View Full Version : Eric Gregg, RIP
June 7th, 2006, 07:14 AM
Sad news yesterday about former MLB umpire Eric Gregg dying from complications from a stroke. He was one umpire who was, in some respects, beloved. A tremendous, exuberant personality, with a great smile. Certainly, in the Philly area, fans liked him as a native, but he also played along with the Phillie Phanatic and was engaging. I met him several times where he spoke at area organizations. I'm not saying he was the best umpire--in fact I thought his strike zone was too big-but that seemed to be the m.o. for a lot of umps back then before the new rules interpretations of a few years ago. Unfortunately, he got involved in the 1999 strike and never got reinstated. Before then, he had already had a weight problem, but after the loss of his job, he ballooned to near 400 lbs., which likely lead to his demise. :(
June 7th, 2006, 07:26 AM
Sad news yesterday about former MLB umpire Eric Gregg dying from complications from a stroke. He was one umpire who was, in some respects, beloved. A tremendous, exuberant personality, with a great smile. Certainly, in the Philly area, fans liked him as a native, but he also played along with the Phillie Phanatic and was engaging. I met him several times where he spoke at area organizations. I'm not saying he was the best umpire--in fact I thought his strike zone was too big-but that seemed to be the m.o. for a lot of umps back then before the new rules interpretations of a few years ago. Unfortunately, he got involved in the 1999 strike and never got reinstated. Before then, he had already had a weight problem, but after the loss of his job, he ballooned to near 400 lbs., which likely lead to his demise. :(
I have to confess, I love umpires. My dad umped for my little league and was amazingly fair and probably even tougher on his pitcher son. It was many years later that I realized he did it for me and because he loved the game of baseball. It could not have been for the grief he took from crazy little league fans.
:beerchug: to umpires and referees of all sports at all levels.
June 7th, 2006, 08:24 AM
Agreed ngineer. Growing up a Phillies fan, you had a special fondness for Eric Gregg. He was probably the only umpire in baseball that I could have told you about. His play with the Phanatic made him a hero in Philly.
June 7th, 2006, 08:47 AM
Agreed ngineer. Growing up a Phillies fan, you had a special fondness for Eric Gregg. He was probably the only umpire in baseball that I could have told you about. His play with the Phanatic made him a hero in Philly.
That's right. Now we're left with egomaniacal, humorless idiots like Joe West and Dan Iassogna.: smh :
June 7th, 2006, 10:02 AM
How Joe West got his job back I'll never know. He's just brutal.
June 7th, 2006, 10:39 AM
I heard Lavon Hernandez sent a massive wreath.
There was, however, no tears shed among the players and fans of the 1997 Braves.
June 7th, 2006, 10:41 AM
I heard Lavon Hernandez sent a massive wreath.
There was, however, no tears shed among the players and fans of the 1997 Braves.
Well, considering the paltry support the Braves get in both the regular season and post season, that doesn't come as much of a shock. How many even remember 1997 anymore?
Marcus Garvey
June 7th, 2006, 10:44 AM
Agreed ngineer. Growing up a Phillies fan, you had a special fondness for Eric Gregg. He was probably the only umpire in baseball that I could have told you about. His play with the Phanatic made him a hero in Philly.
This sounds tacky, but if the family is ok with it, it shouldn't matter...
I think the Phanatic ought to attend the funeral. Or at the very least, Dave Raymond and his successors. It always seemed to me that Gregg and the Phanatic had a "vibe" going on. Those two always seemed to have fun when the Phanatic came out to do his 5th inning routine.
June 7th, 2006, 12:25 PM
This sounds tacky, but if the family is ok with it, it shouldn't matter...
I think the Phanatic ought to attend the funeral. Or at the very least, Dave Raymond and his successors. It always seemed to me that Gregg and the Phanatic had a "vibe" going on. Those two always seemed to have fun when the Phanatic came out to do his 5th inning routine.
IMO funerals should be a celebration of a person's life, and your suggestion is a good one. The Phanatics antics with Gregg were memorable and made up part of Eric's personna.
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