View Full Version : This is the last week to win a Pinarello signed by Lance Armstrong....
September 18th, 2012, 01:00 PM
Thanks for the INCREDIBLE support so far from the AGS crowd and a HUGE thank you to TheRevSFA for his great AGS Challenge and to Ursus for letting us feature the ride prominently!
This is the last week to donate to my 24 HOB ride and have a chance to win the 2012 Pinarello Treviso signed by Lance Armstrong and Bob Roll...
You can donate up until October 12th, but the door prize drawing for the bike is this Friday night! Don't let his one get past you!
For each donation increment of $25.00, you get one chance at the drawing. If you donated $50, you'd have two chances, $75, three chances, $100, four chances and so on...
It's a great bike, a great cause and your donation is tax deductible!
To qualify for the drawing, your donation must be made before Friday, September 21 at 2 pm EST. The drawing will be Friday night in connection with a fundraiser that we're having at Tantra Bar and Grill in Buckhead, Georgia. If you'd like to attend the fund raiser and silent auction, featuring Atlanta Falcon Cheerleaders and the opportunity to bid on some great swag, including a trip for two to Hawaii, the festivities kick off at 7 pm.
You don't have to be present to win....If you win and you're located between Atlanta and the Southland Conference Footprint, I'll personally deliver the bike to you this coming weekend. If you live elsewhere, we'll have to talk about shipping, because it's not in the budget as all your donations go to LiveSTRONG and the associated 24HOB Charities!
Don't miss this opportunity to own a bike signed by Lance Armstrong!
September 18th, 2012, 01:13 PM
Id take a chunk of moon rock.
September 18th, 2012, 01:21 PM
Any idea how many "chances" there are total so far? Here's to hoping my 4 get it done! :D
ursus arctos horribilis
September 18th, 2012, 01:21 PM
What is our total at FPC?
Guys and gals, if you can afford a little, give it to a guy that is a long time and good member of this site and obviously any community he is in.
September 18th, 2012, 02:24 PM
The official totals for The Rev's Challenge are 35 individual donations for $, there are $220.00 in donations that The Rev made as a recurring gift that won't be counted until October 12th, so.....$1,621.00 in total donations....Just $379.00 more to get me in the Obama shirt...
And there have been other donations from the McNeese, Northwestern and SELA faithful who've donated each of the previous years....
Roamingpoke is my top individual donor with $600.00 in total donations this year...TheRevSFA isn't too far behind at about $450....
Awesome job guys....Thanks! Truly! You guys rock!
Currently, I'm in the top spot in Atlanta with about $5300.00 right now, but last year's big gun came out swining today...he did the same thing last year and racked up about $14k in corporate donations in about three weeks, so I'm pretty sure he'll be back on top this year, too....same dude raised $41k for an American Cancer Society event a few years back...great guy, great fundraisher...Stage 4 Hodgkins Lymphoma survivor!
September 18th, 2012, 02:25 PM
Oh, and I need SFA, App State and Montana shirts for the ride!
Preferrably 2XL ;)
ursus arctos horribilis
September 18th, 2012, 02:41 PM
2XL is not funny. You are getting a smedium.
September 18th, 2012, 02:53 PM
I'd look like a Stuffed Monte Sausage in a Medium! ;)
ursus arctos horribilis
September 18th, 2012, 03:35 PM
I'd look like a Stuffed Monte Sausage in a Medium! ;)
I said smedium, not quite a medium, but close...sort of.
September 18th, 2012, 04:40 PM
I said smedium, not quite a medium, but close...sort of.
Before I grew my moustache and goatee, I bore an all-too-striking resemblance to Chris Farley, which is - of course - why I'll never shave it....
September 19th, 2012, 10:54 PM
Thanks to Grizo, we're at 36 donations at $1461.00 actual, in hand, donations, and $1681.00 with The Rev's recurring gift...
So...for you following at home, that's just $319.00 away from getting me in the Smedium Obama shirt...
Thanks, Grizo! You rock!
September 20th, 2012, 12:54 AM
Are the steeroids sold separately?
September 20th, 2012, 04:53 AM
Are the steeroids sold separately?
Yes, you should direct your inquiries to Travis Lie-gart, care of The USADA. You'll get a special discount if you, too, agree to roll over and testilie against Armstrong. As an added bonus, if you copy Roger Goodell on your letter of steroidal inquiry and agree to write a post-dated mea culpa in the Saints Bounty Scandal, the NFL will throw in discounted season tickets to their events, too..
It's a good deal, should check it out...
September 20th, 2012, 07:08 AM
Good Luck!
September 20th, 2012, 07:29 AM
Good Luck!
Leadbolt, Thank you for the great donation this morning! That's awesome and moves the totals to 37 donations and a grand total of $1781.00 from the AGS crowd! You guys ROCK!
If you can coerce some other William & Mary grads to donate and get you guys to the $200.00 mark, I'll be happy to rock the green and gold around the course! ;)
September 20th, 2012, 08:47 AM
Wow, Bojeta hit me with another donation today, to move things to 38 donations ant a grand total of $1806.00....
TheRev's only got $194.00 to go to get me in the O ****! I mean, the O Shirt! ;) I tell ya, the things I do for good causes!! ;)
Seriously, thanks for the support Bojeta, you ROCK!
September 20th, 2012, 02:16 PM
Ursus, man, you rock! Thanks for your SECOND donation today which puts the totals at 39 Donations totalling $ $94.00 is all it would take to get me in the O-shirt!...
Also, thank you for featuring the ride prominently and listing all the ride donors as AGS donors...That's incredibly cool!
You Sir, are a class act!
September 20th, 2012, 02:46 PM so close...
Thanks everyone for supporting this.
September 20th, 2012, 08:41 PM
One of my former account managers donated 100 bucks. I'm waiting on the confirmation bit that should put us at 2006 dollars
ursus arctos horribilis
September 20th, 2012, 09:14 PM
September 20th, 2012, 09:52 PM
Yep. Got the confirmation on Facebook. We reached 2k, but let's see how much further we can go
Think of it this way: FPC has raised near 7k for his ride; we were 30 percent of that push
September 20th, 2012, 09:53 PM
And once again, thank you!!!!!!
Everyone who donated, you are much appreciated
ursus arctos horribilis
September 21st, 2012, 01:47 PM
Last day to have a chance at the bike correct? Any new blood show up on this thing? AGS has been pretty slow the last couple of days compared to the begining of the week but wanted to check anyway.
September 21st, 2012, 03:29 PM
I'm on the road today and headed to the fundraiser where we have a CPA who's going to draw the bike winner. The bike contest closed down at 2 pm EST....we'll know sometime around 9 EST tonight who the winner is and I'll post it on FB for sure and I'll try to get it up here...
THANK YOU to everybody who's donated so far. The Rev met the challenge with a few bucks to spare!
Yesterday might well have been the best day of Fundraising all year for the ride....I several donations from AGS and I apologize for not having complete totals, but last night as I was driving to Atlanta I got a $1000.00 donation from a McNeese player's dad, in honor of the young man's mother, who succumbed to cancer years ago...I'm just under $7 k right now, with three weeks till the ride....Last year, I raised a total of $8k, so I'm gonna push and see if I can hit 10k this year....last year's big gun came out swinging yesterday and had a $1900.00 day. Of course, with you guys and Mr. Ellefsen, I had a $1600 day and I still have a 5k lead...I don't expect that to stand...the same guy raised 14k last year and previously raised 41K for an American Cancer fundraiser a few years ago! So...
I'm hoping I can finish in the top three again...
Seriously, thank you to everbody, especially TheRev for making the challenge and to you, Ursus, for keeping this prominently displayed!
You guys rock!
September 25th, 2012, 06:25 AM
I'm happy to report that one of my donors won the bike this year....Susan Williams Hartzog, from the Montgomery, Alabama area. She was a multiple donor to the cause this year, hitting me and another teammate a few times. I'm bummed that one of my larger donors (Rev, I'm looking at you) didn't win, but I'm happy for Susan. It's kinda cool since I donated the bike back to the team and she was actually my FIRST donor this year! Things sorta came full circle, but - I'm happy to report that we had a CPA firm handle sorting the donation data and pulling her name, literally from the hat....
All in all, we raised $14k during the bike contest, so I'm really happy about that...
You guys have been amazing! AGS posters contribued just under $2100.00...
Ursus, if you've got an AGS tee shirt, I'd love to wear it on the ride...
I still need Montana and App State Shirts...
I'm late getting back from Atlanta, so I apologize for not having more precise number...
I'm going to try to post a list of the donations, by school, this week...
Thanks again!
Thank you again to everybody who donated!
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