View Full Version : I Am Almost Done With This Board.........................................
December 20th, 2011, 03:35 PM
Too many Fanooks, on here that make non football related threads complaining about other posters and its beyond GAY!
If you dont like it dont read it, ignore them (wont work with me) and quit responding if your pretty pink vajay jay gets a little chaffing. We come here for football talk and all we get are threads crying to the MODS because somebody took your binky and went home. xsmhx
For the love of Allah, some of you act like incapacitated babies that need your nan na to wipe the poop off your face and powder your bum. (SHSU fans)
Grow up and act like men you, prissy lady boys.....stop the name calling....its getting disturbing in a very big way.
December 20th, 2011, 03:41 PM
Too many Fanooks, on here that make non football related threads complaining about other posters and its beyond GAY!
If you dont like it dont read it, ignore them (wont work with me) and quit responding if your pretty pink vajay jay gets a little chaffing. We come here for football talk and all we get are threads crying to the MODS because somebody took your binky and went home. xsmhx
For the love of Allah, some of you act like incapacitated babies that need your nan na to wipe the poop off your face and powder your bum. (SHSU fans)
Grow up and act like men you, prissy lady boys.....stop the name calling....its getting disturbing in a very big way.
This has to be the most hypocritical post in the history of message boards (name calls while complaining about name calling, acting like a small child etc).
If you are done, then whatevs.
December 20th, 2011, 03:41 PM
Too many Fanooks, on here that make non football related threads complaining about other posters and its beyond GAY!
If you dont like it dont read it, ignore them (wont work with me) and quit responding if your pretty pink vajay jay gets a little chaffing. We come here for football talk and all we get are threads crying to the MODS because somebody took your binky and went home. xsmhx
For the love of Allah, some of you act like incapacitated babies that need your nan na to wipe the poop off your face and powder your bum. (SHSU fans)
Grow up and act like men you, prissy lady boys.....stop the name calling....its getting disturbing in a very big way.
December 20th, 2011, 03:46 PM
Bye Felicia!
December 20th, 2011, 03:46 PM
December 20th, 2011, 03:52 PM
Bye Felicia!
1. bye felicia
When someone says that they're leaving and you could really give two ****s less that they are. Their name then becomes "felicia", a random ***** that nobody is sad to see go. They're real name becomes irrelevant because nobody cares what it really is. Instead, they now are "felicia"
December 20th, 2011, 03:53 PM
1. bye felicia
When someone says that they're leaving and you could really give two ****s less that they are. Their name then becomes "felicia", a random ***** that nobody is sad to see go. They're real name becomes irrelevant because nobody cares what it really is. Instead, they now are "felicia"
I prefer Annie. You know, an ORPHAN fan who is claimed by NO ONE, not even his own.
December 20th, 2011, 04:14 PM
Adios tool. Nothing more pathetic than an online suicide note before the suicide.
December 20th, 2011, 04:15 PM
........and there is #4.
Quit stalking me
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk
December 20th, 2011, 04:15 PM
Good riddance!!
bearkat pride
December 20th, 2011, 04:17 PM
goodbye you hateful lying pussy!
December 20th, 2011, 04:18 PM
Here is #5. Sounds like to me if BUTT, MT wasn't so far away, you wouldn't even have to JUMP off the ledge - you'd have plenty of, ummmmm...."HELP"
May you rest in peace just like your camera
December 20th, 2011, 04:35 PM
Let's not stoop to that level guys...
December 20th, 2011, 04:37 PM
Let's not stoop to that level guys...
These guys play right into his's actually pretty comical to observe.xnodx
December 20th, 2011, 04:37 PM
I like you Alphie! xnodx Looking forward to meeting you and the rest on Grizz nation in Boone next year. First case is on me.
ursus arctos horribilis
December 20th, 2011, 04:42 PM
These guys play right into his's actually pretty comical to observe.xnodx
I do love a carnival and I'm glad I'm not the only that can sit back and watch the fresh faced patrons walking down the midway with their balloons and stuffed's fun for everyone.
December 20th, 2011, 04:42 PM
You can invite him, but he rarely leaves his mom's basement.
December 20th, 2011, 04:44 PM
I do love a carnival and I'm glad I'm not the only that can sit back and watch the fresh faced patrons walking down the midway with their balloons and stuffed's fun for everyone.
xnodx xlolx
ursus arctos horribilis
December 20th, 2011, 04:46 PM
I like you Alphie! xnodx Looking forward to meeting you and the rest on Grizz nation in Boone next year. First case is on me.
That's gonna be a good one, no need to derail Alf's party here but one thing you're gonna enjoy about that SOB is that there are few you'll meet that just really enjoys a situation like he does.
December 20th, 2011, 04:57 PM
This queer is a weenie without a real life, who seeks attention through his repugnant cyber personality. It is best to ignore him.
December 20th, 2011, 05:07 PM
I do love a carnival and I'm glad I'm not the only that can sit back and watch the fresh faced patrons walking down the midway with their balloons and stuffed's fun for everyone.
Well buddy, AGS is one of the greatest circuses on Earth, and it doesn't cost you a dime to have a seat and watch. You can even enjoy an adult beverage and a sammi at the same time.
December 20th, 2011, 05:39 PM
Bye and don't let the mouse bite you on the but.
December 20th, 2011, 05:52 PM
These guys play right into his's actually pretty comical to observe.xnodx
comical?xchinscratchx i'd say down right hysterical!xlmaox
December 20th, 2011, 05:52 PM
December 20th, 2011, 06:35 PM
Is there a ferris wheel?
December 21st, 2011, 12:42 AM
1. bye felicia
When someone says that they're leaving and you could really give two ****s less that they are. Their name then becomes "felicia", a random ***** that nobody is sad to see go. They're real name becomes irrelevant because nobody cares what it really is. Instead, they now are "felicia"
Felicia is ****ing hot. I would be upset to see her go.
December 21st, 2011, 08:53 AM
Since the 2 BearKunt fans are protesting so much I have decided to stick around at least another year.
Its just so sickening that alleged "men" start with the name calling on an anonymous website.
What kind of douchebag does that?
Oh well thanks to the two Texas ladyboys you all are better off with this early Christmas present. The best part is all you semi queer simpletons will have a year to toughen up and instead of watching from the sidelines like a ****ing band geek you may even get in the game during mop up time.
I know a lot of people on this site are olympic quality retards with extra drool capabilities but I am good enough to try and mold that into something you only make fun of once and awhile instead of daily.
Here is looking forward to a great year molding you libtards into something that doesnt make most of us puke at first glance.
You are very welcome
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk
December 21st, 2011, 09:04 AM
Interesting to see on Alpha's profile page that he "hasn't made any friends yet." Well, duhhh!
December 21st, 2011, 09:23 AM
Since the 2 BearKunt fans are protesting so much I have decided to stick around at least another year.
Its just so sickening that alleged "men" start with the name calling on an anonymous website.
What kind of douchebag does that?
Oh well thanks to the two Texas ladyboys you all are better off with this early Christmas present. The best part is all you semi queer simpletons will have a year to toughen up and instead of watching from the sidelines like a ****ing band geek you may even get in the game during mop up time.
I know a lot of people on this site are olympic quality retards with extra drool capabilities but I am good enough to try and mold that into something you only make fun of once and awhile instead of daily.
Here is looking forward to a great year molding you libtards into something that doesnt make most of us puke at first glance.
You are very welcome
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk
December 21st, 2011, 09:35 AM
Since the 2 BearKunt fans are protesting so much I have decided to stick around at least another year.
Its just so sickening that alleged "men" start with the name calling on an anonymous website.
What kind of douchebag does that?
Oh well thanks to the two Texas ladyboys you all are better off with this early Christmas present. The best part is all you semi queer simpletons will have a year to toughen up and instead of watching from the sidelines like a ****ing band geek you may even get in the game during mop up time.
I know a lot of people on this site are olympic quality retards with extra drool capabilities but I am good enough to try and mold that into something you only make fun of once and awhile instead of daily.
Here is looking forward to a great year molding you libtards into something that doesnt make most of us puke at first glance.
You are very welcome
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk
Good deal! Now if only Citdog would come back home.
December 21st, 2011, 10:33 AM
Agreed, can you imagine how butthurt these Texas tools would be if CitDog was here?
They would probably hold each other close and tell each other everything was going to be OK.....more than they already do now.
December 21st, 2011, 10:41 AM
Since the 2 BearKunt fans are protesting so much I have decided to stick around at least another year.
Its just so sickening that alleged "men" start with the name calling on an anonymous website.
What kind of douchebag does that?
Oh well thanks to the two Texas ladyboys you all are better off with this early Christmas present. The best part is all you semi queer simpletons will have a year to toughen up and instead of watching from the sidelines like a ****ing band geek you may even get in the game during mop up time.
I know a lot of people on this site are olympic quality retards with extra drool capabilities but I am good enough to try and mold that into something you only make fun of once and awhile instead of daily.
Here is looking forward to a great year molding you libtards into something that doesnt make most of us puke at first glance.
You are very welcome
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk
So the guy who calls people "bearkunts" is complaining about name calling. Yeahhhh
December 21st, 2011, 10:43 AM
and I rest my case.............................................. ....................................xcoffeex
December 21st, 2011, 10:59 AM
and I rest my case.............................................. ....................................xcoffeex
Finally! xrolleyesx
December 21st, 2011, 02:44 PM
Too many Fanooks, on here that make non football related threads complaining about other posters and its beyond GAY!
If you dont like it dont read it, ignore them (wont work with me) and quit responding if your pretty pink vajay jay gets a little chaffing. We come here for football talk and all we get are threads crying to the MODS because somebody took your binky and went home. xsmhx
For the love of Allah, some of you act like incapacitated babies that need your nan na to wipe the poop off your face and powder your bum. (SHSU fans)
Grow up and act like men you, prissy lady boys.....stop the name calling....its getting disturbing in a very big way.
xcoffeex xawesomex
December 21st, 2011, 03:07 PM
Says the guy who read 4 pages of absolute nothing......................yeah you dont care......just as much as the BearKunts dont care.
December 21st, 2011, 08:19 PM
December 21st, 2011, 09:37 PM
You guys didn't honestly think he was going to leave, did ya??
December 21st, 2011, 09:51 PM
Did the word "almost" tip you off?
December 22nd, 2011, 12:18 AM
This thread is almost as big of a joke as the guy that wrote it. Hey Alpha, come back down on your "friends jet" and bring another camera to get taken away from you and get "broken by Kat Fans." I'm pretty certain that neither ever did or ever would happen.
December 22nd, 2011, 07:14 AM
You guys didn't honestly think he was going to leave, did ya??
xxmasx We were looking for a Christmas miracle LOL!! xangelx
December 22nd, 2011, 10:56 AM
...............and there you go cant help yourself.
December 22nd, 2011, 11:11 AM
...............and there you go cant help yourself.
Wanna see your self portrait? Look up hypocrite in a dictionary.
December 22nd, 2011, 11:40 AM
Hahahaha well this is a fun thread to read. Just sit back and watch the following take place:
alphagriz1 types a hypocritical comment that is aimed at restoring common sense on here, yet lacks some within' itself.
Every bearkat fan on here (all three of them) responds with what they think are witty comments.
Rinse, Repeat, Recycle.
December 22nd, 2011, 12:19 PM
At least somebody gets this thread so it wasnt a complete waste of time.....................ok it was but still its funny how some people cant see the forest for the trees.
December 22nd, 2011, 01:37 PM
Here is a little advice to all of the Alphagriz fans....never allow an arrogant and or ignorant person to bring you down to their level, if you do so, they will consume and defeat you with experience.
December 22nd, 2011, 03:09 PM
Wanna see your self portrait? Look up hypocrite in a dictionary.
You took the bait. As Vitojr130 said, "Rinse, Repeat, Recycle."
December 22nd, 2011, 10:12 PM
You took the bait. As Vitojr130 said, "Rinse, Repeat, Recycle."
I take people at their word. I don't try to decipher parody, sarcasm, irony, cutesy, and all that other bull *****. It was a good diversion from all the serious stuff going on in college athletics, however.
December 22nd, 2011, 10:14 PM
You took the bait. As Vitojr130 said, "Rinse, Repeat, Recycle."
I had a hunch that he was bull****ting but was still enjoying it.
December 22nd, 2011, 10:25 PM
Hahahaha well this is a fun thread to read. Just sit back and watch the following take place:
alphagriz1 types a hypocritical comment that is aimed at restoring common sense on here, yet lacks some within' itself.
Every bearkat fan on here (all three of them) responds with what they think are witty comments.
Rinse, Repeat, Recycle.
It's not Bearkat fans replying to him.
December 23rd, 2011, 08:19 AM
I had a hunch that he was bull****ting but was still enjoying it.
alphagriz is a character for sure, and I'm sure he was enjoying it too. I hope he brings his sorry self to Boone for the game.
December 23rd, 2011, 08:33 AM
Its simple! Split into to 2 boards ages 15 to 30 and 31 and up
Scan the all the posts for the word haters and move them all to the 15 to 30
When one refers to another fan who doesn't like there team or give it any respect as a hater
Child... plain and simple. Fact
December 23rd, 2011, 09:55 AM
Movie date night with snacks: $35.00
Read latest book by a Politician that will never win: $50.00
Purchasing useless Apps to kill time: $20.00
Counseling service for a losing season: $2000.00
To get all the above in one thread: Priceless
Thanks Alphgriz1 you just saved me a ton of money
May 24th, 2016, 11:00 AM
HEy Ursus................I think I am almost done with this board............................................. .....................again
May 24th, 2016, 11:20 AM
HEy Ursus................I think I am almost done with this board............................................. .....................again
May 24th, 2016, 11:29 AM
ursus arctos horribilis
May 24th, 2016, 11:32 AM
HEy Ursus................I think I am almost done with this board............................................. .....................again
Oh yeah, who made ya mad this time punkin?
May 24th, 2016, 11:33 AM
Oh yeah, who made ya mad this time punkin?
Cleets, 5 years later and he still doesnt get it..............................
May 24th, 2016, 11:34 AM
Must not be getting enough attention to satisfy his self-inflated ego. He now returns to his comfortable enabler......
May 24th, 2016, 11:34 AM
Must not be getting enough attention to satisfy his self-inflated ego. He now returns to his comfortable enabler......
Show him on the doll where he hurt you!
ursus arctos horribilis
May 24th, 2016, 11:34 AM
Cleets, 5 years later and he still doesnt get it..............................
So true.
May 24th, 2016, 11:36 AM
Is it
May 24th, 2016, 12:51 PM
Wish good Cleets was here.....
May 24th, 2016, 01:01 PM
Do you
May 24th, 2016, 01:59 PM
Is this string back again for our off season entertainment????
May 24th, 2016, 02:11 PM
Is this string back again for our off season entertainment????
no....just ours. We're greedy. Haha
May 24th, 2016, 04:48 PM
Someday you'll be the victor in your fight against... umm... the internet? Humanity?
May 25th, 2016, 12:11 AM
Will I
May 25th, 2016, 01:00 PM
Its simple! Split into to 2 boards ages 15 to 30 and 31 and up
Scan the all the posts for the word haters and move them all to the 15 to 30
When one refers to another fan who doesn't like there team or give it any respect as a hater
Child... plain and simple. Fact
I don't want a 5 year punishment just for being not born before 1986. Being a Mets fan makes that fact punishment enough
May 25th, 2016, 01:12 PM
Will I
I thought you were leaving.
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