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January 1st, 2013, 12:58 PM

Listed as probable according to this!

NoDak 4 Ever
January 1st, 2013, 01:03 PM

Listed as probable according to this!

Not only that but Bohl said in the press conference today "Probable to play". As in, he's playing.

By the way, an Sammy fans want to own this?

KatFans.com Supporter
Hall of Fame

Olson takes the field and Im an o lineman im punching the **** out out his stomach under the pile....he wont play long if he does."

In light of the screaming that happened last year when the guy got his clock cleaned on the Beck INT return....

January 1st, 2013, 01:05 PM
So much speculation going on right now. Some are now saying he is being treated with antibiotics instead of surgery. Guess we won't know until Sat at noon whether he will be playing or not at this point.

Yeah I'm done going by speculation I will wait for an actual press release. Good news for Bison fans if he can play. Better news for him if he didn't need surgery!

January 1st, 2013, 01:07 PM
By the way, an Sammy fans want to own this?

KatFans.com Supporter
Hall of Fame

Olson takes the field and Im an o lineman im punching the **** out out his stomach under the pile....he wont play long if he does."

WOW just WOW.xsmhx

January 1st, 2013, 02:03 PM
Not only that but Bohl said in the press conference today "Probable to play". As in, he's playing.

By the way, an Sammy fans want to own this?

KatFans.com Supporter
Hall of Fame

Olson takes the field and Im an o lineman im punching the **** out out his stomach under the pile....he wont play long if he does."

In light of the screaming that happened last year when the guy got his clock cleaned on the Beck INT return....

Bold from same poster:

I stand by my comments. Your dirty *** "classy" boys were twisting Flanders ankle everytime he ran the ball. Your "classy" fan base was cheering our olineman being hurt so please take your "classy" chatter and shove it up your ***.

I'm not one to post/argue on an opponent's fan board (won't start now either), but this is getting ridiculous. "Classy" fan base cheering an olineman being hurt? Right, it had nothing to do with an INT return to the 1....keep telling yourself that. Twisting Flanders ankle? Source? I saw some shoe string tackles, but I must have missed something.

January 1st, 2013, 02:16 PM
Bold from same poster:

I stand by my comments. Your dirty *** "classy" boys were twisting Flanders ankle everytime he ran the ball. Your "classy" fan base was cheering our olineman being hurt so please take your "classy" chatter and shove it up your ***.

I'm not one to post/argue on an opponent's fan board (won't start now either), but this is getting ridiculous. "Classy" fan base cheering an olineman being hurt? Right, it had nothing to do with an INT return to the 1....keep telling yourself that. Twisting Flanders ankle? Source? I saw some shoe string tackles, but I must have missed something.

We've been over this one over and over. A huge play and an injury on the other end of the field. Really anyone with an ounce of common sense knows the fans where following the play and did not even notice the injury at the time. Any one who believes otherwise is suffering from sore loser butt hurt syndrome.

January 1st, 2013, 02:24 PM
Oh give me a break! The NDSU "Class Police" are in town, huh? It's a message board. This coming from a fan base who turns the Nat'l Anthem into their own Bison chant?? The same fans who talk about "snapping Bell like a twig." Have y'all SEEN some of the crap that comes out of Bisonville??

Give it a rest. No surprise who started this though....you'd think someone who spends SO much time at home w his kids wouldn't be the one to "tattle-tell."

Bottom line is, I hope the kid plays. Sounds like he's been the anchor & I'd hate for him to miss this game.

January 1st, 2013, 02:25 PM
If an RB isn't getting his ankle twisted by defenders throughout the game, something is wrong.

January 1st, 2013, 02:41 PM
Oh give me a break! The NDSU "Class Police" are in town, huh? It's a message board. This coming from a fan base who turns the Nat'l Anthem into their own Bison chant?? The same fans who talk about "snapping Bell like a twig." Have y'all SEEN some of the crap that comes out of Bisonville??

Give it a rest. No surprise who started this though....you'd think someone who spends SO much time at home w his kids wouldn't be the one to "tattle-tell."

Bottom line is, I hope the kid plays. Sounds like he's been the anchor & I'd hate for him to miss this game.

Hopefully the players for both teams are classier than those few fans who seem to take it to extreme. By the way is the SHSU player who gave the finger on national TV after last years game still on the team?

NoDak 4 Ever
January 1st, 2013, 02:44 PM
Oh give me a break! The NDSU "Class Police" are in town, huh? It's a message board. This coming from a fan base who turns the Nat'l Anthem into their own Bison chant?? The same fans who talk about "snapping Bell like a twig." Have y'all SEEN some of the crap that comes out of Bisonville??

Give it a rest. No surprise who started this though....you'd think someone who spends SO much time at home w his kids wouldn't be the one to "tattle-tell."

Bottom line is, I hope the kid plays. Sounds like he's been the anchor & I'd hate for him to miss this game.

Yep. Butthurt syndrome. Hope the Texans don't **** the bed again or you guys are going to have a really bad Saturday.

January 1st, 2013, 02:45 PM

There was cussing in the piles last year in Frisco.

OH NO'S!?!?!? Makes me think most of you posters only played during halftime. It's ok, be honest.

January 1st, 2013, 02:46 PM
Yep. Butthurt syndrome. Hope the Texans don't **** the bed again or you guys are going to have a really bad Saturday.

If we do, I feel you have the Home Ec skills to clean it up.

January 1st, 2013, 02:54 PM
If we do, I feel you have the Home Ec skills to clean it up.


January 1st, 2013, 02:57 PM
Well, but Mr NoDak would obviously be AT work. Other than that, pretty accurate...

NoDak 4 Ever
January 1st, 2013, 03:01 PM
Well, but Mr NoDak would obviously be AT work. Other than that, pretty accurate...

Can't argue football? Go back to the weak sauce.

I've been on vacation for 2 weeks, go back for 2 days then off to Frisco.

Get off your phone and back on those fries. They aren't paying you $9 an hr to smack talk.

January 1st, 2013, 03:04 PM
You go back to the kitchen for 2 days??

January 1st, 2013, 03:06 PM
Oh give me a break! The NDSU "Class Police" are in town, huh? It's a message board. This coming from a fan base who turns the Nat'l Anthem into their own Bison chant?? The same fans who talk about "snapping Bell like a twig." Have y'all SEEN some of the crap that comes out of Bisonville??

Give it a rest. No surprise who started this though....you'd think someone who spends SO much time at home w his kids wouldn't be the one to "tattle-tell."

Bottom line is, I hope the kid plays. Sounds like he's been the anchor & I'd hate for him to miss this game.

I hope we all can agree that targeting an injury in hopes of inflicting more injury through an illegal (football and law) attack at the bottom of a pile is something that is reprehensible and should not be tolerated in college athletics.

Furthermore, an act of this sort is much different that people exercising their right to free speech or cheering for hard play within the rules of football. I don't think you can argue this is not true.

Let's keep this civil. Remember it's a game played by student-athletes. No one should wish for injury for any player. Good luck on Saturday.

January 1st, 2013, 03:07 PM
Oh give me a break! The NDSU "Class Police" are in town, huh? It's a message board. This coming from a fan base who turns the Nat'l Anthem into their own Bison chant?? The same fans who talk about "snapping Bell like a twig." Have y'all SEEN some of the crap that comes out of Bisonville??

Give it a rest. No surprise who started this though....you'd think someone who spends SO much time at home w his kids wouldn't be the one to "tattle-tell."

Bottom line is, I hope the kid plays. Sounds like he's been the anchor & I'd hate for him to miss this game.
Typical Bison trash. They can dish it out but can't take it.

NoDaks a giant pussy, just ignore him.

January 1st, 2013, 03:09 PM
So much for a smack free version. xlolx How about a smack free thread after Saturday's game....oh wait scratch that.

January 1st, 2013, 03:11 PM
So much for a smack free version. xlolx How about a smack free thread after Saturday's game....oh wait scratch that.

Would be hard to do after the game when all of the SHSU fans crawl back in their holes again.

January 1st, 2013, 03:13 PM
I'll be honest, win or lose I'll prob visit less than 10 times until August. No need to hear about NDSU or UM in the offseason. Who cares?!?!

January 1st, 2013, 03:14 PM
So much for a smack free version. xlolx How about a smack free thread after Saturday's game....oh wait scratch that.

Maybe the third time is the charm? xdontknowx

January 1st, 2013, 03:19 PM
I think if NDSU wins, they have a dynasty not seen since the 80's. It's going to be extremely tough to recruit against them (like it isn't already tough now). And now with the contract extension for Bohl NDSU should be primed for repeated trips to Frisco.

January 1st, 2013, 03:20 PM
I'll be honest, win or lose I'll prob visit less than 10 times until August. No need to hear about NDSU or UM in the offseason. Who cares?!?!

there is a lot more going on around here that just what you mentioned above.

NoDak 4 Ever
January 1st, 2013, 03:24 PM
Would be hard to do after the game when all of the SHSU fans crawl back in their holes again.


It's so nice without all the creamsicle flavored **** all over everything.

Professor Chaos
January 1st, 2013, 03:29 PM
Oh give me a break! The NDSU "Class Police" are in town, huh? It's a message board. This coming from a fan base who turns the Nat'l Anthem into their own Bison chant?? The same fans who talk about "snapping Bell like a twig." Have y'all SEEN some of the crap that comes out of Bisonville??

Give it a rest. No surprise who started this though....you'd think someone who spends SO much time at home w his kids wouldn't be the one to "tattle-tell."

Bottom line is, I hope the kid plays. Sounds like he's been the anchor & I'd hate for him to miss this game.
Yup, sucker punching a player is equal to chanting Bison at the end of the national anthem. Good logic.

January 1st, 2013, 03:31 PM
I think if NDSU wins, they have a dynasty not seen since the 80's. It's going to be extremely tough to recruit against them (like it isn't already tough now). And now with the contract extension for Bohl NDSU should be primed for repeated trips to Frisco.

Not seen since the 80's?? What rock have you been living under??? App was the definition of a dynasty! I think 3 is grounds for dynasty. 2 is just damn good but they won't get two...try again!

January 1st, 2013, 03:32 PM
Actually doing it would be a different story. Again, you band losers need to understand the difference between a freaking message board & real life.

January 1st, 2013, 03:32 PM
Not seen since the 80's?? What rock have you been living under??? App was the definition of a dynasty! I think 3 is grounds for dynasty. 2 is just damn good but they won't get two...try again!

I mean for NDSU. Not the FCS world. Sorry for not being more clear. NDSU had a dynasty in DII in the 80's their teams were unstoppable. I think this run of NC teams mimics that.

Professor Chaos
January 1st, 2013, 03:37 PM
Actually doing it would be a different story. Again, you band losers need to understand the difference between a freaking message board & real life.
You obviously don't.

The same fans who talk about "snapping Bell like a twig." Have y'all SEEN some of the crap that comes out of Bisonville??

January 1st, 2013, 03:46 PM
Speaking of after the game, what will the Bison Faithful do if for some crazy reason, the stars align, the Kats luck out & play the most miraculous football game EVER, and the best coach since Bear Bryant loses a football game???

Will Sam's program get credit or will sour grapes stink up AGS & BV.com?

January 1st, 2013, 03:51 PM
Speaking of after the game, what will the Bison Faithful do if for some crazy reason, the stars align, the Kats luck out & play the most miraculous football game EVER, and the best coach since Bear Bryant loses a football game???

Will Sam's program get credit or will sour grapes stink up AGS & BV.com?

Why wouldnt we give credit where credit is due? Why do you ask? Youre kind of bouncing all over the place,

January 1st, 2013, 04:11 PM
Speaking of after the game, what will the Bison Faithful do if for some crazy reason, the stars align, the Kats luck out & play the most miraculous football game EVER, and the best coach since Bear Bryant loses a football game???

Will Sam's program get credit or will sour grapes stink up AGS & BV.com?

Just like after any game, there will be posters who are gracious win or lose and there will be others who are jerks.

January 1st, 2013, 04:13 PM
Just like after any game, there will be posters who are gracious win or lose and there will be others who are jerks.

Anonymity on message boards makes it easy for some to be jerks it's a sad fact of life.

NoDak 4 Ever
January 1st, 2013, 04:17 PM
Speaking of after the game, what will the Bison Faithful do if for some crazy reason, the stars align, the Kats luck out & play the most miraculous football game EVER, and the best coach since Bear Bryant loses a football game???

Will Sam's program get credit or will sour grapes stink up AGS & BV.com?

I will have enjoyed my trip and be happy I got to experience it last year. I know for a fact that the Bison football program is among the best in the country at any level and that there will be plenty of opportunities.

January 1st, 2013, 04:46 PM
So much macho bull going on! As far as anonymity, I don't understand that. Be hewho you are, and be proud. Hello my name is Nikki, and I'm a Bison fan. See guys, it isn't so hard! We can all be friends, I like some of the Kat fans, some of them I just don't give a **** about and ignore. The game is gonna be hard fought by both teams, credit will be given if its earned. Let's have fun the next cpl days and be thankful we are still playing football!

I will buy the first Kat a beer or drink of their chosing if they post somn nice about ND, the Bison, its fans, or me (jk about the me one)!

January 1st, 2013, 04:59 PM
Just like after any game, there will be posters who are gracious win or lose and there will be others who are jerks.

This^^^^ +1

NoDak 4 Ever
January 1st, 2013, 06:30 PM
Enough of this bull****. You know who doesn't care about what Sammy posters think?

This guy


January 1st, 2013, 07:19 PM
Don't mean to make anybody feel bad for me...we got prego first day possible after taking her goalie outta the game (I know your smarter than most Dakotans but I need to speak in terms most understand) and lost it after only 6 weeks. First one we weren't "trying" which I have to say is alot of fun!!!! Never got to do it bank style: Get in, leave deposit and get out!!! Every mans dream!

Not only that but Bohl said in the press conference today "Probable to play". As in, he's playing.

By the way, an Sammy fans want to own this?

KatFans.com Supporter
Hall of Fame

Olson takes the field and Im an o lineman im punching the **** out out his stomach under the pile....he wont play long if he does."

In light of the screaming that happened last year when the guy got his clock cleaned on the Beck INT return....

Ill own it....you honestly think that kind of stuff doesnt occur all the time at the bottom of a pile??? And if you dont think your "warriors" dint do it too from time to time youre mistaken.

January 1st, 2013, 08:05 PM
Don't mean to make anybody feel bad for me...we got prego first day possible after taking her goalie outta the game (I know your smarter than most Dakotans but I need to speak in terms most understand) and lost it after only 6 weeks. First one we weren't "trying" which I have to say is alot of fun!!!! Never got to do it bank style: Get in, leave deposit and get out!!! Every mans dream!

Kitkat99 you can't just act like you said it and now youre like aw shucks. You said it you meant it that's the sad part

Damn straight I meant it, but lucky for you and your warrior I dont play on this team...smile little buddy the sun will come up tomorrow Good Lord willin and youll be headed to frisco in a day or so to see your warrior saints play for the NC...

NoDak 4 Ever
January 1st, 2013, 08:13 PM
Ill own it....you honestly think that kind of stuff doesnt occur all the time at the bottom of a pile??? And if you dont think your "warriors" dint do it too from time to time youre mistaken.

Well I certainly hope that wasn't you crying about us not all falling apart that your boy got hurt on the blindside block then.

January 1st, 2013, 08:18 PM
Well I certainly hope that wasn't you crying about us not all falling apart that your boy got hurt on the blindside block then.
I'll remember it when Olson is rolling around on the field.

Be prepared for the over rated chant too.

NoDak 4 Ever
January 1st, 2013, 08:23 PM
I'll remember it when Olson is rolling around on the field.

Be prepared for the over rated chant too.

I wouldn't expect anything else from you.

January 1st, 2013, 08:27 PM
I wouldn't expect anything else from you.
Wouldn't do it if your fan base didn't do it first.

January 1st, 2013, 08:32 PM
I think I just had a kindergarten flashback reading the last few posts.

January 1st, 2013, 08:34 PM
Well I certainly hope that wasn't you crying about us not all falling apart that your boy got hurt on the blindside block then.

You wont see me cry about much you guys do or dont do be it drive off a cliff or win another NC...Frankly I like most of the things your fanbase does be it the "home of the bison" in the national anthem, chanting "overated" or whatever. Youre king of the hill right now so you can do what you want.

NoDak 4 Ever
January 1st, 2013, 08:37 PM
What you won't see out of our fanbase if we lose is a bunch of butthurt lashing out about Sammy's fans, coaches, or players.

Like I said, I will be super pumped if they win. If they don't, I will swap out my gear for my Adrian Peterson jersey and head to the Vikings watch party to do it all over again.

January 1st, 2013, 08:43 PM
You KNOW you have an AP apron. From Texas, by the way. You're welcome! Go Vikes.

Well, folks, it's back to the grind tomorrow. The time off was nice but like so many of you + NoDak's pregnant wife, I'm back in the office in the AM.

Come on Friday!!

NoDak 4 Ever
January 1st, 2013, 08:46 PM
You KNOW you have an AP apron. From Texas, by the way. You're welcome!

Palestine's closer to Nacogodches than Huntsville so I'll thank the Rev.

January 1st, 2013, 08:47 PM
I think I just had a kindergarten flashback reading the last few posts.
It felt like that typing it...

January 1st, 2013, 08:50 PM
Like I said, I will be super pumped if they win. If they don't, I will swap out my gear for my Adrian Peterson jersey and head to the Vikings watch party to do it all over again.



NoDak 4 Ever
January 1st, 2013, 08:52 PM


Dude, it's been 14 years. I threw away my Gary Anderson voodoo doll.

The Vikings have broken my heart many times since then.

January 1st, 2013, 08:55 PM
You guys make me laugh...I never played a game without somebody trying to hit you in the nuts or stick a finger through your mask! Not everybody but there is usually one on every team. I preferred to go for ribs when they would jump to try to bat down a pass!

NoDak 4 Ever
January 1st, 2013, 08:58 PM
You KNOW you have an AP apron. From Texas, by the way. You're welcome! Go Vikes.

Well, folks, it's back to the grind tomorrow. The time off was nice but like so many of you + NoDak's pregnant wife, I'm back in the office in the AM.

Come on Friday!!

My wife teaches 2 classes a week. If she wasn't working on her dissertation in the meantime, I'd actually be jealous of how cushy she has it.

January 1st, 2013, 08:59 PM
You KNOW you have an AP apron. From Texas, by the way. You're welcome! Go Vikes.

Well, folks, it's back to the grind tomorrow. The time off was nice but like so many of you + NoDak's pregnant wife, I'm back in the office in the AM.

Come on Friday!!

You KNOW we are gonna miss you! bye bye.

January 1st, 2013, 09:01 PM
Leaving ND after work tomorrow ... will be checking in from the hotel tomorrow night.

For my fellow Bison fans travel safe and see a bunch of you on Friday Night. For the Kat Fans I look forward to meeting many of you on Saturday morning a tailgating.

January 1st, 2013, 09:02 PM
You guys make me laugh...I never played a game without somebody trying to hit you in the nuts or stick a finger through your mask! Not everybody but there is usually one on every team. I preferred to go for ribs when they would jump to try to bat down a pass!
Based on my 6 plays a game in high school, I even know this. Groin and throat grabs are the norm.
I personally wouldn't play without one of these. I hate getting poked in the eye.


NoDak 4 Ever
January 1st, 2013, 09:04 PM
Leaving ND after work tomorrow ... will be checking in from the hotel tomorrow night.

For my fellow Bison fans travel safe and see a bunch of you on Friday Night. For the Kat Fans I look forward to meeting many of you on Saturday morning a tailgating.

48 hrs and I will be wheels down looking for a watering hole. Can't wait.

January 1st, 2013, 09:07 PM
48 hrs and I will be wheels down looking for a watering hole. Can't wait.

34ish hrs and I will be on I29.....:D

January 1st, 2013, 09:14 PM
Fury of the herd com'n to Frisco!!!

NoDak 4 Ever
January 1st, 2013, 09:21 PM
34ish hrs and I will be on I29.....:D

up until last week I was driving, by myself, as I did last year. My wife found me a cheap flight and I took it. Gonna be a little more with the rental car but that's 35 hrs I will not be driving so it's more than worth it. Saved me 2 vacation days too.

January 1st, 2013, 09:23 PM
up until last week I was driving, by myself, as I did last year. My wife found me a cheap flight and I took it. Gonna be a little more with the rental car but that's 35 hrs I will not be driving so it's more than worth it. Saved me 2 vacation days too.

We are a group of 4 in a vehicle we don't have to pay gas to drive (outside of taxes) :D...thanks company perks!

January 1st, 2013, 09:24 PM
48 hrs and I will be wheels down looking for a watering hole. Can't wait.

Damn I can't wait...I got 2.5 days of work until we head out!! Will be nice to finally get a weekend off!!

NoDak 4 Ever
January 1st, 2013, 09:29 PM
Damn I can't wait...I got 2.5 days of work until we head out!! Will be nice to finally get a weekend off!!

I've had the last 12 days off. I go to work for 2 days, then 4 days in Frisco. The week after is going to SUCK. :D

January 1st, 2013, 09:30 PM
up until last week I was driving, by myself, as I did last year. My wife found me a cheap flight and I took it. Gonna be a little more with the rental car but that's 35 hrs I will not be driving so it's more than worth it. Saved me 2 vacation days too.

vacation day? from being a house husband? DAMN DUDE you're so


January 1st, 2013, 09:31 PM
I've had the last 12 days off. I go to work for 2 days, then 4 days in Frisco. The week after is going to SUCK. :D
Your wife has been doing the cooking and cleaning for the last two weeks?

edit-damn citdog beat me to it.

January 1st, 2013, 09:58 PM
See you all in Frisco!!!

January 1st, 2013, 09:59 PM
Damn, you guys are tough on Nodak!

January 1st, 2013, 10:45 PM
I mean for NDSU. Not the FCS world. Sorry for not being more clear. NDSU had a dynasty in DII in the 80's their teams were unstoppable. I think this run of NC teams mimics that.

Sure hope so.

January 1st, 2013, 11:35 PM
Damn, you guys are tough on Nodak!

Their just jealous, they just wish they could be a trophy husband. Sitting by the pool doing ab workouts all day. Lol

NoDak 4 Ever
January 2nd, 2013, 04:57 AM
Their just jealous, they just wish they could be a trophy husband. Sitting by the pool doing ab workouts all day. Lol

Yup, apparently that's what they have cooked up in their minds, all because my wife has a job or something.

Bison Fan in NW MN
January 2nd, 2013, 07:15 AM
Yup, apparently that's what they have cooked up in their minds, all because my wife has a job or something.

LOL....most of them will not be seen on here after the game.....

January 2nd, 2013, 08:39 AM
Time for the Thundering Herd to start our southern migration. See you all in Frisco!!

Nexus 4

January 2nd, 2013, 09:15 AM
i wonder how the energy is in Frisco this week. with Frisco being the FCS final destination for the next 3-yrs, the city must be really embracing this championship game.


NoDak 4 Ever
January 2nd, 2013, 09:19 AM
i wonder how the energy is in Frisco this week. with Frisco being the FCS final destination for the next 3-yrs, the city must be really embracing this championship game.


The Mayor is tweeting like crazy about the game.

January 2nd, 2013, 10:31 AM
Safe travels and avoid any cliffs, Bison have been known to run off cliffs and die, but wait that is when they are being chased by Sioux, not Bearkats.

Good luck to both teams

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

January 2nd, 2013, 10:40 AM
i wonder how the energy is in Frisco this week. with Frisco being the FCS final destination for the next 3-yrs, the city must be really embracing this championship game.


Last year the big mall in Frisco "Stonebriar mall" had banners on all the doors.


January 2nd, 2013, 11:17 AM
The Mayor of Frisco was on a Fargo radio station today and assured us they won't run out beer this year. I don't know if that's somn to brag about, but it sure is impressive lol.

I won't be running out of rubbers this year lady Bison fans. Call me (if you're hawt), 281-330-8004.

January 2nd, 2013, 11:22 AM
I won't be running out of rubbers this year lady Bison fans. Call me (if you're hawt), 281-330-8004.

January 2nd, 2013, 11:23 AM
I won't be running out of rubbers this year lady Bison fans. Call me (if you're hawt), 281-330-8004.

Ah I'm heartbroken! I thought we had somn special xcoach, but alas you chose to forsake me. Never fear tho, plenty of young little men for me to hunt in Frisco.

But, I might buy ya beer if we meet up.

January 2nd, 2013, 11:25 AM
Ah I'm heartbroken! I thought we had somn special xcoach, but alas you chose to forsake me. Never fear tho, plenty of young little men for me to hunt in Frisco.

But, I might buy ya beer if we meet up.

We do have somn special.

January 2nd, 2013, 11:28 AM
If any of you are interested, tomorrow nights FCS wedge will be solely devoted to the NC game and there's an interview that Bohl conducted with us

As for frisco, I'll be at the thing at nylo Friday and Saturday I plan on coming around to the ndsu side to say hello to you all

January 2nd, 2013, 11:28 AM
Ah I'm heartbroken! I thought we had somn special xcoach, but alas you chose to forsake me. Never fear tho, plenty of young little men for me to hunt in Frisco.

But, I might buy ya beer if we meet up.
Nikki, like most Bison ladies, can't wait to get out of Fargo and meet some real men.

January 2nd, 2013, 11:35 AM
Nickels you make me smile, nay giggle sometimes. But I fear you don't understand the concept of flirting. Perhaps I can give you a lesson sometime. ;)

January 2nd, 2013, 11:39 AM

Mike Jones!

January 2nd, 2013, 11:49 AM
As for frisco, I'll be at the thing at nylo Friday and Saturday I plan on coming around to the ndsu side to say hello to you all

Purple suit?

January 2nd, 2013, 11:58 AM
Purple suit?

I am going to be sitting with KingKat. He told me I had to wear orange...(like that will happen visibly)..so maybe Friday at NYLO

January 2nd, 2013, 11:58 AM
Mike Jones!


January 2nd, 2013, 11:59 AM
What's the over/under of poundage in those 2 seats during the game?

January 2nd, 2013, 12:00 PM
What's the over/under of poundage in those 2 seats during the game?

Hey I lost weight throwing up after new years eve....

January 2nd, 2013, 12:55 PM
Hey I lost weight throwing up after new years eve....

The guy that played tackle next to me and started for 4 years will be flying up with me friday and we will be at the NYLO Friday night. Also meeting my room mate freshman/sophomor year that played Tackle for 2 years but had issues with our OL coach (We had 15 OL quit in the 5 years i was there..biggest asshole ive ever met). Old freshman roommate is 6'7 245, the other is 6'7 300+, and im 6'4 290 so we will be very hard to miss!

January 2nd, 2013, 12:58 PM
The guy that played tackle next to me and started for 4 years will be flying up with me friday and we will be at the NYLO Friday night. Also meeting my room mate freshman/sophomor year that played Tackle for 2 years but had issues with our OL coach (We had 15 OL quit in the 5 years i was there..biggest asshole ive ever met). Old freshman roommate is 6'7 245, the other is 6'7 300+, and im 6'4 290 so we will be very hard to miss!

Some big SOBs...haha. I'm 6'5" 255 (TE/WR at one point in time).

January 2nd, 2013, 02:10 PM
What's the over/under of poundage in those 2 seats during the game?

Who (besides the bluehairs and the bandwagon riders at Bowers) sits in seats at a game anyway? I'll take the under!!!

January 2nd, 2013, 02:27 PM
What's the over/under of poundage in those 2 seats during the game?

Take my 6'6 305 and add it to his 5'11 350 and BAM!!! Stress testing the soccer seats built for little mexicans....

January 2nd, 2013, 02:31 PM
Take my 6'6 305 and add it to his 5'11 350 and BAM!!! Stress testing the soccer seats built for little mexicans....

Don't forget wannabe europeans...:D

January 2nd, 2013, 02:34 PM
Take my 6'6 305 and add it to his 5'11 350 and BAM!!! Stress testing the soccer seats built for little mexicans....

6'0 1/2...don't steal height from me.

January 2nd, 2013, 02:35 PM
6'0 1/2...don't steal height from me.

Oh sorry...I forget every inch counts when youre short.

January 2nd, 2013, 02:38 PM
Oh sorry...I forget every inch counts when youre short.
6' is considered short? ****...

January 2nd, 2013, 02:40 PM
6' is considered short? ****...

Have you not noticed how tall KingKat is?

January 2nd, 2013, 02:47 PM
Have you not noticed how tall KingKat is?

He is 10 feet tall and has killed a man with a single punch.

January 2nd, 2013, 02:48 PM
He is 10 feet tall and has killed a man with a single punch.

Bill Brasky?

January 2nd, 2013, 02:50 PM
Bill Brasky?

Did I ever tell you about the time Bill Brasky forced me to wear a woman's bikini? Well anyway, Brasky tears off my clothes and forces me to wear this skimpy bikini. For the next three months I had to conduct my business wearing only a woman's bathing suit. I would cry from shame and question my manhood daily, but Ill be damned if at the end of the quarter my sales hadn't tripled.

January 2nd, 2013, 04:19 PM
We do have somn special.

Awww, my heart is unbroken! Win or lose, you're my boy xcoach.


January 2nd, 2013, 06:44 PM
The field is ready.....


NoDak 4 Ever
January 2nd, 2013, 06:49 PM
The field is ready.....


That's probably the first coat. It looked better at the game than the first pictures last year too. Should be a lot more orange/yellow by gametime.

January 2nd, 2013, 07:13 PM
Nice!! Love it...

January 2nd, 2013, 08:31 PM
Gobison.com reports from Frisco...


January 3rd, 2013, 12:43 AM
2 things.... Where the hell is the longhorn state? Texas has never been referred to as the longhorn state. We are the Lonestar state! Also that's pretty damn cocky coming from a coach on public media. Saying they are going to recruit off this championship! I understand believing that and talking to recruits and players like that but for a coach to state that to media is pretty arrogant! From listening to Bohl i dont beleive that would come out of his mouth! Sure want to hear his interview after the *** kicking they get in the "longhorn" state!!

January 3rd, 2013, 01:35 AM
2 things.... Where the hell is the longhorn state? Texas has never been referred to as the longhorn state. We are the Lonestar state! Also that's pretty damn cocky coming from a coach on public media. Saying they are going to recruit off this championship! I understand believing that and talking to recruits and players like that but for a coach to state that to media is pretty arrogant! From listening to Bohl i dont beleive that would come out of his mouth! Sure want to hear his interview after the *** kicking they get in the "longhorn" state!!
Now I understand why FBS schools don't want Bohl.

January 3rd, 2013, 07:00 AM
BTW that was not Coach Bohl that made the comment ... and yes if you take your team to the playoff 2 years in a row you will be recruiting players due to that. What is your beef with the truth? Your coaching staff is doing the same thing .. Get Real guys.

BTW made it as far as Topeka before stopping. We will be in Plano this evening.

January 3rd, 2013, 07:05 AM
2 things.... Where the hell is the longhorn state? Texas has never been referred to as the longhorn state. We are the Lonestar state! Also that's pretty damn cocky coming from a coach on public media. Saying they are going to recruit off this championship! I understand believing that and talking to recruits and players like that but for a coach to state that to media is pretty arrogant! From listening to Bohl i dont beleive that would come out of his mouth! Sure want to hear his interview after the *** kicking they get in the "longhorn" state!!

Now I understand why FBS schools don't want Bohl.

Two things:

1. Coach Bohl was never interviewed in this Gobison.com piece. An assistant coach was interviewed.

2. The term "longhorn state" was used by the narrator, not the assistant coach.

You guys are so desperate to find fault that you are not gonna let facts stand in your way of telling a story!

January 3rd, 2013, 07:05 AM
double post for some reason

Bison Fan in NW MN
January 3rd, 2013, 07:21 AM
2 things.... Where the hell is the longhorn state? Texas has never been referred to as the longhorn state. We are the Lonestar state! Also that's pretty damn cocky coming from a coach on public media. Saying they are going to recruit off this championship! I understand believing that and talking to recruits and players like that but for a coach to state that to media is pretty arrogant! From listening to Bohl i dont beleive that would come out of his mouth! Sure want to hear his interview after the *** kicking they get in the "longhorn" state!!

This is what you have to bitch about...lol....get a clue.

January 3rd, 2013, 07:58 AM
Kat fans don't act like your coach isn't using any of this to do recruiting also because he is and our coach isn't the one who said that. back to back FCS title games and you are gonna try act like they don't use that to their advantage for recruiting?

January 3rd, 2013, 08:36 AM
I think someone misinterpreted this as saying he's recruiting Texas. Eh, who cares...it's good for BOTH programs & I'm ready to get on the road tomorrow.

January 3rd, 2013, 10:51 AM
Kat fans don't act like your coach isn't using any of this to do recruiting also because he is and our coach isn't the one who said that. back to back FCS title games and you are gonna try act like they don't use that to their advantage for recruiting?

Yes your right we are recruiting off two trips to the NC game. But not in ND aka nowhereville. We recruit almost solely in Texas where most of the nations players come from we don't really have to much further than Oklahoma or Louisiana. Flanders, etc. Bison fans are overconfident and cocky for the most part. When we win Saturday I will be the happiest guy in the world.

NoDak 4 Ever
January 3rd, 2013, 10:57 AM
2 things.... Where the hell is the longhorn state? Texas has never been referred to as the longhorn state. We are the Lonestar state! Also that's pretty damn cocky coming from a coach on public media. Saying they are going to recruit off this championship! I understand believing that and talking to recruits and players like that but for a coach to state that to media is pretty arrogant! From listening to Bohl i dont beleive that would come out of his mouth! Sure want to hear his interview after the *** kicking they get in the "longhorn" state!!

Now I understand why FBS schools don't want Bohl.

Yes your right we are recruiting off two trips to the NC game. But not in ND aka nowhereville. We recruit almost solely in Texas where most of the nations players come from we don't really have to much further than Oklahoma or Louisiana. Flanders, etc. Bison fans are overconfident and cocky for the most part. When we win Saturday I will be the happiest guy in the world.

I'm going to chalk this up to a combination of butthurt from last year, boredom over the 3 week layoff, and just plain stupidity.

The recruiting conversation talked about exposure and ESPN and the national championship being a factor in recruiting classes. Those recruiting classes are from all kinds of places. Nowhere in that video did they say they recruited in Texas (they are a little busy right now).

Gonna be a long 2 days, it seems.

January 3rd, 2013, 10:58 AM
Palestine's closer to Nacogodches than Huntsville so I'll thank the Rev.

Not much further and AP lives in Houston in the off season. Had the oppurtunity to work out with him in the offseason. Great guy.

Gil Dobie
January 3rd, 2013, 10:59 AM
Bison fans are overconfident and cocky for the most part. When we win Saturday I will be the happiest guy in the world.

It appears your hypocrisy knows no bounds

January 3rd, 2013, 11:02 AM
Yes your right we are recruiting off two trips to the NC game. But not in ND aka nowhereville. We recruit almost solely in Texas where most of the nations players come from we don't really have to much further than Oklahoma or Louisiana. Flanders, etc. Bison fans are overconfident and cocky for the most part. When we win Saturday I will be the happiest guy in the world.

You say that like the people in ND might take offense to it. They understand it. There are 650k people in ND. It wouldn't make much sense for a coach from Texas to drive up and recruit one one of the 2 or 3 kids in the state that could be D1 talent. It makes a lot of sense for a coach from ND to fly down to Texas and hit the major cities.

January 3rd, 2013, 11:03 AM
Two things:

1. Coach Bohl was never interviewed in this Gobison.com piece. An assistant coach was interviewed.

2. The term "longhorn state" was used by the narrator, not the assistant coach.

You guys are so desperate to find fault that you are not gonna let facts stand in your way of telling a story!

I said in my statement from listening to coach Bohl interviews that I don't believe that he would ever say something like that publicly meaning I bet he wasn't happy his assistant did! He didn't say recruting off 2 championship appearances...he said off two championships like it had already been won! Wouldn't expect that from a coach! No where in my statement did I say the coach said longhorn state....I know it was the narrator! Was he just trying to being a smart *** or is he unaware that the greatest state in the union is referred to as the Lonestar state? I did not mean recruiting tx....I could care less if they tried! The simple fact that a coach would make a statement that implies the game is already won is very arrogant! I wouldn't expect that from any coach! Maybe he is just a young coach and not really media savvy yet. Understandable if that's the case and he didn't realize what he said!

January 3rd, 2013, 11:07 AM
Not much further and AP lives in Houston in the off season. Had the oppurtunity to work out with him in the offseason. Great guy.

Are you from Colorado? U know the blonde ZTA?

January 3rd, 2013, 11:09 AM
Yes your right we are recruiting off two trips to the NC game. But not in ND aka nowhereville. We recruit almost solely in Texas where most of the nations players come from we don't really have to much further than Oklahoma or Louisiana. Flanders, etc. Bison fans are overconfident and cocky for the most part. When we win Saturday I will be the happiest guy in the world.

In all fairness a couple of their better skill kids last year were from Houston. Holloway was a JC transfer but McNorton was recruited out of HS. Kids from Houston don't just up & go to schools in ND w/o a relationship. Maybe it was out of context but I'm guessing someone on the Bison staff has someone contacts in Texas. Or, at least did at one time. I skimmed the roster a couple of weeks ago and didn't see any Texas kids on this year's team.

January 3rd, 2013, 11:14 AM
Are you from Colorado? U know the blonde ZTA?

AW know her. And no not from Colorado. 3rd coast born, yea I'm Texas Raised.

NoDak 4 Ever
January 3rd, 2013, 11:14 AM
In all fairness a couple of their better skill kids last year were from Houston. Holloway was a JC transfer but McNorton was recruited out of HS. Kids from Houston don't just up & go to schools in ND w/o a relationship. Maybe it was out of context but I'm guessing someone on the Bison staff has someone contacts in Texas. Or, at least did at one time. I skimmed the roster a couple of weeks ago and didn't see any Texas kids on this year's team.

I think it was Willie Mack Garza who had a pretty good career until he left NDSU.

January 3rd, 2013, 11:18 AM
AW know her. And no not from Colorado. 3rd coast born, yea I'm Texas Raised.

Figured you at least knew her...lots of people do! Been friends with her a long time! I knew she was working out with him this summer too. She told me he was over the injury big time and in beast mode all summer! Drafted him 3rd overall in fantasy and people thought I was stupid!! Payed off!

January 3rd, 2013, 11:23 AM
Yea he's a freak fool. Not being cocky but I was in great shape and had a really tuff time keeping up. He has a different kind of motor man. And yes lots of people know her haha.

January 3rd, 2013, 11:26 AM
Also talked to Jerry rice a few days ago he has the Bearkats taking this one home. Holla if ya hear me.

January 3rd, 2013, 11:36 AM
I think it was Willie Mack Garza who had a pretty good career until he left NDSU.

ok, forgot he was up there at one point. WMG is a HS football legend in Texas FYI. He had a p' good run until he assumed the role of Kiffin's "bagman." The fact that he fell on the knife for Kiffin would typically help him down the road (landing another job) but unfortunately he has a three year "show cause" order against him which makes him unhireable by a NCAA member institution. If he would have spilled the beans he'd never got another opportunity. Tough' predicament either way.

NoDak 4 Ever
January 3rd, 2013, 11:39 AM
ok, forgot he was up there at one point. WMG is a HS football legend in Texas FYI. He had a p' good run until he assumed the role of Kiffin's "bagman." The fact that he fell on the knife for Kiffin would typically help him down the road (landing another job) but unfortunately he has a three year "show cause" order against him which makes him unhireable by a NCAA member institution. If he would have spilled the beans he'd never got another opportunity. Tough' predicament either way.

We keep sending him assistants, hope Scottie Hazelton doesn't get any **** on him at USC.

January 3rd, 2013, 12:05 PM
This is on behalf of Sam Houston State football. We have played two MAJOR TOP FBS football teams this year and kept both games fairly close and one being Texas A&M against the Hesiman winner. Beating Baylor at half time. We only had one home game during playoffs and the rest were away against very tough components. We blew Montana State away at their home field and blew EWU away at half time. Even though EWU made heck come back. They still loss... If NDSU thinks that got this in the bag, yall got it all wrong. No OFFSENSE Bison I have watch yall all seaoson and supported yall because I want to see a rematch. But, the way y'all played and loss to unranked team that was like is not impressive at all. Every game yall barely pull it away... One thing I can say is you fight and have one heck of fan base. But, my opinion SHSU had harder route this year to get to playoffs and if the boys played like they have last two playoff games. SAM IS RUNNING WITH THIS TITLE! Yall had too easy of a route like we did last year to get to playoffs and FCS has been bias towards yall.

NoDak 4 Ever
January 3rd, 2013, 12:13 PM
This is on behalf of Sam Houston State football. We have played two MAJOR TOP FBS football teams this year and kept both games fairly close and one being Texas A&M against the Hesiman winner. Beating Baylor at half time. We only had one home game during playoffs and the rest were away against very tough components. We blew Montana State away at their home field and blew EWU away at half time. Even though EWU made heck come back. They still loss... If NDSU thinks that got this in the bag, yall got it all wrong. No OFFSENSE Bison I have watch yall all seaoson and supported yall because I want to see a rematch. But, the way y'all played and loss to unranked team that was like 2-7 or whatever is not impressive at all. Every game yall barely pull it away... One thing I can say is you fight and have one heck of fan base. But, my opinion SHSU had harder route this year to get to playoffs and if the boys played like they have last two playoff games. SAM IS RUNNING WITH THIS TITLE! Yall had too easy of a route like we did last year to get to playoffs and FCS has been bias towards yall.


January 3rd, 2013, 12:16 PM
You'd think if that was on behalf of Sam Houston State football, they'd get someone who could use proper grammar and such.

I think Sam will win it too as history favors Sam in terms of NC rematches, but come on man.

January 3rd, 2013, 12:24 PM
This is on behalf of Sam Houston State football. We have played two MAJOR TOP FBS football teams this year and kept both games fairly close and one being Texas A&M against the Hesiman winner. Beating Baylor at half time. We only had one home game during playoffs and the rest were away against very tough components. We blew Montana State away at their home field and blew EWU away at half time. Even though EWU made heck come back. They still loss... If NDSU thinks that got this in the bag, yall got it all wrong. No OFFSENSE Bison I have watch yall all seaoson and supported yall because I want to see a rematch. But, the way y'all played and loss to unranked team that was like is not impressive at all. Every game yall barely pull it away... One thing I can say is you fight and have one heck of fan base. But, my opinion SHSU had harder route this year to get to playoffs and if the boys played like they have last two playoff games. SAM IS RUNNING WITH THIS TITLE! Yall had too easy of a route like we did last year to get to playoffs and FCS has been bias towards yall.

Hope you can sober up enough to watch the game on Saturday. xlolx

January 3rd, 2013, 12:31 PM
SFA - I was just realistic here. We aren't playing SFA in this game and I know we are rivals and all. But, maybe I can't help my grammar. I'm happy to say thank goodness I'm not writer. COME ON MAN TO YOU! HAVE RESPECT!

January 3rd, 2013, 12:32 PM
Don't worry! Nothing to be worry about here!

January 3rd, 2013, 12:33 PM
Hope you can sober up enough to watch the game on Saturday. xlolx

Why do I get the feeling that NDSU fans think they are all the smartest people on the planet. Is NDSU an ivy league school or did I miss something else? Pretty sure that SHSU's business department is accredited higher. I just don't get the false sense of intelligence you all have. I guess if u sit in front of your computer all day with a thesaurus on forums you can feel smarter.

January 3rd, 2013, 12:37 PM
SFA - I was just realistic here. We aren't playing SFA in this game and I know we are rivals and all. But, maybe I can't help my grammar. I'm happy to say thank goodness I'm not writer. COME ON MAN TO YOU! HAVE RESPECT!

I already have called you guys winning. That's about the best I can do.

I'll be at the game Saturday..what else do you want? You want for me to wear orange..that'll never happen

January 3rd, 2013, 12:45 PM
You want for me to wear orange..that'll never happen

Royal blue will do

January 3rd, 2013, 12:57 PM
Amen to that sir!!! :)

NoDak 4 Ever
January 3rd, 2013, 01:01 PM
Remember the movie Mulitiplicity?

I'm sure Bearkats 1-13 are much better copies.


January 3rd, 2013, 01:01 PM
I already have called you guys winning. That's about the best I can do.

I'll be at the game Saturday..what else do you want? You want for me to wear orange..that'll never happen

Telling me that I need learn grammar is not respect and that is all I ask. I don't care if you wear orange... You are coming to that game that is great I would support you guys too, if you made it this far. Not because we are in same conf, but because you are texas team. I have a learning disability and my grammar is my main problem and sorry. It is something that I always had problem with, but at least I'm going to school and trying to get higher education. Thank goodness there is editors in this world

NoDak 4 Ever
January 3rd, 2013, 01:04 PM
Telling me that I need learn grammar is not respect and that is all I ask. I don't care if you wear orange... You are coming to that game that is great I would support you guys too, if you made it this far. Not because we are in same conf, but because you are texas team. I have a learning disability and my grammar is my main problem and sorry. It is something that I always had problem with, but at least I'm going to school and trying to get higher education. Thank goodness there is editors in this world

Did you seriously come on to this board to **** talk and then play wounded cub when someone says something back at you?

Weak sauce.

January 3rd, 2013, 01:09 PM
Telling me that I need learn grammar is not respect and that is all I ask. I don't care if you wear orange... You are coming to that game that is great I would support you guys too, if you made it this far. Not because we are in same conf, but because you are texas team. I have a learning disability and my grammar is my main problem and sorry. It is something that I always had problem with, but at least I'm going to school and trying to get higher education. Thank goodness there is editors in this world

Take the smack with a grain of salt.

If you ran into me in public I'd probably buy you a beer and discuss football.

January 3rd, 2013, 01:09 PM
Oh boy Bearkat14, where do I begin?

Ha, jk I won't even bother. But I will say have a little respect, we certainly didn't play creampuffs in en route to the NC. We have a proven track record of knowing how to win, whether we can pull it off Saturday, well I sure as hell hope so, but if not I will credit to Sam but certainly not to you.

Your lucky I'm in a good mood, thanks largely to all the love I get from xcoach and Rev.

Kisses! Go Bison!

January 3rd, 2013, 01:16 PM
Did you seriously come on to this board to **** talk and then play wounded cub when someone says something back at you?

Weak sauce.
You would know all about weak sauce.

January 3rd, 2013, 01:18 PM
2 days away people, work day can't end soon enough, I'm ready to get down there and party it up. Anybody from up here not left for Frisco yet?

January 3rd, 2013, 01:22 PM
2 days away people, work day can't end soon enough, I'm ready to get down there and party it up. Anybody from up here not left for Frisco yet?

We haven't left yet, cpl friends have to work til 4 today. I'm waiting patiently....

NoDak 4 Ever
January 3rd, 2013, 01:22 PM
You would know all about weak sauce.

I can afford to fly to Dallas, can you say the same if the game were in Ohio?

Gil Dobie
January 3rd, 2013, 01:24 PM
Teams are pretty even. SHSU scores first, but a better than last year NDSU defense leads to 2 TD's, offense gets 2 and a FG. Prediction NDSU 31, SHSU 17. Difference is turnovers and I am going with the pass defense getting those for NDSU.

NoDak 4 Ever
January 3rd, 2013, 01:24 PM
Take the smack with a grain of salt.

If you ran into me in public I'd probably buy you a beer and discuss football.

I'm hitting Whataburger as soon as I land tonight. I try not to eat **** food but you speak so highly of it, I have to.

NoDak 4 Ever
January 3rd, 2013, 01:25 PM
Teams are pretty even. SHSU scores first, but a better than last year NDSU defense leads to 2 TD's, offense gets 2 and a FG. Prediction NDSU 31, SHSU 17. Difference is turnovers and I am going with the pass defense getting those for NDSU.

This. I've been waiting to see a passing team that Marcus Williams can tee off on. He's been dying for someone to throw his way.

January 3rd, 2013, 01:26 PM
We haven't left yet, cpl friends have to work til 4 today. I'm waiting patiently....

Yeah I hear ya, i'm stuck working today too, probably be 5 ish before we get rolling, heard we might hit some winter weather possibly on the way down too.

January 3rd, 2013, 01:27 PM
NDSU 31, SHSU 17.

Right score, wrong winners.

NoDak 4 Ever
January 3rd, 2013, 01:29 PM
Right score, wrong winners.

This isn't a Big Fluffy defense. Nobody's scored 21 pts on NDSU all year.

January 3rd, 2013, 01:31 PM
Right score, wrong winners.

Neither team will break 20

January 3rd, 2013, 01:31 PM
No disrespect to the Bison D. A pick 6 by Rodgers will count for 7 of those points.

January 3rd, 2013, 01:31 PM
I'm hitting Whataburger as soon as I land tonight. I try not to eat **** food but you speak so highly of it, I have to.

If you're gonna do it, do it right..number 1 or 2 with cheese..

January 3rd, 2013, 01:32 PM
Royal blue will do

Im good with the purple suit!! Sounds legendary!

January 3rd, 2013, 01:33 PM
I'm going with my first score prediction. 24-14 Kats.

January 3rd, 2013, 01:36 PM
I can afford to fly to Dallas, can you say the same if the game were in Ohio?

He could ride with me! xnodx

January 3rd, 2013, 01:37 PM
Im good with the purple suit!! Sounds legendary!

I agree


January 3rd, 2013, 01:37 PM
This isn't a Big Fluffy defense. Nobody's scored 21 pts on NDSU all year.

*sans thrashing at home by non-playoff team.

January 3rd, 2013, 01:38 PM
If you're gonna do it, do it right..number 1 or 2 with cheese..
pffsttttt, you mean # 5 (bacon xbowx)

January 3rd, 2013, 01:40 PM
Yeah I hear ya, i'm stuck working today too, probably be 5 ish before we get rolling, heard we might hit some winter weather possibly on the way down too.

It was lightly snowing here earlier this morning, but looks like fairly good weather all the way down to Texas. I just wanna get going!

January 3rd, 2013, 01:40 PM
pffsttttt, you mean # 5 (bacon xbowx)

Yeah well he might not load the bacon on...seeing as how he doesn't eat fast food..

I agree on the number 5...or the A1 thick and hearty burger.

January 3rd, 2013, 01:42 PM
I agree


It's not quite that pimp...however it's not making the trip.

BOTPW is another story.

NoDak 4 Ever
January 3rd, 2013, 01:42 PM
Yeah well he might not load the bacon on...seeing as how he doesn't eat fast food..

I agree on the number 5...or the A1 thick and hearty burger.

I'm going to gain 20 pounds this weekend.

Gil Dobie
January 3rd, 2013, 01:43 PM
This. I've been waiting to see a passing team that Marcus Williams can tee off on. He's been dying for someone to throw his way.

SHSU is passing more this year, so it's logical to have Marcus in the equation.

January 3rd, 2013, 01:44 PM
Yeah well he might not load the bacon on...seeing as how he doesn't eat fast food..

I agree on the number 5...or the A1 thick and hearty burger.

DO NOT GET ANYTHING BUT THE THICK AND HEARTY!!!! You are coming at the right time as it is only available certain times of the year!! Fatboys dream...wifes nightmare!! Or husbands nightmare if your wife is prone to eating them...could get ugly!

January 3rd, 2013, 01:47 PM
It was lightly snowing here earlier this morning, but looks like fairly good weather all the way down to Texas. I just wanna get going!

Good deal, yes this day needs to get moving. Gonna be a long drive down straight through but well worth it.

January 3rd, 2013, 01:50 PM
Good deal, yes this day needs to get moving. Gonna be a long drive down straight through but well worth it.

For sure, but rotating drivers should make it go quick. 85mph the whole way hopefully lol

NoDak 4 Ever
January 3rd, 2013, 01:52 PM
DO NOT GET ANYTHING BUT THE THICK AND HEARTY!!!! You are coming at the right time as it is only available certain times of the year!! Fatboys dream...wifes nightmare!! Or husbands nightmare if your wife is prone to eating them...could get ugly!

Let's just put it this way, I usually eat granola, protein shakes, chicken and vegetables. I may die before Sunday. :)

January 3rd, 2013, 01:53 PM
For sure, but rotating drivers should make it go quick. 85mph the whole way hopefully lol
That's a good strategy if you want some finger play in Texas.


January 3rd, 2013, 01:54 PM
This is on behalf of Sam Houston State football. We have played two MAJOR TOP FBS football teams this year and kept both games fairly close and one being Texas A&M against the Hesiman winner. Beating Baylor at half time. We only had one home game during playoffs and the rest were away against very tough components. We blew Montana State away at their home field and blew EWU away at half time. Even though EWU made heck come back. They still loss... If NDSU thinks that got this in the bag, yall got it all wrong. No OFFSENSE Bison I have watch yall all seaoson and supported yall because I want to see a rematch. But, the way y'all played and loss to unranked team that was like is not impressive at all. Every game yall barely pull it away... One thing I can say is you fight and have one heck of fan base. But, my opinion SHSU had harder route this year to get to playoffs and if the boys played like they have last two playoff games. SAM IS RUNNING WITH THIS TITLE! Yall had too easy of a route like we did last year to get to playoffs and FCS has been bias towards yall.

Yeah I hear ya man, So glad NDSU missed out on the likes of Texas Southern, Nicholls State, Lamar, SE Louisiana, NW State, and "THE" Incarnate Word...Cant even imagine how yallz did it.

January 3rd, 2013, 01:55 PM
For sure, but rotating drivers should make it go quick. 85mph the whole way hopefully lol

lol no crap, well we had a couple people who couldn't make it so we have only 2 of us driving together but better than nothing.

January 3rd, 2013, 01:57 PM
Texas Southern

You should leave this one out, they beat Prairie View. Just saying.

January 3rd, 2013, 01:59 PM
Yeah I hear ya man, So glad NDSU missed out on the likes of Texas Southern, Nicholls State, Lamar, SE Louisiana, NW State, and "THE" Incarnate Word...Cant even imagine how yallz did it.Yeah too bad we didn't play real teams like Colorado State, PView, RMU, Miss St or SD...idiot

January 3rd, 2013, 02:03 PM
Yeah too bad we didn't play real teams like Colorado State, PView, RMU, Miss St or SD...idiot

Colorado State would piss pound all those teams except maybe the Incarnate Word...Missouri State would win most of them.

January 3rd, 2013, 02:07 PM
Colorado State would piss pound all those teams except maybe the Incarnate Word...Missouri State would win most of them.

And we won all of them....very easily!! As in the score was not even close!!! All those unranked teams yall played and won by 7 or 14 and even lost to an unranked team! Hmm...our only FCS loss was a top 10 team!

January 3rd, 2013, 02:07 PM
That's a good strategy if you want some finger play in Texas.


That's disturbing. I'm not totally shocked, it is Texas afterall.

Bison Fan in NW MN
January 3rd, 2013, 02:08 PM
Brother in law is flying to Vegas out of Fargo and said there are a ton of Bison fans at the airport ready to fly down.

January 3rd, 2013, 02:09 PM
Colorado State would piss pound all those teams except maybe the Incarnate Word

Is CSU that bad that they couldn't hang with a DII school? IW was the worst team Sam faced all year.

January 3rd, 2013, 02:09 PM
Colorado State would piss pound all those teams except maybe the Incarnate Word...Missouri State would win most of them.
CSU would get beaten by 200 if they played A&M or Baylor and Missouri State was awful. They might win "most" of them? Why make the argument then?
Whats next, are you going to call our offense bad or give us **** because we rarely play in the cold?

January 3rd, 2013, 02:11 PM
lol no crap, well we had a couple people who couldn't make it so we have only 2 of us driving together but better than nothing.

2 is brutal, make sure you have enough Red Bull! But we only have 3 so not much better, loaded ipod, cruise control and Red Bull; I'm ready to drive baby!

NoDak 4 Ever
January 3rd, 2013, 02:12 PM
Not another ButtBama!

January 3rd, 2013, 02:13 PM
Brother in law is flying to Vegas out of Fargo and said there are a ton of Bison fans at the airport ready to fly down.
Obviously. It's Thursday before the game on Saturday at the only "major" airport in the area. Are we supposed to be impressed or something?

January 3rd, 2013, 02:14 PM
CSU would get beaten by 200 if they played A&M or Baylor and Missouri State was awful. They might win "most" of them? Why make the argument then?
Whats next, are you going to call our offense bad or give us **** because we rarely play in the cold?

I was only talking about the teams mentioned previously. Colorado State would get beat by as many points as Baylor/Texas A&M wanted to beat them by. SHSU would handle CSU. As for Missouri State, while yes they aren't a very good team they did manage to beat ISU-R a playoff team and were competive in most games against the MVFC. Which ranks as one of the toughest FCS conferences in the country.

By the way your offense is terrible and you dont play in the cold...

January 3rd, 2013, 02:17 PM
Obviously. It's Thursday before the game on Saturday at the only "major" airport in the area. Are we supposed to be impressed or something?

Jesus you are a grade A prick. I think its awesome, the more the merrier. I would think the same thing if it were Kat fans loading the planes. Its good for FCS football to have as many fans as possible, regardless of what team they cheer for. Don't you get that?

Bison Fan in NW MN
January 3rd, 2013, 02:17 PM
Obviously. It's Thursday before the game on Saturday at the only "major" airport in the area. Are we supposed to be impressed or something?

Impressive is having a fanbase that is 1000 miles away put more fans in a stadium in the other team's 'home turf'.


January 3rd, 2013, 02:18 PM
Obviously. It's Thursday before the game on Saturday at the only "major" airport in the area. Are we supposed to be impressed or something?

Well, other than Minneapolis and Denver. I bet MSP looks like a Bison fan convention.

NoDak 4 Ever
January 3rd, 2013, 02:20 PM
Impressive is having a fanbase that is 1000 miles away put more fans in a stadium in the other team's 'home turf'.


There are going to be more fans at Dr. Pepper Ballpark for the pep rally than Sammy fans in the stadium.

January 3rd, 2013, 02:21 PM
I'm hitting Whataburger as soon as I land tonight. I try not to eat **** food but you speak so highly of it, I have to.

I'm not a fast food eater but their ketchup is the real draw. That and their breakfast taquitos. Whataburger's sandwiches taste like everyone else's FF burgers cept' they slather them in sauce. I'll prolly get roasted for it but just my opinion. If I was going to eat FF in the metroplex I'd prolly go to Taco Bueno.

Bison Fan in NW MN
January 3rd, 2013, 02:22 PM
There are going to be more fans at Dr. Pepper Ballpark for the pep rally than Sammy fans in the stadium.


Plus I think the Sammy players are right by the ballpark....lol....Wonder if they will get any sleep on friday night.

January 3rd, 2013, 02:23 PM
Impressive is having a fanbase that is 1000 miles away put more fans in a stadium in the other team's 'home turf'.


The ONLY reason it is impressive is the nuts yalls fans had buying the tickets back in August. That is the ONLY reason yall will have more there....we would easily sell 11k tickets if we had that many to buy but since yall were so confident in your team and bought them so early we don't have that many to buy. That comes with sustained success. Last 11 or so years has been great team, garbage, garbage, garbage, great team, garbage, garbage, ect! If Willie keeps it going we will get there. May never have a fan base quite as passionate as the buffalo's but thats because we can actually walk outside between september and april!!!

NoDak 4 Ever
January 3rd, 2013, 02:23 PM
I'm not a fast food eater but their ketchup is the real draw. That and their breakfast taquitos. Whataburger's sandwiches taste like everyone else's FF burgers cept' they slather them in sauce. I'll prolly get roasted for it but just my opinion. If I was going to eat FF in the metroplex I'd prolly go to Taco Bueno.

Good suggestion, I will take that!

Bison Fan in NW MN
January 3rd, 2013, 02:24 PM
Brother-in-law just texted me and said the Bison fans in the Fargo airport are drinking the airport bar dry......love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


January 3rd, 2013, 02:24 PM

Plus I think the Sammy players are right by the ballpark....lol....Wonder if they will get any sleep on friday night.

They are staying at the Embassy Suites right next door, tough break. I'm staying ther also so my drunky monkey *** will be making noise as late/early as allowable!

NoDak 4 Ever
January 3rd, 2013, 02:24 PM
The ONLY reason it is impressive is the nuts yalls fans had buying the tickets back in August. That is the ONLY reason yall will have more there....we would easily sell 11k tickets if we had that many to buy but since yall were so confident in your team and bought them so early we don't have that many to buy. That comes with sustained success. Last 11 or so years has been great team, garbage, garbage, garbage, great team, garbage, garbage, ect! If Willie keeps it going we will get there. May never have a fan base quite as passionate as the buffalo's but thats because we can actually walk outside between september and april!!!

If you're not a pussy, you can walk outside just fine in ND.

Cold is a relative thing ya know....

At 65 degrees, Arizonans turn on the heat. People in North Dakota plant gardens.
At 60, Californians shiver uncontrollably. People in North Dakota sunbathe.
At 50, Italian & English cars won't start. People in North Dakota drive with the windows down..
At 40, Georgians don coats, thermal underwear, gloves, wool hats. People in North Dakota throw on a flannel shirt.
At 35, New York landlords finally turn up the heat. People in North Dakota have the last cookout before it gets cold.
At 20, People in Miami all die. North Dakotans close their windows.
At 0, Californians fly away to Mexico . People in North Dakota get out their winter coats.
At 10 below zero, Hollywood disintegrates. The Girl Scouts in North Dakota are selling cookies door to door.
At 20 below, Washington DC runs out of hot air. (Ya think? Nah.). People in North Dakota let their dogs sleep indoors.
At 30 below, Santa Claus abandons the North Pole. North Dakotans get upset because they can't start the snowmobile.
At 40 below, ALL atomic motion stops. People in North Dakota start saying..."Cold enough for ya, eh?"
At 50 below, heck freezes over. North Dakota public schools will open 2 hours late.

January 3rd, 2013, 02:29 PM
Plus I think the Sammy players are right by the ballpark

That is great. Just what our guys need another reason to be hyped up by seeing so many people having to travel back unhappy after Sat.'s results.

Bison Fan in NW MN
January 3rd, 2013, 02:29 PM
If you're not a pussy, you can walk outside just fine in ND.

Cold is a relative thing ya know....

At 65 degrees, Arizonans turn on the heat. People in North Dakota plant gardens.
At 60, Californians shiver uncontrollably. People in North Dakota sunbathe.
At 50, Italian & English cars won't start. People in North Dakota drive with the windows down..
At 40, Georgians don coats, thermal underwear, gloves, wool hats. People in North Dakota throw on a flannel shirt.
At 35, New York landlords finally turn up the heat. People in North Dakota have the last cookout before it gets cold.
At 20, People in Miami all die. North Dakotans close their windows.
At 0, Californians fly away to Mexico . People in North Dakota get out their winter coats.
At 10 below zero, Hollywood disintegrates. The Girl Scouts in North Dakota are selling cookies door to door.
At 20 below, Washington DC runs out of hot air. (Ya think? Nah.). People in North Dakota let their dogs sleep indoors.
At 30 below, Santa Claus abandons the North Pole. North Dakotans get upset because they can't start the snowmobile.
At 40 below, ALL atomic motion stops. People in North Dakota start saying..."Cold enough for ya, eh?"
At 50 below, heck freezes over. North Dakota public schools will open 2 hours late.

+ rep for you NoDak...lol.....that was awesome....xthumbsupx

January 3rd, 2013, 02:29 PM
Impressive is having a fanbase that is 1000 miles away put more fans in a stadium in the other team's 'home turf'.


Not sure why you guys beat your chest over this. What do you expect? You guys have what 14k season ticket holders? Sam has less than a thousand. If Sam was in a (podunk) state with only two schools that played FCS football (no FBS, no NFL) they'd be a bigger draw too. I hope you guys bring 40k and spend all your money. Sam has been outnumbered in the playoffs and that has worked out well so far.

January 3rd, 2013, 02:32 PM
If you're not a pussy, you can walk outside just fine in ND.

Cold is a relative thing ya know....

At 65 degrees, Arizonans turn on the heat. People in North Dakota plant gardens.
At 60, Californians shiver uncontrollably. People in North Dakota sunbathe.
At 50, Italian & English cars won't start. People in North Dakota drive with the windows down..
At 40, Georgians don coats, thermal underwear, gloves, wool hats. People in North Dakota throw on a flannel shirt.
At 35, New York landlords finally turn up the heat. People in North Dakota have the last cookout before it gets cold.
At 20, People in Miami all die. North Dakotans close their windows.
At 0, Californians fly away to Mexico . People in North Dakota get out their winter coats.
At 10 below zero, Hollywood disintegrates. The Girl Scouts in North Dakota are selling cookies door to door.
At 20 below, Washington DC runs out of hot air. (Ya think? Nah.). People in North Dakota let their dogs sleep indoors.
At 30 below, Santa Claus abandons the North Pole. North Dakotans get upset because they can't start the snowmobile.
At 40 below, ALL atomic motion stops. People in North Dakota start saying..."Cold enough for ya, eh?"
At 50 below, heck freezes over. North Dakota public schools will open 2 hours late.

And yall think your Americans....Effin' Canadians i tell ya!!!

January 3rd, 2013, 02:34 PM
2 is brutal, make sure you have enough Red Bull! But we only have 3 so not much better, loaded ipod, cruise control and Red Bull; I'm ready to drive baby!

Yup, lots of red bull and probably chew some seeds too.

Bison Fan in NW MN
January 3rd, 2013, 02:34 PM
Not sure why you guys beat your chest over this. What do you expect? You guys have what 14k season ticket holders? Sam has less than a thousand. If Sam was in a (podunk) state with only two schools that played FCS football (no FBS, no NFL) they'd be a bigger draw too. I hope you guys bring 40k and spend all your money. Sam has been outnumbered in the playoffs and that has worked out well so far.

Well go with that then.

I know season ticket holders for Vikings, Twins, Wolves, Wild and Jets all in my home area here. There are plenty of sports options for fans in 'outstate' MN and ND, we just have to drive to get to them.

NoDak 4 Ever
January 3rd, 2013, 02:37 PM
And yall think your Americans....Effin' Canadians i tell ya!!!

My grandparents are Canadian or as we like to say F-in EH!

January 3rd, 2013, 02:38 PM
Impressive is having a fanbase that is 1000 miles away put more fans in a stadium in the other team's 'home turf'.


Haha justcause y'all bought all the tickets up in October.

January 3rd, 2013, 02:39 PM
Not sure why you guys beat your chest over this. What do you expect? You guys have what 14k season ticket holders? Sam has less than a thousand. If Sam was in a (podunk) state with only two schools that played FCS football (no FBS, no NFL) they'd be a bigger draw too. I hope you guys bring 40k and spend all your money. Sam has been outnumbered in the playoffs and that has worked out well so far.

Oh boo hoo, Sam is just a little fish in an ocean of football down there in Texas.

Shut it sweetie, the grown ups are talking.

January 3rd, 2013, 02:48 PM
Oh boo hoo, Sam is just a little fish in an ocean of football down there in Texas.

Shut it sweetie, the grown ups are talking.

Don't you know your place honey...speak when spoken too, Make sure X has anything he needs while he has his way with you this weekend, and don't be heart broken he doesn't call you after you trek back north and let your winter coat grow back until the spring thaw!! :D

January 3rd, 2013, 02:49 PM
Oh boo hoo, Sam is just a little fish in an ocean of football down there in Texas.

Shut it sweetie, the grown ups are talking.

Well said

January 3rd, 2013, 02:49 PM
My grandparents are Canadian or as we like to say F-in EH!

Never been to Canada. Would like to go one day! Especially since we can't cross our border anymore!!!

January 3rd, 2013, 02:58 PM
Oh boo hoo, Sam is just a little fish in an ocean of football down there in Texas.

Shut it sweetie, the grown ups are talking.

The grown ups sound like a scratched CD. You're going to have to find more interesting convo if you want to get in my pants. Told' ya I'm a bit of a hipster.

January 3rd, 2013, 03:06 PM
Oh boy Bearkat14, where do I begin?

Ha, jk I won't even bother. But I will say have a little respect, we certainly didn't play creampuffs in en route to the NC. We have a proven track record of knowing how to win, whether we can pull it off Saturday, well I sure as hell hope so, but if not I will credit to Sam but certainly not to you.

Your lucky I'm in a good mood, thanks largely to all the love I get from xcoach and Rev.

Kisses! Go Bison!

Umm.... This is why it is playoff system. I didn't say yall weren't good. No offense I believe yall team was way better last year. Compare to this year. I don't care if you give me credit! I'm not the one playing... The boys are playing. I'm just saying I believe SHSU boys are stronger than the last year. Comparing we played at Baylor and Texas A&M and who are very strong Texas football teams who both knock off the #1 FBS team and Baylor won their Bowl and I'm about to watch Ag's knock off OU tomorrow night at cotton bowl before I go to Frisco game. You seem to be nice person and so am I. I wasn't smack talking. I'm was just trying to be realistic. But, let best team win. If our boys don't show up then we will get our butts kicked. If our boys show up. I believe we are best team in FCS because of our tough road this season. I believe the teams we played only made us stronger and want this NC so much more and knowing yall took away are undefeated season last year. I have feeling that aren't going to let you guys take this one. It will close game because how hard yall can fight and what a big crowd yall sure can bring to Texas. Let's see what Saturday game can bring us. Look at Ag's D and look at how well they played against Bama and we scored 28points on A&M and 23 on Baylor who both Big D 1. Honestly I'm not worry about yall D at all! Just more worry about our D!!!

January 3rd, 2013, 03:09 PM
The grown ups sound like a scratched CD. You're going to have to find more interesting convo if you want to get in my pants. Told' ya I'm a bit of a hipster.

I don't need interesting convo to get in your pants, sex me eyes and cleavage will be plenty. Maybe a skirt, if I'm feeling frisky.

January 3rd, 2013, 03:10 PM
Don't you know your place honey...speak when spoken too, Make sure X has anything he needs while he has his way with you this weekend, and don't be heart broken he doesn't call you after you trek back north and let your winter coat grow back until the spring thaw!! :D

You neg rep me for the other post and green me for this one Nik....I don't know which of your
personalities i like best!

January 3rd, 2013, 03:13 PM
Umm.... This is why it is playoff system. I didn't say yall weren't good. No offense I believe yall team was way better last year. Compare to this year. I don't care if you give me credit! I'm not the one playing... The boys are playing. I'm just saying I believe SHSU boys are stronger than the last year. Comparing we played at Baylor and Texas A&M and who are very strong Texas football teams who both knock off the #1 FBS team and Baylor won their Bowl and I'm about to watch Ag's knock off OU tomorrow night at cotton bowl before I go to Frisco game. You seem to be nice person and so am I. I wasn't smack talking. I'm was just trying to be realistic. But, let best team win. If our boys don't show up then we will get our butts kicked. If our boys show up. I believe we are best team in FCS because of our tough road this season. I believe the teams we played only made us stronger and want this NC so much more and knowing yall took away are undefeated season last year. I have feeling that aren't going to let you guys take this one. It will close game because how hard yall can fight and what a big crowd yall sure can bring to Texas. Let's see what Saturday game can bring us. Look at Ag's D and look at how well they played against Bama and we scored 28points on A&M and 23 on Baylor who both Big D 1. Honestly I'm not worry about yall D at all! Just more worry about our D!!!

I believe your other post and props to you for still speaking up! I took the same **** for a similar post at the start of the playoffs. Even got one of my two neg reps for it (Just saw all that about 2 min ago)! Keep posting and you will fit right in!

January 3rd, 2013, 03:14 PM
You neg rep me for the other post and green me for this one Nik....I don't know which of your
personalities i like best!

What can I say, I'm in a damn good mood today. But I will neg rep again if you call me Nik again. My name is Nikki.

January 3rd, 2013, 03:14 PM
Not sure why you guys beat your chest over this. What do you expect? You guys have what 14k season ticket holders? Sam has less than a thousand. If Sam was in a (podunk) state with only two schools that played FCS football (no FBS, no NFL) they'd be a bigger draw too. I hope you guys bring 40k and spend all your money. Sam has been outnumbered in the playoffs and that has worked out well so far.

Right on the money. NDSU act like they know football and they only FCS school! lol Only if the new about all the schools in Texas... It funny watch them smack talk about their fans. I'm happy to see that have fans like this in FCS... Most FCS teams don't have fans like theirs because most states have BIG FBS teams in them! haha!!!!! We have Texas A&M, Texas Tech, Baylor, U of H, SMU, TCU, SMU, SFA, SHSU, Lumar, TLU, TSU, and ect... We have more schools in our state that I can't even keep count. It's kind of hard to donors and such big fan base like they do. I will give it them, they are one loud fan base and the dome they in makes it even louder.

January 3rd, 2013, 03:15 PM
And FrozenNorth...i will be expecting that green after the game!! Thanks ole' pal!!!!

January 3rd, 2013, 03:16 PM
What can I say, I'm in a damn good mood today. But I will neg rep again if you can me Nik again. My name is Nikki.

Sorry Nikki!
I bet you are....24 hours of riding in a car holding coffee and giving out road head!! Sounds like your fantasy!!!

January 3rd, 2013, 03:19 PM
Sorry Nikki!
I bet you are....24 hours of riding in a car holding coffee and giving out road head!! Sounds like your fantasy!!!

Your an idiot, I haven't even left Fargo yet lol. Thanks for playing tho...

January 3rd, 2013, 03:20 PM
Take the smack with a grain of salt.

If you ran into me in public I'd probably buy you a beer and discuss football.

:), I doubt I'll see you! But, happy you are coming sir!

January 3rd, 2013, 03:24 PM
I believe your other post and props to you for still speaking up! I took the same **** for a similar post at the start of the playoffs. Even got one of my two neg reps for it (Just saw all that about 2 min ago)! Keep posting and you will fit right in!

Yeah, I think it funny how some NDSU fans posted that their D passing rush is going to get to us and they going to make us have turnovers... SHSU hardly has turnovers. i believe SHSU is in the top ranking of not having turnovers... If NDSU truly watch us they would know this info. Instead they going off last year NC and weren't the same team. We aren't based on our run game no more. We def more balance system this year. I have watch them and I'm not impress at all with how they played this. They don't look like they same team that was NC a year ago. Seeing how our Boys fought this season and got screw over by the coaches poll. I believe our boys proving each day way they should be at NC.

January 3rd, 2013, 03:29 PM
Right on the money. NDSU act like they know football and they only FCS school! lol Only if the new about all the schools in Texas... It funny watch them smack talk about their fans. I'm happy to see that have fans like this in FCS... Most FCS teams don't have fans like theirs because most states have BIG FBS teams in them! haha!!!!! We have Texas A&M, Texas Tech, Baylor, U of H, SMU, TCU, SMU, SFA, SHSU, Lumar, TLU, TSU, and ect... We have more schools in our state that I can't even keep count. It's kind of hard to donors and such big fan base like they do. I will give it them, they are one loud fan base and the dome they in makes it even louder.

North Dakota population <700,000. Texas population >26,000,000. You have plenty of folks to go around :D

NoDak 4 Ever
January 3rd, 2013, 03:31 PM
Yeah, I think it funny how some NDSU fans posted that their D passing rush is going to get to us and they going to make us have turnovers... SHSU hardly has turnovers. i believe SHSU is in the top ranking of not having turnovers... If NDSU truly watch us they would know this info. Instead they going off last year NC and weren't the same team. We aren't based on our run game no more. We def more balance system this year. I have watch them and I'm not impress at all with how they played this. They don't look like they same team that was NC a year ago. Seeing how our Boys fought this season and got screw over by the coaches poll. I believe our boys proving each day way they should be at NC.

I have to tell you, honestly. You represent your team well.

January 3rd, 2013, 03:33 PM
Yeah, I think it funny how some NDSU fans posted that their D passing rush is going to get us and they going to make us have turnovers... SHSU hardly has turnovers... i believe SHSU has in top ranking of not having turnovers... If NDSU truly watch us. I have watch them and I'm not impress at all with how they played this. They don't look like they same team that in NC a year ago. Seeing how our Boys fought this season and got screw over by the coaches poll. I believe our boys proving each day way they should be at NC.

We didn't get screwed over in the seeding. We were the true 5th seed but they didn't want to put us and NDSU in the same bracket so they could get to the rematch. Best case scenario for the FCS and us! I doubt we would have beat ODU honestly. We would have beaten the other teams in that bracket but they would have given us fits!

They are not the same team as last year and we are definately a better team. BJ will have to be able to throw the ball down field if they have a shot at winning. They will not get over 100 yards rushing on us. My bet is they will get 60 and maybe 180 passing unless somehow BJ learned how to get it to his recievers! It is the ONLY chance they have of moving the ball on us. We will play our usual man coverage with a **** ton of blitzing but it will be solely focused on stopping the run! I will promise you that is the defense yall will see saturday and it WILL be the best D yall have faced all year! Once again im not saying our offense will have alot of success as i think the buffalo defense is damn good. i just see our offense getting more big plays than theirs!

January 3rd, 2013, 03:34 PM
No offense buddy! I'm talking about schools and not populations!!!

January 3rd, 2013, 03:36 PM
Just over an hour until I start my trip to Frisco. Even though the FCS doesnt have the BCS, I think the 2 best teams are playing for the championship.

January 3rd, 2013, 03:37 PM
Your an idiot, I haven't even left Fargo yet lol. Thanks for playing tho...

Your definately a cool chick and wouldve fit right in the crowd i hung with in college!! Safe travels for all of yall!! I'll have a shot or two of whiskey for you saturday morning to warm your insides if your wearing that skirt! Could get kinda breezy!

January 3rd, 2013, 03:39 PM
We didn't get screwed over in the seeding. We were the true 5th seed but they didn't want to put us and NDSU in the same bracket so they could get to the rematch. Best case scenario for the FCS and us! I doubt we would have beat ODU honestly. We would have beaten the other teams in that bracket but they would have given us fits!

They are not the same team as last year and we are definately a better team. BJ will have to be able to throw the ball down field if they have a shot at winning. They will not get over 100 yards rushing on us. My bet is they will get 60 and maybe 180 passing unless somehow BJ learned how to get it to his recievers! It is the ONLY chance they have of moving the ball on us. We will play our usual man coverage with a **** ton of blitzing but it will be solely focused on stopping the run! I will promise you that is the defense yall will see saturday and it WILL be the best D yall have faced all year! Once again im not saying our offense will have alot of success as i think the buffalo defense is damn good. i just see our offense getting more big plays than theirs!

We were in 6th seed and coaches poll did screw us over. We should of been 5th seed and should played NDSU before the NC. But, I'm glad we didn't because now it's rematch! I agree with you on the rest. Our O basically has been our key this year. And I excpect to see NDSU throw on us more and our man coverage needs to step up and not get beat. If our man coverage steps up we will be looking good. I'm not worry about NDSU run game. I'm more worried about the pass game. Pass game killed all year long.

NoDak 4 Ever
January 3rd, 2013, 03:42 PM
We were in 6th seed and coaches poll did screw us over. We should of been 5th seed and should played NDSU before the NC. But, I'm glad we didn't because now it's rematch! I agree with you on the rest. Our O basically has been our key this year. And I excpect to see NDSU throw on us more and our man coverage needs to step up and not get beat. If our man coverage steps up we will be looking good. I'm not worry about NDSU run game. I'm more worried about the pass game. Pass game killed all year long.

So with 3 losses and a non-counter, which seed should you have been above?

January 3rd, 2013, 03:42 PM
North Dakota population <700,000. Texas population >26,000,000. You have plenty of folks to go around :D

Damn....we got more Illegal immigrants in San Antonio than yall have citizens!!! Bet our yards look better!!!

January 3rd, 2013, 03:42 PM
Just over an hour until I start my trip to Frisco. Even though the FCS doesnt have the BCS, I think the 2 best teams are playing for the championship.

couldn't agree with you more sir. But, I have give credit to GSU for heck of season and believe they shot as well for NC. But, I glad it is SHSU vs. NDSU! A year ago it was two young teams playing and shown again that young team made it up for a second shot at NC or should I say maybe a 2nd NC for Bison! But, my money on Bearkats this year. Good Luck to you guys! Let the best man win!

January 3rd, 2013, 03:43 PM
So with 3 losses and a non-counter, which seed should you have been above?

I think we were the 5th seed...i wouldn't have put us higher than that. 6th is a better seed than 5th most years though.

January 3rd, 2013, 03:44 PM
Damn....we got more Illegal immigrants in San Antonio than yall have citizens!!! Bet our yards look better!!!

you just made me a laugh out loud! I'm wouldn't get too loud about immigrants! lol They little too much left minded up north!

NoDak 4 Ever
January 3rd, 2013, 03:44 PM
I think we were the 5th seed...i wouldn't have put us higher than that. 6th is a better seed than 5th most years though.

So you should have replaced GSU, with 9 DI wins.

January 3rd, 2013, 03:45 PM
We were in 6th seed and coaches poll did screw us over. We should of been 5th seed and should played NDSU before the NC. But, I'm glad we didn't because now it's rematch! I agree with you on the rest. Our O basically has been our key this year. And I excpect to see NDSU throw on us more and our man coverage needs to step up and not get beat. If our man coverage steps up we will be looking good. I'm not worry about NDSU run game. I'm more worried about the pass game. Pass game killed all year long.

Thats exactly what im saying! the poll had nothing to do with our seed though. We were ranked higher than GSU in the poll. The 5th seed didn't offer the rematch that they wanted to happen and that is the only reason we got the 6th which was the better seed this year!

January 3rd, 2013, 03:45 PM
GSU was 5th! I'm pretty sure they were 5th and were 6th! but you could be right and I could be wrong! I guess it shouldn't matter. If we were 5th, then we put in right spot. But, if we were 6th than we got screw over.

January 3rd, 2013, 03:46 PM
Just over an hour until I start my trip to Frisco. Even though the FCS doesnt have the BCS, I think the 2 best teams are playing for the championship.

My next door neighbors are already in Oklahoma on their way to Frisco....how long does it take to drive to Frisco? With just stopping for gas, and food.

January 3rd, 2013, 03:47 PM
So you should have replaced GSU, with 9 DI wins.

Yes we were the better team at the end of the year....exactly what im saying!

January 3rd, 2013, 03:49 PM
GSU was 5th! I'm pretty sure they were 5th and were 6th! but you could be right and I could be wrong! I guess it shouldn't matter. If we were 5th, then we put in right spot. But, if we were 6th than we got screw over.

Re read my post...i said GSU was the 5th and we were the 6th. It was the better option for the FCS to offer this rematch. We would have been on the same side of the bracket and it would have hurt the turnout for the game. Well it would have meant an 80-20 buffalo crowd but probably still sold out xcoolx

January 3rd, 2013, 03:49 PM
My next door neighbors are already in Oklahoma on their way to Frisco....how long does it take to drive to Frisco? With just stopping for gas, and food.

For me it takes about 45 minutes if I don't hit any traffic.

January 3rd, 2013, 03:50 PM
We had three losses and two out of those three were Big D1 that both beat #1 FBS team. We shoudn't of won and we are consider a smaller school in Texas. So most of recruits are transfers or smaller schools for high schools! So that is why we got screw over. If you look at it we only had one loss and they was UCA and they good school. But I mainly blame our coach for that loss because didn't know how to call passing play until after that game!

January 3rd, 2013, 03:53 PM
My next door neighbors are already in Oklahoma on their way to Frisco....how long does it take to drive to Frisco? With just stopping for gas, and food.

18-20 hours roughly

January 3rd, 2013, 04:10 PM
Umm.... This is why it is playoff system. I didn't say yall weren't good. No offense I believe yall team was way better last year. Compare to this year. I don't care if you give me credit! I'm not the one playing... The boys are playing. I'm just saying I believe SHSU boys are stronger than the last year. Comparing we played at Baylor and Texas A&M and who are very strong Texas football teams who both knock off the #1 FBS team and Baylor won their Bowl and I'm about to watch Ag's knock off OU tomorrow night at cotton bowl before I go to Frisco game. You seem to be nice person and so am I. I wasn't smack talking. I'm was just trying to be realistic. But, let best team win. If our boys don't show up then we will get our butts kicked. If our boys show up. I believe we are best team in FCS because of our tough road this season. I believe the teams we played only made us stronger and want this NC so much more and knowing yall took away are undefeated season last year. I have feeling that aren't going to let you guys take this one. It will close game because how hard yall can fight and what a big crowd yall sure can bring to Texas. Let's see what Saturday game can bring us. Look at Ag's D and look at how well they played against Bama and we scored 28points on A&M and 23 on Baylor who both Big D 1. Honestly I'm not worry about yall D at all! Just more worry about our D!!!

A&M was up 47-0. You scored 28 points in the last 16 minutes of the game on their 3rd string D. Baylor game is a legitimate example however they gave up 37ppg which was 113 out of 120 schools so its not like they are any where close to a defensive beast. You also got complete shut down by Baylor after the halftime adjustments. A&M game was garbage time for them when you scored.

Do you have a great team? Absolutely! But if you think the Bison of last year is way better then this year your wrong.

January 3rd, 2013, 04:14 PM
18-20 hours roughly

That's not too bad. Of course you could get some wild weather from north to south...I hope everyone has a safe drive/flight down there and then back up.

January 3rd, 2013, 04:14 PM
A&M was up 47-0. You scored 28 points in the last 16 minutes of the game on their 3rd string D. Baylor game is a legitimate example however they gave up 37ppg which was 113 out of 120 schools so its not like they are any where close to a defensive beast. You also got complete shut down by Baylor after the halftime adjustments. A&M game was garbage time for them when you scored.

Do you have a great team? Absolutely! But if you think the Bison of last year is way better then this year your wrong.

Just like i told a EWU fan...I hope all of yall got tickets so you can enjoy the show!! Don't blink to much...wouldn't want you to miss us since your not used to watching this southern speed!! xcoffeex

January 3rd, 2013, 04:16 PM
You scored 28 points in the last 16 minutes of the game on their 3rd string D.

And our 2nd string O.

January 3rd, 2013, 04:25 PM
Just like i told a EWU fan...I hope all of yall got tickets so you can enjoy the show!! Don't blink to much...wouldn't want you to miss us since your not used to watching this southern speed!! xcoffeex

Didn't we hear that same phrase last year ? 17-6

January 3rd, 2013, 04:26 PM
Aggie would post. But yeah our second string kick A&M second string butt.. thanks Aggie for making our debt chart sound.even better.