View Full Version : JMU Stadium Plan
June 25th, 2006, 10:11 PM
Very interesting stuff right out of the Request for Proposals online
The University plans to expand the seating and services capabilities of the existing Bridgeforth Stadium on JMU’s Harrisonburg campus. This requires a master plan of the development to address all aspects of a phased expansion from the existing 12,500 seat capacity to the ultimate projected size of 50,000 seats. The anticipated phasing would include initial expansion to 20,000 seats with subsequent phases of 10,000 seat growth, along with the provision of updated compliant support services such as pressbox, club suites, restrooms, concessions and operational facilities.
June 25th, 2006, 10:13 PM
Very interesting stuff right out of the Request for Proposals online
With our admin. I'll believe it when I see it.
June 25th, 2006, 10:25 PM
5o,ooo Seats
June 25th, 2006, 10:36 PM
8,829 parking spaces for 50,000 seats?
June 25th, 2006, 10:55 PM
With the purchase of the hospital campus that includes two parking garages, the purchase of the old high school along with its athletic facilities and parking, and the upcoming construction of the new Main St. parking facilities, I think we'll be on the right track as far as game day parking. We also own the old HoJo, which the admin has considered demolishing to to make room for a series of parking garages across I-81. A modern 50,000 seat stadium should be the best in I-AA. ;)
June 26th, 2006, 07:05 AM
-In phases though, so it'll take a while to get up to 50,000. First, 20,000.
-But, it should be noted that in-state competition versus teams like Hampton and NSU, and developing rivalries with such teams, likely would get more people in the stadium for JMU on a constant basis.
June 26th, 2006, 09:54 AM
You're correct -- the first phase will only take us to 20k. From what I've heard though, we would like the second phase to begin as soon as the first phase ends. I guess that should take us to 30k in a relatively short timeframe, but who knows how this will turn out.
I'm also not sure if I agree 100% with the Hampton and NSU comment. I've been a long-time proponent of scheduling home games with Hampton, but I'm not sure that Norfolk State really brings much to the table. We already play enough Virginia teams even without the MEAC schools -- W&M, Richmond, VMI, Liberty, ODU (beginning around 2009-2011). I think it's also safe to assume that JMU isn't building a stadium like this to bring in Norfolk State.
June 26th, 2006, 10:06 AM
50K! impressive What's your avg. attendance for home games now?
:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
June 26th, 2006, 10:18 AM
Around 14k I believe.
June 26th, 2006, 10:22 AM
About 13,800 -- so you could say we have a ways to go. :) We started off last year with around 14k seats and added temporary seating to get to 15k mid-season. All games were sell outs, so we're reducing the number of seats reserved for students this season and adding another 1200 temporary seats. Based on inquiries for ticket sales, the admin seems to think that we need a minimum of 20k in the short term. I would have to think that we could bring in 30k for games like opening day, parents weekend, and homecoming.
June 26th, 2006, 10:33 AM
Yeah those 3 seem to be the biggest games, pretty much regardless of who we play. If the AD is smart, they make sure that our 'big' games, UD, W&M, Richmond, don't coincide with Family Weekend and Homecoming, so we can increase attendance even more.
June 26th, 2006, 12:58 PM
It seems to me like someone has a long-term plan to maybe move up to I-A with a 50,000 seat stadium. What about the area that JMU is in? How big is the city? What cities are close to JMU? And how about an alumni base? Large? Medium?
Just curious, I really don't know much about many other schools outside of the SLC.
June 26th, 2006, 01:28 PM
Harrisonburg is a town of about 50,000 residents, located about 2 hours from DC, 1.5 Hours from the outlying Northern VA suburbs, and 2 hours from Richmond. Something like 65% of alums live in the DC metro area, and another significant chunk live in Richmond. JMU currently has about 17,000 mostly full-time students, but is on pace to hit the 20,000 mark in a few years. If we continue growing at our current rate (looking at the average for the past 10 years), our enrollment should hit 25,000 some time around 2015 - 2020. That growth is a contentious subject for both certain alumni who feel the school is changing too much and for Harrisonburg residents that are tired JMU purchasing every piece of available land in the city.
The request for proposals doesn't mention anything about planning for a I-A transition, but it's probably reasonable to think that the option is on the table with a stadium of that size.
June 26th, 2006, 03:08 PM
Harrisonburg is a town of about 50,000 residents, located about 2 hours from DC, 1.5 Hours from the outlying Northern VA suburbs, and 2 hours from Richmond. Something like 65% of alums live in the DC metro area, and another significant chunk live in Richmond. JMU currently has about 17,000 mostly full-time students, but is on pace to hit the 20,000 mark in a few years. If we continue growing at our current rate (looking at the average for the past 10 years), our enrollment should hit 25,000 some time around 2015 - 2020. That growth is a contentious subject for both certain alumni who feel the school is changing too much and for Harrisonburg residents that are tired JMU purchasing every piece of available land in the city.
The request for proposals doesn't mention anything about planning for a I-A transition, but it's probably reasonable to think that the option is on the table with a stadium of that size.
Great thanks. Being that close to the DC metro area as well as so many JMU alumni, I think it would be feasible (at least for 20,000-30,000 seats) and remain I-AA. I'm not sure if I can realistically see any school's administration putting that size of an investment in property and facilities and not expect to "upgrade" the status of the program. If you ask me, I think some people are seeing $$ in front of them (and thinking maybe Big East or C-USA).
June 26th, 2006, 04:33 PM
There's no doubt that a decade from now, JMU will be I-A.
June 26th, 2006, 04:57 PM
Q. 50K! impressive What's your avg. attendance for home games now?
A. Around 14k I believe
June 26th, 2006, 05:05 PM
*phased expansion from the existing 12,500 seat capacity
*include initial expansion to 20,000 seats
*with subsequent phases of 10,000 seat growth,
*to the ultimate projected size of 50,000 seats
In other words facility renovations/expansion to 20,000 at present which allows for future expansion.
June 26th, 2006, 06:00 PM
Q. 50K! impressive What's your avg. attendance for home games now?
A. Around 14k I believe
What would you like us to average? We only had 14k seats for the first half of season, 15k for the second half, and we still averaged 14k. Harrisonburg may be a bit behind the times, but it's not Boone. We have these fire code things that really don't let us go too far beyond capacity. We actually ended up turning students away from several games. We also don't sell general admission tickets, or overbook actual seats. So basically, I'm not really sure how you would like us to improve our current attendance without additional capacity.
*phased expansion from the existing 12,500 seat capacity
*include initial expansion to 20,000 seats
*with subsequent phases of 10,000 seat growth,
*to the ultimate projected size of 50,000 seats
In other words facility renovations/expansion to 20,000 at present which allows for future expansion.
Uhh, not exactly. More like one comprehensive plan with estimated costs and a timeline. The first phase that will take us to 20k is not really that much of an expansion --we will have 16k+ including temporary seating for this upcoming season. It's my understanding that the second phase will begin as soon as the first ends. The idea is to build enough seating to allow us to tear down and rebuild sections of the stadium without taking a net loss of capacity. I would guess that the first phase will consist of building a 10-13k seat endzone area and tearing down the smaller side of the existing stadium (about 6k seats). That would allow us to maintain a capacity of 17-20k while constructing a new side of the stadium to replace the one that was torn down. It's just speculation on the specifics, but I know that is the general idea.
June 26th, 2006, 09:03 PM
thats what I have heard as well.....good info rufus
June 26th, 2006, 10:29 PM
Harrisonburg may be a bit behind the times, but it's not Boone. We have these fire code things that really don't let us go too far beyond capacity.
Hopefully if the bermuda grass catches fire on the bank at KBS, everyone there can escape in time.
So basically, I'm not really sure how you would like us to improve our current attendance without additional capacity
If you're turning away the difference in 14K and 50K, better skip the phases and build quickly. (wink)
June 26th, 2006, 10:38 PM
JMU Fans - Have you seen this yet? I just ran across the link. Sorry If old news. Heery is the same group Western is using.
June 26th, 2006, 11:19 PM
i havnt seen that before, its sweet lookin tho
June 27th, 2006, 12:47 AM
To be more precise, Harrisonburg is a city of just over 40,000 people, though it is the center of commerce for probably a one hundred square mile area.
Moreover, I'm wonder where JMU will contine to expand its campus, considering it is nearly land locked. I guess they could build up instead of out, but I don't see them doing that.
From this plan, I'm gathering Godwin Hall doesn't have too much time left in existence, if the goal is 50,000 seats. It is kind of in the way.
June 27th, 2006, 01:29 AM
50K! impressive What's your avg. attendance for home games now?Regular season...
2005 James Madison (7-4,5-3) Avg Att= 13525
9/3/05 LOCK HAVEN............. 56-0 W 14673
9/17/05 DELAWARE STATE......... 65-7 W 13645
10/8/05 *MAINE.................. 38-2 W 15087
Oct 29 *RICHMOND............... 15-18 L 15124
11/12/05*VILLANOVA.............. 28-13 W 10984
11/19/05*TOWSON................. 55-14 W 11635
2004 James Madison (12-2,7-1) Avg Att= 12789
9/4/04 LOCK HAVEN............. 62-7 W 10221
10/2/04 *HOFSTRA................ 31-21 W 9298
10/9/04 *MASSACHUSETTS.......... 28-7 W 15321
10/30/04 VMI.................... 41-10 W 15312
11/6/04 *DELAWARE............... 20-13 W 12683
11/13/04*WILLIAM & MARY......... 24-27 L 13904
2003 James Madison (4-5, 6-6) Avg Att= 10242
Date Opponent Score Attend
---- -------- ----- ------
8/30/03 LIBERTY W 48-6 10872
* 9/20/03 HOFSTRA W 23-20 9093
* 10/11/03 RICHMOND W 34-14 12470
* 11/1/03 RHODE ISLAND W 39-27 13855
11/15/03 CHARLESTON SOUTHERN W 45-7 7403
* 11/22/03 NORTHEASTERN 24-41 L 7759
June 27th, 2006, 05:49 AM
There goes Ralph hatin' on JMU again. :) I think it's pretty obvious to everyone but Ralph and the guy from App State that we're not building 50k seats to meet current demand. It's a matter of planning for the future. If our administration thinks it's necessary and alums/students are willing to fund it (to be determined), then I don't see anything wrong with making improvements. You would think that everyone would be happy to see other I-AAs improve their facilities.
June 27th, 2006, 07:49 AM
Don't think Ralph is hating on JMU, just giving us the stats on our attendance, which show a clear increase ;) I think the attendance of our upcoming season can tell us a lot, we are coming off a not so stellar (yet still a winning) season last year, where we sold out everythng due to our NC. If we maintain the 14-15k average, then we've drawn to capacity for 3 straight years.
June 27th, 2006, 08:00 AM
I just like using the term "hatin'". :)
June 27th, 2006, 03:18 PM
I went by the stadium yesterday and it is a good looking stadium in it's present form.
JMU Duke Dog
June 27th, 2006, 03:56 PM
I went by the stadium yesterday and it is a good looking stadium in it's present form.
Just curious, why were you at JMU yesterday?
June 27th, 2006, 04:00 PM
Had business meeting in Lynchburg and carried an antigue Caddy to Pennslyvania for restoration. We came back down 81 and gave it a look while we were in the area. Everything looked real nice campus, stadium, and the local geography reminded me of Northeast AL.
Sly Fox
June 27th, 2006, 05:31 PM
Did you check out our campus?
June 27th, 2006, 06:18 PM
We rode by part of the campus. I was most interested in the stadium but what I saw was real nice.
JMU Duke Dog
June 27th, 2006, 06:55 PM
Had business meeting in Lynchburg and carried an antigue Caddy to Pennslyvania for restoration. We came back down 81 and gave it a look while we were in the area. Everything looked real nice campus, stadium, and the local geography reminded me of Northeast AL.
With the JMU campus being split almost in half by I-81, it makes it easy to visit when driving by on I-81. You should come back if you have the chance several years from now too. JMU is expanding both sides of campus in the upcoming years to hopefully ease our growing pains.
Are you from northeast Alabama? Is that where Jacksonville State is located? :o I have relatives in the Huntsville area but have not been there since 1995.
June 27th, 2006, 08:32 PM
With the JMU campus being split almost in half by I-81, it makes it easy to visit when driving by on I-81. You should come back if you have the chance several years from now too. JMU is expanding both sides of campus in the upcoming years to hopefully ease our growing pains.
Are you from northeast Alabama? Is that where Jacksonville State is located? :o I have relatives in the Huntsville area but have not been there since 1995.
May have a chance in about a year. The car will take at least a year to finish, probably more.
Jacksonville is located in NE Alabama about halfway between Birmingham and Atlanta. JSU is about 2 hours SSE of Huntsville. You wouldn't recognize Huntsville if it has been that long. Huntsville has grown quite a bit in recent years. If you visit you need to checkout Alabama A&M stadium just North of Huntsville. Their stadium is very nice.
And don't forget to come by JSU's stadium if in the area it not a bad stadium.
June 27th, 2006, 09:38 PM
With the JMU campus being split almost in half by I-81, it makes it easy to visit when driving by on I-81. You should come back if you have the chance several years from now too. JMU is expanding both sides of campus in the upcoming years to hopefully ease our growing pains.
Split by an Interstate? Need to add a couple truck stops to your campus facilities plan. Might give some of the JMU coeds part-time jobs.;)
June 27th, 2006, 09:47 PM
There's no doubt they're planning on I-A football with 50,000 seats. It makes sense too, since JMU is a growing school, and I believe has more students than UVA.
June 28th, 2006, 02:04 AM
makes sense too, since JMU is a growing school, and I believe has more students than UVA.
Depends on what you count. JMU has more undergrads than UVA (over 15k to about 13.5k), but less overall students because of UVA's large numer of grad students (1k to over 7k). In terms of football, I'd say undergrads are more important, so in that sense, you're correct.
June 28th, 2006, 06:30 AM
UVA's enrollment figure also includes a large number of part-time and non-degree-seeking students at its Northern Virginia and Tidewater campuses. I would have to guess that JMU has the second most full-time students in the state behind VT. Of course looking at our growth vs theirs, we'll probably catch up in another 10 years or so. This goes back to my point that JMU isn't building a massive stadium to meet its current needs. We're just planning for our future.
June 28th, 2006, 08:08 AM
There's no doubt they're planning on I-A football with 50,000 seats. It makes sense too, since JMU is a growing school, and I believe has more students than UVA.
JMU is quite wise to plan with capabilities for future expansion, but using the 50K figure is a bit mis-leading.
I'm betting the turf replacemtn started in the Spring is mostly finished by now. Smart to get that out of the way, too.
June 28th, 2006, 09:36 AM
Again, I think your understanding of our expansion is a bit off. This is one plan to take us to 50,000 in phases. It's not a plan to expand to x amount, stop, and see what happens. The phases are primarily required to ensure that the stadium remains operational throughout the expansion.
Also, the request for proposals says nothing about planning for a transition to I-A.
June 28th, 2006, 09:55 AM
Again, I think your understanding of our expansion is a bit off. This is one plan to take us to 50,000 in phases. It's not a plan to expand to x amount, stop, and see what happens. The phases are primarily required to ensure that the stadium remains operational throughout the expansion.
Also, the request for proposals says nothing about planning for a transition to I-A.
While the plan doen't say they'll see how things go with each phase, you can bet they will. Going to 20,000 is clearly justified, as JMU's alumni population is growing rapidly. I would bet that a move to 30,000 is only done if the decision is made to go I-A. That move will require a couple of years of study. Unlike Liberty, there won't be any egos driving the change.
June 28th, 2006, 10:35 AM
While the plan doen't say they'll see how things go with each phase, you can bet they will. Going to 20,000 is clearly justified, as JMU's alumni population is growing rapidly. I would bet that a move to 30,000 is only done if the decision is made to go I-A. That move will require a couple of years of study. Unlike Liberty, there won't be any egos driving the change.
I completely agree T4SF. To say we are going to build a 50k seat stadium right off the bat is insane at the least. First things first we are going to build up to at least 20k. Maybe a little more. Then see how that goes and then add more if necessary. In 10-15 years we might have a 40k stadium, but we easily could still be stuck with one of 20-24k. I think the 50k number was put in the proposal as an ultimate goal and to receive as much money as possible.
Sly Fox
June 28th, 2006, 10:36 PM
Unlike Liberty, there won't be any egos driving the change.
Ego and vision are often misunderstood until viewed as history.
PS - We pulled up that awful carpet from our stadium and we're installing FieldTurf as I type this. Just thought you'd like to know.
June 29th, 2006, 09:14 AM
Ego and vision are often misunderstood until viewed as history.
PS - We pulled up that awful carpet from our stadium and we're installing FieldTurf as I type this. Just thought you'd like to know.
This should be a law in America.
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