View Full Version : Lehigh Loses Eric Hess for Remainder of Year at 165 lbs.

December 20th, 2012, 01:25 PM
Freshman Eric Hess, who has battledback valiantly from Hodgkins Lymphoma has been shelved for balance of season due to low oxygen readings in his blood. Not a recurrence of his cancer, but unknown at present as to cause whether medications or side effect. Eric started out the year like gang busters with two falls and is currently 3-3 after going up against some heavy duty national competition wherein he competed very well. Frosh Brian Brill from Central Pa, will take Hess's spot in the line up. Hess is optimistic he will return next year, but no one knows the prognosis at this time. As for the young team, it just got 'younger', starting four freshmen and two sophs.