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December 12th, 2011, 09:30 AM


December 12th, 2011, 09:31 AM

Wait, that's another one. There's a better one out there.

December 12th, 2011, 09:31 AM
The whole "Weeks to prepare" argument seems valid...
The record of triple option teams during the regular season is impressive - but - when you look at the bowl record... it's not at all impressive

Where as a spread or pro-set offense says:
we're going to isolate our best and fastest 2 guys and move them way over there, now you figure out how to stop them, meanwhile we'll short slant, draw and screen you to death

Absolutely. If GSU wins this game, the longer lay-off between the Semifinals and Frisco will make it harder for them to win it all. Not to say they can't do it but all that time to prepare does allow for the defense to adjust to an unorthodox style.

December 12th, 2011, 09:32 AM
Wait, that's another one. There's a better one out there.


I think there's also the official Delaware vid also...

December 12th, 2011, 09:39 AM
The most important thing is to get them in long down situations, and stop them on 3rd down. If they can get some stops and punts, they can take the initiative away from the Eagles.

thank you, John Madden.

December 12th, 2011, 09:40 AM
I think the best example of a team defending the triple option really well with time to prepare was Iowa vs. Georgia Tech a few years ago in the Orange Bowl. Iowa was able to stop the dive play with their front 4, allowing linebackers and secondary to focus on the quarterback and the pitch. Iowa pretty much completely shut them down.

The dirty secret about GT is that their OL play is awful. I mean horrendous. I expected it in their first year but they're still having problems with it. Our OL is good, and we have the best base blocker at center which has helped open up running lanes inside for the new B-Back who is very explosive and hits the hole hard at the line. A DL that can push the OL into the backfield and disrupt things from happening will shut an option attack down every time. GT's OL has been outmatched in every bowl game they played. They've also had poor play at the QB position with the inablity to complete passes consistently to soften up the defense.

The time helps prepare, but if our OL keeps up their level of play it won't matter. We'll still move the ball.

NoDak 4 Ever
December 12th, 2011, 09:42 AM
I said about a week ago that if GSU and NDSU made it to the semis the internet may implode. 51 pages in less than 48 hrs is pretty good. We aren't even traditional rivals.

December 12th, 2011, 09:49 AM
I said about a week ago that if GSU and NDSU made it to the semis the internet may implode. 51 pages in less than 48 hrs is pretty good. We aren't even traditional rivals.

Just prepare yourself for a potential UM-NDSU match up, with three weeks off between games...xeekx

December 12th, 2011, 09:51 AM
This is going to be our toughest test to date for sure, but we are definitely one of the more qualified teams to slow down the TO. I say this due to the strength of our D-line and the depth of our D-line(we rotate about 8 guys) and the speed of our LB crew. With that bieng said....notice I said slow down the TO, not stop it, because it is close to impossible to completely shut it down. The kicker here is that we only have a week to prepare for this offense, which we never see, now if we had two plus weeks to prepare or were seeing it a few times a year I would say we get the win, but with only a week we will need a turn over or two to get the W in this one. The big question here is how much better is NDSU's D compared to OD and Maine? Statistically quite a bit better, but what degree does that have an effect on the game and GS's rushing yards, because they have put up in the 350 plus range in the playoffs. I think we need to hold them to under 310 yds rushing and really under 300 to get the W and not too many teams have done that this year(Wofford is the only one I know of for sure). Now factor in that they had like 320 or something on the Crimson Tide and its a cause for concern for sure. This match up is extremely intriguing to see how it shakes out. Do I believe NDSU can win......absolutely, but that one week of prep is what scares me. I believe this game will be close as others have stated, but if the winner of this game does win by more than 14 I believe it would be more likely to be GS than NDSU, due solely to the unfamiliarity with GS TO and if it is a 14 plus point win for either team there will be a couple turn overs involved most likely. One thing for sure is its gonna be fun to see and has all the makings of what makes PLAYOFF football great! GO BISON!!

December 12th, 2011, 10:02 AM
NDSU ran the triple option during the 80s when they won a few D-II championships. It will be interesting to see if the NDSU defense is strong enough up front and fast enough to stop the GSU offense.

December 12th, 2011, 10:03 AM
Wonder if the Bison will be watching alot of the APP st vs GSU game. App st held GSU to 135 rushing.

December 12th, 2011, 10:13 AM
How is your D's conditioning? With the slow methodical offense we run, the time of possession is usually in our favor. Considering it is likely they will be on the field longer than usual, do you think your defense can keep the same level of effort throughout the game? I ask because we've seen some of the bigger defenses wear out in the second half. Any insights?

Reign of Terrier
December 12th, 2011, 10:17 AM
Not reading this entire thread, but if GSU doesn't turn the ball over, they win, period. They match up a lot better to a team that likes to run the ball in NDSU than say ODU, Maine, and Lehigh. UNI had a great defense but still got run up and down the field by Wofford's option. We know how that game turned out, but GSU has shown to be a lot more disciplined this year than Wofford and not as prone to dumb mistakes (who'd have thunk anyone would every say/type that?)

December 12th, 2011, 10:19 AM
How is your D's conditioning? With the slow methodical offense we run, the time of possession is usually in our favor. Considering it is likely they will be on the field longer than usual, do you think your defense can keep the same level of effort throughout the game? I ask because we've seen some of the bigger defenses wear out in the second half. Any insights?

We rotate 7-8 on the D-line and 4-5 LB's. Our front 7 usually stays pretty fresh

December 12th, 2011, 10:32 AM
Wonder if the Bison will be watching alot of the APP st vs GSU game. App st held GSU to 135 rushing.

We didn't have a dive play. We were able to move the ball through other avenues, but in the red-zone not having success at the dive really hurt us. App had a few red-zone stops that I believe were the difference in the game.

It should be noted that we've had key position changes since then, which have significantly improved the dive options we have. The key one being Dominique Swope, a FR back, has become the go-to back in the dive starting with the Wofford game and is averaging 6.4 yds/carry.

December 12th, 2011, 10:40 AM
I'm guessing you have to have 1) Excellent defensive line play to nullify the dive option, 2) defenders who can shed/avoid blocks and 3) fast defenders who can make reads and get to the ball quickly. I think in the Delaware game, Delaware was able to get into the backfield and disrupt the QB and/or the pitch.

And we had two lost fumbles inside the 10 yard line after long drives, one of which was on a goal line sneak. That is what kills us.

December 12th, 2011, 10:42 AM
The one intangible that may be the deciding factor of this game is the fact that if NDSU wins, their players get to leave North Dakota. Our players get to leave no matter what. A good team + that kind of motivation is a hell of a thing.

NoDak 4 Ever
December 12th, 2011, 10:44 AM
The one intangible that may be the deciding factor of this game is the fact that if NDSU wins, their players get to leave North Dakota. Our players get to leave no matter what. A good team + that kind of motivation is a hell of a thing.

Oh please, another run of North Dakota cracks? That's so 20 pages ago.

F'N Hawks
December 12th, 2011, 11:07 AM
The Appalachian State tape isn't going to help much. They run a 3-4 and NDSU runs a 4-3.

If NDSU stays with their 4-3 Tampa 2 defense they are going to be in a world of hurt. It is not designed to stop the option.

I expect them to make a major tweak to it this week.

December 12th, 2011, 11:12 AM
The Appalachian State tape isn't going to help much. They run a 3-4 and NDSU runs a 4-3.

If NDSU stays with their 4-3 Tampa 2 defense they are going to be in a world of hurt. It is not designed to stop the option.

I expect them to make a major tweak to it this week.

There is NO specific defense designed around stopping the triple option...
(See Buddy Ryan 46 defense.. etc. etc.)
Defensive coordinators have to insert counter measures in their existing scheme to defeat the T.O.
So I guess to say the Four Three isn't designed to stop the option is correct - but the three four isn't designed to stop the T.O. either

December 12th, 2011, 11:13 AM
Oh please, another run of North Dakota cracks? That's so 20 pages ago.

Also pretty amusing coming from someone who lives in BFE Georgia...

F'N Hawks
December 12th, 2011, 11:14 AM
There is NO specific defense designed around stopping the triple option...
(See Buddy Ryan 46 defense.. etc. etc.)
Defensive coordinators have to insert counter measures in their existing scheme to defeat the T.O.
But to say the Four Three isn't designed to stop the option is correct - but neither is the three four

The 3-4 is setup to stop the Option, Veer, etc. The 4-3 is not. You simply have to look at the alignment of the players.

December 12th, 2011, 11:16 AM
The 3-4 is setup to stop the Option, Veer, etc. The 4-3 is not. You simply have to look at the alignment of the players.

What do Alabama and Appy State have in common (GS's two losses)? Both run a 3-4.

More suitable perhaps - but specifically "designed to" is an huge over statement

Professor Chaos
December 12th, 2011, 11:19 AM
The Appalachian State tape isn't going to help much. They run a 3-4 and NDSU runs a 4-3.

If NDSU stays with their 4-3 Tampa 2 defense they are going to be in a world of hurt. It is not designed to stop the option.

I expect them to make a major tweak to it this week.
NDSU has the personnel to play a 3-4 but I'd highly doubt they decide to change their entire defensive scheme at this critical of a juncture in the season. Regardless of whether you run a 4-3 or a 3-4 the key to containing the triple option is knowing your assignment and not deviating from it. YSU ran some option against the Bison in the lone loss this year and the Bison LBs were deked pretty good by the Youngstown QB a few times, that cannot happen this game. Having said that, the Bison D can match up against methodical offenses better than most because they go 2 deep without much drop off at all the front 7 positions. They'll give up plenty of yards to GSU but I think who wins in the red zone (I'm talking getting TDs, not FGs) is what will have a gigantic impact on the outcome this game.

F'N Hawks
December 12th, 2011, 11:19 AM
More suitable perhaps - but specifically "designed to" is an huge over statement

I never said it was "invented" to stop the option. But it is the scheme of choice if you are playing the option.

ODU and Maine were both 4-3 teams - it will be interesting to see how NDSU plays it.

NoDak 4 Ever
December 12th, 2011, 11:20 AM
NDSU has the personnel to play a 3-4 but I'd highly doubt they decide to change their entire defensive scheme at this critical of a juncture in the season. Regardless of whether you run a 4-3 or a 3-4 the key to containing the triple option is knowing your assignment and not deviating from it. YSU ran some option against the Bison in the lone loss this year and the Bison LBs were deked pretty good by the Youngstown QB a few times, that cannot happen this game. Having said that, the Bison D can match up against methodical offenses better than most because they go 2 deep without much drop off at all the front 7 positions. They'll give up plenty of yards to GSU but I think who wins in the red zone (I'm talking getting TDs, not FGs) is what will have a gigantic impact on the outcome this game.

The lesson learned from that game truly manifested itself in the JMU game. They tried what looked like a lot of option but it didn't work.

December 12th, 2011, 11:20 AM
More suitable perhaps - but specifically "designed to" is an huge over statement

Agreed, and if Alabama ran a 4-3 GSU would be playing LSU for the Other National championship! Sheesh!

December 12th, 2011, 11:23 AM
should not matter if you run a 4-3 or a 3-4. the principles are the same. gap assignments and stay at home.

December 12th, 2011, 11:28 AM
Wonder if the Bison will be watching alot of the APP st vs GSU game. App st held GSU to 135 rushing.

We couldn't establish interior blocking for the dive. That's been corrected.

We couldn't block on the perimeter, several times I saw blockers watching their defender shoot by and tackle the ball carrier. We also weren't being as physical with the secondary as needed to be because they were shedding blocks easy.

Jaybo's passing looked atrocious and the INT's he threw were wounded ducks. My mom could have made those interceptions.

All those things are drastically improved. There should be some fireworks on Saturday. Don't expect to see us rush for less than 250-350.

December 12th, 2011, 11:30 AM
We rotate 7-8 on the D-line and 4-5 LB's. Our front 7 usually stays pretty fresh

If they're blocked out of the play it doesn't matter how fresh they are. We have been very good since the end of the season at blowing the DL off the LOS. Alabama has a much deeper defensive front than NDSU and they were getting pushed all over the field. Credit how good their defense was to keep us from finishing drives, coupled with the mistakes we made.

I know we didn't win, but that performance against Bama's defense made me see that no one can stop us if we play our game.

December 12th, 2011, 11:43 AM
If they're blocked out of the play it doesn't matter how fresh they are. We have been very good since the end of the season at blowing the DL off the LOS. Alabama has a much deeper defensive front than NDSU and they were getting pushed all over the field. Credit how good their defense was to keep us from finishing drives, coupled with the mistakes we made.

I know we didn't win, but that performance against Bama's defense made me see that no one can stop us if we play our game.

No doubt GSU performance against Alabama was impressive. A very little part of me is wondering if Bama was looking ahead to the Iron Bowl with Auburn. Having watched some of the highlights from that game GSU OL was getting a good surge. I respected the numbers put up by the TO against a top BCS school.

NoDak 4 Ever
December 12th, 2011, 11:47 AM
No doubt GSU performance against Alabama was impressive. A very little part of me is wondering if Bama was looking ahead to the Iron Bowl with Auburn. Having watched some of the highlights from that game GSU OL was getting a good surge. I respected the numbers put up by the TO against a top BCS school.

Oh forget it. We are going to get the Alabama game shoved up our asses all week long.

Get over it. You didn't get Alabama's best effort, you didn't get the fans all geeked up about someone who mattered. You will not run over NDSU's defense like you did ODU and Maine.

December 12th, 2011, 11:49 AM
Yeah, Alabama sure laid down for us. xrolleyesx

December 12th, 2011, 11:49 AM
Oh forget it. We are going to get the Alabama game shoved up our asses all week long.

Get over it. You didn't get Alabama's best effort, you didn't get the fans all geeked up about someone who mattered. You will not run over NDSU's defense like you did ODU and Maine.

Thats what they all say. xthumbsupx

CC Eagle
December 12th, 2011, 11:52 AM
You will not run over NDSU's defense like you did ODU and Maine.

Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.
- The great scholar, Mike Tyson.

December 12th, 2011, 11:53 AM
Bison fan: NDSU has a pretty good defense

GSU fan: but bama.....

Bison fan: NDSU has great depth in their front seven

GSU fan: but bama....

Bison fan: The Fargodome is a pretty loud and chaotic place

GSU fan: but bama....

December 12th, 2011, 11:54 AM
Good Grief I feel like the student in the Peanuts cartoons listening to the teacher talk : wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa

I think we have talked this topic to death already and we still have 4 full days until gameday. Give it a rest already...On Saturday a winner will be decided on the field. And I still think anyone who thinks this will be a blow out either way is delusional. I fully expect this to be a shootout and whoever scores last will most likely be the winner.

December 12th, 2011, 11:56 AM
The best defense to their option is to keep it off the field. What is GSU going to do to slow down NDSU??? Everyones talking about NDSU's defense which GSU is going to find out is better than they think. Let them talk all they want about Bama I could care a less. It's what happens on Saturday. When their offense is on the sideline watching NDSU's offense ram it down their defenses throats they won't be crowing all about their offense. So far in the playoffs GSU's defense has been average at best. NDSU's offense will eat them alive.

December 12th, 2011, 11:57 AM
Bison fan: NDSU has a pretty good defense

GSU fan: but bama.....

Bison fan: NDSU has great depth in their front seven

GSU fan: but bama....

Bison fan: The Fargodome is a pretty loud and chaotic place

GSU fan: but bama....

xbowxxbowxxbowxxbowxxbowx^^^^^THIS^^^^^xbowxxbowxx bowxxbowxxbowx

December 12th, 2011, 11:58 AM
Good Grief I feel like the student in the Peanuts cartoons listening to the teacher talk : wa wa wa wa wa wa wa wa

I think we have talked this topic to death already and we still have 4 full days until gameday. Give it a rest already...On Saturday a winner will be decided on the field. And I still think anyone who thinks this will be a blow out either way is delusional. I fully expect this to be a shootout and whoever scores last will most likely be the winner.

I predict 4 more days of Wah Wah Wah...

December 12th, 2011, 12:00 PM
I predict 4 more days of Wah Wah Wah...

Let me be the first to concur.

Wah Wah Wah......

December 12th, 2011, 12:00 PM
NDSU Strong Safety Colten Heagle will return to NDSU's starting lineup this week. He is a major component of our run defense and hasn't played a down in the playoffs.

December 12th, 2011, 12:00 PM
I never said it was "invented" to stop the option. But it is the scheme of choice if you are playing the option.

ODU and Maine were both 4-3 teams - it will be interesting to see how NDSU plays it.

There was a defense designed to stop the wishbone and the flexbone, and it was dubbed the "backbone defense". It was successful back in the day. But don't know much about it now.

December 12th, 2011, 12:01 PM
I'll be sure to let the team know that NDSU has a better defense than Alabama.

December 12th, 2011, 12:05 PM
I'll be sure to let the team know that NDSU has a better defense than Alabama.

Not sure why you even typed that all out...all you had to say was "but bama"

December 12th, 2011, 12:08 PM
Because it's hilarious that you think we're whining. It's no worse than thumping your chest after you beat Minnesota again.

December 12th, 2011, 12:11 PM
My contribution for today:

**** you arrogant Bison pricks.

December 12th, 2011, 12:12 PM
Because it's hilarious that you think we're whining. It's no worse than thumping your chest after you beat Minnesota again.

Not sure that we have even talked about that game much at all on this thread even though MN probably had the best athlete we will face all year running their offense at QB.

December 12th, 2011, 12:13 PM
My contribution for today:

**** you arrogant Bison pricks.

Are we more or less arrogant than Bama?

December 12th, 2011, 12:14 PM
The dirty secret about GT is that their OL play is awful. I mean horrendous. I expected it in their first year but they're still having problems with it. Our OL is good, and we have the best base blocker at center which has helped open up running lanes inside for the new B-Back who is very explosive and hits the hole hard at the line. A DL that can push the OL into the backfield and disrupt things from happening will shut an option attack down every time. GT's OL has been outmatched in every bowl game they played. They've also had poor play at the QB position with the inablity to complete passes consistently to soften up the defense.

The time helps prepare, but if our OL keeps up their level of play it won't matter. We'll still move the ball.

Not that it matters, but their gaurd Uzzi is first team all ACC and has size and potential to play on Sundays. The biggest problem Georgia Tech has is they have no size on the DL and the worst secondary every assembled by man. They are always playing from behind.

December 12th, 2011, 12:15 PM
Not sure that we have even talked about that game much at all on this thread even though MN probably had the best athlete we will face all year running their offense at QB.

Can I but bama this?

December 12th, 2011, 12:17 PM
Can I but bama this?

Of course.....Bama would make Marquis Grey their b****.

December 12th, 2011, 12:20 PM
Of course.....Bama would make Marquis Grey their b****.

But Minnesota...

December 12th, 2011, 12:22 PM
I'll be sure to let the team know that NDSU has a better defense than Alabama.

Then forward a message to Appalachian State congratulating them of the same. 135 yards rushing:D

December 12th, 2011, 12:24 PM
Hey gotts. Grow thicker skin and learn some humor.

Gil Dobie
December 12th, 2011, 12:24 PM
Are we more or less arrogant than Bama?

82 yards on 1 play and most of the other 220 in the 2nd half. Great game by GSU non-the-less.

December 12th, 2011, 12:30 PM
82 yards on 1 play and most of the other 220 in the 2nd half. Great game by GSU non-the-less.

Just to add.. The starters were still in until the final minutes. Not sure if you are trying to say we stacked up stats in garbage time.

December 12th, 2011, 12:31 PM
Just to add.. The starters were still in until the final minutes. Not sure if you are trying to say we stacked up stats in garbage time.

I'm kind of new at this, so bear with me here...

But 'Bama?

December 12th, 2011, 12:35 PM
I'm kind of new at this, so bear with me here...

But 'Bama?

Not sure how to respond and not offend you.

And if you notice, the quote a Bison fan responded to.was also from a Bison fan. I was just clearing up facts. So who really brings up Bama more...?

December 12th, 2011, 12:35 PM
The Appalachian State tape isn't going to help much. They run a 3-4 and NDSU runs a 4-3.

If NDSU stays with their 4-3 Tampa 2 defense they are going to be in a world of hurt. It is not designed to stop the option.

I expect them to make a major tweak to it this week.

Well, they obviously won't be in Tampa 2, as the middle linebacker will be plenty busy. No reason to shift to a 3-4 over a week either. They are capable of stopping it, but will take outstanding LB and Safety play. You have to stop both the dive and pitch. Furman who runs a similar defensive scheme (although not in the same league for talent) completely stopped the dive but we scorched them on the outside.

More interestingly to me is how the NDSU offense and GSU defense match up. Nobody is really talking much about that...

December 12th, 2011, 12:43 PM
Austin Richard vs Brent Russell will be a very interesting match up.

December 12th, 2011, 12:43 PM
I'm kind of new at this, so bear with me here...

But 'Bama?

Is that similar to butthockey?

December 12th, 2011, 12:45 PM
More interestingly to me is how the NDSU offense and GSU defense match up. Nobody is really talking much about that...

Let's just think of it in a Bison way...

GSU's D is impervious and NDSU won't be able to move the ball at all. Discuss.

December 12th, 2011, 12:48 PM
Let's just think of it in a Bison way...

GSU's D is impervious and NDSU won't be able to move the ball at all. Discuss.

Why so much butthurt today?

Lately GSU has shown some vulnerability on defense, but given NDSU's style of offense, I don't know if they'll be able to fully capitalize on it. It's not a high-octane passing game like ODU, it's much more methodical.

If long, sustained drives can lead to touchdowns and keep the TO off the field, I can see a slight advantage towards NDSU.

How well does GSU take care of the ball?

If long drives don't happen, or the drives are limited to FG's, it could be a long day for NDSU.

Either way, I'm very excited to take in the last game on the crappy turf at the FFD!

December 12th, 2011, 12:54 PM
Austin Richard vs Brent Russell will be a very interesting match up.

Austin has been so money for us this year lining up against the opponents best defense linemen and at times moving positions to do so. He is proven and a 5th year senior, with all due respect to Mr. Russell, i feel comfortable with whomever Richard is lining up in front of.

December 12th, 2011, 12:54 PM
What kind of D does GSU run? I see they are 31st in the Nation in Total Defense and 58th in scoring Defense.

December 12th, 2011, 12:55 PM
Why so much butthurt today?

Lately GSU has shown some vulnerability on defense, but given NDSU's style of offense, I don't know if they'll be able to fully capitalize on it. It's not a high-octane passing game like ODU, it's much more methodical.

If long, sustained drives can lead to touchdowns and keep the TO off the field, I can see a slight advantage towards NDSU.

How well does GSU take care of the ball?

If long drives don't happen, or the drives are limited to FG's, it could be a long day for NDSU.

Either way, I'm very excited to take in the last game on the crappy turf at the FFD!

How well does GSU take care of the ball? As in ball control? Or possession? We are GREAT with ball control (one of the key aspects of the TO). For example, with the Maine game this last weekend, TOP was 42:24 vs. 17:36. That is if we don't fumble, which leads me to my next point. Turnovers are our biggest enemy.

December 12th, 2011, 12:57 PM
Georgia Southern Belles will get popped in the mouth and limp all the way home to mama!

December 12th, 2011, 12:57 PM
GSU's TO is not going to get any yardage up the middle. The NDSU d-line is too good for that. It's going to have to come down to the GSU offense burning the linebackers and DE's on the outside, and I just cannot see this happening. JMU said they were the fastest thing we will see. They are done now. UNI said Rennie was the fastest thing we will see. They are done now. Minnesota said Grey was the fastest thing we will see. They are done now. GSU is saying they are the fastest thing we will see. I guess history just won't allow me to buy this. NDSU gets it done once again: 34-24, Bison.

December 12th, 2011, 12:59 PM
GSU's TO is not going to get any yardage up the middle. The NDSU d-line is too good for that. It's going to have to come down to the GSU offense burning the linebackers and DE's on the outside, and I just cannot see this happening. JMU said they were the fastest thing we will see. They are done now. UNI said Rennie was the fastest thing we will see. They are done now. Minnesota said Grey was the fastest thing we will see. They are done now. GSU is saying they are the fastest thing we will see. I guess history just won't allow me to buy this. NDSU gets it done once again: 34-24, Bison.

Speed isn't the only important factor. We have speed plus power. Meet Dominique Swope. And he is a freshmen. Just keep that in mind come Saturday.

December 12th, 2011, 01:10 PM
GSU's TO is not going to get any yardage up the middle. The NDSU d-line is too good for that. It's going to have to come down to the GSU offense burning the linebackers and DE's on the outside, and I just cannot see this happening. JMU said they were the fastest thing we will see. They are done now. UNI said Rennie was the fastest thing we will see. They are done now. Minnesota said Grey was the fastest thing we will see. They are done now. GSU is saying they are the fastest thing we will see. I guess history just won't allow me to buy this. NDSU gets it done once again: 34-24, Bison.

It's not really speed that makes the Triple Option tough to defend. It's that the scheme makes defenders take themselves out of the play by making them guess, and choose the wrong option. The point being, the defender has to commit to one of the options (dive, QB keep or pitch) BEFORE that option is executed. So depending on what commitment the defensive player makes, the QB chooses the open option. The option was created for teams with limited size and speed. In order to slow the triple down, every offensive player has to be covered, and there are just not that many defenders available. Because the offensive players away from the play are free to block defensive players trying to get to the play. It's pretty ingenious.

December 12th, 2011, 01:13 PM
It's not really speed that makes the Triple Option tough to defend. It's that the scheme makes defenders take themselves out of the play by making them guess, and choose the wrong option. The point being, the defender has to commit to one of the options (dive, QB keep or pitch) BEFORE that option is executed. So depending on what commitment the defensive player makes, the QB chooses the open option. The option was created for teams with limited size and speed. In order to slow the triple down, every offensive player has to be covered, and there are just not that many defenders available. Because the offensive players away from the play are free to block defensive players trying to get to the play. It's pretty ingenious.

We have now been throwing the ball pretty well and a lot more lately. So mix that in.

December 12th, 2011, 01:13 PM
It's not really speed that makes the Triple Option tough to defend. It's that the scheme makes defenders take themselves out of the play by making them guess, and choose the wrong option. The point being, the defender has to commit to one of the options (dive, QB keep or pitch) BEFORE that option is executed. So depending on what commitment the defensive player makes, the QB chooses the open option. The option was created for teams with limited size and speed. In order to slow the triple down, every offensive player has to be covered, and there are just not that many defenders available. Because the offensive players away from the play are free to block defensive players trying to get to the play. It's pretty ingenious.

Just look at that vid from Cleets... the receiver blocks the safety. That takes two defenders out of the play, because the corner has to stay with the receiver. So 1 receiver takes out the safety and the corner. When the corner realizes it's a pitch, he breaks off the receiver, but then the leading A-back comes and seals the corner. It's like a shell game.

December 12th, 2011, 01:14 PM
Triple Option:

QB = Boyer/Jirik
Pitch = Heagle
Dive = Drevlow/Evans.


December 12th, 2011, 01:15 PM
Triple Option:

QB = Boyer/Jirik
Pitch = Heagle
Dive = Drevlow/Evans.


What is that? 5 people covering 2? Cool. Then we just run a misdirection and off we go. Your entire team will be on the wrong side of the field.

December 12th, 2011, 01:15 PM
We have now been throwing the ball pretty well and a lot more lately. So mix that in.

That too ;) Which will force the safeties and corners to respect their zones, and keep them from crowding the QB and the A/B-backs. Shell-game central.

December 12th, 2011, 01:17 PM
Triple Option:

QB = Boyer/Jirik
Pitch = Heagle
Dive = Drevlow/Evans.


I'll be extremely impressed if the Bison can shut down the TO early. They have the personnel to do it, now it's just up to the coaches and gameplan. This will be a great one.

December 12th, 2011, 01:17 PM
It will be an easy victory for the Eagles. The tough part will be finding one who-oar in Fargo worth 2 holing.

What? Your sister is busy this weekend?????

December 12th, 2011, 01:19 PM
Backbone Defense


December 12th, 2011, 01:20 PM
Cleets. You are correct. It's so simple, it's brilliant. I think the original philosophy was, if you can get 4 yards on every run, you never have to pass the ball. And if you can get defenders to "take themselves out of the play", you can get those 4 yards. However, because Ga Southern runs it so well, and has excellent athletes at the QB, A-Back and B-Back positions, they are getting 6+ yards per carry, and breaking off big runs of 30+ yards in every game.

Look at the Maine game, Ga Southern time of possession was like 44 minutes to 14. That kills the opposing defense.

Thats' cause Maine sucks

December 12th, 2011, 01:21 PM
Triple Option:

QB = Boyer/Jirik
Pitch = Heagle
Dive = Drevlow/Evans.


You've got 2 A-backs, the QB and a receiver all coming to one side. Receiver clears out the corner and blocks the safety. Who's covering the other 3?

December 12th, 2011, 01:22 PM
What is that? 5 people covering 2? Cool. Then we just run a misdirection and off we go. Your entire team will be on the wrong side of the field.

man you southerner's arent too bright ( when there are 2 names with a "/" between them, that means either 1 of the other, so it still equals 1 person ) therefore 1 person for each player.... Education.... embrace it.

run misdirection into the weakside linebacker, we'll be there, along with the other corner.

MWILL covers all receivers singled up

December 12th, 2011, 01:26 PM
I wouldn't expect ANY double coverage by either team in this game... The corners will be on an island this Saturday

December 12th, 2011, 01:36 PM
New poster here...lurking for a while, but I must chime in on this. The one aspect of GSUs offense that isn't being discussed is how quick our O-line gets to the 2nd level of the defense. We are undersized on the line, but we use quick, little cut blocks which negates the size mismatch. I doubt NDSU has had to deal with this very often from opponents. Most teams GSU plays in the playoffs (teams unfamiliar w/ the option) wind up getting very frustrated by being cut down by our smallish O-line. I believe the game will be decided on how the Eagle defense will defend a smashmouth team like NDSU. Probably going to be a back-and-forth type of game, but I'm confident in our offense's ability to score. GSU 35-28

December 12th, 2011, 01:36 PM
My contribution for today:

**** you arrogant Bison pricks.

If you have a mirror ....... take a look at it.

December 12th, 2011, 01:37 PM
Arrogant, confidence, cocky, fun, cool... whichever one you want to call us, I dont care, as long as you call us champions in a month!!

December 12th, 2011, 01:40 PM
GSU in North Dakota



December 12th, 2011, 01:40 PM
Is it just me, but I didn't think Laron Scott had a great game against Maine this week. I recall many situations he was getting beat, or turned around, etc...

December 12th, 2011, 01:41 PM
New poster here...lurking for a while, but I must chime in on this. The one aspect of GSUs offense that isn't being discussed is how quick our O-line gets to the 2nd level of the defense. We are undersized on the line, but we use quick, little cut blocks which negates the size mismatch. I doubt NDSU has had to deal with this very often from opponents. Most teams GSU plays in the playoffs (teams unfamiliar w/ the option) wind up getting very frustrated by being cut down by our smallish O-line. I believe the game will be decided on how the Eagle defense will defend a smashmouth team like NDSU. Probably going to be a back-and-forth type of game, but I'm confident in our offense's ability to score. GSU 35-28

That is a HUGE disadvantage in playing a triple option team because nobody wants to risk injury by cut-blocking in practice. Game day will be the first time the defenders really get to deal with being cut down. In watching ASU play this year, you could see that our defense really was not ready for it until we played GSU because they were the 3rd TO team we saw.

Georgia Southern is going to score, my question is whether they will be able to stop NDSU.

December 12th, 2011, 01:41 PM
Is it just me, but I didn't think Laron Scott had a great game against Maine this week. I recall many situations he was getting beat, or turned around, etc...

And they rarely kicked it to him. I think they did once.

December 12th, 2011, 01:42 PM
If you have a mirror ....... take a look at it.

Let's face a mirror to a mirror and call it a day.

December 12th, 2011, 01:43 PM
What kind of D does GSU run? I see they are 31st in the Nation in Total Defense and 58th in scoring Defense.

Garden variety 4-3. Typically rush 5. Pretty good at stopping the run and the secondary played well last week but can be suspect. Our DT, Russell, is the guy to watch and a 1st team AA.

How well does GSU take care of the ball?

TO team typically put the ball on the ground a lot. Just one of the risk with this offense.

The Brief
December 12th, 2011, 01:46 PM
Is it just me, but I didn't think Laron Scott had a great game against Maine this week. I recall many situations he was getting beat, or turned around, etc...

Laron Scott has been under producing as a Cornerback this year, but has been money on Special Teams.

December 12th, 2011, 01:48 PM
And they rarely kicked it to him. I think they did once.

You think? So did they kick it to him once or more than once? Thanks for the rock solid info you arrogant p * * * *

The Brief
December 12th, 2011, 01:51 PM
You think? So did they kick it to him once or more than once? Thanks for the rock solid info you arrogant p * * * *

Yeah, just ignore the Troll. They kicked to him three times with no spectacular return.

December 12th, 2011, 01:58 PM
You think? So did they kick it to him once or more than once? Thanks for the rock solid info you arrogant p * * * *

You mad bro?

December 12th, 2011, 02:01 PM
Laron Scott has been under producing as a Cornerback this year, but has been money on Special Teams.

As a returner, yes, but from the kicking side, he got burned once or twice. Watch back that TD return, where he got turned around and smoked by the Maine returner.

December 12th, 2011, 02:04 PM
I like this Wilson guy

The Brief
December 12th, 2011, 02:06 PM
As a returner, yes, but from the kicking side, he got burned once or twice. Watch back that TD return, where he got turned around and smoked by the Maine returner.

He has also blocked 2 field goals and a PAT attempt.

NoDak 4 Ever
December 12th, 2011, 02:08 PM
You mad bro?

Wait wait wait. You consider Valdosta to be Titletown USA? How small is the USA where you come from?

The Brief
December 12th, 2011, 02:09 PM
Wait wait wait. You consider Valdosta to be Titletown USA? How small is the USA where you come from?

It was voted as Titletown USA by ESPN a few years back.

NoDak 4 Ever
December 12th, 2011, 02:10 PM
It was voted as Titletown USA by ESPN a few years back.

It certainly couldn't be for Valdosta State.

The Brief
December 12th, 2011, 02:16 PM
Well, to be fair, it was voted by the viewers. And it had alot to do the high schools. Valdosta high has 829 victories, 23 State Championships, and six National Championships. Across town, Lowndes High School has 5 State Titles since 1980, and Valwood School has three State Titles in the GISA (Private School League).

December 12th, 2011, 02:17 PM
Everyone keeps talking about GSUs triple option and NDs def. But I belive that this game will be decided by GSUs def and NDs off. Also maybe special teams plays a role. But I dont think that ND and keep up with GSUs speed. The Eagles on the turf, now that will be fast. After watching last weeks games.The whole team for GSU seems faster then any other team I saw. And its not even close. From what I have seen the only way GSU would lose would be by mistakes. I read( I belive in Phil Steels Mag. but I could be mistaken) that the Eagles DB Laron Scott ran a 4.27 40 in a Jr college before he transfered to GSU. If thats true, does ND have anyone that can run with him? I cant wait for this game. I belive it will be the best one all year.

December 12th, 2011, 02:22 PM
Man, you Southerners aren't too bright. When there are two names with a "/" between them, that means either one or the other so it still equals one person. Therefore, one person for each player. Education... embrace it.

FIFY. I have to run... time to light the still.

The Brief
December 12th, 2011, 02:22 PM
Everyone keeps talking about GSUs triple option and NDs def. But I belive that this game will be decided by GSUs def and NDs off. Also maybe special teams plays a role. But I dont think that ND and keep up with GSUs speed. The Eagles on the turf, now that will be fast. After watching last weeks games.The whole team for GSU seems faster then any other team I saw. And its not even close. From what I have seen the only way GSU would lose would be by mistakes. I read( I belive in Phil Steels Mag. but I could be mistaken) that the Eagles DB Laron Scott ran a 4.27 40 in a Jr college before he transfered to GSU. If thats true, does ND have anyone that can run with him? I cant wait for this game. I belive it will be the best one all year.

1.) We have had 19 penalties in the Playoffs so far and put the ball on the ground 8 times.
2.)Laron Scott has not been a dominant Cornerback, despite being fast as hell and being a 4-Star recruit out of high school.

December 12th, 2011, 02:23 PM
It certainly couldn't be for Valdosta State.

Mainly Valdosta High School and Lowndes High School with all the championships they share between them. As I recall, Valdosta State plays in Valdosta High's stadium....that's how much bigger they are.

December 12th, 2011, 03:08 PM
New poster here...lurking for a while, but I must chime in on this. The one aspect of GSUs offense that isn't being discussed is how quick our O-line gets to the 2nd level of the defense. We are undersized on the line, but we use quick, little cut blocks which negates the size mismatch. I doubt NDSU has had to deal with this very often from opponents. Most teams GSU plays in the playoffs (teams unfamiliar w/ the option) wind up getting very frustrated by being cut down by our smallish O-line. I believe the game will be decided on how the Eagle defense will defend a smashmouth team like NDSU. Probably going to be a back-and-forth type of game, but I'm confident in our offense's ability to score. GSU 35-28

I agree with this; how the GSU defense does is going to depend on the field position that the GSU offense's turnovers put them in. If GSU can avoid giving up short field TOs they have a chance to keep the Bison score down. It could be a low scoring game that is over quickly the way these two hang on to the ball. Every offensive possession crucial.

Obviously it's hard to say how the Bison will do against the TO but they're pretty solid. I think that running wide is the best way to attack NDSU regardless of your offense, make the DL run a lot. I'd consider playing your CB on their best receiver all game and replace the other CB with an extra SS.

December 12th, 2011, 03:21 PM
man you southerner's arent too bright ( when there are 2 names with a "/" between them, that means either 1 of the other, so it still equals 1 person ) therefore 1 person for each player.... Education.... embrace it.

run misdirection into the weakside linebacker, we'll be there, along with the other corner.

MWILL covers all receivers singled up

There are 14 fortune 500 companies in GA and 1 in ND.

Let me know if you need a job and I might let you work for me.

December 12th, 2011, 03:24 PM
There are 14 fortune 500 companies in GA and 1 in ND.

Let me know if you need a job and I might let you work for me.

ND could buy Georgia. Black gold my friend, black gold.

December 12th, 2011, 03:30 PM
I just found out that ESPN reported that a decibel reading of 111 was reached at last Saturday's game. The highest decibel reading for the GSU/Alabama game was 107. That is a 4 decibel difference, and the dome wasn't even sold out like it will be for this game. Might I also add that every 10 decibels is twice as loud. For example, a 120 db reading is twice as loud as a 110 db reading. That 4 decibels is a huge difference. Lehigh's QB said the dome was so loud that he could barely hear himself think. JMU's QB said it was so loud that he lost his voice from screaming out calls to his line during the second quarter... This will be one tough environment for GSU...

December 12th, 2011, 03:32 PM
There are 14 fortune 500 companies in GA and 1 in ND.

Let me know if you need a job and I might let you work for me.

Way more work to be done out in North Dakota than GA. Just because the companies are headquartered there does not mean that their jobs are there. MN has 20. They are our neighbors. This area is far better than the South.

Also, don't feed the troll. He's our troll and he's a very bad one at that (or good, depending upon the way you view trolls).

December 12th, 2011, 03:38 PM
ND could buy Georgia. Black gold my friend, black gold.

LOL. You are just plain dumb to make a comment like that. North Dakota's GDP is 50th and Georgia's is 11th. You do have Vermont beat so if you leverage your as* off you may be able to buy Ben and Jerry's. Please try not to look so foolish next time you post.


December 12th, 2011, 03:39 PM
There are 14 fortune 500 companies in GA and 1 in ND.

Let me know if you need a job and I might let you work for me.

Id stick to football my friend, when it comes to state economies ND is pretty impressive.

Bison Fan in NW MN
December 12th, 2011, 03:43 PM
I just found out that ESPN reported that a decibel reading of 111 was reached at last Saturday's game. The highest decibel reading for the GSU/Alabama game was 107. That is a 4 decibel difference, and the dome wasn't even sold out like it will be for this game. Might I also add that every 10 decibels is twice as loud. For example, a 120 db reading is twice as loud as a 110 db reading. That 4 decibels is a huge difference. Lehigh's QB said the dome was so loud that he could barely hear himself think. JMU's QB said it was so loud that he lost his voice from screaming out calls to his line during the second quarter... This will be one tough environment for GSU...

This semi-final game is going to be louder. If GSU cannot throw the ball to at least keep the safties back, the Bison win. This Bison defense is the best FCS defense GSU has faced.

December 12th, 2011, 03:43 PM
ND could buy Georgia. Black gold my friend, black gold.

Should we refer to you as "sheik"? ;)

December 12th, 2011, 03:43 PM
Id stick to football my friend, when it comes to state economies ND is pretty impressive.

50th GDP is not impressive. The unemployment rate may be good, but who the hell wants to move there and live in a blizzard.

December 12th, 2011, 03:47 PM
50th GDP is not impressive. The unemployment rate may be good, but who the hell wants to move there and live in a blizzard.

I would just buy a good heating system for my car and make sure I have a nice house with the six figure salaries being handed out to people in the Western part of the state. The economy is booming here and the quality of life probably far surpasses the quality of life currently being lived by southerners...

December 12th, 2011, 03:49 PM
50th GDP is not impressive. The unemployment rate may be good, but who the hell wants to move there and live in a blizzard.

As of September 2010, the state's unemployment rate is the lowest in the nation at 3.7% and it never touched 5 percent since 1987, the state with the nation's lowest unemployment rate. At end of 2010, the state per capita income was rank in 17th of the nation, the biggest increase of any state in a decade from rank 38th.

Plus North Dakota is the new promise land for strippers. Vegas has nothing...

December 12th, 2011, 03:55 PM
Just scrolling through all these posts and a common post from GSU is that no one can stop the TO. I have news for you. The TO is not that difficult to defend. Talented and quick linebackers will shut it down every time. NDSU has that Defense. If the TO was the premiere offense in Football, it would be ran by every team in the NFL, most teams in FBS, and FCS. The reality is, the Veer has been basically the offense of the past. If you have a dominant offensive line, the TO can be detrimental to many defenses. However, a well balanced match up on the lines, advantage D-line. GSU will have to throw the ball to move into the championship. Simply put the TO is for the d-3 schools.

Special teams and field goals WILL be the difference in this game

December 12th, 2011, 03:57 PM
I just found out that ESPN reported that a decibel reading of 111 was reached at last Saturday's game. The highest decibel reading for the GSU/Alabama game was 107. That is a 4 decibel difference, and the dome wasn't even sold out like it will be for this game. Might I also add that every 10 decibels is twice as loud. For example, a 120 db reading is twice as loud as a 110 db reading. That 4 decibels is a huge difference. Lehigh's QB said the dome was so loud that he could barely hear himself think. JMU's QB said it was so loud that he lost his voice from screaming out calls to his line during the second quarter... This will be one tough environment for GSU...
GSU only runs three plays. Crowd noise wont change a thing.

The Brief
December 12th, 2011, 04:00 PM
This semi-final game is going to be louder. If GSU cannot throw the ball to at least keep the safties back, the Bison win. This Bison defense is the best FCS defense GSU has faced.

Uh... Have you ever watched us play? We don't have to pass. That's the beauty of the Triple Option. We throw the ball six times a game and Jaybo Shaw is the top five in passing efficiency and completion percentage in the nation. So, it's not that we can't throw it around. It's a catch-22 really when a Triple Option can in fact throw the ball. Do you sit back and let us gash you all game or do you play up and get beat by the pass?

December 12th, 2011, 04:00 PM
Will this game be on tv? I only get basic cable.

The Brief
December 12th, 2011, 04:04 PM
Just scrolling through all these posts and a common post from GSU is that no one can stop the TO. I have news for you. The TO is not that difficult to defend. Talented and quick linebackers will shut it down every time. NDSU has that Defense. If the TO was the premiere offense in Football, it would be ran by every team in the NFL, most teams in FBS, and FCS. The reality is, the Veer has been basically the offense of the past. If you have a dominant offensive line, the TO can be detrimental to many defenses. However, a well balanced match up on the lines, advantage D-line. GSU will have to throw the ball to move into the championship. Simply put the TO is for the d-3 schools.

Special teams and field goals WILL be the difference in this game

It's funny you say that because A.) Georgia Tech is in fact competitive in the ACC with it, and B.) The Triple Option is in fact for more than D-III. Not only do we run it, so does Wofford and Sam Houston State: Both teams were ranked in the top eight all year long. That's three of the top eight. I'd say it's still effective in Division I.

Oh yeah, and Georgia Southern has a top five Special Teams unit also.

Bison Fan in NW MN
December 12th, 2011, 04:06 PM
Uh... Have you ever watched us play? We don't have to pass. That's the beauty of the Triple Option. We throw the ball six times a game and Jaybo Shaw is the top five in passing efficiency and completion percentage in the nation. So, it's not that we can't throw it around. It's a catch-22 really when a Triple Option can in fact throw the ball. Do you sit back and let us gash you all game or do you play up and get beat by the pass?

Ya, I have seen GSU run their option. We have a very talented defense that will slow this option down.

Your defense better be ready also.

December 12th, 2011, 04:06 PM
Just scrolling through all these posts and a common post from GSU is that no one can stop the TO. I have news for you. The TO is not that difficult to defend. Talented and quick linebackers will shut it down every time. NDSU has that Defense. If the TO was the premiere offense in Football, it would be ran by every team in the NFL, most teams in FBS, and FCS. The reality is, the Veer has been basically the offense of the past. If you have a dominant offensive line, the TO can be detrimental to many defenses. However, a well balanced match up on the lines, advantage D-line. GSU will have to throw the ball to move into the championship. Simply put the TO is for the d-3 schools.

Special teams and field goals WILL be the difference in this game

And the common post by all Bison fans is what I bolded. Goes both ways buddy. We'll talk about our offense while you guys talk about your defense. Come Saturday, we'll see it all settled on the field.

And as for your comment about the TO being for DIII schools... I refer you to the game that Georgia Southern is playing in. The SEMIFINALS. Last year? Made it to the SEMIFINALS. Must be working. Let's hold off on the ignorant remarks like such.

December 12th, 2011, 04:07 PM
NDSU wins easy...id say by 30.

December 12th, 2011, 04:08 PM
GSU only runs three plays. Crowd noise wont change a thing.

I hope your kidding. Ever hear of a false start?

The Brief
December 12th, 2011, 04:08 PM
I just found out that ESPN reported that a decibel reading of 111 was reached at last Saturday's game. The highest decibel reading for the GSU/Alabama game was 107. That is a 4 decibel difference, and the dome wasn't even sold out like it will be for this game. Might I also add that every 10 decibels is twice as loud. For example, a 120 db reading is twice as loud as a 110 db reading. That 4 decibels is a huge difference. Lehigh's QB said the dome was so loud that he could barely hear himself think. JMU's QB said it was so loud that he lost his voice from screaming out calls to his line during the second quarter... This will be one tough environment for GSU...

Not that impressive when Paulson Stadium broke the decibel record earlier this year with 127 dbs. And that's in an outdoor stadium that held 23,978 fans that day, not a big, scary dome where the sounds reverberates off of the walls and ceiling. Not impressed.

GSU only runs three plays. Crowd noise wont change a thing.

...If it works...

December 12th, 2011, 04:10 PM
Ok. These "decibel readings" are pretty stupid. No accurate way to record it. Let's just all drop that argument.

December 12th, 2011, 04:10 PM
I hope your kidding. Ever hear of a false start?

Nope, whats a false start?

The Brief
December 12th, 2011, 04:10 PM
Ya, I have seen GSU run their option. We have a very talented defense that will slow this option down.

Your defense better be ready also.

As long as you guys don't pass 50 times on Saturday, we'll hold our own.

December 12th, 2011, 04:10 PM
Uh... Have you ever watched us play? We don't have to pass. That's the beauty of the Triple Option. We throw the ball six times a game and Jaybo Shaw is the top five in passing efficiency and completion percentage in the nation. So, it's not that we can't throw it around. It's a catch-22 really when a Triple Option can in fact throw the ball. Do you sit back and let us gash you all game or do you play up and get beat by the pass?

Don't you guys have 2 losses this year? You make that offense sound unstoppable, definately not the case.

I have seen GSU play 5 games this year on ESPN3 knowing that eventually NDSU would have to get through GSU to get to championship #9. I have been extremely impressed with your offense and I know that we will have to be on our game to make it happen for us on Saturday. But, your defense is suspect to put it mildly.

This coaching staff has had experience scheming for the TO and I know they will have a good plan in place. As always in football games in will come down to whether or not we can execute the plan on Saturday.

The Brief
December 12th, 2011, 04:11 PM
Ok. These "decibel readings" are pretty stupid. No accurate way to record it. Let's just all drop that argument.

Actually, there are ways to record it. A simple google search will tell you that. Try not to make us look like ignorant hicks, okay?

December 12th, 2011, 04:13 PM
Ok. These "decibel readings" are pretty stupid. No accurate way to record it. Let's just all drop that argument.

Please explain how there is no accurate way to record them? Enlighten me, I dare you.

The Brief
December 12th, 2011, 04:14 PM
I have seen GSU play 5 games this year on ESPN3 knowing that eventually NDSU would have to get through GSU to get to championship #9. I have been extremely impressed with your offense and I know that we will have to be on our game to make it happen for us on Saturday. But, your defense is suspect to put it mildly.

I'm not gonna sit here and tout about our defense. Our secondary is shaky at best, and our "Top Ten" rush defense stat is misleading, considering that we played 8 teams this year than ran the Spread. it's easy to not give up rushing yards when your opponent doesn't run the ball.

And yes, we have two losses. App State beat us straight up (with a questionable TD catch, but with no review nothing can be done), and Alabama just had better talent than we did. Nothing we could have done there.

NoDak 4 Ever
December 12th, 2011, 04:14 PM
There are 14 fortune 500 companies in GA and 1 in ND.

Let me know if you need a job and I might let you work for me.

Oct 2011 Unemployment rates.

GA 10.2%
ND 3.5%

Sounds like you need the jobs, buddy.

December 12th, 2011, 04:16 PM
As of September 2010, the state's unemployment rate is the lowest in the nation at 3.7% and it never touched 5 percent since 1987, the state with the nation's lowest unemployment rate. At end of 2010, the state per capita income was rank in 17th of the nation, the biggest increase of any state in a decade from rank 38th.

Plus North Dakota is the new promise land for strippers. Vegas has nothing...

When someone loses their job in North Dakota, they also lost their reason to stay in North Dakota. If a person leaves the state, they are no longer counted in the labor pool so do not contribute to the unemployment rate.

December 12th, 2011, 04:16 PM
Actually, there are ways to record it. A simple google search will tell you that. Try not to make us look like ignorant hicks, okay?

I know about recording sound. How would YOU propose recording crowd noise in a football stadium during a game? Possible, but not probable (as in not accurate at all). Saying that our stadium is ~20 dBs louder than Bryant-Denny is just ignorant. I've been to both, and sorry, but that is absolutely not right.

Fact: The Fargo Dome will be louder than Paulson. Why? About the same amount of people contained in a DOME. End of story.

December 12th, 2011, 04:16 PM
Not that impressive when Paulson Stadium broke the decibel record earlier this year with 127 dbs. And that's in an outdoor stadium that held 23,978 fans that day, not a big, scary dome where the sounds reverberates off of the walls and ceiling. Not impressed.

...If it works...

Do you have any proof of that decibel reading?

I didnt think so...

I agree with bandit, the decibel reading thing is overrated.

December 12th, 2011, 04:20 PM
Please explain how there is no accurate way to record them? Enlighten me, I dare you.

You would need to record it from the center of the field. Or in other words, an even distance from all sides as to not be bias to one side of the stands (because that WOULD be louder if a mic is closer to screaming people).

Sure, you can hold a mic while at a game, but how accurate would it be if it is ~1 feet from 10 screaming fans vs. evenly spaced for the entire stadium?

December 12th, 2011, 04:21 PM
Do you have any proof of that decibel reading?

I didnt think so...

I agree with bandit, the decibel reading thing is overrated.

I highly doubt that Paulson reached 127 dbs. The record for any college football stadium is in 1991 when Nebraska took the field at LSU. LSU is an open aired stadium with a much, much bigger crowd than Paulson will ever have. You cannot tell me that GSU's stadium was over twice as loud as the Fargodome at some point this year. I don't believe it. The decibel thing is not overrated only if you have accurate numbers and not just some stuff dug out of wikipedia...

December 12th, 2011, 04:22 PM
You would need to record it from the center of the field. Or in other words, an even distance from all sides as to not be bias to one side of the stands (because that WOULD be louder if a mic is closer to screaming people).

Sure, you can hold a mic while at a game, but how accurate would it be if it is ~1 feet from 10 screaming fans vs. evenly spaced for the entire stadium?

It was the men from ESPN that recorded it. They were sitting in the press box.

December 12th, 2011, 04:22 PM
When someone loses their job in North Dakota, they also lost their reason to stay in North Dakota. If a person leaves the state, they are no longer counted in the labor pool so do not contribute to the unemployment rate.

Actually North Dakota has some of the fastest growing cities in the nation. Granted growth will always be limited with our great contribution to agriculture and farming. In the past we have struggled to keep younger folks in the area but that is changing.

December 12th, 2011, 04:24 PM
It was the men from ESPN that recorded it. They were sitting in the press box.

Thanks for confirming that the mic was bias to one side and not at a position to accurately record the entire stadium EVENLY.

December 12th, 2011, 04:24 PM
Are you for real? All this talk about decibel readings and unemployment is just dumb! There is a football game on Sat. if you forgot. So how about stop being little girls and get back to the football talk. Yea, the economy sucks everywhere and its loud in a dome. How about GSU wins by 17. Because they Bison cant keep up.

December 12th, 2011, 04:24 PM
Sones are a much more accurate and understandable way of measuring loudness.

Georgia has a higher unemployment rate than North Dakota but does have an overall larger GDP.

Cats sleep 16-18 hours a day.

Diet Coke was introduced in 1982.

The Australian 5 dollar note is made of plastic.

December 12th, 2011, 04:27 PM
My farts smell like rotten eggs today.

December 12th, 2011, 04:29 PM
The loudness of a stadium is overrated. Undisciplined teams will make mistakes and disciplined teams will not. It wasn't even that loud in the UNI-Dome against Wofford, and they made tons of mistakes. Delaware came in on 2007 and it was full and louder than crap, and guess what Flacco and company didn't have any problems. It goes back to the quality and disciplined nature of the team.

Plus the only way to truly get a decibel reading would be if it was out on the field where there teams are actually playing. Maybe if you put the reader on the opposing teams quarterback's helmet. Then you could truly determine the effect the noise was having on the players on the field.

NoDak 4 Ever
December 12th, 2011, 04:30 PM
It's also impossible to insult a North Dakotan by talking about how small and cold it is. We know that, we don't care.

December 12th, 2011, 04:31 PM
It's also impossible to insult a North Dakotan by talking about how small and cold it is. We know that, we don't care.

That's what she said.

NoDak 4 Ever
December 12th, 2011, 04:32 PM
The loudness of a stadium is overrated. Undisciplined teams will make mistakes and disciplined teams will not. It wasn't even that loud in the UNI-Dome against Wofford, and they made tons of mistakes. Delaware came in on 2007 and it was full and louder than crap, and guess what Flacco and company didn't have any problems. It goes back to the quality and disciplined nature of the team.

Plus the only way to truly get a decibel reading would be if it was out on the field where there teams are actually playing. Maybe if you put the reader on the opposing teams quarterback's helmet. Then you could truly determine the effect the noise was having on the players on the field.

Very good point. Take the false start that UNI had on their opening drive that backed them up from the 4 to the 9. The next rush was a 4 yarder. They settled for a field goal.

December 12th, 2011, 04:33 PM
Actually North Dakota has some of the fastest growing cities in the nation.

cities in North Dakota? if Fargo is a city where is the second one?

The Brief
December 12th, 2011, 04:34 PM
It's also impossible to insult a North Dakotan by talking about how small and cold it is. We know that, we don't care.

I'd love to have a Summer vacation up there and get out of the Seventh Circle of Hell for a couple weeks.

December 12th, 2011, 04:38 PM
cities in North Dakota? if Fargo is a city where is the second one?

35,000 more people in Fargo alone than in all of Bulloch County.....

NoDak 4 Ever
December 12th, 2011, 04:38 PM
I'd love to have a Summer vacation up there and get out of the Seventh Circle of Hell for a couple weeks.

it's actually just as bad in Fargo as it is in Georgia. Hot and humid.

December 12th, 2011, 04:42 PM
it's actually just as bad in Fargo as it is in Georgia. Hot and humid.

Well. at least it's not flat. Wait...

December 12th, 2011, 04:42 PM
Yeah, just ignore the Troll. They kicked to him three times with no spectacular return.

Just saw this. I don't know who you are, but I already don't like you. I obviously messed up when typing my post (since it was from my phone). Seems that half of your post are you calling me a troll.

Relax. Geezus. Back on topic...

December 12th, 2011, 04:47 PM
Thanks for confirming that the mic was bias to one side and not at a position to accurately record the entire stadium EVENLY.

The press box in the Fargodome is on the complete opposite side of the field as the student section. This goes to show it is loud throughout.

December 12th, 2011, 04:49 PM
it's actually just as bad in Fargo as it is in Georgia. Hot and humid.

Not sure I'd ever compare summer in Fargo to anywhere in the south.....

December 12th, 2011, 04:49 PM
The press box in the Fargodome is on the complete opposite side of the field as the student section. This goes to show it is loud throughout.

Gaaah. I said this 2 pages ago:

Fact: The Fargo Dome will be louder than Paulson. Why? About the same amount of people contained in a DOME. End of story.

I know it is loud and am not disputing that. Just saying that the actual decibel readings are useless.

December 12th, 2011, 04:51 PM
I think GSU gives the ball away a time or two and then blames that on A.) Why the Bison won or B.) Why the game was close.
The TO can be very turnover prone if it has even one part out of order. I think they got it down pretty good but mistakes happen. I could see them putting it on the turf a time or two this week.

December 12th, 2011, 04:53 PM
I think GSU gives the ball away a time or two and then blames that on A.) Why the Bison won or B.) Why the game was close.
The TO can be very turnover prone if it has even one part out of order. I think they got it down pretty good but mistakes happen. I could see them putting it on the turf a time or two this week.

A fumble or a bad pitch is my biggest fear every play on offense. You are absolutely right. I think that if the Eagles can hold on to the ball all game, we can get the W. If we get intimidated and fumble a couple times (or even once), the W starts not looking so good.

December 12th, 2011, 05:03 PM
Very good point. Take the false start that UNI had on their opening drive that backed them up from the 4 to the 9. The next rush was a 4 yarder. They settled for a field goal.

Yes we were an undisciplined team all year long, and that was one of many times this season it haunted us.

December 12th, 2011, 05:06 PM
My farts smell like rotten eggs today.

Really??? Has it come to this??? Why don't we just revive the Spadola tweet thread and be done with it...

December 12th, 2011, 05:11 PM
Valid points. NDSU won several national championships running the veer. Turns out in the 90's the conference we played in figrued out how to stop it. There are a few teams still running the veer, but nothing like years past. If GSU's offensive is far supperior to NDSU, then it will be no contest and GSU rolls on and beats us by 40. If the lines are well balanced, advantage NDSU. Craig Bohl coached for Nebraskia while they ran the veer, and he has seen several others run the veer against him. I guarantee, NDSU will be well prepared for Saturday, as well as GSU against NDSU.

Did not know that GSU do well with special teams. Could you be more specific? What's your FG kicker like? Are you getting big return yds on punts AND kickoffs? I'm not being a jerk like the rest of these posts. Just trying to get a look at what Saturday will look like. The other two East coast teams we played went for it on 4 and medium when they had the ball on the 32 yard line, while playing in a dome with no outside environments. Lehigh would have looked a lot different had they took points early on.

December 12th, 2011, 05:16 PM
Valid points. NDSU won several national championships running the veer. Turns out in the 90's the conference we played in figrued out how to stop it. There are a few teams still running the veer, but nothing like years past. If GSU's offensive is far supperior to NDSU, then it will be no contest and GSU rolls on and beats us by 40. If the lines are well balanced, advantage NDSU. Craig Bohl coached for Nebraskia while they ran the veer, and he has seen several others run the veer against him. I guarantee, NDSU will be well prepared for Saturday, as well as GSU against NDSU.

Did not know that GSU do well with special teams. Could you be more specific? What's your FG kicker like? Are you getting big return yds on punts AND kickoffs? I'm not being a jerk like the rest of these posts. Just trying to get a look at what Saturday will look like. The other two East coast teams we played went for it on 4 and medium when they had the ball on the 32 yard line, while playing in a dome with no outside environments. Lehigh would have looked a lot different had they took points early on.

FG kicker holds the record for most consecutive extra points in FCS history. Set it against Furman about halfway through the year. Had the first miss of his career when one was blocked against ODU. He's been a little iffy since then, but for the most part he's been really accurate his whole career. Not the biggest leg, but accurate. Our punt returner is #7 and is pretty dang shifty and fast (someone can post his return against App; I'm too lazy to look for it), and our kickoff returner has some blazing speed, returned two for TDs this year, and I believe holds the record for return yards for GSU. If we're in a 4th and short situation, we will likely go for it. That's just the nature of the option: we trust our offense to get us 2-3 yards on pretty much EVERY play. I think this will be a hard-fought game that will come down to which team makes the least amount of mistakes in terms of turnovers, busted coverage, blown tackles, etc.

Edit: got over my laziness, so here's Robinson's punt return against App: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5OJM_V0q-c

December 12th, 2011, 05:19 PM
On punt returns, we have 3 guys who are averaging 11.2 yards per return. Darreion Robinson returned a punt at App State for a 46 yard TD.

On Kick returns, Laron Scott is averaging 32 yards per return with 2 TD's. He is our big return man.

On punting, we have Charlie Edwards who averages 42.4 yards with 28 kicks.

We also have Adrian Mora, who has only missed one PAT his entire career. This season, he is 12-14 on field goals with a long of 49.

December 12th, 2011, 05:20 PM
FG kicker holds the record for most consecutive extra points in FCS history. Set it against Furman about halfway through the year. Had the first miss of his career when one was blocked against ODU. He's been a little iffy since then, but for the most part he's been really accurate his whole career. Not the biggest leg, but accurate. Our punt returner is #7 and is pretty dang shifty and fast (someone can post his return against App; I'm too lazy to look for it), and our kickoff returner has some blazing speed, returned two for TDs this year, and I believe holds the record for return yards for GSU. If we're in a 4th and short situation, we will likely go for it. That's just the nature of the option: we trust our offense to get us 2-3 yards on pretty much EVERY play. I think this will be a hard-fought game that will come down to which team makes the least amount of mistakes in terms of turnovers, busted coverage, blown tackles, etc.

Edit: got over my laziness, so here's Robinson's punt return against App: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5OJM_V0q-c

2-3 yards??? I think it's more like 6-7 yards average per rush.

December 12th, 2011, 05:21 PM
Absolutely. If GSU wins this game, the longer lay-off between the Semifinals and Frisco will make it harder for them to win it all. Not to say they can't do it but all that time to prepare does allow for the defense to adjust to an unorthodox style.

Personally, I think that was the ONLY reason for the change, a conspiracy against GSU! :)

December 12th, 2011, 05:22 PM
Haven't seen many midwestern teams YET. Bigger than average linemen. Not an ignorant post. The veer is truly only ran by a handful of teams. It is successful when O-line controls the LOS. When D-Line controls, game over, GSU can't move the ball. I'll be honest, I haven't looked at the matchups. Don't know what your linemen look like or how big they are. Very possible GSU knocks us off the ball three yds per play and if that happens, NDSU is in big trouble. I just haven't seen that happen this year. Even going up against a Big 10 school, they didn't blow us off the line (granted it was the golden goofers), all the same it was a big 10 school and they had some big boys (not much talent).

December 12th, 2011, 05:22 PM
2-3 yards??? I think it's more like 6-7 yards average per rush.

For the season, we are averaging right at 6.0 yards per rush. :p

December 12th, 2011, 05:23 PM
GSU fans, what do you guys not do well?

December 12th, 2011, 05:24 PM
GSU fans, what do you guys not do well?

Get along with you North Dakota folk.


December 12th, 2011, 05:26 PM
Better kick the field goals. It truly cost Lehigh any chance of staying in the game. 4th and medium: At this stage of the playoffs, better take points. Coming up 1 yd short is bad news. GSU sounds a lot like the Bison of the 80's. We never went for a FG, but then again in the playoffs it was usually below 20 degrees and windy as hell

December 12th, 2011, 05:27 PM
For any of you curious Bison fans, here are our team and individual stats for the season.


December 12th, 2011, 05:27 PM
2-3 yards??? I think it's more like 6-7 yards average per rush.

Well yeah, our stats are pretty much at that level. I'm just saying we expect to be able to convert 4th and short. Our standard play at that point if it's 1-2 yards is the QB following the B-Back on the dive. That's what we've scored almost all of Jaybo's TDs on this year when we're near the goal line. I keep waiting for one day on one of those for Jaybo to step back and just toss the quick-pass to the A-back streaking down the field. It's gone for big yardage in many cases this year when we've done it, but we've never done it in that type of situation. Probably because we know we don't have to, though.

December 12th, 2011, 05:29 PM
GSU fans, what do you guys not do well?

Defend the short passes. People have done the dink and dunk on us all the time and push it down the field. And then sometimes our DBs don't look back for the ball and get beat deep. On offense... there's pretty much nothing we're not doing well right now. The O-line is blocking better than I've ever seen, and Jaybo is fantastic at reading the defense and making the right play. He's also an excellent passer, which just makes us all the more dangerous on offense.

December 12th, 2011, 05:32 PM
SOunds exactly like the Bison of the 80's. I can't remember how many times i thought that. Step back and throw it to A-back or TE. It would be an easy 6.

December 12th, 2011, 05:35 PM
3rd down conversions look solid. I always look to that (can the d get off the field). 52% Not great, but pretty darned solid

December 12th, 2011, 05:38 PM
3rd down conversions look solid. I always look to that (can the d get off the field). 52% Not great, but pretty darned solid

And if we can't convert on the 3rd, and it is a short 4, we are 50% on 4th down conversion, so expect us to go for it most of the time.

December 12th, 2011, 05:42 PM
I am sure that is what to expect, but do you think that it's the semi's. GSU coach might take the points or punt?

December 12th, 2011, 05:47 PM
I am sure that is what to expect, but do you think that it's the semi's. GSU coach might take the points or punt?


That's why we carry a black flag onto the field. No quarter given, no quarter taken.

We are not afraid and know that in 4th and short, we WILL get the yards.

December 12th, 2011, 05:48 PM
I am sure that is what to expect, but do you think that it's the semi's. GSU coach might take the points or punt?

Depends on a lot such as field position, score, time in the game, etc. If it is early in the game, score is still 0-0 and we are not across the 50, pretty sure we'll punt (unless 4th and short). If we have already established that our offense is moving down the field and NDSU's D isn't doing much to slow us down, then I'd expect us to go for it more often. Just depends on a lot of factors.

December 12th, 2011, 05:49 PM
We are not afraid and know that in 4th and short, we WILL get the yards.

Except if your playing ASU. xnodx

December 12th, 2011, 05:51 PM
Except if your playing ASU. xnodx

Speaking of our 'ol buddies from North Carolina... How is that couch? Nice a comfortable? xcoolx:)xrotatehx

December 12th, 2011, 05:55 PM
NDSU fans, will you tell the GSU fans I am not talking to them.

NoDak 4 Ever
December 12th, 2011, 05:57 PM
NDSU fans, will you tell the GSU fans I am not talking to them.

GSU fans. T-Dog isn't talking to you

December 12th, 2011, 05:58 PM
NDSU Strong Safety Colten Heagle will return to NDSU's starting lineup this week. He is a major component of our run defense and hasn't played a down in the playoffs.

Strong safety H Eagle, huh; infiltrator perhaps?

December 12th, 2011, 06:00 PM
GSU fans. T-Dog isn't talking to you

Fair enough. :D

So where were we? North Dakota is cold? Barren? Small? NDSU football sucks? Something like that? :p

But really. Can't wait for the game Saturday. Going to be a good one. Time for me to continue studying for finals.

December 12th, 2011, 06:46 PM
NDSU will be wearing our Gold Rush jerseys on Saturday....


December 12th, 2011, 06:48 PM
Everytime I check back this thread is 12 pages longer.

December 12th, 2011, 06:50 PM
An image of GSU fans leaving Statesboro heading to Fargo.


December 12th, 2011, 06:55 PM
So? According to your math, GSU converts 52% of third downs and 50% on fourth downs. Sounds to me like you should score touchdowns every time GSU has the ball. Wow! How did bama sneak by you?

December 12th, 2011, 06:58 PM
They didn't, georgia southern waxed alabama.

December 12th, 2011, 06:59 PM
An image of GSU fans leaving Statesboro heading to Fargo.


They better watch out for lakesbison...guy is pissed that his precious ESPN game was taken away from him....


December 12th, 2011, 06:59 PM
They better watch out for lakesbison...guy is pissed that his precious ESPN game was taken away from him....



December 12th, 2011, 07:03 PM
Austin Richard vs Brent Russell will be a very interesting match up.

Surely the Bison don't plan to block Russell with just one guy...

GSU Eagle
December 12th, 2011, 07:03 PM
Hard as hell to keep up with this thread. The pages just keep growing.

It really does speak to the passion of both fan bases. I can see NDSU and GSU being forces in the FCS for many years to come.

December 12th, 2011, 07:04 PM
They better watch out for lakesbison...guy is pissed that his precious ESPN game was taken away from him....


xlolx xbowx

That's it, from here on he is "precious"....xsmileyclapx

December 12th, 2011, 07:05 PM
Surely the Bison don't plan to block Russell with just one guy...
Of course, with one arm tied behind his back, just to make it fair for Russell.

December 12th, 2011, 07:05 PM
Surely the Bison don't plan to block Russell with just one guy...

Of course. Boothby Obarski(sp?) etc etc etc 1 guy.

December 12th, 2011, 07:07 PM
I just found out that ESPN reported that a decibel reading of 111 was reached at last Saturday's game. The highest decibel reading for the GSU/Alabama game was 107. That is a 4 decibel difference, and the dome wasn't even sold out like it will be for this game. Might I also add that every 10 decibels is twice as loud. For example, a 120 db reading is twice as loud as a 110 db reading. That 4 decibels is a huge difference. Lehigh's QB said the dome was so loud that he could barely hear himself think. JMU's QB said it was so loud that he lost his voice from screaming out calls to his line during the second quarter... This will be one tough environment for GSU...

If GSU jumps out to a two TD or more lead, you'll be able to hear a pin drop in that place. As the ESPN announcer commented Saturday, opposing teams have to survive the first quarter against GSU, since it takes them that long to adjust to the speed of the option they're facing.

December 12th, 2011, 07:07 PM

December 12th, 2011, 07:09 PM
Of course. Boothby Obarski(sp?) etc etc etc 1 guy.


NoDak 4 Ever
December 12th, 2011, 07:10 PM
If GSU jumps out to a two TD or more lead, you'll be able to hear a pin drop in that place. As the ESPN announcer commented Saturday, opposing teams have to survive the first quarter against GSU, since it takes them that long to adjust to the speed of the option they're facing.

2TDs? Yeah, that won't happen.

December 12th, 2011, 07:13 PM
Just scrolling through all these posts and a common post from GSU is that no one can stop the TO. I have news for you. The TO is not that difficult to defend. Talented and quick linebackers will shut it down every time. NDSU has that Defense. If the TO was the premiere offense in Football, it would be ran by every team in the NFL, most teams in FBS, and FCS. The reality is, the Veer has been basically the offense of the past. If you have a dominant offensive line, the TO can be detrimental to many defenses. However, a well balanced match up on the lines, advantage D-line. GSU will have to throw the ball to move into the championship. Simply put the TO is for the d-3 schools.

Special teams and field goals WILL be the difference in this game

GSU can throw the ball, and the more they throw it, the less those LB and DB will be in position when they do run it. Wouldn't surprise me to see GSU throw the ball 15-20 times on Saturday. And don't be surprised when that passing is very effective.

December 12th, 2011, 07:14 PM
So? According to your math, GSU converts 52% of third downs and 50% on fourth downs. Sounds to me like you should score touchdowns every time GSU has the ball. Wow! How did bama sneak by you?

They almost do. Have you checked the stats lately?

December 12th, 2011, 07:15 PM
2TDs? Yeah, that won't happen.

I'll take that bet. Lunch money???

December 12th, 2011, 07:15 PM
Uh... Have you ever watched us play? We don't have to pass. That's the beauty of the Triple Option. We throw the ball six times a game and Jaybo Shaw is the top five in passing efficiency and completion percentage in the nation. So, it's not that we can't throw it around. It's a catch-22 really when a Triple Option can in fact throw the ball. Do you sit back and let us gash you all game or do you play up and get beat by the pass?

Actually Shaw leads the nation in passing efficiency. He just doesn't have enough throws to qualify to be listed.

December 12th, 2011, 07:17 PM
Bison fan: NDSU has a pretty good defense

GSU fan: but bama.....

Bison fan: NDSU has great depth in their front seven

GSU fan: but bama....

Bison fan: The Fargodome is a pretty loud and chaotic place

GSU fan: but bama....

Bison Fan: We have the best defense in FCS...
GSU Fan: Mmmm Hmmmm

Bison Fan: Our DL in impenetrable
GSU Fan: Mmm Hmmmmm

Bison Fan: Our Linebackers are very fast and athletic
GSU Fan: Mmmm Hmmmm

Bison Fan: Our Defense will shut down the TO.
GSU Fan: Mmmm Hmmmmm

Bison Fan: Bison win by 30.
GSU Fan: xlmaox


Bison Fan (sounding like GA State fan): The Dome is louder than 5,000 747's taking off and you will be intimidated.
GSU Fan: xcoffeex

December 12th, 2011, 07:19 PM
Surely the Bison don't plan to block Russell with just one guy...

I'm sure he'll get doubled a bit, that said Richard is a beast. Yes, I know how much of beast Russell is. That is why I'm looking forward to the matchup.

December 12th, 2011, 07:21 PM
Haven't seen many midwestern teams YET. Bigger than average linemen. Not an ignorant post. The veer is truly only ran by a handful of teams. It is successful when O-line controls the LOS. When D-Line controls, game over, GSU can't move the ball. I'll be honest, I haven't looked at the matchups. Don't know what your linemen look like or how big they are. Very possible GSU knocks us off the ball three yds per play and if that happens, NDSU is in big trouble. I just haven't seen that happen this year. Even going up against a Big 10 school, they didn't blow us off the line (granted it was the golden goofers), all the same it was a big 10 school and they had some big boys (not much talent).

It doesn't take a real big guy to cut block a big defensive lineman. That's the strategy. Not to push them all over the place, but to cut them, and to get them chasing the wrong 'option'. The more aggressive the defense, the better the option works. It takes solid assignments and shedding blocks to hold the option in check.

December 12th, 2011, 07:22 PM
North Dakota.......the Land of Nowhere.

Good one. That really stings.

December 12th, 2011, 07:23 PM
I just got done catching up on this beast of a thread and I had a question I was going to post, but I forgot it a few pages back...

...I'll get back to ya'll.

December 12th, 2011, 07:25 PM
Just saw this on GSU's board"

"Just heard Monken say on the radio that Heyden is out of the traction halo and that he was able to take his first hot shower in 3 months! Never surrender Derek!"

Derek was a starting safety for us until being injured in our third game. Had started for three years. No matter what else happens this week, this news makes it a good one!

December 12th, 2011, 07:26 PM
GSU fans, what do you guys not do well?

They hate hate hate turnovers (they are never caused by the opponents, they turn the ball over themselves), they hate officials (they never interfere passes, or false start).

December 12th, 2011, 07:28 PM
You mad bro?

No. You?

December 12th, 2011, 07:30 PM
Just saw this on GSU's board"

"Just heard Monken say on the radio that Heyden is out of the traction halo and that he was able to take his first hot shower in 3 months! Never surrender Derek!"

Derek was a starting safety for us until being injured in our third game. Had started for three years. No matter what else happens this week, this news makes it a good one!

Glad to hear and wish him continued success in his recovery.

December 12th, 2011, 07:33 PM
I'll be the first to admit I don't know much about NDSU, except I have seen parts of the last 2 games. I will take NDSU at it's word, and I believe they have a very good team. But I have seen alot of Ga Southern play, ever since the beginning of the playoffs last year. And they have been on a solid 18-game roll since middle of last year. That kid Jaybo can run the triple option to perfection. Not saying the triple option is the best offense of all time. But when it's run well, with Monken's multiple sets and play-action, counters, etc... it's diabolical to defend. And the biggest advantage is that most opponents, especially out-of-conference, never see it or prepare for it.

Most teams with good defenses, and especially good rushing defenses, seem to think they have it covered. That it doesn't require special preparation. But it has burned many very good teams. I'm just saying. Props to NDSU, but GSU's brand of the Triple Option is very complex and ridiculous to defend.

December 12th, 2011, 07:35 PM
I'd say the 3 games to look at to stop Ga Southern would be Delaware last year, Chattannoga this year (even though Chatty lost), and App State.

December 12th, 2011, 07:36 PM
I'll be the first to admit I don't know much about NDSU, except I have seen parts of the last 2 games. I will take NDSU at it's word, and I believe they have a very good team. But I have seen alot of Ga Southern play, ever since the beginning of the playoffs last year. And they have been on a solid 18-game roll since middle of last year. That kid Jaybo can run the triple option to perfection. Not saying the triple option is the best offense of all time. But when it's run well, with Monken's multiple sets and play-action, counters, etc... it's diabolical to defend. And the biggest advantage is that most opponents, especially out-of-conference, never see it or prepare for it.

Most teams with good defenses, and especially good rushing defenses, seem to think they have it covered. That it doesn't require special preparation. But it has burned many very good teams. I'm just saying. Props to NDSU, but GSU's brand of the Triple Option is very complex and ridiculous to defend.

Considering our head coach's background and the background of some of our assistants there is no way they are taking anything for granted. You are looking at a number of people who were at programs that won many titles running a option offense.

GSU Eagle
December 12th, 2011, 07:38 PM
What amazes me is that many of the fans of the teams GSU has defeated recently have become the biggest defenders of the triple option. We have a number of them on this lengthy thread touting the effectiveness of the triple option.

December 12th, 2011, 07:38 PM
Considering our head coach's background and the background of some of our assistants there is no way they are taking anything for granted. You are looking at a number of people who were at programs that won many titles running a option offense.

But how many of the players have played against the option? You can talk assignments all day long, but if you don't have experience playing against it, it is going to be a bit of a struggle.

December 12th, 2011, 07:38 PM
Just saw this on GSU's board"

"Just heard Monken say on the radio that Heyden is out of the traction halo and that he was able to take his first hot shower in 3 months! Never surrender Derek!"

Derek was a starting safety for us until being injured in our third game. Had started for three years. No matter what else happens this week, this news makes it a good one!

EXCELLENT news!! While the first and foremost prayer is for him to just fully recover and live a normal life with no lasting troubles... it sure would be nice to see him back in that #4 jersey next year.

Edit: Good grief, in the brief time it took to post this, another 5-6 posts have been added to the thread. This thread is probably going to be 200 pages long before the game even kicks off.


GSU Eagle
December 12th, 2011, 07:39 PM
No offense is unstoppable and no defense is impossible to score on.

December 12th, 2011, 07:39 PM
Aside from the Alabama game, has GSU had to play from behind much?
Have they recovered from many multiple score deficits to eventually win?
What does the GSU two minute drill look like?

December 12th, 2011, 07:39 PM
What amazes me is that many of the fans of the teams GSU has defeated recently have become the biggest defenders of the triple option. We have a number of them on this lengthy thread touting the effectiveness of the triple option.

... I have nothing better to do... my team is on the sidelines ;)

December 12th, 2011, 07:42 PM
But how many of the players have played against the option? You can talk assignments all day long, but if you don't have experience playing against it, it is going to be a bit of a struggle.

They have experience but not much in college. The biggest adjustment will really be the speed at which GSU runs their option. How NDSU handles that is really the big question.

GSU Eagle
December 12th, 2011, 07:43 PM
We might reach 100 pages tonight. To answer an earlier post we have really not been behind by more than say 10 points much this year, other than at Alabama. From what I have seen we don't change our approach much. I am trying to remember us being behind by more than 10 this year other than at Alabama and I am not sure that we have. That being said certainly with the offense we run it is an offense that like to play from ahead.

December 12th, 2011, 07:45 PM
We might reach 100 pages tonight. To answer an earlier post we have really not been behind by more than say 10 points much this year, other than at Alabama. From what I have seen we don't change our approach much. I am trying to remember us being behind by more than 10 this year other than at Alabama and I am not sure that we have. That being said certainly with the offense we run it is an offense that like to play from ahead.

I think we were down by either 10 or 14 to App, too. Came back from that to tie the game.

Edit: Yes, we were down 17-3 at the half against App State.

December 12th, 2011, 07:47 PM
I wonder how the turf is going to affect the Eagles offense? Make it faster? No effect?

December 12th, 2011, 07:51 PM
I wonder how the turf is going to affect the Eagles offense? Make it faster? No effect?

So far, the fans of both teams we've faced have said that the turf would make their fast team even faster. I really don't think it made much of an improvement.

December 12th, 2011, 07:56 PM
So far, the fans of both teams we've faced have said that the turf would make their fast team even faster. I really don't think it made much of an improvement.

Yeah. All we heard about all week leading up to the JMU game was how we had never seen a team as fast as them and that we wouldn't be prepared to deal with it. Handled that pretty nicely, I'd say.

Gil Dobie
December 12th, 2011, 08:01 PM
I wonder how the turf is going to affect the Eagles offense? Make it faster? No effect?

It will be like running downhill for GSU.

December 12th, 2011, 08:05 PM
It will be like running downhill for GSU.

With the wind at their backs....

December 12th, 2011, 08:06 PM
Yeah. All we heard about all week leading up to the JMU game was how we had never seen a team as fast as them and that we wouldn't be prepared to deal with it. Handled that pretty nicely, I'd say.

I've seen a couple of James Madison games, and frankly they didn't look very fast to me. I'd say that the GSU offense runs in fourth gear while the JMU offense is just shifting out of second gear. I'm interested to see how NDSU is going to defense GSU's jet toss. You've got an A-back who runs a sub 4.5 40 catching the ball at full speed while the defense is just coming out of its stance. ODU and Maine had no answer for it.

December 12th, 2011, 08:13 PM
Yeah. All we heard about all week leading up to the JMU game was how we had never seen a team as fast as them and that we wouldn't be prepared to deal with it. Handled that pretty nicely, I'd say.

No offense to my Bison friends, but alot of NDSU fans are touting the JMU win as some huge defining accomplishment. JMU was ranked, what, #17? And that was generous. They have an offense which can't score on anyone, and only rely on their defense to win games, and barely at that. They got lucky to make the playoffs ahead of Delaware, and probably other teams outside of the CAA. To beat JMU 26-14 at home, in my opinion, is a little disappointing. I'd be more worried about only scoring 20-ish points in the last 2 games versus a team that is averaging 35+ this weekend. I'm just saying.

December 12th, 2011, 08:15 PM
No offense to my Bison friends, but alot of NDSU fans are touting the JMU win as some huge defining accomplishment. JMU was ranked, what, #17? And that was generous. They have an offense which can't score on anyone, and only rely on their defense to win games, and barely at that. They got lucky to make the playoffs ahead of Delaware, and probably other teams outside of the CAA. To beat JMU 26-14 at home, in my opinion, is a little disappointing. I'd be more worried about only scoring 20-ish points in the last 2 games versus a team that is averaging 35+ this weekend. I'm just saying.

That's fine, I understand you've been on the CAA-sandbagging for about three weeks now. Thanks for the input. My point is that touting team-du-jour as the "fastest in FCS" doesn't mean a whole lot until it's proven on the field.

Moral of the story: don't make the mistake JMU fans did.

December 12th, 2011, 08:15 PM
No offense to my Bison friends, but alot of NDSU fans are touting the JMU win as some huge defining accomplishment. JMU was ranked, what, #17? And that was generous. They have an offense which can't score on anyone, and only rely on their defense to win games, and barely at that. They got lucky to make the playoffs ahead of Delaware, and probably other teams outside of the CAA. To beat JMU 26-14 at home, in my opinion, is a little disappointing. I'd be more worried about only scoring 20-ish points in the last 2 games versus a team that is averaging 35+ this weekend. I'm just saying.

I know it's not nearly on the same level (Patriot League, missing top WR) but NDSU blanked Lehigh, who was another prolific scoring offense.

I'm predicting a low-scoring game for both sides.

December 12th, 2011, 08:16 PM
With the wind at their backs....

Speaking of wind.. If this game was played outside in the cold (maybe not necessarily Fargo cold, but...), I'd say that the Bison have a HUGE advantage. Besides the the crowd, playing in the Fargodome is an advantage for us IMO.

December 12th, 2011, 08:20 PM
That's fine, I understand you've been on the CAA-sandbagging for about three weeks now. Thanks for the input. My point is that touting team-du-jour as the "fastest in FCS" doesn't mean a whole lot until it's proven on the field.

Moral of the story: don't make the mistake JMU fans did.

I will let the stats speak for themselves. You can also look them up. JMU, #84 in Scoring Offense at 22 pts per game. In the same ballpark as Wagner... Dartmouth... Western Carolina...


December 12th, 2011, 08:21 PM
That's fine, I understand you've been on the CAA-sandbagging for about three weeks now. Thanks for the input. My point is that touting team-du-jour as the "fastest in FCS" doesn't mean a whole lot until it's proven on the field.

Moral of the story: don't make the mistake JMU fans did.

I don't think the GSU fans are touting GSU as the fastest FCS team like how Bison fans are touting their own impeccable defense.

December 12th, 2011, 08:21 PM
Speaking of wind.. If this game was played outside in the cold (maybe not necessarily Fargo cold, but...), I'd say that the Bison have a HUGE advantage. Besides the the crowd, playing in the Fargodome is an advantage for us IMO.

Keep thinking that until you have 3 starters have ankle or knee injuries in the first half.

December 12th, 2011, 08:22 PM
Page 75 seems like a good place to leave off for the night. Please try not to post too many in depth meaningful posts that I actually have to read (rather than the drivel that I skim past), I have a lot of work to do tomorrow.

December 12th, 2011, 08:22 PM
Anybody know if Jaybo Shaw's brother Connor going to be at the game? Or is Spurrier making him stay and prepare for bowl game?

December 12th, 2011, 08:23 PM
Speaking of wind.. If this game was played outside in the cold (maybe not necessarily Fargo cold, but...), I'd say that the Bison have a HUGE advantage. Besides the the crowd, playing in the Fargodome is an advantage for us IMO.

This I don't get, we throw the ball you don't. How does wind and crappy weather favor us when you run the ball 90% of the time. Cold weather plus option football is how we won a ton of games back in the day. If we still played outside I'm guessing our offense would be pretty different.

December 12th, 2011, 08:25 PM
You know what I would recommend? If I were NDSU, I'd open the first play with an option play just to put a shot over GSU's bow. ODU did it, and got a first down. Pretty ballsy.

December 12th, 2011, 08:27 PM
This I don't get, we throw the ball you don't. How does wind and crappy weather favor us when you run the ball 90% of the time. Cold weather plus option football is how we won a ton of games back in the day. If we still played outside I'm guessing our offense would be pretty different.

Just looking at our history of playing in the cold (Deleware, App)... I guess our hands forget how to hold a football. You know.. Us Southerners not being use to anything under 60 degrees and all... :)

NoDak 4 Ever
December 12th, 2011, 08:27 PM
You know what I would recommend? If I were NDSU, I'd open the first play with an option play just to put a shot over GSU's bow. ODU did it, and got a first down. Pretty ballsy.

I would much rather let Austin Richard blow a hole in the d line and let DJ stomp some linebackers