View Full Version : Greatest I-AA Cheers
August 22nd, 2006, 10:26 PM
What do you people think the best cheers in 1-AA are? At Delaware a couple years ago we had the MONDOOOE cheer as any fan that attended a game can remember whenever Mondoe Davis made a tackle. (The people that started that cheer actually sit a couple rows behind us). Our stadium could never really time it right so that everyone said it at once but neverless a great cheer. Any other ones out there?
August 22nd, 2006, 11:06 PM
I thought the Mondoe cheer went well. Maybe I was drinking too much but I thought the timing was ok. It would be tough to replicate the Mondoe cheer in other I-AA venues as there just are so many Mondoe's.
August 22nd, 2006, 11:07 PM
By the way Bluehenboy, Welcome to the Board!!!!!
August 22nd, 2006, 11:57 PM
the one in my signature...:-)
August 23rd, 2006, 12:13 AM
FU one time!
FU two times!
FU three times!
FU alllllll the tiiiiiime!
August 23rd, 2006, 12:24 AM
These days it's pretty simple.....
(crickets chirping in the background)........ 7KDK9QF04QV0HK2KZKWK4QA06QV06QB05QV0RK.jpg
RRRRRRRROOOOOOOZZZZZZ!! (deep voices, sounds like boos)
(crickets again)
(crickets again)
(crickets again)..then in the background you hear a small child say, "daddy, my hands hurt from sitting on them"
(crickets again)
Crickets chant ROOOOOZZZ!
By this time the crickets have gone home with most of the fans and students. THe band is the only group left and they are having what I deem as real fun.
As a team that averaged over 40 per game, that is how it typically went..with a few "that's good for another...UCA first down!"
....sound familiar? maybe like your schoool?
Aaron Fairooz. WR UCA..and the crowd chanted Rooz!
August 23rd, 2006, 12:25 AM
MONTANA!!!!!!!!!!!!..........................GRIZZ LIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
August 23rd, 2006, 12:26 AM
oooga, boooga, Chatta, nooga
kick'em in the butt, big shoe, oooh.
Chattanooga at one point had Chief Mocanooga, a native american in full regailia with rifle...and, for the kids, they had a big furry Moccasin mascot that was literally...a big Moccasin...its name was simple "Big Shoe".
It was so reviled by the fans that during a football game at Chamberlain back in '88, the some in the student section, pulled the human out of the outfit, body surfed the Big Shoe up the entire student section and threw it over the back of the stadium, 5 stories down to the entrance to the student center. It was hilarious (of course it could have been because I was a drunked sophomore and helped "do the deed"). It was even used for the cover of the '88 yearbook "Who killed the Big Shoe?"
The legend of the "Big Shoe" has grown ever since and sometime in the mid 90's, the band came up with the oooga, boooga chant. It always gets a big laugh, partially because very few outside of UC alums know what the hell we are talking about.
Some say the University is haunted...haunted by the BIG SHOE!!!!
August 23rd, 2006, 12:29 AM
Can't believe it took nine posts for someone to post ...
"Let's Go Peay!" (not for those with a weak bladder)
August 23rd, 2006, 12:34 AM
Can't believe it took nine posts for someone to post ...
"Let's Go Peay!" (not for those with a weak bladder)
Hilarious! :hurray: :thumbsup: xlolx
August 23rd, 2006, 12:41 AM
Hilarious! :hurray: :thumbsup: xlolx
I'd love to be at a Sam Houston State-Stephen F. Austin throwdown. It could be one of the fiercest rivalries in all of I-AA.
You know that SFA'ers refer to its arch-rival as Sam Houston Institute of Technology :nod:
Instead of the Austin Peay cheer, could you imagine the chant of ...
"Let's Go ....."
August 23rd, 2006, 01:36 AM
At GSU when on side of Paulsen Stadium asks........Whooose House? and then the other side responds OUR HOUSE!
August 23rd, 2006, 01:58 AM
Can't believe it took nine posts for someone to post ...
"Let's Go Peay!" (not for those with a weak bladder)
A little off topic (because it is basketball related), but back in the early 70's Peay had basketball great (one of the top scorers in the nation) James "Fly" Williams, so the chant went (seriously)....
the Fly is open!
let's go Peay!!!!
August 23rd, 2006, 02:54 AM
At GSU when on side of Paulsen Stadium asks........Whooose House? and then the other side responds OUR HOUSE!
rrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllll original, too...xcoffeex
August 23rd, 2006, 04:32 AM
Cheered every game by the Cal Aggie Marching Band Uh! And by those old Alumni and students that's the BOSSY COW COW CHEER!
Bossy Cow Cow
Honey Bee Bee
Oleo Margarine
Oleo Butterine
Alfalfa, Hay!!!
Voted by Sports Illustrated as The Most Obtuse Cheer" in their Top 50 Jock College Issue, April 28, 1997
August 23rd, 2006, 04:48 AM
I can't believe another Griz fan hasn't mentioned this one:
When playing Idaho (which doesn't happen any more, because Idaho can't take any more losses to I-AA teams), the UM band would chant (following immediately on the heels of Idaho's lame cheer):
Idaho, Idaho, U Da Ho!
Mr. C
August 23rd, 2006, 08:24 AM
Speaking of the Griz, no one does this better: The announcer says "First Down" and the fans at Washington-Grizzly Stadium respond with a loud "Montana."
August 23rd, 2006, 08:40 AM
Speaking of the Griz, no one does this better: The announcer says "First Down" and the fans at Washington-Grizzly Stadium respond with a loud "Montana."
Alot of the students at the ASU games have started to do that, the commentator will say something like "and that brings up an Appalachian........" and the students yell "FIRST DOWN." It's similar to what NC State does; kinda funny how both my schools use the same cheers. Ofcourse, there are only so many before you have to bogart from other people
August 23rd, 2006, 08:42 AM
rrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllll original, too...xcoffeex
We were the first!!! :nod:
August 23rd, 2006, 09:12 AM
Back in our OVC days, we woud used to chant "BEAT MORE HEAD" when we played Morehead State.
Blue Hen Nation
August 23rd, 2006, 10:06 AM
I thought the Mondoe cheer went well. Maybe I was drinking too much but I thought the timing was ok. It would be tough to replicate the Mondoe cheer in other I-AA venues as there just are so many Mondoe's.
August 23rd, 2006, 10:12 AM
The worst "cheer" (not really a cheer but an action) has to be the students at Towson jingling their keys on opponent's third downs. :rolleyes: Nobody outside of the student section even notices it (I was sitting right next to it).
August 23rd, 2006, 10:12 AM
rrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllll original, too...xcoffeex
One of my favorites and even though that cheer is copied by others (unfortunatley even by our cheerleaders sometime) I must admit, when you paint it on your stadium, you own it! :D
August 23rd, 2006, 10:38 AM
We were the first!!! :nod:
Were you the first to chant:
We're gonna beat the **** outta you!!!:eek:
Blue Hen Nation
August 23rd, 2006, 10:40 AM
The worst "cheer" (not really a cheer but an action) has to be the students at Towson jingling their keys on opponent's third downs. :rolleyes: Nobody outside of the student section even notices it (I was sitting right next to it).
Sounds pretty annoying if you ask me. xidiotx
August 23rd, 2006, 10:59 AM
We were the first!!! :nod:
Just like the "Georgia!" "Southern!" chant wasn't shamelessly pawned from that school up north that wears red and black :)
but hey, I have no problems with it. If you make it yours, it's all good. Does anyone really care that the ATL Braves play the tomahawk chop in the exact same fashion as Florida State? Nah.
August 23rd, 2006, 11:56 AM
Appalachian = GO, FIGHT, KICK ASS
August 23rd, 2006, 12:13 PM
The biggest one we have is obviously...U-N-I
It may be simple, but we do it damn well. You watch a UNI game or listen to the live stream, and you will hear it in the background.
And we have the "Oooooh, TC" chant for TC, our mascot.
August 23rd, 2006, 12:28 PM
I am surprised no JMU people have mentioned the "Peanut Cheer" yet... A variation of the Hey Cheer that has been modified to insult the opposing team... I'm not really the biggest fan of it, but it's definitely funny the first couple times you hear it.
After 1st downs are announced the crowd all says "Duuuuuuuuuuuuuukes!"
Also, The Duke Dog, our mascot, is a big celeb around JMU and often fans cheer in a synchopated rhythm, "Duke, Duke, Duke... Duke Daaawg!" as he dances around the stadium. (usually lit up on Jim Beam and Coke or some such concoction...)
Luckily, having a nice big band (400+) also lends itself to not having to say particular cheers as much. They play during a lot of timeouts, after first downs, etc. which definitely adds to the homegame atmosphere, or away game atmosphere when invited. Wish they could afford both in time and money to travel to all major away games...
August 23rd, 2006, 12:38 PM
1,2,3- kick 'em in the knee
4,5,6- kick 'em in the...(short pause)other knee
There's also a PG-13 version of that cheer.
August 23rd, 2006, 12:42 PM
Our students don't go to games.. their too busy 'studying' :rolleyes:
But when they do go to one, it's "F!ck Lehigh! F!ck Lehigh" ...kinda classless but it gets the point accross.
August 23rd, 2006, 12:44 PM
We were the first!!! :nod:
When your students used to sit behind the visitors they used to come up with some good ones, especially for the guys in a clean white away uniform. they still do a pretty good job of heckling.
"you aint worth damn, you aint worth damn" repeated fast is one that used to make us chuckle on the sideline.
when i was a backup i used to hear stuff too. When we went down there my senior year I told the young guys to make sure and role around good in pregame to get dirty, unless they want to be one of the goats. Personally I loved hearing that stuff, it made me laugh:D
August 23rd, 2006, 12:48 PM
1,2,3- kick 'em in the knee
4,5,6- kick 'em in the...(short pause)other knee
There's also a PG-13 version of that cheer.
raw--raw--ree kick'em in the knee!!!!!!!!! raw--raw--ras (pause) kick 'em in the other knee!!?!
I'm with the Topper fan! The cheer leaders from Morehead would chant More--Head--(clap hands) More--Head (clap hands) several times and us ODB's would yell OK! OK! OK! xlolx :eek:
August 23rd, 2006, 01:12 PM
I will say that the GSU chant of "We're gonna beat the ***** outta you!" is fairly intimidating....for the pregame. One of the most fun times at the GSU/Furman game is before the game even starts, the two fanbases just give each other all kinds of hell.
I might also add that my high school was a fan of...
beat 'em, beat 'em
buck 'em, buck 'em
lay 'em down and really
August 23rd, 2006, 01:15 PM
The Sac State Band does the "C" Cheer for CSUS. Also, when we are on defense, and one of our guys makes a great hit, they usually chant Hit em again, Hit em again. Then the band responds with: Harder, Harder.
Another one for defense is: Hemoglobin, Hemoglobin, We Want Blood!
All in good nature of course :nod:
August 23rd, 2006, 02:17 PM
Another one for defense is: Hemoglobin, Hemoglobin, We Want Blood!
All in good nature of course :nod:
West Coast football....xidiotx
I can safely say you'd get your butt kicked for that kinda nonsense in the South. Hell, we don't even know what hemoglobin is.
I bet your quarterback prims with hair gel and wears Hollister too. :p
August 23rd, 2006, 04:49 PM
West Coast football....xidiotx
I can safely say you'd get your butt kicked for that kinda nonsense in the South. Hell, we don't even know what hemoglobin is.
I bet your quarterback prims with hair gel and wears Hollister too. :p
Obvious since you haven't passed chemistry xidiotx
August 23rd, 2006, 04:51 PM
Obvious since you haven't passed chemistry xidiotx
I know what hemoglobin is.
A Gay Ghost:smiley_wi
Frosty The Snowbuff
August 23rd, 2006, 05:37 PM
I know what hemoglobin is.
A Gay Ghost:smiley_wi
thought that was homoglobin....
but if U say so...
hemoglobin it is.
August 23rd, 2006, 05:46 PM
This was a D-II and soon to be I-AA cheer, I will see what I can remember
Across the plains of North Dakota
for every one to see
stands an old abandoned out house
called UND
Hail the bison, hail the bison
with your tails up in the air
university, university you can kiss whats under there
Bison once, bison twice
Kicken ass is mighty nice
horse ****
********** muther****er nibble nabble chew
we're the MIGHTY BISON
who the **** are YOU
August 23rd, 2006, 06:29 PM
When your students used to sit behind the visitors they used to come up with some good ones, especially for the guys in a clean white away uniform. they still do a pretty good job of heckling.
"you aint worth damn, you aint worth damn" repeated fast is one that used to make us chuckle on the sideline.
when i was a backup i used to hear stuff too. When we went down there my senior year I told the young guys to make sure and role around good in pregame to get dirty, unless they want to be one of the goats. Personally I loved hearing that stuff, it made me laugh:D
Our students can be relentless, in a funny sorta way. My tix are in the next section over and I always end up chucklin' over some of their chants.
Years ago, a player from EKU (I think) had his fill and threw a football in the stands and hit a girl in the nose and broke it. If I'm not mistaken (probably am) I believe he was arrested after the game.
The internet has provided a whole new source of fodder. Now our students go and look at the opposing player's facebook pages and print off pictures, girlfriend names, etc. and hold up the pictures and yell thier girlfriend's names out to them. Hilarious. :D
August 23rd, 2006, 06:58 PM
FU one time!
FU two times!
FU three times!
FU alllllll the tiiiiiime!
Man I hate that when were loosing there :( :bawling: :nod:
August 23rd, 2006, 07:07 PM
This was a D-II and soon to be I-AA cheer, I will see what I can remember
Across the plains of North Dakota
for every one to see
stands an old abandoned out house
called UND
Hail the bison, hail the bison
with your tails up in the air
university, university you can kiss whats under there
Bison once, bison twice
Kicken ass is mighty nice
horse ****
********** muther****er nibble nabble chew
we're the MIGHTY BISON
who the **** are YOU
I like that one. That's good stuff. :hurray:
August 23rd, 2006, 07:10 PM
Our students can be relentless, in a funny sorta way. My tix are in the next section over and I always end up chucklin' over some of their chants.
Years ago, a player from EKU (I think) had his fill and threw a football in the stands and hit a girl in the nose and broke it. If I'm not mistaken (probably am) I believe he was arrested after the game.
The internet has provided a whole new source of fodder. Now our students go and look at the opposing player's facebook pages and print off pictures, girlfriend names, etc. and hold up the pictures and yell thier girlfriend's names out to them. Hilarious. :D
We had a McNeese player throw tape into the crowd 2 or 3 years ago. I believe something happened to him too. McNeese fans always seem to get offended when they come to Bobcat Stadium.
August 23rd, 2006, 07:19 PM
I know what hemoglobin is.
A Gay Ghost:smiley_wi
xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx :bow: :bow: :bow: xlolx xlolx xlolx :bow: :bow: :bow: xlolx xlolx xlolx
August 23rd, 2006, 07:21 PM
It really doesn't matter who we're teeing it up against, this cheer is always a crowd favorite at Georgia Southern.
August 23rd, 2006, 07:31 PM
The best I ever heard was at a game my dad took me to when I was 9 or 10. I don't remember anything about the game but the students chant of What's the color of Bear ****??? Brown!!! Brown!!! has stuck with me to this day.
Sophmoric I know, but I can't help that it still makes me chuckle.xlolx xlolx
65 Pard
August 23rd, 2006, 08:22 PM
Back in the days....... especially when we faced an Ivy opponent it was:
Repel them...Repel them....Make them relinquish the ball!
When The ref made a call against LC
Elevator...Elevator....We got the shaft!
August 23rd, 2006, 08:52 PM
August 23rd, 2006, 10:15 PM
Obvious since you haven't passed chemistry xidiotx
Hey, I passed chemistry. Barely, but I passed.
you numbskulls....that's a Homogoblin.
August 24th, 2006, 12:24 AM
I'm sure everyone here acknowledges the awesome poetic genius that it took to conceive the greatest college cheer of all time:
Go U!
Go U-Mass!
That there is one for the ages, folks. Excuse me while I wipe away a tear...
Sometimes I wonder what the old Mass Aggie cheer was, because it MUST have been vastly better. Even hayseed Aggies can do better than a cheer that sounds like it was invented by a 3-year-old.
August 24th, 2006, 12:50 AM
We had a McNeese player throw tape into the crowd 2 or 3 years ago. I believe something happened to him too. McNeese fans always seem to get offended when they come to Bobcat Stadium.
:deadhorse: xcoffeex
August 24th, 2006, 01:26 AM
Not school related, but when Lulay made a play, we would chant "Lulay" to that famous soccer chat, Ole or whatever. I hope his brother can score some so we can continue doing it. ;)
August 24th, 2006, 01:33 AM
FU one time!
FU two times!
FU three times!
FU alllllll the tiiiiiime!
August 24th, 2006, 07:44 AM
thought that was homoglobin....
but if U say so...
hemoglobin it is.
The way I spell anything is possible:nod: xlolx
August 24th, 2006, 07:57 AM
I'm sure everyone here acknowledges the awesome poetic genius that it took to conceive the greatest college cheer of all time:
Go U!
Go U-Mass!
That there is one for the ages, folks. Excuse me while I wipe away a tear...
Sometimes I wonder what the old Mass Aggie cheer was, because it MUST have been vastly better. Even hayseed Aggies can do better than a cheer that sounds like it was invented by a 3-year-old.
Puke-on U-Conn!
Puke-on U-Conn!
Puke-on U-Conn!xlolx
August 24th, 2006, 05:18 PM
Back in our OVC days, we woud used to chant "BEAT MORE HEAD" when we played Morehead State.
At EKU the Morehead State game was traditionally the last game of the season. During that long span of great football, EKU was always finishing off a winning season at home. The students would always start this chant at the next to last home game of the season as the clock ticked down the final seconds.....
August 24th, 2006, 05:43 PM
At EKU the Morehead State game was traditionally the last game of the season. During that long span of great football, EKU was always finishing off a winning season at home. The students would always start this chant at the next to last home game of the season as the clock ticked down the final seconds.....
xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx xlolx
August 25th, 2006, 01:19 AM
Back in our OVC days, we woud used to chant "BEAT MORE HEAD" when we played Morehead State.
I'm just getting in this thread so I may have a few posts in a row.
In high school we played a school called Morehead. That was a fun week.
It's always funny when Morehead High plays Cummings High.
August 25th, 2006, 01:26 AM
Our first game is a Thursday night and you can bet every dollar you have that at the end of the game if we're winning I'm chanting "Cancel Classes." Maybe it'll work...
I always like the "It's all your fault" chant when a kicker or QB screws up.
August 25th, 2006, 03:53 AM
Just like the "Georgia!" "Southern!" chant wasn't shamelessly pawned from that school up north that wears red and black :)
but hey, I have no problems with it. If you make it yours, it's all good. Does anyone really care that the ATL Braves play the tomahawk chop in the exact same fashion as Florida State? Nah.
What makes it great is it is intimidating to visitors and when we play that junior college up north it gets under their skin when all 90,000+ yell "Georgia"..."Bulldogs" they can hear our 10,000 yell "Southern!"
Oh yes, how can anyone forget..."ONE MORE TIME!" :hurray:
August 25th, 2006, 09:45 AM
OK, its official. SoCon has best cheers.
Some of this stuff sounds like y'all commissioned nusemaids and housewives to think up.
August 25th, 2006, 10:26 AM
I remember as a kid my Dad taking me to a UR game (Richmond). They were playing W&M and a bunch of college students we're chanting, "Tribe Ain't S***! Tribe Ain't S***!"
I think it was my first time exposed to public profanity (I was about 5-6 yo). My mom just loved it when I came home chanting it. Despite making fun of the rich kids that go to UR, I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for the Ticks since they gave me such a lasting memory that I recreate every fall as a JMU alum and fan.
August 25th, 2006, 11:36 AM
Bouncing from Student side/band to big side:
Students: LETS
Studnets: BEARSSSS
It can be dang good when the crowd gets into it.
The Gadfly
August 26th, 2006, 03:19 PM
We're new and still trying to come up with some "great I-AA cheers" :eyebrow:
The only thing that's sticking is "C I!!! .....N O!!!". C.I.N.O. is an acronym for Coastal Is Number One (at least in the Big South) :bawling: .
It seems that we can't find one for our chicken mascot. Some of us have tried but it seems a little hard to find one for a chicken...besides cock-a-doodle-do! Sorry Mr. Chicken. Any of you other chikens out there have any pointers?
August 26th, 2006, 03:31 PM
The "safety school" chant whenever we play JMU is priceless.:hurray: :hurray: :hurray:
August 26th, 2006, 05:10 PM
We're new and still trying to come up with some "great I-AA cheers" :eyebrow:
The only thing that's sticking is "C I!!! .....N O!!!". C.I.N.O. is an acronym for Coastal Is Number One (at least in the Big South) :bawling: .
It seems that we can't find one for our chicken mascot. Some of us have tried but it seems a little hard to find one for a chicken...besides cock-a-doodle-do! Sorry Mr. Chicken. Any of you other chikens out there have any pointers?
Well we had guys that would walk around w/ a sign that i think said: "Go Blue Hens. A** Kickin' Chicken'"
August 28th, 2006, 02:19 PM
Man I hate that when were loosing there :( :bawling: :nod:
You and me both. I loved it, though, when they started the 'F You' cheer with about 7.4 seconds left back in '02. They stopped before the game was over for some reason though...
I hate any cheer at GSU because we're normally down by 2-3 touchdowns and it just adds insult to injury!
August 28th, 2006, 07:15 PM
Well we had guys that would walk around w/ a sign that i think said: "Go Blue Hens. A** Kickin' Chicken'"
I saw that sign when I visited in 02'. It was pretty neat, but would have been a whole lot more impressive if they would have paraded it around before the last :30 seconds of the game.
September 11th, 2006, 06:28 PM
YEY Delaware has a new cheer BUBBBA. All by the way started in section K. Section K pride.
September 11th, 2006, 08:43 PM
This is not even a contest. Why doesn't someone just ask Ralph who has the best stadium cheer?
Whatever he says, I will go with that. ('course I think I know what the answer will be)
September 11th, 2006, 09:04 PM
The "safety school" chant whenever we play JMU is priceless.:hurray: :hurray: :hurray:
I personally enjoyed yelling "Go back to the library" after we beat you at your place last year on the last minute field of the best times of my life. And just so all you W&M people know, there are A LOT of JMU students who could have gotten accepted to both but chose to go to JMU, we prefer to have fun while going to college. And as far as JMU chants go, "J-M, U wish you had a Duke Dog" repeated over and over is my favorites, then the "you suck" chant is def a crowd favorite at JMU but we got in trouble for some of our chants at the Bloomsburg game a couple weeks ago...apparently not a great family atmosphere...whatever...The BS chant is a crowd favorite too, though some JMU fans start yelling it before the call is even made now....a little too much to drink I would say...haha Another good one is one person will yell "Where my dogs at?" and then everyone around will make a woof/barking sound. It gets everyone pumped up.
September 11th, 2006, 09:14 PM
I'd love to be at a Sam Houston State-Stephen F. Austin throwdown. It could be one of the fiercest rivalries in all of I-AA.
You know that SFA'ers refer to its arch-rival as Sam Houston Institute of Technology :nod:
Instead of the Austin Peay cheer, could you imagine the chant of ...
"Let's Go ....."
We used to sing Monty Python's "I'm A Lumberjack" song at the 'Jacks bench. But then again I'm sure everyone else does the same thing at them.
September 11th, 2006, 10:04 PM
Back in our OVC days, we woud used to chant "BEAT MORE HEAD" when we played Morehead State.
Actually when I was in school at WKU, the chant was, you guessed it, "We Want Moorehead"!!!
September 11th, 2006, 10:06 PM
Well, it's not for football...but when Texas State plays UTSA in basketball, we like to chant "UT Rejects!!"
Good times. :rotateh:
September 11th, 2006, 10:44 PM
West Coast football....xidiotx
I can safely say you'd get your butt kicked for that kinda nonsense in the South. Hell, we don't even know what hemoglobin is.
I bet your quarterback prims with hair gel and wears Hollister too. :p
That was just too damn funny! LMAO
At Montana our favorite cheer is RAHHHHHHH (at 110 decibles of course).:thumbsup:
September 11th, 2006, 10:52 PM
I will say that the GSU chant of "We're gonna beat the ***** outta you!" is fairly intimidating....for the pregame.
OMG this is frikken killing me.
This should be put into the Best Thread Ever folder. :hurray:
September 12th, 2006, 12:24 AM
This is what the students chant when the Bison are beating up on a team at the Dome late in the game:
"Go play Moorhead..."
"Go play Moorhead..."
"Moorhead" refers to the Minnesota State University at Moorhead Dragons, a poorly-run, bottom-of-the-barrel DII team located across the Red River from NDSU.
September 12th, 2006, 12:28 AM
This was a D-II and soon to be I-AA cheer, I will see what I can remember
Across the plains of North Dakota
for every one to see
stands an old abandoned out house
called UND
Hail the bison, hail the bison
with your tails up in the air
university, university you can kiss whats under there
Bison once, bison twice
Kicken ass is mighty nice
horse ****
********** muther****er nibble nabble chew
we're the MIGHTY BISON
who the **** are YOU
You almost got it right, here's the actual song the students sing:
On the Plains of North Dakota
Standing There for all to see,
Is an old, abandoned outhouse
and they call it UND.
Hail the Bison, hail the Bison,
With your tails up in the air,
University, University...
Bison once, Bison twice,
Kickin' ass is mighty nice,
Horse ****,
C**sucker motherf**er
Sweet tobacco chew,
We're the mighty Bison,
Who the ****** are YOU??!!
NoDak 4 Ever
September 12th, 2006, 09:30 AM
The last time I sang it, it was a mixing of the 2. It was in the Alerus Center parking lot after about 10 or 12 beers and directly preceded a near riot.
Has any Bison fan mentioned the near chilling sea of yellow rasing the horns to the air near the end of the national anthem.
"O'er the land of the freeee and the home of the BISON!!!!!!!!"
oooh, goosebumps just thinking of it. I miss Fargo.
:hurray: :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: :hurray:
September 12th, 2006, 10:45 AM
Granted this is D2, but Tarleton has a spirit group that does all sorts of strange cheers. Mind you, all of these are cheered 3 times.
Porkchop, Porkchop
Greasy, Greasy
<Opposing Teams mascot> Girls are Easy Easy
El Camino, El El Camino
The Front its like car and the back is like a truck
The front is where you drive
and the back is where you *ugh* *ugh*
Cigarette Ashes, Cigarette Butts
We got your team by the nuts
Pull team pull...
Hey Oscar P! (except it sounds like---Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeey Oscar Peeeeeeeeeeeeeee!")
There are more, I just have been away for a few years and cannot remember all of them.
HIU 93
September 12th, 2006, 11:10 AM
Not a chant, but a song "I'm So Glad..."- Some version of this is sung at most HBCU football and bball games.
Also, most HBCU bands play "Neck" and put their individual spin on it.
Favorite chant started at Hampton in the late 1980's- It's called "Shake It" and it is led by the cheerleaders.
There is also "Rock the Blue and White" which is quite enjoyable.
Husky Alum
September 12th, 2006, 01:09 PM
Another totally sophmoric chant, when playing Rhode Island...
Their fans chant. "U-R-I"
Visiting team fans respond with "N-E"
Kind of appropriate when the rams play Northeastern.
Or when playing Boston University...
"sucks to B-U"
September 12th, 2006, 04:09 PM
Here's a few oldies but goodies:
1. "Ram it in their end zone!"
2. "Go! Ags! Beat the Hor-nets!"
3. "Up Jupiter! Up Saturn! Up Uranus!"
And, of course:
"If the referee had one more eye, he'd be a cylops. A BLIND cylops!"
September 12th, 2006, 05:17 PM
Not even the right sport but in syracuse lacrosse games they chant S-U and the opponents fans go C-K, and it goes S-U, C-K, S-U, C-K
September 13th, 2006, 02:04 AM
I remember back in the days when UN Reno was in the Big Sky and there cheer of "6 -pack, 12-pack, wolf pack.
More recently and either due to a newspaper article or perhaps a chant by the griz fans themselves aluding to the fact that the griz draw as many fans in Spokane as EWU - the chant of "Eastern Washington Grizzly Stadium" (UM's stadium is actually name Washington Grizzly Stadium)
So it was with great pleasure last year to proudly return the chant of "Eastern Washington's Grizzly Stadium" when we won our 4th game there in like the last 20 tries (the most of any team). It was also accompanied by chants of "Meyer for Heisman" and a rousing chorus of the Eagle fight song by the players themselves after the victory.
Later that year, when Meyer was pulled against Davis we started the "Peerbom for Heisman" chant (referring to his back-up)
It was rather unfortunate, however, the last time EWU hosted Gonzaga at our house and the EWU student section began with "overated" only to of course be drowned out by the louder Bulldog fans with "never rated".
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