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April 5th, 2012, 09:23 AM
Fact: Our athletics, which is what we are talking about here, go by Charlotte and have for years.

If you choose to ignore that, for what ever reason, then I will ignore your rightful name as well.

If we were comparing academics then I would agree with you.

Insert image of me giving you the finger here.

Where's your UNC-Boone explanation? Me thinks you're projecting your own insecurities about your alma mater's name.

April 5th, 2012, 09:26 AM
I agree. Charlotte would be a great market for FBS ball. Atlanta would too.

For Georgia State, you're entering a market dominated by UGA and Tech. For UNC-Charlotte...well it's football..doesn't NCAA football play second fiddle to Basketball in NC?

Your situation is different from SFA, Sam, etc...our schools probably will not move up because of an oversaturation of FBS teams in Texas. UT, A&M, Baylor, Tech, TCU, UTSA, Texas State, U of H, Rice, UTEP...is there need for more?

How much can the FBS sponge hold?

April 5th, 2012, 09:27 AM
Wrong again Hole.....I know about the greatness of FCS power McNeese State, however this is about more than JUST FOOTBALL. It includes the entire world of college athletics, and at the end of the day......they are freakin McNeese State.

However, unlike UNC-Charlotte, they didn't need to rebrand their athletics to get attention.

April 5th, 2012, 09:32 AM
I agree. Charlotte would be a great market for FBS ball. Atlanta would too.

For Georgia State, you're entering a market dominated by UGA and Tech. For UNC-Charlotte...well it's football..doesn't NCAA football play second fiddle to Basketball in NC?

Your situation is different from SFA, Sam, etc...our schools probably will not move up because of an oversaturation of FBS teams in Texas. UT, A&M, Baylor, Tech, TCU, UTSA, Texas State, U of H, Rice, UTEP...is there need for more?

How much can the FBS sponge hold?

Charlotte is also saturated with UNC, USC, Duke, ECU, Wake, NC State and App State in football.

April 5th, 2012, 09:34 AM
However, unlike UNC-Charlotte, they didn't need to rebrand their athletics to get attention.

Not true at all. It was to avoid Crapel Hill getting credit for our accomplishments. Don't believe me go to NinerNation.net and check out the name confusion log.

April 5th, 2012, 09:40 AM
Not true at all. It was to avoid Crapel Hill getting credit for our accomplishments. Don't believe me go to NinerNation.net and check out the name confusion log.

Funny, I've never heard UNCW or UNCG complaining. Can you say little-man syndrome?

April 5th, 2012, 09:42 AM
Not true at all. It was to avoid Crapel Hill getting credit for our accomplishments. Don't believe me go to NinerNation.net and check out the name confusion log.

Wow...that's a major inferiority complex you guys have.

April 5th, 2012, 09:46 AM
Where's your UNC-Boone explanation? Me thinks you're projecting your own insecurities about your alma mater's name.

I don't need a UNC Boone explanation. If you don't want to use our correct name when talking about athletics I will use whatever name I want when talking about yours.

April 5th, 2012, 09:53 AM
Oh my God, if there's not a classification in the DSM-IV for this sorta Group over-compensatory validation seeking insecure fandom stuff, there should be. I think the clinical research should be easy enough. All a researcher would have to do is read the the message boards from USL, Southwest Texas State at San Marcos, Georgia State and now the University of Chapel Hill at Charlotte to see it CLEARLY on display.

I promise you, the conversations, the projections, the dissembling and the delusions of grandeur are ALL identical. Only the names change...and, speaking of name changes, that hyper sensitivity about names is pretty consistent too..

I swear this is better than reality TV! ;)

April 5th, 2012, 09:56 AM
Wow...that's a major inferiority complex you guys have.

Nope just the truth. As the poster above said check out the thread and there are plenty of examples of why we need to also change our academic name or take a page out of VT's book and rebrand our academics.

April 5th, 2012, 10:01 AM
Nope just the truth. As the poster above said check out the thread and there are plenty of examples of why we need to also change our academic name or take a page out of VT's book and rebrand our academics.

You're taking a page straight out of the USL playbook. You're not content with who you are, and you're seeking to take extraordinary steps to distance your name from what you really are, to what you'd like to someday be. Ever seen the definition of "Inferiority Complex?"

And, also following the USL model, you hold yourselves out as the sole arbiters of propriety with regard to your name and the official, approved history of your movement.

THIS is precisely why you're laughed at and mocked, in case you're unaware ;)

And, just to clarify, the strong brand identity you seek can't be fabricated from wholecloth, it must be earned. That's what all of you validation-seeking miscreants appear to miss with your myopic (and Quixotic) quest for overreaching social climbing relevance....

Just sayin' ;)

April 5th, 2012, 10:01 AM
Niner fans: Our stay in FCS will be brief. These peons and their opinions mean nothing to us. ****ing proles.

April 5th, 2012, 10:05 AM
Niner fans: Our stay in FCS will be brief. These peons and their opinions mean nothing to us. ****ing proles.

From your mouth to God's ears....PLEASE make your stay as brief as possible. And, for the love of all things Holy, don't come back to us later, when you rebrand your academics, realizing that Harvard, Yale and the rest of the Ivies play FCS football ;)

April 5th, 2012, 10:06 AM
Sounds like a plan. Enjoy your AIDS.

April 5th, 2012, 10:08 AM
Sounds like a plan. Enjoy your AIDS.

Acquired Insecurity Disdain Syndrome?

April 5th, 2012, 10:14 AM
Niner fans: Our stay in FCS will be brief. These peons and their opinions mean nothing to us. ****ing proles.

Appalachian will be leaving very soon as well, yet somehow, our fans manage to refrain from arrogant mantras like this one. Yes, even though we've won 3 national championships, led the nation in attendance for years, beat a #5 ranked BCS powerhouse and hold more national brand recognition than any other school in the FCS, (UNCC included) we STILL manage to come on AGS and have rational and humble discussions with FCS fans. Cee however, hasn't played a down. Their other athletics are mediocre at best, yet they are above the rest of us.

This is the reality of the App/UNCC dynamic. It's what happens when you have one school near a major city that offers nothing in the form of a college experience, but has a lot of students. You have rampant inferiority complexes. They know it's no secret in NC that UNCC is a commuter/single, 30-year-old parent school, but they want so bad to be mentioned in the same sentence as UNC, State, App and other schools that offer 4 years of unforgettable college experiences (local college bars, frat parties, dorm life, school pride shared by all). No matter what division your team will eventually compete in, UNCC will always be what it is, a school with no soul, a paper mill, somewhere to get your diploma and be on your way.

April 5th, 2012, 10:15 AM
You're taking a page straight out of the USL playbook. You're not content with who you are, and you're seeking to take extraordinary steps to distance your name from what you really are, to what you'd like to someday be. Ever seen the definition of "Inferiority Complex?"

And, also following the USL model, you hold yourselves out as the sole arbiters of propriety with regard to your name and the official, approved history of your movement.

THIS is precisely why you're laughed at and mocked, in case you're unaware ;)

And, just to clarify, the strong brand identity you seek can't be fabricated from wholecloth, it must be earned. That's what all of you validation-seeking miscreants appear to miss with your myopic (and Quixotic) quest for overreaching social climbing relevance....

Just sayin' ;)

See this is where you obviously know little of our fight. We want to embrace who we are. We want top be who we really are. Hard to do that when our accomplishments are given to Chapel Hill or our name is delivered in the media in 10 different ways. The identity we are earning currently is being given to another institution or not given to us correctly. It is not as much about distancing us from Chapel Hill just for the sake of getting away from them. It is much more about allowing us to stand on our own merits.

April 5th, 2012, 10:20 AM
Appalachian will be leaving very soon as well, yet somehow, our fans manage to refrain from arrogant mantras like this one. Yes, even though we've won 3 national championships, led the nation in attendance for years, beat a #5 ranked BCS powerhouse and hold more national brand recognition than any other school in the FCS, (UNCC included) we STILL manage to come on AGS and have rational and humble discussions with FCS fans. Cee however, hasn't played a down. Their other athletics are mediocre at best, yet they are above the rest of us.

This is the reality of the App/UNCC dynamic. It's what happens when you have one school near a major city that offers nothing in the form of a college experience, but has a lot of students. You have rampant inferiority complexes. They know it's no secret in NC that UNCC is a commuter/single, 30-year-old parent school, but they want so bad to be mentioned in the same sentence as UNC, State, App and other schools that offer 4 years of unforgettable college experiences (local college bars, frat parties, dorm life, school pride shared by all). No matter what division your team will eventually compete in, UNCC will always be what it is, a school with no soul, a paper mill, somewhere to get your diploma and be on your way.

LOL Bravo that is some funny *** crap right there. I don't have enough time in my day to respond to the lunacy that is this post.

April 5th, 2012, 10:21 AM
Can this thread just be locked? Another UNCC/App State dick measuring contest was not the purpose of this thread.

April 5th, 2012, 10:23 AM
Can this thread just be locked? Another UNCC/App State dick measuring contest was not the purpose of this thread.

Especially when these schools will likely be in the same FBS conference as Georgia State. GA Southern will still be in the FCS.

April 5th, 2012, 10:23 AM
Boy, that escalated quickly. I mean, that really got out of hand fast!


April 5th, 2012, 10:24 AM
LOL Bravo that is some funny *** crap right there. I don't have enough time in my day to respond to the lunacy that is this post.

I defy you to find one non-Cee fan to agree with you about that post. All the FCS bloggers, my friends that went to State, UNC, ECU ect all feel the same way about UNCC. With all the chest beating you do, I'm sure you could find the time if you actually had something contrary to say.

April 5th, 2012, 10:24 AM
Appalachian will be leaving very soon as well, yet somehow, our fans manage to refrain from arrogant mantras like this one. Yes, even though we've won 3 national championships, led the nation in attendance for years, beat a #5 ranked BCS powerhouse and hold more national brand recognition than any other school in the FCS, (UNCC included) we STILL manage to come on AGS and have rational and humble discussions with FCS fans. Cee however, hasn't played a down. Their other athletics are mediocre at best, yet they are above the rest of us.

This is the reality of the App/UNCC dynamic. It's what happens when you have one school near a major city that offers nothing in the form of a college experience, but has a lot of students. You have rampant inferiority complexes. They know it's no secret in NC that UNCC is a commuter/single, 30-year-old parent school, but they want so bad to be mentioned in the same sentence as UNC, State, App and other schools that offer 4 years of unforgettable college experiences (local college bars, frat parties, dorm life, school pride shared by all). No matter what division your team will eventually compete in, UNCC will always be what it is, a school with no soul, a paper mill, somewhere to get your diploma and be on your way.

Rational discussion from YOU? Dr. Gonzo, you are full of ****.

April 5th, 2012, 10:27 AM
See this is where you obviously know little of our fight. We want to embrace who we are. We want top be who we really are. Hard to do that when our accomplishments are given to Chapel Hill or our name is delivered in the media in 10 different ways. The identity we are earning currently is being given to another institution or not given to us correctly. It is not as much about distancing us from Chapel Hill just for the sake of getting away from them. It is much more about allowing us to stand on our own merits.

I know plenty about your fight....I've seen every single bit of it before. Yeah, yeah, I get it. You're unique, right?! Just like every other vainglorious overreaching social climbing johnny come lately school. You're simply the next iteration, if not manifestation of sibling inferiority complexes that's been going on since Cain slew Abel because Abel was holding him back and wanted to stand on "his own merits."

I can't wait till you stamp your widdle feet and hold you breath until you turn Chapel Hill blue in hopes of getting your way ;)

April 5th, 2012, 10:28 AM
I know plenty about your fight....I've seen every single bit of it before. Yeah, yeah, I get it. You're unique, right?! Just like every other vainglorious overreaching social climbing johnny come lately school. You're simply the next iteration, if not manifestation of sibling inferiority complexes that's been going on since Cain slew Abel because Abel was holding him back and wanted to stand on "his own merits."

I can't wait till you stamp your widdle feet and hold you breath until you turn Chapel Hill blue in hopes of getting your way ;)

Charlotte will eventually request to change their name to be known as "North Carolina's 49ers"..taking a page out of the USL playbook

April 5th, 2012, 10:32 AM
Can this thread just be locked? Another UNCC/App State dick measuring contest was not the purpose of this thread.

Don't worry - I am done.

April 5th, 2012, 10:32 AM
Can this thread just be locked? Another UNCC/App State dick measuring contest was not the purpose of this thread.

I'm pretty sure that I'm the only App fan involved at this point, at least consistently. Why no mention of the Stone Cold Stephen Houston fan or the McNeese guy?

April 5th, 2012, 10:34 AM
I'm pretty sure that I'm the only App fan involved at this point, at least consistently. Why no mention of the Stone Cold Stephen Houston fan or the McNeese guy?


April 5th, 2012, 10:37 AM
Rational discussion from YOU? Dr. Gonzo, you are full of ****.

So you searched the App forums for my other alias did you? At least I'm not two-faced like you in different circles.


I say do 5 years independent than move up to real college football.

April 5th, 2012, 10:37 AM

No disrespect. If I went there, I'd still call it that.

April 5th, 2012, 10:37 AM
LOL, Stone Cold Stephen Houston fan! I love it! ;)

April 5th, 2012, 10:44 AM
No disrespect. If I went there, I'd still call it that.

haha..it did get me to laugh.

April 5th, 2012, 10:45 AM
LOL, Stone Cold Stephen Houston fan! I love it! ;)

eh..what can you do?

April 5th, 2012, 10:49 AM
You're taking a page straight out of the USL playbook. You're not content with who you are, and you're seeking to take extraordinary steps to distance your name from what you really are, to what you'd like to someday be. Ever seen the definition of "Inferiority Complex?"

And, also following the USL model, you hold yourselves out as the sole arbiters of propriety with regard to your name and the official, approved history of your movement.

THIS is precisely why you're laughed at and mocked, in case you're unaware ;)

And, just to clarify, the strong brand identity you seek can't be fabricated from wholecloth, it must be earned. That's what all of you validation-seeking miscreants appear to miss with your myopic (and Quixotic) quest for overreaching social climbing relevance....

Just sayin' ;)

.....said the "freakin" McNeese State fan........McNeese State trying to put Charlotte fans in their place about ANYTHING......haha.....classic.

April 5th, 2012, 10:49 AM
Somewhere, I've got some game film of when that prick Stone Cold Steve Austin went by his real name of Steve Williams and played linebacker for North Texas State...

FPC 3:16 says I whupped his *** ;)

April 5th, 2012, 10:50 AM
.....said the "freakin" McNeese State fan........McNeese State trying to put Charlotte fans in their place about ANYTHING......haha.....classic.

How much do you actually know about McNeese to attempt to insult them?

April 5th, 2012, 10:51 AM
Somewhere, I've got some game film of when that prick Stone Cold Steve Austin went by his real name of Steve Williams and played linebacker for North Texas State...

FPC 3:16 says I whupped his *** ;)

Stone Cold Sam Houston just doesn't have the right ring to it...perhaps "Prison Bitch Sam Houston"

April 5th, 2012, 10:54 AM
How much do you actually know about McNeese to attempt to insult them?

Probably as much as you know about Charlotte.......or the McNeese guy does.

April 5th, 2012, 10:54 AM
.....said the "freakin" McNeese State fan........McNeese State trying to put Charlotte fans in their place about ANYTHING......haha.....classic.

You can't actually have a place if you haven't done anything...Why is that so hard for you Overreaching Social Climbing types to understand? ;)

I'd talk records with you, except that you don't have one....I'd talk matchups with you, except you've never matched up with anybody...

From where I sit, you all look like ungrateful spoiled brats. The UNC system took you in when you were a two-year community college, nurtured, groomed and supported you with UNC Funds and helped you upgrade to four-year status...later, again using UNC funds, you added a graduate school. Now that you're "all grown up" on Daddy's dime, you want to be taken seriously on your merit based accomplishments, only you DON'T actually HAVE any ;)

It's a simple concept, really...

April 5th, 2012, 10:58 AM
Probably as much as you know about Charlotte.......or the McNeese guy does.

I know that Charlotte is the Plan B school of last resort for slackers who either don't have the cash or the grades to get accepted at Queen's College, or who can't afford to go off to school in Chapel Hill, Boone or anywhere else. it also serves the community of kids who flunked out elsewhere and had to come home after Mommy and Daddy refused to pay for failure at a real school....Of course, it DOES provide a much needed educational opportunity for 30-year old working commuter students who need the ability to earn a degree and improve themselves....

Have I missed something??

April 5th, 2012, 10:58 AM
.....said the "freakin" McNeese State fan........McNeese State trying to put Charlotte fans in their place about ANYTHING......haha.....classic.
I'd venture to say that more people in Charlotte have heard of McNeese St than people in Louisiana that have heard of UNCC. Mainly because there are tons of App fans in Charlotte, but still, no one on God's green earth thinks highly of UNCC except UNCC. Your arrogance blinds you to reality.


April 5th, 2012, 11:01 AM
I know that Charlotte is the Plan B school of last resort for slackers who either don't have the cash or the grades to get accepted at Queen's College, or who can't afford to go off to school in Chapel Hill, Boone or anywhere else. it also serves the community of kids who flunked out elsewhere and had to come home after Mommy and Daddy refused to pay for failure at a real school....Of course, it DOES provide a much needed educational opportunity for 30-year old working commuter students who need the ability to earn a degree and improve themselves....

Have I missed something??

Nope, spot on

April 5th, 2012, 11:01 AM
I'm pretty sure that I'm the only App fan involved at this point, at least consistently. Why no mention of the Stone Cold Stephen Houston fan or the McNeese guy?

Well, it's common knowledge that SHSU and McNeese fans would never win a dick measuring contest anyway.

April 5th, 2012, 11:04 AM
Well, it's common knowledge that SHSU and McNeese fans would never win a dick measuring contest anyway.

I'm sure that McNeese and Sam Houston fans are rank amateurs when compared to the level of penile evaluation displayed by JMU fans, and - well - that's okay.

You guys should go ahead and go with the strengths that you have ;)

April 5th, 2012, 11:05 AM
Probably as much as you know about Charlotte.......or the McNeese guy does.

Let's see..

School was opened thanks to the GI Bill, was almost closed in 1949, then was known as Charlotte College. UNC-Charlotte has 3 different campuses, 19 doctoral programs, and an enrollment of about 25k

UNC-Charlotte, rebranded as Charlotte in 2000 (I think) former member of the Sun Belt (along with SLC member Lamar University). Made a final 4 appearance in the 70s, hasn't been back to the dance since 2005

Does that sound right? I could go look up more info but I just went off of what I knew.

April 5th, 2012, 11:07 AM
Well, it's common knowledge that SHSU and McNeese fans would never win a dick measuring contest anyway.

Don't you have some rioting to go do?

April 5th, 2012, 11:14 AM
Don't you have some rioting to go do?

Little known fact: JMU's annual block party turned riot was the inspiration for Project X.

April 5th, 2012, 11:17 AM
All kidding aside that riot was unfortunate and definitely an embarrassing stain on the University. I had graduated years before that riot occurred and was more than a bit ashamed. I'm glad many of the worst offenders were arrested and charged. Interestingly, the majority of people charged with crimes from that riot were not actually JMU students.

April 5th, 2012, 11:28 AM
Little known fact: JMU's annual block party turned riot was the inspiration for Project X.

Do they riot most years, or was 2010 an exception? The movie was released in 2012, but shooting began in late spring or early summer of 2010, making the timing required to get a script written, hold casting calls for actors and getting funding approved a bit problematic from a timeline perspective ;)

Unless, of course, there's a riot most years...

April 5th, 2012, 11:48 AM
I know that Charlotte is the Plan B school of last resort for slackers who either don't have the cash or the grades to get accepted at Queen's College, or who can't afford to go off to school in Chapel Hill, Boone or anywhere else. it also serves the community of kids who flunked out elsewhere and had to come home after Mommy and Daddy refused to pay for failure at a real school....Of course, it DOES provide a much needed educational opportunity for 30-year old working commuter students who need the ability to earn a degree and improve themselves....

Have I missed something??

Wow, you really are a dumb a$$ aren't you.........clueless on every "point" you tried to make......I'm actually embarrassed for you.

April 5th, 2012, 11:59 AM
Let's see..

School was opened thanks to the GI Bill, was almost closed in 1949, then was known as Charlotte College. UNC-Charlotte has 3 different campuses, 19 doctoral programs, and an enrollment of about 25k

UNC-Charlotte, rebranded as Charlotte in 2000 (I think) former member of the Sun Belt (along with SLC member Lamar University). Made a final 4 appearance in the 70s, hasn't been back to the dance since 2005

Does that sound right? I could go look up more info but I just went off of what I knew.

No, not really......sounds like you just went straight to Wikipedia to me..........

You left off a few highlights, such as these:

- Final Fours in 3 different D1 sports (twice in one sport)......no, not FCS
- 1 National Championship Game......this past December (we sent over 7000 fans 3 states away for a Soccer Final Four).
- National Rankings (Top 25 or Top 10) atleast once in the last 5 years in every sport we play, except tennis, softball and volleyball (including mens/womens basketball, soccer, golf, baseball).......mens basketball was ranked as recently as Feb, 2010 I believe.
- 1st or 2nd in the state for decades on the NC Accounting Exam (CPA Exam)
- Only college in NC with a Carnegie Foundation Nat'l. Professor of the Year Winner (Charlotte has 3, BTW)
- Charter member of Sun Belt and C-USA Conferences
- Nationally acclaimed Schools of Architecture and Engineering
- Nearly 27,000 students and over 100,000 living alumni
- Ranked #1 in the nation several years recently for patents and start-up businesses grown at/thru the University

Lots more.....but I'm sure you know all that.

April 5th, 2012, 12:04 PM
No, not really......sounds like you just went straight to Wikipedia to me..........

You left off a few highlights, such as these:

- Final Fours in 3 different D1 sports (twice in one sport)......no, not FCS
- 1 National Championship Game......this past December (we sent over 7000 fans 3 states away for a Soccer Final Four).
- National Rankings (Top 25 or Top 10) atleast once in the last 5 years in every sport we play, except tennis, softball and volleyball (including mens/womens basketball, soccer, golf, baseball).......mens basketball was ranked as recently as Feb, 2010 I believe.
- 1st or 2nd in the state for decades on the NC Accounting Exam (CPA Exam)
- Only college in NC with a Carnegie Foundation Nat'l. Professor of the Year Winner (Charlotte has 3, BTW)
- Charter member of Sun Belt and C-USA Conferences
- Nationally acclaimed Schools of Architecture and Engineering
- Nearly 27,000 students and over 100,000 living alumni
- Ranked #1 in the nation several years recently for patents and start-up businesses grown at/thru the University

Lots more.....but I'm sure you know all that.


April 5th, 2012, 12:04 PM
Wow, you really are a dumb a$$ aren't you.........clueless on every "point" you tried to make......I'm actually embarrassed for you.

So, it's your position that Charlotte is a first tier, first choice school being held back and shackled only by Chapel Hill's hegemonic manipulations?

Does US News and World Reports annual college rankings know about your unpolished gem????

Oh yeah....you're ranked 194th, nationally...and your masters program, aimed at 30-something commuter students, your core customers, comes in at 60th...nice! ;)

April 5th, 2012, 12:05 PM
So, it's your position that Charlotte is a first tier, first choice school being held back and shackled only by Chapel Hill's hegemonic manipulations?

Does US News and World Reports annual college rankings know about your unpolished gem????

Oh yeah....you're ranked 194th, nationally...and your masters program, aimed at 30-something commuter students, your core customers, comes in at 60th...nice! ;)

I guess since I can't rep you until I rep others..I'll just go donate to the 24 hours of booty

April 5th, 2012, 12:10 PM
I guess since I can't rep you until I rep others..I'll just go donate to the 24 hours of booty

Oddly, it's appropriate that a charity based in Charlotte benefits from this! ;)

April 5th, 2012, 01:11 PM

Do your @ss get jealous of all the **** that comes out your mouth?

April 5th, 2012, 01:18 PM
It's great this threads 31 pages and still on topic.

April 5th, 2012, 01:30 PM
It's great this threads 31 pages and still on topic.
For whatever reason, threads around here with "Georgia State" in the title have two things in common:

1) App State vs UNCC fans
2) FormerPokeCenter being a tool.

April 5th, 2012, 01:42 PM
For whatever reason, threads around here with "Georgia State" in the title have two things in common:

1) App State vs UNCC fans
2) FormerPokeCenter being a tool.

at least it's consistent :)

April 5th, 2012, 01:42 PM
So, it's your position that Charlotte is a first tier, first choice school being held back and shackled only by Chapel Hill's hegemonic manipulations?

Does US News and World Reports annual college rankings know about your unpolished gem????

Oh yeah....you're ranked 194th, nationally...and your masters program, aimed at 30-something commuter students, your core customers, comes in at 60th...nice! ;)

Once again, you could NOT be any more wrong. Its not my "position", but a fact that Charlotte is a "1st Tier National Research Level University"....again, thats a fact, not my "position". Look it up if you like. I think its the Carnegie group that places all schools in a "class" and is recognized by virtually all institutions and governments as the "official classification(s)".......As for US News and World Report rankings, our Chancellor (since 2005) has publically stated that we do not provide our schools information to them because he doesn't believe they are a good measure of a school. I actually agree with him on that, but I still wish he would "play the game" because so many people do believe in those rankings. BTW, even so, we have been highly rated in their rankings and others many times over the years. You can look all that up too if you want.

April 5th, 2012, 01:56 PM
For whatever reason, threads around here with "Georgia State" in the title have two things in common:

1) Stone Cold Steve Austin, some former Pokemon trainer from Louisiana and ONE App fan vs UNCC fans
2) FormerPokeCenter being a tool.

There I fixed it for ya

April 5th, 2012, 02:12 PM

Do your @ss get jealous of all the **** that comes out your mouth?

The only time **** comes out of my mouth is when I'm extolling the virtues of The Univeristy of Chapel Hill @ Charlotte....

April 5th, 2012, 03:28 PM
Funny, I've never heard UNCW or UNCG complaining. Can you say little-man syndrome?

Lol! Says they guy who supports a school with less students than Charlotte. I guess that gives you little-boy syndrome? Almost every one of your posts are hypocritical.

April 5th, 2012, 03:32 PM
Where's your UNC-Boone explanation? Me thinks you're projecting your own insecurities about your alma mater's name.

I see reading comprehension is still a huge obstacle for you. He said "if you choose to ignore our rightful name, he'll chose to ignore your's". Pretty simple really.

April 5th, 2012, 03:36 PM
Lol! Says they guy who supports a school with less students than Charlotte. I guess that gives you little-boy syndrome? Almost every one of your posts are hypocritical.

Little-man syndrome refers to attitude, not size.

Speaking of hypocritical, if you all are going to continue cry about your name, saying "the athletics are 'Charlotte' and the school is 'UNCC,'" you can't refer to the school as Charlotte as you did here. Either quit bitching or say "less students than UNCC" and "Charlotte football ect."

April 5th, 2012, 03:36 PM
Where's your UNC-Boone explanation? Me thinks you're projecting your own insecurities about your alma mater's name.

Nope just the truth. As the poster above said check out the thread and there are plenty of examples of why we need to also change our academic name or take a page out of VT's book and rebrand our academics.

Like I just posted NWA, apphole is extremely hypocritical. Don't let him fool you. App was once upon a time a teachers college, with a different name.

April 5th, 2012, 03:38 PM
Where's your UNC-Boone explanation? Me thinks you're projecting your own insecurities about your alma mater's name.

Nope just the truth. As the poster above said check out the thread and there are plenty of examples of why we need to also change our academic name or take a page out of VT's book and rebrand our academics.

Little-man syndrome refers to attitude, not size.

Speaking of hypocritical, if you all are going to continue cry about your name, saying "the athletics are 'Charlotte' and the school is 'UNCC,'" you can't refer to the school as Charlotte as you did here. Either quit bitching or say "less students than UNCC" and "Charlotte football ect."

Who's crying? You were the first to complain about being called UNC-Boone. LOL! Hypocrite!

April 5th, 2012, 03:40 PM
I see reading comprehension is still a huge obstacle for you. He said "if you choose to ignore our rightful name, he'll chose to ignore your's". Pretty simple really.

There's no distinction between our school name and our sports name. No, that is reserved as a desperate marketing ploy for you folks. He created a ridiculous term that doesn't exist. I only called you what your name is. If you can call the University itself "Charlotte," I can call your athletic programs "UNCC." By your own definitions they are both wrong.

April 5th, 2012, 03:43 PM
Who's crying? You were the first to complain about being called UNC-Boone. LOL! Hypocrite!

I'm not complaining. I was just pointing out that the "branding" issue is a serious hot-button issue at UNCC. There is no such issue at App because we've always had our very own name and we refused to bend to the will of Chapel Hill back in the day. When a Cee fan calls App UNC-Boone, it is a direct reflection of what he is self conscious about with regard to his own school's "slave name."

You're delusional, so I won't waste my time any more. It's like arguing with a room full of Chattownmocs'. This condition is running rampant on your campus...


April 5th, 2012, 03:49 PM
Dunning Kruger would make a great name for the central character in a novel about the a delusional group of football fans at a school like, say USL, GaState or the University of Chapel Hill @ Charlotte.....

Thanks for posting that...

April 5th, 2012, 03:52 PM
There's no distinction between our school name and our sports name. No, that is reserved as a desperate marketing ploy for you folks. He created a ridiculous term that doesn't exist. I only called you what your name is. If you can call the University itself "Charlotte," I can call your athletic programs "UNCC." By your own definitions they are both wrong.

Tell that to Georgia Tech and Virginia Tech (who beat your little team's a$$ unmercifully last fall) since they do the same, among others.

April 5th, 2012, 03:54 PM
Dunning Kruger would make a great name for the central character in a novel about the a delusional group of football fans at a school like, say USL, GaState or the University of Chapel Hill @ Charlotte.....

Thanks for posting that...

Speaking of delusional......for grins, I just did a little internet research on your "McNeese State" athletics program and school......WOW!!! What a freakin' dump!

April 5th, 2012, 03:59 PM
Tell that to Georgia Tech and Virginia Tech (who beat your little team's a$$ unmercifully last fall) since they do the same, among others.

Virginia polytechnic institute and state university was a mouthful. It had nothing to do with being subservient to UVA.

I look forward to seeing similar point spreads when you play ODU and Georgia Southern. Hell, I would not be surprised to see you lose to Campbell by double digits.

Speaking of delusional......for grins, I just did a little internet research on your "McNeese State" athletics program and school......WOW!!! What a freakin' dump!

What does being delusional have to do with what you think about the McNeese State campus? You need to work on your segways....or your understanding of the English language. Also, please come down from your high horse. UNCC is not the prettiest to say the least.

April 5th, 2012, 05:15 PM
Speaking of delusional......for grins, I just did a little internet research on your "McNeese State" athletics program and school......WOW!!! What a freakin' dump!

Hey, I agree. McNeese is a small public school in a small state plagued by funding shortfalls. I think we do just fine with what we've got to work with...

Moreover, I'd rather be us than you. However, if you look just 65 short miles to the east of us, you'll find some ideological brothers-in-delusional arms, the USL Ragin Cajuns, who - like you - are CONVINCED that they're but one phone call away from getting an invite to Conference USA ;)

Maybe you two can play each other in conference or something....you could even establish a trophy of sorts....The winner gets a bronzed copy of the DSM-IV, opened to the section on Delusional Worldviews ;)

April 5th, 2012, 06:00 PM
Virginia polytechnic institute and state university was a mouthful. It had nothing to do with being subservient to UVA.

I look forward to seeing similar point spreads when you play ODU and Georgia Southern. Hell, I would not be surprised to see you lose to Campbell by double digits.

What does being delusional have to do with what you think about the McNeese State campus? You need to work on your segways....or your understanding of the English language. Also, please come down from your high horse. UNCC is not the prettiest to say the least.

Wow, that ASU education isn't really working very well. The "delusional"part refers to Mr. McNeese State talking down to Charlotte as if he is from some great university that is well above Charlotte and that my friend (after seeing images of that campus) is definitely delusional.

Yes, the University of North Carolina at Charlotte just rolls off the tongue doesn't it........nice try. Hole.

April 5th, 2012, 06:02 PM
Hey, I agree. McNeese is a small public school in a small state plagued by funding shortfalls. I think we do just fine with what we've got to work with...

Moreover, I'd rather be us than you. However, if you look just 65 short miles to the east of us, you'll find some ideological brothers-in-delusional arms, the USL Ragin Cajuns, who - like you - are CONVINCED that they're but one phone call away from getting an invite to Conference USA ;)

Maybe you two can play each other in conference or something....you could even establish a trophy of sorts....The winner gets a bronzed copy of the DSM-IV, opened to the section on Delusional Worldviews ;)

Huh, I don't remember USL as a founding member of CUSA-----when it was an even better league, by the way.

April 5th, 2012, 06:41 PM
Wow, that ASU education isn't really working very well. The "delusional"part refers to Mr. McNeese State talking down to Charlotte as if he is from some great university that is well above Charlotte and that my friend (after seeing images of that campus) is definitely delusional.

Yes, the University of North Carolina at Charlotte just rolls off the tongue doesn't it........nice try. Hole.

You mistake my recognizing you for what you are as talking down to you. I'm sorry that I don't find you as awe-inspiring as you find yourself, but that's probably because I've seen your sitcom before. It's like you guys have syndicated the USL, Southwest Texas State at San Marcos and Georgia State stories or soemthing....

Do you have to pay a franchise fee to use their trademarked name-change method for respectability, or is that like some sort of Open-Source Program you can freely download under a GNU license from SourceForge?

I only ask because...well....Your implementation of Delusions.of.Grandeur 3.0 is somewhat buggy and unstable....

April 5th, 2012, 06:42 PM
Huh, I don't remember USL as a founding member of CUSA-----when it was an even better league, by the way.

I'm sure your soccer program is the envy of the league....

April 5th, 2012, 08:17 PM
I'm sure your soccer program is the envy of the league....

As is your entire athletics program there in the SOUTHLAND........hahaha

April 5th, 2012, 08:22 PM
You mistake my recognizing you for what you are as talking down to you. I'm sorry that I don't find you as awe-inspiring as you find yourself, but that's probably because I've seen your sitcom before. It's like you guys have syndicated the USL, Southwest Texas State at San Marcos and Georgia State stories or soemthing....

Do you have to pay a franchise fee to use their trademarked name-change method for respectability, or is that like some sort of Open-Source Program you can freely download under a GNU license from SourceForge?

I only ask because...well....Your implementation of Delusions.of.Grandeur 3.0 is somewhat buggy and unstable....

It doesn't matter how many times you repeat this BS, it doesn't make it true. McNeese bares a whole lot more of a resemblance to those schools than UNC Charlotte does. Have any of those schools really ever done anything of note on a national level in ANY SPORT? Of course not.....like I said, they're much more similar to McNeese.;)

BTW, I never said or even insinuated that Charlotte is "awe-inspiring" but compared to McNeese State, the university and overall athletics program.......well, do I really need to compare the 2......I mean, come on man.

April 5th, 2012, 08:39 PM
Overall athletics program? Please, you don't even have a football team yet. Next

Track and field? I don't recall any Olympians coming from the University of Chapel Hill @ Charlotte, but maybe I missed somebody......McNeese? We've got a couple...Triple Jump Bronze Medalist Frank Rutherford is clearly the best known...

Basketball? We won the NIT some decades ago, but beyond that, we've NBA Hall of Famer Joe Dumars, a member of the Dream Team and NBA Finals MVP, declared by MJ himself to be the toughest defender he ever faced. Coincidentally, the NBA's sportsmanship award is named for Dumars...I think we can rule the case closed on Hoops...

Baseball? I heard you guys were okay back in the 70s...but what have you done lately? We've got more than a few MLBers....I'd say that's a toss up...

Soccer? Okay....you got me.

Let me guess...you really excel on the distaff side, right? ;)

On balance, given the size of your institution and the size of mine, I'd say you're doing less with more ;)

April 5th, 2012, 08:47 PM
Well, I look forward to playing both schools. UNCC, we gotta make this happen. McNeese, revenge will be served in Lake Charles 2014!

Can't we all just get along? xlolx

April 5th, 2012, 08:50 PM
Listen, pageant contestants, there is no contest here. You are all beautiful. You are all winners, even you in the green-and-white new dress and unscuffed pumps.

FBS is not where FCS programs go when the attendance passes a certain number or you win a certain number of games. This is a school policy decision, not making the cut for 'American Idol'. Georgia State in the Sun Belt (or UTSA in the WAC) is evidence of all of this. Now they have the task for making their program successful in the FBS, something that a large chunk of schools playing at that level find challenging, even with a pile of accumulated football wisdom (Bill Curry is arguably an accumulation of something.) Those schools, in making that decision-- large, urban, mostly commuter institutions, like Charlotte-- have to hustle like hell to avoid hanging an albatross around the institution's neck. At least UTSA has the Longhorn Network...

For now the big benchmark for them will be a .500 record and an as-yet-unnamed bowl appearance. I am UConn fan, acutely aware of the string of effort, state bonding and good fortune that took them to a BCS bowl game in less than 10 years, and now, as a UNM fan, how ephemeral any success may be. The UTSA, GaState, and (maybe) Charlotte fans have to discuss here in FCS-land is their potential, for which they should be boisterous and optimistic, but get up underneath the nuts-and-bolts that will make those new teams winners out of the gate, like an ODU.

For now, I would stop wandering into the matter of performance. It is irrelevant for the programs in discussion, I would argue.

April 5th, 2012, 09:19 PM
FBS is not where FCS programs go when the attendance passes a certain number or you win a certain number of games. This is a school policy decision, not making the cut for 'American Idol'.

For now the big benchmark for them will be a .500 record and an as-yet-unnamed bowl appearance. The UTSA, GaState, and (maybe) Charlotte fans have to discuss here in FCS-land is their potential, for which they should be boisterous and optimistic, but get up underneath the nuts-and-bolts that will make those new teams winners out of the gate, like an ODU.

For now, I would stop wandering into the matter of performance. It is irrelevant for the programs in discussion, I would argue.

Welcome to the party! You're very clearly the patient sort. Georgia State and The University of Chapel Hill @ Charlotte have been told that very same thing on several occasions and that's not good enough for them, apparently. For the 437th time, kudos to them for starting programs and making the decision to give the FBS a try.

And, for the 438th time, while most of us wish them well on that endeavor, they shouldn't expect us to let the wildly speculative, if not downright delusional comments about their virtually guaranteed success pass without comment, particularly when those comments are generally attached to ancillary commentary that denigrates this particular division.

Your post was very well written and nicely thought out. However, you do realize that despite the extreme common sense displayed therein, the UNCC and GaState fans will think you've offered commentary that bolsters their delusional worldview, don't you? ;)

April 5th, 2012, 10:22 PM
Wow, that ASU education isn't really working very well. The "delusional"part refers to Mr. McNeese State talking down to Charlotte as if he is from some great university that is well above Charlotte and that my friend (after seeing images of that campus) is definitely delusional.

Yes, the University of North Carolina at Charlotte just rolls off the tongue doesn't it........nice try. Hole.

Like I said, literally every one of his posts are hypocritical. Even with his board name. It's Apphole, rather than AppalachianStateUniversityhole. xlolx

April 5th, 2012, 10:43 PM
You are all beautiful and you are all winners.

As lifelong football fan, raised 3 miles from where UConn plays, it still took a hearty drumbeat and a lot of accumulated athletic program goodwill and imported football acumen to first build that stadium, then fill it and have a so-so FCS program (1 playoff appearance, ever) begin to welcome Pitt, West Virginia and Louisville, and win a decent percentage of the time. Here in 'Borque, the fans drove a decent coach out of town, a decent athletic program brought in a spectacularly bad choice at coach (fired just before losing to SHSU last year), and now home game tickets with Boise State this year will be plentiful and cheap. I think the local fan base, rabid about Lobo football before, will be chastened by all this, but Lobo football is the only game in town. This is not the case in Atlanta and Charlotte (Texas seems endlessly sotted with football, so San Antonio will likely lumber onward whatever happens to the WAC.)

The talent portion of the competition has yet to begin. They better bring it. Atlanta and Charlotte have tombstones in their sports history (2x the NHL has come and gone in ATL...and the NBA is on its 2nd round in Charlotte). Once one entity goes away, it is easier to watch others fail and go on with life. These are the markets being courted.

April 5th, 2012, 10:49 PM
This thread is 34 pages too long.

April 5th, 2012, 10:50 PM
This thread is 34 pages too long.


April 6th, 2012, 03:50 AM
What the heck is the point of all this name calling. We should all be working together against the BCS mafia instead of throwing jabs at each other. Figure a way for each of our schools to get a much larger piece of the pie; instead of throwing pie in each other's face. Children have to be supervised because they cannot be relied upon to play peacefully between themselves; you are not children. If you have to drive each other crazy, do it with compliments.

I don't want to have to come back on this thread and see this crap again. Understand?

(Yeah, like someone will actually listen.)

April 6th, 2012, 08:02 AM

Not agreed, it needs to be 34 pages longer.

April 6th, 2012, 08:02 AM

Not agreed, it needs to be 34 pages longer.

April 6th, 2012, 08:12 AM
The only time **** comes out of my mouth is when I'm extolling the virtues of The Univeristy of Chapel Hill @ Charlotte....

The transformation into a troll continues. When he finds his way over to the 49er board the transformation will be complete.

April 6th, 2012, 08:20 AM
The transformation into a troll continues. When he finds his way over to the 49er board the transformation will be complete.

This "troll" speaks the truth......very unlike more recent ones.

April 6th, 2012, 08:27 AM
Once again FPC, you show your both clueless and a liar. For one, an NIT Title decades ago and one well known player in basketball makes McNeese better than Charlotte?......haha......

Lets see, we have a NCAA Mens Basketball Final Four on our resume and we've won numerous NCAA tournament games in the last 20 years, and that EVEN includes the last 6-7 seasons with no NCAA bid (our worst stretch in literally almost 30 years and we still made a couple NITs). We went to 9 tourneys in an 11 year stretch from the mid 90s to 2005, most of those bids were at-large, not "automatic" from some no-name league. Ever hear on NBA Finals MVP Cornbread Maxwell?

Baseball, you're lying. How do I know, because we didn't even start baseball until the late 70s and we certainly weren't very good back then. We've had our best baseball over the last decade (record and NCAA wise anyway). Multiple players have gone on to the pros (John Maine, Chris Harvey, and others), we have guys drafted most every year and several have made impacts in MLB recently and multiple others are working their way through the Minors.

Golf----7 straight NCAA trips and a number 1 national ranking for the majority of the season a couple years ago.

Soccer----well, even you admit that is no comparison.

Yeah, keep telling yourself how McNeese compares........yeah right.

April 6th, 2012, 08:41 AM
Oh yes, UNCC baseball.

I would not be surprised to find out this guy is one of you in this forum


April 6th, 2012, 08:43 AM
The transformation into a troll continues. When he finds his way over to the 49er board the transformation will be complete.

I hate to be the continued bearer of bad news with regard to your rather skewed worldview, but since you (as a fan base) have chosen this particular message board as a forum to display your collective delusion, you've invited the responsive commentary that you've received. i didn't go looking for you, you mooks came to me ;) Beyond that, there's really no stretch of the imagination whereby your board is the first choice destination experience you fancy it to be. It's kinda funny, but several of your posters have attempted to hold your board out as some sort of authoritative reference for the altered reality that you Niner fans cloak yourselves in, but for the rest of us, it's simply something to point and laugh at...;)

And, following the USL-Model-for-Delusional-fanbases that I'm POSITIVE will make an entrance into the DSM-IV at some point in the near future, the fact that you see your message board as some place that would be appealing to anybody other than a clinical research psychologist, or perhaps somebody in dire need of the relief that only theater of the absurd comedy can provide is positively laughable...

But in true USL/GASTATE/SWTSU@SM/University of Chapel Hill @ Charlotte fashion, you've attempted to make it all about you. We're obsessed with you, right? Try disappearing for a while and watch what happens. I promise you that you'll be forgotten in under 24 hours. The only obsesed people here are you folks....

Shoot the messenger if you must, but The Niner board doesn't hold the same appeal for those of us in the real world that it does for those of you who suffer from the self-reinforcing delusions of relevance which bands you all together as Niner fans.

But, in all seriousness, it's part and parcel of "the USL complex." Next, you'll probably restrict access to only those posters who've proven that they're loyal to the cause or you'll edit content. ( Please see the message boards for USL, GaState, SW Texas State at San Marcos for more information)

What you don't realize is that though it's great that you're starting a new program, you're not exactly treading into unexpected territory or blazing the trail you you fancy yourself blazing. You're simply falling victim to your need for extrinsic validation (as all those who have low self-esteem and who aren't comfortable in their own skin, with their own identities) and you're taking proactive steps to radically revamp your entire image, as though a new name and a shiny new outfit can change what's on the inside.

Unfortunately for you, you're still exactly who you were before, and no amount of rebranding can overcome a demonstrated lack of accomplishment, but - just like USL, GaState and SWTexas State before you, you'll try to achieve that extrinsic validation through shortcuts and wordsmithery instead of actually earning it. You'll find it's a tough row to how.....

Having said that, I realize you're no longer reading for content and that - at this point - you've completely shut down and have absolutely NO ability to objectively evaluate what I'm telling you, and that's okay. You're quite literally walking in the shoes of USL, GaState and SWTSU@SM, taking the EXACT same steps they've taken. I've seen this before and I know how this story ends. ;)

There's much to be learned from those examples if you pay attention. What's the old saw about the definition of insanity? Trying the same thing over and over and expecting DIFFERENT results?

If you want to see how building a program is done, check out Old Dominion. Classy fans, provent results, no oral bull**** from anybody associated with the program.

THAT's how it's done...

April 6th, 2012, 08:58 AM
Once again FPC, you show your both clueless and a liar. For one, an NIT Title decades ago and one well known player in basketball makes McNeese better than Charlotte?......haha......

Lets see, we have a NCAA Mens Basketball Final Four on our resume and we've won numerous NCAA tournament games in the last 20 years, and that EVEN includes the last 6-7 seasons with no NCAA bid (our worst stretch in literally almost 30 years and we still made a couple NITs). We went to 9 tourneys in an 11 year stretch from the mid 90s to 2005, most of those bids were at-large, not "automatic" from some no-name league. Ever hear on NBA Finals MVP Cornbread Maxwell?

Baseball, you're lying. How do I know, because we didn't even start baseball until the late 70s and we certainly weren't very good back then. We've had our best baseball over the last decade (record and NCAA wise anyway). Multiple players have gone on to the pros (John Maine, Chris Harvey, and others), we have guys drafted most every year and several have made impacts in MLB recently and multiple others are working their way through the Minors.

Golf----7 straight NCAA trips and a number 1 national ranking for the majority of the season a couple years ago.

Soccer----well, even you admit that is no comparison.

Yeah, keep telling yourself how McNeese compares........yeah right.

Okay, so I got the University of Chapel Hill @ Charlotte's baseball and basketball programs confused for a second there....and, clearly, omitting your success at Golf comes as a complete chastisement to me! Oh the horror!

We've made the tournament intermittantly, so though your Final Four success 35 years ago is nice, it's kinda...well.....OLD ;)

But, you've got a point. With your demonstrated excellence in Golf and Soccer, well...I do feel a bit foolish about trying to compare the two schools ;)

April 6th, 2012, 09:12 AM
i didn't go looking for you, you mooks came to me ;)

No one came looking for you.

You've mistaken what was a discussion for Charlotte fans trying to have other fan bases validate what we are creating. That's why your panties are in a wad and have proved yourself to be a blathering schmuck by writing short novels on a message board about it. No one owes us and we don't owe anyone.

Your insults are antiquated and we've heard them thousands of times before. Please come up with something original and I may have the slightest of interest in the so-called "content" that you spew....or you can keep grasping for straws, whichever gets you by.

GA St. MBB Fan
April 6th, 2012, 09:18 AM
But, in all seriousness, it's part and parcel of "the USL complex." Next, you'll probably restrict access to only those posters who've proven that they're loyal to the cause or you'll edit content. ( Please see the message boards for USL, GaState, SW Texas State at San Marcos for more information)

Seriously? Access on Panthertalk.com was restricted because we were getting an onslaught of "spammers" and "bots" posting advertisements and other junk on our board. It isn't difficult for a person to answer the question..."when was Georgia State founded/established?" A human, regardless of school affiliation, could google that quite easily, and be permitted access to the board. But a "spammer" or "bot" couldn't.

April 6th, 2012, 09:35 AM
Seriously? Access on Panthertalk.com was restricted because we were getting an onslaught of "spammers" and "bots" posting advertisements and other junk on our board. It isn't difficult for a person to answer the question..."when was Georgia State founded/established?" A human, regardless of school affiliation, could google that quite easily, and be permitted access to the board. But a "spammer" or "bot" couldn't.

I was actually referring more to USL, but thank you for emphasizing the point i was making ;)

April 6th, 2012, 09:38 AM
Seriously? Access on Panthertalk.com was restricted because we were getting an onslaught of "spammers" and "bots" posting advertisements and other junk on our board. It isn't difficult for a person to answer the question..."when was Georgia State founded/established?" A human, regardless of school affiliation, could google that quite easily, and be permitted access to the board. But a "spammer" or "bot" couldn't.

Does "I don't care" count for an answer?

April 6th, 2012, 09:43 AM
No one came looking for you.

You've mistaken what was a discussion for Charlotte fans trying to have other fan bases validate what we are creating. That's why your panties are in a wad and have proved yourself to be a blathering schmuck by writing short novels on a message board about it. No one owes us and we don't owe anyone.

Your insults are antiquated and we've heard them thousands of times before. Please come up with something original and I may have the slightest of interest in the so-called "content" that you spew....or you can keep grasping for straws, whichever gets you by.

It comes as no surprise that thousands of rational individuals have responded to you like I have. It's simply the logical thing to do...

I wish you people would make up your mind. In one post, you all claim that we owe you respect and now, a few hundred posts later, you indicate that we don't. All you Niner fans look alike. Are you the same guy who says he has respect for FCS, but simultaneously - on your board - says that he can't wait to play "real" football?

And, lastly....apparently reading comprehension isn't a strong suit at The University of Chapel Hill @ Charlotte...I never said you guys came looking for me. I said that you're getting the responses you're getting because you guys came here and apparently decided to hold your weekly Self-Fulfilling Delusion Support Group Meeting here.

The way I see it, you've got three possible options. Continue on as you have, and keep getting the responses you've gotten...or...

Avail yourself of one of two options....A.) Pull your head out of your ***....B.) Take off the Nine colored glasses.

I think either one of those will help you see more clearly and perhaps enable you to read the fine print you're apparently skimming over. I don't think you necessarily have to do both, though I'm sure it would help matters exponentially if you did....

April 6th, 2012, 09:47 AM
I feel like this got lost in the argument, so I'll post it again


April 6th, 2012, 09:52 AM
Does "I don't care" count for an answer?

How could you POSSIBLY not care about the tiniest bit of minutiae regarding Georgia State Panther athletics? I mean, that's just NOT possible. You MUST be enthralled with everything the Panthers do. I mean, it's like TOTALLY superior to anything else that anybody else has ever done. Did you know that ESPN is going to devote a cover story on just how clever Bill Curry was to come up with the way they log into their message board?

That's a very impressive bit of media exposure in a Major Major Major media market (yes I posted this in the cavernously empty Georgia Dome, so that IS in fact an echo you hear!) that the rest of FCS can only dream about!!!

Clearly, you're a prole!

April 6th, 2012, 09:57 AM
How could you POSSIBLY not care about the tiniest bit of minutiae regarding Georgia State Panther athletics? I mean, that's just NOT possible. You MUST be enthralled with everything the Panthers do. I mean, it's like TOTALLY superior to anything else that anybody else has ever done. Did you know that ESPN is going to devote a cover story on just how clever Bill Curry was to come up with the way they log into their message board?

That's a very impressive bit of media exposure in a Major Major Major media market (yes I posted this in the cavernously empty Georgia Dome, so that IS in fact an echo you hear!) that the rest of FCS can only dream about!!!

Clearly, you're a prole!

Yep..I'm a terrible person. My apologies Panther fans.

April 6th, 2012, 10:00 AM
I feel like this got lost in the argument, so I'll post it again

Even better.


April 6th, 2012, 10:03 AM
Even better.


I'd take an out-of-context promotional video intended for an audience of elderly donors in 2005 over a video of a very typical Cee fan being even more obnoxious and asinine as the AGS Cee panel of delusions.

April 6th, 2012, 10:07 AM
I'd take an out-of-context promotional video intended for an audience of elderly donors in 2005 over a video of a very typical Cee fan being even more obnoxious and asinine as the AGS Cee panel of delusions.

Either way Watauga's Teachers College is HOT HOT HOT!!!!!

April 6th, 2012, 10:14 AM
Having spent time in Charlotte and having visited in and around Boone, I have to agree that Watauga's Teachers College IS kinda hot. Unfortunately, nobody can say that about the University of Chapel Hill @ Charlotte...

April 6th, 2012, 10:20 AM
Having spent time in Charlotte and having visited in and around Boone, I have to agree that Watauga's Teachers College IS kinda hot. Unfortunately, nobody can say that about the University of Chapel Hill @ Charlotte...

Awesome story, tell it again.

GA St. MBB Fan
April 6th, 2012, 10:21 AM
I was actually referring more to USL, but thank you for emphasizing the point i was making ;)

Your point was that the schools you mentioned restricted access to their respective message boards to limit "bots" and "spammers?"

Does "I don't care" count for an answer?

If you were interested posting on panthertalk.com, for whatever reason that may be, then "I don't care" would not count for an answer. You would have to prove that you are a human being and not some "bot" or "spammer" and actually answer the question correctly.

April 6th, 2012, 10:23 AM
Even better.


You've got that right, Appalachian is HOT HOT HOT! There's no doubting it, even when the weather is COLD COLD COLD. I'm proud as a peacock!

April 6th, 2012, 10:25 AM
Your point was that the schools you mentioned restricted access to their respective message boards to limit "bots" and "spammers?"

If you were interested posting on panthertalk.com, for whatever reason that may be, then "I don't care" would not count for an answer. You would have to prove that you are a human being and not some "bot" or "spammer" and actually answer the question correctly.

No, that wasn't my point at all....there are literally thousands of boards out there and only a select few are overly restricted. Coincidentally, that phenomenon manifests itself at certain schools of a certain mindset.....it's.....interesting......from a psychological standpoint ;)

And, I think you miss the point inherent to the Good Reverend's post. Obviously, he - and others - didn't care to answer the question correctly ;)

There's a message there ;)

April 6th, 2012, 10:40 AM
If you were interested posting on panthertalk.com, for whatever reason that may be, then "I don't care" would not count for an answer. You would have to prove that you are a human being and not some "bot" or "spammer" and actually answer the question correctly.

So if I give the correct answer of: 1913 as Georgia Tech's "Evening School of Commerce" do I get to be an admin?

April 6th, 2012, 10:47 AM
So if I give the correct answer of: 1913 as Georgia Tech's "Evening School of Commerce" do I get to be an admin?

<<You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to TheRevSFA again.>>

April 6th, 2012, 10:51 AM
I do like a school whose fight song says "we're from the ATL" in it. Did Ludacris help write it?

April 6th, 2012, 11:25 AM
Dweeb thread.

April 6th, 2012, 11:27 AM
Dweeb thread.

Fine, let's talk about the Portland State Vikings..what's new up there? any recent seasons above .500?

April 6th, 2012, 12:35 PM
Okay, so I got the University of Chapel Hill @ Charlotte's baseball and basketball programs confused for a second there....and, clearly, omitting your success at Golf comes as a complete chastisement to me! Oh the horror!

We've made the tournament intermittantly, so though your Final Four success 35 years ago is nice, it's kinda...well.....OLD ;)

But, you've got a point. With your demonstrated excellence in Golf and Soccer, well...I do feel a bit foolish about trying to compare the two schools ;)

OK, name the topic (other than football-----congrats, you're better at a sport--<right now>-----that we haven't played in over 50 years) whether athletics or academics and I have no problem comparing McNeese to Charlotte.....I have a feeling you may have trouble coming up with a selection to your liking.

April 6th, 2012, 12:37 PM
Hey..congrats Ga State! Seriously. Your Sagarin rating from last season puts you in the lower tier of the Southland Conference!

April 6th, 2012, 01:16 PM
Hey..congrats Ga State! Seriously. Your Sagarin rating from last season puts you in the lower tier of the Southland Conference!

This thread has long ago stopped being a Georgia State thread. We did really suck last year though. Injuries and inconsistency at QB damned us. And we'll suck in the Sun Belt for a time until we can get the talent level where it should be. That's ok though. I'm happy to be moving upward.

April 6th, 2012, 01:17 PM
This thread has long ago stopped being a Georgia State thread. We did really suck last year though. Injuries and inconsistency at QB damned us.

I'm just messing with you Tuscon. I know you're up and coming and I know you'll have more successful seasons in the future.

April 6th, 2012, 01:27 PM
OK, name the topic (other than football-----congrats, you're better at a sport--<right now>-----that we haven't played in over 50 years) whether athletics or academics and I have no problem comparing McNeese to Charlotte.....I have a feeling you may have trouble coming up with a selection to your liking.

Topical Choices, eh? I'll take "Why don't you just STFU" for $100, Alex....;)

But, in all seriousness...and since I know you won't STFU....primarily because, pathologically, you CAN"T....I'll just point out that as a branch of The University of Chapel Hill @ Charlotte, you've been supervised, cultivated and given the task to serve a major metropolitan area. Given the population in your area, even considering that you're a plan B school, or the school that most kids flunk into, I'd say that you need to be running circles around us, by a wide margin, or the North Carolina legislature's been wasting its money....

There are areas where you'll excel..hopefully...and there are areas where you won't be competitive. Just for grins....what's your creative writing department like? I'm going to venture a guess that you're not really competitive with us, there, but you may be able to illustrate otherwise....I think maybe another area where you'll not be competitive with us would be in nursing, and another would be with regard to medical school acceptance rate...We're primarily a teacher's college and we've not really strayed very far from our roots...Even though we're not in the Research Triangle, we've had a few nice things happen in our Chemistry and Physics department...if you peruse the latest issues of the American Institute of Physics, I think you'll note mentions of McNeese faculty and staff, but....curiously....I haven't seen Chapel Hill @ Charlotte mentioned, which is obviously an oversight that will be corrected forthwith!

it's clear from our exchange that you're probably very young. Just to show you that I'm not a complete prick.... I'll give you this...you fight gamely for a guy with a room temperature IQ ;)

April 6th, 2012, 01:49 PM
SFA who? Has anyone outside of TX ever heard of SFA? I think not.

Oh..Montana has, Georgia has, Louisiana and Arkansas have...I strongly doubt anyone in Texas, besides myself, has heard of your school.

but I digress...You guys have a nice campus in one of the most beautiful cities I have been to.

April 6th, 2012, 02:03 PM
Oh..Montana has, Georgia has, Louisiana and Arkansas have...I strongly doubt anyone in Texas, besides myself, has heard of your school.

but I digress...You guys have a nice campus in one of the most beautiful cities I have been to.

Portland has it's own State University now? Holy Cow, when did that happen? Seems like just yesterday that San Patricio County Junior College opened its doors.....Man, I wonder if that'll have any impact on TAMU-CC's football aspirations. Where does Portland State play their games at, Ray Akin field in Wildcat Stadium???

April 6th, 2012, 02:03 PM

Lookin like Monday.

April 6th, 2012, 02:07 PM
It looks like the CAA is trying to help make it happen quickly by upping the ante to get out now! ;)

April 6th, 2012, 02:09 PM
It looks like the CAA is trying to help make it happen quickly by upping the ante to get out now! ;)

Thank god. The one good thing they've done for us and it's probably an accident.

April 6th, 2012, 02:13 PM

Lookin like Monday.

Don't put the cart before the horse. That doesn't say he's visiting to invite you.

It may yet happen, but it seems more and more like Georgia State is trying to dictate what will happen, and that might cause a little bit of backlash with the Sun Belt presidents.

April 6th, 2012, 02:24 PM
Thank god. The one good thing they've done for us and it's probably an accident.

LOL. The Sunbelt wouldn't so much as sniff anywhere near you if you were still in the Atlantic Sun.

April 6th, 2012, 02:25 PM
Don't put the cart before the horse. That doesn't say he's visiting to invite you.

It may yet happen, but it seems more and more like Georgia State is trying to dictate what will happen, and that might cause a little bit of backlash with the Sun Belt presidents.

Keep wishing. No one is dictating anything. It's pretty obvious at this point that this is going to happen. Even Yeager was talking like it's a done deal.

April 6th, 2012, 02:26 PM
LOL. The Sunbelt wouldn't so much as sniff anywhere near you if you were still in the Atlantic Sun.

I don't really know what that means. We all know Georgia State does not fit in the CAA. That's ok and I'm glad we are rectifying the situation.

April 6th, 2012, 02:30 PM
I don't really know what that means. We all know Georgia State does not fit in the CAA. That's ok and I'm glad we are rectifying the situation.

It means that the CAA has done a helluva lot more for Georgia State than you think by inviting them to the conference in 2005 in the first place and putting them which put you in position to move to Sunbelt now. If you were still in the Atlantic-Sun I don't think the Sunbelt would have come calling.

April 6th, 2012, 02:32 PM
It means that the CAA has done a helluva lot more for Georgia State than you think by inviting them to the conference in 2005 in the first place and putting them which put you in position to move to Sunbelt now. If you were still in the Atlantic-Sun I don't think the Sunbelt would have come calling.

Being invited to the Sun Belt has little to do with our current conference. We haven't even played a down of CAA football yet. I won't go into the reasons Georgia State make sense, as I'm sure you're all very sick of it by now.

April 6th, 2012, 02:36 PM
I'm gonna disagree. The Slumbelch is populated by a whole community of vainglorious, overreaching social climbing institutions intent on shortcutting their way to respectability. The CAA is a very prestigious conference. They'll pick up an FCS school from a prestigious conference long before they'd pick up a school from a conference that's not taken seriously.

that would make THEM look bad...well...worse, ya know? ;)

Look just to show you that I'm not a complete prick, when Georgia State comes to Louisiana to play ULM and USL, I"ll make a point to come root for the Panthers wearing Blue and White....Deal??

April 6th, 2012, 02:40 PM
The Slumbelch is populated by a whole community of vainglorious, overreaching social climbing institutions intent on shortcutting their way to respectability.

That is an impressive sentence. Reps to you

April 6th, 2012, 02:40 PM
When you play USL, you'll HAVE to try out a classic cheer that they love....

it goes something like this:

"Go to Hell"
"Go to hell"

and, incase they fail to pick up on what you're throwing down, you add the following line....

"Eat ****!"

So it then becomes:

"Go - to - Hell
U -S - L
"Go - to -Hell"
"Eat ****!"

They love that one ;)

April 6th, 2012, 02:42 PM
I'm gonna disagree. The Slumbelch is populated by a whole community of vainglorious, overreaching social climbing institutions intent on shortcutting their way to respectability. The CAA is a very prestigious conference. They'll pick up an FCS school from a prestigious conference long before they'd pick up a school from a conference that's not taken seriously.

that would make THEM look bad...well...worse, ya know? ;)

Look just to show you that I'm not a complete prick, when Georgia State comes to Louisiana to play ULM and USL, I"ll make a point to come root for the Panthers wearing Blue and White....Deal??

Well, you are a complete prick and I don't really care if you come to our games or not.

April 6th, 2012, 02:44 PM
Well, you are a complete prick and I don't really care if you come to our games or not.

C'mon, you don't mean that! You know you want at least one fan in the stands rooting for Georgia State when you guys go on the road to Louisiana!

April 6th, 2012, 02:50 PM
Well, you are a complete prick and I don't really care if you come to our games or not.

I'm sowwy, I didn't mean to hoit yore wittle feewings!

Good Lord, I've been on this message board for, what, 6 years now and I've only gotten negative rep points from one guy, YOU. That's twice now! If I didn't know better, I'd say you were a little sensitive!

April 6th, 2012, 02:51 PM
I'm sowwy, I didn't mean to hoit yore wittle feewings!

Good Lord, I've been on this message board for, what, 6 years now and I've only gotten negative rep points from one guy, YOU. That's twice now! If I didn't know better, I'd say you were a little sensitive!

Just kind of hate you. I'm surprised more people don't.

April 6th, 2012, 02:53 PM
Just kind of hate you. I'm surprised more people don't.

It's okay Nancy! I didn't realize we were playing by chick rules...but now that I know that, I'll be gentle with you ;)

April 6th, 2012, 03:11 PM
Nice little circle jerk PokeCenter, Apphole, and RevSFA have going on. xawesomexxhugxxspankx

April 6th, 2012, 03:35 PM
Nice little circle jerk PokeCenter, Apphole, and RevSFA have going on. xawesomexxhugxxspankx

I got very little problem with the latter two. Although I see why you wouldn't like Apphole. I think there's something wrong with internet tough guy extraordinaire, PokeCenter.

April 6th, 2012, 03:49 PM
Topical Choices, eh? I'll take "Why don't you just STFU" for $100, Alex....;)

But, in all seriousness...and since I know you won't STFU....primarily because, pathologically, you CAN"T....I'll just point out that as a branch of The University of Chapel Hill @ Charlotte, you've been supervised, cultivated and given the task to serve a major metropolitan area. Given the population in your area, even considering that you're a plan B school, or the school that most kids flunk into, I'd say that you need to be running circles around us, by a wide margin, or the North Carolina legislature's been wasting its money....

There are areas where you'll excel..hopefully...and there are areas where you won't be competitive. Just for grins....what's your creative writing department like? I'm going to venture a guess that you're not really competitive with us, there, but you may be able to illustrate otherwise....I think maybe another area where you'll not be competitive with us would be in nursing, and another would be with regard to medical school acceptance rate...We're primarily a teacher's college and we've not really strayed very far from our roots...Even though we're not in the Research Triangle, we've had a few nice things happen in our Chemistry and Physics department...if you peruse the latest issues of the American Institute of Physics, I think you'll note mentions of McNeese faculty and staff, but....curiously....I haven't seen Chapel Hill @ Charlotte mentioned, which is obviously an oversight that will be corrected forthwith!

it's clear from our exchange that you're probably very young. Just to show you that I'm not a complete prick.... I'll give you this...you fight gamely for a guy with a room temperature IQ ;)

Yay! Another short novel from somebody who doesn't even "care".

By the way, in regards to the bolded part, that's the purpose of all state schools. To serve a region.

April 6th, 2012, 04:22 PM
I got very little problem with the latter two. Although I see why you wouldn't like Apphole. I think there's something wrong with internet tough guy extraordinaire, PokeCenter.

Listen, pointing out that your effete responses have been somewhat shrill lately doesn't make me an internet tough guy...

Ordinarily, I'd tell you to butch up, but I'm sure that would only elicit more whining and mewling....

You know, you COULD try the somewhat novel and unique approach of ignoring me if you don't like my commentary. While that wouldn't eliminate the commentary on Ga. State's acute case of USL syndrome, it would allow you to go about your business and pretend that it doesn't exist...

Just sayin'....might be worth a try, ya know?

April 6th, 2012, 04:26 PM
Topical Choices, eh? I'll take "Why don't you just STFU" for $100, Alex....;)

But, in all seriousness...and since I know you won't STFU....primarily because, pathologically, you CAN"T....I'll just point out that as a branch of The University of Chapel Hill @ Charlotte, you've been supervised, cultivated and given the task to serve a major metropolitan area. Given the population in your area, even considering that you're a plan B school, or the school that most kids flunk into, I'd say that you need to be running circles around us, by a wide margin, or the North Carolina legislature's been wasting its money....

There are areas where you'll excel..hopefully...and there are areas where you won't be competitive. Just for grins....what's your creative writing department like? I'm going to venture a guess that you're not really competitive with us, there, but you may be able to illustrate otherwise....I think maybe another area where you'll not be competitive with us would be in nursing, and another would be with regard to medical school acceptance rate...We're primarily a teacher's college and we've not really strayed very far from our roots...Even though we're not in the Research Triangle, we've had a few nice things happen in our Chemistry and Physics department...if you peruse the latest issues of the American Institute of Physics, I think you'll note mentions of McNeese faculty and staff, but....curiously....I haven't seen Chapel Hill @ Charlotte mentioned, which is obviously an oversight that will be corrected forthwith!

it's clear from our exchange that you're probably very young. Just to show you that I'm not a complete prick.... I'll give you this...you fight gamely for a guy with a room temperature IQ ;)

That may be the weakest "comeback post" I've ever read.......and good lord, I hope you're very young because its obvious you are incredibly immature. If not, you wouldn't continually make off-handed statements as though they are fact when clearly they are not even close to accurate......I feel really sorry for you actually.

April 6th, 2012, 04:30 PM
Listen, pointing out that your effete responses have been somewhat shrill lately doesn't make me an internet tough guy...

Ordinarily, I'd tell you to butch up, but I'm sure that would only elicit more whining and mewling....

You know, you COULD try the somewhat novel and unique approach of ignoring me if you don't like my commentary. While that wouldn't eliminate the commentary on Ga. State's acute case of USL syndrome, it would allow you to go about your business and pretend that it doesn't exist...

Just sayin'....might be worth a try, ya know?

It'll only work till another Georgia State thread gets started and you fill it with your garbage.

April 6th, 2012, 04:34 PM
It'll only work till another Georgia State thread gets started and you fill it with your garbage.

Honestly, it depends on the content of the Georgia State thread....in the threads where you folks have been reasonable and haven't let your self-perpetuating delusion get in the way, I've managed to remain quiet.....there's a really neat concept out there called "responding in kind." You should research it ;)

April 6th, 2012, 04:40 PM
That may be the weakest "comeback post" I've ever read.......and good lord, I hope you're very young because its obvious you are incredibly immature. If not, you wouldn't continually make off-handed statements as though they are fact when clearly they are not even close to accurate......I feel really sorry for you actually.

It wasn't a comeback post...I thought I was generous by pointing out that you'd have areas where you'd excel...and I gave you your due with regard to Golf and Soccer. C'mon, what more do you want?

Let's be real here. The ONLY way you'd agree that I was being reasonable was if I bought into your mass delusion with regard to the relevance of the school and athletic program.

I don't expect you'll be able to admit that, because - quite simply - to fulfill the sense of personal identity that you're lacking, you've GOT to be a part of something special...and - unless we don the Niner colored glasses and view Chapel Hill @ Charlotte the same way you do, your experience isn't going to be able to be deemed special. Your pathological NEED for others to see you as you see yourself hamstrings you and makes it necessary for you guys to construct wholecloth worlds where you're smart, you're pretty and Gosh Darn It! People like you!. ; )

April 6th, 2012, 04:41 PM
Honestly, it depends on the content of the Georgia State thread....in the threads where you folks have been reasonable and haven't let your self-perpetuating delusion get in the way, I've managed to remain quiet.....there's a really neat concept out there called "responding in kind." You should research it ;)

Your first response in this thread was a sarcastic comment about a "signature" win over Campbell. Before the NC folks came over there wasn't a terrible conversation going on over here. You "responded in kind" to 49er fans and proceeded to lump all of us together in every post past that.

April 6th, 2012, 04:43 PM
Your first response in this thread was a sarcastic comment about a "signature" win over Campbell. Before the NC folks came over there wasn't a terrible conversation going on over here. You "responded in kind" to 49er fans and proceeded to lump all of us together in every post past that.

So you truly don't see the similarities?

Moreover, if not the mighty Campbell Camels, then what IS your signature win??

But listen, in all seriousness.....you can't get upset at sarcasm...if that upsets you, you'll get pissed at the entire board...

April 6th, 2012, 04:48 PM
So you truly don't see the similarities?

I see the similarities in our schools, yes, but this is about you trolling Georgia State threads. Nobody thinks we're going to dominate anything football related CAA or Sun Belt in at least the next 5 - 10 years, but I do expect my team to do well. That's not delusional, that's wanting what's best for my program.

April 6th, 2012, 04:55 PM
I see the similarities in our schools, yes, but this is about you trolling Georgia State threads. Nobody thinks we're going to dominate anything football related CAA or Sun Belt in at least the next 5 - 10 years, but I do expect my team to do well. That's not delusional, that's wanting what's best for my program.

Gee, if you keep posting that way, we'll get along fine! ;) That's a post that nobody can argue with...

April 6th, 2012, 06:22 PM
It wasn't a comeback post...I thought I was generous by pointing out that you'd have areas where you'd excel...and I gave you your due with regard to Golf and Soccer. C'mon, what more do you want?

Let's be real here. The ONLY way you'd agree that I was being reasonable was if I bought into your mass delusion with regard to the relevance of the school and athletic program.

I don't expect you'll be able to admit that, because - quite simply - to fulfill the sense of personal identity that you're lacking, you've GOT to be a part of something special...and - unless we don the Niner colored glasses and view Chapel Hill @ Charlotte the same way you do, your experience isn't going to be able to be deemed special. Your pathological NEED for others to see you as you see yourself hamstrings you and makes it necessary for you guys to construct wholecloth worlds where you're smart, you're pretty and Gosh Darn It! People like you!. ; )

Wow, nothing but lame failed attempts at humor again.......based on nothing but your delusions of McNeese greatness and a desire to somehow bring Charlotte DOWN to a comparable level to the great McNeese State..

April 6th, 2012, 06:47 PM
Wow, nothing but lame failed attempts at humor again.......based on nothing but your delusions of McNeese greatness and a desire to somehow bring Charlotte DOWN to a comparable level to the great McNeese State..

Yes, clearly, everybody's out to get you, right? It's all a grand conspiracy to keep you down and under Daddy Chapel Hill's thumb, right??

April 6th, 2012, 08:47 PM
Yes, clearly, everybody's out to get you, right? It's all a grand conspiracy to keep you down and under Daddy Chapel Hill's thumb, right??

Nope, I don't think anyone is "out to get us" and we are certainly not "under anyone's thumb"....Its funny how you randomly make stuff up. Nothing I have posted even hints at either of those 2 things. You are really a weird dude.xconfusedx

April 7th, 2012, 08:22 AM
I feel like this got lost in the argument, so I'll post it again


Is that 91 Niner?.............chattownmoc's father.....

April 7th, 2012, 09:04 AM
Oh to be so concerned about how you look to others..........http://brand.uncc.edu/sites/brand.uncc.edu/files/media/PDFs/UNC_Charlotte_ISG_2009FEB19.pdf

April 7th, 2012, 09:09 AM
Oh to be so concerned about how you look to others..........http://brand.uncc.edu/sites/brand.uncc.edu/files/media/PDFs/UNC_Charlotte_ISG_2009FEB19.pdf

Dude, most every big school has an official "logo" and "colors" page for media purposes. Was this supposed to be some kind of "shot"?

April 7th, 2012, 09:36 AM
Oh to be so concerned about how you look to others..........http://brand.uncc.edu/sites/brand.uncc.edu/files/media/PDFs/UNC_Charlotte_ISG_2009FEB19.pdf

That's perhaps the most detailed one I've ever seen. It's intricately more precise than even USL's.....I got a real kick out of the fact that the font of choice is "Utopia"....LOL, I swear truth is stranger than fiction ;)

April 7th, 2012, 09:41 AM
Nope, I don't think anyone is "out to get us" and we are certainly not "under anyone's thumb"....Its funny how you randomly make stuff up. Nothing I have posted even hints at either of those 2 things. You are really a weird dude.xconfusedx

You'rre concerned enough about being "pulled down" from the lofty perch you imagine yourself to be on, but - yet - you're not worried that anybody's out to get you? You;re not worried about being under anybody's thumb, but feel that differentiating yourself from your parental institution is important so that Chapel Hill doesn't get credit for your accomplishments...

Ever read Oedipus Rex?

April 7th, 2012, 10:56 AM
You'rre concerned enough about being "pulled down" from the lofty perch you imagine yourself to be on, but - yet - you're not worried that anybody's out to get you? You;re not worried about being under anybody's thumb, but feel that differentiating yourself from your parental institution is important so that Chapel Hill doesn't get credit for your accomplishments...

Ever read Oedipus Rex?

Ever get a clue? Its called putting YOU (and only you) in your place and correcting your BS. As for Chapel Hill----again, get a clue. They are not a "parental institution" they are our "sister institution"........what an idiot you are.

Obsess much?

April 7th, 2012, 11:00 AM
Ever get a clue? Its called putting YOU (and only you) in your place and correcting your BS. As for Chapel Hill----again, get a clue. They are not a "parental institution" they are our "sister institution"........what an idiot you are.

Obsess much?

Well you girls have your fun with yourselves.......just don't touch your beans too often in front of each other.

April 7th, 2012, 11:59 AM
Ever get a clue? Its called putting YOU (and only you) in your place and correcting your BS. As for Chapel Hill----again, get a clue. They are not a "parental institution" they are our "sister institution"........what an idiot you are.

Obsess much?

You're NOT on par with Chapel Hill.....No matter how much somebody cocks their head to the side, squints and holds their tongue just so, there's no stretch of the imagination whereby you could be viewed as anything other than Chapel Hill's red-headed step child.

You can hope against hope that you'll one day be on par with Chapel Hill, but - unfortunately for you Captain Picard, wishing will not "make it so"....

You should be grateful for the affiliation with Chapel Hill. Your prospective employers will see UNC on your diploma and assume you went to the good one ;)

April 7th, 2012, 12:13 PM
Is that 91 Niner?.............chattownmoc's father.....

Come on guys. I worked in Special Education for a number of years (4) and I think it's pretty clear that 49ers baseball fan wasn't firing on all cylinders. Let's not go down that road. But we can go down this road...

April 7th, 2012, 12:53 PM
Come on guys. I worked in Special Education for a number of years (4) and I think it's pretty clear that 49ers baseball fan wasn't firing on all cylinders. Let's not go down that road. But we can go down this road...

Yeah the guy seems to really be retarded. But that only strengthens the possibility that the guy in the video is one of the Cee fans on AGS.

April 7th, 2012, 12:55 PM
Congrats Georgia State. Now that that's settled, you might wanna go play on the Sunbelt Message boards and make new friends the same way you made them here ;)

Remember, you've got the Number One market in the Sunbelt, so its time to show those rubes who's boss! ;)

April 7th, 2012, 01:34 PM
Come on guys. I worked in Special Education for a number of years (4) and I think it's pretty clear that 49ers baseball fan wasn't firing on all cylinders. Let's not go down that road. But we can go down this road...

And your Athletic Dept is still refusing to acknowledge something big is happening Monday. They really do seem pretty inept. The one thing that irritates me about your program going FBS is it seems like you just fell into it because your Athletics admin appear to be incompetent.

The way your going, there won't be that many people at the announcement....and honestly that's extremely sad. I'm surprised they haven't found a way to screw this up yet.

Good luck moving forward though. Can't say I'll miss all the talking ya'll have done on here and our board ;)

April 7th, 2012, 02:55 PM
And your Athletic Dept is still refusing to acknowledge something big is happening Monday. They really do seem pretty inept. The one thing that irritates me about your program going FBS is it seems like you just fell into it because your Athletics admin appear to be incompetent.

The way your going, there won't be that many people at the announcement....and honestly that's extremely sad. I'm surprised they haven't found a way to screw this up yet.

Good luck moving forward though. Can't say I'll miss all the talking ya'll have done on here and our board ;)

I unfortunately agree sir. All I can say is we have a phenominal President. Hopefully he gets the front office of the Athletic Dept in working order within the next 2 years as well. As an aside, it's still miles from where it was 5 years ago and light years from where our athletics were 10 years ago.

April 7th, 2012, 03:59 PM
You're NOT on par with Chapel Hill.....No matter how much somebody cocks their head to the side, squints and holds their tongue just so, there's no stretch of the imagination whereby you could be viewed as anything other than Chapel Hill's red-headed step child.

You can hope against hope that you'll one day be on par with Chapel Hill, but - unfortunately for you Captain Picard, wishing will not "make it so"....

You should be grateful for the affiliation with Chapel Hill. Your prospective employers will see UNC on your diploma and assume you went to the good one ;)

Says the guy from Shreveport, Louisiana........a natural expert on NC colleges and universities.......you get more pathetic with each post, which I must admit I didn't think possible several posts earlier.

April 7th, 2012, 05:28 PM
Says the guy from Shreveport, Louisiana........a natural expert on NC colleges and universities.......you get more pathetic with each post, which I must admit I didn't think possible several posts earlier.

I live in NC/went to school here. To suggest that UNCC, App ect are completely on par with UNC or any public ACC school in the state is asinine. Does it ever rain in your parallel universe? Chattown is delusional, but he seems to be an anomaly in the UTC fan base. It blows my mind that an entire fan base could be as delusional as your brood. Maybe it's the lower admission standards and the proximity to Charlotte? I don't know, but I truly believe UNCC has the highest per-capita rate of delusional fans in the entire NCAA. I'd like to thank you few UNCC AGSers for proving it on a daily basis.

April 7th, 2012, 08:20 PM
I live in NC/went to school here. To suggest that UNCC, App ect are completely on par with UNC or any public ACC school in the state is asinine. Does it ever rain in your parallel universe? Chattown is delusional, but he seems to be an anomaly in the UTC fan base. It blows my mind that an entire fan base could be as delusional as your brood. Maybe it's the lower admission standards and the proximity to Charlotte? I don't know, but I truly believe UNCC has the highest per-capita rate of delusional fans in the entire NCAA. I'd like to thank you few UNCC AGSers for proving it on a daily basis.

Again, where did I say this......I said they are not a "parental institution".....am I wrong?

April 7th, 2012, 10:10 PM
I live in NC/went to school here. To suggest that UNCC, App ect are completely on par with UNC or any public ACC school in the state is asinine. Does it ever rain in your parallel universe? Chattown is delusional, but he seems to be an anomaly in the UTC fan base. It blows my mind that an entire fan base could be as delusional as your brood. Maybe it's the lower admission standards and the proximity to Charlotte? I don't know, but I truly believe UNCC has the highest per-capita rate of delusional fans in the entire NCAA. I'd like to thank you few UNCC AGSers for proving it on a daily basis.

You say this a lot. What exactly are we delusional about?

Speaking of delusional, how's your campaign for trying to convince people that UNC Charlotte is not in Charlotte? Do you also try to convince people that Texas is really part of Mexico? Seems like a strange way to spend your free time.

April 7th, 2012, 10:43 PM
Actually, FormerPokeCenter is right. You have The UNC, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, then, the conglomeration of:

UNC Asheville
UNC Greensboro
UNC Pembroke
UNC Wilmington
UNC School of the Arts
UNC Charlotte

All of those schools come off as an after thought in the state of NC, and outside of the people that went there or are directly affected by them, no one will ever care about them. UNC attracts people like fly paper, that will never be the case with UNCC.

April 7th, 2012, 11:22 PM
You're NOT on par with Chapel Hill.....No matter how much somebody cocks their head to the side, squints and holds their tongue just so, there's no stretch of the imagination whereby you could be viewed as anything other than Chapel Hill's red-headed step child.

You can hope against hope that you'll one day be on par with Chapel Hill, but - unfortunately for you Captain Picard, wishing will not "make it so"....

You should be grateful for the affiliation with Chapel Hill. Your prospective employers will see UNC on your diploma and assume you went to the good one ;)

I see your point. I guess if I had McNeese State on my diploma I too would be pissed off it wasn't worth the price of toilet paper to a prospective employer and might think it's better to have another school's name on it too.

Go Lehigh TU Owl
April 8th, 2012, 12:53 AM
UNC Charlotte certainly has some national name recognitation thanks to their bball program. The schools ties to a major city like Charlotte should make it an attractive choice for NC residents. My guess, didn't look anything up, is the school has some very good graduate programs.

Temple, Pitt, Cincy, Louisville, UNC Charlotte are all very similar imo. Large, Urban, Major National Research Universities that happen to be little brothers...

April 8th, 2012, 08:12 AM
UNC Charlotte certainly has some national name recognitation thanks to their bball program. The schools ties to a major city like Charlotte should make it an attractive choice for NC residents. My guess, didn't look anything up, is the school has some very good graduate programs.

Temple, Pitt, Cincy, Louisville, UNC Charlotte are all very similar imo. Large, Urban, Major National Research Universities that happen to be little brothers...

You should be banned from this thread, no arguments that make any sense allowed.

April 8th, 2012, 09:12 AM
Simply put everyone east of the Mississippi is a tool. Capiche? Back to football...

April 8th, 2012, 10:03 AM
I see your point. I guess if I had McNeese State on my diploma I too would be pissed off it wasn't worth the price of toilet paper to a prospective employer and might think it's better to have another school's name on it too.

If you had McNeese State on your Diploma, you'd have a much broader worldview, you'd understand that you can't take shortcuts to relevancy by rebranding, that success takes hard work and that a sense of accomplishment comes AFTER you've actually done something. Cowboys understand that you can't get anywhere by putting the cart before the horse ;)

April 8th, 2012, 11:18 AM
UNC Charlotte certainly has some national name recognitation thanks to their bball program.

Only for people who followed college BBall since the 70's...

April 8th, 2012, 12:15 PM
Actually, FormerPokeCenter is right. You have The UNC, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, then, the conglomeration of:

UNC Asheville
UNC Greensboro
UNC Pembroke
UNC Wilmington
UNC School of the Arts
UNC Charlotte

All of those schools come off as an after thought in the state of NC, and outside of the people that went there or are directly affected by them, no one will ever care about them. UNC attracts people like fly paper, that will never be the case with UNCC.

Once your university does something besides churning out elementary education, psychology, communications, and music degrees you can criticize other university's academics and who recognizes them.

April 8th, 2012, 12:28 PM
Once your university does something besides churning out elementary education, psychology, communications, and music degrees you can criticize other university's academics and who recognizes them.

Ah, more the delusional Nine Worldview on display, fresh out of the USL/SWTSU@SM/Georgia State playbook. Only they get to determine who's the sole arbiter of the rules of propriety, LOL. And, if you don't agree to play by those rules, they'll whine, stamp their feet and hold their breath until they turn UNC blue! ;)

April 8th, 2012, 12:43 PM
Once your university does something besides churning out elementary education, psychology, communications, and music degrees you can criticize other university's academics and who recognizes them.

Guess we should tell all those CEO, CFOs, Controllers, partners in large accounting firms, investment bankers, etc from ASU their degrees aren't worth a damn.

April 8th, 2012, 01:00 PM
If you had McNeese State on your Diploma, you'd have a much broader worldview, you'd understand that you can't take shortcuts to relevancy by rebranding, that success takes hard work and that a sense of accomplishment comes AFTER you've actually done something. Cowboys understand that you can't get anywhere by putting the cart before the horse ;)

LOL! xlolx OK Lake Charles Junior College. Whatever you say. xlolx

"McNeese State University was founded in 1939 as a division of Louisiana State University and was originally called Lake Charles Junior College.

The name became John McNeese Junior College in 1940 by resolution of the University Board of Supervisors in honor of this pioneer educator of Lake Charles.

The college advanced to four-year status and separated from Louisiana State University in 1950 and was renamed McNeese State College."

April 8th, 2012, 01:06 PM
Only for people who followed college BBall since the 70's...

Says the App State fan. Oh the hypocrisy! xlolxxlolxxlolx

April 8th, 2012, 01:21 PM
Guess we should tell all those CEO, CFOs, Controllers, partners in large accounting firms, investment bankers, etc from ASU their degrees aren't worth a damn.

Every accredited business school should have graduates in prominent positions. This is why I was speaking more of the programs where the majority of your graduates come from.

April 8th, 2012, 01:29 PM
Every accredited business school should have graduates in prominent positions. This is why I was speaking more of the programs where the majority of your graduates come from.

The majority of every schools graduates are middle class families. You tried to state ASU didn't have successful alumni and failed to mention the 2nd largest college (business) at ASU, now you're back tracking - good move.

April 8th, 2012, 01:45 PM
The majority of every schools graduates are middle class families. You tried to state ASU didn't have successful alumni and failed to mention the 2nd largest college (business) at ASU, now you're back tracking - good move.

You're making assumptions again and thanks for being Captain Obvious. The majority of people are middle class? Whoa who knew. Why would I lump a business degree with the ones initially stated? They don't hold a candle.

It being the 2nd largest college doesn't mean it produces the majority of your graduates.

April 8th, 2012, 01:53 PM
Says the App State fan. Oh the hypocrisy! xlolxxlolxxlolx

I don't get it.... We've never been good at basketball (even though the last time our teams met, we won). We do have three NC's in the last decade in FB and are currently ranked in the top 30 nationally in baseball. I'll leave the golf/tennis/Woman's handball to you Cee fans though since you like to bring up obscure sports to make yourselves feel nationally relevant in sports. The country's sports fans must know: What have you done for me lately? Granted last year's soccer run was impressive. I was pulling for you guys over the holes. Great for the State of NC that both schools were in the NC.

April 8th, 2012, 02:09 PM
You're making assumptions again and thanks for being Captain Obvious. The majority of people are middle class? Whoa who knew. Why would I lump a business degree with the ones initially stated? They don't hold a candle.

It being the 2nd largest college doesn't mean it produces the majority of your graduates.

There are 6 colleges at ASU, learn about what ASU offer before you make assumptions. The college of education is smaller than the college of business. For a guy that likes to tout the research aspect of UNCC you don't seem to apply it to your own posts.

April 8th, 2012, 09:39 PM
Says the App State fan. Oh the hypocrisy! xlolxxlolxxlolx

I don't get it.... We've never been good at basketball (even though the last time our teams met, we won). We do have three NC's in the last decade in FB and are currently ranked in the top 30 nationally in baseball. I'll leave the golf/tennis/Woman's handball to you Cee fans though since you like to bring up obscure sports to make yourselves feel nationally relevant in sports. The country's sports fans must know: What have you done for me lately? Granted last year's soccer run was impressive. I was pulling for you guys over the holes. Great for the State of NC that both schools were in the NC.

So...that's why all of your posts are hypocritical. You don't know what it means. You took a shot at our basketball program. Then in your next post you mention how your basketball program has never been good.

Maybe it's just me. But if you're going to call somebody out, you should have something to back it up with. Else it just comes across hypocritical and LOL! worthy.

April 8th, 2012, 10:30 PM
So...that's why all of your posts are hypocritical. You don't know what it means. You took a shot at our basketball program. Then in your next post you mention how your basketball program has never been good.

Maybe it's just me. But if you're going to call somebody out, you should have something to back it up with. Else it just comes across hypocritical and LOL! worthy.
I said your basketball team hasn't been relevant since the 70's. You said that was hypocritical. Maybe YOU don't know what it means. That would mean that App hasn't been relevant in basketball since the 70's or in a long time.

This all comes back to your fundamentally flawed argumentation strategy. It's called deflecting. Whether it's me or a McNeese fan, you won't stand up for Charlotte. Instead, you jump on the offensive and start countering with things about the other school. You are blind to logic. It is for this reason it is obvious that you're <20 years old. Try to imagine who ever you're talking to isn't loyal to any particular school. Then maybe you can make some headway and stop being a child.

April 9th, 2012, 08:24 AM
Just kind of hate you. I'm surprised more people don't.

You actually waste time hating an anonymous screen name? C'mon, Tuscon...you're better than that.

April 9th, 2012, 09:23 AM
You actually waste time hating an anonymous screen name? C'mon, Tuscon...you're better than that.

I know. I can't help it. I even know I'm getting trolled, but successful troll is successful.

April 9th, 2012, 09:31 AM
I know. I can't help it. I even know I'm getting trolled, but successful troll is successful.


April 9th, 2012, 09:39 AM
I know. I can't help it. I even know I'm getting trolled, but successful troll is successful.

At least you're honest about it

April 9th, 2012, 09:50 AM
Honestly? You're not getting trolled....All I'm doing is "responding in kind."....Now, I'll admit that I can be pretty effective at that, as evidenced by you hitting me twice for negative rep points, even though I've given you positive reppies on occasion ;)

See, I did this with the good folks over at Northwestern State...and - initially - they had the same reaction you've had. But now? Oh, they love me! They've donated a couple of thousand dollars to my charity bike ride over the years...

It's a pity that you're moving on to the Sunbelt, otherwise, you'd eventually end up being quite fond of me too ;)

April 9th, 2012, 09:52 AM
I said your basketball team hasn't been relevant since the 70's. You said that was hypocritical. Maybe YOU don't know what it means. That would mean that App hasn't been relevant in basketball since the 70's or in a long time.

This all comes back to your fundamentally flawed argumentation strategy. It's called deflecting. Whether it's me or a McNeese fan, you won't stand up for Charlotte. Instead, you jump on the offensive and start countering with things about the other school. You are blind to logic. It is for this reason it is obvious that you're <20 years old. Try to imagine who ever you're talking to isn't loyal to any particular school. Then maybe you can make some headway and stop being a child.

? Huh? How am I not standing up for Charlotte? I said/believe we have a better basketball program than ASU. App has been less relevant in basketball. From your own words "we have never been good". So...criticism from an ASU fan in regards to basketball is hypocritical.

Try to imagine who ever you're talking to isn't loyal to any particular school.

By the way, this is the epitome of "deflecting". Yet again another example of your hypocrisy. xlolxxlolx You can't make this stuff up folks.

April 9th, 2012, 10:02 AM
NormChar - would you agree that Duke football is terrible?

You don't have to be good at something (or even have the sport) to know another program is bad. Neither has been relevant on the national basketball scene as long as I've been alive, 1977 is a long time ago. I hear Duke was good in football once upon a time.

April 9th, 2012, 10:06 AM
? Huh? How am I not standing up for Charlotte? I said/believe we have a better basketball program than ASU. App has been less relevant in basketball. From your own words "we have never been good". So...criticism from an ASU fan in regards to basketball is hypocritical.

By the way, this is the epitome of "deflecting". Yet again another example of your hypocrisy. xlolxxlolx You can't make this stuff up folks.

That's not deflection at all....Deflection is when the topic at hand gets changed to another one that an individual wants to discuss in order to be able to ignore the original topic...

What he's suggesting to you isn't a deflection, it's a technique by where you remove your Niner colored glasses and enable yourself to actually participate in the matter being discussed. it's not unlike telling an individual with stage fright to level the playing field by imagining that the audience is in their underwear, thereby removing the perceived threat and giving the nervous speaker the upper hand...

You unwittingly deflected the conversation about deflection away from what's apparently an uncomfortable subject for you, speaking candidly about The University of Chapel Hill @ Charlotte, and you did that in the cleverest and perhaps most ironic of ways. You deflected a serious conversation about the reality of UNCC's relatively average academic standing by displaying your ignorance about what Deflection actually is. While it was effective, it DID provide a very effective illustrative exemplar of the point that Apphole was making:

If UNCC truly was the Queen City's Harvard, you'd have a better understanding of what Deflection truly is ;)

April 9th, 2012, 10:21 AM
? Huh? How am I not standing up for Charlotte? I said/believe we have a better basketball program than ASU. App has been less relevant in basketball. From your own words "we have never been good". So...criticism from an ASU fan in regards to basketball is hypocritical.

By the way, this is the epitome of "deflecting". Yet again another example of your hypocrisy. xlolxxlolx You can't make this stuff up folks.

I don't see anyone laughing but you (and people laughing at you). Maybe you should register for an argumentation or advocacy class since you're clearly still in college. I said specifically that "UNCC has not been relevant in basketball since the 70's."

If I was a hypocrite in saying "UNCC has not been relevant in basketball since the 70's," it would mean that ASU has not been relevant in basketball since the 70's. You are looking at this at a macro level that's not consistent with the conversation. You perceive UNCC to be much greater in many ways than every single school that is supported on this website because they are all FCS (and you're delusional). Since you have this inflated perception of the trade school 20 minutes from down town Charlotte at which you attend, any criticism of UNCC from any FCS fan (again, that is automatically below you) will be viewed as hypocritical. You think this is funny because you have a flawed, pretentious view of your own school and its merit AND because you lack the knowledge and experience in argumentation to fully understand the terms that are being thrown around.

You're also wrong about the term deflecting. Here is a simplified version of what you are doing vs what you should do to become a decent rhetorician.

What you do (deflecting):
Other Person: UNCC sucks
You: No, your school sucks (thus changing the subject, or deflecting, to the other school's inadequacies)

What you SHOULD do:
Other person: UNCC sucks
You: UNCC does not suck
Reason 1
Reason 2
Reason 3

1. One meaning is to defuse tension or avoid answering a question by trying to steer the conversation in a different direction

April 9th, 2012, 10:23 AM
So...that's why all of your posts are hypocritical. You don't know what it means. You took a shot at our basketball program. Then in your next post you mention how your basketball program has never been good.

Maybe it's just me. But if you're going to call somebody out, you should have something to back it up with. Else it just comes across hypocritical and LOL! worthy.

Tout the A-10 all you want, you've had zero NCAA bids since the move to that conference. The one year you looked to break through in 09, you choked away a great A-10 season which led to the firing of Lutz who's now an assistant on what will be a preseason Top 10 team in NC State.

There's no special "rule" that says both our basketball programs can't be terrible. It just looks worse for Charlotte to say that because right now that's THE revenue sport. App basketball has been irrelevant in the last decade because the powers that be simply view it as an afterthought while throwing seemingly every resource they have into football.

PokeCenter, this is also a very special technique that is used quite often: turning arguments on football message boards to basketball.

April 9th, 2012, 10:48 AM
Tout the A-10 all you want, you've had zero NCAA bids since the move to that conference. The one year you looked to break through in 09, you choked away a great A-10 season which led to the firing of Lutz who's now an assistant on what will be a preseason Top 10 team in NC State.

There's no special "rule" that says both our basketball programs can't be terrible. It just looks worse for Charlotte to say that because right now that's THE revenue sport. App basketball has been irrelevant in the last decade because the powers that be simply view it as an afterthought while throwing seemingly every resource they have into football.

PokeCenter, this is also a very special technique that is used quite often: turning arguments on football message boards to basketball.

I mention this on our forum from time to time, but an athletic department's ability to be good in football and mens basketball is an absolute rarity. Even the big boys can't do it.

April 9th, 2012, 11:15 AM
Hey I heard Charlotte had a great basketball team in the 90s...Larry Johnson, Muggsy Bogues...

Oh that was the Charlotte Hornets..NOW I get why you branded your athletics as "Charlotte"...you didn't want to have UNC steal your accolades, but you wanted to somehow fit in with the pro teams there.

Well, calling the Bobcats a pro team is stretching it a little bit....

April 9th, 2012, 11:23 AM
Nice little circle jerk PokeCenter, Apphole, and RevSFA have going on. xawesomexxhugxxspankx


April 9th, 2012, 11:36 AM

Lighten up, Francis

April 9th, 2012, 12:09 PM
From Wiki:

in the 10-year period from 1995-2005, Charlotte made the NCAA tournament 8 times and had 4 NBA players, one of whom was the 9th overall selection.

In their entire history both App St. and GSU each have 2 appearances. Charlotte made the tournament twice as much as the two teams combined in that 10-year span, alone.

Since we were talking about relevance since the 70's, this info is pretty current and is not inclusive of the '77 Final Four, the '76 NIT finals, etc. Sure- the 49ers had a rough go of it the past few years, but everyone has down periods.

For the record, SFA made their first (and I believe only) appearance in 2009. Congrats to them for getting off the list. If only my Tribe could do the same. I thought 2009 was our year, but alas, no dice.

April 9th, 2012, 12:22 PM

April 9th, 2012, 12:25 PM

I'm sorry Viking..was there anything you wanted to add about Portland State?

April 9th, 2012, 12:49 PM
I'm sorry Viking..was there anything you wanted to add about Portland State?Sorry the thread's taken so many turns I'm car sick.

April 9th, 2012, 12:52 PM
Sorry the thread's taken so many turns I'm car sick.

want some dramamine?

April 9th, 2012, 01:06 PM
Sorry the thread's taken so many turns I'm car sick.

You could, of course, find another, less convoluted thread to participate in....It's not that your input isn't valued...wait...nevermind. That's it EXACTLY!

April 9th, 2012, 01:18 PM
You could, of course, find another, less convoluted thread to participate in....It's not that your input isn't valued...wait...nevermind. That's it EXACTLY!

April 9th, 2012, 01:30 PM
? Huh? How am I not standing up for Charlotte? I said/believe we have a better basketball program than ASU. App has been less relevant in basketball. From your own words "we have never been good". So...criticism from an ASU fan in regards to basketball is hypocritical.

By the way, this is the epitome of "deflecting". Yet again another example of your hypocrisy. You can't make this stuff up folks.

That's not deflection at all....Deflection is when the topic at hand gets changed to another one that an individual wants to discuss in order to be able to ignore the original topic...

What he's suggesting to you isn't a deflection, it's a technique by where you remove your Niner colored glasses and enable yourself to actually participate in the matter being discussed.

Not sure I how I can put it any clearer. But just for emphasis, I've bolded my former quote so that you might read it this time and realize there was no deflection.

I also noticed how you ignored, or deflected, my older response to your re-branding comments.

April 9th, 2012, 01:41 PM
NormChar - would you agree that Duke football is terrible?

You don't have to be good at something (or even have the sport) to know another program is bad. Neither has been relevant on the national basketball scene as long as I've been alive, 1977 is a long time ago. I hear Duke was good in football once upon a time.

Good point. But if I were in a discussion with a Duke fan, I would feel like a hypocrite saying their program is irrelevant. As terrible as the program might be, they do have FBS, which makes them more relevant than both of us.

April 9th, 2012, 01:45 PM
Good point. But if I were in a discussion with a Duke fan, I would feel like a hypocrite saying their program is irrelevant. As terrible as the program might be, they do have FBS, which makes them more relevant than both of us.

Prepare to get flamed on this one.

April 9th, 2012, 01:54 PM

Very common UNCC/GaySt misconception. Along with about 1,000 more.

April 9th, 2012, 01:58 PM
Not sure I how I can put it any clearer. But just for emphasis, I've bolded my former quote so that you might read it this time and realize there was no deflection.

I also noticed how you ignored, or deflected, my older response to your re-branding comments.

On page 45, you erred in your definition of deflecting when you posted the following in response to Apphole's very reasonable suggestion....

Originally Posted by Apphole
<<Try to imagine who ever you're talking to isn't loyal to any particular school.>>

Your response to that post: <<By the way, this is the epitome of "deflecting". Yet again another example of your hypocrisy. You can't make this stuff up folks.>>

I don't know how much plainer I could make it, except maybe to type more slowly so you can keep up, but at this point, I'm sure it couldn't hurt...so...


























If this doesn't work, I suppose I could always try to post phonetically in hopes maybe you'll understand that....

April 9th, 2012, 02:00 PM
This thread turned boring, please go back to talking about the fake GSU and the horrible Sun Belt.

Thank you.

April 9th, 2012, 02:08 PM
Good point. But if I were in a discussion with a Duke fan, I would feel like a hypocrite saying their program is irrelevant. As terrible as the program might be, they do have FBS, which makes them more relevant than both of us.

It wouldn't be hypocritical to call them irrelevant because in football, they are. It's really not hypocritical to criticize anyone as long as you aren't denying the shortcomings of your own school.

In my opinion, Duke football being in the ACC does not make them any more relevant than the successful FCS and mid-major FBS programs. If anything, it just makes their situation even more sad because they have a ton of resources/money to change that but remain a doormat. I would rather be where App is in football than Duke. Sure, most casual fans know nothing about us other than one game against Michigan, but I'd rather people have limited knowledge of our football team than be a commonly used punchline. All that being the ACC really does is give them a much higher ceiling if they ever get their act together.

April 9th, 2012, 02:12 PM

Very common UNCC/GaySt misconception. Along with about 1,000 more.

You may want to include your fanbase that believes in this logic because 75% of them are clamoring to head to the Sunbelt.

April 9th, 2012, 02:21 PM
In my opinion, Duke football being in the ACC does not make them any more relevant than the successful FCS and mid-major FBS programs. If anything, it just makes their situation even more sad because they have a ton of resources/money to change that but remain a doormat. I would rather be where App is in football than Duke.

You understand why Duke is a "doormat", correct?

April 9th, 2012, 02:32 PM
You understand why Duke is a "doormat", correct?

Because their fans, alumni and administration are much more concerned with keeping their basketball program at the top than improving their football stature.

I understand that being as tough an academic institution as Duke is makes it hard as well, but that does not explain going nearly 20 years without a winning season. Wake Forest and Stanford face very similar obstacles in that regard and have been able to overcome them much better than Duke.

April 9th, 2012, 02:33 PM
Good point. But if I were in a discussion with a Duke fan, I would feel like a hypocrite saying their program is irrelevant. As terrible as the program might be, they do have FBS, which makes them more relevant than both of us.

That is one of the most ignorant statements I've read on here in awhile.

April 9th, 2012, 05:39 PM
That is one of the most ignorant statements I've read on here in awhile.

Agreed.......what App Hole touts as the usual UNC C fan is starting to come to light in this thread......which I love by the way. The thread that is.

April 9th, 2012, 07:47 PM
Georgia State said this:


I think this is a little more to the point:


April 9th, 2012, 08:44 PM

Very common UNCC/GaySt misconception. Along with about 1,000 more.

You may want to include your fanbase that believes in this logic because 75% of them are clamoring to head to the Sunbelt.

Some might say a little hypocritical.

April 9th, 2012, 08:51 PM
Good point. But if I were in a discussion with a Duke fan, I would feel like a hypocrite saying their program is irrelevant. As terrible as the program might be, they do have FBS, which makes them more relevant than both of us.

It wouldn't be hypocritical to call them irrelevant because in football, they are. It's really not hypocritical to criticize anyone as long as you aren't denying the shortcomings of your own school.

In my opinion, Duke football being in the ACC does not make them any more relevant than the successful FCS and mid-major FBS programs. If anything, it just makes their situation even more sad because they have a ton of resources/money to change that but remain a doormat. I would rather be where App is in football than Duke. Sure, most casual fans know nothing about us other than one game against Michigan, but I'd rather people have limited knowledge of our football team than be a commonly used punchline. All that being the ACC really does is give them a much higher ceiling if they ever get their act together.

IMO that is all the difference in the world.

April 9th, 2012, 09:01 PM
Some might say a little hypocritical.

There aren't many App fans that want us in the Sunbelt, as is. His made up statistic is just that: made up.

Some might say that the two of you have proven every point I've ever made about delusional Cee fans. I thank you.

April 9th, 2012, 09:03 PM
Not sure I how I can put it any clearer. But just for emphasis, I've bolded my former quote so that you might read it this time and realize there was no deflection.

I also noticed how you ignored, or deflected, my older response to your re-branding comments.

On page 45, you erred in your definition of deflecting when you posted the following in response to Apphole's very reasonable suggestion....

Originally Posted by Apphole
<<Try to imagine who ever you're talking to isn't loyal to any particular school.>>

Your response to that post: <<By the way, this is the epitome of "deflecting". Yet again another example of your hypocrisy. You can't make this stuff up folks.>>

I don't know how much plainer I could make it, except maybe to type more slowly so you can keep up, but at this point, I'm sure it couldn't hurt...so...

Dude, when somebody says "Pretend I'm not an App St fan so that we can talk about how bad your program is", that is deflection.

April 9th, 2012, 09:07 PM
Good point. But if I were in a discussion with a Duke fan, I would feel like a hypocrite saying their program is irrelevant. As terrible as the program might be, they do have FBS, which makes them more relevant than both of us.

That is one of the most ignorant statements I've read on here in awhile.

After I gave you a compliment by saying good point? :(

April 9th, 2012, 09:10 PM
There aren't many App fans that want us in the Sunbelt, as is. His made up statistic is just that: made up.

Some might say that the two of you have proven every point I've ever made about delusional Cee fans. I thank you.

Just so I get this straight, if you get an offer to join either the Sunbelt or the Alliance, you would hope that your AD turns it down?

Honest question here too. What does the "Cee" reference mean?

April 9th, 2012, 09:11 PM
Dude, when somebody says "Pretend I'm not an App St fan so that we can talk about how bad your program is", that is deflection.

I was asking you to be objective. That comment had nothing to do with your constant deflection. Everything you say is asinine. What are you a freshman? Sophomore?

April 9th, 2012, 09:14 PM
Just so I get this straight, if you get an offer to join either the Sunbelt or the Alliance, you would hope that your AD turns it down?

Honest question here too. What does the "Cee" reference mean?

If the Belt doesn't make any additions after GaySt, I'd call it an ill-advised move. If we get a CUSA invite, I'd **** myself and throw a party. CUSA would give us old and geographic rivalries as well as enough revenue to justify a move. It's not just an FBS move for the sake of being FBS.

Cee is a name to emphasize the last letter of your school's acronym.

April 9th, 2012, 09:31 PM
I was asking you to be objective. That comment had nothing to do with your constant deflection. Everything you say is asinine. What are you a freshman? Sophomore?

Wait...Apphole was asking to be objective? I thought 99% of your posts were smack talk.

I honestly have no idea what you guys think I'm deflecting. I said(and quoted a couple times) that I think Charlotte has a better basketball program than App. So I found smack talk from an App fan about basketball to be comical. How is that deflecting?

April 9th, 2012, 09:37 PM
Just so I get this straight, if you get an offer to join either the Sunbelt or the Alliance, you would hope that your AD turns it down?

Honest question here too. What does the "Cee" reference mean?

If the Belt doesn't make any additions after GaySt, I'd call it an ill-advised move. If we get a CUSA invite, I'd **** myself and throw a party. CUSA would give us old and geographic rivalries as well as enough revenue to justify a move. It's not just an FBS move for the sake of being FBS.

Cee is a name to emphasize the last letter of your school's acronym.

So how do you not see that as being hypocritical? We want the same thing. You think being in CUSA would be better than being in FCS. Ultimately we'd also like for our program to be FBS.

April 9th, 2012, 09:43 PM

Just to give the CAA the finger one more time.

April 9th, 2012, 09:49 PM
The CAA is going to give G-State more than a finger. You guys might just run the table on the CAA a perfect 0fer in your first year. I say again:


April 10th, 2012, 06:01 AM
The CAA is going to give G-State more than a finger. You guys might just run the table on the CAA a perfect 0fer in your first year. I say again:


So true......they sold the Atlanta market that Ga Tech doesn't even own and it got them what they wanted......go figure.

April 10th, 2012, 08:18 AM

Just to give the CAA the finger one more time.

1) Why would you want to give the CAA the finger? They provided your suitcase school the opportunity to move to the FBS.

2) Do you think the CAA is that concerned about GSU moving to the SunBelt?

April 10th, 2012, 08:28 AM
How do you think they got that TV contract. Just us moving has given the SBC more press than it has had in years.

April 10th, 2012, 08:29 AM
Just us moving has given the SBC more press than it has had in years.

And they're off!....

I'm going to give you Georgia State Fans kudos for your restraint. I figured it would take about an hour before you guys started in with this line of thinking....but, you waited almost a day. I'm impressed.

I bet your new conference mates are just gonna LOVE you....

April 10th, 2012, 08:30 AM
And they're off!....


April 10th, 2012, 08:35 AM
How do you think they got that TV contract.

Yes, I'm sure the dozens of fans that show up for Georgia State games and the 4 or 5 more that watch on TV was the deciding factor in whether or not the CAA got a nationally televised deal with NBC Sports.

April 10th, 2012, 08:41 AM
Yes, I'm sure the dozens of fans that show up for Georgia State games and the 4 or 5 more that watch on TV was the deciding factor in whether or not the CAA got a nationally televised deal with NBC Sports.

Or maybe the folks at NBC gave the CAA a contract because they have a Founding Father fetish?

April 10th, 2012, 08:45 AM
How do you think they got that TV contract. Just us moving has given the SBC more press than it has had in years.

Wow! xlolx

Just like the cult in Harrisburg, NC. What an outrageous point of view trade school alumni have.

April 10th, 2012, 08:52 AM
Hey I'm drinking a margarita in San Jose Costa Rica a day after my new program went FBS...life is good

April 10th, 2012, 09:00 AM
Yes, but when the passengers return from their excursion and you've got to get back to folding towel animals in the morning, you'll be singing a different tune ;)

April 10th, 2012, 09:25 AM
Hey I'm drinking a margarita in San Jose Costa Rica a day after my new program went FBS...life is good


New home...enjoy!