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Professor Chaos
September 11th, 2012, 11:23 AM
About 50% of people dont vote at all. If you put 100 names straight out of the phone book, 50 of those likely wont show up, but the people that put forward those measures, Marijuana and the environment, will show up disproportionally BECAUSE those measures are on the ballot, unless, advertisements and news stories stir up an anti- movement.

Like you say, just an opinion, and how I see it.
It wouldn't change the outcome is what I'm saying. If there wasn't enough support statewide for those measure to pass they wouldn't pass in the general election. Whether they got on the ballot legitimately or not they would still have to get enough support to pass in the general election.

Again, I'm not trying to makes excuses. What they did was wrong and they deserve punishment from the state, I'm just saying that it's getting blown out of proportion.

According to KFGO radio...Atty General Wayne Stenjeum and Sec of State Al Jaeger are now thinking of raising the penalty of this type of crime. If they did it would not affect this case but future incidents.

Darrel, I think you're going to be disappointed when you see the penalties these guys get from the courts. I could be wrong, but I don't think it'll amount to anything more than a small fine and unsupervised probation.

September 11th, 2012, 11:28 AM
It wouldn't change the outcome is what I'm saying. If there wasn't enough support statewide for those measure to pass they wouldn't pass in the general election. Whether they got on the ballot legitimately or not they would still have to get enough support to pass in the general election.

Again, I'm not trying to makes excuses. What they did was wrong and they deserve punishment from the state, I'm just saying that it's getting blown out of proportion.

Darrel, I think you're going to be disappointed when you see the penalties these guys get from the courts. I could be wrong, but I don't think it'll amount to anything more than a small fine and unsupervised probation.

This I agree with. It's not like they were trying to skew the results so that these petitions were sure to be passed. They were skewing results so that the state would have the chance to put it up to vote, which would still require statewide support. I'm not trying to make excuses and I definitely feel bad for those whose hard work was literally thrown in the trash, but this is being made out to be a much bigger deal in the overall scheme of things.

I too think their punishment will be very low, but I think they will at least get a few hours of community service.

September 11th, 2012, 11:37 AM
No, because people who are bothered by circulators make up names. You are confusing invalid signatures and forged signatures signed by people be asked, with ones copied out of the phone book. If I signed a signature john smith on one of those petitions it is forged, but not by the circulator.
Definitely a difference, and many of the signatures that got thrown out were probably voter eligibility issues, but as to the bold statement, why even bother? Just don't sign at all.

September 11th, 2012, 11:45 AM
Definitely a difference, and many of the signatures that got thrown out were probably voter eligibility issues, but as to the bold statement, why even bother? Just don't sign at all.

And that's another thing that needs clarification. Voter Eligibility. These players were certainly standing in busy parts of campus asking for signatures and something like 40% of NDSU students are from MN, likely still claiming citizenship there. These people would not be eligible to sign the petition and their signatures would be thrown out. Granted, there is no way that 20,000 signatures could be obtained this way, but it still has to count for a good chunk!

Note that I am a MN citizen/NDSU student who just found out that you can't sign a petition unless you are a citizen of the state affected, regardless of whether or not you have lived in that state for going on 4 years now...

September 11th, 2012, 11:58 AM
i've lived in texas for almost 5 years and still claim to be from Iowa...still illegal :)

September 11th, 2012, 12:25 PM
Definitely a difference, and many of the signatures that got thrown out were probably voter eligibility issues, but as to the bold statement, why even bother? Just don't sign at all.

Mentality difference between georgia and north dakota?

We aren't constantly hassled by homeless people. When you aren't constantly attacked you don't learn how to tell people to **** off.

Today while walking to class, I accepted a PETA pamphlet about the butcher of animals just to throw it in the trash 3 steps away from the guy. Why? Because I avoided confrontation that way.

September 11th, 2012, 12:34 PM
Mentality difference between georgia and north dakota?

We aren't constantly hassled by homeless people. When you aren't constantly attacked you don't learn how to tell people to **** off.

Today while walking to class, I accepted a PETA pamphlet about the butcher of animals just to throw it in the trash 3 steps away from the guy. Why? Because I avoided confrontation that way.
Not sure where that came from, I'm a college student and people try to hand out stuff and/or tell you about their organizations, etc on campus and off all the time. All it takes is a simple no thank you around here. No need to be a dick to people trying to spread their cause.

September 11th, 2012, 01:56 PM
Guys, let me just save you the trouble in the first place.

Petitions are bull___ and your cause doesn't deserve to be made into law if you need a petition in order to get policy makers to pay attention to it.

September 11th, 2012, 02:03 PM
We all know how you feel about petitions. Yay politicians, boo citizens. We get it.

September 11th, 2012, 02:06 PM
We all know how you feel about petitions. Yay politicians, boo citizens. We get it.

Politicians are fundamentally beholden to citizens. Therefore: yay citizens.

September 11th, 2012, 02:11 PM
Guys, let me just save you the trouble in the first place.

Petitions are bull___ and your cause doesn't deserve to be made into law if you need a petition in order to get policy makers to pay attention to it.

I disagree. Putting a cause up to vote costs money (ink and paper/administrative work), so a petition verifies that there is enough interest to make the effort worthwhile.

Regardless, that doesn't make what happened right and has no relevance to the situation being discussed. /topic of petition relevance

September 11th, 2012, 02:44 PM
I disagree. Putting a cause up to vote costs money (ink and paper/administrative work), so a petition verifies that there is enough interest to make the effort worthwhile.

Regardless, that doesn't make what happened right and has no relevance to the situation being discussed. /topic of petition relevance

Of course it's relevant. Otherwise they would not be charged with a fraud of any kind.

September 11th, 2012, 02:45 PM
Politicians are fundamentally beholden to citizens. Therefore: yay citizens.
Key word: fundamentally. What should be and what actually happens are two different things.

September 11th, 2012, 02:47 PM
Key word: fundamentally. What should be and what actually happens are two different things.

Fundamentally as in they fundamentally are. If a politician doesn't do the right thing, vote them out. Simple as that.

If not enough people agree that what you think is the wrong thing is actually the wrong thing, then your viewpoint loses. Learning to deal with that is a part of life. You don't get to be a sore loser and waste people's time with petitions.

September 11th, 2012, 02:47 PM
It wouldn't change the outcome is what I'm saying. If there wasn't enough support statewide for those measure to pass they wouldn't pass in the general election. Whether they got on the ballot legitimately or not they would still have to get enough support to pass in the general election.

Again, I'm not trying to makes excuses. What they did was wrong and they deserve punishment from the state, I'm just saying that it's getting blown out of proportion.

Darrel, I think you're going to be disappointed when you see the penalties these guys get from the courts. I could be wrong, but I don't think it'll amount to anything more than a small fine and unsupervised probation.

Read post #228. I already said jail was harsh and a fine and community service was fine for first time offenders but the ones who have repeated offenses they should be given the max, and I put the link up because your AD said this is no big deal, well to the NDAG and the Sec of State its a big deal that they are going to try to up the penalty of this thing so no one does this in the future.

September 11th, 2012, 05:27 PM
Purely for the sake of discussion (and without condoning what the players did), doesn't anyone else think that if they had to fake so many signatures on the petitions that they probably weren't going to meet the necessary number anyway?

I think that it would have been no problem getting the required signatures.

September 11th, 2012, 05:35 PM
Of course it's relevant. Otherwise they would not be charged with a fraud of any kind.

Our thoughts about whether or not "Petitions are bull___" are completely irrelevant to the players' charges...

September 11th, 2012, 05:57 PM
I am still wondering if what I heard is correct that there are a large number of individuals that were not charged even though there was evidence that they also were involved. From what I have heard all those not charged are not affiliated with NDSU ... if this is correct than I am plenty pissed.

September 11th, 2012, 06:22 PM
Not sure where that came from, I'm a college student and people try to hand out stuff and/or tell you about their organizations, etc on campus and off all the time. All it takes is a simple no thank you around here. No need to be a dick to people trying to spread their cause.

Except the people we are talking about were more than likely not on campus, they were downtown during bar close. As fargo has huge foot traffic in that area at that time and pretty much only in that area and at that time. Lots of those people, also never spent a single day on a college campus so I am not exactly sure as to what you are getting at?

September 11th, 2012, 06:41 PM
Not sure where that came from, I'm a college student and people try to hand out stuff and/or tell you about their organizations, etc on campus and off all the time. All it takes is a simple no thank you around here. No need to be a dick to people trying to spread their cause.
I don't think he necessarily meant that you either have to tell them to **** off or take whatever they're handing out, but I still think he makes a valid point that there is a difference in mentality/culture. I think a lot of people from the Fargo/Moorhead area (and ND) feel it is rude to not take whatever the people are handing out. Therefore, they would rather just take whatever it is the person is handing out than tell them no. At least the person handing out the stuff feels like they accomplished something that way.

Professor Chaos
September 11th, 2012, 06:46 PM
I don't think he necessarily meant that you either have to tell them to **** off or take whatever they're handing out, but I still he makes a valid point that there is a difference in mentality/culture. I think a lot of people from the Fargo/Moorhead area (and ND) feel it is rude to not take whatever the people are handing out. Therefore, they would rather just take whatever it is the person is handing out than tell them no. At least the person handing out the stuff feels like they accomplished something that way.
Yup, every time I walk down the Vegas strip I end up with about 250 new cards in my pockets by the end of the night :D

September 11th, 2012, 07:03 PM
Our thoughts about whether or not "Petitions are bull___" are completely irrelevant to the players' charges...

It's absolutely relevant. If petitions didn't matter legally then there would be no charges filed in the first place for forging the signatures.

September 11th, 2012, 07:14 PM
It's absolutely relevant. If petitions didn't matter legally then there would be no charges filed in the first place for forging the signatures.

Mpls, please GET A LIFE and stop trying to be the AG.You remind me of a nerd that has nothing better to do than troll NDSU. Liberals suck,have taken this country down,and you fit right in!Your whining and excuses are a pathetic example of what is wrong with this country. SHUT THE F##K up xbawlingx

September 11th, 2012, 07:18 PM
Mpls, please GET A LIFE and stop trying to be the AG.You remind me of a nerd that has nothing better to do than troll NDSU. Liberals suck,have taken this country down,and you fit right in!Your whining and excuses are a pathetic example of what is wrong with this country. SHUT THE F##K up xbawlingx

No. I won't.

Suck on that. If it really bothers you, I suggest you don't read the posts (there is an ignore feature) or better yet don't even post in the thread.

September 11th, 2012, 08:04 PM
Except the people we are talking about were more than likely not on campus, they were downtown during bar close. As fargo has huge foot traffic in that area at that time and pretty much only in that area and at that time. Lots of those people, also never spent a single day on a college campus so I am not exactly sure as to what you are getting at?
Just didn't know where the
We aren't constantly harassed by homeless people so we never learn to tell them to **** off came from and what it meant in the context.

September 11th, 2012, 09:14 PM
Just didn't know where the came from and what it meant in the context.

Somethings you must not know. North Dakota's biggest city is 105,000. We have cold winters, really cold, deadly cold.

We don't have an Atlanta. You can walk in downtown Fargo at night and there are no homeless black people begging for money. We don't deal with that sort of thing, it makes a lack of defense for it. Lots of North Dakotan's never experience that a single time in their entire lives.

This petition didn't only happen at NDSU, it also didn't only happen in Fargo. You are pleading alot of ignorance after seeming so knowledgable earlier in the thread.

September 11th, 2012, 09:40 PM
Somethings you must not know. North Dakota's biggest city is 105,000. We have cold winters, really cold, deadly cold.

We don't have an Atlanta. You can walk in downtown Fargo at night and there are no homeless black people begging for money. We don't deal with that sort of thing, it makes a lack of defense for it. Lots of North Dakotan's never experience that a single time in their entire lives.

This petition didn't only happen at NDSU, it also didn't only happen in Fargo. You are pleading alot of ignorance after seeming so knowledgable earlier in the thread.

See here's where I lost you, Atlanta is not like Georgia. It is it's own special place within Georgia because there's nowhere else like it in the state. So where I come from, I didn't understand the point you were getting at because we don't deal with it either. Just as you can't deem a whole schools fanbase to be crap because of one asshole, don't deem an entire state to be bad because of an asshole city. Wasn't trying to come across confrontational, I just didn't realize you were referring to Georgia based on the premise that we all act like people from Atlanta. That being said, there's plenty of nice folks in Atlanta too, just a lot of scum as well.

September 12th, 2012, 01:24 AM
And that's another thing that needs clarification. Voter Eligibility. These players were certainly standing in busy parts of campus asking for signatures and something like 40% of NDSU students are from MN, likely still claiming citizenship there. These people would not be eligible to sign the petition and their signatures would be thrown out. Granted, there is no way that 20,000 signatures could be obtained this way, but it still has to count for a good chunk!

Note that I am a MN citizen/NDSU student who just found out that you can't sign a petition unless you are a citizen of the state affected, regardless of whether or not you have lived in that state for going on 4 years now...

North Dakota does not have voter registration so a person can vote if they've lived in ND for at least 30 days. I imagine the same rule applies for petitions.

September 12th, 2012, 08:26 AM
North Dakota does not have voter registration so a person can vote if they've lived in ND for at least 30 days. I imagine the same rule applies for petitions.
Even if you still claim residency in another state?

September 12th, 2012, 08:55 AM
Even if you still claim residency in another state?

No, if that were the case you could vote multiple times in an election. Esp, in Fargo or Grand Forks. You could vote in Fargo then ten minutes later in Moorhead.

September 12th, 2012, 10:49 AM
Mpls, please GET A LIFE and stop trying to be the AG.You remind me of a nerd that has nothing better to do than troll NDSU. Liberals suck,have taken this country down,and you fit right in!Your whining and excuses are a pathetic example of what is wrong with this country. SHUT THE F##K up xbawlingx

I have him on ignore, he's the only poster here that I've had to do that to but unfortunately when someone quotes him his stupidity shows up again. But would like to nominate your post as post of the year on AGS. Well said.

September 12th, 2012, 10:53 AM
I'm the only person in all of AGS who can get to BisonBacker and push his buttons so badly that it makes him curl up into a fetal position.

Damn, I'm just that good.

September 12th, 2012, 05:35 PM

Well sounds like the fat lady may not have sung after all. Probably some pissed off politicians are breathing fire and trying to put pressure on the president. Be interesting to see what ultimately comes of the "institutional review".

Bison Fan in NW MN
September 12th, 2012, 07:47 PM

Well sounds like the fat lady may not have sung after all. Probably some pissed off politicians are breathing fire and trying to put pressure on the president. Be interesting to see what ultimately comes of the "institutional review".

What politicians? I doubt it.

Probation is probably all that will come of this.

Bison Fan in NW MN
September 12th, 2012, 07:50 PM
I'm the only person in all of AGS who can get to BisonBacker and push his buttons so badly that it makes him curl up into a fetal position.

Damn, I'm just that good.

BB is a good poster, I cannot blame him for putting you on ignore. IMO, you are a UND fan....right?

September 12th, 2012, 07:52 PM

Well sounds like the fat lady may not have sung after all. Probably some pissed off politicians are breathing fire and trying to put pressure on the president. Be interesting to see what ultimately comes of the "institutional review".

Reading political pressure into this is a big stretch. The fact is there was always going to be discipline through the university and if the media would not have made such a big deal about it no one would have ever known. It would have been between the school and the student.

September 13th, 2012, 07:15 AM
What politicians? I doubt it.

Probation is probably all that will come of this.

The article has nothing to do with legal penalties. It's talking about NDSU institutional penalties that the student athletes could face. Bohl and Taylor were dismissive after the CSU game and now the president of the university is directly conflicting them and saying "whoa just a second...not until I say so".

Pretty obvious to me there were pissed off politicians who are mad about the petitions failing and even more mad that the coach and athletic director are blabbing that the players are going to get off scot-free. Probably sent some nasty emails to the Prez and he had to publicly respond accordingly.

That's my take, anyway.

September 13th, 2012, 07:15 AM
BB is a good poster, I cannot blame him for putting you on ignore. IMO, you are a UND fan....right?

Absolutely. So long as they're not playing NDSU.

September 13th, 2012, 07:15 AM
Reading political pressure into this is a big stretch. The fact is there was always going to be discipline through the university and if the media would not have made such a big deal about it no one would have ever known. It would have been between the school and the student.

That's not what Bohl and Taylor were shouting to anyone who would listen after the CSU game. NDSU's prez basically just reprimanded them publicly.

September 13th, 2012, 08:09 AM
What politicians? I doubt it.

Probation is probably all that will come of this.

Most likely probation or community service will be the punishment for first offenders (I can't see jail time for them), however for repeat offenders they may get a more stiffer penalty. I think this has more to do with GT telling the media "this is no big deal". Voter fraud just one class below a felony is a big deal, and NDSU's president isn't going to make light of this but at the same time is letting GT and Craig Bohl determine punishment on the football field (if there is any).

September 13th, 2012, 08:14 AM
New article in the Forum this morning talking about if ND will make petition fraud a felony, also gives a nice timeline at the bottom. http://www.inforum.com/event/article/id/374156/

Do other states consider petition fraud to be a felony? I can't believe that. What a friggin' joke.

Voter fraud I absolutely understand. Petitions don't mean anything.

September 13th, 2012, 08:30 AM
i've lived in texas for almost 5 years and still claim to be from Iowa...still illegal :)

I'm impressed that you've pulled that off for 5 years, given how pissy Texas is if you live here and don't have a Texas drivers license.

Professor Chaos
September 13th, 2012, 09:28 AM
The article has nothing to do with legal penalties. It's talking about NDSU institutional penalties that the student athletes could face. Bohl and Taylor were dismissive after the CSU game and now the president of the university is directly conflicting them and saying "whoa just a second...not until I say so".

Pretty obvious to me there were pissed off politicians who are mad about the petitions failing and even more mad that the coach and athletic director are blabbing that the players are going to get off scot-free. Probably sent some nasty emails to the Prez and he had to publicly respond accordingly.

That's my take, anyway.

That's not what Bohl and Taylor were shouting to anyone who would listen after the CSU game. NDSU's prez basically just reprimanded them publicly.
You need to re-listen to Taylor's interview after the CSU game and Bohl's press conference Monday morning. They never said anything about these guys getting off easy in terms of the football team's punishment, the university's punishment, or the court system's punishment. What they said was that there will be no suspension as part of the football team's punishment. Bohl even went out of his way during the Monday press conference saying that all these guys have a whole different process they need to go through as students in terms of discipline.

Taylor was more demonstrative in his declaration that the players had been vilified and such and I think he probably regrets that wording but he never said anything about punishment or lack thereof except for saying that suspension from the football team is off the table and that their punishment, from the athletic department, is over.

September 13th, 2012, 10:12 AM
I'm impressed that you've pulled that off for 5 years, given how pissy Texas is if you live here and don't have a Texas drivers license.

A friend of mine lived in South Oak Cliff for 7 years and stayed a ND resident, he now lives in amarillo, still a ND resident. It sure makes all the tolls alot cheaper in Dallas. :)

September 13th, 2012, 10:14 AM
You need to re-listen to Taylor's interview after the CSU game and Bohl's press conference Monday morning. They never said anything about these guys getting off easy in terms of the football team's punishment, the university's punishment, or the court system's punishment. What they said was that there will be no suspension as part of the football team's punishment. Bohl even went out of his way during the Monday press conference saying that all these guys have a whole different process they need to go through as students in terms of discipline.

Taylor was more demonstrative in his declaration that the players had been vilified and such and I think he probably regrets that wording but he never said anything about punishment or lack thereof except for saying that suspension from the football team is off the table and that their punishment, from the athletic department, is over.

Good post, good clarification.

I think you will agree to some extent the Prez was taking some startch out of Taylor's comments, if you will. There are higher up people in ND upset over what happened and probably wanted the players made an example out of, who aren't going to get their wish.

September 13th, 2012, 10:21 AM
A friend of mine lived in South Oak Cliff for 7 years and stayed a ND resident, he now lives in amarillo, still a ND resident. It sure makes all the tolls alot cheaper in Dallas. :)

haha..the tolls are already cheap enough in Dallas. I was there last weekend and was like "23 cents..really?!? It's 1.75 in Houston"

September 13th, 2012, 10:34 AM
haha..the tolls are already cheap enough in Dallas. I was there last weekend and was like "23 cents..really?!? It's 1.75 in Houston"

The roads we drove from Plano to downtown were something like 3.50 one way. A 7 dollar commute on top of gas adds up each day, especially when tolls don't exist in ND :p.

September 13th, 2012, 10:51 AM
haha..the tolls are already cheap enough in Dallas. I was there last weekend and was like "23 cents..really?!? It's 1.75 in Houston"

That's cheaper than the toll bridge in Fargo (yes Fargo has a toll bridge).

September 13th, 2012, 11:13 AM
The roads we drove from Plano to downtown were something like 3.50 one way. A 7 dollar commute on top of gas adds up each day, especially when tolls don't exist in ND :p.

It depends on the time of day, I guess. We were on the DNT this past weekend and it was ridiculously cheap..but when I went to Frisco for the NC they were higher..so.eh..

September 13th, 2012, 11:17 AM
That's cheaper than the toll bridge in Fargo (yes Fargo has a toll bridge).
Yeah...and I found it last year....****ing pissed.

September 13th, 2012, 11:19 AM
Isn't that the bridge that goes from north Fargo over to north Moorhead? Why on earth would you take that?

NoDak 4 Ever
September 13th, 2012, 11:30 AM
Isn't that the bridge that goes from north Fargo over to north Moorhead? Why on earth would you take that?

It's possible if you just keep driving east on 12th avenue from campus, you might hit it. That's a long way but plausible.

September 13th, 2012, 11:49 AM
Isn't that the bridge that goes from north Fargo over to north Moorhead? Why on earth would you take that?
Never been to Fargo...driving around for the sake of driving...getting slightly lost because the GPS decides to **** up.

September 13th, 2012, 11:54 AM
Heh...can anyone picture clenz as Steve Buscemi in the movie Fargo talking to a little old lady that mans the toll booth on the north Fargo toll bridge?

"Oh yeah...hey, I'm from outta town here...just driving around, didn't know area - didn't realize this was a toll bridge!"

"Welcome to Fargo! I'm sure sorry sir, but I gotta charge you the fair to pass over the bridge."

"...y'know, can't I just go over and turn around? ... I didn't know it was a toll bridge....my GPS y'know..."

"I'm sure sorry sir. But I have to charge the toll"

".........you must think you're some kind of authority figure. What that f___k'n uniform....yeah.....real big time f____k'n authority...."

"oh dear!"

September 13th, 2012, 11:57 AM
Somethings you must not know. North Dakota's biggest city is 105,000. We have cold winters, really cold, deadly cold.

We don't have an Atlanta. You can walk in downtown Fargo at night and there are no homeless black people begging for money. We don't deal with that sort of thing, it makes a lack of defense for it. Lots of North Dakotan's never experience that a single time in their entire lives.

This petition didn't only happen at NDSU, it also didn't only happen in Fargo. You are pleading alot of ignorance after seeming so knowledgable earlier in the thread.

Lulz let's be real here... I had a man approach me at Don's Carwash on 13th who told me he was homeless and was trying to get to Grand Forks and needed money for gas. Naturally, I told him to go to the Salvation Army so they can help him (I truely just spent all my money on a car wash... but I wouldn't of given him any either way as I'm probably just as broke being in college...) and he told me to go ***** myself. Lololololol. To say that the beggers and such don't exist in Fargo is dumb, but they are definitely not as bad as in other metro areas around the country.

I would like to note that it is interesting how he was trying to get to Grand Forks... hahaha

September 13th, 2012, 01:29 PM
Lulz let's be real here... I had a man approach me at Don's Carwash on 13th who told me he was homeless and was trying to get to Grand Forks and needed money for gas. Naturally, I told him to go to the Salvation Army so they can help him (I truely just spent all my money on a car wash... but I wouldn't of given him any either way as I'm probably just as broke being in college...) and he told me to go ***** myself. Lololololol. To say that the beggers and such don't exist in Fargo is dumb, but they are definitely not as bad as in other metro areas around the country.

I would like to note that it is interesting how he was trying to get to Grand Forks... hahaha

I have been approached for money in Denver, Dallas, Los Angeles, San Diego, Chicago, Minneapolis and Kansas City but never in Fargo, all cities I have done considerable walking in. The closest I have ever seen in Fargo is someone holding a cardboard sign asking for money, which only happens in the summer. I have never been hassled approached or even had a word uttered in my direction, that I am aware of, by any of the sign holders in Fargo.

I would say your experience was very much the exception and not the rule when pertaining to North Dakota. I also have never been asked for money in Winnipeg which I find a little strange.

sgt smash
September 17th, 2012, 09:46 PM
So today I was driving up 18th St right where 19th Ave intersects and who did I see? Coach Bohl out for a run. He was all decked iut in Bison gear. Unfortunately for him he neglected to cross at a crosswalk. I am pretty sure there was a Forum photographer close by (or maybe it was Darrell). Case and point: this lawless bunch of heathens needs to be stopped! I mean really. It all starts with petition fraud and minors. Next thing you know even the coach is jaywalking! Next its gonna be parking tickets. Thwn on to the serious stuff like failing to signal and maybe even the henious crime of double parking. If it gets that far, i may just withdraw my unwavering support of NDSU Athletics. If the Forum doesnt make a big deal out of Coach Bohl not properly utilizing crosswalks i will write a letter to the editor.

September 17th, 2012, 09:54 PM
So today I was driving up 18th St right where 19th Ave intersects and who did I see? Coach Bohl out for a run. He was all decked iut in Bison gear. Unfortunately for him he neglected to cross at a crosswalk. I am pretty sure there was a Forum photographer close by (or maybe it was Darrell). Case and point: this lawless bunch of heathens needs to be stopped! I mean really. It all starts with petition fraud and minors. Next thing you know even the coach is jaywalking! Next its gonna be parking tickets. Thwn on to the serious stuff like failing to signal and maybe even the henious crime of double parking. If it gets that far, i may just withdraw my unwavering support of NDSU Athletics. If the Forum doesnt make a big deal out of Coach Bohl not properly utilizing crosswalks i will write a letter to the editor.

If you include why NDSU should quit screwing around and just play UND on their terms already, I gurantee it will be published.

sgt smash
September 17th, 2012, 10:16 PM
If you include why NDSU should quit screwing around and just play UND on their terms already, I gurantee it will be published.

Oh yeah. Forgot that. I dont know why because I am sure there was another letter to the editor today about it.

September 17th, 2012, 10:29 PM
So today I was driving up 18th St right where 19th Ave intersects and who did I see? Coach Bohl out for a run. He was all decked iut in Bison gear. Unfortunately for him he neglected to cross at a crosswalk. I am pretty sure there was a Forum photographer close by (or maybe it was Darrell). Case and point: this lawless bunch of heathens needs to be stopped! I mean really. It all starts with petition fraud and minors. Next thing you know even the coach is jaywalking! Next its gonna be parking tickets. Thwn on to the serious stuff like failing to signal and maybe even the henious crime of double parking. If it gets that far, i may just withdraw my unwavering support of NDSU Athletics. If the Forum doesnt make a big deal out of Coach Bohl not properly utilizing crosswalks i will write a letter to the editor.

Well Fargo PD did have a crackdown over the summer about jaywalking downtown so if Bohl got caught jaywalking up by the airport that would make for some funny reading news. BTW I drive past that intersection everyday on my way to and from work so I wished I could have seen Bohl jaywalking.

September 17th, 2012, 10:38 PM
I have been approached for money in Denver, Dallas, Los Angeles, San Diego, Chicago, Minneapolis and Kansas City but never in Fargo, all cities I have done considerable walking in. The closest I have ever seen in Fargo is someone holding a cardboard sign asking for money, which only happens in the summer. I have never been hassled approached or even had a word uttered in my direction, that I am aware of, by any of the sign holders in Fargo.

I would say your experience was very much the exception and not the rule when pertaining to North Dakota. I also have never been asked for money in Winnipeg which I find a little strange.

I've never been approached for money here, but I've seen a sign holder go bats**t. I was on my way to a softball game at Anderson, and as I got off the interstate and stopped at the light, this guy sat there with a sign. After me not doing anything, the guy threw down his sign and kicked his bag and yelled "fine! I don't want any ****ing money!" I was a little worried he was going to knock my window out or throw something at my car. Also, I've encountered multiple homeless when downtown at night. They usually just people-watch, but a few of them will get a little bit*hy on occasion. It's not like the city is completely absent of it.

September 17th, 2012, 11:10 PM
I have been approached for money in Denver, Dallas, Los Angeles, San Diego, Chicago, Minneapolis and Kansas City but never in Fargo, all cities I have done considerable walking in. The closest I have ever seen in Fargo is someone holding a cardboard sign asking for money, which only happens in the summer. I have never been hassled approached or even had a word uttered in my direction, that I am aware of, by any of the sign holders in Fargo.

I would say your experience was very much the exception and not the rule when pertaining to North Dakota. I also have never been asked for money in Winnipeg which I find a little strange.

Well if you are referring to the entire state, then yes this would be the exception. However, Fargo definitely has its homeless crowd. Granted, it's not like that of bigger metro areas (but for the size of Fargo, it's a sizable crowd).
And yes, they are definitely more prevalent over the summer rather than winter, for obvious reasons.

Also, I don't call those people asking for money on the street corners "homeless". For the most part, I have little pity for them. This past summer, I saw one walk off the corner of 13th and 45th and hop in a fairly nice SUV. The next day, he returned.

September 18th, 2012, 09:37 AM

UND has suspended its team captains – Andrew MacWilliam, Corban Knight, Danny Kristo and Carter Rowney – for the opening game of the season due to a team party held Saturday.

The season opener is Oct. 19 against Alaska Anchorage in the Brice Gold Rush in Fairbanks, Alaska.
“The behavior in this situation was unacceptable,” athletic director Brian Faison said. “Measures taken by the athletics department do not preclude possible additional measures by the department, or actions by the University, local or state authorities.”
“Recent actions by our team are not a good representation of our place as role models within our community,” UND coach Dave Hakstol said. “We have young men of high character in our locker room, but our players, and in particular our leaders, must be accountable for their actions.”

I think the pressure on NDSU has just grew big time. Media, fans, and people of ND sees UND suspending their players for a game at the school's #1 sport for partying, while NDSU issues no suspensions for their players for any games at the school's #1 sport for petition fraud (which in the future may become a felony).

September 18th, 2012, 09:45 AM

I think the pressure on NDSU has just grew big time. Media, fans, and people of ND sees UND suspending their players for a game at the school's #1 sport for partying, while NDSU issues no suspensions for their players for any games at the school's #1 sport for petition fraud (which in the future may become a felony).

Okay, but what exactly happened at this party that warranted this sort of action? Were they minors? Were they drinking and driving? The only thing you (we) know at this point in time is that it involved a party and alcohol, both of which are completely legal. Something else had to have happened to warrant suspensions.

September 18th, 2012, 09:47 AM

I think the pressure on NDSU has just grew big time. Media, fans, and people of ND sees UND suspending their players for a game at the school's #1 sport for partying, while NDSU issues no suspensions for their players for any games at the school's #1 sport for petition fraud (which in the future may become a felony).


When's it going to stop?

Professor Chaos
September 18th, 2012, 09:52 AM

I think the pressure on NDSU has just grew big time. Media, fans, and people of ND sees UND suspending their players for a game at the school's #1 sport for partying, while NDSU issues no suspensions for their players for any games at the school's #1 sport for petition fraud (which in the future may become a felony).
Alright, I'll take your word for it. xlolx

FWIW, the equivalent punishment of this for a football player would be to sit them for a quarter against Prairie View A&M. If you think that would make the media, fans, and people of (U)ND lighten up you're dreaming.

September 18th, 2012, 09:57 AM
Okay, but what exactly happened at this party that warranted this sort of action? Were they minors? Were they drinking and driving? The only thing you (we) know at this point in time is that it involved a party and alcohol, both of which are completely legal. Something else had to have happened to warrant suspensions.

Just a guess but alcohol is prohibited in residence halls so maybe they got caught?? I am sure what exactly happened will come out. But the punishment was quick by AD Brian Faison, also they are all seniors so I think they are all over 21 so MIP is not likely.

September 18th, 2012, 10:02 AM
In other news, the price of tea in China is going up

September 18th, 2012, 10:03 AM
Alright, I'll take your word for it. xlolx

FWIW, the equivalent punishment of this for a football player would be to sit them for a quarter against Prairie View A&M. If you think that would make the media, fans, and people of (U)ND lighten up you're dreaming.

Glad you are laughing...I know a president at NDSU who isn't going to be. Its all over facebook, the news and pretty soon Dom Izzo or Jeff Kopack will be knocking on GT's or Breschanti's door wanting a comment.

September 18th, 2012, 10:03 AM
In other news, the price of tea in China is going up


Professor Chaos
September 18th, 2012, 11:00 AM
Glad you are laughing...I know a president at NDSU who isn't going to be. Its all over facebook, the news and pretty soon Dom Izzo or Jeff Kopack will be knocking on GT's or Breschanti's door wanting a comment.
Bresciani will say no comment due to student privacy laws. Taylor will say that he has already made all the comments he's going to regarding the athletic department's discipline.

There you go, I saved you from reading the daily story (or non-story) about this in the paper every day. You're welcome for the extra time.

September 18th, 2012, 11:09 AM

I think the pressure on NDSU has just grew big time. Media, fans, and people of ND sees UND suspending their players for a game at the school's #1 sport for partying, while NDSU issues no suspensions for their players for any games at the school's #1 sport for petition fraud (which in the future may become a felony).

UND Hockey is soo awesome. I'm so glad that they were brought up on this thread. I was just thinking to myself - what this thread about NDSU football on a national FCS football message board really needs is some HOCKEY talk!!!!

UND is the best team in teh country - EVAR!!!! They skate so fast and make lots of goals.

(In all honesty, I can't wait until the college hockey season starts in two weeks and the number of UND football fans falls in half (from six to three. Don' worry Darrell, we know you'll be posting all year long.)

September 18th, 2012, 11:24 AM
UND Hockey is soo awesome. I'm so glad that they were brought up on this thread. I was just thinking to myself - what this thread about NDSU football on a national FCS football message board really needs is some HOCKEY talk!!!!

UND is the best team in teh country - EVAR!!!! They skate so fast and make lots of goals.

(In all honesty, I can't wait until the college hockey season starts in two weeks and the number of UND football fans falls in half (from six to three. Don' worry Darrell, we know you'll be posting all year long.)

Yes I will.

September 18th, 2012, 11:34 AM
Yes I will.

I think grizzaholic had it right in another thread when he said your turning into a JBB type poster.

September 18th, 2012, 12:08 PM
Made me chuckle herd

September 18th, 2012, 12:19 PM

I think the pressure on NDSU has just grew big time. Media, fans, and people of ND sees UND suspending their players for a game at the school's #1 sport for partying, while NDSU issues no suspensions for their players for any games at the school's #1 sport for petition fraud (which in the future may become a felony).

Don't worry so much about NDSU. Bohl has been very good about discipline throughout the years. These NDSU kids are going through the courts and internal NDSU discipline procedures. I guarantee you they won't commit petion fraud ever again.

On the flip side I won't worry about UND hockey because I am sure the 1 game suspension of only the captains will prevent any future alchohol violations among the rest of the hockey team.

September 18th, 2012, 02:48 PM
I think grizzaholic had it right in another thread when he said your turning into a JBB type poster.

Someone else pointed out that grizzaholic needed to calm down and get the sand out of his vagina. I put the UND hockey story on here because this subject on Bisonville had UND dragged into it and of course it was UND hockey of all things. Well **** happens at UND hockey and this is how they take care of things.

September 18th, 2012, 03:12 PM
Someone else pointed out that grizzaholic needed to calm down and get the sand out of his vagina. I put the UND hockey story on here because this subject on Bisonville had UND dragged into it and of course it was UND hockey of all things. Well **** happens at UND hockey and this is how they take care of things.

This is Bisonville now?

September 18th, 2012, 03:12 PM
hey f#@!$#@d this is a football board go troll on sioux sports you will get a better following.

September 18th, 2012, 03:15 PM
chattownmocs of the midwest

September 18th, 2012, 03:35 PM
Someone else pointed out that grizzaholic needed to calm down and get the sand out of his vagina. I put the UND hockey story on here because this subject on Bisonville had UND dragged into it and of course it was UND hockey of all things. Well **** happens at UND hockey and this is how they take care of things.
I have plenty of things I would love to point out regarding "how they take care of things" regarding UND hockey, but I will refrain because this is a football forum. Very few people on this forum, if any (besides UND fans), care about hockey at all. Congratulations, UND has a better hockey team than NDSU. Now let's go back to discussing things related to this forum.

September 18th, 2012, 03:44 PM
I knew I would find something about UND hockey in this thread...post #202 by Frozennorth:
Jesus christ what would you do if you knew half the **** suhaki gets away with.

#220 by 344Johnson in response to the UND hockey comment:
His head would do an exorcism spin. The things I have heard from friends are disgusting. Darell doesn't quite understand the fact that A.) Grand Forks is more forgiving than Fargo, and B.) his beloved UND athletes are no different than ours except in the name on their jerseys.

So NDB I wasn't the one who brought UND hockey into this it was your Bison buddies about 100+ posts ago.

September 18th, 2012, 03:46 PM
I have plenty of things I would love to point out regarding "how they take care of things" regarding UND hockey, but I will refrain because this is a football forum. Very few people on this forum, if any (besides UND fans), care about hockey at all. Congratulations, UND has a better hockey team than NDSU. Now let's go back to discussing things related to this forum.

Obviously some NDSU fans decided to compare the problems with the NDSU football players to problems with UND hockey. Hey they brought it up not me.

September 18th, 2012, 03:53 PM
Obviously some NDSU fans decided to compare the problems with the NDSU football players to problems with UND hockey. Hey they brought it up not me.
Fine, then explain why the police in Grand Forks let the hockey players off without any charges? It sounds as though there were many hockey players under the age of 21 at the party drinking, and no one got charged with anything. Apparently that's how things are handled in Grand Forks. If you're a hockey player at UND, the police won't punish you. Also, if basically the entire team was at the party, why are only the captains being punished?

September 18th, 2012, 03:56 PM

September 18th, 2012, 03:58 PM

Is that the brain sound of your fanbase trying to come up with something nifty to slam me with.

September 18th, 2012, 03:59 PM
There was a tweet from someone in the Fargo media saying that GFPD did not respond to any calls regarding the hockey team. The cops can't charge anybody if they don't know about it. It is my understanding that a coach or someone in the athletic department found out and punished the captains for hosting a party for the entire team.

September 18th, 2012, 04:01 PM
Is that the brain sound of your fanbase trying to come up with something nifty to slam me with.

Nah Darrel I just know for you it's gotta be lonely being a UND football fan. I just wanted to make you feel at home just like you were at a UND football game complete with the same sounds!!!!

September 18th, 2012, 04:03 PM
Nah Darrel I just know for you it's gotta be lonely being a UND football fan. I just wanted to make you feel at home just like you were at a UND football game complete with the same sounds!!!!

So when UND wins a National Title in football I could say its lonely at the top.:D

September 18th, 2012, 04:07 PM
So when UND wins a National Title in football I could say its lonely at the top.:D

Only if you have found the Fountain of Youth. Otherwise I have a feeling you may be pushing up daisies before that ever happens :D

September 18th, 2012, 04:50 PM
There was a tweet from someone in the Fargo media saying that GFPD did not respond to any calls regarding the hockey team. The cops can't charge anybody if they don't know about it. It is my understanding that a coach or someone in the athletic department found out and punished the captains for hosting a party for the entire team.

Ah, so the coaches turned a blind eye to illegal activity. Sounds like a lack of institutional control.

September 18th, 2012, 04:55 PM
Ah, so the coaches turned a blind eye to illegal activity. Sounds like a lack of institutional control.

Where is the media outcry on this? Where is the public outrage on this? Where is the...Oh wait, forget it. Nobody cares.

September 18th, 2012, 05:27 PM
Ah, so the coaches turned a blind eye to illegal activity. Sounds like a lack of institutional control.

Who turned a blind eye? The 4 captains of the team were suspended for a regular season game.

September 18th, 2012, 05:43 PM
Is providing alcohol to minors a crime? www.valleynewslive.com has story about kids puking and falling down, hmm.

September 18th, 2012, 05:56 PM
Is providing alcohol to minors a crime? www.valleynewslive.com has story about kids puking and falling down, hmm.

It certainly is a crime. Class A Misdemeanor. Not that I care.


September 18th, 2012, 06:27 PM
It certainly is a crime. Class A Misdemeanor. Not that I care.


I think that should be changed to a felony.

September 18th, 2012, 06:37 PM
I think that should be changed to a felony.

Absolutely nothing more serious than providing alcohol to those not old enough to drink. One might say it is more dangerous(brain develops until age of 21) to provide alcohol to minors than dang near anything.

September 18th, 2012, 09:58 PM
I"m pretty sure the NCAA is indifferent about petition fraud other than the legal process, but I wonder if they might care about an athletic team hazing?

Edit: Nevermind. Answered my own question. The precedent has already been set- LINK (http://www.ncaa.com/news/lacrosse-women/article/2012-04-18/franklin-marshall-coach-dismissed)

Looks like UND's hockey coach should be fired and all of the players involved suspended from school.

September 18th, 2012, 10:19 PM
I"m pretty sure the NCAA is indifferent about petition fraud other than the legal process, but I wonder if they might care about an athletic team hazing?

Edit: Nevermind. Answered my own question. The precedent has already been set- LINK (http://www.ncaa.com/news/lacrosse-women/article/2012-04-18/franklin-marshall-coach-dismissed)

Looks like UND's hockey coach should be fired and all of the players involved suspended from school.

Why? Hakstol suspended the kids for a game which is more than Bohl did, then Faison came out and said there will be other "university" actions against them which is more than what Taylor did. So if anything Bohl should be fired and the 10 NDSU kids involved in the voter fraud suspended from school.

Professor Chaos
September 18th, 2012, 10:43 PM
Why? Hakstol suspended the kids for a game which is more than Bohl did, then Faison came out and said there will be other "university" actions against them which is more than what Taylor did. So if anything Bohl should be fired and the 10 NDSU kids involved in the voter fraud suspended from school.
All I know is that I, as a UND hockey outsider, feel so much better knowing that the self-righteous leadership of UND hockey suspended their captains for a game over this. Had they not I probably would've thrown a month long ****storm fit over it.

sgt smash
September 18th, 2012, 10:47 PM
Why? Hakstol suspended the kids for a game which is more than Bohl did, then Faison came out and said there will be other "university" actions against them which is more than what Taylor did. So if anything Bohl should be fired and the 10 NDSU kids involved in the voter fraud suspended from school.

Still mad about the jaywalking bro?

September 18th, 2012, 11:07 PM
Why? Hakstol suspended the kids for a game which is more than Bohl did, then Faison came out and said there will be other "university" actions against them which is more than what Taylor did. So if anything Bohl should be fired and the 10 NDSU kids involved in the voter fraud suspended from school.


September 18th, 2012, 11:13 PM

September 18th, 2012, 11:51 PM
I should've known better than to check in on this thread. A state of North Dakota circle jerk. Fascinating. xcoffeex

September 18th, 2012, 11:52 PM
I take that back. NDSU/UND Lakes/Darrell is more akin to two chicks one cup. xsmhx

September 19th, 2012, 12:03 AM
Eagle. Hes On ignore. But I still got you and BILL FETTE !

September 19th, 2012, 09:07 AM
I"m pretty sure the NCAA is indifferent about petition fraud other than the legal process, but I wonder if they might care about an athletic team hazing?

Edit: Nevermind. Answered my own question. The precedent has already been set- LINK (http://www.ncaa.com/news/lacrosse-women/article/2012-04-18/franklin-marshall-coach-dismissed)

Looks like UND's hockey coach should be fired and all of the players involved suspended from school.
Hazing is a serious issue. A volleyball team in New York recently cancelled the rest of their season this year due to allegations of hazing, and UND only suspends 4 players for a single game?

September 19th, 2012, 09:19 AM
Hazing is a serious issue. A volleyball team in New York recently cancelled the rest of their season this year due to allegations of hazing, and UND only suspends 4 players for a single game?

Which is the equivalent of maybe MAYBE one quarter of football at best. What a joke. Of course they are touting it as handling it the right way. Good for them they have gone from sweeping things under the rug to shaking a finger at wrongdoers up North. OH BOY!!!

September 19th, 2012, 09:24 AM
I should've known better than to check in on this thread. A state of North Dakota circle jerk. Fascinating. xcoffeex

No, it's more of a cluster****. The circle jerk is later. We'll get you on charter membership if you really want to join.

September 19th, 2012, 09:26 AM
OK, this probably won't work, but I'll try:

My fellow Bison fans, please, I'm begging you: Quit bumping this to the top of the board. You're getting played.

irony intended.

September 19th, 2012, 09:54 AM
OK, this probably won't work, but I'll try:

My fellow Bison fans, please, I'm begging you: Quit bumping this to the top of the board. You're getting played.

irony intended.

No Tony the media is the one playing NDSU and has been for years. Talking about it on a message board or Not talking about it isn't going to change the fact that the Fargo and Grand Forks media has an axe to grind with NDSU and has for years. Saying we shouldn't talk about it here is like trying to poke your finger into the proverbial dike thinking it will stop. It's not going to go away and no amount of ignoring it will change it.

September 19th, 2012, 11:22 AM
Hazing is a serious issue. A volleyball team in New York recently cancelled the rest of their season this year due to allegations of hazing, and UND only suspends 4 players for a single game?


When asked whether the situation was being investigated as a hazing incident, UND spokesman Jayson Hajdu said in a statement: “UND is continuing to gather information. If hazing has been involved, the university will take strong action.”

Keyword is "IF"

September 19th, 2012, 11:24 AM

Keyword is "IF"


September 19th, 2012, 11:32 AM

Keyword is "IF"

Whoa whoa whoa, a University waiting for due process and investigations to play out before handing out a long term punishment!? I think the program should be handed the death penalty and close shop forever. That seems like a reasonable solution.

Note that I think the coach knows a little something that we are not being told, otherwise they would not have jumped to suspension for drinking...

Anyway, this isn't football and is not about 8 Bison football players, so why is it here??

September 19th, 2012, 12:24 PM
Tony oh you mean this ? http://www.anygivensaturday.com/showthread.php?107297-Fargo-ANTI-NDSU-media-report-2012&highlight=fargo+media

I haven't updated this since this summer I'll start again TODAY ALONE 3 dang und stories in FARGO forum kolpack (writer for NDSU) must think he works at grand forks herald PLUS WDAY TV weekends has grand forks stuff now too pathetic !!

Kvly/kxjb Brian Shawn is und grad kvrr has und logo in sports booth.

Kfgo has a GM Heitkemp grad from und.


September 19th, 2012, 04:04 PM
Whoa whoa whoa, a University waiting for due process and investigations to play out before handing out a long term punishment!? I think the program should be handed the death penalty and close shop forever. That seems like a reasonable solution.

Note that I think the coach knows a little something that we are not being told, otherwise they would not have jumped to suspension for drinking...

Anyway, this isn't football and is not about 8 Bison football players, so why is it here??

Because Bison fans brought it up about 160 posts ago but will be glad to go back and talk about the players charged in this crime.


Grand Forks - When news came down Tuesday morning that four University of North Dakota hockey captains will be suspended for the regular-season opener due to a weekend team party, the public was quick to evoke the North Dakota-North Dakota State rivalry.

On the Internet and at the water cooler, the UND discipline was held in comparison to NDSU’s recent handling of a voter fraud charge among 10 Bison football players that has yet to yield a suspension or any disciplinary action.

NDSU lost its public relations battle when it blamed the media for the drawn-out coverage and was tight-lipped about exactly how the matter would be dealt with internally.

It’s the kind of transparency those who have been following the NDSU voter fraud coverage have been begging to see.

So when it comes to the public relations battle between these two universities, UND won this round – or maybe more accurately lost less.

September 19th, 2012, 04:07 PM
Tony oh you mean this ? http://www.anygivensaturday.com/showthread.php?107297-Fargo-ANTI-NDSU-media-report-2012&highlight=fargo+media

I haven't updated this since this summer I'll start again TODAY ALONE 3 dang und stories in FARGO forum kolpack (writer for NDSU) must think he works at grand forks herald PLUS WDAY TV weekends has grand forks stuff now too pathetic !!

Kvly/kxjb Brian Shawn is und grad kvrr has und logo in sports booth.

Kfgo has a GM Heitkemp grad from und.


KFGO is no longer part of Radio Fargo-Moorhead. They were bought out (just awaiting approval).


September 19th, 2012, 04:20 PM
KFGO is no longer part of Radio Fargo-Moorhead. They were bought out (just awaiting approval).


If only this could somehow translate into lakes being transferred to some country that does not have internet access.

September 20th, 2012, 12:34 AM
MPLsioux. U are far worse then me. Will we see you on Saturday in Fargo ?

U can tailgate with my people. Warren holloway and dj mcnorton will be hanging with their rings, u can have a pic with them!

This is my invitation for you to show your true colors, do u post as gabe on bisonville

September 20th, 2012, 07:51 AM
MPLsioux. U are far worse then me. Will we see you on Saturday in Fargo ?

U can tailgate with my people. Warren holloway and dj mcnorton will be hanging with their rings, u can have a pic with them!

This is my invitation for you to show your true colors, do u post as gabe on bisonville

I know what colors mine are. We also know what colors yours are - bright orange jumpsuit, from being arrested after threatening a ND state senator.

September 20th, 2012, 09:16 AM
Never been arrested there buddy, should I accuse you of something. Impersonation ? Defamation? Stalking?

September 20th, 2012, 09:23 AM
Never been arrested there buddy, should I accuse you of something. Impersonation ? Defamation? Stalking?

You should know he's always correct Lakes. If he makes a claim, it's definitely true.

P.S. Welcome back!

September 20th, 2012, 09:29 AM
Never been arrested there buddy, should I accuse you of something. Impersonation ? Defamation? Stalking?

Is this the thing where you threaten lawsuits against other AGS posters? I may need to alert the mods of this.

Friggin' unbelievable. Guy is the biggest D-B on EVERY internet message board, blog and newspaper comments section having to do with NDSU. Not only is, TRIES as hard as can to be - and is in your face about it when doing it.

Then when you call him out on something incredibly stupid that he did which cost him his anonymity (deservedly so), he starts threatening lawsuits. Un-friggin-belivable.

September 20th, 2012, 09:36 AM
Is this the thing where you threaten lawsuits against other AGS posters? I may need to alert the mods of this.

Friggin' unbelievable. Guy is the biggest D-B on EVERY internet message board, blog and newspaper comments section having to do with NDSU. Not only is, TRIES as hard as can to be - and is in your face about it when doing it.

Then when you call him out on something incredibly stupid that he did which cost him his anonymity (deservedly so), he starts threatening lawsuits. Un-friggin-belivable.

Mpls, just ignore what he says. Try not to post in response to him and if he fails, he fails. It makes you look bad if you fail as bad as he does (I learned that the hard way). That's all the advice I can give you.

September 20th, 2012, 09:45 AM
Mpls, just ignore what he says. Try not to post in response to him and if he fails, he fails. It makes you look bad if you fail as bad as he does (I learned that the hard way). That's all the advice I can give you.

That's not good enough for me.

I want him off AGS. I want him off internet message boards. Go do something else with your life.

September 20th, 2012, 09:58 AM
That's not good enough for me.

I want him off AGS. I want him off internet message boards. Go do something else with your life.

Weird, I wonder how many people think the same of you?

September 20th, 2012, 11:02 AM
Weird, I wonder how many people think the same of you?

Plenty I'm sure. Although if you notice, I do have 5 green blocks.

Being disliked isn't a reason to be kicked off AGS. I may typically stick with the unpopular position as a way of making things interesting, but at least I do it with some class.

Posting hateful garbage with no attempt at spelling, grammar or lucid perspective is.

September 20th, 2012, 11:32 AM
Plenty I'm sure. Although if you notice, I do have 5 green blocks.
Being disliked isn't a reason to be kicked off AGS. I may typically stick with the unpopular position as a way of making things interesting, but at least I do it with some class.

Posting hateful garbage with no attempt at spelling, grammar or lucid perspective is.

This can easily change....


September 20th, 2012, 11:51 AM
This can easily change....


I neg repped him for bragging about his 5 green blocks. I probably should have neg repped him about 100 times in the past so just playing a little catch up I suppose.

September 20th, 2012, 12:07 PM
I neg repped him for bragging about his 5 green blocks. I probably should have neg repped him about 100 times in the past so just playing a little catch up I suppose.


September 20th, 2012, 12:09 PM
Plenty I'm sure. Although if you notice, I do have 5 green blocks.

Being disliked isn't a reason to be kicked off AGS. I may typically stick with the unpopular position as a way of making things interesting, but at least I do it with some class.

Posting hateful garbage with no attempt at spelling, grammar or lucid perspective is.


September 20th, 2012, 12:11 PM
MPLS "Green Blocks" vs. TheFan "internet money"....discuss :D

September 20th, 2012, 01:13 PM
I neg repped him for bragging about his 5 green blocks. I probably should have neg repped him about 100 times in the past so just playing a little catch up I suppose.


No harm, no foul. I'm frankly surprised I have that many.

September 20th, 2012, 01:14 PM
MPLS "Green Blocks" vs. TheFan "internet money"....discuss :D


What are they called? Green pathos indicators?

October 2nd, 2012, 08:23 AM

FARGO – Fifteen people charged with violating North Dakota election law, including 10 current North Dakota State University football players and three former players, are scheduled to make their first court appearances today in Cass County District Court.

His clients include Lucas Albers, Aireal Boyd, Joshua Colville, Demitrius Gray, Samuel Ojuri, Brendin Pierre, Antonio Rodgers, Bryan Shepherd, Charles (C.J.) Smith, and Marcus Williams, all current Bison players, and Don Carter and Joshua Gatlin, former Bison players.

Also charged in the case are former Bison player Darren (D.J.) McNorton and Jennifer Krahn and William Brown.

As of Monday, court officials said they did not have attorneys of record for McNorton, Krahn or Brown.

All of the defendants face one count of violating election law by signing a name other than that person’s own name to an election petition, a Class A misdemeanor that carries a potential maximum penalties of a year in jail and fines of up to $2,000.

According to papers filed with the court, all of the defendants have admitted to investigators they forged signatures on petitions they circulated last summer.

October 2nd, 2012, 10:30 AM

FARGO - Ten current North Dakota State University football players pleaded guilty this morning to violating North Dakota election law during their first court appearance in Cass County District Court.

The 10 are: Lucas Albers, Aireal Boyd, Joshua Colville, Demitrius Gray, Samuel Ojuri, Brendin Pierre, Antonio Rodgers, Bryan Shepherd, Charles (C.J.) Smith and Marcus Williams.

Judge Douglas Herman sentenced the 10 to deferred imposition of sentence, 360 days of unsupervised probation, a $300 legislative fee, 50 hours of community service to be completed by April 15 and a $25 community service fee.

If they complete the probation without any further offenses, the charge will be cleared from their record.

All were represented by Bruce Quick.

Bison head coach Craig Bohl says a statement on possible action will be announced later today.

No jail, and no suspension (NDSU is in conference play) game on.

October 2nd, 2012, 10:43 AM
Thanks for keeping us informed, Darrell. Meanwhile, curious as to the scoop on hazing at UND.

October 2nd, 2012, 10:51 AM

No jail, and no suspension (NDSU is in conference play) game on.

THANK YOU as always for your continued interest in NDSU athletics!

October 2nd, 2012, 10:55 AM
THANK YOU as always for your continued interest in NDSU athletics!

Your welcome...it made the front page of the Grand Forks Herald.:D

October 2nd, 2012, 10:56 AM
The NDSU players were crucified in public far worse than most rapists/murderer's I'm serious , the anti NDSU people in this area crucified these kids.

It's over, let's play

October 2nd, 2012, 11:01 AM
Ironic that the GFH had this story posted a good half hour before The Forum did. xwhistlex

October 2nd, 2012, 11:02 AM
Thanks for keeping us informed, Darrell. Meanwhile, curious as to the scoop on hazing at UND.


Players suspended, no hazing. Guess Bisonville has its theories on what really happened. Where is the Youtube video? Or is it on 'SU tv.

October 2nd, 2012, 11:02 AM
The NDSU players were crucified in public far worse than most rapists/murderer's I'm serious , the anti NDSU people in this area crucified these kids.

It's over, let's play

Agreed. It's not like they threatened a state official.

October 2nd, 2012, 11:14 AM
I hope they don't get suspended for something this stupid. Lets play ball.

October 2nd, 2012, 11:16 AM
oh great, someone has my username, what a chump.

no suspensions.

October 2nd, 2012, 11:19 AM
I hope they don't get suspended for something this stupid. Lets play ball.

Send me your credit card and we will see how stupid it is when I forge your name to a brand new tv, car, etc.

October 2nd, 2012, 11:23 AM
are the raging boners re appearing?

October 2nd, 2012, 11:27 AM
Not even close to the same thing. If the judge is giving these kids a slap on the wrist, so should Bohl.

October 2nd, 2012, 11:27 AM
Thanks for keeping us informed, Darrell. Meanwhile, curious as to the scoop on hazing at UND.

C'mon Kyle - don't you read Bisonville closely enough? The investigators there know exactly what happened. :)

October 2nd, 2012, 11:28 AM
BTW, I'm sure I have fraud protection and I have credit limits on cards, so good luck buying anything over $500 with my credit cards.

October 2nd, 2012, 11:31 AM
Not even close to the same thing. If the judge is giving these kids a slap on the wrist, so should Bohl.

Signing a name without permission. Sounds like that same to me. In school if you forge a permission slip and got caught you get punished. It goes up from there.

October 2nd, 2012, 11:38 AM
Cool, if thats your view on the situation. I'd say they got punished plenty by the media. Getting ripped on in the media for 2 weeks straight is a good enough punishment from my point of view. I'm sure I have green and gold sunglasses on and you are a NDSU hater, so we aren't going to agree.

NoDak 4 Ever
October 2nd, 2012, 11:41 AM
Signing a name without permission. Sounds like that same to me. In school if you forge a permission slip and got caught you get punished. It goes up from there.

You didn't go to UND law, did you?

They were charged, not with forgery, but to attesting to the validity of the signatures. The credit card thing is a complete red herring. Election law is not the same as other laws. They were charged with a class A misdemeanor and given no jail time. They even got a deferred imposition of sentence which means if they keep their noses clean it will be as if they were never charged at all.

October 2nd, 2012, 11:41 AM
Signing a name without permission. Sounds like that same to me. In school if you forge a permission slip and got caught you get punished. It goes up from there.

They need to be punished if found guilty. For a crime like this, I would think maybe some don't start, a couple drives or so, or possibly a quarter at most.

October 2nd, 2012, 11:45 AM
You didn't go to UND law, did you?

They were charged, not with forgery, but to attesting to the validity of the signatures. The credit card thing is a complete red herring. Election law is not the same as other laws. They were charged with a class A misdemeanor and given no jail time. They even got a deferred imposition of sentence which means if they keep their noses clean it will be as if they were never charged at all.

I didn't expect jail time for them....they have a game on Saturday.:D

October 2nd, 2012, 11:46 AM
Are we seriously still talking about this?

Professor Chaos
October 2nd, 2012, 11:50 AM
They all plead guilty and will get a 10 day deferred sentence meaning that if they keep their noses clean that goes away after their 360 day unsupervised probation period and their records are clear (of this offense). Each received a little over $300 in fines and 50 hours community service.

However, I expect the headline in the Forum tomorrow to be something like this:


I'm sure the outrage at Cass Count Judge Douglas Herman will pour in from all the people screaming for suspensions from Craig Bohl and Gene Taylor. /sarcasm

October 2nd, 2012, 11:52 AM
i bet ojuri end up serving his 10-day

October 2nd, 2012, 11:53 AM
NDSU fans....quit taking the bait. I'm done with this thread.

October 2nd, 2012, 11:55 AM
Are we seriously still talking about this?

Darrel needed a way to ease the pain of this past Saturdays loss, so voila.

October 2nd, 2012, 11:57 AM
C'mon Kyle - don't you read Bisonville closely enough? The investigators there know exactly what happened. :)

Apparently going to the Herald first wasn't the right call. :o

sgt smash
October 2nd, 2012, 12:31 PM
I wonder how much trouble Ryan Spadola is going to get in over this.

October 2nd, 2012, 12:33 PM
Sgt.....did you really need to bump this. xsmhx I give up.

October 2nd, 2012, 12:36 PM
Apparently going to the Herald first wasn't the right call. :o

The most interesting thing about this event to anyone not associated with UND or NDSU is that it was not possible to get enough valid signatures of the good citizens of ND to put a clean water measure on the ballot. Way to keep the evil "gubmint" from cramming clean water down your throats! xlolx

October 2nd, 2012, 12:39 PM
The most interesting thing about this event to anyone not associated with UND or NDSU is that it was not possible to get enough valid signatures of the good citizens of ND to put a clean water measure on the ballot. Way to keep the evil "gubmint" from cramming clean water down your throats! xlolx

I like my water with a bit of arsenic and a hint of toxic sludge

sgt smash
October 2nd, 2012, 12:52 PM
BF02, I realize it was on the second page. The fact of the matter is, this thread is a great way for Darrell to show his azz. I will take some bad publicity for that.

October 2nd, 2012, 12:55 PM
BF02, I realize it was on the second page. The fact of the matter is, this thread is a great way for Darrell to show his azz. I will take some bad publicity for that.

......what?? I guess I don't get it. I don't think anyone looks good in this thread...like many pissing matches always end up.

October 2nd, 2012, 01:20 PM
The most interesting thing about this event to anyone not associated with UND or NDSU is that it was not possible to get enough valid signatures of the good citizens of ND to put a clean water measure on the ballot. Way to keep the evil "gubmint" from cramming clean water down your throats! xlolx

The measure had nothing to do with the actual quality of drinking water. All it proposed was that 5% of oil extraction money would be set aside and used for the purchase of wetlands and other riparian areas.

October 2nd, 2012, 02:43 PM
No suspensions.... Hey I didn't know Jerry Moore decided to coach at NDSU and App St in the same season!

October 2nd, 2012, 03:13 PM
North Dakota St. players plead guilty xeyebrowx
Ten North Dakota State University football players pleaded guilty Tuesday to misdemeanor election fraud and were sentenced to community service for faking signatures on proposed ballot measure petitions that they were hired to collect.
Among the players on the nation's top-ranked Football Championship Subdivision team who pleaded guilty Tuesday were starters Samuel Ojuri, Joshua Colville, Marcus Williams and Brendin Pierre. Players Lucas Albers, Aireal Boyd, Demitrius Gray Bryan Shepherd, Antonio Rogers, and Charles Smith III also pleaded guilty.

Each of the players was ordered to serve 360 days of unsupervised probation, complete 50 hours of community service and pay $325 in fees. All of the sentences were deferred, meaning the crime will be expunged from a player's record if he completes the conditions of his sentence. xawesomex

xeekx Judge Douglas Herman said during sentencing that the defendants were ''not smart enough, grown up enough or sophisticated enough'' to understand the consequences of their actions, and should not be penalized for being football players.

Ten North Dakota State football players pleaded guilty to misdemeanor election fraud.


October 2nd, 2012, 03:23 PM
North Dakota St. players plead guilty xeyebrowx
Ten North Dakota State University football players pleaded guilty Tuesday to misdemeanor election fraud and were sentenced to community service for faking signatures on proposed ballot measure petitions that they were hired to collect.
Among the players on the nation's top-ranked Football Championship Subdivision team who pleaded guilty Tuesday were starters Samuel Ojuri, Joshua Colville, Marcus Williams and Brendin Pierre. Players Lucas Albers, Aireal Boyd, Demitrius Gray Bryan Shepherd, Antonio Rogers, and Charles Smith III also pleaded guilty.

Each of the players was ordered to serve 360 days of unsupervised probation, complete 50 hours of community service and pay $325 in fees. All of the sentences were deferred, meaning the crime will be expunged from a player's record if he completes the conditions of his sentence. xawesomex

xeekx Judge Douglas Herman said during sentencing that the defendants were ''not smart enough, grown up enough or sophisticated enough'' to understand the consequences of their actions, and should not be penalized for being football players.

Ten North Dakota State football players pleaded guilty to misdemeanor election fraud.


No Judge Herman did not go to UND law school either.

Born in 1949. B.A., Baylor University, 1971; J.D., University of Michigan Law School, 1975. General counsel, Great Plains Software, 1997-2004. Private legal practice, Vogel Law Firm, 1977-1997. Appointed District Judge of the East Central Judicial District 2004 by Governor John Hoeven. Married: wife, Sarah. Three sons, Matthew, Samuel, Joseph.

October 2nd, 2012, 03:39 PM
The NDSU players were crucified in public far worse than most rapists/murderer's I'm serious , the anti NDSU people in this area crucified these kids.

It's over, let's play
Lakes Buffoon, you can't be serious.... The Bison Football team committed a crime and should have been suspended - they're are not victimes in this deal.

October 2nd, 2012, 03:41 PM
Lakes Buffoon, you can't be serious.... The Bison Football team committed a crime and should have been suspended - they're are not victimes in this deal.


October 2nd, 2012, 03:44 PM
I didn't expect jail time for them....they have a game on Saturday.:D


October 2nd, 2012, 03:56 PM

Hey good song!!xthumbsupx

October 2nd, 2012, 04:02 PM
A black guy going to court in a t-shirt and jeans? has he lost his damn mind?

October 2nd, 2012, 04:19 PM
I say just let this thing die. If it is the choice of the NDSU brass not to suspend, that's fine. Personally, I don't have a problem with it, although I would do something about those with more than one "strike". They have worked their way through the legal system and it's NDSU's right to do what they feel is necessary for punishment. A bunch of fans crying about it isn't going to change a damn thing.

October 2nd, 2012, 04:24 PM
I say just let this thing die. If it is the choice of the NDSU brass not to suspend, that's fine. Personally, I don't have a problem with it, although I would do something about those with more than one "strike". They have worked their way through the legal system and it's NDSU's right to do what they feel is necessary for punishment. A bunch of fans crying about it isn't going to change a damn thing.

Not that it matters what I think, Hambone, but you are one of the few UND fans who posts on message boards that I actually like.

October 2nd, 2012, 04:25 PM
Not that it matters what I think, Hambone, but you are one of the few UND fans who posts on message boards that I actually like.

Ahhhh ain't that sweet.xkissx

October 2nd, 2012, 04:37 PM
Not that it matters what I think, Hambone, but you are one of the few UND fans who posts on message boards that I actually like.



October 2nd, 2012, 04:38 PM
Ahhhh ain't that sweet.xkissx


Gil Dobie
October 2nd, 2012, 05:07 PM
News conference this evening. Suspensions could take some of the luster out of the NDSU - YSU game.

October 2nd, 2012, 05:12 PM
they aint getting suspended these 10 kids have been splattered on the news, radio, newspaper MORE THEN THE COLORADO THEATRE SHOOTER and 2 local rapists.

my god, get a grip people.

Gil Dobie
October 2nd, 2012, 05:14 PM
they aint getting suspended these 10 kids have been splattered on the news, radio, newspaper MORE THEN THE COLORADO THEATRE SHOOTER and 2 local rapists.

my god, get a grip people.

Thanks President Lakes. There is a lot of pressure to punish them, Bohl and Taylor are usually fair.

Professor Chaos
October 2nd, 2012, 05:35 PM
Where's the uproar about the two other defendants who are not members of the football team who received the same sentence? Where's the news outlets out there asking everyone and their grandma about whether the punishment for those two is fair?

October 2nd, 2012, 05:43 PM
I say just let this thing die. If it is the choice of the NDSU brass not to suspend, that's fine. Personally, I don't have a problem with it, although I would do something about those with more than one "strike". They have worked their way through the legal system and it's NDSU's right to do what they feel is necessary for punishment. A bunch of fans crying about it isn't going to change a damn thing.

I think ojuri shoudl have been suspended. Of course then the whioux deadenders would be bitching that NDSU only suspended one player, etc etc

October 2nd, 2012, 07:43 PM

Read the bottom...punishment is coming.

October 2nd, 2012, 07:45 PM
Ojuri suspended for game on Saturday. The rest will play.

October 2nd, 2012, 07:49 PM
I think ojuri shoudl have been suspended. Of course then the whioux deadenders would be bitching that NDSU only suspended one player, etc etc

Wow good call. I can hear them hen pecking away at the keyboard this very moment.

October 2nd, 2012, 07:52 PM
a 25 year old woman killed her 20 month old baby in the area and a 21 guy strangled his ex girlfriend. BUT THIS GETS MORE ATTENTION.

the media is screwed in the head.

October 2nd, 2012, 08:01 PM
a 25 year old woman killed her 20 month old baby in the area and a 21 guy strangled his ex girlfriend. BUT THIS GETS MORE ATTENTION.

the media is screwed in the head.

Most republicans have been saying this for yearsxlolx Lakes you are such a biased idiot. GROW UPxnodx

October 2nd, 2012, 08:03 PM
Mike McFeely ‏@MikeMcFeelyKFGOThank God we had 4 games to see how good Crockett is so we could make an example of Ojuri.

That didn't take long...NDSU probably shouldn't have suspended anyone. It isn't going to matter in the eyes of alot of people.

Professor Chaos
October 2nd, 2012, 08:15 PM
Mike McFeely ‏@MikeMcFeelyKFGOThank God we had 4 games to see how good Crockett is so we could make an example of Ojuri.

That didn't take long...NDSU probably shouldn't have suspended anyone. It isn't going to matter in the eyes of alot of people.
And that shouldn't be NDSU's basis to suspend anyone. If McFeely or anyone of his ilk thinks he's owed something by NDSU he's in for a reality check. As Bresciani said in his statement (http://www.ndsu.edu/news/view/article/15339/):

...with great respect for the damage that has been done, we as a University must first and foremost make our decisions on the educational basis, which is the premise of our existence. Again, the role of our court system is to mete out punitive punishment, while the role of a University is to utilize sanctions that educate and change behavior for the better. In this case, the three involved but separate processes have been used in combination to bring appropriate closure in a way mirroring and exceeding what any other students involved in non-violent behaviors would experience...

McFeely can bitch at Cass County Judge Douglas Herman if he has issues with the punishment. NDSU and NDSU football are their own entity and doesn't answer to him.

October 2nd, 2012, 08:18 PM
mcfooly can suck a d--- he is the biggest loser in this area.
anyone that is still bitching about this needs to check his brain and find something to do with their lives.

October 2nd, 2012, 08:28 PM
mcfooly can suck a d--- he is the biggest loser in this area.
anyone that is still bitching about this needs to check his brain and find something to do with their lives.

I'm not going to defend McFeeley but this coming from you is Rich.

October 2nd, 2012, 08:42 PM
oh really backer? seriously? ha ha. i have done more with my life then you could dream of.
go away nerd. I dont hide behind a microphone, i stand behind what i do, i have class. he doesnt.

the fargo media sucks all of them

there's a mom that killed a 20 month baby, a wildfire evacuating a 2000 pop town, a 21 guy jacked up his ex gf with a hammer and a 15 year old kid robbed a stop n go at gun point.............oh and a UND professor was paying to have sex with a 17 year old girl in a human trafficking deal......... BUT THIS WAS TOP STORY on all 4 tv stations. wow.

October 2nd, 2012, 09:11 PM
Walks in slaps self in head for getting sucked in .... slamming the door on my way out.

October 3rd, 2012, 08:50 AM
oh really backer? seriously? ha ha. i have done more with my life then you could dream of.
go away nerd. I dont hide behind a microphone, i stand behind what i do, i have class. he doesnt.

the fargo media sucks all of them

there's a mom that killed a 20 month baby, a wildfire evacuating a 2000 pop town, a 21 guy jacked up his ex gf with a hammer and a 15 year old kid robbed a stop n go at gun point.............oh and a UND professor was paying to have sex with a 17 year old girl in a human trafficking deal......... BUT THIS WAS TOP STORY on all 4 tv stations. wow.

Lets break down this gem of a post. It's to good not to.

You state the following and I quote "i have done more with my life then you could dream of." Well ya got me there. You are absolutely right. I have never gotten a visit from the local authorities having to defend moronic childish actions and threats made in a letter to a public official. Yep Lakes you have me hands down on that one.

You go on to state "I dont hide behind a microphone" which is a blessing to all of us and any one with a radio as we don't have to listen to your moronic comments on a daily basis. Thank you for that!

i stand behind what i do... Yes we all have seen how many websites you have been kicked off of. The fact that you are still here is testament to Ursus's ability to put up with your crap.

You go on further and state "i have class" Yes we have all seen the posting you do about creeping on players twitter accounts and acting as if you are close personal friends with all of them. In reality most if not all of them don't know you, would never want to know you and think you are gay. I mean really how old are you? You talk about Twitter like a 13 year old girl and run to every website trying to be the first to break anything you think is news regardless if its true or not. Most of the time you have no clue but like to act like a 7th grade school girl (and that's an insult to all 7th grade school girls)

To put it bluntly you are your own worst enemy plain and simple.

NoDak 4 Ever
October 3rd, 2012, 08:58 AM
Lets break down this gem of a post. It's to good not to.

You state the following and I quote "i have done more with my life then you could dream of." Well ya got me there. You are absolutely right. I have never gotten a visit from the local authorities having to defend moronic childish actions and threats made in a letter to a public official. Yep Lakes you have me hands down on that one.

You go on to state "I dont hide behind a microphone" which is a blessing to all of us and any one with a radio as we don't have to listen to your moronic comments on a daily basis. Thank you for that!

i stand behind what i do... Yes we all have seen how many websites you have been kicked off of. The fact that you are still here is testament to Ursus's ability to put up with your crap.

You go on further and state "i have class" Yes we have all seen the posting you do about creeping on players twitter accounts and acting as if you are close personal friends with all of them. In reality most if not all of them don't know you, would never want to know you and think you are gay. I mean really how old are you? You talk about Twitter like a 13 year old girl and run to every website trying to be the first to break anything you think is news regardless if its true or not. Most of the time you have no clue but like to act like a 7th grade school girl (and that's an insult to all 7th grade school girls)

To put it bluntly you are your own worst enemy plain and simple.


October 3rd, 2012, 08:58 AM
UND Fans =


October 3rd, 2012, 09:09 AM
UND Fans =


Again aces......good song/video!!! Alicia Silverstonexlovex