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February 6th, 2012, 12:34 PM
asknoquarter21: This may be of particular interest to you. If you have not already seen this, I found a great highlight reel for Malachi Jones. The most comprehensive one I have found, it has full regular season highlights including the Great American Football Classic (Central Gwinnett vs. South Gwinnett) played at the Georgia Dome. He took the MVP of that game with 276 yards and 4 TD's. Very impressive player who has faced quality HS competition. Great hands, 4.5 speed and crisp routes for a young kid. The more I see of him the more I agree with you that he could be an impact player early.



I was telling asucrutch23 the day he signed that I think he will be the best player we signed from this class. The thing I like most about him is he just understands the position. He knows how to get open and makes plays after the ball is in his hands. Most WRs at this stage have a hard time sitting down in an opening or allowing the QB to throw them open by using their body as a shield.

I am very excited about this kid.

February 6th, 2012, 01:54 PM
The App offense is going to be a thing of beauty this year. There are now two bruisers and two burners at RB. Holloway is a combination of both really. This should really open up the passing game. Washington, Peacock, Bobo and Price should all have the opportunity to make a big impact. We'll probably see Malachi Jones the first two games, whether or not he remains in the line up is probably up to Price. I think there are five track guys mentioned just in this post, with JJ's arm, we should have no problem stretching the field.

February 6th, 2012, 01:58 PM
The App offense is going to be a thing of beauty this year. There are now two bruisers and two burners at RB. Holloway is a combination of both really. This should really open up the passing game. Washington, Peacock, Bobo and Price should all have the opportunity to make a big impact. We'll probably see Malachi Jones the first two games, whether or not he remains in the line up is probably up to Price. I think there are five track guys mentioned just in this post, with JJ's arm, we should have no problem stretching the field.

Stretching the field was not really THAT big a problem last year... the last 20 yards next to the goal line were the real Achilles heel.

February 6th, 2012, 02:06 PM
Stretching the field was not really THAT big a problem last year... the last 20 yards next to the goal line were the real Achilles heel.

The only true field stretcher I can remember was Brian Quick. We hit Peacock once against Ga Southern for a TD, on a blown assignment, other than that most of the yardage from the recievers I can remember were yac.

February 6th, 2012, 02:16 PM
Take it up with Rivals huckleberry:


I point blank asked about this, the integrity of UNCC's player rankings is very questionable based upon the answer I received. If UNCC had signed me and 49RFootballNow on February 1st we both would have received two stars and the 5.2 rating.

UNCC signed some very quality football players, but their rivals guy took the low road on this one.

February 6th, 2012, 02:24 PM
The App offense is going to be a thing of beauty this year. There are now two bruisers and two burners at RB. Holloway is a combination of both really. This should really open up the passing game. Washington, Peacock, Bobo and Price should all have the opportunity to make a big impact. We'll probably see Malachi Jones the first two games, whether or not he remains in the line up is probably up to Price. I think there are five track guys mentioned just in this post, with JJ's arm, we should have no problem stretching the field.

Let's not forget the D. Wray and Tanyi are back to join Grier and Kimbrough, forming one hell of a LB corps. I'd be very worried if I were an ECU fan.

February 6th, 2012, 02:26 PM
I point blank asked about this, the integrity of UNCC's player rankings is very questionable based upon the answer I received. If UNCC had signed me and 49RFootballNow on February 1st we both would have received two stars and the 5.2 rating.

UNCC signed some very quality football players, but their rivals guy took the low road on this one.

I don't think they're questionable at all. They have absolutely been proven disingenuous.

February 6th, 2012, 02:40 PM
I point blank asked about this, the integrity of UNCC's player rankings is very questionable based upon the answer I received. If UNCC had signed me and 49RFootballNow on February 1st we both would have received two stars and the 5.2 rating.

UNCC signed some very quality football players, but their rivals guy took the low road on this one.

........And the answer was?

February 6th, 2012, 02:47 PM
Let's not forget the D. Wray and Tanyi are back to join Grier and Kimbrough, forming one hell of a LB corps. I'd be very worried if I were an ECU fan.

From what I've seen, this should be a great game. We're stacked at DE and LB, while they are very thin on the OL, especially OT. Theyre stacked at WR, but if we can get to the QB with a LB or DB, we can take some of that away from them. Their Dline looks like its going to be pretty good, so developing our OL is huge, but behind them they lost 4 starters, 3 in the secondary. I cant wait for this game. I cant wait for the griz. I havent been this excited for a couple seasons.

February 6th, 2012, 02:52 PM
........And the answer was?

I read the same thread with our Rivals editor as Saint and I'm not sure we are allowed to cut and paste what he said because it is from the pay site. However, his general reply was that all the players who received the 2-star rating after signing received the lowest point rating possible (5.2), which generally means that the editor or publisher pushed to have stars added to the players. So you were correct in that the editor cannot add stars to players but they can however, push for this to be done. Our Rivals guy said that he was not going to push for the same to be done for ASU players, which I am on board with.

I will echo was several others have said: Charlotte signed a very good first recruiting class and they should be commended for that. However, given the way in which the stars were assigned, it does not accurately reflect where their class stands in relation to others.

February 6th, 2012, 02:54 PM
So we're back to he said vs he said. Excellent. I think that you all should request your site admin to do the same. No point in not receiving the credit if they qualify.

February 6th, 2012, 02:57 PM
So we're back to he said vs he said. Excellent. I think that you all should request your site admin to do the same. No point in not receiving the credit if they qualify.

Sort of, except the "he said" in this case is a Rivals writer who covers App as well as several other schools as opposed to an ASU fan who wants to sling mud at you guys. Given the accuracy of all the information I've ever read on our Rivals page, I have no reason to question the validity of what he told us.

I'm fine with our listings staying the way they are. As it currently stands, the star rated players are those that came in with the most hype, which is really all it's an indicator of anyhow. Stars don't matter once you hit the field in any event and like many things, this has been blown way out of proportion.

February 6th, 2012, 02:58 PM
So we're back to he said vs he said. Excellent. I think that you all should request your site admin to do the same. No point in not receiving the credit if they qualify.

They dont qualify. Thats the point. Those recruits have not been analyzed. No one studied their tapes. They were added because the people affliated with your school whined about it. It dilutes the system, and our rivals writer will not dilute the integrity of the system just because yours does, and not a single App fan has asked him to.

February 6th, 2012, 03:03 PM
They dont qualify. Thats the point. Those recruits have not been analyzed. No one studied their tapes. They were added because the people affliated with your school whined about it. It dilutes the system, and our rivals writer will not dilute the integrity of the system just because yours does, and not a single App fan has asked him to.


Also, it should be noted that the rivals writer said the request for stars most likely came from the UNCC coaching staff.

February 6th, 2012, 03:08 PM
Sort of, except the "he said" in this case is a Rivals writer who covers App as well as several other schools as opposed to an ASU fan who wants to sling mud at you guys. Given the accuracy of all the information I've ever read on our Rivals page, I have no reason to question the validity of what he told us.

I'm fine with our listings staying the way they are. As it currently stands, the star rated players are those that came in with the most hype, which is really all it's an indicator of anyhow. Stars don't matter once you hit the field in any event and like many things, this has been blown way out of proportion.

Our Rivals admin also covers other schools, he regularly does coverage of Tennessee.

February 6th, 2012, 03:18 PM

Also, it should be noted that the rivals writer said the request for stars most likely came from the UNCC coaching staff.


February 6th, 2012, 03:20 PM

He is right. Just about word for word.

February 6th, 2012, 03:22 PM

February 6th, 2012, 03:29 PM

Not to mention their leadership sucks. They got screwed out of any conference because their admins have absolutely zero tact or know how, and now this escapade. Its hard enough to produce a quality program as it is, doing it with 3rd rate leadership will take a miracle.

February 6th, 2012, 03:30 PM
Not to mention their leadership sucks. They got screwed out of any conference because their admins have absolutely zero tact or know how, and now this escapade. Its hard enough to produce a quality program as it is, doing it with 3rd rate leadership will take a miracle.

Lucky for them they can go to the nearest grocery store and buy one.


February 6th, 2012, 03:32 PM
Lucky for them they can go to the nearest grocery store and buy one.


Thats just nasty. Miracle whip is the product of liposuction.

February 6th, 2012, 03:40 PM
Get that mess outta here. It's Duke's or nothing.


February 6th, 2012, 03:58 PM
So we're back to he said vs he said. Excellent. I think that you all should request your site admin to do the same. No point in not receiving the credit if they qualify.

This kind of logic defeats the purpose and original intent of the rating and stars system. Rating should not be based upon which school signs the player. If that is the case than any player that isn't a three star recruit is essentially the same as a no star recruit as it would be impossible to differentiate them.

I always questioned the star system especially when a kid ASU was recruiting had none, but when he signed with an ACC or SEC team he got two stars. I know from now on that any recruit with a 5.2 rating (lowest rate to get stars) really doesn't mean anything.

February 6th, 2012, 04:00 PM

essentially rivals has said that every player that signs is a 2 star 5.2 rated player.

February 6th, 2012, 04:12 PM
Get that mess outta here. It's Duke's or nothing.


That much we can agree on! What are you reading Woman's Day for anyhow??

February 6th, 2012, 04:31 PM
That much we can agree on! What are you reading Woman's Day for anyhow??

Oops. Was one of the first Google image search results.

February 6th, 2012, 05:58 PM
whining to your rivals admin about another school's recruits rankings.....

do you realize how pathetic that is?

But it is also even better than that. We've gone from our editor "obviously" changing the ratings to him pushing for the rankings to be changed and now.... our coaching staff possibly requested the change.


February 6th, 2012, 06:32 PM
whining to your rivals admin about another school's recruits rankings.....

do you realize how pathetic that is?

But it is also even better than that. We've gone from our editor "obviously" changing the ratings to him pushing for the rankings to be changed and now.... our coaching staff possibly requested the change.


How pathetic is it that UNCC signed 13 players, rated at 2 stars, that had ZERO other offers. 3 more, again rated at 2 stars, had only one other offer, all from Coastal Carolina. That accounts for 16/21 uncc signings. And then your pathetic posters tried to rub that in the nose of the fans of a perennial FCS powerhouse. Uncc has never played a down of football, and the same can be said after this next season.

Get back to us when Chowan tears ya'll a new one.

February 6th, 2012, 06:35 PM
whining to your rivals admin about another school's recruits rankings.....

do you realize how pathetic that is?

But it is also even better than that. We've gone from our editor "obviously" changing the ratings to him pushing for the rankings to be changed and now.... our coaching staff possibly requested the change.


Pathetic is a rivals mod lobbying for an overhaul of the system, JUST to appease a group of insecure UNCC constituents. He knew how important this kind of BS was for a group of chest-beating, ignorant outsiders. This is the same reason Cee will have 6 fans in the stands in the likely event they take a big L at home to a team they've never heard of.

February 6th, 2012, 06:38 PM
It has been made pretty clear from within Rivals how it works. A kid that has not been evaluated defaults to a 2-star, 5.2 rating from Rivals. The coaches do not affect the rating but they can request to have the 'default' star level assigned. Some coaches care about stars more than others and apparently UNCC values them. For a start-up program, it probably makes some sense to have the best looking class on paper you possibly can.

February 6th, 2012, 06:40 PM
It has been made pretty clear from within Rivals how it works. A kid that has not been evaluated defaults to a 2-star, 5.2 rating from Rivals. The coaches do not affect the rating but they can request to have the 'default' star level assigned. Some coaches care about stars more than others and apparently UNCC values them. For a start-up program, it probably makes some sense to have the best looking class on paper you possibly can.

You can read Brian's newest post on the subject. Apparently Rivals will be fixing this so it wont happen again.

Baghdad Yosef
February 6th, 2012, 06:53 PM
Fellow Mountaineers - Calm yourselves. Do not believe the lies by the UNC-C Rivals moderator, their class is not worth an old shoe!

February 6th, 2012, 06:55 PM
You can read Brian's newest post on the subject. Apparently Rivals will be fixing this so it wont happen again.

Now we know why they call you GlassOnion. Fragile and cries often.


February 6th, 2012, 06:58 PM
Now we know why they call you GlassOnion. Fragile and cries often.


I see that UNCC education is serving you well. I'll be posting that pic for you after the Chowan game.

February 6th, 2012, 07:04 PM
Now we know why they call you GlassOnion. Fragile and cries often.


Why would we be butt hurt by you and your rivals mod making UNCC an FCS laughing stock? I'm loving all of this

February 6th, 2012, 07:05 PM
I see that UNCC education is serving you well. I'll be posting that pic for you after the Chowan game.

You make sure you do Sunshine.

February 6th, 2012, 08:47 PM
For all the talk about how little Charlotte matters, this recruiting thread is some 50 pages long, mostly filled with how bad Charlotte will be.

Apphole and glassonion, for saying that you're not concerned, your mouth says one thing but your actions say something else.


February 6th, 2012, 09:42 PM
For all the talk about how little Charlotte matters, this recruiting thread is some 50 pages long, mostly filled with how bad Charlotte will be.

Apphole and glassonion, for saying that you're not concerned, your mouth says one thing but your actions say something else.


All in an effort to put you in your place, rest assured. There was a full page of UNCCee chest beating about your "star" recruits to justify the outrage from a very experienced ASU fan base. I just hope you realize that the entire FCS world has lost ALL respect for your school.

February 7th, 2012, 07:18 AM
So the fact Charlotte recruited that well(how well is debatable) a year and a half before they play a game, pretty much tells anyone with any intelligence that they will be spanking App State on the recruiting trail from now on.

February 7th, 2012, 07:21 AM
I don't know about spanking them but I think we'll be more competitive on the recruiting trail than many on this board expected.

February 7th, 2012, 07:25 AM
I don't know about spanking them but I think we'll be more competitive on the recruiting trail than many on this board expected.

Well now that I think about it may be even a bigger advantage to know that there is noone ahead of you at your position already on the roster. I retract my previous statement.

February 7th, 2012, 07:34 AM
Either way you look at it the fact that this is Charlotte's first class but they don't play til 2013 should be more of a part of this discussion. Instead we just have the washed up program clinging to hope as the rookie comes in to try and take it's place.

February 7th, 2012, 07:45 AM
Well now that I think about it may be even a bigger advantage to know that there is noone ahead of you at your position already on the roster. I retract my previous statement.

Not to take away from Coach Lambert and his staff, but obvious playing time, the chance to be on the first team of a program that isn't afraid to set high goals, and brand new facilities and equipment on a beautiful campus certainly help.

Now the question is can the coaching staff can coach up these recruits? Which we won't know for a while.

February 7th, 2012, 07:50 AM
So the fact Charlotte recruited that well(how well is debatable) a year and a half before they play a game, pretty much tells anyone with any intelligence that they will be spanking App State on the recruiting trail from now on.

They will likely win more recruiting battles vs. ASU than UTC does.

February 7th, 2012, 07:52 AM
They will likely win more recruiting battles vs. ASU than UTC does.

I think it was 2010 when Huesman went 7-0 against Moore on the recruiting trail.

February 7th, 2012, 07:54 AM
Well now that I think about it may be even a bigger advantage to know that there is noone ahead of you at your position already on the roster. I retract my previous statement.

This SO reminds me of asking your older brother to beat up your bully for you.

February 7th, 2012, 07:59 AM
I think it was 2010 when Huesman went 7-0 against Moore on the recruiting trail.

Not to state the obvious, but Moore has more national titles than Huesman has winning seasons.

February 7th, 2012, 08:04 AM
Not to state the obvious, but Moore has more national titles than Huesman has winning seasons.

Not to state the obvious, but we are talking about recruiting. This year Moore beat Huesman for a couple and Huesman only beat him for one that I know of but this hasn't been the case all the time, and surely won't be when Chattanooga has its break through season.

February 7th, 2012, 08:07 AM
Either way you look at it the fact that this is Charlotte's first class but they don't play til 2013 should be more of a part of this discussion. Instead we just have the washed up program clinging to hope as the rookie comes in to try and take it's place.

It's obvious that you are just trying to push buttons because App has owned you so hard. You have nothing. If your team had the same season the "washed up program" had last year, you would be celebrating it as the great season in your programs history. You are a joke. If your school could not get a win with the clowns that were running our offense the last few years, you are in for a world of hurt now that there is a competent guy running the offense. Enjoy your last few shots at this "washed up program" while you still have a chance to play them.

Not to state the obvious, but we are talking about recruiting.

And App just brought in its best class in years, despite the turnover in the coaching staff in the months before signing day.

February 7th, 2012, 08:12 AM
It's obvious that you are just trying to push buttons because App has owned you so hard. You have nothing. If your team had the same season the "washed up program" had last year, you would be celebrating it as the great season in your programs history. You are a joke. If your school could not get a win with the clowns that were running our offense the last few years, you are in for a world of hurt now that there is a competent guy running the offense. Enjoy your last few shots at this "washed up program" while you still have a chance to play them.

And App just brought in its best class in years, despite the turnover in the coaching staff in the months before signing day.

Buddy we are returning 9 offensive and 9 defensive starters off of a team that was probably better than you, just not as lucky last year. At the least much more competitive. Forgive me if I am not shaking in my boots right now.

February 7th, 2012, 08:15 AM
Buddy we are returning 9 offensive and 9 defensive starters off of a team that was probably better than you, just not as lucky last year. At the least much more competitive. Forgive me if I am not shaking in my boots right now.

I think you have "luck" confused with "not being a bunch of gutless choke artists"

February 7th, 2012, 08:18 AM
I think you have "luck" confused with "not being a bunch of gutless choke artists"

I think you have "Gutless choke artist" confused with "not even showing up" for 3 or 4 games.

February 7th, 2012, 08:26 AM
Buddy we are returning 9 offensive and 9 defensive starters off of a team that was probably better than you, just not as lucky last year. At the least much more competitive. Forgive me if I am not shaking in my boots right now.

We are 20-2 against you since 1989 and have won more playoff games in your stadium than you have. Excuse us if we're not shaking in our boots when thinking about a 5-6 team that was 'better than us' despite a final score that says otherwise.

I think you have "Gutless choke artist" confused with "not even showing up" for 3 or 4 games.

Always a sign of solid coaching...

February 7th, 2012, 08:30 AM
I think you have "Gutless choke artist" confused with "not even showing up" for 3 or 4 games.

Kind of like how you were "not even showing up" on this website during the entire playoffs? I guess it must be just natural for Chattanooga both team and fans to just disappear from existence during December and late November.

February 7th, 2012, 08:35 AM
We are 20-2 against you since 1989 and have won more playoff games in your stadium than you have. Excuse us if we're not shaking in our boots when thinking about a 5-6 team that was 'better than us' despite a final score that says otherwise.

I really don't care what App State fans feel towards Chattanooga. It is meaningless to me. Just like 1989.

February 7th, 2012, 08:37 AM
Kind of like how you were "not even showing up" on this website during the entire playoffs? I guess it must be just natural for Chattanooga both team and fans to just disappear from existence during December and late November.

Yeah, what would be the point of me showing up here to talk about teams I don't particularly care about? Exaclty right, wasn't here in the playoffs because Chattanooga wasn't. Precisely.

February 7th, 2012, 08:39 AM
We are 20-2 against you since 1989 and have won more playoff games in your stadium than you have. Excuse us if we're not shaking in our boots when thinking about a 5-6 team that was 'better than us' despite a final score that says otherwise.

Always a sign of solid coaching...

Try again. You would be correct with your line of thinking in most cases. But I was using your little friend's poor logic skills.

February 7th, 2012, 08:57 AM
Any App folks have a link to Quartterrio Morgan highlights? I found one on Rivals but it is from his Junior year in HS (2010) and the quality is pretty bad. Looks like he has some serious jets though, I'd like to see more if possible.

February 7th, 2012, 09:01 AM
Yeah, what would be the point of me showing up here to talk about teams I don't particularly care about? Exaclty right, wasn't here in the playoffs because Chattanooga wasn't. Precisely.

So when the national championship games were played at the "Mecca" did the UT-C football players sell peanuts?

February 7th, 2012, 10:31 AM
Thank goodness for UNCC that Chattown came in here and took the heat off you guys. It was getting ugly. There's always a bigger idiot I guess.

February 7th, 2012, 10:48 AM
Thank goodness for UNCC that Chattown came in here and took the heat off you guys. It was getting ugly. There's always a bigger idiot I guess.

^^^Why yes, there's always a bigger idiot!^^^

February 7th, 2012, 10:51 AM
^^^Why yes, there's always a bigger idiot!^^^

I stand corrected about Chattown. I have a fish tank full of more creative beings than you.

February 7th, 2012, 10:57 AM
So the fact Charlotte recruited that well(how well is debatable) a year and a half before they play a game, pretty much tells anyone with any intelligence that they will be spanking App State on the recruiting trail from now on.

Charlotte signed 13 players that would be walking on somewhere else if uncc hadnt bumbled along, and 3 more they stole form Coastal Carolina. "Recruited" and "well" shouldnt even be used in the same sentence.

And Chatty has had its surge, and it still didnt make it to the top. Expect them to settle back down to where theyre used to being, just above Western in the rankings.

February 7th, 2012, 11:51 AM
I think it was 2010 when Huesman went 7-0 against Moore on the recruiting trail.

Just checked rivals 2009-2011 UTC signing classes and UTC signed no one that had an offer from ASU during that time.

I know rivals only has ~7 of the total ~14 per class listed for UTC, but the ones listed on rivals are usually the good ones.

It must be nice to consistently throw crap on the wall and see what sticks, keep trying this one didn't work.

February 7th, 2012, 12:13 PM
Charlotte signed 13 players that would be walking on somewhere else if uncc hadnt bumbled along, and 3 more they stole form Coastal Carolina. "Recruited" and "well" shouldnt even be used in the same sentence.

And Chatty has had its surge, and it still didnt make it to the top. Expect them to settle back down to where theyre used to being, just above Western in the rankings.

Please feel free to point out the 13 who would be walk-ons somewhere else:

Brandon Banks - DE 6-3/230
Jarred Barr - OL 6-3/270
Justin Bolus - ATH 6-3/205
Terry Caldwell - LB 6-0/200
Jaquil Capel - ATH 5-11/180
Jamal Covington - OL 6-4/270
Greg Cunningham - DB 6-2/180
Austin Duke - WR 5-8/155
Jalen Holt - ATH 6-3/220
Matt Johnson - QB 6-3/210
Thomas La Bianca - OL 6-3/282
Rick Legrant - LB 6-0/205
Lee McNeill - QB 6-1/170
James Middleton - DE 6-4/240
Karsten Miller - QB 6-3/195
Tank Norman - DB 5-11/180
Larry Ogunjobi - DT 6-2/267
Casey Perry - OL 6-3/295
Mark Pettit - LB 6-6/235
Mason Sledge - OL 6-4/250
Will Thomas - ATH 6-0/165

February 7th, 2012, 12:33 PM
Oh look he dropped the stars xsmileyclapx

February 7th, 2012, 12:35 PM
Just checked rivals 2009-2011 UTC signing classes and UTC signed no one that had an offer from ASU during that time.

I know rivals only has ~7 of the total ~14 per class listed for UTC, but the ones listed on rivals are usually the good ones.

It must be nice to consistently throw crap on the wall and see what sticks, keep trying this one didn't work.

You are right. They do show less than half of the players. And they show a fraction of the players offers. Most of them they only show FBS offers. You are delusional about what rivals is. They don't care about lower level prospects dummy. They don't have the resources to track all of these players. I bet you have a rivals subcription.

February 7th, 2012, 12:40 PM
Oh look he dropped the stars xsmileyclapx

Oh they're still there, go have a look:


February 7th, 2012, 12:41 PM
Please feel free to point out the 13 who would be walk-ons somewhere else:

Brandon Banks - DE 6-3/230
Jarred Barr - OL 6-3/270
Justin Bolus - ATH 6-3/205
Terry Caldwell - LB 6-0/200
Jaquil Capel - ATH 5-11/180
Jamal Covington - OL 6-4/270
Greg Cunningham - DB 6-2/180
Austin Duke - WR 5-8/155
Jalen Holt - ATH 6-3/220
Matt Johnson - QB 6-3/210
Thomas La Bianca - OL 6-3/282
Rick Legrant - LB 6-0/205
Lee McNeill - QB 6-1/170
James Middleton - DE 6-4/240
Karsten Miller - QB 6-3/195
Tank Norman - DB 5-11/180
Larry Ogunjobi - DT 6-2/267
Casey Perry - OL 6-3/295
Mark Pettit - LB 6-6/235
Mason Sledge - OL 6-4/250
Will Thomas - ATH 6-0/165

Jacquil Capel. I heard that guy sucks! xlolx

February 7th, 2012, 12:47 PM
Oh they're still there, go have a look:


Maybe I'll add some while I'm there. That seems to be the thing to do.

Serious question though, which four players were the ones that actually received sincere rivals stars? I lost track when the field was deluted by bull ****.

February 7th, 2012, 01:07 PM
Maybe I'll add some while I'm there. That seems to be the thing to do.

Serious question though, which four players were the ones that actually received sincere rivals stars? I lost track when the field was deluted by bull ****.

I think they only had one guy with stars on Rivals (Perry with 3) and three other guys were ranked on ESPN and/or Scout.

February 7th, 2012, 01:07 PM
Maybe I'll add some while I'm there. That seems to be the thing to do.

Serious question though, which four players were the ones that actually received sincere rivals stars? I lost track when the field was deluted by bull ****.

If you're too lazy to go back through this thread and look for it then I won't help you.

February 7th, 2012, 01:16 PM
Please feel free to point out the 13 who would be walk-ons somewhere else:

Brandon Banks - DE 6-3/230
Jarred Barr - OL 6-3/270
Justin Bolus - ATH 6-3/205
Terry Caldwell - LB 6-0/200
Jaquil Capel - ATH 5-11/180
Jamal Covington - OL 6-4/270
Greg Cunningham - DB 6-2/180
Austin Duke - WR 5-8/155
Jalen Holt - ATH 6-3/220
Matt Johnson - QB 6-3/210
Thomas La Bianca - OL 6-3/282
Rick Legrant - LB 6-0/205
Lee McNeill - QB 6-1/170
James Middleton - DE 6-4/240
Karsten Miller - QB 6-3/195
Tank Norman - DB 5-11/180
Larry Ogunjobi - DT 6-2/267
Casey Perry - OL 6-3/295
Mark Pettit - LB 6-6/235
Mason Sledge - OL 6-4/250
Will Thomas - ATH 6-0/165

If you cant click a couple of times, Im not going to help you.
You do realise that all Rivals members can read all premium content right? Well I've read everything for the past 90 days on uncc's recruiting, and I stand by what I said.

"Received interest from..." is code for, "I received junk mail from this university."

February 7th, 2012, 01:23 PM
Serious ? for the Charlotte fans..how's basketball season going? Not so good, huh? Perhaps the SoCon or CAA doesn't look that bad....

February 7th, 2012, 01:30 PM
It is too easy messing with the simpletons from the Liberal Arts College of 321.

I only expect their cries to get worse as our first game approaches.

February 7th, 2012, 01:34 PM
Serious ? for the Charlotte fans..how's basketball season going? Not so good, huh? Perhaps the SoCon or CAA doesn't look that bad....

That's funny, because we trounced the SoCon's best team. By all means keep trying.

You gotta love when a fan from a team with one tournament bid all-time, starts talking **** about basketball.

February 7th, 2012, 01:36 PM
You are right. They do show less than half of the players. And they show a fraction of the players offers. Most of them they only show FBS offers. You are delusional about what rivals is. They don't care about lower level prospects dummy. They don't have the resources to track all of these players. I bet you have a rivals subcription.

They may not care about UTC recruits and offers, but ASU has its own rivals page that is updated for offers made and has been for over 5 years now. If ASU had offered a player and UTC had signed them they would be on UTC's page. This year ASU's rivals page included over 70 players that ASU had interest in, seems pretty comprehensive to me. I agree with you that one of us doesn't understand how this process works.

No name calling necessary for me.

February 7th, 2012, 01:37 PM
If you cant click a couple of times, Im not going to help you.
You do realise that all Rivals members can read all premium content right? Well I've read everything for the past 90 days on uncc's recruiting, and I stand by what I said.

"Received interest from..." is code for, "I received junk mail from this university."

That's what I thought, didn't really want to put your name beside a kids saying he didn't deserve his stars?

Rivals policy, all recruits not reviewed that sign with DI programs get 2 stars. Not sure why App was skipped in this but oh well.

Here you go Mr. Rivals Premium Member. Read it for yourself:


February 7th, 2012, 01:41 PM
That's funny, because we trounced the SoCon's best team. By all means keep trying.

In all seriousness, that is kind of the point. You did handle Davidson and yet are 3-6 in the A-10 and have not been to the tournament since leaving C-USA. In another conference, you may be competing for tournament bids on an annual basis. That, along with a much better football schedule should be seriously taken into consideration by your administration.

The benefit of a MUCH better football schedule (and in turn, a likely faster lane to FBS) might outweigh a weaker hoops conference, especially when considering a greater chance at postseason play every year in both sports.

February 7th, 2012, 01:42 PM
That's funny, because we trounced the SoCon's best team. By all means keep trying.

By all means, come dominate. It's terrible. SoCon Tournament wins and NCAA bids every year, or 3-6 in the A-10. Whatever makes you feel better...

"Liberal Arts College"...man, you're bringing out the big smack guns now...

The "cries" will only get worse if you start winning and stealing the attention away from ASU in the Charlotte market. We have a few years to go before we'll see if that will happen. Good luck.

February 7th, 2012, 01:46 PM
By all means, come dominate. It's terrible. SoCon Tournament wins and NCAA bids every year, or 3-6 in the A-10. Whatever makes you feel better...

"Liberal Arts College"...man, you're bringing out the big smack guns now...

The "cries" will only get worse if you start winning and stealing the attention away from ASU in the Charlotte market. We have a few years to go before we'll see if that will happen. Good luck.

If we'd join the SoCon, then I doubt we'd get recruits too much better than the other SoCon teams. We saw this effect moving to the A10 from Real CUSA. Either way, the A10 has the highest cash distribution of a non-BCS conference so it makes financial sense to stay where we're at.

February 7th, 2012, 01:46 PM
That's funny, because we trounced the SoCon's best team. By all means keep trying.

You gotta love when a fan from a team with one tournament bid all-time, starts talking **** about basketball.

Davidson isn't the power they used to be. Don't get ahead of Yosef. How about that last game against App State?

February 7th, 2012, 01:50 PM
That's what I thought, didn't really want to put your name beside a kids saying he didn't deserve his stars?

Rivals policy, all recruits not reviewed that sign with DI programs get 2 stars. Not sure why App was skipped in this but oh well.

Here you go Mr. Rivals Premium Member. Read it for yourself:


Uncc doesnt even have a football program. There are several D2 schools that play D1 basketball, you dont think their recruits deserve an automatic 2 star do you?

I shouldnt have to put my name by any kids, your affiliates put them in this position, nobody else.

You dont think this is the way Rivals intended this be used do you?

February 7th, 2012, 01:53 PM
The "cries" will only get worse if you start winning and stealing the attention away from ASU in the Charlotte market.

Yes App has tons of attention in the Charlotte market.

7:00 PM ET, November 22, 2011
Time Warner Cable Arena, Charlotte, NC
Attendance: 3,719

I hope you guys and WCU play at B of A. I'm sure that won't be an epic fail either.

February 7th, 2012, 01:55 PM
Yes App has tons of attention in the Charlotte market.

7:00 PM ET, November 22, 2011
Time Warner Cable Arena, Charlotte, NC
Attendance: 3,719

I hope you guys and WCU play at B of A. I'm sure that won't be an epic fail either.

Have you SEEN ASU basketball lately? I never said "tons" of attention. I'm talking about the blurb and occasional column in the Disturber once in awhile, especially in the pre-season.

February 7th, 2012, 01:56 PM
Yes App has tons of attention in the Charlotte market.

7:00 PM ET, November 22, 2011
Time Warner Cable Arena, Charlotte, NC
Attendance: 3,719

I hope you guys and WCU play at B of A. I'm sure that won't be an epic fail either.

Oh the ignorance....

App football and App BBall are two different and almost opposite things. I wouldn't expect to draw any less than 25-30,000 to any game at BOA. If we play ECU there I wouldn't be surprised to see 40k in black and gold.

Funny to quote that number also when UNCC home BBall attendance is very similar. We are a football school. You are a BBall school. Chew on that one.

February 7th, 2012, 02:01 PM
Have you SEEN ASU basketball lately?

But...but...but...you guys have such a large footprint here and your fans will travel anywhere.

Which is it? You guys need to pick an argument and stay with it.

February 7th, 2012, 02:03 PM
That's funny, because we trounced the SoCon's best team. By all means keep trying.

You gotta love when a fan from a team with one tournament bid all-time, starts talking **** about basketball.

Not as funny as a fan from a school that still hasn't played their first down of football acting like the king **** of FCS ball.

February 7th, 2012, 02:03 PM
But...but...but...you guys have such a large footprint here and your fans will travel anywhere.

Which is it? You guys need to pick an argument and stay with it.

I am not Apphole, nor does Apphole represent the feelings of the entire ASU fanbase.

I welcome FOOTBALL discussion. Save the smack and basketball for the appropriate forum. :)

February 7th, 2012, 02:04 PM
Uncc doesnt even have a football program. There are several D2 schools that play D1 basketball, you dont think their recruits deserve an automatic 2 star do you?

I shouldnt have to put my name by any kids, your affiliates put them in this position, nobody else.

You dont think this is the way Rivals intended this be used do you?

There are no D2 schools playing D1 basketball. Do you mean D1 FCS?

Oh the ignorance....

App football and App BBall are two different and almost opposite things. I wouldn't expect to draw any less than 25-30,000 to any game at BOA. If we play ECU there I wouldn't be surprised to see 40k in black and gold.

Funny to quote that number also when UNCC home BBall attendance is very similar. We are a football school. You are a BBall school. Chew on that one.

LOL! You live in a fantasy world. You can expect all you want, but you would be very disappointed by your fans at a game at BoA. If you played ECU no one would be able to see an App St. fan in the sea of Purple in BoA. Your fans might get to 20,000 vs ECU in BoA, but you'd need a local BCS opponent to hit 25,000. State, Tarholes, Clemson or Gamecocks. Let's just be honest, no one you could draw well against feels the need to play you anywhere but their place.

We average 7000 per home game, what's App's average? About 3000. You need to learn to pick fights you might win.

February 7th, 2012, 02:05 PM
But...but...but...you guys have such a large footprint here and your fans will travel anywhere.

Which is it? You guys need to pick an argument and stay with it.

Football fans will travel very well... hoops, not so much. I haven't seen any ASU folks beating their chest about our basketball support.

February 7th, 2012, 02:06 PM
Not as funny as a fan from a school that still hasn't played their first down of football acting like the king **** of FCS ball.

Please post any comments where I've said anything about us dominating the field, having the best recruiting class, or making a conference better because of presence. Not all of us are the same.

February 7th, 2012, 02:07 PM
who needs attendance figures when you have trucker maps

February 7th, 2012, 02:07 PM
I haven't seen any ASU folks beating their chest about our basketball support.

Bingo. And you won't find them.

February 7th, 2012, 02:12 PM
Please post any comments where I've said anything about us dominating the field, having the best recruiting class, or making a conference better because of presence. Not all of us are the same.

Point is..one of our conference mates (Lamar) used to be Sun Belt..left and came back to the SLC..brought back football..and from day one have had fans like yourself, and then like the others who think that Charlotte will be the best thing since the playoff system was developed...

They should have stuck to basketball only.

While it may not be completely be the case for Charlotte, and nor is this meant at you as, other than smack..have kept level headed..keep in mind that it's going to be a rough few years, and it might be beneficial to tone down the rhetoric.

February 7th, 2012, 02:13 PM
I haven't seen any ASU folks beating their chest about our basketball support.

I know you personally don't say this but alot of your fans beat their chest about how Charlotte's football attendance will be flat because we don't have a fanbase.

We put 6K-7K in stands each night to watch a team that has won 11 games and hasn't made a tournament in 5 years. I think that says enough.

Sorry mixing the good Apps with the bad ones.

February 7th, 2012, 02:14 PM
I know you personally don't say this but alot of your fans beat their chest about how Charlotte's football attendance will be flat because we don't have a fanbase.

We put 6K-7K in stands each night to watch a team that has won 11 games and hasn't made a tournament in 5 years. I think that says enough.

Sorry mixing the good Apps with the bad ones.

Does a bad app ruin the bunch?

February 7th, 2012, 02:17 PM
Does a bad app ruin the bunch?



February 7th, 2012, 02:17 PM
I am not Apphole, nor does Apphole represent the feelings of the entire ASU fanbase.

I welcome FOOTBALL discussion. Save the smack and basketball for the appropriate forum. :)

You're an idiot. When have I said we travel well in BBall? Think before you post, moron.

February 7th, 2012, 02:18 PM
Bingo. And you won't find them.

Except for me right? Jackass

February 7th, 2012, 02:22 PM
There are no D2 schools playing D1 basketball. Do you mean D1 FCS?

No, what I meant to get at was schools like Davidson and other Pioneer league teams. Davidson plays good D1 basketball, but doesnt offer scholarship football, but still plays in the FCS. Should their players automatically update to a 2 star because theyre a D1 program?

February 7th, 2012, 02:22 PM
Point is..one of our conference mates (Lamar) used to be Sun Belt..left and came back to the SLC..brought back football..and from day one have had fans like yourself, and then like the others who think that Charlotte will be the best thing since the playoff system was developed...

They should have stuck to basketball only.

While it may not be completely be the case for Charlotte, and nor is this meant at you as, other than smack..have kept level headed..keep in mind that it's going to be a rough few years, and it might be beneficial to tone down the rhetoric.

There's not a whole lot of Charlotte fans out on message boards claiming we're going to dominate anyone anytime soon in football.

No, what I meant to get at was schools like Davidson and other Pioneer league teams. Davidson plays good D1 basketball, but doesnt offer scholarship football, but still plays in the FCS. Should their players automatically update to a 2 star because theyre a D1 program?

Again, that's a question for Rivals. I could give less that a s*** what Davidson's class is ranked in stars. Or for that matter our or yours, its just entertainment value to see how some (not all) Appys have reacted to this. Some of your guys took it for fun smack and enjoyed it. You obviously didn't and for that I thank you! Its not like we're arguing over 4 and 5 star recruits here.

App and Charlotte both got 1 3 star recruit; there, let's both be satisfied. xthumbsupx

February 7th, 2012, 02:24 PM
Oh the ignorance....

App football and App BBall are two different and almost opposite things. I wouldn't expect to draw any less than 25-30,000 to any game at BOA. If we play ECU there I wouldn't be surprised to see 40k in black and gold.

Funny to quote that number also when UNCC home BBall attendance is very similar. We are a football school. You are a BBall school. Chew on that one.

So let me get this straight.....you're saying football attendance is different than bball attendance. Dang, why didn't we think of that. Oh, BTW our average bball attendance is still nearly twice what you guys AND ECU managed for that epic showdown in the TWC.

February 7th, 2012, 02:27 PM
So let me get this straight.....you're saying football attendance is different than bball attendance. Dang, why didn't we think of that. Oh, BTW our average bball attendance is still nearly twice what you guys AND ECU managed for that epic showdown in the TWC.

Dear God don't encourage him anymore, he got enough issues with his own fans.

February 7th, 2012, 02:30 PM
Dear God don't encourage him anymore, he got enough issues with his own fans.

Just one who doesn't get on here much/judges me by AGS moniker

February 7th, 2012, 03:54 PM
Any of you Texas boys ever heard of a kid named Stephane Turner out of Rowlett, Texas. I think they said he played for Garland HS. He prepped for a year up north and has signed to play at UNH.

February 7th, 2012, 04:29 PM
You're an idiot. Think before you post, moron.



February 7th, 2012, 05:20 PM
Again, that's a question for Rivals. I could give less that a s*** what Davidson's class is ranked in stars. Or for that matter our or yours, its just entertainment value to see how some (not all) Appys have reacted to this. Some of your guys took it for fun smack and enjoyed it. You obviously didn't and for that I thank you! Its not like we're arguing over 4 and 5 star recruits here.

App and Charlotte both got 1 3 star recruit; there, let's both be satisfied. xthumbsupx

I took it for what it was, bush league self adulation. No one cares if your recruits were rated at two stars, or 5 stars, but they do care that your rookie posters used some rip off list to gloat on the board. And your only answer is that everyone should be doing it, when you know dam well that the Rivals rule was never intended for this purpose. You can take your used car salesmen tactics and sell crazy somewhere else.

February 7th, 2012, 05:21 PM

Your comment was uncalled for. Educate Yosef and I will never again attack one of my own. Solidarity brother

February 7th, 2012, 10:01 PM
I took it for what it was, bush league self adulation. No one cares if your recruits were rated at two stars, or 5 stars, but they do care that your rookie posters used some rip off list to gloat on the board. And your only answer is that everyone should be doing it, when you know dam well that the Rivals rule was never intended for this purpose. You can take your used car salesmen tactics and sell crazy somewhere else.

We're on page 61 now, but no one cares. xlolxxlolxxlolx

February 7th, 2012, 10:08 PM
We're on page 61 now, but no one cares. xlolxxlolxxlolx

Thanks for illustrating your lack of reading comprehension, we were all wondering. Apparently making it to the second half of the second sentence was just too much.

February 9th, 2012, 02:58 AM
should be a good trip down.

Do CoC girls come over for the games or is the tailgate scene a bunch of dudes like everything else at the citadel?

You should hope that those petruli oil smelling hippies and nasty goths stay far away. Baptist College girsl are much better.... oops I mean Charleston Southern.

BTW- leave your wife in Rock Hill or you might lose her in Charleston.

February 9th, 2012, 06:51 AM
Is that UNCC helmet from Russian or North Korea? Maybe China, everything is made there now. Looks kinda like a Commie Cycle....

By the way, the Green one looks way better.

Looking forward to our first games with the new borns.

February 9th, 2012, 09:29 AM
Is that UNCC helmet from Russian or North Korea? Maybe China, everything is made there now. Looks kinda like a Commie Cycle....

By the way, the Green one looks way better.

Looking forward to our first games with the new borns.

from "Russian"......."Commie Cycle"??????

February 9th, 2012, 10:46 AM
You should hope that those petruli oil smelling hippies and nasty goths stay far away. Baptist College girsl are much better.... oops I mean Charleston Southern.

BTW- leave your wife in Rock Hill or you might lose her in Charleston.

It's fairly obvious that you must have gotten rejected time after time by those "hippies and nasty goth" girls from C of C while you were a bellhop xnodx My wife is an C of C alum and is not even remotely close to what you have made them out to be. What a d!ck response xrolleyesx

February 9th, 2012, 11:09 AM
The gold helmets do look awful. I'm really hoping we go with green. Looks like we may do white as well, which isn't great, but it's growing on me.

February 9th, 2012, 11:47 AM
The gold helmets do look awful. I'm really hoping we go with green. Looks like we may do white as well, which isn't great, but it's growing on me.

Any pictures on this?

February 9th, 2012, 11:57 AM
Any pictures on this?

16416 16417 16418

The gold one isn't even the right shade of gold. Between these the green helmet is 100% better than either of the other two. I'd also prefer the plain C-pick instead of C-49ers but that decision has already been made.

February 9th, 2012, 12:57 PM
The stickers on the white and gold look horrible. I would to see they gold helmets if they can get them right.

February 14th, 2012, 10:54 AM
49ers land DB Prince Mayela.


April 16th, 2013, 09:38 PM
Right, just how do you know how much playing time Capel would have gotten? Answer; you don't......you just cant stand to admit that Charlotte got 2 recruits your team offered on our very first freakin' day. Hilarious.

Bump. I enjoy reading the crap all fanbases post (including App's) a year later when things change. Capel had an excellent fall camp for UNCC, but decided to transfer to App officially today.

ursus arctos horribilis
April 16th, 2013, 10:09 PM
I'm glad you bumped it as well Saint. This kind of thread is exactly why we changed some things around to have a forum explicitly for recruiting threads and so forth. I'm gonna move it in there to start giving people the idea that it is where things go going forward. Thanks man.xthumbsupx

BTW, I agree, it is funny to see some of the old posts and predictions from everyone...wait, I don't like seeing my old ones that were incorrect. xlolx

April 17th, 2013, 08:21 AM
Keep looking we're all idiots when hindsight is applied.

April 17th, 2013, 04:26 PM
I read that Carrington Mosley has committed to Liberty University https://twitter.com/Up_N_Coming3, this is a big pickup for Liberty. His college choices were between UVA and Liberty. I have seen this kid play and he's a monster.

Carrington Mosley
Running Back
5'11" 225

April 23rd, 2013, 08:44 PM
Edit: Never mind...I found it...