View Full Version : Chip Kelly has revamped the Eagles' food menu

May 13th, 2013, 06:53 PM

“Everything in the cafeteria has been re-made, and everyone in the organization from upper management to the staffers to the players are commenting on it,” Edwards said. “You go in the cafeteria and you see nothing but healthy food choices because Chip Kelly believes elite athletes need optimal nutrition.”

Sounds reasonable enough. But it gets much, much worse.

“Gone are things like Taco Tuesdays and Fast Food Fridays, which the players are not too happy about,” Edwards continued. “Pizza, chicken wings, fried foods — and even red meat — are off the menu. [Kelly wants] nothing but organic hormone- and antibiotic-free lean meats.”

May 14th, 2013, 10:02 AM
Without fried foods and red meat, how will the linemen stay at 300+ pounds? :D

May 14th, 2013, 11:18 AM
I commend Coach Kelly for this. Thing is, a lot of organizations would benefit by adopting a similar outlook on their in-house cafeteria. I work in a hospital and the choices are all horrible for you. Fried chicken is served everyday! Now, I love fried chicken, but to not even offer a healthy option in a hospital cafeteria? Even vegetables are cooked in so much butter and salt, you can't eat them without fear of having a coronary.

Gil Dobie
May 14th, 2013, 12:27 PM
I can see the fried and fast foods gone, but I am still not sold on safety of Organic foods. They just use natural occurring pesticides and herbicides, which can also be questionable.

May 14th, 2013, 01:49 PM
I can see the fried and fast foods gone, but I am still not sold on safety of Organic foods. They just use natural occurring pesticides and herbicides, which can also be questionable.

A lot of people don't realize that most of those evil pesticides are now water-based. The residue (and their effectiveness) is gone after one good rain or about two weeks worth of dew. Most people don't realize either that pesticides are last applied quite a while before harvest. So it comes down to traditional farmers growing things non-organically or less regulated organic growers operating quite a bit differently.

May 14th, 2013, 10:28 PM
Organic is just another marketing ploy. If you read up on whats organic and whats labeled organic its a farce.