View Full Version : FCS party schools
December 8th, 2011, 09:19 AM
This got me thinking. What are the biggest party schools in the FCS? Outside of the southeast I'm pretty ignorant. What's your list? Just to name a few in no particular order: App, JMU, GaSo, CCU
Anyone want to try a top ten list?
December 8th, 2011, 09:25 AM
I can confidently nominate Towson for top ten consideration.
December 8th, 2011, 09:30 AM
UND generally gets ranked pretty highly I think so I will toss their name in the hat.
December 8th, 2011, 09:31 AM
I wish I could nominate Lehigh but Playboy , a few years back, moved us into professional status therefore ineligible to compete with the amateur party schoolsxrolleyesx
December 8th, 2011, 09:32 AM
Texas State is still trying to shake their party school image from the old SWT's days. They are no longer FCS though.
December 8th, 2011, 09:33 AM
How is App a party school over any other normal school? To me, the stereotype of a pot smoking, hippy school has faded over the last couple decades. I don't really think App parties more than any other school. I would think Cullowhee ranks higher than ASU (such a weird sentence to write).
December 8th, 2011, 09:34 AM
I wish I could nominate Lehigh but Playboy , a few years back, moved us into professional status therefore ineligible to compete with the amateur party schoolsxrolleyesx
Did Playboy throw a party at Lehigh?
December 8th, 2011, 09:34 AM
SFA gets lumped in there..but they toned it down
Even though they are now FBS, Texas State reigns over all.
December 8th, 2011, 09:41 AM
If we won more football games we would be some where in the top 10 I think.
December 8th, 2011, 09:41 AM
SFA gets lumped in there..but they toned it down
Even though they are now FBS, Texas State reigns over all.
It is hard not to party when you are in San Marcos. I know I can't be in that town for more than 30 minutes without having a beer in my hand and my feet in the river.
December 8th, 2011, 09:42 AM
UND generally gets ranked pretty highly I think so I will toss their name in the hat.
I agree with that.
December 8th, 2011, 09:47 AM
How is App a party school over any other normal school? To me, the stereotype of a pot smoking, hippy school has faded over the last couple decades. I don't really think App parties more than any other school. I would think Cullowhee ranks higher than ASU (such a weird sentence to write).
How long ago did you graduate? I'm graduating next Sunday. During my 4.5 year tenure, I have experienced some outrageous things. Of course, the 2007 football season was a good period to live in Boone. The bar scene has also exploded during my time here. This may come as a shocker to a lot of older App fans, but Klondike is not a very popular bar anymore. It's basically 100% frat tools. The real bars are on King and Howard St. Char has become a Night at the Roxbury kind of place and people hop from Char to Paulucci's, Portifino, Boone Saloon Tap Room and Town Tavern ect. There are 11 college bars within a mile of campus. We have liquor by the drink now ect.
As far as the party scene goes, since my freshman year in 2007, it's always been the real deal. I've been to UGA, ECU, NCSU, UNC, UNCC, USC, and Western and I've never seen parties the size and craziness as in Boone (aside from the big pool parties they have at ECU and State, those I'm jealous of). We still have a ways to go to get King St to the status of Hillsboro St (Raleigh) or five points (Columbia), but I can definitely see us ranking up there in a top party school list.
Here's what happend last year on King St. Fast forward to 2:30
December 8th, 2011, 10:00 AM
This is a joke! JMU hands down. no doubt about it.
Proof (and these were released a few days ago):
6th Hottest girls in the country:
8th most raging party school in the country:
so ... combine the hottest girls with the most raging party scene AND our 61/39 girl to guy ratio ... why would you want to go anywhere else (our academics and athletics are damn good too)
SideLine Shooter
December 8th, 2011, 10:32 AM
This is a joke! JMU hands down. no doubt about it.
Proof (and these were released a few days ago):
6th Hottest girls in the country:
8th most raging party school in the country:
so ... combine the hottest girls with the most raging party scene AND our 61/39 girl to guy ratio ... why would you want to go anywhere else (our academics and athletics are damn good too)
Last time I checked JMU was not in North Carolina.
December 8th, 2011, 10:39 AM
This is a joke! JMU hands down. no doubt about it.
Proof (and these were released a few days ago):
6th Hottest girls in the country:
8th most raging party school in the country:
so ... combine the hottest girls with the most raging party scene AND our 61/39 girl to guy ratio ... why would you want to go anywhere else (our academics and athletics are damn good too)
Way to pick a random survey off the internet. For those that dont look: Abilene Christian and Rollins Park are 1 and 2, with James Madison getting just passed by Franciscan Steubenville. Talk about a joke!
December 8th, 2011, 11:36 AM
Way to pick a random survey off the internet. For those that dont look: Abilene Christian and Rollins Park are 1 and 2, with James Madison getting just passed by Franciscan Steubenville. Talk about a joke!
When I didn't see Arizona State anywhere on the list, I thought the same thing.
December 8th, 2011, 11:40 AM
UND...hell they might be they top.
December 8th, 2011, 11:46 AM
18. University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, N.D
This list done in 2009 has mostly FBS schools so take them away and UND is the #1 FCS school.
December 8th, 2011, 11:49 AM
When I didn't see Arizona State anywhere on the list, I thought the same thing.
I've never seen more traffic-stopping poon in one place.
December 8th, 2011, 11:51 AM
How long ago did you graduate? I'm graduating next Sunday. During my 4.5 year tenure, I have experienced some outrageous things. Of course, the 2007 football season was a good period to live in Boone. The bar scene has also exploded during my time here. This may come as a shocker to a lot of older App fans, but Klondike is not a very popular bar anymore. It's basically 100% frat tools. The real bars are on King and Howard St. Char has become a Night at the Roxbury kind of place and people hop from Char to Paulucci's, Portifino, Boone Saloon Tap Room and Town Tavern ect. There are 11 college bars within a mile of campus. We have liquor by the drink now ect.
As far as the party scene goes, since my freshman year in 2007, it's always been the real deal. I've been to UGA, ECU, NCSU, UNC, UNCC, USC, and Western and I've never seen parties the size and craziness as in Boone (aside from the big pool parties they have at ECU and State, those I'm jealous of). We still have a ways to go to get King St to the status of Hillsboro St (Raleigh) or five points (Columbia), but I can definitely see us ranking up there in a top party school list.
Hillsboro street blows. It may have been something once but it's terrible now. Just as likely to get shot as have a shot. I think downtown Raleigh, Glenwood is where those folks go.
Bogus Megapardus
December 8th, 2011, 11:53 AM
"At least 44 from Lehigh U. rave party taken to hospitals for drugs and alcohol -
Incident is being called 'mass casualty' event that burdened emergency responders."
Those Squawkers can't do anything right.
SideLine Shooter
December 8th, 2011, 11:58 AM
18. University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, N.D
This list done in 2009 has mostly FBS schools so take them away and UND is the #1 FCS school.
Congrats, That is heavy!!!
December 8th, 2011, 11:59 AM
Personally, the smaller surveys like that are the best. JMU did make one of the first playboy party lists though (at #24 or something) but recently they've only been doing top 10. But these rankings almost always feature the huge, 45k schools like Texas, ASU, Ohio State. Those are all worthy, I'm sure, but an idiot could make up those lists. The ones that feature smaller schools are nice cause you know they actually look at more than "WOW THIS SCHOOL IS HUGE AND HAS GREAT SPORTS AND LOVES DRINKING WOOO #1"
December 8th, 2011, 12:05 PM
App would be a great party school but the cops always seem to be a problem.
December 8th, 2011, 12:07 PM
It is hard not to party when you are in San Marcos. I know I can't be in that town for more than 30 minutes without having a beer in my hand and my feet in the river.
No Joke..I actually was accepted for my masters in Geography there (they have one of the best masters programs in the state for it) and I decided not to go due to the fact that I knew..from about April to October I'd be focusing solely on beer and the river
December 8th, 2011, 12:19 PM
Ive seen UND ranked #3 party school in the USA. This goes back to maybe 2007.
December 8th, 2011, 12:20 PM
Nobody has nominated Liberty. Interesting.
Bogus Megapardus
December 8th, 2011, 12:20 PM
The definitive, and time-honored original list, from "The Official Preppy Handbook," by Lisa Birnbach.
With apologies to The College of the Holy Cross, of course.
December 8th, 2011, 12:54 PM
SWT is still the king. But did anyone notice the SAT's at HC versus Duke or Carolina... before it dropped "down" ?
December 8th, 2011, 12:59 PM
No FCS schools on the 2012 Princeton Review party school top 20 (non-football Vermont, and D-III DePauw are on the list). But that's a totally non-scientific survey of almost no value.
Albany was #1 as late as 2004, but I never believed it.
New Hampshire was in the top 10 for most of the last decade.
December 8th, 2011, 01:02 PM
If binge drinking and not studying are good proxies for being a party school, und wins in a landslide. Of course, we also have way more guys than girls here, and people have a habit of settling down early.
December 8th, 2011, 01:13 PM
Hillsboro street blows. It may have been something once but it's terrible now. Just as likely to get shot as have a shot. I think downtown Raleigh, Glenwood is where those folks go.
Fayetteville St is pretty fun
December 8th, 2011, 01:18 PM
Did Playboy throw a party at Lehigh?
As a matter of fact they did
December 8th, 2011, 01:36 PM
App would be a great party school but the cops always seem to be a problem.
Watch out for ALE if you're under at the tailgate. Cops aren't bad at all here. We've had 10+ keggers this semester. The Cops only came once and asked us to keep the music down and the people inside. No tickets, not even asking everyone to leave. If you're speeding on River St, you might have a problem though. It's 25 and they give tickets for 26.
December 8th, 2011, 02:07 PM
I bet St. Cloud State, even though it is not an FCS school, would top ALMOST every FCS school out there... They have NDSU beat handidly. I have never seen a college student rolling a keg ON THE STREET to their house until I have been down there... :/
Also, they have way more then just 10 keggers at SCSU... Hell, even NDSU has way more than that...
December 8th, 2011, 02:13 PM
I meant we had 10+ parties, each having a keg. Been to a few that had 8-10.
December 8th, 2011, 02:18 PM
Lehigh, circa 1989:
I'm with 4 pledge brothers rolling 2 kegs down the hill (a road on campus) from one fraternity to another. My house ran out and was borrowing two kegs. Campus police drive by, and ask the 5 of us what we are doing. I reply with the story I just wrote, and the police officer says " Be careful. Those kegs can get really heavy rolling downhill." With that, he drove off.
Ahh, the good old days.....
December 8th, 2011, 02:19 PM
I meant we had 10+ parties, each having a keg. Been to a few that had 8-10.
Oh, you yourself had 10+ parties. That is reputable. Last year, my roommate and I had at LEAST 20+ parties in our apartment, which was on campus, and each party had at least 40+ people in it (that is a TON for an apartment). Niskanen expansion was BUMPIN'! NDSU is a dry campus, but we made her wet. By the sounds of it, I would guess ASU and NDSU is probably about the same, but I am still going to say that SCSU blows a ton of FCS colleges out of the water...
December 8th, 2011, 02:32 PM
"At least 44 from Lehigh U. rave party taken to hospitals for drugs and alcohol -
Incident is being called 'mass casualty' event that burdened emergency responders."
Those Squawkers can't do anything right.
I was cursed with multiple friends in Leopardville, so I occasionally had to partake of the fourth-rate nightlife at Lafayette. It really is a cute little college you have there. All the quaintness of a boarding school, but none of that Joie de vivre or intimidating vocabularies. Kind of a short bus Phillips-Exeter.
December 8th, 2011, 02:44 PM
These threads are worthless without pics!!!!!!!
December 8th, 2011, 02:45 PM
Lehigh, circa 1989:
I'm with 4 pledge brothers rolling 2 kegs down the hill (a road on campus) from one fraternity to another. My house ran out and was borrowing two kegs. Campus police drive by, and ask the 5 of us what we are doing. I reply with the story I just wrote, and the police officer says " Be careful. Those kegs can get really heavy rolling downhill." With that, he drove off.
Ahh, the good old days.....
These pikers have no idea what a party school is, do they? They all throw ping pong balls into cups of beer now, but they know not where the game came from.
December 8th, 2011, 04:01 PM
These pikers have no idea what a party school is, do they? They all throw ping pong balls into cups of beer now, but they know not where the game came from.
Kegs have been banned at UND for 20 years now, after TKE made a 20 foot high keg pyramid in its front lawn.
When I started school in '04 you would play 28 cup full cup w/ 3-4 players, maybe 2 games a night then do other stuff. Now days, they play 10 cup with 2 oz of beer in the bottom, 3 to a team, aka highschool rules, and that's all they do. Sometimes they just put water in the cups and take a sip out of their side beer when someone makes a cup. Kids these days.
December 8th, 2011, 04:23 PM
From what I've heard, ECU is a much bigger party school then App....
December 8th, 2011, 04:32 PM
Another random internet list (
Decent amount of FCS schools on there, including my own WIU at #36, probably in no small part due to the Wheeler Block Party (
December 8th, 2011, 05:06 PM
Another random internet list (
Decent amount of FCS schools on there, including my own WIU at #36, probably in no small part due to the Wheeler Block Party (
I like the fact that NDSU is #13 on this list, but if NDSU made this list, I have no idea how the heck St. Cloud State University isn't on this list. I go to school at NDSU but I would say WAYYY more happens at SCSU than at NDSU.... and SCSU is bigger.
Bogus Megapardus
December 8th, 2011, 06:22 PM
These pikers have no idea what a party school is, do they? They all throw ping pong balls into cups of beer now, but they know not where the game came from.
This shocks me, to be honest. Traditional Beer pong is supposed to be played in a fraternity basement, with paddles and a net. One 14-oz plastic cup of beer goes in each corner. The game took actual skill. Touching the ball would get you thrown out, or relegated to a game of Zoom-Schwartz-Profigliano.
I have no idea where the concept of throwing the came from, but it's idiotic.
EDIT - Uh-oh . . . . according to Wikipedia, "Bucknell University's student-run newspaper, The Bucknellian, claims Delta Upsilon fraternity members at Bucknell created "Throw Pong", a game very similar to beer pong, during the 1970s. "Throw Pong" was then brought to Lehigh University by fraternity brothers who visited Bucknell, and this led to the creation of the version of beer pong that is played today."
By the mid-1980s Pong was well established at several universities, including Bowdoin College, Lehigh University, Lafayette College, Princeton University, Whitman College, and Williams College. Bucknell's version of pong, by the early 1980s, was different than those at other schools, though it was influential in the evolution of Beirut.
December 8th, 2011, 07:03 PM
I like the fact that NDSU is #13 on this list, but if NDSU made this list, I have no idea how the heck St. Cloud State University isn't on this list. I go to school at NDSU but I would say WAYYY more happens at SCSU than at NDSU.... and SCSU is bigger.
SCSU is the only campus I've ever driven thru where I've seen guys and girls wrestle each other and make out on the curb in front of couches set up on the street with students swigging down cases of Busch Light in front of their dorm buildings.
December 8th, 2011, 07:27 PM
When they say party schools do they mean Frats/House parties? Or do they mean Frats/House/Bars?
December 8th, 2011, 07:34 PM
Let's not forget Princeton.
December 8th, 2011, 11:43 PM
GSU would be around the top of the list.
December 8th, 2011, 11:45 PM
SCSU is the only campus I've ever driven thru where I've seen guys and girls wrestle each other and make out on the curb in front of couches set up on the street with students swigging down cases of Busch Light in front of their dorm buildings.
Like I said. I've seen students rolling kegs down the street to their houses there...
December 8th, 2011, 11:47 PM
We stack up very poorly to you all. It makes me jealous reading some of thesexsmhx
Go Lehigh TU Owl
December 8th, 2011, 11:51 PM
We stack up very poorly to you all. It makes me jealous reading some of thesexsmhx
Philly Schools aren't exactly known for their partying. Penn is probably the best.
December 8th, 2011, 11:52 PM
To me, the stereotype of a pot smoking, hippy school has faded over the last couple decades.
Now it's the pot-smoking malcontents with daddy's money. xnodx
December 8th, 2011, 11:53 PM
Philly Schools aren't exactly known for their partying. Penn is probably the best.
Nailed it there. A good portion of the student body hops on the R5 every Th,F,Sat to head in for Penn parties. Personally I stick to the off campus once, once you get out of Radnor Township they get better.
December 9th, 2011, 06:50 AM
This shocks me, to be honest. Traditional Beer pong is supposed to be played in a fraternity basement, with paddles and a net. One 14-oz plastic cup of beer goes in each corner. The game took actual skill. Touching the ball would get you thrown out, or relegated to a game of Zoom-Schwartz-Profigliano.
I have no idea where the concept of throwing the came from, but it's idiotic.
EDIT - Uh-oh . . . . according to Wikipedia, "Bucknell University's student-run newspaper, The Bucknellian, claims Delta Upsilon fraternity members at Bucknell created "Throw Pong", a game very similar to beer pong, during the 1970s. "Throw Pong" was then brought to Lehigh University by fraternity brothers who visited Bucknell, and this led to the creation of the version of beer pong that is played today."
By the mid-1980s Pong was well established at several universities, including Bowdoin College, Lehigh University, Lafayette College, Princeton University, Whitman College, and Williams College. Bucknell's version of pong, by the early 1980s, was different than those at other schools, though it was influential in the evolution of Beirut.
That's kind of a silly article. And I actually agree. The civilized sort of beer pong with paddles popularized at Dartmouth is better than doing likewise by simply throwing. Something as pedestrian as throwing ping pong balls into beer cups has probably been around as long as there have been ping pong balls.
What Lehigh is responsible for is popularizing is Beirut - a highly-frenzied game which involved forty half-filled cups of beer (20 on each side) and people drinking so damned much in a short period of time that you had to place a large garbage can close to the action for anyone who felt the overwhelming need to vomit. It could get brutal because if your team lost, you had to drink whatever beers were left on the other side of the table. This is how people in my fraternity pre-gamed before going out!
December 9th, 2011, 08:34 AM
When I was at App, the drinking games that we played were Anchorman, Chandelier, 100 shots in a 100 minutes(beer), plain ole quarters, etc
December 9th, 2011, 12:27 PM
When I was at App, the drinking games that we played were Anchorman, Chandelier, 100 shots in a 100 minutes(beer), plain ole quarters, etc
Century Club is a cruel mistress.
December 9th, 2011, 12:34 PM
I'm surprised nobody has brought up McNeese. I heard they tailgate for DAYS!
December 9th, 2011, 12:48 PM
Like I said. I've seen students rolling kegs down the street to their houses there...
Around here we call that a "Wednesday".
December 9th, 2011, 01:31 PM
Another random internet list (
Decent amount of FCS schools on there, including my own WIU at #36, probably in no small part due to the Wheeler Block Party (
Some props for EKU in this one. Richmond, KY "that is" WAS a great party town until 1st Street was demolished and corporate watering holes arrived to kill the scene!
Redbird Ray
December 9th, 2011, 02:58 PM
I would say Illinois State is the best party school in Illinois. Hot bizzos, tons of parties every night, and 1 in 6 students has an STD. Any list that has UofI or any private school on it is total BS. Dumb kids at state colleges party harder than smart kids at private schools. This is a fact.
Some vids of ISU parties:
I don't really like this video, but it shows that even the nerdy kids at ISU still party pretty ok. Most ISU students are not nearly this driven.
Random party, probably a tuesday.
These brawds are ok.
Riot after Cubs win a single playoff series from 2003. Not a Cub fan, but this was pretty cool. My friend got pepper sprayed by the Normal police that night.
Some mud wrestling.
December 9th, 2011, 03:01 PM
Any school that needs DJ equipment to party is not a party school. Sorry ray.
All you need to party is a blow torch and some absinthe.
December 9th, 2011, 03:02 PM
You put thousands of college aged students in a small town great for a small population, then partying is bound to big a big issue.
December 9th, 2011, 05:06 PM
cant believe Delaware hasnt been mentioned yet. Huge Party school, hot girls from all over the northeast and good football. :)
Reaction to Osama Death - great video. must watch
crazy Barstool Blackout tour.
December 9th, 2011, 05:33 PM
MSU was named Playboy's Best "Out of the way Party School" earlier this year.
Redbird Ray
December 9th, 2011, 05:58 PM
Any school that needs DJ equipment to party is not a party school. Sorry ray.
All you need to party is a blow torch and some absinthe.
and dumb, drunk brawds.
December 9th, 2011, 06:22 PM
Some vids of ISU parties:
Gayest video ever. xlolxxlolxxrotatehx
December 9th, 2011, 10:05 PM
Bogus....I haven't thought of the drinking game "Zoom, Schwartz, Profigliano" in forever....thanks for stirring those still fuzzy memories. I'm trying to remember the rules now.
Thanks also for posting the the "Top Ten Drinking Schools" from the Preppy of the great achievements for Holy Cross in the 20th Century...up there with the NCAA and NIT titles and College World Series Championship.
Sadly, much like our athletic deemphasis over the last three decades, I don't think we stand up in the drinking/party arena anymore either.
December 9th, 2011, 10:16 PM
Most bias thread ever.
December 10th, 2011, 07:54 AM
idk if druggiest = partiest, but 5 FCS schools made the top 30.
3. Dartmouth
4. Bryant
16. Rhode Island
19. New Hampshire
20. Montana
Redbird Ray
December 10th, 2011, 09:22 AM
Gayest video ever. xlolxxlolxxrotatehx
Agreed. xlolx
December 10th, 2011, 09:52 AM
How is App a party school over any other normal school? To me, the stereotype of a pot smoking, hippy school has faded over the last couple decades. I don't really think App parties more than any other school. I would think Cullowhee ranks higher than ASU (such a weird sentence to write).
After that offensive display last Saturday in Boone, I'm thinking it is going to be a Hangin Party at the school. We gotta get a new offensive co-ordinator.........where's Scott Satterfield?
December 12th, 2011, 09:57 AM
Where else can you major in beer?
This video is a little old. The major exists now.
Go Lehigh TU Owl
December 12th, 2011, 10:49 AM
The Ivy League schools are pretty good. Cornell is awesome, Princeton and Penn compete well too. I have to believe a weekend at Dartmouth could be fun.
I have no idea what to think of Columbia. I can't see it being too rowdy that's for sure. I've never figured out what type of prospective IL student CU appeals to.
December 12th, 2011, 11:03 AM
Where else can you major in beer?
This video is a little old. The major exists now.
"Educational brewery" I like that :D
How do I transfer? screw engineering
December 12th, 2011, 12:46 PM
This shocks me, to be honest. Traditional Beer pong is supposed to be played in a fraternity basement, with paddles and a net. One 14-oz plastic cup of beer goes in each corner. The game took actual skill. Touching the ball would get you thrown out, or relegated to a game of Zoom-Schwartz-Profigliano.
I have no idea where the concept of throwing the came from, but it's idiotic.
EDIT - Uh-oh . . . . according to Wikipedia, "Bucknell University's student-run newspaper, The Bucknellian, claims Delta Upsilon fraternity members at Bucknell created "Throw Pong", a game very similar to beer pong, during the 1970s. "Throw Pong" was then brought to Lehigh University by fraternity brothers who visited Bucknell, and this led to the creation of the version of beer pong that is played today."
By the mid-1980s Pong was well established at several universities, including Bowdoin College, Lehigh University, Lafayette College, Princeton University, Whitman College, and Williams College. Bucknell's version of pong, by the early 1980s, was different than those at other schools, though it was influential in the evolution of Beirut.
"Beer Pong"? "Beer Pong"! I know the throwing game as "Beirut".
December 12th, 2011, 12:49 PM
Century Club is a cruel mistress.
"Century Club" sounds like "Power Hour" but longer
December 12th, 2011, 12:56 PM
I have no idea what to think of Columbia. I can't see it being too rowdy that's for sure. I've never figured out what type of prospective IL student CU appeals to.
My brother goes to Columbia. They have some Greek houses in brownstones on 114th, but it has a limited impact on the social scene, unlike schools like Lehigh. Columbia is full of diligent kids who tend to keep their noses in the books. Not rowdy by most standards. Completely different atmosphere than UPenn.
December 12th, 2011, 01:14 PM
This shocks me, to be honest. Traditional Beer pong is supposed to be played in a fraternity basement, with paddles and a net. One 14-oz plastic cup of beer goes in each corner. The game took actual skill. Touching the ball would get you thrown out, or relegated to a game of Zoom-Schwartz-Profigliano.
I have no idea where the concept of throwing the came from, but it's idiotic EDIT - Uh-oh . . . . according to Wikipedia, "Bucknell University's student-run newspaper, The Bucknellian, claims Delta Upsilon fraternity members at Bucknell created "Throw Pong", a game very similar to beer pong, during the 1970s. "Throw Pong" was then brought to Lehigh University by fraternity brothers who visited Bucknell, and this led to the creation of the version of beer pong that is played today."
By the mid-1980s Pong was well established at several universities, including Bowdoin College, Lehigh University, Lafayette College, Princeton University, Whitman College, and Williams College. Bucknell's version of pong, by the early 1980s, was different than those at other schools, though it was influential in the evolution of Beirut.
Some quibble about Bucknell's part in this but alas truth is forever lost in the haze of cigarettes and beer. I do know that in 1972 I took a break from my post Bar exam job search to go down to LU for the weekend. Recall numerous Whales' Tales and Zoom bouts as weel as a new game with ping pong balls and enormous quantities of beer
December 12th, 2011, 03:42 PM
This thread is worthless without pics!!
Franks Tanks
December 12th, 2011, 03:46 PM
"Beer Pong"? "Beer Pong"! I know the throwing game as "Beirut".
That is true.
Beer Pong is the greatest activity ever invented. Beirut is what the girls play.
Beer Pong in the frat house basement is still the best. We would play for hours, and keep playing when the party started. The girls would often get upset because they were all dressed up, and half of the brothers were wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt with ketchup stains. The good old days!
December 12th, 2011, 04:21 PM
"Century Club" sounds like "Power Hour" but longer
It is the same. Someone said " Hey of we can do 60, why not 100". I'm not as think you drunk I am ocifer.
December 12th, 2011, 04:41 PM
Alright alright. Here comes a generational beer pong debate.
The game that involves two pairs of players throwing the ball in the triangular racks of 6 or 10 cups may be called by the same name you called another, but don't devalue modern beer pong. Beer pong (as I have just described) is one of the most epic drinking activities of all time. In the modern college party scene, beer pong has evolved into a drinking sport, separate from other, lesser, drinking games. Depending on your personality, entire nights of partying evolve into competitive beer pong-centered sporting events. Some people (my self sometimes included) enter a party with the same competitive game face they would if they were about to take a football field or basketball court. No other drinking game in history has swept the world the way modern beer pong has. Not even the ancient games played by the "animal-house" generation.
Franks Tanks
December 12th, 2011, 06:20 PM
Alright alright. Here comes a generational beer pong debate.
The game that involves two pairs of players throwing the ball in the triangular racks of 6 or 10 cups may be called by the same name you called another, but don't devalue modern beer pong. Beer pong (as I have just described) is one of the most epic drinking activities of all time. In the modern college party scene, beer pong has evolved into a drinking sport, separate from other, lesser, drinking games. Depending on your personality, entire nights of partying evolve into competitive beer pong-centered sporting events. Some people (my self sometimes included) enter a party with the same competitive game face they would if they were about to take a football field or basketball court. No other drinking game in history has swept the world the way modern beer pong has. Not even the ancient games played by the "animal-house" generation.
No doubt true, but your version of beer pong is much less fun than the original version of beer pong. The true beer pong takes much more skill, and requires that the players drink more beer. When playing against a skilled team it is not uncommon to be required to drink 10-14 beers during a game.
December 13th, 2011, 06:31 AM
Let's not forget Princeton.
Are you kidding? Dartmouth parties make Princeton's look like receptions for novitiate nuns.
December 13th, 2011, 07:30 AM
Delaware was a renowned party school in the 80s, but things got a bit out of hand by the early 90s and the University began an extensive campaign to curb binge drinking. Delaware was selected by something called the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation in 1995 as a test case, and the University received gobs of grant money to be the model for how to get a school to stop drinking so damn much.
I'm glad I graduated in 1993!
December 13th, 2011, 07:46 AM
Delaware was a renowned party school in the 80s, but things got a bit out of hand by the early 90s and the University began an extensive campaign to curb binge drinking. Delaware was selected by something called the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation in 1995 as a test case, and the University received gobs of grant money to be the model for how to get a school to stop drinking so damn much.
I'm glad I graduated in 1993!
1993!?! Holy *****, I'm glad I'm not as old as you!
December 13th, 2011, 10:07 AM
Delaware was a renowned party school in the 80s, but things got a bit out of hand by the early 90s and the University began an extensive campaign to curb binge drinking. Delaware was selected by something called the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation in 1995 as a test case, and the University received gobs of grant money to be the model for how to get a school to stop drinking so damn much.
I'm glad I graduated in 1993!
It looks like Lehigh was given some of that grant money (Gettysburg Times via AP):,894355
The only private school to receive such a grant.
December 13th, 2011, 10:34 AM
Shame it doesn't happen anymore, everything I've heard about the Aber Day kegger makes it sound pretty awesome.
December 13th, 2011, 11:18 AM
1993!?! Holy *****, I'm glad I'm not as old as you!
Just because you failed a year at Towson doesn't make me older than you.
December 13th, 2011, 11:20 AM
It looks like Lehigh was given some of that grant money (Gettysburg Times via AP):,894355
The only private school to receive such a grant.
So there you have it. The schools identified as having a serious drinking problem were: Lehigh, Delaware, Vermont, Colorado, Wisconsin, and Iowa.
I'm not sure how the money worked out for the other schools, but I do believe UD is now much tamer than when I attended. I know that a lot of fraternities are gone, or at least homeless, they banned kegs from football tailgates a very long time ago, and they've generally done a great job of trying to make going to football games not fun for students.
Hip, hip, hooray. xthumbsdownx
December 15th, 2011, 06:22 PM
December 15th, 2011, 06:27 PM
Slap-a-Hoe is that new up and coming drinking game.
December 15th, 2011, 06:41 PM
I didnt see any party in Boone town, just a crappy attempt at rapping in mom's hand-me-down grand cherokee or in front of an empty (big party therexconfusedx) KBS.
December 15th, 2011, 08:14 PM
URI has been one.
It has contributed to problems with the FB team.
Seven Would Be Nice
December 16th, 2011, 07:31 AM
Way to pick a random survey off the internet. For those that dont look: Abilene Christian and Rollins Park are 1 and 2, with James Madison getting just passed by Franciscan Steubenville. Talk about a joke!
I knew several people that went there. If you drank, you were pretty much an outcast.
NoDak 4 Ever
December 16th, 2011, 07:41 AM
Just in case nobody has mentioned it before South Dakota State is pretty nuts. I went there for a year and there is NOTHING to do in Brookings except study and drink. Main street on a Friday night, you would not think you are in a town of only 30,000 people. You don't so much bar hop as bar crawl, good news is Skinners/Jims/The Ram are all very close to one another.
Bonus Points? George's Pizza has a take out window for slices between stops. Helps soak up the alcohol. That whole area is built for binge drinking.
Seven Would Be Nice
December 16th, 2011, 07:41 AM
Beer pong table I built while in school with about half the bottles of rum from my senior year.
The giant Captian picture is made up of 120 sheets of computer paper and taped up on my apartment wall.
December 16th, 2011, 09:04 AM
Very impressive table! I do think there's not enough slots for more cups - but I guess I was used to the Lehigh Beiruit table. By the way, did the cups sit flush in those holes? If the cups were flush that would drastically change the throwing angle of the fact, you could simply roll the ball across like shuffleboard.
Either way, nice job!
Seven Would Be Nice
December 16th, 2011, 09:22 AM
Very impressive table! I do think there's not enough slots for more cups - but I guess I was used to the Lehigh Beiruit table. By the way, did the cups sit flush in those holes? If the cups were flush that would drastically change the throwing angle of the fact, you could simply roll the ball across like shuffleboard.
Either way, nice job!
We play 6 cup in the south (same 2 beer per side tho). It keeps the games quicker so more people can play, and more beer can be consumed. I don't have a picture I can post at work, but the cups sit about 1/3 into the holder, and line up at the tops making a perfect rack every time. I made it because I got tired of freshman trying to swat a bounced ball and spilling two beers worth onto our carpet.
Also, it light up from underneath the blue part down onto the bottles... looked pretty good.
December 16th, 2011, 09:59 AM
Here's my table. I made it this past summer. There's a BP table thread on AGS btw
December 16th, 2011, 10:21 AM
We play 6 cup in the south (same 2 beer per side tho). It keeps the games quicker so more people can play, and more beer can be consumed. I don't have a picture I can post at work, but the cups sit about 1/3 into the holder, and line up at the tops making a perfect rack every time. I made it because I got tired of freshman trying to swat a bounced ball and spilling two beers worth onto our carpet.
It's a great design and I love the idea of the holders for the cups, however the rules the group I'm in up here play with 1 rerack per game and that wouldn't be too feasible. Trying to see if I can find a picture of my buddy's flying V table. Its really great for on campus use because its a folding table
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