliant coaching staff.

October 5th, 2013, 11:35 AM
Maybe Mr. C's FBI contact found him and detained him for *ahem* some questioning.

What possible, truthful statement could be gleaned by questioning him? Unless, of course, it's questioning that might get chattown one of those really NICE jackets - you know, the one where the sleeves tie in the back?

October 5th, 2013, 08:06 PM
UT-Martin got spanked at home by Jax State today.

October 5th, 2013, 08:20 PM
UT-Martin got spanked at home by Jax State today.

... and Georgia Southern gave up 44 points and almost 700 yards to Samford.

Chatty's wins aren't good and their losses aren't either.

October 5th, 2013, 08:34 PM
We reach a new level of stupidity with people talking **** about their team getting their ass beat. We control our own destiny for the socon title. Chattanooga will have the auto bid. Go to sleep.

Southern Bison
October 5th, 2013, 08:41 PM
We reach a new level of stupidity with people talking **** about their team getting their ass beat. We control our own destiny for the socon title. Chattanooga will have the auto bid. Go to sleep.

Please, enlighten us...Both Samford & Wofford are 2-0 in the SoCon so far with wins over App & GaSo, respectively. Whoever can beat GaSo will have an advantage for the auto-bid come November. Please tell me that your manager at Subway gives you the day off for the App St. game. I'll be up there with a sign for all the AGS posters to enjoy and either you'll edumicate (did I get the TN spelling right?) me or I'll give you a preview of a UT-C/NDSU outcome by stomping you a new mudhole. (I used Google's Hillbilly translation so you'd understand).

October 5th, 2013, 08:42 PM
I like woffy for the auo-bid.

October 5th, 2013, 08:47 PM
Please, enlighten us...Both Samford & Wofford are 2-0 in the SoCon so far with wins over App & GaSo, respectively. Whoever can beat GaSo will have an advantage for the auto-bid come November. Please tell me that your manager at Subway gives you the day off for the App St. game. I'll be up there with a sign for all the AGS posters to enjoy and either you'll edumicate (did I get the TN spelling right?) me or I'll give you a preview of a UT-C/NDSU outcome by stomping you a new mudhole. (I used Google's Hillbilly translation so you'd understand).

It takes a special level of stupidity to steal other peoples poor material. Get a life reject.

October 5th, 2013, 08:50 PM
Chattanooga will have the auto bid.

Yep still xlolx

October 5th, 2013, 08:52 PM
Chatty will have to beat Samford for the auto bid.

Southern Bison
October 5th, 2013, 08:53 PM
It takes a special level of stupidity to steal other peoples poor material. Get a life reject.

We'll miss you when people start exercising their ban hammer that they received for donating to FPC's 24 hours of booty...or once December arrives.

October 5th, 2013, 10:57 PM
Chattown...you still have not won a "game that matters" Your boys wet the bed AGAIN against GaSou and youre crowing because you beat (with all due respect to MadhatterCAT and the other WCU posters on this board), the WORST team in the SoCon? Look broskie, UTC is a second tier AT BEST team in the conference, feasting on other second tier teams and even third tier teams, but when the lights are on against the big boys, soil their jock straps when it matters most. Go crawl back in your hole and get back to me when you have learned a modicum of humility and class and your team has won a game they weren't supposed to and not one second before that happens.

October 5th, 2013, 11:07 PM
Chattown...you still have not won a "game that matters" Your boys wet the bed AGAIN against GaSou and youre crowing because you beat (with all due respect to MadhatterCAT and the other WCU posters on this board), the WORST team in the SoCon? Look broskie, UTC is a second tier AT BEST team in the conference, feasting on other second tier teams and even third tier teams, but when the lights are on against the big boys, soil their jock straps when it matters most. Go crawl back in your hole and get back to me when you have learned a modicum of humility and class and your team has won a game they weren't supposed to and not one second before that happens.

So I take it you had this post saved to post regardless of what I post. It can't be in response to anything I have posted and certainly has no basis in reality. These desperate attempts to gain credibility by you clowns are coming up shorter and shorter. How about you scrubs come talk to me when Chattanoogas socon or national title hopes come up short because they are alive and well.

October 5th, 2013, 11:19 PM
You won a game you were favored in...congrats. You get two warmup games and then get the three teams that are currently above you in the standings, plus the only other "white whale" in your Captain Ahab like quest for conference relevance. Assuming that you win these next two games, you are probably going to have to sweep the three teams above you to have any chance at the SoCon, and all three will likely be battle tested going into those matchups. UTC has not shown that they can take the step up to the "big boy table" when the pressure is on. Let's see who is laughing when the season is over and see who's dreams lay shattered on the field after the final week of the season.

October 5th, 2013, 11:33 PM
You won a game you were favored in...congrats. You get two warmup games and then get the three teams that are currently above you in the standings, plus the only other "white whale" in your Captain Ahab like quest for conference relevance. Assuming that you win these next two games, you are probably going to have to sweep the three teams above you to have any chance at the SoCon, and all three will likely be battle tested going into those matchups. UTC has not shown that they can take the step up to the "big boy table" when the pressure is on. Let's see who is laughing when the season is over and see who's dreams lay shattered on the field after the final week of the season.

When did I say anything about the western game? Did you prepare these statements throughout the week? They aren't in response to anything, just mindless babble. Why do you do this to yourself?

October 6th, 2013, 12:08 AM
They aren't in response to anything, just mindless babble.

If you seriously had issues with mindless babble you would never have posted on AGS, ever.

October 6th, 2013, 06:42 AM
When did I say anything about the western game? Did you prepare these statements throughout the week? They aren't in response to anything, just mindless babble. Why do you do this to yourself?

"Thus saith the King of mindless babble and shooting oneself in the foot". Keep up the good work! Your delusions have great entertainment value.

October 6th, 2013, 07:12 AM
You won a game you were favored in...congrats. You get two warmup games and then get the three teams that are currently above you in the standings, plus the only other "white whale" in your Captain Ahab like quest for conference relevance. Assuming that you win these next two games, you are probably going to have to sweep the three teams above you to have any chance at the SoCon, and all three will likely be battle tested going into those matchups. UTC has not shown that they can take the step up to the "big boy table" when the pressure is on. Let's see who is laughing when the season is over and see who's dreams lay shattered on the field after the final week of the season.

(placeholder text)

October 6th, 2013, 07:20 AM
You won a game you were favored in...congrats. You get two warmup games and then get the three teams that are currently above you in the standings, plus the only other "white whale" in your Captain Ahab like quest for conference relevance. Assuming that you win these next two games, you are probably going to have to sweep the three teams above you to have any chance at the SoCon, and all three will likely be battle tested going into those matchups. UTC has not shown that they can take the step up to the "big boy table" when the pressure is on. Let's see who is laughing when the season is over and see who's dreams lay shattered on the field after the final week of the season.

Also, this I believe was your only comment on the game...if you will open your AGS Bible to the book of chattown chapter 3 verse 27...


Game 5: Western Carolina

prediction: Coming back from Statesboro 4-0, about to be 5-0 when Western comes calling. 49-10

NoDak 4 Ever
October 6th, 2013, 07:50 AM
When did I say anything about the western game? Did you prepare these statements throughout the week? They aren't in response to anything, just mindless babble. Why do you do this to yourself?

Whew. Thank goodness. We were worried.

October 6th, 2013, 08:01 AM
When did I say anything about the western game? Did you prepare these statements throughout the week? They aren't in response to anything, just mindless babble. Why do you do this to yourself?
He can talk about any game he wants, he does not need to wait for you to make a post and respond to it. Just because your team is mathematically still able to win the SoCon does not make you the favorite to win it. UTC will have at least 4 loses on the season but more than likely 5 and will be lucky to make the postseason.

October 6th, 2013, 08:11 AM
This is as good a place as any to drop this little tidbit:

Georgia Southern has defeated Chattanooga 3 straight years and UGA has defeated Tennessee 4 straight years.

Georgia teams > Tennessee teams x 3 years = Chattownmocs little man syndrome.

October 6th, 2013, 01:20 PM
Bump, because this should remain on page one, always and forever.

Also, after seeing what JSU did to UT-Martin Saturday and keeping in mind what UT-Martin did to the Mocs in Week 1 -- something out of a prison shower was what I had in mind for the latter -- it makes me wish the Gamecocks were still on UTC's schedule. I certainly don't believe it would be anything like the spankings JSU dished out in the pre-Huesman era, but it would be an entertaining football game.

October 7th, 2013, 06:30 AM
Bump, because this should remain on page one, always and forever.

Agreed. Can we please get this a sticky?

October 7th, 2013, 07:31 AM
Oh boy...first time reading this thread. I feel like I'm about to watch the past two seasons of Homeland so I can catch up to the current episode.

October 7th, 2013, 08:10 AM
Oh boy...first time reading this thread. I feel like I'm about to watch the past two seasons of Homeland so I can catch up to the current episode.

Trust me, you'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll **** your pants! See you in two weeks! :)

October 7th, 2013, 10:26 AM
Please, enlighten us...Both Samford & Wofford are 2-0 in the SoCon so far with wins over App & GaSo, respectively. Whoever can beat GaSo will have an advantage for the auto-bid come November. Please tell me that your manager at Subway gives you the day off for the App St. game. I'll be up there with a sign for all the AGS posters to enjoy and either you'll edumicate (did I get the TN spelling right?) me or I'll give you a preview of a UT-C/NDSU outcome by stomping you a new mudhole. (I used Google's Hillbilly translation so you'd understand).

We haven't played Samford or Wofford yet. Just to keep the smacking of chattown on the up-and-up. xthumbsupx

October 7th, 2013, 10:45 AM
So I take it you had this post saved to post regardless of what I post. It can't be in response to anything I have posted and certainly has no basis in reality. These desperate attempts to gain credibility by you clowns are coming up shorter and shorter. How about you scrubs come talk to me when Chattanoogas socon or national title hopes come up short because they are alive and well.

xlolx I had to go back and see when the last time he posted was. Surprised it was so recent. I'd of thought he'd have crawled back into his folks basement for another 9-10 months only to come back and regale us about how great the moc's are going to be again xlolx

NoDak 4 Ever
October 7th, 2013, 10:50 AM
xlolx I had to go back and see when the last time he posted was. Surprised it was so recent. I'd of thought he'd have crawled back into his folks basement for another 9-10 months only to come back and regale us about how great the moc's are going to be again xlolx

It was a win, they still are 3-2 (4-1 if you include moral victories) so unless that dips below .500 we will likely see him pop out of his hole, when he gets a break for making $5 footlongs, that is.

October 7th, 2013, 10:52 AM
xlolx I had to go back and see when the last time he posted was. Surprised it was so recent. I'd of thought he'd have crawled back into his folks basement for another 9-10 months only to come back and regale us about how great the moc's are going to be again xlolx

He gets to post on break times at Subway.

October 7th, 2013, 02:15 PM
He gets to post on break times at Subway.
I'd love to see Ursus sticky this bad boy so we don't have to keep bumping it to the first page.

October 8th, 2013, 12:09 AM
Well he cant stick ir if he cant see it dontcha know

Southern Bison
October 8th, 2013, 11:57 PM
Middle of page 3?? Have we seen the annual vanishing act of Chattownmocs already?


October 9th, 2013, 11:07 AM
Must... not.... let... thread... die!

October 9th, 2013, 02:23 PM
Must... not.... let... thread... die!

There is aboslutely no way this thread dies before the end of the regular season. This may even be one that gets pulled up at the start of every season to remind us how lucky the rest of us all are to be sane!!! My guess is it gets to 1k pages at some point in my life.

NoDak 4 Ever
October 9th, 2013, 04:37 PM
I'm still surprised he hasn't been crowing about the WCU win. I mean it's totally absurd to do so but I don't think he recognizes that.

October 10th, 2013, 06:58 AM
Chattown will be back soon... he has been busy recovering from this big event in Miller Plaza:


Professor Chaos
October 10th, 2013, 07:52 AM
The Mocs continue to back up Chattown's claim that, unlike NDSU, Chatty only schedules top level FBS competition and no "cupcakes FBS teams": Chattanooga Mocs to open at CMU in 2014 (http://www.timesfreepress.com/news/2013/oct/10/mocs-to-open-at-cmu-in-2014/)

October 10th, 2013, 10:44 AM
The Mocs continue to back up Chattown's claim that, unlike NDSU, Chatty only schedules top level FBS competition and no "cupcakes FBS teams": Chattanooga Mocs to open at CMU in 2014 (http://www.timesfreepress.com/news/2013/oct/10/mocs-to-open-at-cmu-in-2014/)

Hey clueless reject, Georgia State just canceled. Nice try though.

NoDak 4 Ever
October 10th, 2013, 10:54 AM
Hey clueless reject, Georgia State just canceled. Nice try though.

Hey good to see you! You get Furman at home this weekend, is it going to be 85-0?

October 10th, 2013, 11:01 AM
Let's see the FBS teams Chattanooga has been playing.

Florida State
South Florida
Georgia State
Central Michigan

Chattanooga plays the toughest FBS schedule in the country. NDSU, one of the very easiest. You are a fool.

NoDak 4 Ever
October 10th, 2013, 11:03 AM
Let's see the FBS teams Chattanooga has been playing.

Florida State
South Florida
Georgia State
Central Michigan

Chattanooga plays the toughest FBS schedule in the country. NDSU, one of the very easiest. You are a fool.

Oh, if only they gave a championship for toughest FBS schedule.

October 10th, 2013, 11:06 AM
Let's see the FBS teams Chattanooga has been playing.

Florida State
South Florida
Georgia State
Central Michigan

Chattanooga plays the toughest FBS schedule in the country. NDSU, one of the very easiest. You are a fool.

Hardest EVAR!

October 10th, 2013, 11:09 AM
Let's see the FBS teams Chattanooga has been playing.

Florida State
South Florida
Georgia State
Central Michigan

Chattanooga plays the toughest FBS schedule in the country. NDSU, one of the very easiest. You are a fool.


October 10th, 2013, 11:10 AM
Hardest EVAR!

The games you just pointed out were a home and home with Georgia State who was a CAA team at the time. Our FBS games were Alabama and Tennessee. Another major failure by the NDSU tools.

October 10th, 2013, 11:10 AM

Maybe read the thread toolbag.

NoDak 4 Ever
October 10th, 2013, 11:11 AM
The games you just pointed out were a home and home with Georgia State who was a CAA team at the time. Our FBS games were Alabama and Tennessee. Another major failure by the NDSU tools.

More moral victories. I think Chatty might be the all time leader.

October 10th, 2013, 11:27 AM
Let's see the FBS teams Chattanooga has been playing.

Florida State
South Florida
Georgia State
Central Michigan

Chattanooga plays the toughest FBS schedule in the country. NDSU, one of the very easiest. You are a fool.

Savannah State would like a word:

Oklahoma State
Florida State

So would William and Mary, Georgia Southern, App State, Citadel, McNeese State, NDSU, and on, and on, and on....

October 10th, 2013, 11:50 AM
Let's see the FBS teams Chattanooga has been playing.

Florida State
South Florida
Georgia State
Central Michigan

Chattanooga plays the toughest FBS schedule in the country. NDSU, one of the very easiest. You are a fool.

Oh, if only they gave a championship for toughest FBS schedule.

I'm sure there's an asterisk on Chatty's schedule/results page; playing these guys is the same as playing for the BCS Championship...just like hosting the FCS championship game 14 times is just like actually playing in it - twice!

October 10th, 2013, 11:57 AM
Florida State
NC State
Georgia Tech
Middle Tennessee State
Virginia Tech
(don't know any others just yet)

We all have tough schedules...

October 10th, 2013, 12:04 PM
Id like to hope that you at least got your money's worth from UTC getting stomped into paste by the SEC on an ALMOST yearly basis (since there were some years where an SEC team was not played). That said, maybe you ought to try to schedule some tougher games against FCS schools...Central Michigan and Georgia State (even if they were a CAA school at the time) are not exactly candidates for a murderer's row as schedule difficulty comes

Professor Chaos
October 10th, 2013, 12:06 PM
Chattanooga plays the toughest FBS schedule in the country. NDSU, one of the very easiest. You are a fool.
And look where it's gotten you.

Chatty vs FCS teams since 2007: 25-35, 0 playoff appearances.
NDSU vs FCS teams since 2007: 55-19, 3 playoff appearances and 2 national titles.

I'd say it's your AD and coach who are the fools. Maybe you should hang a "Toughest FBS schedule in FCS" banner.

NoDak 4 Ever
October 10th, 2013, 12:08 PM
And look where it's gotten you.

Chatty vs FCS teams since 2007: 25-35, 0 playoff appearances.
NDSU vs FCS teams since 2007: 55-19, 3 playoff appearances and 2 national titles.

I'd say it's your AD and coach who are the fools. Maybe you should hang a "Toughest FBS schedule in FCS" banner.

They can hang it in Finley next to the championship banners of all the teams they hosted.

October 10th, 2013, 12:10 PM
Chattanooga's FBS schedule is no more difficult than many of the other SoCon or Big South teams. The schedules are more difficult than schools from other parts of the country because the FBS football is better in the deep south than other parts of the country. Pretty much just that simple.

It has been years since I can remember Furman not playing an SEC or ACC team. Maybe twice since 2000.

October 10th, 2013, 12:13 PM
Let's see the FBS teams Chattanooga has been playing.

Florida State
South Florida
Georgia State
Central Michigan

Chattanooga plays the toughest FBS schedule in the country. NDSU, one of the very easiest. You are a fool.

Yeah, you lose to those teams almost as much as you lose to FCS teams. Maybe Chatty needs to drop down to D2 or D3 just to have a winning season! xlolx

October 10th, 2013, 12:19 PM
It has been years since I can remember Furman not playing an SEC or ACC team. Maybe twice since 2000.

Well, three times - 2005 (no FBS), 2004 (Pittsburgh only FBS team), 2001 (Wyoming only FBS team).

Regardless of that, your larger point still stands: Pretty much all FCS schools in the southeast play a lot of SEC and ACC teams.

October 10th, 2013, 12:24 PM
Yeah, you lose to those teams almost as much as you lose to FCS teams. Maybe Chatty needs to drop down to D2 or D3 just to have a winning season! xlolx

Hey now, watch your mouth, UTC piled up EIGHTY FOUR YARDS against Alabama!

And UTC has had SEVEN winning seasons since 1990! OK, five of those were 6-5 and the other two were 7-4, but WINNING BABY!

October 10th, 2013, 12:29 PM
Even The Citadel has beaten a couple of SEC teams.

October 10th, 2013, 01:25 PM
Savannah State would like a word:

Oklahoma State
Florida State

So would William and Mary, Georgia Southern, App State, Citadel, McNeese State, NDSU, and on, and on, and on....

We've been playing them for a 100 years. Get real.

October 10th, 2013, 01:29 PM
You don't know anything about college football. Central Michigan is typically very tough. Please stfu.

October 10th, 2013, 01:31 PM
Chattanooga's FBS schedule is no more difficult than many of the other SoCon or Big South teams. The schedules are more difficult than schools from other parts of the country because the FBS football is better in the deep south than other parts of the country. Pretty much just that simple.

It has been years since I can remember Furman not playing an SEC or ACC team. Maybe twice since 2000.

Yes it is. Alabama is ranked number 1.

October 10th, 2013, 01:36 PM
You don't know anything about college football. Central Michigan is typically very tough. Please stfu.


Do you still want to have it both ways?

NoDak 4 Ever
October 10th, 2013, 01:39 PM
You don't know anything about college football. Central Michigan is typically very tough. Please stfu.

Since 2010, they have 15 wins. I could see how you think they are tough when you also think Chatty is successful.

October 10th, 2013, 01:42 PM

Do you still want to have it both ways?

That's actually impressive, maybe you guys did actually schedule someone before you started your Minnesota, Kansas, Colorado state basement tour.

October 10th, 2013, 01:46 PM
Since 2010, they have 15 wins. I could see how you think they are tough when you also think Chatty is successful.

Pretty sure they have won more MAC titles than just about anyone. I know NDSU beat them a few years back, but its not their fault and similar programs, that NDSU hid in non d1 football until a few years back. It makes you look foolish to try and denigrate programs that have actually proven themselves over decades and decades.

NoDak 4 Ever
October 10th, 2013, 01:46 PM
That's actually impressive, maybe you guys did actually schedule someone before you started your Minnesota, Kansas, Colorado state basement tour.


October 10th, 2013, 01:53 PM
You don't know anything about college football. Central Michigan is typically very tough. Please stfu.

Um... They don't have Brian Kelly anymore. They are 12 and 25 the past 3 seasons. Facts > Chattown BS

NoDak 4 Ever
October 10th, 2013, 02:01 PM
Pretty sure they have won more MAC titles than just about anyone. I know NDSU beat them a few years back, but its not their fault and similar programs, that NDSU hid in non d1 football until a few years back. It makes you look foolish to try and denigrate programs that have actually proven themselves over decades and decades.

So we need to feel sorry for the team that is such high caliber tough competition for chatty?

Good lord this is a **** spiral.

October 10th, 2013, 02:01 PM
CMU has 2 MAC titles since Brian Kelly left. Facts>than football illiterate BS

NoDak 4 Ever
October 10th, 2013, 02:02 PM
CMU has 2 MAC titles since Brian Kelly left. Facts>than football illiterate BS

Hows this for a fun fact? One of those years that CMU won a MAC championship they got the **** kicked out of them by.....NDSU

October 10th, 2013, 02:04 PM
Um... They don't have Brian Kelly anymore. They are 12 and 25 the past 3 seasons. Facts > Chattown BS

So we need to feel sorry for the team that is such high caliber tough competition for chatty?

Good lord this is a **** spiral.

The spiral started when one of your bfs failed miserably by attempting to trash talk Chattanooga for scheduling such a weak FBS team. He didn't do his research and see that teams canceled on Chattanooga and Central Michigan at the right time and that's why they are playing. You and your bfs fail again.

October 10th, 2013, 02:06 PM
Um... They don't have Brian Kelly anymore. They are 12 and 25 the past 3 seasons. Facts > Chattown BS

So we need to feel sorry for the team that is such high caliber tough competition for chatty?

Good lord this is a **** spiral.

Hows this for a fun fact? One of those years that CMU won a MAC championship they got the **** kicked out of them by.....NDSU

Yeah they went 8-6, looks like Butch Jones did a hell of a job turning them around from that dismal performance.

NoDak 4 Ever
October 10th, 2013, 02:13 PM
Yeah they went 8-6, looks like Butch Jones did a hell of a job turning them around from that dismal performance.


and this year 2-4

I can see how one good season looks good to you.

October 10th, 2013, 02:14 PM
Yeah they went 8-6, looks like Butch Jones did a hell of a job turning them around from that dismal performance.

They don't have Butch Jones anymore either. Sorry, but Central Michigan is not a powerhouse program. Thanks for playing, we have some lovely parting gifts for you. NoDok 4 Ever, tell him what he's won!!

October 10th, 2013, 02:16 PM
Here's a fun fact. Nick Saban himself recruited a kid from a local Chattanooga high school. That's just as good as actually having Nick Saban coach the Mocs! Moral victory FTW!!

NoDak 4 Ever
October 10th, 2013, 02:16 PM
They don't have Butch Jones anymore either. Sorry, but Central Michigan is not a powerhouse program. Thanks for playing, we have some lovely parting gifts for you. NoDok 4 Ever, tell him what he's won!!

Well Pike, for his endless delusional asshattery, he wins.......


October 10th, 2013, 02:18 PM
CMU has 2 MAC titles since Brian Kelly left. Facts>than football illiterate BS

My bad.. I forgot that the MAC is the greatest football conference at the Div 1 level. Tell me again how awesome Chattanooga is at football? What's their record so far this season?

NoDak 4 Ever
October 10th, 2013, 02:37 PM
I genuinely did not expect the conversation to turn this way. Made my day.

October 10th, 2013, 05:37 PM
We've been playing them for a 100 years. Get real.

Umm technically you only have been playing them since 2006 and technically even the I-A distinction has only been around since 1978. Now if you want to say you have faced NCAA programs for 100 years that would be more accurate. According to Wikipedia the NCAA Division I distinction began in 1973 but for all the years prior it was called the NCAA University Division.


Professor Chaos
October 10th, 2013, 05:45 PM
That's actually impressive, maybe you guys did actually schedule someone before you started your Minnesota, Kansas, Colorado state basement tour.
NDSU played Minnesota that same year, oh wise one, and they only beat them by 6 after stomping CMU by 30. But I'm sure you'll "educate" us all about how 2007 Minnesota matched up so much better with 2007 NDSU than 2007 CMU did. I'll hang up and listen.

Southern Bison
October 10th, 2013, 11:10 PM
Let's look at the battle for the SoCon autobid so far:

Wofford: Beat GaSo
Samford: Beat GaSo
UT-C: Lost to GaSo

The key to this season's autobid will be the ability to beat the ineligible SoCon teams. Wofford & Samford are in the driver's seat for the playoffs.

Yes, we're still laughing.

October 11th, 2013, 12:38 AM
Yes it is. Alabama is ranked number 1.

Right...because Chatty is the only SOCON/FCS team that has played Alabama during their 3 championship runs...

let me get out the violin and call the wambulance.

Have you called Nick Saban to tell him how great your head coach/defensive coordinator combo is? I bet he doesn't know he's gonna get outschemed.

October 11th, 2013, 02:11 AM
I just want to make it very clear that I am most certainly still laughing.

October 11th, 2013, 08:37 PM
Can anyone explain how this thread was allowed to leave the first page? Seriously?

October 12th, 2013, 06:48 AM
Can anyone explain how this thread was allowed to leave the first page? Seriously?

Yes this should be first page reading material always.

Southern Bison
October 12th, 2013, 08:07 AM
Can anyone explain how this thread was allowed to leave the first page? Seriously?

Chattownmocs has been promoted to Asst. Vegetables Manager so he's spending more time cutting onions, pickles, tomatoes, etc.

NoDak 4 Ever
October 12th, 2013, 08:09 AM
It's like a rope-a-dope technique. We get a little punched out.

October 12th, 2013, 08:34 AM
Chattownmocs has been promoted to Asst. Vegetables Manager so he's spending more time cutting onions, pickles, tomatoes, etc.

This makes me giggle!

October 12th, 2013, 05:42 PM
Refs in full sabotage mode early. Huesman ran it home from the 12 on the first possession. Next possession he scored from the 2 on 4th and goal the ref lied and said he stepped out. Then Furman fumbled on their own 10. The ref lied and said he was down. 7-0 mocs 2nd quarter.

October 12th, 2013, 05:44 PM
Kenny Huitt scores from 2 yards out. 14-0 2nd quarter.

October 12th, 2013, 06:04 PM
Furman hits a 50 harder. 14-3 Chattanooga 2nd quarter.

October 12th, 2013, 06:13 PM
We fumbled the kickoff and Furman got another FG. 14-6 late 2nd.

October 12th, 2013, 06:21 PM
3 turnovers and bs officiating has made it a close game at the half. 14-6.

October 12th, 2013, 06:59 PM
Huesman looked like Mariota on that run as he sprints in from 38 yards out. 21-6 3rd.

October 12th, 2013, 07:00 PM
3 turnovers and bs officiating has made it a close game at the half. 14-6.

Seems to be a theme with Moc games. The officials must get a kick out of reading this thread too. xlolx

Southern Bison
October 12th, 2013, 07:03 PM
Refs in full sabotage mode early.

This is your 1st comment back from a helluva week slicing bread and veggies??

Yes, we're still laughing!!

October 12th, 2013, 07:03 PM
Seems to be a theme with Moc games. The officials must get a kick out of reading this thread too. xlolx
Everyone gets a kick out of reading this thread.xlolx

October 12th, 2013, 07:08 PM
Pollard delivers a 35 yard fg. Hies first on the year on just his second attempt. 24-6 3rd.

October 12th, 2013, 07:18 PM
24-9 3rd

Southern Bison
October 12th, 2013, 07:48 PM
Relax...it's only Furman. Your other SoCon win was vs. Western Carolina...xsmhx

October 12th, 2013, 07:54 PM
Keon Williams scores from a yard out. 31-9 late 4th.

October 12th, 2013, 08:01 PM
31-9 final. Not a great performance, still no problem. I'm still laughing.

NoDak 4 Ever
October 12th, 2013, 08:04 PM
31-9 final. Not a great performance, still no problem. I'm still laughing.

So are we

Southern Bison
October 12th, 2013, 08:11 PM
I'm still laughing.

The term "hysteria" has been in use for over 2,000 years and its definition has become broader and more diffuse over time. In modern psychology and psychiatry, hysteria is a feature of hysterical disorders in which a patient experiences physical symptoms that have a psychological, rather than an organic, cause; and histrionic personality disorder characterized by excessive emotions, dramatics, and attention-seeking behavior.

'Nuff said.

October 12th, 2013, 08:17 PM
31-9 final. Not a great performance, still no problem. I'm still laughing.

At what? You beat Furman.

October 12th, 2013, 08:18 PM
Refs in full sabotage mode early. Huesman ran it home from the 12 on the first possession. Next possession he scored from the 2 on 4th and goal the ref lied and said he stepped out. Then Furman fumbled on their own 10. The ref lied and said he was down. 7-0 mocs 2nd quarter.

New rule from Chattownmocs rulebook for refs. You will be required to take a lie detector test after any questionable calls chattownmoc's deems worthy of a test. If you pass said test you are still a liar in Chattownmoc's world xlolx

October 12th, 2013, 08:21 PM
At what? You beat Furman.

Hey now, Furman beat two other teams. That's as many wins as teams that have lost to UTC have won all year to this point!

UTC now has four wins; the teams they've beaten also have four wins. Woot!

October 12th, 2013, 08:31 PM
Hey now, Furman beat two other teams. That's as many wins as teams that have lost to UTC have won all year to this point!

UTC now has four wins; the teams they've beaten also have four wins. Woot!

Which is why we have beaten them all by 21+.points. You almost had a somewhat relevant post.

October 12th, 2013, 08:32 PM
You almost had a somewhat relevant post.

You almost have a relevant team.:D

October 12th, 2013, 08:36 PM
Any chance that UTC, Samford & Wofford all get in playoffs?

Southern Bison
October 12th, 2013, 08:39 PM
No...Wofford & Samford have a better chance to get in if for no other reason that they both beat GaSo...while Chatty choked again.

October 12th, 2013, 08:40 PM
Yes, if they all get to 6-2 in the conference, they'll all be in.

October 12th, 2013, 08:50 PM
Clean up on aisle 5. Chatty better get the mop and bucket you are being called xlolx

Southern Bison
October 12th, 2013, 09:00 PM
Yes, if they all get to 6-2 in the conference, they'll all be in.

Now I'm just chuckling while shaking my head...out of pure pity for your poor psychosis. UT-C will lose to Wofford & Samford and maybe squeak by the Citadel & App. Oh darn, forgot about Alabama...UT-C takes over the "ButtBama" mantra from GaSo in a good ol' fashioned ass whoopin'.

October 12th, 2013, 09:01 PM
How awesome would it be to be chattowns nephew?? He would dominate the crazy uncle conversations!!

Chats nephew: who's that?
Nephews Friend: that's my crazy uncle
Nephew: you have no effing clue about crazy uncles!!
Friend: ok let's hear about yours.
Nephew: Here...just read this thread on AGS.
Friend: That's a joke right? Nobody is that effing dillusional!! I have to meet this guy!
Nephew: Why not...I was craving a subway anyways!

October 12th, 2013, 09:30 PM
Now I'm just chuckling while shaking my head...out of pure pity for your poor psychosis. UT-C will lose to Wofford & Samford and maybe squeak by the Citadel & App. Oh darn, forgot about Alabama...UT-C takes over the "ButtBama" mantra from GaSo in a good ol' fashioned ass whoopin'.

**** you.

October 12th, 2013, 09:53 PM
Now I'm just chuckling while shaking my head...out of pure pity for your poor psychosis. UT-C will lose to Wofford & Samford and maybe squeak by the Citadel & App. Oh darn, forgot about Alabama...UT-C takes over the "ButtBama" mantra from GaSo in a good ol' fashioned ass whoopin'.

Your bitter delusion is clearly clouding your judgement. These next 3 games aren't going to be very close. Chattanooga rarely screws around with weak ass teams. Samford and Wofford don't match up with Chattanooga even if they are better teams. And btw , they aren't.

NoDak 4 Ever
October 12th, 2013, 10:00 PM
Your bitter delusion is clearly clouding your judgement. These next 3 games aren't going to be very close. Chattanooga rarely screws around with weak ass teams. Samford and Wofford don't match up with Chattanooga even if they are better teams. And btw , they aren't.

Wait. I know you're a deluded mother****er but do you STILL think Chatty is the best team in the SoCon?

October 12th, 2013, 10:03 PM
Wait. I know you're a deluded mother****er but do you STILL think Chatty is the best team in the SoCon?

Did you really just ask him that question?? He thinks they are the best team in the country so he must think they are the best in the SoCon.

October 12th, 2013, 10:05 PM
Chattanooga will coast to Frisco

October 12th, 2013, 10:06 PM
Did you really just ask him that question?? He thinks they are the best team in the country so he must think they are the best in the SoCon.


October 12th, 2013, 10:12 PM
Now I'm just chuckling while shaking my head...out of pure pity for your poor psychosis. UT-C will lose to Wofford & Samford and maybe squeak by the Citadel & App. Oh darn, forgot about Alabama...UT-C takes over the "ButtBama" mantra from GaSo in a good ol' fashioned ass whoopin'.

Wait. I know you're a deluded mother****er but do you STILL think Chatty is the best team in the SoCon?

Yes, its not even that close either.

October 12th, 2013, 10:23 PM
Davis Tull's dominant 3.5 sack performance brings him within .5 of Josh Williams for the all-time Chattanooga record. Tull is the best pass rusher this beautiful town has seen since the late great reverend Reggie White "the minister of defense" prepped at Howard. And he's just a junior.

October 12th, 2013, 10:28 PM
Oh, if only they gave a championship for toughest FBS losses.

October 13th, 2013, 07:22 AM
I'm convinced that Chattown binge drinks on game day and goes into a hangover coma for 3-4 days. There is no other explanation for the incredible posts he makes on Saturdays.

October 13th, 2013, 07:42 AM
Your bitter delusion is clearly clouding your judgement. These next 3 games aren't going to be very close. Chattanooga rarely screws around with weak ass teams.

This is true... Chatty pounds sub .500 teams regularly, then typically gives a valiant effort only to fall short against playoff caliber teams, which is the textbook definition of mediocre.

October 13th, 2013, 02:39 PM

October 14th, 2013, 06:43 AM
Bumpity Bump

October 14th, 2013, 01:39 PM
Davis Tull's dominant 3.5 sack performance brings him within .5 of Josh Williams for the all-time Chattanooga record. Tull is the best pass rusher this beautiful town has seen since the late great reverend Reggie White "the minister of defense" prepped at Howard. And he's just a junior.

All time Chattanooga sack record? That's nice. Chattanooga fans don't usually get to say "all time" and "record" in the same sentence.


October 14th, 2013, 02:23 PM
All time Chattanooga sack record? That's nice. Chattanooga fans don't usually get to say "all time" and "record" in the same sentence.


Sure they do!

They say, "GSU set the all time record for 1-AA/FCS championships on our home field, and we are GSU beeeyotcccchhhhh."

Professor Chaos
October 14th, 2013, 02:25 PM
Chatty has to have the all-time record for toughest FBS games in the last 5 years or something like that don't they?

NoDak 4 Ever
October 14th, 2013, 02:32 PM
Sure they do!

They say, "GSU set the all time record for 1-AA/FCS championships on our home field, and we are GSU beeeyotcccchhhhh."

22.5 is the all time record at UTC? and you are crowing about that?

October 14th, 2013, 02:56 PM
Chattown: This is plain bull$h*t!!!! Nobody is giving our beloved Mocs any recognition. These guys are the most dominant team in the country!! We have the best defense in the country, the next coming of Reggie White on the DL, a running game that can't be stopped, best qb/reciever combo in all of college football, and our coaches couldn't be "out schemed" by Bill Belichick!! You would think that at least some of these idiots that vote in polls would give 'nooga some love! I mean this is just ludacris that they are not in the top 25 in any poll in the country!! Every one of those voters have to be insane!!!

Chatt's Mom: Honey did you forget to take your medication again?? What did the doctor tell you about skipping doses!!

Chatt: But mommy i don't need those medications. Those aren't voices in my head they are my friends!!

Mom: Sure honey, I beleive you! Tell your friends goodnight! Its time to turn off your computer. We don't need you getting all worked up like this before your big day tomorrow! Remember what we learned now....you put the vegetables on after you toast the sandwich!! Im so proud of you for getting a promotion honey. Won't it be nice to not have to scrub the toilets and clean the vomit off the floors anymore!

October 14th, 2013, 02:56 PM
22.5 is the all time record at UTC? and you are crowing about that?

22.5 is just the over/under on the number of guys who run the train on his sister

October 14th, 2013, 03:05 PM
22.5 is the number of hours he put in last week at Subway.

October 14th, 2013, 03:26 PM
22.5 is the all time record at UTC? and you are crowing about that?

That explains everything! He's fallen under the 28-hour Obamacare marker and no longer has full health beni's, so he's off his meds!

October 14th, 2013, 03:38 PM
22.5 is the all time record at UTC? and you are crowing about that?

GSU is 12-3 all time at Chatty's home stadium with 2 national titles (99,00) and a title game loss (98).

Against Chatty, GSU is 23-4 overall. Some of the wins have been beatdowns though... GSU has defeated Chatty by 3 or more touchdowns 14 times.

GSU won by 20 in '86, 21 in '89, 45 in '93, 36 in '94, 26 in '95, 27 in '97, 39 in '99, 21 in '00, 63 in '01, 28 in '02, 31 in '03, 34 in '04, 28 in '05, and 24 in '08.

Chatty is most definitely GSU's beeyotch, and now that GSU is moving to FBS it will be that way for ever more.

October 14th, 2013, 03:39 PM
22.5 is the number of hours he put in last week at Subway.

That's a lot of work for a janitor...

NoDak 4 Ever
October 14th, 2013, 03:47 PM
That's a lot of work for a janitor...

Chattanooga's a pretty filthy place.

October 14th, 2013, 04:37 PM
What a surprise, I come in here and the thread has turned into a desperation circle jerk of giggling Douchebags. What a shock.

October 14th, 2013, 04:39 PM

October 14th, 2013, 04:42 PM
This team is transforming into one of the most complete teams in the nation. The talent of the defense is peerless across the nation and it is rounding into championship form. The offense has found what it has been missing for several years, a great back. Keon Williams is a bull in a china shop. Stay out of his way. The only thing holding this team back from being maybe the nations MOST complete team is the ability to get the ball to its best weapons in the passing game. All American TE Shafaat and All Conference WR Robinson have to get the ball more in the passing game. Jacob is getting it to RBs and Secondary receivers but those guys are special and they need the rock.

NoDak 4 Ever
October 14th, 2013, 04:49 PM
It's a national tragedy that such an amazing team can't crack the top 25.

October 14th, 2013, 04:57 PM
This team is transforming into one of the most complete teams in the nation. The talent of the defense is peerless across the nation and it is rounding into championship form. The offense has found what it has been missing for several years, a great back. Keon Williams is a bull in a china shop. Stay out of his way. The only thing holding this team back from being maybe the nations MOST complete team is the ability to get the ball to its best weapons in the passing game. All American TE Shafaat and All Conference WR Robinson have to get the ball more in the passing game. Jacob is getting it to RBs and Secondary receivers but those guys are special and they need the rock.

This sounds exactly like my last post!! A defense that is peerless across the nation???? Really???? It's amazing to me that you call us idiots and then post something even more absurd immediately after!! Your the gift that keeps on giving Chattown! Truly special kind of guy!!

NoDak 4 Ever
October 14th, 2013, 05:00 PM
Notice how he used the word peerless? He's giving away what his real favorite team is.


October 14th, 2013, 05:06 PM
UTC suffers from what I will call "Liberty Syndrome" (in the interest of equal time). Although they dominate the weaker teams as they should, when the lights are on in the big games, they soil their jock straps and can't get the job done. Liberty has a chance to distinguish themselves from the Mocs this weekend when the #6 team in the country comes to Lynchburg, where (contrary to the case with UTC and GaSou) the Flames have not lost a conference game since 2006.

In 4 wins, the "peerless defense" gave up 14, 10, 21, and 9 points to the "murderer's row" of Georgia State, Austin Peay, Furman and Western Carolina (not in that order). In two losses against quality opponents...the Mocs scored 21 points...both times, while allowing 31 and 23 points, including giving up a fourth quarter lead against GaSou and whining about bad officiating afterwards.

As I said multiple times before...win a game that matters and then we can talk.

October 14th, 2013, 05:09 PM
Does the school know you are posting on here when you should be sweeping the hallways? Thats what they pay you for isnt it?

October 14th, 2013, 05:13 PM
Here is some more knowledge for you thanks to gomocs.com (and perusing a couple box scores). In the two losses (UT Martin and Georgia Southern), the "bull in a china shop" Keon Williams had 40 and 48 yards respectively. I guess the better defenses did not heed your admonition to "stay out of his way".

October 14th, 2013, 05:23 PM
Here is some more knowledge for you thanks to gomocs.com (and perusing a couple box scores). In the two losses (UT Martin and Georgia Southern), the "bull in a china shop" Keon Williams had 40 and 48 yards respectively. I guess the better defenses did not heed your admonition to "stay out of his way".

He must have tripped over the china...

October 14th, 2013, 05:25 PM
Does the school know you are posting on here when you should be sweeping the hallways? Thats what they pay you for isnt it?

The toilets don't need to be cleaned until night time.