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December 15th, 2011, 08:25 AM
[QUOTE=alphagriz1;1751545]Rev is cool QUOTE]


December 15th, 2011, 08:27 AM
Alpha I can speak for bearkat-backer as I have drank with him, and the only issue he has is that he loves the color Orange.

December 15th, 2011, 08:32 AM
Damn, I didn't realize I was one too. Is there a 12 step program to help our condition?

So even if you aren't from Texas originally, if you live in Texas now, you're a bigot.

Interesting. Provocative.

December 15th, 2011, 08:35 AM

TheRevSFA- alphagriz1 approved!

December 15th, 2011, 08:37 AM
Yeah, but you just called all Griz fans idiots so why should we even take eGriz serious....some piece of work. Like I said, you claim to "back everything up" yet I'd bet a plane ticket back to BUTT, MT that you'd rather hide behind these message boards.

I dont need to defend anything to you.

A large % of Griz fans are idiots....................do you read what they write? Its loud, its cold, blah blah blah blah STFU already.

December 15th, 2011, 08:42 AM
TheRevSFA- alphagriz1 approved!

It's going to take a long shower to get that stank off....

December 15th, 2011, 08:44 AM


It's a young team that should make noise in the FCS for at least a couple more years. Three sophomores start on defense and six on offense.

I'll put my money on the seasoned team this year. This Bear does not hibernate
till Feb. 1st!
Montana Grizzlies-More
the other guys-less :D xbeerchugx

December 15th, 2011, 09:09 AM
TheRevSFA- alphagriz1 approved!

Damn Rev I believe you have now officially "Arrived"....

December 15th, 2011, 09:13 AM

Lehigh Football Nation
December 15th, 2011, 09:23 AM

PHILADELPHIA, PA. — The last time that Montana ventured into Huntsville, TX. to take on Sam Houston State, the Grizzlies shocked the Football Championship Subdivision — by getting crushed by Sam Houston State, 41-29.

On Friday, No. 4 seed Montana (11-2) will return to Bowers Stadium in Huntsville, TX. to face top-seeded Sam Houston State (13-0) in the semifinals of the NCAA Division I Football Championships.

"I sure like (Montana) having to come down here and play us, instead of us having to go play in Montana," SHSU coach Willie Fritz said. "I like our crowd. They are understanding when to cheer and, maybe, when not to cheer."

NoDak 4 Ever
December 15th, 2011, 09:23 AM
Holy crap, the game is TOMORROW and this is what you're talking about?

December 15th, 2011, 09:28 AM
Rev you live in Texas so I think that makes you a bigot as well.

xlolx I see you've cracked the Alphagriz code... xlolx

December 15th, 2011, 09:36 AM
I shot Fritz an email yesterday @ the Missoulian...man does a great job!

December 15th, 2011, 10:18 AM
Holy crap, the game is TOMORROW and this is what you're talking about?

Yep...there is only so many different ways you can keep saying my d**k is bigger than yours before you run out of stuff to say...

December 15th, 2011, 10:46 AM
Holy crap, the game is TOMORROW and this is what you're talking about?

I guess we could be talking about how far the closest McDonalds is from LakesBison's house.

December 15th, 2011, 10:51 AM
I guess we could be talking about how far the closest McDonalds is from LakesBison's house.

You are slowing (but strongly) climbing your way into my top-10 list xlolx
You've been on a roll

December 15th, 2011, 10:57 AM
You are slowing (but strongly) climbing your way into my top-10 list xlolx
You've been on a roll

Looks like someone is owed a new iron.

December 15th, 2011, 11:02 AM
You are slowing (but strongly) climbing your way into my top-10 list xlolx
You've been on a roll


December 15th, 2011, 11:03 AM
The NDSU/Georgia Southern thread is 162 pages?

This one is 27.................WTF

December 15th, 2011, 11:14 AM
The NDSU/Georgia Southern thread is 162 pages?

This one is 27.................WTF

The bigots and trolls ran everyone off.

December 15th, 2011, 11:23 AM
The bigots and trolls ran everyone off.

Good one

December 15th, 2011, 11:24 AM
The NDSU/Georgia Southern thread is 162 pages?

This one is 27.................WTF

Looks like you were successful Alpha - another thread killed - you win..!!!
If you try hard enough you might be able to drive people (everybody ) completely off the site

December 15th, 2011, 11:30 AM
The bigots and trolls ran everyone off.

Yet they still let SHSU fans post here...................sad really

December 15th, 2011, 11:32 AM
Looks like you were successful Alpha - another thread killed - you win..!!!
If you try hard enough you might be able to drive people (everybody ) completely off the site

If you wouldnt let the SHSU bigots on here this never would have happened.

I blame you.........its sad what you are doing to the Ursus site.

December 15th, 2011, 11:36 AM
Alpha...I thought you were on a plane to TX?

December 15th, 2011, 11:57 AM
Alpha...I thought you were on a plane to TX?

He didn't want to buy the extra seat?

December 15th, 2011, 12:20 PM
He didn't want to buy the extra seat?

.......dont forget I am too scared to show up and stand behind my words.

Wait, should I be using tapatalk so you guys assume I am using my phone?

December 15th, 2011, 03:13 PM
just checking in on the thread, Have I missed anything?

I am not understanding this Montana cant play on the road thing..... they looked good against JMU a few years ago down in VA, I am thinking they find a way to win this game

December 15th, 2011, 03:36 PM
.......dont forget I am too scared to show up and stand behind my words.

Wait, should I be using tapatalk so you guys assume I am using my phone?

Are you in Texas yet?

December 15th, 2011, 03:47 PM
just checking in on the thread, Have I missed anything?

I am not understanding this Montana cant play on the road thing..... they looked good against JMU a few years ago down in VA, I am thinking they find a way to win this game

Holy ****!! Someone other than a Griz fans acknowledged this inconvenient little fact! xbowxxbowx

December 15th, 2011, 04:02 PM
.......dont forget I am too scared to show up and stand behind my words.

Wait, should I be using tapatalk so you guys assume I am using my phone?

Need a lift from the airport, Alpha?

December 15th, 2011, 04:09 PM
just checking in on the thread, Have I missed anything?

I am not understanding this Montana cant play on the road thing..... they looked good against JMU a few years ago down in VA, I am thinking they find a way to win this game

You've been wrong about the Kats in every game up until now so let's hope you keep your streak alive!

December 15th, 2011, 04:19 PM
You've been wrong about the Kats in every game up until now so let's hope you keep your streak alive!

Caribbean's Picks:

Sam will not be #1 seed.................WRONG
Sam will lose to Stony (or as he like to say Stoney)....................WRONG
Sam will lose to Mont St................................WRONG
I like your pick too, Caribbean! Thanks.

December 15th, 2011, 04:29 PM
I cannot wait for tomorrows game to approach, so SHSU fans can STFU!!!!!!!!!!!!

December 15th, 2011, 04:40 PM
I cannot wait for tomorrows game to approach, so SHSU fans can STFU!!!!!!!!!!!!

Little bitter, Griz?

December 15th, 2011, 04:51 PM
Here's good luck to both teams tomorrow. May the game be well played and entertaining with nobody getting hurt. May the fans be safe getting to and from the game.

I'll be dvr'ing the game as I'll be a the McNeese Cowgirls vs LSU basketball game at Burton Coliseum that starts at 6PM and will be taking pictures for Doc's Shots.
But I'll have my laptop on the media table connected to the game on ESPN3 and will be checking the game every so often.

I will be rooting for Sam Houston. It is a conference allegiance thing so no offense to the Griz and the Griz fans. Whoever wins, I'll be rooting for them to win at Frisco.

Good luck to both,

December 15th, 2011, 04:52 PM
You guys have some catching-up to do on this thread.

December 15th, 2011, 04:53 PM
Little bitter, Griz?

Says the guy *****ing about CH's pick. xrolleyesx

December 15th, 2011, 05:00 PM
Says the guy *****ing about CH's pick. xrolleyesx

I pointed out his claims vs what actually happened. If that's complaining in your neck of the woods...well, I guess that's why egriz is the way it is. Mostly SPEW & GARBAGE led by your Crown Jewel, Alpha. Hope to meet some TRUE Griz fans tomorrow. I'm betting folks like you and your Daddy, Alpha will be by your computer instead adding to your 7k posts.

If the Griz win, I'll be the 1st to congratulate them & to WIN THE NAT'L TITLE. I think the Griz fans will have trouble doing the same.

Should be a great game. I'm off to grocery shop for the tailgate tomorrow. Eat 'em up Kats!

December 15th, 2011, 05:19 PM
I pointed out his claims vs what actually happened. If that's complaining in your neck of the woods...well, I guess that's why egriz is the way it is. Mostly SPEW & GARBAGE led by your Crown Jewel, Alpha. Hope to meet some TRUE Griz fans tomorrow. I'm betting folks like you and your Daddy, Alpha will be by your computer instead adding to your 7k posts.

If the Griz win, I'll be the 1st to congratulate them & to WIN THE NAT'L TITLE. I think the Griz fans will have trouble doing the same.

Should be a great game. I'm off to grocery shop for the tailgate tomorrow. Eat 'em up Kats!

So you weren't being bitter, but 420 was? xconfusedx

December 15th, 2011, 05:33 PM
I pointed out his claims vs what actually happened. If that's complaining in your neck of the woods...well, I guess that's why egriz is the way it is. Mostly SPEW & GARBAGE led by your Crown Jewel, Alpha. Hope to meet some TRUE Griz fans tomorrow. I'm betting folks like you and your Daddy, Alpha will be by your computer instead adding to your 7k posts.

If the Griz win, I'll be the 1st to congratulate them & to WIN THE NAT'L TITLE. I think the Griz fans will have trouble doing the same.

Should be a great game. I'm off to grocery shop for the tailgate tomorrow. Eat 'em up Kats!

No problem here. I want the winner of this game to win it all!

December 15th, 2011, 05:40 PM
If the Griz win, I'll be the 1st to congratulate them & to WIN THE NAT'L TITLE. I think the Griz fans will have trouble doing the same.

Should be a great game. I'm off to grocery shop for the tailgate tomorrow. Eat 'em up Kats!

I too will be pulling for the winner of this game to win it all. It's a classic case of GOOD vs. EVIL.

The top half of the bracket = GOOD.
The bottom half of the bracket = EVIL.

Friday's winner will overcome the forces of darkness in the Championship.

December 15th, 2011, 05:43 PM
I saw that not one guy on SHSU team made AP 1st team All-American.. I figured they would have at least 2 or 3 on the team since SHSU is the fastest team ever to take the field.. Montana's big boys are gonna take the beating stick to Texas! Ya'll gonna find out the hard way!!

December 15th, 2011, 07:10 PM
I wont congratulate SHSU win or lose. They are lowlife bottom feeding ***** talking bigots.

NDSU vs Montana

December 15th, 2011, 07:12 PM
I wont congratulate SHSU win or lose. They are lowlife bottom feeding ***** talking bigots.

NDSU vs Montana

Always the charmer, taking the high road...

December 15th, 2011, 08:03 PM
I wont congratulate SHSU win or lose. They are lowlife bottom feeding ***** talking bigots.

NDSU vs Montana

Nice move, Alpha. The ol' defense mechanism...always a goodie. That a boy.

December 15th, 2011, 08:08 PM
What the hell am I going to do until kickoff tomorrow? I already am so fricking JACKED for this game!

bearkat pride
December 15th, 2011, 08:19 PM
What the hell am I going to do until kickoff tomorrow? I already am so fricking JACKED for this game!
same here, i have stuff i could be doing but i cant keep my mind off the game.

rancher griz
December 15th, 2011, 10:36 PM
Well. Looks like Alpha thinks 95% of Griz fans are tools and 100% of Texans are racists... That's hilarious. That takes a large ego, but what should I expect from somebody that calls himself "Alpha"griz. It's even funnier that people are letting him accomplish his goal (making a game matchup thread be completely about him... I know...I'm contributing to that). I'm going to go turn on Housewives of Orange County on Bravo. This is just way too much drama for me...

Anyways, should be a whale of a game tomorrow between two of the most explosive teams in the FCS. Let the best team win. God, I love playoff football!

December 16th, 2011, 01:35 AM
I too will be pulling for the winner of this game to win it all. It's a classic case of GOOD vs. EVIL.

The top half of the bracket = GOOD.
The bottom half of the bracket = EVIL.

Friday's winner will overcome the forces of darkness in the Championship.

Honestly, I think the winner of this game will win it all. I think these two teams are the best two teams in the country right now. Montana has been playing so good recently it is hard to bet against them. Then you look at what SHSU has been doing to teams all season. I don't care who the competition is they are just pounding everyone they have played. This is looking like a heck of a game, and can't wait to watch it tomorrow!

December 16th, 2011, 01:46 AM
Honestly, I think the winner of this game will win it all. I think these two teams are the best two teams in the country right now. Montana has been playing so good recently it is hard to bet against them. Then you look at what SHSU has been doing to teams all season. I don't care who the competition is they are just pounding everyone they have played. This is looking like a heck of a game, and can't wait to watch it tomorrow!

No, no, no!

Didn't you hear the groans because this was the easy side of the bracket. Nevermind the fact all the power players lost early...it is still tough.!

December 16th, 2011, 01:46 AM

December 16th, 2011, 01:51 AM
Let's get it on! Monkey man!


December 16th, 2011, 07:06 AM
Who ya got? The Mighty Griz face off against a first ever #1 seeded Sam Houstan State.

Can the Bearkats upset the perenial favorites, or is this finally the year the Griz close the deal

Isn't that "Can the Griz upset the favorites."

December 16th, 2011, 07:11 AM
Montana: 0-3 vs McNeese in Lake Charles & 3-0 in Missoula
Montana: 0-1 vs. SHSU in Huntsville & 3-0 in Missoula

It's not a myth...homefield has an advantage.

Wait you can't use facts with the Griz!

December 16th, 2011, 07:17 AM
There are 3 teams that deserve to be in the FCS playoffs left in the bracket.

Georgia Southern

You will find out in less than 12 hours just how far away teams like SHSU are from competing with the big dogs. Seriously if you get 180 yards rusing.....consider that a moral victory. You guys have been as classless a fan base as I have ever witnessed. You should be proud of all the bigots and ambASSadors your welfare state has to offer.

Walking through the airport3 minutes off the plane and we were already hearing "***** Montana" and I wont even get into the scene at the bars last night. I just sat and watched as my friends engaged the rednecks.....you guys are pathetic. You cant even leave a group of people alone in a public setting you douchebags are seeking out acceptance or trying to get the attention your moms boyfriend didnt give you. (He was only in your mom because she is easy).


You guys act this way again tonight and there is gonna be a problem.

December 16th, 2011, 07:29 AM
Alpha..come on.

1st..what airport did you fly in to..because I can tell you unless you flew directly on to the Sam campus, no one in the state of Texas was going "**** montana" as you know..Sam isn't exactly our state's biggest program.

I honestly hope after Sam wins tonight that you go talk to some of the Sam fans. I'd love to see one of two things happen: 1) you realize that Sam fans and Texans aren't bigots and you drink many brews with them..(this is the one I hope for) 2) you smart off to one of them and they knock you out.

Either way you trip to Texas will be memorable.

I never thought I'd utter these words on a fan site, but Eat 'em up, Kats

December 16th, 2011, 07:37 AM
Alpha..come on.

1st..what airport did you fly in to..because I can tell you unless you flew directly on to the Sam campus, no one in the state of Texas was going "**** montana" as you know..Sam isn't exactly our state's biggest program.

I honestly hope after Sam wins tonight that you go talk to some of the Sam fans. I'd love to see one of two things happen: 1) you realize that Sam fans and Texans aren't bigots and you drink many brews with them..(this is the one I hope for) 2) you smart off to one of them and they knock you out.

Either way you trip to Texas will be memorable.

I never thought I'd utter these words on a fan site, but Eat 'em up, Kats

I will stick with the people I am with and wont seek out any of these idiots. 5 of the people I am with live in Texas (2-Austin, 2-Dallas 1-Sterling City) and they agree these guys are out of line. My friend Todd thats the biggest pussy of the 5 said "maybe you should take that Griz shirt off and lay low" ***** that. I wore it in College Station and nobody gave a *****............sorry Rev but this place is the ASSH*LE of North America.

Also your second point..........I dont smart off to people but if anyone gets in my face after the game win or lose....I may be in swing first talk second mode. I will do what I always do after games. Go try to get away from people and hang with my friends at some dive bar nobody goes to so we can have fun and not be harassed.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk

December 16th, 2011, 07:48 AM
I will be updating the rest of the trip in this thread.....I am not going to post on both sites from my phone all day.


Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk

December 16th, 2011, 08:23 AM
So let me get this straight...you're in Austin & you have Sam Houston fans coming up to you throwing your camera bag, telling you to F-off, etc? I call BULL on ALL your stories so far about Sam/Texas. Really sad that you're just trying to somehow connect the dots on the garbage you've been spewing on this (and other) boards.

ONE LAST TIME SO ALL AGS'ers can see.......................come have a brew @ the Katfans.com tailgate. Behind the scoreboard, backed up to the grass. There will be an orange "SH" flag flying high by all of our trucks. We welcome you and your Texas friends.

Ball is in your court, Alpha. Or are our (as well as the other Griz fans) assumptions right and you no-show??

December 16th, 2011, 08:39 AM
So let me get this straight...you're in Austin & you have Sam Houston fans coming up to you throwing your camera bag, telling you to F-off, etc? I call BULL on ALL your stories so far about Sam/Texas. Really sad that you're just trying to somehow connect the dots on the garbage you've been spewing on this (and other) boards.

ONE LAST TIME SO ALL AGS'ers can see.......................come have a brew @ the Katfans.com tailgate. Behind the scoreboard, backed up to the grass. There will be an orange "SH" flag flying high by all of our trucks. We welcome you and your Texas friends.

Ball is in your court, Alpha. Or are our (as well as the other Griz fans) assumptions right and you no-show??

First of all why would I be in Austin?

Second you are absolutely correct I will be a no show at your tailgate, no way and hell I would drink with the low class bastards I have run into so far. Of course no offense to you personally because your the exception to the rule.................

Like I said earlier my friends that live in Texas are blown away by your behavior and classlessness...........

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk

December 16th, 2011, 08:43 AM
Ha. Ok, thanks for SOLIDIFYING everyone's assumptions. Off to Bowers for my group. Have fun, Alpha. Not only in Texas tonight but also in life...however miserable that must be.

Good luck to both teams. Any TRUE Griz fans are welcome to the tailgate area mentioned above...Hope the winner tonight TAKES HOME THE HARDWARE on Jan 7. Eat 'em up Kats!

December 16th, 2011, 08:51 AM
Wait you can't use facts with the Griz!

In 2004 Montana lost on the road at SHSU in an early regular season game. I'm sure you think differently, but not one of the players on that team still play now. I know you think historical facts in texas mean a whole lot, but they are only statistics. Whatever happened 12 years ago at McNeese State, usually doesn't play much of an effect in the playoffs. I guess this is all you crapsville teams have to hold on to though.

P.S. losing by 10 or less may factor in the game coming down to homefield advantage, but when a team loses by 38 POINTS, that's simply one team being blatantly better than the other.

December 16th, 2011, 09:11 AM
Wait you can't use facts with the Griz!

Here's a fact, you whiny little snot:



December 16th, 2011, 09:40 AM
@ alpha. Listen up boy cause that's how you sound.
1. Texas is the most profitable and the greatest state in the union. Not self proclaimed.
2. Austin is the San Francisco of Texas so you and your friends are prob hardcore left wing homosexuals.
3. Yes in college station no one cares about Sam Houston. Do you know how many FBS schools are in Texas. How many in Montana?
4. Welcome to Texas where everything is bigger including *** whoopins. So leave your throwing fist asking questions at home because u will end up in Huntsville longer than you want to be at Huntsville Memorial. Thanks and eat em up

December 16th, 2011, 09:44 AM
After reading these last pages, I think this thread is now ready for the Game---good luck to both teams.

December 16th, 2011, 09:45 AM
Ps I'll have a sign that say AG1 come mess with this Texas cause all 230 lbs of bear eating will really cause u to have a terrible trip.

December 16th, 2011, 09:47 AM
Go Kats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Go Southland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

December 16th, 2011, 09:48 AM
@ alpha. Listen up boy cause that's how you sound.
1. Texas is the most profitable and the greatest state in the union. Not self proclaimed.
2. Austin is the San Francisco of Texas so you and your friends are prob hardcore left wing homosexuals.
3. Yes in college station no one cares about Sam Houston. Do you know how many FBS schools are in Texas. How many in Montana?
4. Welcome to Texas where everything is bigger including *** whoopins. So leave your throwing fist asking questions at home because u will end up in Huntsville longer than you want to be at Huntsville Memorial. Thanks and eat em up


Dallas Demon
December 16th, 2011, 10:32 AM
Go Sam Houston, beat the Griz! Represent the Southland Conference well!

Regardless of who wins this game, I'll be rooting for the winner in the FCS Championship game. I already have my 7 tickets!

December 16th, 2011, 10:58 AM
You've been wrong about the Kats in every game up until now so let's hope you keep your streak alive!

this is true, I did underestimate Sammy - 2 weeks ago I would have thought Montana wins big but now it's more of a cautious Montana pick

December 16th, 2011, 11:06 AM
Caribbean's Picks:

Sam will not be #1 seed.................WRONG
Sam will lose to Stony (or as he like to say Stoney)....................WRONG
Sam will lose to Mont St................................WRONG
I like your pick too, Caribbean! Thanks.

Caribbean did win both AGS groups (winner / spread ) in the regular season gohens pick em polls take a bow CH xbowxxbowxxbowx

1 Caribbean Hen Caribbean010 12 130 104 555 17-7 13-7 7-9 10-10 14-8 12-4 13-7 8-12 12-6 9-12 8-11 7-11
2 GSUhooligan GSUhoolig006 12 126 108 538 14-10 11-9 9-7 14-6 12-10 10-6 8-12 7-13 13-5 11-10 10-9 7-11
3 HENRY HENRY018 12 125 109 534 12-12 14-6 5-11 12-8 14-8 9-7 14-6 9-11 9-9 8-13 12-7 7-11
4 hendog hendog019 12 120 114 512 12-12 11-9 6-10 11-9 13-9 8-8 12-8 9-11 10-8 7-14 12-7 9-9
5 hen9100 hen9100007 11 116 99 539 12-12 10-10 4-12 10-10 12-10 12-4 11-9 12-8 14-4 12-9 7-11
5 Cruyf Cruyf014 12 116 118 495 14-10 13-7 11-5 9-11 12-10 9-7 10-10 8-12 7-11 5-16 12-7 6-12
7 OL FU OL FU018 12 115 119 491 14-10 10-10 9-7 8-12 13-9 6-10 9-11 9-11 9-9 11-10 9-10 8-10
8 bonarae bonarae012 12 110 124 470 11-13 12-8 5-11 7-13 9-13 11-5 11-9 8-12 10-8 6-15 11-8 9-9
9 m_olslund - NDSU m_olslund013 11 107 107 500 16-8 11-9 5-11 8-12 11-11 7-9 12-8 10-8 7-14 9-10 11-7
10 rabidrabbit rabidrabb004 9 103 77 572 12-12 13-7 13-9 11-5 13-7 10-10 13-5 7-14 11-8
11 mikek87 mikek87015 11 101 114 469 11-13 13-7 5-11 9-11 11-11 9-7 11-9 4-16 13-5 8-13 7-11
12 WrenFGun WrenFGun009 9 91 85 517 16-8 11-9 8-8 9-11 12-10 8-8 10-10 9-11 8-10
13 hiline_griz hiline_gr019 9 89 87 505 14-10 10-10 9-7 8-12 12-10 9-7 11-9 8-12 8-10
14 McNeese75 McNeese75009 6 57 65 467 14-10 6-10 10-10 11-11 10-10 6-14
15 bojeta bojeta002 4 47 39 546 13-11 8-12 12-8 14-8
16 hlund05 hlund05002 4 46 40 534 13-11 10-10 11-9 12-10
17 Uncle Buck Uncle Buc019 1 13 11 541 13-11
18 BlueClaw BlueClaw009 1 12 12 500 12-12

December 16th, 2011, 11:09 AM
Go Sam Houston, beat the Griz! Represent the Southland Conference well!

Regardless of who wins this game, I'll be rooting for the winner in the FCS Championship game. I already have my 7 tickets!

Atta Boy. I'll have a beer waiting for you at the tailgate.

Uncle Rico's Clan
December 16th, 2011, 11:22 AM
At least three University of Montana football players were involved in a sexual assault, reportedly aided by a date-rape drug, of two women on campus last weekend, a source with direct knowledge of the case told the Missoulian.

The Grizzlies flew to Huntsville, Texas, on Thursday for the Football Championship Subdivision semifinal game with Sam Houston State University.

As of late Thursday afternoon, no police report had been filed in the case; however, one woman spoke with Missoula Police Department detectives during the day, the source said. The Missoulian agreed to keep that source's identity private.

Neither UM vice president Jim Foley nor athletic director Jim O'Day, who are in Huntsville, responded to telephone and text messages or emails seeking comment Thursday evening.

Read more: http://billingsgazette.com/news/state-and-regional/montana/officials-investigate-report-of-sexual-assault-involving-um-players-date/article_1c8651af-9991-5275-a87f-f43986029325.html#ixzz1gidBX8dg

And its sounds like these three players were not allowed to travel with the team to texas.

December 16th, 2011, 11:31 AM
Sounds like Montana fans don't have much to say to that article. In Texas we punish those who abuse women not cover it up. So much for all the class talk huh?

December 16th, 2011, 11:37 AM
Sounds like Montana fans don't have much to say to that article. In Texas we punish those who abuse women not cover it up. So much for all the class talk huh?

I don't know the facts, so I choose not to express an ill-informed opinion. Is there a problem with that?

December 16th, 2011, 11:39 AM
We should have signs at the state line that has a guy on a gurney with the needle in his arm and the caption say "Welcome to Texas: Don't **** up"

Uncle Rico's Clan
December 16th, 2011, 11:42 AM
Sounds like Montana fans don't have much to say to that article. In Texas we punish those who abuse women not cover it up. So much for all the class talk huh?

Where's the cover up? The university brought in a special investigator, who is a retired State Supreme Court Justice. The police did not start an initial investigation because no one has filed a police report. Currently the police are waiting for a report to be filed so they can begin their investigation.

December 16th, 2011, 11:48 AM
I'll tell ya what UM fans. Go on YouTube and listen to Jim Rome's mobile radio shout out the SHSU. YOU WON'T LIKE IT.

December 16th, 2011, 11:50 AM
I'll tell ya what UM fans. Go on YouTube and listen to Jim Rome's mobile radio shout out the SHSU. YOU WON'T LIKE IT.

Who cares dude! Montana wins by 2 scores!!

December 16th, 2011, 11:54 AM
For the twentieth time we all know that is a Jim Rome impersonator from Houston. I watch Jim Rome all the time and I can tell its fake. Plus i have met Jim Rome in the state of Montana on two different occasions and both times he was wearing griz gear. Its a fake, the radio station it aired on in Houston has video of this guy doing other Jim Rome impressions too

December 16th, 2011, 11:54 AM
This article is interesting. Supposedly these football players "were involved in a sexual assault," however, there is no police report. How did anyone find out about this in the first place if nothing with the police department has been involved? There's always so many holes in these dang newspaper articles when reporting criminal activity. If this stuff did take place on campus, I'm sure these athletes are freshmen, and it depends on when people found out about this with whether they traveled. I still don't get the lack of a police report though. This does stink a little bit of yellow journalism because of that. They state that date rape drugs were used, but there's no report of that being proven by any medical person nor any police person. Interesting stuff.

Not to be in any offending tone, but we all know about jersey chasers. What football player, especially at a school like UM, would need date rape stuff to get women in their bed? Especially if it happened last weekend; those girls go nuts after a big game, with all the alcohol involved. I lived on a football floor one year there and each guy had a new girl each weekend. Two girls if the athlete was black. These guys must have been really desperate.

December 16th, 2011, 11:59 AM
Great talk headed to tailgate. Hope it's a good game. BEARKATS BY 13!! Then on to Frisco.
#welovebearmeat.bring.com haha PEACE

December 16th, 2011, 12:01 PM
here we go then. hoping for a great game from both teams and a montana victory. GO. GRIZ.

December 16th, 2011, 12:10 PM
I heard Binturong actually smell like popcorn.....GO GRIZ

December 16th, 2011, 12:19 PM
This article is interesting. Supposedly these football players "were involved in a sexual assault," however, there is no police report. How did anyone find out about this in the first place if nothing with the police department has been involved? There's always so many holes in these dang newspaper articles when reporting criminal activity. If this stuff did take place on campus, I'm sure these athletes are freshmen, and it depends on when people found out about this with whether they traveled. I still don't get the lack of a police report though. This does stink a little bit of yellow journalism because of that. They state that date rape drugs were used, but there's no report of that being proven by any medical person nor any police person. Interesting stuff.

Not to be in any offending tone, but we all know about jersey chasers. What football player, especially at a school like UM, would need date rape stuff to get women in their bed? Especially if it happened last weekend; those girls go nuts after a big game, with all the alcohol involved. I lived on a football floor one year there and each guy had a new girl each weekend. Two girls if the athlete was black. These guys must have been really desperate.

Sounds like the alleged victims just talked to detectives yesterday, and I assume there would be reports to follow...

December 16th, 2011, 12:21 PM
Well get your popcorn ready hoss.

December 16th, 2011, 12:25 PM
I'll tell ya what UM fans. Go on YouTube and listen to Jim Rome's mobile radio shout out the SHSU. YOU WON'T LIKE IT.

No one in Griz Nation cares about some biased Houston area sports guy.

December 16th, 2011, 12:28 PM
No one in Griz Nation cares about some biased Houston area sports guy.

Absolutely hilarious that 90% of Bearkat fans seem to think it's actually Rome.

ursus arctos horribilis
December 16th, 2011, 12:33 PM
No one in Griz Nation cares about some biased Houston area sports guy.

I gotta say I care more about him than Jim Rome though.

December 16th, 2011, 12:43 PM
For the twentieth time we all know that is a Jim Rome impersonator from Houston. I watch Jim Rome all the time and I can tell its fake. Plus i have met Jim Rome in the state of Montana on two different occasions and both times he was wearing griz gear. Its a fake, the radio station it aired on in Houston has video of this guy doing other Jim Rome impressions too

Impersonators suck.

NoDak 4 Ever
December 16th, 2011, 12:45 PM
For the twentieth time we all know that is a Jim Rome impersonator from Houston. I watch Jim Rome all the time and I can tell its fake. Plus i have met Jim Rome in the state of Montana on two different occasions and both times he was wearing griz gear. Its a fake, the radio station it aired on in Houston has video of this guy doing other Jim Rome impressions too


December 16th, 2011, 02:17 PM
@ alpha. Listen up boy cause that's how you sound.
1. Texas is the most profitable and the greatest state in the union. Not self proclaimed.
2. Austin is the San Francisco of Texas so you and your friends are prob hardcore left wing homosexuals.
3. Yes in college station no one cares about Sam Houston. Do you know how many FBS schools are in Texas. How many in Montana?
4. Welcome to Texas where everything is bigger including *** whoopins. So leave your throwing fist asking questions at home because u will end up in Huntsville longer than you want to be at Huntsville Memorial. Thanks and eat em up

1. Texas gets more federal money to help it stay in the black than any state in the union. You guys do export more bigotry, homosexualness, and redneckitry than any other state it doesnt bring in a lot of revenue.

2. Austin is a great city but you are right the libs took over the best place in Texas. You stupid rednecks let that happen.

3. Nobody cares about Sam Houston anywhere in Texas, I suspect most of that comes from the fact the guy was a coward and basically let the Alamo happen....which segues me into the fact that you Texas guys cant fight, never have been able to never will. You will witness the latest version of that tonight at 7pm Central time.

4. The only thing bigger in Texas is racists, bigots and loudmouth ******............but you already knew that......and thats why you continue to live there.

The Rape of Huntsville has begun............step aside or get ran the **** over.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk

December 16th, 2011, 03:52 PM
Wow AGI you got a lot to learn pard. While you bad mouth our state. Think of where u live. Montana? Haha please.

December 16th, 2011, 03:53 PM
And like I said we made a sign for you so come walk around tailgate and figure out how bad u are.

December 16th, 2011, 03:59 PM
And like I said we made a sign for you so come walk around tailgate and figure out how bad u are.

Further proof of how lame and classless you guys are.

Maybe you will be lucky and I wont have enough to drink.......even though we are already starting up at the bar as we speak. Your sign may end up in your *** if I can get into the rotation........I hear the line makes Disney land look like a checkout at KMart.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk

December 16th, 2011, 04:27 PM
in official anticipation anxiety phase. time to start drinking.

December 16th, 2011, 05:43 PM
in official anticipation anxiety phase. time to start drinking.

No kidding. Been holding off as long as I could before I started drinking, for I tend to nervous drink. Sip, sip, sip, sip, sip and then the drink is gone in 5 minutes. Next thing I know, the bottle is gone. Gonna have to make my wife hid this one as well.

December 16th, 2011, 06:26 PM
Let's get this game going!


December 16th, 2011, 06:34 PM
Just wanted to stop by last minute and wish Montana and SHSU good luck and I'm looking forward to a good game!

December 16th, 2011, 06:37 PM
this thread is patheticly small. bearmeat is texan for cock roflmao at bnation

December 16th, 2011, 06:42 PM
Go Griz!! Beat the Bearkats!! xsalutex

December 16th, 2011, 06:58 PM
1. Texas gets more federal money to help it stay in the black than any state in the union. You guys do export more bigotry, homosexualness, and redneckitry than any other state it doesnt bring in a lot of revenue.

2. Austin is a great city but you are right the libs took over the best place in Texas. You stupid rednecks let that happen.

3. Nobody cares about Sam Houston anywhere in Texas, I suspect most of that comes from the fact the guy was a coward and basically let the Alamo happen....which segues me into the fact that you Texas guys cant fight, never have been able to never will. You will witness the latest version of that tonight at 7pm Central time.

4. The only thing bigger in Texas is racists, bigots and loudmouth ******............but you already knew that......and thats why you continue to live there.

The Rape of Huntsville has begun............step aside or get ran the **** over.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk

very poor phrasing

December 16th, 2011, 08:26 PM
Where's the rape you Montana ******.

December 16th, 2011, 09:42 PM
Alphagriz, go away. Don't detract from the two schools that are playing, looks like it's getting good.

Dallas Demon
December 16th, 2011, 11:19 PM
Atta Boy. I'll have a beer waiting for you at the tailgate.

See you there! I sent you an email, check your inbox.

December 17th, 2011, 02:40 AM
Hey alpha you stupid F***, don't EVER talk **** about the Alamo. Go F*** yourself!!!!!!!!!!! Like I said in another thread, Montana fans showed anything but class before and after the game, but alpha sucks!

December 17th, 2011, 02:44 AM
Hey alpha you stupid F***, don't EVER talk **** about the Alamo. Go F*** yourself!!!!!!!!!!! Like I said in another thread, Montana fans showed anything but class before and after the game, but alpha sucks!

Not that I'm sticking up for AG1 here but... looks like SHSU has their own profanity-laden classless fans willing to defecate down their own mother's throats and masturbate to their own delusions. Poor form, and I'm certain SHSU fans are not of the same ilk as "Sambow" here, just as most griz fans aren't like AG1.

December 17th, 2011, 02:50 AM
Not that I'm sticking up for AG1 here but... looks like SHSU has their own profanity-laden classless fans willing to defecate down their own mother's throats and masturbate to their own delusions. Poor form, and I'm certain SHSU fans are not of the same ilk as "Sambow" here, just as most griz fans aren't like AG1.

I apologize, I said anything but class when I meant to say NOTHING but class. Montana fans were AWESOME before and after the game. Great team, great fans, and great game. I wish all Montana fans the best. I thought yall had it.

December 17th, 2011, 02:59 AM
Not that I'm sticking up for AG1 here but... looks like SHSU has their own profanity-laden classless fans willing to defecate down their own mother's throats and masturbate to their own delusions. Poor form, and I'm certain SHSU fans are not of the same ilk as "Sambow" here, just as most griz fans aren't like AG1.

Read my posts on the congrats griz page and the 50th page of the shsu montana thread.

December 17th, 2011, 03:15 AM
listen. i watched the griz get worked all night. i watched the comeback fall short. SHSU is an amazin team. props to them. they ripped our hearts out tonight, but they played a stelllar game. congrats to you bearcats. i wish my team was there but theyre not. good luck in the NC game. you deserve the shot. go bearkats.

December 17th, 2011, 03:35 AM
Thanks bMontana played a great game. Never should have been close but they did what a good team does fight till the end. To true Montana fans excluding AGI which most montana fans have shunned. Thank you for the great game and y'all were great fans for the most part. Good luck next year y'all should have quite a team.

December 17th, 2011, 03:50 AM
once again. things didn't go our way first quarter. turnovers suxed. shsu deserved this win. they just scooted by. best of luck to them moving on, they were the best team today. tonight. for the next several months. go shshushushsuuhuhuh.

much respect. but GRIZ BE BACK.

December 17th, 2011, 06:33 AM
Well, perhaps I have more reading to do, since I haven't been that active myself lately

poor guy

December 17th, 2011, 06:44 AM
and next year there will be people saying that the griz suck on the road in the playoffs. we came back from a black hole against a dominating #1 seed in their house and gave them shivers. i hope the "big fluffy" talk is over.

December 17th, 2011, 09:05 AM
and next year there will be people saying that the griz suck on the road in the playoffs. we came back from a black hole against a dominating #1 seed in their house and gave them shivers. i hope the "big fluffy" talk is over.

Probably will be as soon as the "weak Southland" talk subsides.

December 17th, 2011, 09:16 AM
I am not sure this proves the Southland isn't weak. What it proves is Sam Houston is good. Very good. They were beating all the Southland teams a lot worse than they have beat their playoff opponents (less Montana State). Obviously, one great team does not make a great conference. Are we willing to say the WAC was great all those years when Boise was going undefeated and winning major bowl games?

December 17th, 2011, 09:44 AM
once again. things didn't go our way first quarter. turnovers suxed. shsu deserved this win. they just scooted by. best of luck to them moving on, they were the best team today. tonight. for the next several months. go shshushushsuuhuhuh.

much respect. but GRIZ BE BACK.

Man, nice back handed compliment.

December 17th, 2011, 09:46 AM
Further proof of how lame and classless you guys are.

Maybe you will be lucky and I wont have enough to drink.......even though we are already starting up at the bar as we speak. Your sign may end up in your *** if I can get into the rotation........I hear the line makes Disney land look like a checkout at KMart.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk

How does that crow taste???

December 17th, 2011, 11:45 AM
Why would I be eating crow?

We turned the ball over 3 times, we lost the game.

Pretty sure everyone knows who the better team is, we almost got over on SHSU with all the holding and PI. We dont turn the ball over we win this game 100 out of 100 times.

We lost this game, they didnt win it.

December 17th, 2011, 11:47 AM
BTW I want to thank the SHSU fans for proving beyond a shadow of a doubt who the most classless fan base in the nation is. Thanks for the spit, the breaking of personal property and especially the racist comments all week and at the game.

You truly are Texas.

My hat is off too you.

Dallas Demon
December 17th, 2011, 11:51 AM
I am not sure this proves the Southland isn't weak. What it proves is Sam Houston is good. Very good. They were beating all the Southland teams a lot worse than they have beat their playoff opponents (less Montana State). Obviously, one great team does not make a great conference. Are we willing to say the WAC was great all those years when Boise was going undefeated and winning major bowl games?

They've only played 3 playoff games. You can't be selective here. Many of the Southland teams played Sam Houston much closer than Montana St. did. That is significant, Montana St. was no slouch as evidenced by all of the support on this board.

Dallas Demon
December 17th, 2011, 11:56 AM
BTW I want to thank the SHSU fans for proving beyond a shadow of a doubt who the most classless fan base in the nation is. Thanks for the spit, the breaking of personal property and especially the racist comments all week and at the game.

You truly are Texas.

My hat is off too you.

Hope you had a nice visit to the great State of Texas. I feel your bigotry and racist comments are off target, we all get along very nicely here and welcome everyone. Heck, even some of my best friends are white (not that color matters - it doesn't!). I hope you and all Montana fans have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, that is certainly more important in the grand scheme of things.

December 17th, 2011, 11:58 AM
Alpha - just stop. No one can spit on you while you sit in front of your computer in Butte from Texas. And no grown man would just sit there while another fan "breaks" your camera. Your attempt to make SH fans look bad is becoming an EPIC fail. You can always tell the guys who actually played this game...

"...and if we lose, we'll stand by road & cheer as the winners go by."

The men who actually buckled up the chinstraps & threw on the pads can accept a loss - you obviously cannot. Sorry about the Kats RUNNING ALL OVER that "mighty" Griz defense. 287 yds from ONE guy?!?! Wow, Montana State thinks THAT'S crazy!! And nothing but class from the UM fans who were ACTUALLY AT the game. No wonder they don't claim you. Kudos to those in maroon last night. Great game - hope we can do it again next yr.

NoDak 4 Ever
December 17th, 2011, 11:58 AM
BTW I want to thank the SHSU fans for proving beyond a shadow of a doubt who the most classless fan base in the nation is. Thanks for the spit, the breaking of personal property and especially the racist comments all week and at the game.

You truly are Texas.

My hat is off too you.

Let me help you out, Texas....


December 17th, 2011, 12:13 PM
Man, nice back handed compliment.

apologies. i was hammered when i typed that. you guys won fair and square. we had no real chance at stopping y'all until the 3rd quarter, until it was getting late indeed. i think what i meant was that if there were ten minutes added onto the game UM would've taken it. i realize that should've would've could've doesn't matter and that's what losers say, so i'm gonna say it right now because my team lost. again, fantastic game from you guys, put us in too deep of a hole to get out of, but we were rapidly climbing as the game went on. best of luck in the title.

December 17th, 2011, 12:29 PM
Why would I be eating crow?

We turned the ball over 3 times, we lost the game.

Pretty sure everyone knows who the better team is, we almost got over on SHSU with all the holding and PI. We dont turn the ball over we win this game 100 out of 100 times.

We lost this game, they didnt win it.

BTW I want to thank the SHSU fans for proving beyond a shadow of a doubt who the most classless fan base in the nation is. Thanks for the spit, the breaking of personal property and especially the racist comments all week and at the game.

You truly are Texas.

My hat is off too you.

It's truly amazing how delusional and pathological you are...

December 17th, 2011, 12:33 PM
alpha... just let it lie, man. things did not go our way. in my opinion, yes, we were the better team. but we were outplayed. let it lie.

December 17th, 2011, 12:48 PM
alpha... just let it lie, man. things did not go our way. in my opinion, yes, we were the better team. but we were outplayed. let it lie.

Normally I would but these katholes were so arrogant and douchy this week and at the game......I decided to act like a "good" griz fan and blame the refs and field conditions for the loss. I did meet a blind SHSU fan and he was cool he explained to me why Texas is so racist and in his words "40 years behind civilization". I agreed and now I understand the SHSU bigot mentality a little better.

You guys have a Merry Christmas and its ok you came in second. Your young and you do play in the Southland so there is no reason you cant win every conference game again next year.

December 17th, 2011, 12:55 PM
Normally I would but these katholes were so arrogant and douchy this week and at the game......I decided to act like a "good" griz fan and blame the refs and field conditions for the loss. I did meet a blind SHSU fan and he was cool he explained to me why Texas is so racist and in his words "40 years behind civilization". I agreed and now I understand the SHSU bigot mentality a little better.

You guys have a Merry Christmas and its ok you came in second. Your young and you do play in the Southland so there is no reason you cant win every conference game again next year.

What's up with guys like you and Chattown? Got to be bad being such a d*ck.

December 17th, 2011, 12:58 PM
What's up with guys like you and Chattown? Got to be bad being such a d*ck.
Yeah SHSU did nothing to deserve any of it did they...........moron

December 17th, 2011, 01:01 PM
Normally I would but these katholes were so arrogant and douchy this week and at the game......I decided to act like a "good" griz fan and blame the refs and field conditions for the loss. I did meet a blind SHSU fan and he was cool he explained to me why Texas is so racist and in his words "40 years behind civilization". I agreed and now I understand the SHSU bigot mentality a little better.

bigots, spigots, whatever. who cares about their fans. the fans aren't the point of the matter. the point of the matter is that the university of montana got absolutely worked last night, apparently caught unawares by this trizznipple option stuff, and were on our heels for half of the game. yeah, we came back pretty fierce. we never threw in the towel or rolled over. we came close. take pride in that. don't take pride in the fact that you're "not a bigot" or "not a texas fan" or what the **** ever man.

December 17th, 2011, 01:06 PM
bigots, spigots, whatever. who cares about their fans. the fans aren't the point of the matter. the point of the matter is that the university of montana got absolutely worked last night, apparently caught unawares by this trizznipple option stuff, and were on our heels for half of the game. yeah, we came back pretty fierce. we never threw in the towel or rolled over. we came close. take pride in that. don't take pride in the fact that you're "not a bigot" or "not a texas fan" or what the **** ever man.

Yeah its always good to sit back and let the bigots run the world. Its worked out so well so far.

Dude I get what your saying but I know who I am and how I treat people. I dont give a damn what somebody on the internet thinks about a screen name in cyber space. The only people whos opinions matter in life are people I respect and most of he SHSU fans are not respectable. Totally classless before and especially after the game.

December 17th, 2011, 01:12 PM
Glad you were able to judge our fans while watching the game from your basement in Montana. I think Veinup said it best - YOUR GRIZ GOT WORKED!

Go practice playing your flute.

December 17th, 2011, 01:21 PM
Totally classless before and especially after the game.

Damn good job of describing yourself.

December 17th, 2011, 01:23 PM
I was one of the biggest doubters before last night, but boy was I wrong! Congratulations SHSU. I guess the real pretenders were from Montana. Good luck next week.

December 17th, 2011, 01:39 PM
Due to an unfortunate quirk in the rules, points scored in the first quarter count the same as those in the ensuing quarters. So congrats to the Kats. And please forgive us our

Dallas Demon
December 17th, 2011, 01:51 PM
Glad you were able to judge our fans while watching the game from your basement in Montana. I think Veinup said it best - YOUR GRIZ GOT WORKED!

Go practice playing your flute.

I'm sure you are correct, I don't believe anyone actually believes AG1 came to Texas. People are very friendly here - much like Montana, and unless provoked I seriously doubt anyone would have said anything bad to a single fan from Montana. It's sad that some folks hide behind monikers to spread their beliefs and/or have a sole mission of causing havoc and getting attention.

December 17th, 2011, 01:52 PM
What's up with guys like you and Chattown? Got to be bad being such a d*ck.

They are just Griz fans... d*cks to the end. At least the ones I've read on this board.

Good to see it's not a myth. Montana loses again on the road against a ranked opponent.

December 17th, 2011, 01:55 PM
Due to an unfortunate quirk in the rules, points scored in the first quarter count the same as those in the ensuing quarters. So congrats to the Kats. And please forgive us our

Funny and welcome. Glad to see someone has proven me wrong on my previous post.

December 17th, 2011, 02:00 PM
They are just Griz fans... d*cks to the end. At least the ones I've read on this board.

Good to see it's not a myth. Montana loses again on the road against a ranked opponent.

So did UNI. 48-10, dick.

December 17th, 2011, 02:12 PM
I was one of the biggest doubters before last night, but boy was I wrong! Congratulations SHSU. I guess the real pretenders were from Montana. Good luck next week.

really? You people bash Alpha for being a dick and a lot of you post crap like this and fall in line behind him. Holding the #1 team in the nation to 3 points in the 2nd half and fighting back from being 21 down is being a pretender? None of you have a clue - Montana was the underdog on the road, as are most teams in the playoffs. The Griz did not rollover and die like they could have and had a chance in the end.

ursus arctos horribilis
December 17th, 2011, 02:24 PM
Great game. The Bearkats put it on us good and we didn't have enough to pull it back out...or more that the Bearkats did have enough in the tank to put the final dagger in. A great team, a great game, we just couldn't make it happen. SHSU's offense was a real thing of beauty if you aren't a Griz fan. Congrats on getting to that first NC game SHSU and I am damn sure that the NC game is gonna be great for the fans and great for the TV audience because no matter which team wins today it's gonna be incredible football to watch.

I can also sum up my feelings on the game with this clip.


December 17th, 2011, 02:44 PM
really? You people bash Alpha for being a dick and a lot of you post crap like this and fall in line behind him. Holding the #1 team in the nation to 3 points in the 2nd half and fighting back from being 21 down is being a pretender? None of you have a clue - Montana was the underdog on the road, as are most teams in the playoffs. The Griz did not rollover and die like they could have and had a chance in the end.

completely agree with this post. yeah, we got beat. a particularly tough beating in the first half. but we fought until the end and made a game of it. SHSU can't say they rocked the griz in any way. it was a three point game. a three ****ing point game. this was no runaway for the bearkats. montana deserved their seed and they deserve respect.

December 17th, 2011, 02:54 PM
Listening to ESPN radio all morning when they would do scores all they talked about was the Whitewater game. Nothing on the Sam/Griz game
You would never know there was a game

December 17th, 2011, 03:23 PM
congrats to the Kats on a great game, to the winner goes the spoils. good luck in the FCS NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP game!

as for much of this thread, well...


December 17th, 2011, 04:54 PM
really? You people bash Alpha for being a dick and a lot of you post crap like this and fall in line behind him. Holding the #1 team in the nation to 3 points in the 2nd half and fighting back from being 21 down is being a pretender? None of you have a clue - Montana was the underdog on the road, as are most teams in the playoffs. The Griz did not rollover and die like they could have and had a chance in the end.

You're right, they did man up in the second half and deserve respect for that. I guess my post was tainted by all the pre-game trash talk about Montana winning big. On their final drive though, they couldn't get it done, and I have no doubt that SHSU could've run it in for another score on their last possession. I think they were clearly the better team yesterday. What amazed me was their depth, last week SHSU ran for 428 yards, and Flanders only had 38.

December 19th, 2011, 07:19 PM
I cannot wait for tomorrows game to approach, so SHSU fans can STFU!!!!!!!!!!!!

You didn't forget about our bet did you? I have noticed that you haven't had much to say since the game.

December 19th, 2011, 07:44 PM
You didn't forget about our bet did you? I have noticed that you haven't had much to say since the game.

No. I didnt.. Shoot me an IM of what ya have for mexthumbsupx

December 19th, 2011, 11:32 PM
Yeah SHSU did nothing to deserve any of it did they...........moron

Alpha, you are delusional my friend. Not one Montana fan has backed you this entire thread. Those that have early have already flopped on you and asked you to quit talking. Your team fought hard and for the fans that actually came. Since we know you didn't, were great. By the way we had the sign up for you to come by and have a beer. Of course u didn't show. How was the commentating from Texas great Andre Ware. Since you watched it from your house.

December 19th, 2011, 11:37 PM
I dont miss Griz games. I am always live and I would never miss a chance to visit my buddies in Texas.......which is why I may come back in a few weeks and watch NDSU beat the bearKunts. As for your beer offer you didnt have a sign or you were not where you said you would be. You are a fraud and we all know it.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk